Results for 'Agostino Regnicoli'

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  1. La categoria dell'aspetto Nel paradigma verbale inglese.Agostino Regnicoli - 1990 - Episteme: In Ricordo di Giorgio Raimondo Cardona 4:199.
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    Agostino Nifo De intellectu.Agostino Nifo - 2011 - Boston: Brill. Edited by Leen Spruit.
    This books offers an annotated edition of Nifo’s De intellectu (1503), including an extensive analytical summary of the contents, as well as a chronology of Nifo’s life and works, and a full index of the chapters of this work.
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  3. S. Agostino Pubblicazione Commemorativa Del Xv Centenario Della Sua Morte.Agostino Gemelli - 1931 - Società Editrice "Vita E Pensiero".
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    P. Agostino Trapè.Agostino Trapè - 1985 - Augustinianum 25 (1-2):11-17.
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    Verità e metodo in giurisprudenza: scritti dedicati al Cardinale Agostino Vallini in occasione del 25o anniversario della consacrazione episcopale.Agostino Vallini, Giuseppe Dalla Torre & Cesare Mirabelli (eds.) - 2014 - Città del Vaticano: Libreria editrice vaticana.
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    Un S. Agostino della storia?Agostino Trapè - 1972 - Augustinianum 12 (2):341-349.
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    Instituzione d'ogni stato lodevole delle donne cristiane: and, Ricordi di Monsignor Agostino Valier Vescovo di Verona lasciati alle monache nella sua visitazione fatta l'anno del santissimo Giubileo 1575.Agostino Valier - 2015 - Cambridge: Modern Humanities Research Association. Edited by Francesco Lucioli.
    The first modern edition of the Instituzione d’ogni stato lodevole delle donne cristiane (1575), and the Ricordi di Monsignor Agostino Valier Vescovo di Verona lasciati alle monache nella sua visitazione fatta l’anno del santissimo Giubileo 1575 (1575) by Cardinal Agostino Valier (Venice, 7 April 1531 – Rome, 23 May 1606). The Instituzione includes three texts meant respectively for unmarried women, widows, and married women (Del modo di vivere delle vergini che si chiamano demesse; Della vera e perfetta viduità; (...)
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    S. Agostino.Agostino Gemelli - 1931 - Journal of Philosophy 28 (24):670-671.
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    Escatologia e antiplatonismo di sant’Agostino.Agostino Trapè - 1978 - Augustinianum 18 (1):237-244.
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  10. Epistemic Accuracy and Subjective Probability.Marcello D'Agostino & Corrado Sinigaglia - 2010 - In M. Dorato M. Suàrez (ed.), Epsa Epistemology and Methodology of Science. Springer. pp. 95--105.
  11. Agostino.Agostino S. Gemelli - 1934 - Philosophical Review 43:542.
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  12. L'antigiuridismo di S. Agostino.F. D' Agostino - 1987 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 64 (1):30-51.
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    Free public reason: making it up as we go.Fred D'Agostino - 1996 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Free Public Reason examines the idea of public justification, stressing its importance but also questioning the coherence of the concept itself. Although public justification is employed in the work of theorists such as John Rawls, Jeremy Waldron, Thomas Nagel, and others, it has received little attention on its own as a philosophical concept. In this book Fred D'Agostino shows that the concept is composed of various values, interests, and notions of the good, and that no ranking of these is (...)
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  14. Are Tableaux an Improvement of Truth-Tables? Cut-Free Proofs and Bivalence.M. D. Agostino - 1992 - Journal of Logic, Language, and Information 1 (3):127-139.
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    (2 other versions)Il Mio Contributo Alla Filosofia Neoscolastica.Agostino Gemelli - 1927 - New Scholasticism 1 (3):295-296.
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    Nota sul giudizio di S. Agostino su Origene.Agostino Trapè - 1986 - Augustinianum 26 (1-2):223-227.
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  17. The enduring scandal of deduction: is propositional logic really uninformative?Marcello D'Agostino & Luciano Floridi - 2009 - Synthese 167 (2):271-315.
    Deductive inference is usually regarded as being “tautological” or “analytical”: the information conveyed by the conclusion is contained in the information conveyed by the premises. This idea, however, clashes with the undecidability of first-order logic and with the (likely) intractability of Boolean logic. In this article, we address the problem both from the semantic and the proof-theoretical point of view. We propose a hierarchy of propositional logics that are all tractable (i.e. decidable in polynomial time), although by means of growing (...)
