Results for 'Agnès Mathieu'

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  1. Visual Learning: Time - Truth - Tradition.András Benedek & Agnes Veszelszki (eds.) - 2016 - Peter Lang.
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  2. Murphy) 159.Alan Wood & Agnes Heller - 1990 - Studies in Soviet Thought 39 (2):87.
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  3. Les fondements philosophiques de la physique, 1 vol. Coll. « U ».Rudolf Carnap, Jean-Mathieu Lucciani & Antonia Soulez - 1975 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 80 (3):403-404.
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    De ChatGPT aux Intelligences Artistiques génératives.Yves Citton, Mathieu Corteel, Ariel Kyrou & Yann Moulier Boutang - 2024 - Multitudes 96 (3):157-159.
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  5. Ik, jij, wij. Voor een cultuur van het onderscheid.Luce Irigaray, Agnès Vincenot & Désirée Verberk - 1993 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 55 (3):579-579.
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  6. Models of Achievement: Reflections of Eminent Women in Psychology, Volume 3.Agnes N. O'Connell (ed.) - 2001 - Psychology Press.
    This outstanding book contains inspiring stories of late 20th century women who broke new ground in psychological knowledge and its applications. The lives and careers of 53 women are examined within social and historical contexts using three levels of analysis--the individual, the group, and the universal. The thoughtful autobiographies and the perceptive, integrative analyses increase understanding of the personal and professional development of these women, provide insights into their patterns of achievement, and illuminate new ways of thinking about and perceiving (...)
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    Michel Foucault, l'inquiétude de l'histoire.Mathieu Potte-Bonneville - 2004 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
    Avançant par bifurcations et ruptures, la pensée de Foucault renouvelle sans arrêt ses méthodes et ses concepts. Sous cette ligne brisée se laisse lire l'unité, non d'un système, mais d'un souci : articuler l'analyse positive des normes historiques au repérage de leurs crises ; se défaire de toute référence au sujet constituant mais rouvrir l'interstice d'un soi, où penser autrement deviendrait possible. Ce livre propose l'étude de deux moments précis de l'oeuvre : la description, dans l'Histoire de la folie, de (...)
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    Recommencer.Mathieu Potte-Bonneville - 2018 - Lagrasse: Verdier.
    Économiquement, l'heure est dit-on à la reprise, gouverner consisterait à remettre le pays sur ses rails et s'opposer à ce que l'air du temps peut présenter d'intolérable exigerait dans l'instant de repartir au combat. Mais que peuvent bien signifier ces verbes, reprendre, remettre, ou repartir? À quelles complications et à quelles hantises s'affrontent nos tentatives intimes ou politiques pour surmonter déceptions et défaites, doutes et empêchements, jusqu'à trouver la force d'agir à nouveau? Les philosophes se sont souvent penchés sur les (...)
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    Practice Effects in Intelligence Tests.Knight Dunlap & Agnes Snyder - 1920 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 3 (5):396.
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    Lu pour vous.Mathieu Ginier-Gillet - 2022 - Médecine et Droit 2022 (173):25-26.
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    Femmes, dot et patrimoine.Angela Groppi & Agnès Fine - 1998 - Clio 7.
    Se marier avec une dot, voilà une coutume qui, du moins en France, paraît révolue depuis longtemps, tant l'idée que l'on puisse associer mariage et argent heurte aujourd'hui nos sensibilités, attachées à la norme de la gratuité des sentiments amoureux. L'ampleur des changements dans les pratiques matrimoniales du monde moderne occidental ne doit pourtant pas occulter le fait qu'ils sont relativement récents. La dot a encore une importance sociale et économique considérable dans certains...
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  12. Compte-rendu de Ruwen Ogien.Mathieu Thierry Ngosso Ngosso - 2012 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 110 (4):782-785.
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    The impact of context on discourse marker use in two conversational genres.Agnes Pisanski Peterlin, Andrej Žgank & Darinka Verdonik - 2008 - Discourse Studies 10 (6):759-775.
    The relationships between text or talk and the context are among the basic fields of pragmatic research and an insight into their nature may contribute to a better understanding of language use. In this article, we use the results of an analysis of discourse marker use in two different conversational genres in an attempt to examine the impact of context on the use of discourse markers, generalized for each analysed genre. In the first stage of the analysis, we observe important (...)
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  14. „Who pays the Ferryman?“.Ágnes Alföldy-Găzdac & Cristian Găzdac - 2013 - Klio 95 (2):285-314.
