Results for 'Agustí Cullell J.'

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  1.  1
    Business and Labour as Central Activities of the Intelligence of Need.Agusti Cullell J. - 2025 - Philosophy International Journal 8 (1):1-9.
    This essay explores human collective intelligence as the creative force shaping our lives. By collective I mean that intelligence lies in its interaction, in relationship. Intelligence is beyond the individual or the collective. I focus on one of its two levels: the intelligence of need, which centres on fulfilling humanity’s needs and interests and is crucial to economic processes. Business are central to the current way of living, hence, from its good working depends human wellbeing With the rapid growth of (...)
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    Intelligence not Knowledge is Primordial.Agusti Cullell J. - 2024 - Philosophy International Journal 7 (3):1-14.
    The development of a free, creative, and wise collective intelligence that is harmonious in its functional, axiological, and liberating dimensions has never received the priority, attention, and means required as the interactive agent it is, which constitutes human life by creating the cultures in which we live. Rather than prioritizing the development of our innate intelligence, our true power, we have sought security and well-being in submitting to supernatural powers and in the production, possession, and accumulation of goods, including knowledge. (...)
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    Foundations of Creative Democracies.Agusti Cullell J. - 2024 - Philosophy International Journal 7 (2):1-4.
    I refer to the social embodiment of creative intelligence as creative democracies. Today’s world pose great challenges and serious threats to human life and cannot be faced by just having new ideas or more knowledge and thoughts. Today’s world requires the power to face the unknown, a key feature of intelligence. Hence the urgent need of societies to mutate into creative democracies. We need to begin with a strong base. We need an understanding and development of human life from its (...)
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    An Approach to the Creative Origins of Human Life.Agustí Cullell J. - 2023 - Philosophy International Journal 6 (3):1-3.
    My several decades of research into artificial intelligence have given rise to two fundamental concerns. Firstly, the awareness of the unacceptable but very likely possibility that humanity will become subject to a subtle but powerful digital dictatorship. Secondly, there is a pressing need to gain a better understanding of human intelligence, which is crucial to understanding ourselves from moment to moment, from day to day and act consequently. We need to find out where actual intelligence lies and see clearly that (...)
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    An Overview on Creative Democracies.Jaume Agustí-Cullell - 2022 - Philosophy International Journal 5 (3).
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  6. Joan Roura Parella: des de la totalitat.J. Cullell Ramis - 1984 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 10 (1984):77-84.
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  7. Functional Lattices for Taxonomic Reasoning.J. Levy, Agustí & Felip Mañá - 1992 - Department of Artificial Intelligence, University of Edinburgh.
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    Política y estética en la época moderna: [antología].Lucila Fernández & Agustín Fernández (eds.) - 1974 - La Habana: Editorial de Ciencias Sociales.
    Filosofía y política en los siglos XVII y XVIII.--Hobbes, T. El Leviatán (selección).--Locke, J. Segundo tratado de gobierno (selección).--Montesquieu. El espíritu de las leyes (selección).--Orígenes de la conciencia estética y análisis crítico de sus fundamentos.--Kant, E. Crítica del juicio (selección).--Schiller, F. La educación estética del hombre (selección).--Hegel, J. G. F. De lo bello y sus formas (selección).
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    Chemistry, Medicine, and Crime: Mateu J.B. Orfila (1787-1853) and His Times - Edited by José Ramón Bertomeu-Sánchez; Agustí Nieto-Galan. [REVIEW]Anja Skaar Jacobsen - 2007 - Centaurus 49 (3):249-249.
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    An Obituary: Professor J. W. Tibble.J. F. Kerr - 1972 - British Journal of Educational Studies 20 (2):221 -.
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  11. Aristotle's Definitions of Psuche.J. L. Ackrill - 1973 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 73:119 - 133.
    J. L. Ackrill; VIII*—Aristotle's Definitions of Psuche, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 73, Issue 1, 1 June 1973, Pages 119–134,
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  12. [no title].J. G. Manning - unknown
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  13. Quantum Mathematics.J. Michael Dunn - 1980 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1980:512 - 531.
    This paper explores the development of mathematics on a quantum logical base when mathematical postulates are taken as necessary truths. First it is shown that first-order Peano arithmetic formulated with quantum logic has the same theorems as classical first-order Peano arithmetic. Distribution for first-order arithmetical formulas is a theorem not of quantum logic but rather of arithmetic. Second, it is shown that distribution fails for second-order Peano arithmetic without extensionality. Third, it is shown that distribution holds for second-order Peano arithmetic (...)
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    Vincent G. Potter, S.J. 1928-1994.Dominic J. Balestra - 1994 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 68 (2):77 - 78.
