Results for 'Agustín Andreu'

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  1. Leibniz y la modernidad.Agustín Andreu Rodrigo - 2010 - In Manuel Sánchez Rodríguez & Sergio Rodero Cilleros, Leibniz en la filosofía y la ciencia modernas. Granada: Comares.
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    La ontologia de Lessing y las metáforas de la deshumanización.Agustín Andreu Rodrigo - 1994 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 8:39-54.
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    De Lessing a Benjamin: la otra Ilustración (Experiencia e individuo I).Agustín Andreu - 1991 - Isegoría 4:88-121.
    G.E. Lessing, con su lanzamiento de un espinosismo de corte leibníziano, intentó ofrecer a la Ilustración alemana un planteamiento que, desde el sentimiento y la historia, desde la tradición y la religiosidad, indicaba en continuidad caminos concretos de emancipación y de entendimiento universal. Tanto en sus obras teatrales (principalmente en Natán el Sabio) como en sus breves escritos teóricos (en particular en la educación del género humano) se plantea el tema de la transformación de las sociedades por la transformación de (...)
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    Juana Sánchez-gey venegas, el pensamiento teológico de María Zambrano. Cartas de la pièce. Correspondencia con Agustín andreu.Manuel Lázaro Pulido - 2018 - Cauriensia 13:710-712.
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    Andreu Nin on Italian Fascism.Andreu Nin - forthcoming - Historical Materialism:1-24.
    Andreu Nin defines fascism and analyses its class nature, challenging the notion that fascism’s aims match its rhetoric. While recruiting from among Italy’s middle classes, the petite bourgeoisie, it ultimately serves the big bourgeoisie objectively.
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    Elogio del asombro: conversaciones con Agustín Andreu.Agustín Andreu Rodrigo - 2010 - Valencia: Pre-Textos. Edited by Juan Arnau.
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    La audacia de la libertad: homenaje a Agustín Andreu.Agustín Andreu Rodrigo, Isabel Fresco Otero, Fernando Velasco Fernández & Javier Zamora Bonilla (eds.) - 2009 - Valencia: Universidad Politécnica de Valencia.
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    ""San Agustín y la" impietas" de Cicerón: estudio del" De civitate Dei" 5, 9.Agustín Pic - 1999 - Augustinus 44 (172-175):193-202.
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    San Agustín: la finitud bella.Agustín Uña Juárez - 1996 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 3:173-182.
    Distensión de la finitud y belleza son paralelas en Agustín, su deducción y su calificación estética. Ontología de lo finito es, por ello, a la vez, discurso estético en tres grandes dimensiones: a) fundación y estructura de lo finito; b) sucesión temporal ; c) devenir histórico . Podríamos, sin reduccionismo alguno, interpretar su doctrina estética como >?.Distension of the finiteness and beauty are parallel in St. Augustine, its deduction and its aesthetic qualification. Ontology of finiteness is therefore, at the (...)
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  10. Absolute generality.Agustín Rayo & Gabriel Uzquiano (eds.) - 2006 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The problem of absolute generality has attracted much attention in recent philosophy. Agustin Rayo and Gabriel Uzquiano have assembled a distinguished team of contributors to write new essays on the topic. They investigate the question of whether it is possible to attain absolute generality in thought and language and the ramifications of this question in the philosophy of logic and mathematics.
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    A World History of Nineteenth-Century Archaeology: Nationalism, Colonialism, and the Past.Margarita Diaz-Andreu - 2007 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Margarita Diaz-Andreu offers an innovative history of archaeology during the nineteenth century, encompassing all its fields from the origins of humanity to the medieval period, and all areas of the world. The development of archaeology is placed within the framework of contemporary political events, with a particular focus upon the ideologies of nationalism and imperialism. Diaz-Andreu examines a wide range of issues, including the creation of institutions, the conversion of the study of antiquities into a profession, public memory, (...)
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  12. Nominalism through de-nominalization.Agustin Rayo & Stephen Yablo - 2001 - Noûs 35 (1):74–92.
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    Francisco Rodríguez Valls. (2017). Orígenes del hombre. La singularidad del ser humano. Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva, S. L.Pablo Ilian Toso Andreu - 2019 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 58:427-430.
    La siguiente es una reseña del estudio realizado por el profesor Francisco Rodríguez Valls de la Universidad de Sevilla respecto a la incertidumbre que supone la naturaleza y la condiciónn de la realidad humana. El análisis se avoca a una visión paranorámica del trabajo del profesor Valls, y de manera introductoria apunta los aspecto claves de su texto a fin de que el lector pueda hacerse una idea clara y concisa de la propia postura del autor.
