Results for 'Alaine Ramshaw'

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  1. Ritual and Pastoral Care.Alaine Ramshaw - 1987
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    “Haunted” measurements in quantum theory.Daniel M. Greenberger & Alaine YaSin - 1989 - Foundations of Physics 19 (6):679-704.
    Sometimes it is possible in quantum theory for a system to interact with another system in such a way that the information contained in the wave function becomes very scrambled and apparently incoherent. We produce an example which is exactly calculable, in which a macroscopic change is induced in the environment, and all phase information for the system is apparently lost, so that a measurement has seemingly been made. But actually, although the wave function has been badly scrambled, all the (...)
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    Sharing the Harvest of the Skies.Kim Alaine Rathman - 1998 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 3 (4):150-159.
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    Wench Tactics? Openings in Conditions of Closure.Ruth Fletcher, Diamond Ashiagbor, Nicola Barker, Katie Cruz, Nadine El-Enany, Nikki Godden-Rasul, Emily Grabham, Sarah Keenan, Ambreena Manji, Julie McCandless, Sheelagh McGuinness, Sara Ramshaw, Yvette Russell, Harriet Samuels, Ann Stewart & Dania Thomas - 2017 - Feminist Legal Studies 25 (1):1-23.
    Picking up the question of what FLaK might be, this editorial considers the relationship between openness and closure in feminist legal studies. How do we draw on feminist struggles for openness in common resources, from security to knowledge, as we inhabit a compromised space in commercial publishing? We think about this first in relation to the content of this issue: on image-based abuse continuums, asylum struggles, trials of protestors, customary justice, and not-so-timely reparations. Our thoughts take us through the different (...)
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    Team Emotional Intelligence: Emotional Processes as a Link Between Managers and Workers.Rosa Mindeguia, Aitor Aritzeta, Alaine Garmendia, Edurne Martinez-Moreno, Unai Elorza & Goretti Soroa - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Research has shown that transformational leaders are able, through emotional contagion mechanisms, to transmit their emotions and boost positive feelings among their followers. Although research on leadership and team processes have shown a positive relation between transformational leadership and workers' well-being, there is a lack of studies examining the “black box” of this association. The present study aimed to assess the mediation effect of team emotional intelligence of the management team on the relationship between management's transformational behaviors and employees' responses. (...)
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    Alain de Lille, le docteur universel.Alain Galonnier, Jean-Luc Solere & Anca Vasiliu (eds.) - 2005 - Brepols.
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    The Philosophy of Alain Locke: Harlem Renaissance and Beyond.Alain LeRoy Locke - 1989 - Temple University Press. Edited by Leonard Harris.
    Discusses Locke's life and views and their impact on American philosophy, as well as his role in the Harlem Renaissance.
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  8. God Beyond Gender: Feminist Christian God-Language.Gail Ramshaw - 1995
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    Against Exclusion: Teaching Transsystemically, Learning in Community.Sara Ramshaw - 2019 - Law and Critique 30 (2):131-136.
    In September 2018 the University of Victoria Faculty of Law on Vancouver Island, Canada welcomed its first cohort of students to its cutting edge and innovative joint degree programme in Canadian Common Law ) and Indigenous Legal Orders ). The JD/jid programme draws on the law faculty’s more than two decades of experience and research on Indigenous legal orders, and Indigenous legal education. It is the first of its kind in the world, combining intensive study of Canadian Common Law with (...)
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  10. Christian Worship: 100,000 Sundays of Symbols and Rituals.Gail Ramshaw - 2009
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    Introduction: Reflection on/as Supplement.Sara Ramshaw & Ben Golder - 2021 - Law and Critique 32 (3):237-239.
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    Alain Badiou par Alain Badiou.Alain Badiou - 2021 - Paris: PUF.
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    Entretien avec Alain Supiot.Alain Supiot - 2025 - Archives de Philosophie du Droit 1:545-548.
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    Trajectoire de l'humanisme moderne: mélanges offerts à Alain Renaut.Alain Renaut, Geoffroy Lauvau & Lukas K. Sosoe (eds.) - 2023 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Trajectoire de la modernité retrace le parcours philosophique d'Alain Renaut. Précédées par un court texte d'Alain Renaut lui-même, les trois grandes parties de l'ouvrage se composent de contributions historiques et systématiques. Il présente le chemin parcouru par le philosophe de Heidegger à Kant, et comporte quelques notes critiques des travaux de Renaut. Il décline ensuite les aspects constitutifs de l'humanisme dans les différents travaux du philosophe, et s'étend de la pensée de l'Europe à des réflexions sur la démocratie, en passant (...)