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    (1 other version)Essays on Plato and Aristotle.J. L. Ackrill - 1997 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    J. L. Ackrill's work on Plato and Aristotle has had a considerable influence upon ancient philosophical studies in the late twentieth century. In his writings the rigour and clarity of contemporary analytic philosophy are brought to bear upon ancient thought; in many cases he has provided thefirst analytic treatment of a key issue. Gathered now in this volume are the best of Ackrill's essays on the two greatest philosophers of antiquity. With philosophical acuity and philological expertise he examines a wide (...)
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    Dr C. J. BLEEKER, Inleiding tot een phaenomenologie van den godsdienst. Assen, Van Gorcum & Co., 1934.K. J. Cremer - 1937 - Philosophia Reformata 2 (3):188-190.
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    Lord Devlin's Morality and Its Enforcement.J. C. Dybikowski - 1975 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 75:89 - 109.
    J. C. Dybikowski; VII*—Lord Devlin's Morality and its Enforcement, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 75, Issue 1, 1 June 1975, Pages 89–110, https.
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  18. Teoría del estado.Agustín Basave Fernández del Valle - 1955 - México,: Editorial Jus.
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    Impact of COVID-19 lockdown in a biomedical research campus: A gender perspective analysis.Nuria Izquierdo-Useros, Miguel Angel Marin Lopez, Marta Monguió-Tortajada, Jose A. Muñoz-Moreno, Cristina Agusti Benito, Sara Morón-López, Harvey Evans, Melisa Gualdrón-López, Jörg Müller & Julia G. Prado - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    From March to September 2020, researchers working at a biomedical scientific campus in Spain faced two lockdowns and various mobility restrictions that affected their social and professional lifestyles. The working group “Women in Science,” which acts as an independent observatory of scientific gender inequalities on campus launched an online survey to assess the impact of COVID-19 lockdowns on scientific activity, domestic and caregiving tasks, and psychological status. The survey revealed differences in scientific performance by gender: while male researchers participated in (...)
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    Wayne ouderkirkand Christopher J. Preston.Christopher J. Preston - 2007 - In Christopher J. Preston and Wayne Ouderkirk, Nature, Value, Duty: Life on Earth with Holmes Rolston, III. Springer. pp. 8.
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    Categories.J. L. Ackrill - 1984 - In Jonathan Barnes, Complete Works of Aristotle, Volume 1: The Revised Oxford Translation. Princeton University Press. pp. 1-24.
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    Fleeing the Stadium: Recovering the Conceptual Unity of Evagrius’ Acedia.J. L. Aijian - 2021 - Heythrop Journal 62 (1):7-20.
    The definition of acedia presents unique conceptual problems among the eight Evagrian logismoi. Its descriptions are so complex and varied as to render the concept seemingly incoherent. This article argues that the conceptual unity of acedia has been obscured by the translation of Evagrian logismoi into the ‘deadly sins’ tradition, resulting in a category error. Acedia is more properly understood, not as a psychological state or a sin, but rather as an array of demonic temptations with the unifying end-goal of (...)
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  23. Existence, Transcendence and God.J. S. K. Ward - 1968 - Religious Studies 3 (2):461 - 476.
    Is the existence of God a question of fact? To the majority of theists, both now and in the past, I think it has seemed clear that, if the phrase ‘God exists’ is to be meaningful, then it is a fact, either that God exists or that he does not. This assertion may even seem trivially true; and yet it has evidently been denied, in recent years, by many theologians. The reasons for such a denial are, in part, to be (...)
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    On the metal-non-metal transition in sodium-ammonia solutions.J. V. Acrivos & N. F. Mott - 1971 - Philosophical Magazine 24 (187):19-31.
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    Tarski's theory of definability: common themes in descriptive set theory, recursive function theory, classical pure logic, and finite-universe logic.J. W. Addison - 2004 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 126 (1-3):77-92.
    Although the theory of definability had many important antecedents—such as the descriptive set theory initiated by the French semi-intuitionists in the early 1900s—the main ideas were first laid out in precise mathematical terms by Alfred Tarski beginning in 1929. We review here the basic notions of languages, explicit definability, and grammatical complexity, and emphasize common themes in the theories of definability for four important languages underlying, respectively, descriptive set theory, recursive function theory, classical pure logic, and finite-universe logic. We review (...)
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    Not God enough: why your small God leads to big problems.J. D. Greear - 2018 - Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan.
    In Not God Enough, J.D. Greear explains that the thing between you and the vibrant faith you want isn't answers to all our spiritual questions, but an escape from the small God we've imagined in place of an actual encounter with the real, awesome, glorious God of the Bible.