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    Covid-19 Pandemic as Alibi for Less Vigorous Pursuit of Government Developmental Programmes in Nigeria: A Case Study Of Cross River State.Lily Nnenna Ozumba, Agnes Ubana Enang, Adie Hilary Idiege & Jideofor James Abaroh - 2022 - Postmodern Openings 13 (3):453-471.
    Government have in the past embarked on many infrastructural programmes such as building of roads, hospitals, health centers in the rural areas, schools, etc for its citizens. A lot of projects have been carried out in the past years, there are institutions formed to carter for the implementation of such programmes, institutions like NEMA to check disasters, repair of roads, collapse buildings etc. NDDC was formed to take care of roads in the South East but many of these programmes and (...)
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    Physiological Measures of Dopaminergic and Noradrenergic Activity During Attentional Set Shifting and Reversal.Péter Pajkossy, Ágnes Szőllősi, Gyula Demeter & Mihály Racsmány - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    La gestion et la maîtrise du temps et de l'espace dans la pratique marchande de la compagnie Salviati de Lyon autour de 1500.Agnès Pallini-Martin - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Cet article a déja paru dans les Mélanges de l'École française de Rome – Italie et Méditerranée modernes et contemporaines, 125-1 | 2013 et mis en ligne ici. Résumé : La gestion de l'espace et du temps est au cœur de la pratique des marchands, ici florentins, spécialisés dans le grand commerce. Cette pratique marchande, étudiée ici pour les premières années de la compagnie Salviati de Lyon, est un élément d'une culture marchande commune aux grandes compagnies marchandes florentines de la (...)
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    Long-Term Effects of Multimodal Treatment on Psychopathology and Health-Related Quality of Life of Children With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.Szabina Velõ, Ágnes Keresztény, Gyöngyvér Ferenczi-Dallos & Judit Balázs - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Buddhist Philosophy in Theory and Practice.Agnes Charlene Senape McDermott - 1973 - Philosophy East and West 23 (3):400-401.
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    The pain of market forces: Czech, Hungarian and Polish publishing in transition.Ágnes Gulyás - 1996 - Logos 7 (4):278-282.
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  21. Harmonisation sans subordination?Vittorio Mathieu - 1983 - Epistemologia 6:45.
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    Il demoniaco nella musica.Vittorio Mathieu, Anna Macchi Giubertoni & Emanuele Samek Lodovici - 1976 - Torino: G. Giappichelli. Edited by Anna Macchi Giubertoni & Emanuele Samek Lodovici.
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  23. I limiti interni dei formalismi nell'opera di Jean Ladrière.Vittorio Mathieu - 1959 - Filosofia 10 (4):574.
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  24. Sistemi logici e sistemi giuridici. Impossibilità di autofondazione formale.Vittorio Mathieu - 1970 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 47:225-231.
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  25. The allusiveness of metaphysics.V. Mathieu - 1987 - Filosofia 38 (1):3-12.
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  26. Tempo ed essere.V. Mathieu - 1988 - Filosofia 39 (1):3-17.
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  27. The ideological language of the revolution.Vittorio Mathieu - 1991 - Filosofia 42 (1):3-15.
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  28. Traduire pour les enfants et les adolescents.François Mathieu - 1999 - Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme 92:113-118.
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  29. Una critica dell'arte per l'arte.Vittorio Mathieu - 1956 - Filosofia 7 (2):341.
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    The ecole libre at the new school, 1941-1946.R. Zolberg Aristide & Callamard Agnes - 1998 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 65 (4):921-951.
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  31. History and a Myriad of Contexts.Agnes Heller as Autobiographer - 2009 - In Katie Terezakis, Engaging Agnes Heller: A Critical Companion. Lexington Books.
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  32. L�Introduction à la théologie des IIe et IIIe siècles et l�apologue du «Fort ligoté» (Mt 12,29 et parallèles).Agnès Bastit-Kalinowska - 2013 - Gregorianum 94 (2):286-300.
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    Cognitive strategy accessibility as a function of task requirement in educable mentally retarded adolescents.Leonard S. Blackman & Agnes Lin Burger - 1976 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 8 (3):221-223.
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    Lateralisation may be a side issue for understanding language development.Caterina Breitenstein, Agnes Floel, Bianca Dräger & Stefan Knecht - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (2):214-214.