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  15. Politics and philosophy an interview with Alain Badiou.Alain Badiou & Peter Hallward - 1998 - Angelaki 3 (3):113 – 133.
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    Justice as improvisation: the law of the extempore.Sara Ramshaw - 2013 - Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
    Introduction. The law of the extempore -- The rise and reform of the New York City cabaret laws -- Deconstructive legal improvisation -- The 'wildness' of jazz improvisation -- Demystifying improvisation -- The structure-freedom paradox in law -- Justice as improvisation.
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    Interview: Alain Robbe-Grillet.Alain Robbe-Grillet & Vicki Mistacco - 1976 - Diacritics 6 (4):35.
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    Philosophy and the idea of communism: Alain Badiou in conversation with Peter Engelmann.Alain Badiou - 2015 - Malden, MA: Polity. Edited by Peter Engelmann.
    In a well-known text called ‘The Communist Hypothesis’, first published in 2007, the renowned philosopher Alain Badiou breathed fresh life into the idea of communism as an intellectual representation that provides a critical perspective on existing politics and offers a systemic alternative to capitalism. Now, in the course of this wide-ranging conversation with Peter Engelmann, Alain Badiou explains why he continues to value the idea of communism against the background of current social crises and despite negative historical experiences. From the (...)
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    L'historien et les fantômes: lectures (autour) de l'oeuvre d'Alain Boureau.Alain Boureau, Béatrice Delaurenti, Blaise Dufal & Piroska Nagy (eds.) - 2017 - Paris: Les Belles Lettres.
    L'oeuvre d'Alain Boureau, multiple et dense, se deploie sur les quarante dernieres annees en abordant de nombreux domaines de l'histoire du Moyen Age et du christianisme latin. Elle suit les peregrinations personnelles et professionnelles d'un chercheur a travers un monde peuple de silhouettes incertaines : figures de l'hagiographie, faux-semblants de l'Etat moderne, anges, demons, cadavres et somnambules, vagues individus scolastiques qui eux-memes parlent de creatures etranges. Autant de fantomes d'un passe persistant qu'il a suivis avec tenacite tout au long de (...)
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    Homo juridicus: on the anthropological function of the law.Alain Supiot - 2007 - New York: Verso.
    In this groundbreaking work, French legal scholar Alain Supiot examines the relationship of society to legal discourse. He argues that the law is how justice is implmented in secular society, but it is not simply a technique to be manipulated at will: it is also an expression of the core beliefs of the West. We must recognize its universalizing, dogmatic nature and become receptive to other interpretations from non-Western cultures to help us avoid the clash of civilizations. In Homo Juridicus, (...)
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  21. Treasures Old and New: Images in the Lectionary.Gail Ramshaw - 2002
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    Mass-medias and Economic Liberalism.Alain Wolfelsperger - 2002 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 12 (4).
    The aim of this article is to examine the potential influence of mass-media on public’s opinions and attitudes towards economic liberalism. It shows that, without relying to the assumption that journalists pursue such a purpose, the nature of the media system leads them to give a rather negative image of how the market economy works and doesn’t give the same place to liberal thesis with respect to others. Our argument is founded on a critique of the economic model of spatial (...)
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    Qui est Alain Badiou?Alain Beaulieu - 2008 - Symposium 12 (2):6-8.
  24. 'New Horizons in Mathematics as a Philosophical Condition: An Interview with Alain Badiou [with Tzuchien Tho].Alain Badiou - 2007 - Parrhesia 3:1-11.
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  25. (1 other version)Ethics: an essay on the understanding of evil.Alain Badiou - 1998 - New York: Verso.
    Alain Badiou, one of the most powerful voices in contemporary French philosophy, shows how our prevailing ethical principles serve ultimately to reinforce an ...
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  26. Can Change be Thought?: A Dialogue with Alain Badiou [with Bruno Bosteels].Alain Badiou - 2005 - In Gabriel Riera (ed.), Alain Badiou: philosophy and its conditions. Albany: State University of New York Press. pp. 252--253.
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    Metapolitics.Alain Badiou - 2005 - New York: Verso. Edited by Jason Barker.
    Against "political philosophy" -- Politics as thought -- Althusser -- Politics unbound -- A speculative disquisition on the concept of democracy -- Truths and justice -- Rancière and the community of equals -- Rancière and apolitics -- What is a thermidorean? -- Politics as truth procedure.