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    Roads to democracy: a tribute to Juan J. Linz.Juan J. Linz, Joan Marcet, José R. Montero & Robert M. Fishman (eds.) - 2007 - Barcelona: Institut de Ciències Polítiques i Socials.
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    The Coming of Disbelief.J. J. C. Smart - 2009 - In Russell Blackford & Udo Schüklenk, 50 Voices of Disbelief. Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 48–49.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Notes.
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    Prof dr J H Koekemoer as kerkman en akademikus.P. J. Van der Merwe - 2000 - HTS Theological Studies 56 (2/3).
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    Aristotle on Categories.J. Owens - 1960 - Review of Metaphysics 14 (1):73 - 90.
    The opening chapter of the Categories fails to reveal whether it is introducing a grammatical, a logical, or a metaphysical treatise. It deals with equivocals and univocals and ends with a definition of paronyms. The definition of paronyms is given in purely grammatical terms. Paronyms derive their name from an identical source with a difference only in case ending, as bravery and the brave, grammar and the grammarian. The second chapter, however, proceeds to state that an expression can be either (...)
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  31. Comment on hispanic/latino identity by J. J. E. Garcia.Richard J. Bernstein - 2001 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 27 (2):44-50.
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    Burger, C W, Miiller, B A & Smit D J 1997 - Riglyne vir prediking oor die eenheid van kerk.H. J. Botes - 1999 - HTS Theological Studies 55 (2/3).
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  33. An Essay on the Art of Ingeniously Tormenting [by J. Collier].Jane Collier & S. C. J. - 1804
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    The Context of Casuistryed. by J.F. Keenan, SJ. and T.A. Shannon. (review).Girard J. Etzkorn - 1998 - Franciscan Studies 55 (1):335-341.
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    Essays on language and literature.J. L. Hevesi - 1947 - Port Washington, N.Y.,: Kennikat Press.
    Introduction, by J. L. Hevesi.--Days of reading, by M. Proust.--Poetry and abstract thought, by P. Valèry.--Jacob Cow the pirate; or, Whether words are signs, by J. Paulhan.--Concerning the pebble, by F. Ponge.--The journey and the return, by J. P. Sartre.--The power of words, by B. Parain.
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    The mind's I has two eyes.J. Martin & K. Engleman - 1990 - Philosophy 65 (264):510-515.
    In ‘Minds, Machines and Gödel’, 1961, J. R. Lucas proposed that Godel's theorem made possible a refutation of mechanism—the thesis that mind is wholly comprehensible as a consistent, rule-governed machine. A sympathetic reading of Lucas's argument might run something as follows: ‘If I am a machine then it will be possible in principle to give a specification of the consistent formal system, L, that represents me. If this formal system were handed to me, I would be able to prove a (...)
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    The Scottish Enlightenment: Human Nature, Social Theory and Moral Philosophy: Essays in Honour of Christopher J. Berry.R. J. W. Mills & Craig Smith (eds.) - 2021 - Edinburgh University Press.
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    A Tribute to Hans Morgenthau: [truth and tragedy]: with an intellectual autobiography by Hans J. Morgenthau.Hans J. Morgenthau & Kenneth W. Thompson (eds.) - 1977 - Washington: New Republic Book Co..
    With an intellectual autobiography by Hans J. Morgenthau.
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    The early Yorkshire Geological and Polytechnic Society: A reconsideration.J. B. Morrell - 1988 - Annals of Science 45 (2):153-167.
    This article gives new information about the social, cultural, and political beliefs of Thomas Wilson, the first Secretary and Treasurer of the Yorkshire Geological and Polytechnic Society founded in 1837. Wilson's private correspondence was not available to J. W. Davis, who wrote the standard history of the Society to celebrate its jubilee. Davis's history underestimates the part played by Wilson and overestimates the importance of Thomas William Embleton, whose private papers were placed at Davis's disposal. It is shown that Wilson, (...)
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    The love 'without being' that opens (to) distance part one: Exploring the givenness of the erotic phenomenon with j-l. Marion.Derek J. Morrow - 2005 - Heythrop Journal 46 (3):281–298.
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    Retrospectivity and the rule of law / C. Sampford ; with the assistance of J. Louise, S. Blencowe, and T. Round.C. Sampford, J. Louise, S. Blencowe & T. Round - unknown
    Retrospective rule-making has few supporters and many opponents. Defenders of retrospective laws generally do so on the basis that they are a necessary evil in specific or limited circumstances, for example to close tax loopholes, to deal with terrorists or to prosecute fallen tyrants. Yet the reality of retrospective rule making is far more widespread than this, and ranges from ’corrective’ legislation to ’interpretive regulations’ to judicial decision making. The search for a rational justification for retrospective rule-making necessitates a reconsideration (...)
