Results for 'Agdas Burganov'

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    Reconsidering the Philosophy of Social Justice.Agdas Burganov - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 50:969-977.
    There is no fairness in the world. Inequality can be observed in all spheres of human activities and in all parts of the world. This leads to the world-wide gross injustice. The main dilemma of survival is: either social fairness to people or the end of human history. The patience of people in hardship is exhausted. Social and interstate contradictions are being sharpened, and they add fuel to the flames of international tension. The world is on its way to endless (...)
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    Artificial intelligence in local governments: perceptions of city managers on prospects, constraints and choices.Tan Yigitcanlar, Duzgun Agdas & Kenan Degirmenci - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (3):1135-1150.
    Highly sophisticated capabilities of artificial intelligence (AI) have skyrocketed its popularity across many industry sectors globally. The public sector is one of these. Many cities around the world are trying to position themselves as leaders of urban innovation through the development and deployment of AI systems. Likewise, increasing numbers of local government agencies are attempting to utilise AI technologies in their operations to deliver policy and generate efficiencies in highly uncertain and complex urban environments. While the popularity of AI is (...)
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    Feminismos em trânsito.Silvia Leonor Alonso, Danielle M. Breyton, Marcia R. Bozon de Campos & Agda Sardenberg Jardini (eds.) - 2022 - São Paulo, SP: Zagodoni Editora.
  4. Homotopy theoretic models of identity types.Steve Awodey & Michael Warren - 2009 - Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 146:45–55.
    Quillen [17] introduced model categories as an abstract framework for homotopy theory which would apply to a wide range of mathematical settings. By all accounts this program has been a success and—as, e.g., the work of Voevodsky on the homotopy theory of schemes [15] or the work of Joyal [11, 12] and Lurie [13] on quasicategories seem to indicate—it will likely continue to facilitate mathematical advances. In this paper we present a novel connection between model categories and mathematical logic, inspired (...)
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    Constructions of categories of setoids from proof-irrelevant families.Erik Palmgren - 2017 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 56 (1-2):51-66.
    When formalizing mathematics in constructive type theories, or more practically in proof assistants such as Coq or Agda, one is often using setoids. In this note we consider two categories of setoids with equality on objects and show, within intensional Martin-Löf type theory, that they are isomorphic. Both categories are constructed from a fixed proof-irrelevant family F of setoids. The objects of the categories form the index setoid I of the family, whereas the definition of arrows differs. The first category (...)
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    Derrida and Wittgenstein: Language, Meaning and Context.Peyami Safa Gülay - 2022 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 12 (12:4):1007-1022.
    Jacques Derrida ve Ludwig Wittgenstein düşüncelerini ilişkilendirmek, oldukça ilgi çekicidir. Bunun sebeplerinden biri her iki düşünürün dil konusuna çokça vakit ayırmalarıysa, bir diğeri de birbirlerine yaklaştıkları noktalardır. Her iki düşünür dili nihai bir kaynakla ilişkilendiren özcü mantığa uzaktır. Aynı şekilde her iki düşünüre göre anlam da kaynağını sabit bir mevcudiyette bulmaz. Hem dil hem de anlam, oyun kavramıyla tarif etmenin mümkün olduğu bağlamsal bir ağda belirlenirler. Bu ağ, daima değişimlerin mümkün olduğu dinamik bir ağdır. Bununla beraber, yine her iki düşünür, (...)
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