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    Il mio contributo alla filosofia neoscolastica. 2. ed. riveduta ed ampiata.Agostino Gemelli - 1932 - Società Editrice "Vita E Pensiero".
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  19. The Ethos of Games.Fred D'Agostino - 1981 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 8 (1):7-18.
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    (1 other version)Race, Intelligence, and Education (Film).V. Robert Agostino & William P. Barone - 1979 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 10 (1):90-91.
  21. Introduction.Fred D’Agostino & Gerald F. Gaus - forthcoming - Public Reason.
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    La filosofia nella corte.Agostino Nifo - 2010 - Milano: Bompiani. Edited by Ennio De Bellis.
  23. The Technocene or Technology as (Neo)Environment.Agostino Cera - 2017 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 21 (2/3):243-281.
    While putting forward the proposal of a “philosophy of technology in the nominative case,” grounded on the concept of Neoenvironmentality, this paper intends to argue that the best definition of our current age is not “Anthropocene.” Rather, it is “Technocene,” since technology represents here and now the real “subject of history” and of (a de-natured) nature, i.e. the (neo)environment where man has to live.This proposal culminates in a new definition of man’s humanity and of technology. Switching from natura hominis to (...)
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  24. Original position.Fred D'Agostino - forthcoming - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  25. Transcendence and Conversation: Two Conceptions of Objectivity.Fred D' Agostino - 1993 - American Philosophical Quarterly 30:87.
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  26. $$\mu $$ μ -Levels of Interpolation.Giovanna D’Agostino - 2018 - In Sergei Odintsov (ed.), Larisa Maksimova on Implication, Interpolation, and Definability. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
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  27. L'esperienza dell'assoluto ed altri saggi.Agostino Faggiotto - 1939 - Padova,: CEDAM, Casa editrice dott. A. Milani.
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    Mitmensch contra Dasein.Agostino Cera - 2018 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 66 (4):488-506.
    This paper presents and discusses Karl Löwith’s anthropological critique of existential analytic that is formulated in his Habilitation thesis (Das Individuum in der Rolle des Mitmenschen, 1928), where he develops an anthropological counter-paradigm, i. e.Mitanthropologie, in opposition to Heidegger’s fundamental ontology. Given the extent and the complexity of such a subject, I will limit the present inquiry to two specific topics: theMiteinandersein(Being-with-one-another) and above all theSein zum Tode(Being-towards-death). In practice, I will first explain the basic features of Mitanthropologie together with (...)
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  29. Logical Questions Concerning the $\mu$-Calculus: Interpolation, Lyndon and Los-Tarski.Giovanna D'agostino & Marco Hollenberg - 2000 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 65 (1):310-332.
  30. Fluidismo e Corporeal Deity nella filosofia naturale di Thomas Hobbes: A proposito dell'hobbesiano Dio delle cause.Agostino Lupoli - 1999 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 54 (4):573-609.
  31. Social science as a social institution: Neutrality and the politics of social research.Fred D'Agostino - 1995 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 25 (3):396-405.
    Philosophy of Social Science, that social scientific investigations do not and cannot meet the liberal requirement of "neutrality" most familiar to social scientists in the form of Max Weber's requirement of value-freedom. He argues, moreover, that this is for "institutional," not idiosyncratic, reasons: methodological demands (e.g., of validity) impel social scientists to pass along into their "objective" investigations the values of the people, groups, and cultures they are studying. In this paper, I consider the implications of Root's claims for the (...)
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  32. El pulchrum y la indisponibilidad del ser.Agostino Molteni - 2011 - Revista de Filosofia: Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción 10 (3):103-126.
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    El cuerpo meta-físico (vs. el zoológico de los cuerpos).Agostino Molteni - 2023 - Revista de Filosofia: Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción 22 (1):175-181.
    Han intentado siempre hacernos vivir en un zoológico de cuerpos sin pensamiento, en una filosofía de la miseria del cuerpo que ha terminado siendo una miseria de filosofía del cuerpo. Hay que volver a pensar la ley de movimiento del cuerpo, puesto que no tiene - felizmente- leyes naturales, instintos predeterminados, animales. Es más, hay que volver a pensar cómo construir el cuerpo según un método, es decir, por medio de la relación con otros cuerpos pensados y pensantes. Finalmente, habitando (...)