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    Husserl’s Transcendental Phenomenology and Essentialism.J. N. Mohanty - 1978 - Review of Metaphysics 32 (2):299 - 321.
    THERE are two conflicting motives in Husserlian phenomenology, one of which leads, in my view, to a more genuinely transcendental philosophy. According to one of its original programs, phenomenology was to be a descriptive science of essences and essential structures of various regions of phenomena and also of the empty region of object in general. The concern with meanings, as contradistinguished from essences, is equally original; it pervades the Prolegomena and the first three of the logical investigations and, of course, (...)
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  43. Religious Experience and Religious Diversity: A Reply to Alston.J. L. Schellenberg - 1994 - Religious Studies 30 (2):151 - 159.
    William Alston's Perceiving God: The Epistemology of Religious Experience is a most significant contribution to the philosophy of religion. The product of 50 years' reflection on its topic , this work provides a very thorough explication and defence of what Alston calls the ‘mystical perceptual practice’ – the practice of forming beliefs about the Ultimate on the basis of putative ‘direct experiential awareness’ thereof . Alston argues, in particular, for the rationality of engaging in the Christian form of MP . (...)
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    Dice and Facie: Quintilian, Institutio Oratoria 1.7.23 and 9.4.39.J. Bradford Churchill - 2000 - American Journal of Philology 121 (2):279-289.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:American Journal of Philology 121.2 (2000) 279-289 [Access article in PDF] Dice and Facie: Quintilian, Institutio Oratoria 1.7.23 And 9.4.39 J. Bradford Churchill In his discussion of orthography in book 1 of his Institutio Oratoria Quintilian mentions several examples of archaic spelling conventions, among them a practice of the Elder Cato, which I present here with readings I shall propose and defend during the course of this essay: Non (...)
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    Heidegger - the Work and the World-View.J. Habermas - 1992 - Filosoficky Casopis 40:355-381.
    A contribution to the renewed German and French discussion about the important German philosopher of this century, Martin Heidegger, and about his relation to national socialism. To deal with the ideological and personal partake of the thinker in the activity of NSDAP is deserves our attention from the two points of view. First, Heidegger's attitude towards his own past after 1945 is typical for the spiritual position that continually shaped the history of the Federal Republic of Germany up to the (...)
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    Political Philosophy: An Historical Introduction.Michael J. White - 2003 - Oxford University Press USA.
    From Greek antiquity to the latest theories, this historical survey of political philosophy not only covers the major thinkers in the field but also explores the theme of how political philosophy relates to the nature of man. It illustrates how the great political thinkers have always grounded their political thought in what the author terms a "normative anthropology," which typically has not only ethical but metaphysical and/or theological components. Starting with the ancient Greek Sophists, author Michael J. White examines how (...)
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    Creativity and Method: Essays in Honor of Bernard Lonergan, S.J.Bernard J. F. Lonergan - 1981 - Milwaukee, Wis. : Marquette University Press.
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    (1 other version)Carl Schmitt and Leo Strauss: The Hidden Dialogue.J. Harvey Lomax (ed.) - 1995 - University of Chicago Press.
    Carl Schmitt was the most famous and controversial defender of political theology in the twentieth century. But in his best-known work, _The Concept of the Political_, issued in 1927, 1932, and 1933, political considerations led him to conceal the dependence of his political theory on his faith in divine revelation. In 1932 Leo Strauss published a critical review of _Concept _that initiated an extremely subtle exchange between Schmitt and Strauss regarding Schmitt’s critique of liberalism. Although Schmitt never answered Strauss publicly, (...)
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  49. The semiotic regimentation of social-life+ with special regard to Thibault, Paul, J.'social semiotics as praxis'.Richard J. Parmentier - 1993 - Semiotica 95 (3-4):357-395.
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    The Dilemma of Freedom and Foreknowledge by Linda Trinkaus Zagzebski.J. Michael Stebbins - 1992 - The Thomist 56 (4):714-718.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:714 BOOK REVIEWS learning; the Jesuits lean to the voluntarist. Possessed of a unitary academic model, he is really arguing for Aristotle's analogy of attribution. Apparently, no one of his 200 plus Jesuit contacts told him that Nastri prefer St. Thomas and his analogy of proper proportionality. The historian Daniel Boorstin spent 25 yeari!l writing his trilogy on The Americans. What emerges from this analysis? Boorstin points out that (...)
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