Results for 'Alan Richardson‐Klavehn'

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  1.  26
    Primary versus secondary rehearsal in an imagined voice: Differential effects on recognition memory and perceptual identification.Alan Richardson-Klavehn & Robert A. Bjork - 1988 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 26 (3):187-190.
  2. Memory, Long‐Term.Alan Richardson‐Klavehn & Robert A. Bjork - 2002 - In Lynn Nadel, Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science. Macmillan.
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  3. 3.0 tasks, retrieval strategies, and states of consciousness: A framework.Alan Richardson-Klavehn, John M. Gardiner & Rosalind I. Java - 1995 - In Geoffrey D. M. Underwood, Implicit Cognition. Oxford University Press. pp. 85.
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    Conjoint dissociations reveal involuntary ''perceptual'' priming from generating at study.Alan Richardson-Klavehn, A. J. Benjamin Clarke & John M. Gardiner - 1999 - Consciousness and Cognition 8 (3):271-284.
    Incidental perceptual memory tests reveal priming when words are generated orally from a semantic cue at study, and this priming could reflect contamination by voluntary retrieval. We tested this hypothesis using a generate condition and two read conditions that differed in depth of processing (read-phonemic vs read-semantic). An intentional word-stem completion test showed an advantage for the read-semantic over the generate condition and an advantage for the generate over the read-phonemic condition, and completion times were longer than in a control (...)
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    Limitations of the signal detection model of the remember-know paradigm: A reply to Hirshman.John M. Gardiner, Alan Richardson-Klavehn & Cristina Ramponi - 1998 - Consciousness and Cognition 7 (2):285-288.
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    Feelings-of-Warmth Increase More Abruptly for Verbal Riddles Solved With in Contrast to Without Aha! Experience.Jasmin M. Kizilirmak, Violetta Serger, Judith Kehl, Michael Öllinger, Kristian Folta-Schoofs & Alan Richardson-Klavehn - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Experiences of remembering, knowing, and guessing.John M. Gardiner, Cristina Ramponi & Alan Richardson-Klavehn - 1998 - Consciousness and Cognition 7 (1):1-26.
    This article presents and discusses transcripts of some 270 explanations subjects provided subsequently for recognition memory decisions that had been associated with remember, know, or guess responses at the time the recognition decisions were made. Only transcripts for remember responses included reports of recollective experiences, which seemed mostly to reflect either effortful elaborative encoding or involuntary reminding at study, especially in relation to the self. Transcripts for know responses included claims of just knowing, and of feelings of familiarity. These transcripts (...)
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    Learning of novel semantic relationships via sudden comprehension is associated with a hippocampus-independent network.Jasmin M. Kizilirmak, Björn H. Schott, Hannes Thuerich, Catherine M. Sweeney-Reed, Anni Richter, Kristian Folta-Schoofs & Alan Richardson-Klavehn - 2019 - Consciousness and Cognition 69:113-132.
  9.  53
    ERP evidence for successful voluntary avoidance of conscious recollection.Zara M. Bergström, Max Velmans, Jan de Fockert & Alan Richardson-Klavehn - 2007 - Brain Research 1151:119-133.
  10.  51
    Response Deadline and Subjective Awareness in Recognition Memory.John M. Gardiner, Cristina Ramponi & Alan Richardson-Klavehn - 1999 - Consciousness and Cognition 8 (4):484-496.
    Level of processing and generation effects were replicated in separate experiments in which recognition memory was tested using either short or long response deadlines. These effects were similar at each deadline. Moreover, at each deadline these effects were associated with subsequent reports of remembering, not of knowing. And reports of both knowing and remembering increased following the longer deadline. These results imply that knowing does not index an automatic familiarity process, as conceived in some dual-process models of recognition, and that (...)
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  11. John M. Gardiner, Cristina Ramponi, and Alan Richardson-Klavehn. Response Deadline and Sub.Nancy J. Woolf, Marianne Hammerl, Andy P. Field, Ron Sun, Santosh A. Helekar & Benjamin Libet - 1999 - Consciousness and Cognition 8:390.