    We add evidence in support of Corballis's gestural theory of language. Using transcranial magnetic stimulation, we found that productive and receptive linguistic tasks excite the motor cortices for both hands. This indicates that the language and the hand motor systems are still tightly linked in modern man. The bilaterality of the effect, however, implies that lateralisation is a secondary issue.
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    Marx és a modernitás.Ferenc Fehér & Agnes Heller - 2002
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    La responsabilité des fabricants de dispositifs médicaux utilisés ou fournis à l’hôpital.Alain Gorny & Agnès Lerolle - 2012 - Médecine et Droit 2012 (114):67-75.
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  37. L'introduction d'Antonio Orbe. Une vision inédite de la premiére pensée chrétienne.Agnès Bastit-Kalinowska - 2013 - Gregorianum 94 (2):231-237.
  38. Don Francisco de Paula Marin.Ross H. Gast & Agnes C. Conrad - 2013 - Philosophy East and West 63 (2).
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  39. Works of the Belgian archeological mission in Apamea of Syria XLIIth campaign (2008).Didier Viviers & Agnes Vokaer - 2009 - Revue Belge de Philologie Et D’Histoire 87 (1):105-144.
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  40. H. Heimsoeth, Studien zur Philosophie Immanuel Kants. [REVIEW]Vittorio Mathieu - 1957 - Filosofia 8 (1):159.
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    VASALOU, SOPHIA. Schopenhauer and the Aesthetic Standpoint: Philosophy as a Practice of the Sublime. Cambridge University Press, 2014, 237 pp., $99.99 cloth. [REVIEW]Olivier Mathieu - 2016 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 74 (4):420-423.
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  42. W. Danckert, Goethe. [REVIEW]Vittorio Mathieu - 1952 - Filosofia 3 (2):297.
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  43. Constitution et éthique biomédicale: France, États-Unis, Espagne, Grande-Bretagne, Canada, Allenagne, Suisse, Pologne, Cour de justice des Communautés européennes, Cour européenne des Droits de l'homme, Unesco: actes du colloque international tenu à Paris... les 6 et 7 février 1997.Noëlle Lenoir, Bertrand Mathieu & Didier Maus (eds.) - 1998 - Paris: La Documentation franc̜aise.
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    Video Game Violence. A Philosophical Conversation with Mathieu Triclot.Mathieu Triclot & Raphaël Verchère - 2019 - Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence 3 (1).
    The starting point of this conversation with philosopher Mathieu Triclot is the issue of the causal contribution of video game playing in school shootings. Triclot explains the limitations of current psychological approaches regarding video game violence. He further develops on the peculiar features of the video game medium and how they relate to the problem of violence. Triclot eventually shows that, although players may relate to virtual violence in very different ways, violence in video games is not merely a (...)
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  45. Democracy and Religion: Some Tocquevillian Perspectives Agnes Antoine.Agnes Antoine - 2007 - In Raf Geenens & Annelien de Dijn, Reading Tocqueville: from oracle to actor. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 132.
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    Aspiration: The Agency of Becoming.Agnes Callard - 2018 - New York: Oup Usa.
    Aspiration by Agnes Callard locates standing assumptions in the theory of rationality, moral psychology and autonomy that preclude the possibility of working to acquire new values. The book also explains what changes need to be made if we are to make room for this form of agency, which I call aspiration.
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    Effects of Intensive Crew Training on Individual and Collective Characteristics of Oar Movement in Rowing as a Coxless Pair.Feigean Mathieu, R’Kiouak Mehdi, J. Bootsma Reinoud & Bourbousson Jérôme - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  48. Wittgenstein and finitism.Mathieu Marion - 1995 - Synthese 105 (2):141 - 176.
    In this paper, elementary but hitherto overlooked connections are established between Wittgenstein's remarks on mathematics, written during his transitional period, and free-variable finitism. After giving a brief description of theTractatus Logico-Philosophicus on quantifiers and generality, I present in the first section Wittgenstein's rejection of quantification theory and his account of general arithmetical propositions, to use modern jargon, as claims (as opposed to statements). As in Skolem's primitive recursive arithmetic and Goodstein's equational calculus, Wittgenstein represented generality by the use of free (...)
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    Ascetic Figures before and in Early Buddhism: The Emergence of Gautama as the Buddha.Mathieu Boisvert & Martin G. Wiltshire - 1992 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 12:269.
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  50. Scritti politici e di diritto naturale, vol. VI. Leibniz & Vittorio Mathieu - 1953 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 143:297-297.
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