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    The Sinews of a Free Society: Autonomy, Democracy, and Education.Fred D'Agostino - unknown
    What is the relation between autonomy, education, and democracy?
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  35. In tema di rapporti tra psicologia e filosofia.Agostino Gemelli - 1936 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 28:473.
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  36. Appunti per una riflessione filosofica sull'ecologia.F. D' Agostino - 1979 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 71:426.
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  37. The Optimum Aim for Science in Freedom and Rationality. Essays in Honor of John Watkins.F. D. Agostino - 1989 - Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 117:247-256.
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    Il problema Teilhard de Chardin.Agostino Cantoni - 1969 - Milano,: Marzorati.
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  39. Avvertenza.Agostino Gemelli - 1936 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 28:VII.
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    El cuerpo pensado y pensante de Jesús según Tomás de Aquino. recursos para una filosofía del cuerpo.Agostino Molteni - 2024 - Revista de Filosofia: Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción 23 (2):502-520.
    La reflexión de Tomás de Aquino sobre el cuerpo de Jesús puede ser un recurso, es decir, puede ser investigada y aprovechada por el pensamiento filosófico que en los últimos decenios, a menudo, se ha dedicado a pensar la realidad del cuerpo del hombre. En este ensayo se quiere ante todo presentar la lógica con que Tomás de Aquino ha pensado el cuerpo terrenal de Jesús, la lógica, es decir, la conveniencia de ponerse en el cuerpo del hombre y hacerlo (...)
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    L'immortalità dell'anima: contro Pomponazzi.Agostino Nifo - 2009 - Milano: Nino Aragno editore. Edited by García Valverde, José Manuel & Francesco Paolo Raimondi.
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    The Situational Logic of Disciplinary Scholarship.Fred D’Agostino - 2018 - In Raphael Sassower & Nathaniel Laor (eds.), The Impact of Critical Rationalism: Expanding the Popperian Legacy Through the Works of Ian C. Jarvie. Springer Verlag. pp. 45-57.
    Ian C. Jarvie developed the idea of situational logic in a subtle and effective way. He was also interested in, as well as a contributor to, the institution of academic publication. This chapter provides a situational analysis of an important recurrent pattern in academic publishing, namely, the concentration of work around particular topics, despite the fact that most such work will be unrewarded in the economy of esteem that is meant to be in play.
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    Bernard Stiegler, La miseria simbolica, 2 voll. tr. it. R. Corda, Milano, Meltemi, 2021 e 2022, pp. 164 e 226.Agostino Bertolotti - 2022 - Studi di Estetica 24.
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    Spiritual exercises and early modern philosophy: Bacon, Descartes, Spinoza.Simone D'Agostino - 2023 - Boston: Brill.
    In his renowned collection Philosophy as a Way of Life, Pierre Hadot suggests that the original trait of philosophy as a method by which one exercises themselves to achieve a new way of living and seeing the world fails with the rise of modernity. In that time, philosophy increasingly takes on a merely theoretical aspect, tending toward a system. However, Hadot himself glimpses at the dawn of modernity some instances of the original trait of philosophy still very much present, and (...)
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    Index Nominum.Agostino Dati, Jacques Almain, Manuel Alvares, Andreas de Novo Castro & Francisco de Franciscus Arav Araujo - 2004 - In Russell L. Friedman & Sten Ebbesen (eds.), Apeiron. Copenhagen: Commission agent, C.A. Reitzel. pp. 191-194.
  46. Emozioni e sentimenti. Ricerche ed osservazioni preliminari alla costruzione di una teoria.Agostino Gemelli - 1930 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 22:31.
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  47. Funzioni e strutture psichiche.Agostino Gemelli - 1925 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 17 (1-2):40.
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  48. Il Congresso internazionale di filosofia di Napoli.Agostino Gemelli - 1924 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 16:280.
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  49. Osservazioni alla relazione Guzzo sull'insegnamento della filosofia nelle scuole medie e replica al Sen. Gentile, nel VII Congresso nazionale di filosofia.Agostino Gemelli - 1929 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 21:357.
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  50. Hobbes e il metodo della «storia civile».Agostino Lupoli - 2005 - In Lorenzo Bianchi (ed.), Natura e storia. Napoli: Liguori.
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