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    Simondon,¿ enactivista? Individuación Y generación de sentido.Andreu Ballús Santacana - 2013 - Astrolabio 15.
    Pese a pertenecer a tradiciones distintas y haberse originado en momentos diferentes, la filosofía de la individuación de Gilbert Simondon y la corriente conocida en la filosofía de las ciencias cognitivas con el nombre de enactivismo comparten algunas características e intereses comunes. Ambas coinciden en su voluntad de integrar diferentes dominios del conocimiento, así como en algunos elementos de su aproximaciones a nociones como las de de emergencia y autonomía, y en su tratamiento general de las relaciones entre cognición, percepción (...)
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  15. Word and objects.Agustín Rayo - 2002 - Noûs 36 (3):436–464.
    The aim of this essay is to show that the subject-matter of ontology is richer than one might have thought. Our route will be indirect. We will argue that there are circumstances under which standard first-order regimentation is unacceptable, and that more appropriate varieties of regimentation lead to unexpected kinds of ontological commitment.
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  16. Ontological commitment.Agustín Rayo - 2007 - Philosophy Compass 2 (3):428–444.
    I propose a way of thinking aboout content, and a related way of thinking about ontological commitment. (This is part of a series of four closely related papers. The other three are ‘On Specifying Truth-Conditions’, ‘An Actualist’s Guide to Quantifying In’ and ‘An Account of Possibility’.).
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    Economic crisis, austerity discourses and caregiving: how to remain relevant through engagement and social justice.Andreu Bover - 2011 - Nursing Inquiry 18 (3):188-190.
  18. El paseo de San Agustín. Crónica de un encuentro. Salamanca, 13-14 de noviembre de 1986.Agustín Domingo Moratalla - 1987 - Diálogo Filosófico 8:223-225.
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  19. On the causal completeness of physics.Agustín Vicente - 2006 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 20 (2):149 – 171.
    According to an increasing number of authors, the best, if not the only, argument in favour of physicalism is the so-called 'overdetermination argument'. This argument, if sound, establishes that all the entities that enter into causal interactions with the physical world are physical. One key premise in the overdetermination argument is the principle of the causal closure of the physical world, said to be supported by contemporary physics. In this paper, I examine various ways in which physics may support the (...)
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  20. Algunos presupuestos de una reflexión sobre "El sentido y función de la filosofía del derecho en la actualidad".Antonio Jara Andreu - 1975 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 15:83-92.
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  21. Paul Gochet," Quine en perspective. Essai de philosophie comparée".Andreu Berga - 1980 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 10 (1):85-86.
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    Nursing Facing the Loss of the Right to Universal Health Access in Spain: Comment on “Moral Distress in Uninsured Health Care” by Anita Nivens and Janet Buelow.Andreu Bover, Cristina Moreno & Margalida Miro - 2013 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 10 (3):421-422.
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    Resilient Evil: Neoliberal Technologies of the Self and Population in Zombie "Demodystopia".Andreu Domingo - 2019 - Utopian Studies 30 (3):444-461.
    In the twenty-first century, with steadily increasing production and consumption of the zombie genre, academic interest in it is also growing. Scholars seek to explain the phenomenon, frequently focusing on the living dead and mostly seeing the figure of the zombie as an expression of the anxieties besetting contemporary society. In particular, its popularity can be interpreted as a response to the escalating climate of terror since the 9/11 attacks in 2001, after which media reporting has routinely been permeated with (...)
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  24. Inner Speech: Nature and Functions.Agustin Vicente & Fernando Martinez Manrique - 2011 - Philosophy Compass 6 (3):209-219.
    We very often discover ourselves engaged in inner speech. It seems that this kind of silent, private, speech fulfils some role in our cognition, most probably related to conscious thinking. Yet, the study of inner speech has been neglected by philosophy and psychology alike for many years. However, things seem to have changed in the last two decades. Here we review some of the most influential accounts about the phenomenology and the functions of inner speech, as well as the methodological (...)
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    San Agustín: inferioridad reflexividad y certeza.Agustín Uña Juárez - 2001 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 8:31-52.
