Results for 'AgustÍn L. Nagy'

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  1.  12
    Modal expansions of ririgs.AgustÍn L. Nagy & William J. Zuluaga Botero - 2025 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 33 (1):74-94.
    In this paper, we introduce the variety of $I$-modal ririgs. We characterize the congruence lattice of its members by means of $I$-filters, and we provide a description of $I$-filter generation. We also provide an axiomatic presentation for the variety generated by chains of the subvariety of contractive $I$-modal ririgs. Finally, we introduce a Hilbert-style calculus for a logic with $I$-modal ririgs as an equivalent algebraic semantics and we prove that such a logic has the parametrized local deduction-detachment theorem.
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  2. Nicole Vitellone Sex at the Margins: Migration, Labour Markets and the Rescue Industry.L. M. Agustin - 2008 - Body and Society 14 (2):123.
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  3. Trauerspiel y Tragedia griega: una comparación a partir del lugar de la culpa.Agustín L. Lewit - 2009 - A Parte Rei 61:7.
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    Establishing a Dignity Scale - Measuring Intrinsic Value within Social Contexts.Michael Pirson, Ralph L. Piedmont, Noemi Nagy & Donna Hicks - 2023 - Humanistic Management Journal 8 (1):97-112.
    In this paper we describe the basics of the measurement of human dignity at the individual level, as well as within social contexts such as teams and organizations. In accordance with the prevailing literature, we define human dignity as the unconditional belief in the intrinsic value of life. Based on this, we established a model that understands dignity as a latent construct by evaluating personal sense of worth as well as behaviors that either violate or honor such an intrinsic value (...)
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    In defense of "abstract" art.L. Moholy-Nagy - 1945 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 4 (2):74-76.
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  6. H.L.A. Hart y El Concepto de Derecho.H. L. A. Hart & Agustín Squella - 1986 - Universidad de Valparaiso.
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    Bounded distributive lattices with strict implication and weak difference.Sergio Celani, Agustín Nagy & William Zuluaga Botero - forthcoming - Archive for Mathematical Logic:1-36.
    In this paper we introduce the class of weak Heyting–Brouwer algebras (WHB-algebras, for short). We extend the well known duality between distributive lattices and Priestley spaces, in order to exhibit a relational Priestley-like duality for WHB-algebras. Finally, as an application of the duality, we build the tense extension of a WHB-algebra and we employ it as a tool for proving structural properties of the variety such as the finite model property, the amalgamation property, the congruence extension property and the Maehara (...)
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  8. Toward an Anti-Maleficent Research Agenda.Hope Ferdowsian, Agustin Fuentes, L. Syd M. Johnson, Barbara J. King & Jessica Pierce - 2022 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 31 (1):54-58.
    Important advances in biomedical and behavioral research ethics have occurred over the past few decades, many of them centered on identifying and eliminating significant harms to human subjects of research. Comprehensive attention has not been paid to the totality of harms experienced by animal subjects, although scientific and moral progress require explicit appraisal of these harms. Science is a public good and the prioritizing within, conduct of, generation of, and application of research must soundly address questions about which research is (...)
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  9. Az ökológia reménytelen reménye.Pál Juhász Nagy - 1992 - Budapest: ELTE. Edited by László Zsolnai.
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    A Tökéletlenség és korlátosság dicsérete.Sándor Koch & Pál Juhász-Nagy (eds.) - 1989 - Budapest: Gondolat.
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    Les caractéristiques de la terminologie des sciences relatives à la famille du point de vue de l’extraction terminologiqu.Ágoston Nagy - 2013 - Ostium 9 (4).
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    A Viselkedéskultúráról.Katalin S. Nagy (ed.) - 1984 - [Budapest]: Kossuth.
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    A magyar esztétika történetéből: felvilágosodás és reformkor.Endre Nagy - 1983 - [Budapest]: Kossuth.
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    A magyar esztétika történetéből, 1849-1919.Endre Nagy - 1987 - [Budapest]: Kossuth.
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  15. Áramló tér és álló idő: Palágyi Menyhért tér- és időelmélete tükörként és/vagy tükröződésként: Szent Ágostontól Hegelen, Bergsonon, Posch Jenőn át Ottlik Gézáig.Edit Nagy - 2002 - Miskolc: Miskolci Egyetem. Edited by Jenő Posch.