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  28. Philosophy, Sciences, Mathematics: Interview with Alain Badiou.Alain Badiou - 2006 - Collapse: Philosophical Research and Development 1:11-26.
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    Dieu, à la limite de l'infini: une légitimation du discours théologique.Alain Houziaux - 2002 - Paris: Cerf.
    Pour donner une nouvelle crédibilité philosophique aux concepts de Dieu et de Royaume de Dieu, la démarche qui est proposée ici prend appui sur la manière dont la mathématique définit les notions d'infini, d'ensemble et de limite. En effet, la mathématique du XXe siècle (celle de Cantor et de Gödel en particulier) donne des outils qui permettent de renouveler la métaphysique, l'apologétique et même la théologie. Alain Houziaux tente donc de montrer non seulement la légitimité mais aussi la nécessité du (...)
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  30. Michel Henry, l'épreuve de la vie: actes du Colloque de Cerisy, 1996 ; sous la direction d'Alain David et de Jean Greisch.Alain David & Jean Greisch (eds.) - 2001 - Paris: Cerf.
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  31. .Alain Bresson - unknown
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    Theory of the Subject.Alain Badiou - 2009 - Continuum.
    The place of the subjective -- Everything that is of a whole constitutes an obstacle to it insofar as it is included in it -- Action, manor of the subject -- The real is the impasse of formalization : formalization is the locus of the passing-into-force of the real -- Hegel : "the activity of force is essentially activity reacting against itself" -- Subjective and objective -- The subject under the signifiers of the exception -- Of force as disappearance, whose (...)
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    The Empire of Disorder.Alain Joxe - 2002 - Semiotext(E).
    In The Empire of Disorder, Alain Joxe offers the first truly comprehensive analysis of the new world disorder of the twenty-first century. The contemporary world, claims Joxe, is dominated by the American empire but not ordered by it. This "leadership through chaos," based on maintaining a "creeping peace," is at the root of the present organization of violence and barbary on a global scale. At the same time, national governments—including that of the United States—are declining in influence as the imperial (...)
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    Early-Modern Literature on International Law and the Usus Modernus.Alain Wijffels - 1995 - Grotiana 16 (1):35-54.
    A single, fairly simple proposition lies at the heart of the present contribution, viz. that the development of early-modern literature on international law should be regarded as a specific form of the early usus modernus during the second half of the sixteenth century and the first half of the seventeenth century.In Section 1 that general proposition and some of its ramifications will receive some further explanation. First, the main characteristics of usus modernus will be set out, and, subsequently, their applicability (...)
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    Human rights: moral or political?: edited by Adam Etinson, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2018, 528 pp., £60 , ISBN: 9780198713258.Alain Zysset - 2019 - Jurisprudence 10 (2):281-288.
    Volume 10, Issue 2, June 2019, Page 281-288.
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    The Common Core between Human Rights Law and International Criminal Law: A Structural Account.Alain Zysset - 2019 - Ratio Juris 32 (3):278-300.
    Legal scholars and theorists have recently drawn a more sustained attention to the link between international human rights law (hereafter IHRL) and international criminal law (hereafter ICL). This concerns both positive and more normative accounts of the link. Whether positive or normative, the predominant approach to constructing the link issubstantive. This overlap is normatively justified in similar terms by reference to a subset of moral human rights. In this paper, I offer an alternative to the substantive approach. After identifying two (...)
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  37. Self-awareness deficits following loss of inner speech: Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor’s case study.Alain Morin - 2009 - Consciousness and Cognition 18 (2):524-529.
    In her 2006 book ‘‘My Stroke of Insight” Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor relates her experience of suffering from a left hemispheric stroke caused by a congenital arteriovenous malformation which led to a loss of inner speech. Her phenomenological account strongly suggests that this impairment produced a global self-awareness deficit as well as more specific dysfunctions related to corporeal awareness, sense of individuality, retrieval of autobiographical memories, and self-conscious emotions. These are examined in details and corroborated by numerous excerpts from Taylor’s (...)
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  38. Le débat français sur les langues régionales.Alain Renaut - 2000 - Comprendre 1:381-400.
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  39. Beyond formalisation an interview.Alain Badiou - 2003 - Angelaki 8 (2):111 – 136.
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    Les dieux. Alain - 1934 - [Paris]: Gallimard.