    Este artículo investiga dos problemas principales en los conocidos argumentos de San Agustín en pro de la certeza, contra los escépticos. En realidad, son más bien dos niveles de una misma cuestión "metodológica": la interioridad del conocimiento y la reflexión, como vía de certeza. Conclusión principal de este estudio es que ambas dimensiones son correlativas: la reflexión supone interioridad, N la interioridad exige reflexión, como ría de certeza. La última parte del artículo examina la doctrina agustiniana de la reflexión, (...)
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  26. Current Physics and 'the Physical'.Agustín Vicente - 2011 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 62 (2):393-416.
    Physicalism is the claim that that there is nothing in the world but the physical. Philosophers who defend physicalism have to confront a well-known dilemma, known as Hempel’s dilemma, concerning the definition of ‘the physical’: if ‘the physical’ is whatever current physics says there is, then physicalism is most probably false; but if ‘the physical’ is whatever the true theory of physics would say that there is, we have that physicalism is vacuous and runs the risk of becoming trivial. This (...)
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  27. Nicolás Redondo: lucha sindical en tiempos críticos.Albert Recio Andreu - 2002 - Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 19:185-194.
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    Explorando el informacionalismo: Nuevos escenarios de dominación, nuevos escenarios de disputa.Agustín Zanotti - 2011 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 7.
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    Repensar los modelos abiertos en el capitalismo informacional.Agustín Zanotti - 2021 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 26:426-432.
    LUND, A. & ZUKERFELD, M. (2020). Corporate Capitalism’s Use of Openness: Profit for Free? London: Palgrave Macmillan.
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  30. Plurals.Agustín Rayo - 2007 - Philosophy Compass 2 (3):411–427.
    Forthcoming in Philosophical Compass. I explain why plural quantifiers and predicates have been thought to be philosophically significant.
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  31. A Plea for Semantic Localism.Agustín Rayo - 2011 - Noûs 47 (4):647-679.
    The purpose of this paper is to defend a conception of language that does not rely on linguistic meanings, and use it to address the Sorites and Liar paradoxes.
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  32. Frege's unofficial arithmetic.Agustín Rayo - 2002 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 67 (4):1623-1638.
    I show that any sentence of nth-order (pure or applied) arithmetic can be expressed with no loss of compositionality as a second-order sentence containing no arithmetical vocabulary, and use this result to prove a completeness theorem for applied arithmetic. More specifically, I set forth an enriched second-order language L, a sentence A of L (which is true on the intended interpretation of L), and a compositionally recursive transformation Tr defined on formulas of L, and show that they have the following (...)
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  33. Introduction.Agustin Rayo & Gabriel Uzquiano - 2006 - In Agustín Rayo & Gabriel Uzquiano, Absolute generality. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Whether or not we achieve absolute generality in philosophical inquiry, most philosophers would agree that ordinary inquiry is rarely, if ever, absolutely general. Even if the quantifiers involved in an ordinary assertion are not explicitly restricted, we generally take the assertion’s domain of discourse to be implicitly restricted by context.1 Suppose someone asserts (2) while waiting for a plane to take off.
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    Do Children with SLI Use Verbs to Predict Arguments and Adjuncts: Evidence from Eye Movements During Listening.Llorenç Andreu, Mònica Sanz-Torrent & Javier Rodríguez-Ferreiro - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  35. Nuevos retos para la sociedad de la Información:¿ Pueden las TIC ayudar a solucionar los problemas del planeta?Alberto Andreu Pinillos - 2008 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación E Innovación 75:132-139.
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    Derecho natural y conflictos ideologicos en la universidad española (1750-1850).Antonio Jara Andreu - 1977 - Madrid: Instituto de Estudios Administrativos.
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  37. Democracia, libertad e igualdad: relaciones y diferencias necesarias.Agustín Squell - 1986 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 26:179-202.
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  38. Politics, Religion and Foundation in Machiavelli. A Reading from the Origins of Rome.Agustin Volco - 2016 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 5 (9):285-310.
    T his article intends to analyse the Machiavellian treatment of the Romans' religion. This is, we will argue, a fundamental issue to understand the way the relation between religion, foundation and politics is thought in Machiavelli’s work. In the first part, we will analyse the chapters of the Discourses on Livy dedicated to the roman’s religion, and contrast the statement of this section with statements on the religious phenomenon from other parts of Machiavelli’s work, paying special attention to the understanding (...)
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  39. Polysemy and word meaning: an account of lexical meaning for different kinds of content words.Agustin Vicente - 2018 - Philosophical Studies 175 (4):947-968.