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    Omladozó téveszmék: írások Istenről, az emberekről és eszmékről.Ervin Nagy - 2016 - Máriabesnyő: Attraktor.
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    L'historien et les fantômes: lectures (autour) de l'oeuvre d'Alain Boureau.Alain Boureau, Béatrice Delaurenti, Blaise Dufal & Piroska Nagy (eds.) - 2017 - Paris: Les Belles Lettres.
    L'oeuvre d'Alain Boureau, multiple et dense, se deploie sur les quarante dernieres annees en abordant de nombreux domaines de l'histoire du Moyen Age et du christianisme latin. Elle suit les peregrinations personnelles et professionnelles d'un chercheur a travers un monde peuple de silhouettes incertaines : figures de l'hagiographie, faux-semblants de l'Etat moderne, anges, demons, cadavres et somnambules, vagues individus scolastiques qui eux-memes parlent de creatures etranges. Autant de fantomes d'un passe persistant qu'il a suivis avec tenacite tout au long de (...)
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    Prof. Agustín González Enciso (Vicerrector de la Universidad de Navarra), Leonardo Polo.Agustín González Enciso - 2006 - Studia Poliana:39-42.
    Polo es un nombre que describe la Universidad de Navarra en su comienzo. Es un ejemplo señero de pensamiento, ejemplo de universitario, inconformista; un filósofo teórico y práctico que busca la verdad que encamina a la Verdad; un maestro de vida coherente con esa búsqueda, siempre con buen humor.
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    The development of locomotor response to d- and l-amphetamine in the infant mouse.Donald Ray & Z. Michael Nagy - 1992 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 30 (5):359-362.
  20.  63
    Predicting attitudinal and behavioral responses to COVID-19 pandemic using machine learning.Tomislav Pavlović, Flavio Azevedo, Koustav De, Julián C. Riaño-Moreno, Marina Maglić, Theofilos Gkinopoulos, Patricio Andreas Donnelly-Kehoe, César Payán-Gómez, Guanxiong Huang, Jaroslaw Kantorowicz, Michèle D. Birtel, Philipp Schönegger, Valerio Capraro, Hernando Santamaría-García, Meltem Yucel, Agustin Ibanez, Steve Rathje, Erik Wetter, Dragan Stanojević, Jan-Willem van Prooijen, Eugenia Hesse, Christian T. Elbaek, Renata Franc, Zoran Pavlović, Panagiotis Mitkidis, Aleksandra Cichocka, Michele Gelfand, Mark Alfano, Robert M. Ross, Hallgeir Sjåstad, John B. Nezlek, Aleksandra Cislak, Patricia Lockwood, Koen Abts, Elena Agadullina, David M. Amodio, Matthew A. J. Apps, John Jamir Benzon Aruta, Sahba Besharati, Alexander Bor, Becky Choma, William Cunningham, Waqas Ejaz, Harry Farmer, Andrej Findor, Biljana Gjoneska, Estrella Gualda, Toan L. D. Huynh, Mostak Ahamed Imran, Jacob Israelashvili & Elena Kantorowicz-Reznichenko - forthcoming - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences: Nexus.
    At the beginning of 2020, COVID-19 became a global problem. Despite all the efforts to emphasize the relevance of preventive measures, not everyone adhered to them. Thus, learning more about the characteristics determining attitudinal and behavioral responses to the pandemic is crucial to improving future interventions. In this study, we applied machine learning on the multi-national data collected by the International Collaboration on the Social and Moral Psychology of COVID-19 (N = 51,404) to test the predictive efficacy of constructs from (...)
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    Frege's unofficial arithmetic.Agustín Rayo - 2002 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 67 (4):1623-1638.
    I show that any sentence of nth-order (pure or applied) arithmetic can be expressed with no loss of compositionality as a second-order sentence containing no arithmetical vocabulary, and use this result to prove a completeness theorem for applied arithmetic. More specifically, I set forth an enriched second-order language L, a sentence A of L (which is true on the intended interpretation of L), and a compositionally recursive transformation Tr defined on formulas of L, and show that they have the following (...)