    Tous les lecteurs des Propos d'Alain ont remarqué des pages d'un mouvement poétique et éloquent à la fois, consacrées notamment, et à plusieurs reprises, aux fêtes de Noël et de Pâques. Ces essais de philosophie religieuse restaient énigmatiques ; on s'étonnait de trouver ensemble l'incrédulité la plus irréligieuse, et en même temps les mouvements de la foi. L'auteur voulait-il dire seulement qu'il y avait dans ces mythes une beauté touchante? Ou bien n'était-on pas amené à soupçonner que ces produits de (...)
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    Why is the extreme right everywhere? some notes.Alain Caillé - 2024 - Thesis Eleven 184-185 (1):3-15.
    This is a translation of an essay by Alain Caillé originally published in French in La Revue du MAUSS. It addresses the topical issue of the global rise of the far right and examines its relation to traditional totalitarianism and democracy. It discovers paradoxes in the recent political history: the movement is a neoliberal reaction to neoliberalism. Instead of empowering progressive political appeal, economic conditions have driven people into the embrace of ‘tyrannical buffoons’ who promise the intensification of neoliberal reform. (...)
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  42. Belief attribution tasks with dolphins: what social minds can reveal about animal rationality.Alain J.-P. C. Tschudin - 2006 - In Susan Hurley & Matthew Nudds (eds.), Rational Animals? Oxford University Press.
  43.  48
    Conditions.Alain Badiou - 2008 - New York: Continuum.
    The subtractive : preface by Francois Wahl -- Philosophy itself -- The (re)turn of philosophy itself -- Definition of philosophy -- What is a philosophical institution? -- Philosophy and poetry -- The philosophical recourse to the poem -- Mallarm's method : subtraction and isolation -- Rimbaud's method : interruption -- Philosophy and mathematics -- Conference on subtraction -- Truth : forcing and unnameable -- Philosophy and politics -- Philosophy and love -- What is love? -- Philosophy and psychoanalysis -- Subject (...)
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    La sagesse pratique face aux tensions des éthiques du care.Alain Loute - 2015 - Les ateliers de l'éthique/The Ethics Forum 10 (3):13-28.
    Alain Loute | : Cet article tente de montrer que différents conflits et tensions mis au jour par les éthiques du care sont occultés par l’éthique ricoeurienne. Dans un premier temps, l’auteur prend ses distances avec les critiques adressées par Tronto, suivant lesquelles Ricoeur développerait une éthique abstraite et conceptuelle. Dans un second temps, il prend appui sur des travaux portant sur les chaînes de care, l’intersectionnalité et la division genrée du travail, afin de montrer que dans nos sociétés, le (...)
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  45. Right hemispheric self-awareness: A critical assessment.Alain Morin - 2002 - Consciousness and Cognition 11 (3):396-401.
    In this commentaryI evaluate the claim made byKeenan, Nelson, OÕConnor, and Pascual-Leone (2001) that since self-recognition results from right hemispheric activity, self-awareness too is likely to be produced by the activity of the same hemisphere. This reasoning is based on the assumption that self-recognition represents a valid operationalization of self-awareness; I present two views that challenge this rationale. Keenan et al. also support their claim with published evidence relating brain activityand self-awareness; I closelyexamine their analysis of one specific review of (...)
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    Second Manifesto for Philosophy.Alain Badiou - 2011 - Polity.
    Twenty years ago, Alain Badiou's first Manifesto for Philosophy rose up against the all-pervasive proclamation of the "end" of philosophy. In lieu of this problematic of the end, he put forward the watchword: "one more step". The situation has considerably changed since then. Philosophy was threatened with obliteration at the time, whereas today it finds itself under threat for the diametrically opposed reason: it is endowed with an excessive, artificial existence. "Philosophy" is everywhere. It serves as a trademark for various (...)
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    Histoire du Japon.Alain Houlou - 1991 - Revue de Synthèse 112 (1):91-95.
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  48. Le désir, l'arbitraire et le consentement: pour une éthique du tragique.Alain Houziaux - 1973 - Paris: Aubier-Montaigne.
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    Penser DéPenser.Alain Vergnioux - 1997 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 9 (1):52-59.
  50.  62
    Existe-t-il quelque chose comme une politique deleuzienne?Alain Badiou - 2009 - Cités 40 (4):15.
    DOMINIC WILLSDON. — Nous accueillons Alain Badiou, un des philosophes importants en France depuis plusieurs décennies, de plus en plus connu maintenant que ses œuvres sont traduites en anglais, et que la littérature secondaire sur sa philosophie se développe aussi en anglais. Parmi ses livres traduits ces dernières années, on trouve Deleuze. La..
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