    There is an ongoing debate about the meaning of lexical words, i.e., words that contribute with content to the meaning of sentences. This debate has coincided with a renewal in the study of polysemy, which has taken place in the psycholinguistics camp mainly. There is already a fruitful interbreeding between two lines of research: the theoretical study of lexical word meaning, on the one hand, and the models of polysemy psycholinguists present, on the other. In this paper I aim at (...)
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  40. A completeness theorem for unrestricted first- order languages.Agustin Rayo & Timothy Williamson - 2003 - In J. C. Beall, Liars and Heaps: New Essays on Paradox. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press UK.
    Here is an account of logical consequence inspired by Bolzano and Tarski. Logical validity is a property of arguments. An argument is a pair of a set of interpreted sentences (the premises) and an interpreted sentence (the conclusion). Whether an argument is logically valid depends only on its logical form. The logical form of an argument is fixed by the syntax of its constituent sentences, the meanings of their logical constituents and the syntactic differences between their non-logical constituents, treated as (...)
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    The Theory of General Economic Equilibrium: A Differentiable Approach.Andreu Mas-Colell - 1985 - Cambridge University Press.
    Andreu Mas-Colell has been doing pioneering work using differential topology in the analysis of general equilibrium. This work is regarded as outstanding and one of the major contributions to the development of rigorous economic theory in the last twenty years. The articles he has written have been difficult and technically demanding. In this book he brings this work together to show its scope and its power. He presents the analysis in a way which makes it accessible to the broader (...)
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  42. On Travis cases.Agustin Vicente - 2012 - Linguistics and Philosophy 35 (1):3-19.
    Charles Travis has been forcefully arguing that meaning does not determine truth-conditions for more than two decades now. To this end, he has devised ingenious examples whereby different utterances of the same prima facie non-ambiguous and non-indexical expression type have different truth-conditions depending on the occasion on which they are delivered. However, Travis does not argue that meaning varies with circumstances; only that truth-conditions do. He assumes that meaning is a stable feature of both words and sentences. After surveying some (...)
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    Análisis y definición de los conceptos de salud y enfermedad.Andreu Segura - 2023 - Euphyía - Revista de Filosofía 17 (32):183-199.
    Como ha ocurrido con la COVID-19, el significado que se le ha dado a los conceptos de salud y, aún más, de enfermedad, ha sido el médico, clínico para ser más preciso. Lo cual es comprensible. No en vano son muchos los siglos de curar y cuidar a las personas dolientes o impedidas, o de tratar de hacerlo. Pero comprensible no es del todo sinónimo de lógico. Porque se trata de términos, sino polisémicos, por lo menos anfibológicos. Incluso desde el (...)
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    Una mirada arqueológica al patrimonio inmaterial sonoro del pasado.Margarita Díaz-Andreu - 2023 - Arbor 199 (810):a733.
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    Prof. Agustín González Enciso (Vicerrector de la Universidad de Navarra), Leonardo Polo.Agustín González Enciso - 2006 - Studia Poliana:39-42.
    Polo es un nombre que describe la Universidad de Navarra en su comienzo. Es un ejemplo señero de pensamiento, ejemplo de universitario, inconformista; un filósofo teórico y práctico que busca la verdad que encamina a la Verdad; un maestro de vida coherente con esa búsqueda, siempre con buen humor.
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  46. Nominalism, Trivialism, Logicism.Agustín Rayo - 2015 - Philosophia Mathematica 23 (1):nku013.
    This paper extracts some of the main theses in the philosophy of mathematics from my book, The Construction of Logical Space. I show that there are important limits to the availability of nominalistic paraphrase functions for mathematical languages, and suggest a way around the problem by developing a method for specifying nominalistic contents without corresponding nominalistic paraphrases. Although much of the material in this paper is drawn from the book — and from an earlier paper — I hope the present (...)
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    Desilución jurídica y libertad.Antonio Jara Andreu - 2022 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 13 (1):197-206.
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    La ontología social del último Lukács.Venancio Andreu Baldó - 2022 - Madrid: Ápeiron Ediciones.
    1. Determinaciones universales, producción, pensamiento-lenguaje y ciencias -- v. 3. Política, derecho, e ideologias.
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  49. Ryle's argument against Cartesian internalism.Agustin Arrieta & Fernando Migura - 2011 - In Michael Bruce & Steven Barbone, Just the Arguments: 100 of the Most Important Arguments in Western Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
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    Heidegger na Filosofia nishidiana.Agustín Jacinto Zavala - 2012 - Natureza Humana 14 (1):72-100.
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