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    Sistema d’incompatibilitat: art i societat en l’estètica de la negativitat.Agustín Lucas Prestifilippo - 2019 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 63:105.
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    La spiritualité comme liberté : à propos du rapport entre expérience et action chez le dernier Foucault.Agustín Colombo - 2023 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 79 (3):391-409.
    Agustín Colombo Aux yeux de Foucault, la spiritualité évoque une instance de modification des individus. De ce fait, elle garde une parenté intime avec la manière dont il conçoit les dynamiques de transformation et de constitution de la subjectivité. Mais qu’est-ce que Foucault veut dire lorsqu’il affirme que la spiritualité implique une modification de soi? Et comment construit-il cette approche de la spiritualité? Notre hypothèse est que la conception foucaldienne de la spiritualité s’inspire de l’approche de l’expérience élaborée par (...)
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  24. The nature of unsymbolized thinking.Agustín Vicente & Fernando Martínez-Manrique - 2016 - Philosophical Explorations 19 (2):173-187.
    Using the method of Descriptive Experience Sampling, some subjects report experiences of thinking that do not involve words or any other symbols [Hurlburt, R. T., and C. L. Heavey. 2006. Exploring Inner Experience. Amsterdam: John Benjamins; Hurlburt, R. T., and S. A. Akhter. 2008. “Unsymbolized Thinking.” Consciousness and Cognition 17 : 1364–1374]. Even though the possibility of this unsymbolized thinking has consequences for the debate on the phenomenological status of cognitive states, the phenomenon is still insufficiently examined. This paper analyzes (...)
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  25.  16
    « Décoloniser les théories des émotions? », Samyukta. A Journal of Gender and Culture.Piroska Nagy - 2018 - Clio 47:276-278.
    La courte réflexion qui suit est suscitée par un numéro spécial de cette revue indienne interdisciplinaire, publiée par une maison d’édition dont le nom dit bien la raison sociale : Women’s Initiative, à Thiruvananthapuram, au Kerala. À l’origine de la collection, un séminaire international qui eut lieu en novembre 2015, avec pour titre Decolonizing Theories of Affect, organisé par le centre d’études des femmes de l’Université du Kerala. Il convient de noter que le terme adopté par ce séminai...
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    Rights beyond the Unencumbered Self: Property-Freedom and Federation against Property-Theft and Centralisation.Agustín José Menéndez - 2024 - Cahiers de Philosophie de L’Université de Caen 61 (61):49-64.
    Cet article propose de lire Le commun de la liberté (2022) de Catherine Colliot-Thélène comme une contribution majeure à la manière nouvelle de faire de la philosophie politique propre à ce que l’on peut appeler les « Lumières radicales ». Il part de l’idée que le livre s’inscrit dans le même projet politico-philosophique que La démocratie sans « demos » (2011), celui de reconstruire la démocratie sur une base nouvelle et radicale. Colliot-Thélène propose une défense audacieuse de l’individualisme méthodologique des (...)
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    C. Vielle: Le Mytho-Cycle Héroïque dans l’aire Indo-Européenne: Correspondances et transformations Helléno-Aryennes. (Publications de l’Institut Orientaliste de Louvain, 46.) Pp. xvii + 253. Louvain: Université Catholique de Louvain, 1996. Paper. ISBN: 90-6831-813-6 (Peeters, Leuven); 2-87723-219-0 (Peeters, France). [REVIEW]Gregory Nagy - 1999 - The Classical Review 49 (1):279-280.
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    Cámara, M. L. de la y Carvajal, J. (eds.), "Spinoza y la Antropología en la Modernidad", Hildesheim, Georg Olms Verlag, 2017, 408 pp. [REVIEW]Agustín Soler Fernández - 2018 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 51:421-424.
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    Erōs en kairō — un bas-relief à Budapest.Árpád M. Nagy - 2022 - Kernos 35:135-162.