  12. Memory: Task dissociations, process dissociations and dissociations of consciousness.A. Richardson-Klavehn, John M. Gardiner & R. I. Java - 1995 - In Geoffrey D. M. Underwood, Implicit Cognition. Oxford University Press.
  13. Cross-modality priming in stem completion reflects conscious memory, but not voluntary memory.A. Richardson-Klavehn & J. M. Gardner - 1996 - Psychonomic Bulletin and Review 3:238-44.
  14. Remembering and knowing.John M. Gardiner & A. Richardson-Klavehn - 2000 - In Endel Tulving, The Oxford Handbook of Memory. Oxford University Press.
  15.  23
    Response deadline and subjective awareness in recognition memory - volume 8, number 4 (1999), pages 484-496.J. M. Gardiner, C. Ramponi & A. Richardson-Klavehn - 2000 - Consciousness and Cognition 9 (2):327-327.
    On pages 490-491, in describing the results of Experiment 2, the authors state that out of a total of 3840 responses, only 355 (or 9%) fell outside the response deadlines. In fact, the total number of responses in Experiment 2 was 3200 and so the 355 responses represented 11%, not 9%, of the total. This error has no other implications. The authors are grateful to Peter Graf (personal communication, March 12, 2000) for pointing out the error.
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  16. Carnap’s Construction of the World: The Aufbau and the Emergence of Logical Empiricism.Alan W. Richardson - 1997 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    This book is a major contribution to the history of analytic philosophy in general and of logical positivism in particular. It provides the first detailed and comprehensive study of Rudolf Carnap, one of the most influential figures in twentieth-century philosophy. The focus of the book is Carnap's first major work: Der logische Aufbau der Welt. It reveals tensions within the context of German epistemology and philosophy of science in the early twentieth century. Alan Richardson argues that Carnap's move to (...)
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  17. Alan W. Richardson. 'The tenacious, malleable, indefatigable, and yet, eternally modifiable will': Hans Reichenbach's knowing subject.Alan W. Richardson & Thomas E. Uebel - 2005 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 79 (1):73–87.
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  18. The Cambridge Companion to Logical Empiricism.Alan Richardson & Thomas Uebel (eds.) - 2007 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    If there is a movement or school that epitomizes analytic philosophy in the middle of the twentieth century, it is logical empiricism. Logical empiricists created a scientifically and technically informed philosophy of science, established mathematical logic as a topic in and tool for philosophy, and initiated the project of formal semantics. Accounts of analytic philosophy written in the middle of the twentieth century gave logical empiricism a central place in the project. The second wave of interpretative accounts was constructed to (...)
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  19.  67
    Scientific Philosophy as a Topic for History of Science.Alan Richardson - 2008 - Isis 99 (1):88-96.
    In lieu of a programmatic argument about the general relations of history of science and philosophy of science, this essay offers a particular topic in the history of philosophy of science that should be of interest to both historians and philosophers of science. It argues that questions typical of contemporary history of science could illuminate the recent history of philosophy of science and analytic philosophy. It also suggests that the history of scientific philosophy is a particularly fruitful arena for historians (...)
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  20.  15
    Mental Imagery.Alan Richardson - 1969 - Routledge.
  21.  56
    The Epistemic Agent in Logical Positivism.Alan W. Richardson & Thomas E. Uebel - 2005 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 79:73-105.
    [ Alan W. Richardson] This essay explores the uses that Michael Friedman and Bas van Fraassen have recently made of the work of Hans Reichenbach. It uses Friedman's work to complicate van Fraassen's invocation of Reichenbach's voluntarism in support of empiricism. It uses van Fraassen's work to motivate a concern with Friedman's neo-Kantian reading of Reichenbach. We are, finally, left with questions about the status and content of the account of the epistemic subject available to an epistemological voluntarist. /// (...)
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  22. Experience and Prediction: An Analysis of the Foundations and the Structure of Knowledge.Alan W. Richardson & Hans Reichenbach - 1938 - Chicago, IL, USA: University of Notre Dame Press.
    Hans Reichenbach was a formidable figure in early-twentieth-century philosophy of science. Educated in Germany, he was influential in establishing the so-called Berlin Circle, a companion group to the Vienna Circle founded by his colleague Rudolph Carnap. The movement they founded—usually known as "logical positivism," although it is more precisely known as "scientific philosophy" or "logical empiricism"—was a form of epistemology that privileged scientific over metaphysical truths. Reichenbach, like other young philosophers of the exact sciences of his generation, was deeply impressed (...)
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  23. Interpreting Carnap: Critical Essays.Alan W. Richardson & Adam Tamas Tuboly (eds.) - 2024 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    A comprehensive, systematic, and historical collection of essays on Rudolf Carnap's philosophy and legacy, written by leading international experts. This volume provides a redressing of Carnap's place in the history of analytic philosophy, through his approach to metaphysics, values, politics, epistemology and philosophy of science.
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    Logical Empiricism as Scientific Philosophy.Alan W. Richardson - 2024 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    This Element offers a new account of the philosophical significance of logical empiricism that relies on the past forty years of literature reassessing the project. It argues that while logical empiricism was committed to empiricism and did become tied to the trajectory of analytic philosophy, neither empiricism nor logical analysis per se was the deepest philosophical commitment of logical empiricism. That commitment was, rather, securing the scientific status of philosophy, bringing philosophy into a scientific conception of the world.
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    Preface.Alan Richardson - 2010 - Philosophy of Science 77 (5):647-647.
    This symposia-papers volume is the second volume of essays from the PSA 2008 program. The vast majority of the work in putting together this volume fell to the program committee. The members of this committee began the adjudication process with over 200 submitted papers and went through two rounds of selection, first for the program and then for this volume. Throughout, they all worked diligently and in good humor. So, I would like to thank Ken Aizawa, Rachel Ankeny, Davis Baird, (...)
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  26.  11
    The Experiential Dimension of Psychology.Alan Richardson - 1984 - St. Lucia, Qld., Australia : University of Queensland Press ; Lawrence, Mass., USA : Distributed in the USA and Canada by Technical Impex Corporation.
  27.  95
    Carnap's Principle of Tolerance.Alan Richardson & Dan Isaacson - 1994 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 68 (1):67 - 83.
    I see the perspective of Tolerance as enshrining an attitude toward philosophical work that stresses its continuity with the procedures of conceptual clarification through mathematisation found in the sciences. What I have tried to show is that Carnap's understanding of the philosophical foundations of mathematics is inseparable from his understanding of the business of philosophy of empirical science.
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  28. 'The Fact of Science' and the Critique of Knowledge: Exact Science as Problem and Resource in Marburg Neo-Kantianism.Alan Richardson - 2006 - In Michael Friedman & Alfred Nordmann, The Kantian Legacy in Nineteenth-Century Science. MIT Press. pp. 211-226.
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    Origins of Logical Empiricism. Minnesota Studies in Philosophy of Science, Vol. XVI.Ronald N. Giere & Alan W. Richardson (eds.) - 1996 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
    This latest volume in the eminent Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science series examines the main features of the intellectual milieu from which logical empiricism sprang, providing the first critical exploration of this context by ...
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    Carnap's Construction of the World.Alan W. Richardson - 2000 - Philosophical and Phenomenological Research 60 (3):717-720.
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  31. Philosophy of Science in America.Alan Richardson - 2008 - In Cheryl Misak, The Oxford handbook of American philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  32. From Epistemology to the Logic of Science: Carnap’s Philosophy of Empirical Knowledge in the 1930s.Alan W. Richardson - 1996 - In Ronald N. Giere & Alan W. Richardson, Origins of Logical Empiricism. Minnesota Studies in Philosophy of Science, Vol. XVI. Univ of Minnesota Press. pp. 309--332.
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  33. Biblical Authority for Today: a World Council of Churches' Symposium on the Biblical Authority for the Church's Social and Political Message Today.Alan Richardson & Wolfgang Schweitzer - 1952
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  34. Christian Apologetics.Alan Richardson - 1947
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  35. Genesis I–XI.Alan Richardson - 1953
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    Conscious and nonconscious imagery.Alan Richardson - 1979 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2 (4):563-564.