    Cet article entend examiner l’iconographie d’un bas-relief qui se trouve à Budapest et provient probablement de Naples. Il a été sculpté en lychnites de Paros vers la fin de l’époque hellénistique ou aux tout débuts de l’époque impériale. Il représente une scène unique : Éros se posant sur une roue en train de tourner. Cette scène n’est pas le cliché instantané d’un quelconque jeu d’équilibre, et il n’existe pas non plus de mythe auquel l’associer. Il faut donc l’interpréter de manière (...)
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  30. Die philosophischen Abhandlungen des Ja'qub ben Ishaq al Kindi, zum ersten Male vollständig , Bd II, h. 5.A. Nagy - 1901 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 52:321-322.
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    La patria de Agustín, según la carne.L. J. van der Lof & José Anoz - 1991 - Augustinus 36 (140-143):321-329.
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    Un nuevo planteamiento del saber: la metafísica.Juan Agustín García González - 1992 - Anuario Filosófico 25 (1):125-144.
    This work deals with the priority of being in the philosophy of L. Polo. Especially, his first position with regard to human knowledge, and his primacy regarding the temporal sucession.
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  33. «Magne Pater Augustine». La huella de San Agustín en los escritos del Papa Juan XXIII.L. Marin de San Martin - 1997 - Revista Agustiniana 38 (115-16):475-502.
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    Elementos de una psicohistoria en san Agustín.Rudolf Braendle, M. L. Husistein & H. Husistein - 1986 - Augustinus 31 (121-122):15-23.
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    (G.) Nagy Plato's Rhapsody and Homer's Music. The Poetics of the Panathenaic Festival in Classical Athens. Washington and Athens: Center for Hellenic Studies and Foundation of the Hellenic World, 2002 (distributed by Harvard UP). Pp. ix+ 124.£ 11.50/€ 15.70. 0674009630. [REVIEW]Julia L. Shear - 2004 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 124:182-183.
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    Collectors and collections of antiquities in Rome. Bonfante, Nagy the collection of antiquities of the american academy in Rome. Pp. XX + 388. Ann Arbor: University of michigan press, for the american academy in Rome, 2015. Cased, us$75. Isbn: 978-0-472-11989-9. [REVIEW]C. L. Cooper - 2017 - The Classical Review 67 (1):242-244.
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  37. Saint Agustin initiateur de l'Ecole d'Occident.V. F. Cayré - 1954 - Giornale di Metafisica 9 (4):449-463.
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    Tanulmányok Halasy-Nagy József filozófiájáról.Tibor Szabó, Tamás Deák & Péter Varga (eds.) - 2004 - Szeged: Lectum.
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  39. László Moholy-Nagy and Alvar Aalto’s Connections: Between Biotechnik and Umwelt.Marianna Charitonidou - 2020 - Enquiry The ARCC Journal for Architectural Research 17 (1):28-46.
    Departing from the fact that László Moholy-Nagy’s Von Material zu Architektur (1929), had been an important source of inspiration for Alvar Aalto, this article examines the affinities between László Moholy-Nagy and Alvar Aalto’s intellectual positions. The article places emphasis on two particular ideas: how Aalto and Moholy-Nagy conceived the connection of biology with standardization and technology and its relationship to light and perception. Special attention is paid to the notions of “flexible standardisation” and rationalisation in Aalto’s thought, (...)
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    (1 other version)Nagy Beata, S. sardi Margit dir., Szerep és alkotas. Noï szerepek a tarsadalomban és az alkotomüvészetekben. (Rôle et création. Le rôle Des femmes dans la société et Les arts), debrecen, 1997, 313 P. [REVIEW]Andrea Peto - 1998 - Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 2:24-24.
    Ce livre est le premier en hongrois à s'intéresser au rôle des femmes dans les arts et la société avant la Deuxième Guerre mondiale. Il reprend les communications présentées lors du colloque « Rôle et Création » organisé par le Petöfi Museum of Literature à Budapest en mars 1996. Ce colloque rassemblait pour la première fois des spécialistes d'histoire et d'histoire de l'art travaillant sur les femmes (27 auteurs, dont 6 hommes). Dans sa première partie, l'ouvrage explore le rôle des (...)
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    José Ortega Y gasset, José gaos, Joaquín Xirau, L. eulogio palaciones, Agustín Serrano de haro. Cuerpo vivido. Madrid, encuentro, 2010, 168 pp. [REVIEW]Marta Jorba I. Grau - 2011 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 8:217.
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    El concepto de progreso: De San Agustín a Herder.Francisco J. Contreras Peláez - 2003 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 37:239-269.
    The eme r gence of the concept of pr o g ress is cu r rent l y associated with th e Enlightenment o r , going som e w hat further back, with the que r elle des anciens et des modernes in the 1 7 t h centu r y . Y et the notion of pr o g ress can be traced back to a signi f icant l y earlier period: the foundations of a possi b (...)
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    (1 other version)Neoplatonismo agustiniano y neoplatonismo dionisiano en Jean-Luc Marion: aportes para un sincretismo fenomenológico.Matías Ignacio Pizzi - 2023 - Patristica Et Medievalia 44 (2):23-36.
    El presente artículo pretende abordar la recepción practicada por Marion del neoplatonismo agustiniano y dionisiano al interior de su fenomenología de la donación. Sirviéndonos del estudio de Josef Koch sobre las notas distintivas de estos dos tipos de neoplatonismo, sostenemos, a modo de hipótesis general, que en la propuesta de Marion se pone en juego un sincretismo fenomenológico en el que ambas tradiciones cooperar para formular lo que denominamos un “lenguaje de la saturación” como modo de nombrar fenómenos que exceden (...)
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  44. The concept of a linguistic variable and its application to approximate reasoning.L. A. Zadeh - 1975 - Information Science 1.
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    Selective covering properties of product spaces.Arnold W. Miller, Boaz Tsaban & Lyubomyr Zdomskyy - 2014 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 165 (5):1034-1057.
    We study the preservation of selective covering properties, including classic ones introduced by Menger, Hurewicz, Rothberger, Gerlits and Nagy, and others, under products with some major families of concentrated sets of reals.Our methods include the projection method introduced by the authors in an earlier work, as well as several new methods. Some special consequences of our main results are : Every product of a concentrated space with a Hurewicz S1S1 space satisfies S1S1. On the other hand, assuming the Continuum (...)
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    Knowability Paradox.Jonathan L. Kvanvig - 2006 - Oxford, England: Oxford University Press UK.
    The paradox of knowability, derived from a proof by Frederic Fitch in 1963, is one of the deepest paradoxes concerning the nature of truth. Jonathan Kvanvig argues that the depth of the paradox has not been adequately appreciated. It has long been known that the paradox threatens antirealist conceptions of truth according to which truth is epistemic. If truth is epistemic, what better way to express that idea than to maintain that all truths are knowable? In the face of the (...)
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  47. Eriugena’s Christian Neoplatonism and its Sources in Patristic Philosophy and Ancient Philosophy, ed. Ilaria L.E. Ramelli, Studia Patristica, Leuven: Peeters, forthcoming.Ilaria L. E. Ramelli - forthcoming - Leuven, Belgium: Peeters.
    This book analyses Eriugena’s Christian Platonic ideas on theology, cosmology, anthropology, epistemology, and ethics, and their sources in Patristic philosophical theology and ancient philosophy. The first part is devoted to Eriugena’s theology: thus, it focusses on God from a variety of perspectives, some of them also comparative in their nature. The second part consists in research into Eriugena's cosmology, anthropology, and ethics, including virtue ethics. The two large sections are interrelated by an exploration of Eriugena's concepts of apokatastasis and epistrophé, (...)
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  48. (1 other version)Essays on J. L. Austin.Isaiah Berlin, L. W. Forguson, D. F. Pears, G. Pitcher, J. R. Searle & P. F. Strawson - 1974 - Philosophy 49 (188):219-220.
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  49. Letzte Schriften über die Philosophie der Psychologie.L. Wittgenstein, G. G. Luckhardt, A. E. Aue, G. H. Von Wright & H. Nyman - 1984 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 174 (1):131-132.
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  50. The First Time as Tragedy, the Second as Farce.L. A. Paul - 2020 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 27 (11-12):145-153.
    Commentary on Montero, B. (2020) What experience doesn’t teach: Pain-amnesia and a new paradigm for memory research, Journal of Consciousness Studies, 27 (11–12).
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