  37.  7
    Carnap's Place in Analytic Philosophy and Philosophy of Science.Alan Richardson - 2012 - In Pierre Wagner, Carnap's ideal of explication and naturalism. New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    History of analytic philosophy has been an active, going concern within analytic philosophy for decades — one can scarcely imagine analytic philosophy being continued with some serious attention paid to the work of founders such as Gottlob Frege, Bertrand Russell, and Ludwig Wittgenstein. History of philosophy of science has become an explicit part of the philosophical agenda in the past quarter century or so. These areas of research importantly overlap — logical empiricism, in particular, was an episode in both histories. (...)
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  38. ‘The Tenacious, Malleable, Indefatigible, and Yet, Eternally Modifiable Will’: Hans Reichenbach’s Knowing Subject.Alan W. Richardson - 2005 - Proceedings of Aristotelian Society 79:73 -- 87.
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  39. Two Dogmas about Logical Empiricism.Alan Richardson - 1997 - Philosophical Topics 25 (2):145-168.
  40. A Theological Word Book of the Bible.Alan Richardson - 1951
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  41. The Limits of Tolerance: Carnap’s Logico-Philosophical Project in Logical Syntax.Alan W. Richardson - 1994 - Proceedings of Aristotelian Society:67--82.
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  42. From Troubled Marriage to Uneasy Colocation: Thomas Kuhn, Epistemological Revolutions, Romantic Narratives, and History and Philosophy of Science.Alan Richardson - 2015 - In William J. Devlin & Alisa Bokulich, Kuhn’s Structure of Scientific Revolutions - 50 Years On. Cham: Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science, vol. 311. Springer.
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    Holism and the Constitution of “Experience in its Entirety” Cassirer contra Quine on the Lessons of Duhem.Alan W. Richardson - 2015 - In J. Tyler Friedman & Sebastian Luft, The Philosophy of Ernst Cassirer: A Novel Assessment. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 103-122.
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  44. The Contexts of Philosophy of Science.Alan Richardson & Don Howard - 2003 - Perspectives on Science 11 (1):1-2.
  45. Tolerating Semantics: Carnap’s Philosophical Point of View.Alan W. Richardson - 2004 - In Carsten Klein & Steven Awodey, Carnap Brought Home - The View from Jena. Open Court. pp. 63--78.
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  46.  61
    Due Process and Standard-setting: An Analysis of Due Process in Three Canadian Accounting and Auditing Standard-setting Bodies.Alan Richardson - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 81 (3):679-696.
    Due process is the means by which ethical constraints are placed on administrative decision-making. I have developed a model of variation in due process and use this model to explore the implementation of “due process” norms by three standard-setting bodies that are created, funded, and overseen by the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants – the Accounting Standards Board, the Auditing and Assurance Standards Board, and the Public Sector Accounting Standards Board. I conducted two analyses: a comparative analysis of the implementation (...)
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  47. Christian Belief and Modern Philosophy: Being the Fourth Vaughan Memorial Lecture; Given in Doncaster Grammar School, on May 11th, 1956.Alan Richardson - 1956 - [S.N.].
  48.  19
    All in Color for a DimeA History of the Comic StripThe Penguin Book of ComicsThe Steranko History of Comics, Vol. 1.John Adkins Richardson, Dick Lupoff, Don Thompson, Pierre Couperie, Maurice C. Horn, George Perry, Alan Aldridge & James Steranko - 1973 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 7 (1):117.
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  49.  32
    Cognitive science and the future of literary studies.Alan Richardson - 1999 - Philosophy and Literature 23 (1):157-173.
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  50.  32
    Hans Reichenbach, radio philosopher: a preliminary report.Alan W. Richardson - 2021 - Synthese 199 (5-6):12625-12641.
    This essay looks at some of the key aspects of Hans Reichenbach’s career as a radio engineer, broadcaster, and producer. It argues that some of the themes of Reichenbach’s logical empiricism can be illuminated by looking at them in relation to his work as a radio engineer during and after World War One. It also argues that attention to the educational activities he undertook in the new broadcast radio medium can help us understand that affinities he saw between logical empiricism (...)
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