Results for 'Aesthetics, Roman'

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  1. Phenomenological aesthetics: An attempt at defining its range.Roman Ingarden - 1975 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 33 (3):257-269.
  2. Aesthetic experience and aesthetic object.Roman Ingarden - 1960 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 21 (3):289-313.
    The purpose here is to give a thorough phenomenological account of the aesthetic experience. The difference between cognitive perception of a real object and the aesthetic experience of an esthetic object is discussed at length. Elements and phases of an esthetic experience are delineated; illustrations of a preliminary emotion of esthetic experience are given, All of which suggest a fundamental change of attitude. From normal perceiving to esthetic perceiving there is a change from categorical structures to qualitative harmony structures, Producing (...)
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  3. (1 other version)Aesthetic and Artistic Evaluation, Parts 2 & 3.Roman Dykast - 2010 - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics:71-95.
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    Roman dykast: Editor's introduction.Roman Dykast - 2009 - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 46 (2).
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  5. Thick Aesthetic Concepts.Roman Bonzon - 2009 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 67 (2):191-199.
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  6. Artistic and aesthetic values.Roman Ingarden - 1964 - British Journal of Aesthetics 4 (3):198-213.
  7. Aesthetics and philosophy of art.Roman Konik - 2020 - In Piotr Stanisław Mazur, Piotr Duchliński & Paweł Skrzydlewski (eds.), A companion to Polish Christian philosophy of the 20th and 21st centuries. Krakow: Ignatianum University Press.
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  8. Aesthetic Consent to Death, Introduction to the Philosophy of Photography.Roman Kubicki - 2001 - Art Inquiry. Recherches Sur les Arts 3:167-184.
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  9. On the Aesthetic Sources and Boundaries of the Art of a Free Life.Roman Kubicki - 2009 - Art Inquiry. Recherches Sur les Arts 11:7-32.
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  10. The existential pitfalls of aesthetic (over)sensitivity.Roman Kubicki - 2010 - Art Inquiry. Recherches Sur les Arts 12:15-24.
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    Selected Papers in Aesthetics.Roman Ingarden & Peter J. Mccormick - 1985 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 45 (1):89-91.
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    O poznaniu dzieła literackiego.Roman Ingarden - 1976 - Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawn. Naukowe.
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    Die Entstehung der ästhetischen Humanitätsidee in Deutschland.Roman Gleissner - 1988 - Stuttgart: Metzler.
    Einleitung, Begriff und Vorgeschichte der ästhetischen Humanitätsidee -- Gotthold Ephraim Lessing -- Moses Mendelssohn -- Christian Garve -- Johann Gottfried Herder -- Die Scheidung der Humanitätsidee von der ästhetischen Theorie in der Kantschen Tranzendentalphilosophie.
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    The Literary Work of Art: An Investigation of the Borderlines of Ontology, Logic, and Theory of Language.Roman Ingarden - 1973 - Evanston,: Northwestern University Press.
    This long-awaited translation of Das literarische Kunstwerk makes available for the first time in English Roman Ingarden's influential study. Though it is inter-disciplinary in scope, situated as it is on the borderlines of ontology and logic, philosophy of literature and theory of language, Ingarden's work has a deliberately narrow focus: the literary work, its structure and mode of existence. The Literary Word of Art establishes the groundwork for a philosophy of literature, i.e., an ontology in terms of which the (...)
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  15. Erlebnis, Kunstwerk and Wert. Vorträge zur Ästhetik 1937-1967.Roman Ingarden - 1985 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 41 (4):510-512.
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    (1 other version)Vom Erkennen des literarischen Kunstwerks.Roman Ingarden - 1968 - Tübingen,: Niemeyer. Edited by Rolf Fieguth & Edward M. Swiderski.
    "Vom Erkennen des literarischen Kunstwerks" ist zuerst (poln. 1937) als erkenntnistheoretisches - und geringfügig populäreres - Pendant zur ontologischen Theorie "Das literarische Kunstwerk" (1931) angelegt. In der deutschen Fassung (Erstpublikation 1968) wird es zum gedankenreichen literaturphilosophischen Alterswerk. Wie schon "Der Streit um die Existenz der Welt" (Erstpublikation 1947/48), so ist auch "Vom Erkennen" als Antwort auf Krieg, Völkermord und Totalitarismen zu lesen, im Sinne des Beharrens auf den Fundamenten der humanen Existenz. Dem "Ende der Ontologie" setzt Roman Ingarden (1893-1970) (...)
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  17. Przezycie, Dziel, Warto s C.Roman Ingarden - 1966 - Wydawn. Literackie.
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    Untersuchungen zur Ontologie der Kunst: Musikwerk - Bild - Architektur - Film.Roman Ingarden - 1962 - Walter de Gruyter.
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  19. Cognition of the Literary Work of Art.Roman Ingarden - 1973 - Evanston [Ill.]: Northwestern University Press.
    This long-awaited translation of Das literarische Kunstwerk makes available for the first time in English Roman Ingarden's influential study. Though it is inter-disciplinary in scope, situated as it is on the borderlines of ontology and logic, philosophy of literature and theory of language, Ingarden's work has a deliberately narrow focus: the literary work, its structure and mode of existence. The Literary Work of Art establishes the groundwork for a philosophy of literature, i.e., an ontology in terms of which the (...)
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    Man and Value.Roman Ingarden - 1983 - Washington: Philosophia.
    The Polish philosopher Roman Ingarden is, with Heidegger, Sartre and Merleau-Ponty, one of the foremost representatives of the phenomenological movement founded by Edmund Husserl. The ideas of his most famous work, The Literary Work of Art, have made a powerful impact on contemporary aesthetics and literary theory. The present volume, a collection of essays all of which appear in English here for the first time, derives from the period towards the end of Ingarden's life when he turned from special (...)
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  21. Love: The Global Dimension of Atopic Aesthetics.Roman Kubicki - 2002 - Art Inquiry. Recherches Sur les Arts 4:19-36.
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  22. Aesthetic objectivity and the ideal observer theory.Roman Bonzon - 1999 - British Journal of Aesthetics 39 (3):230-240.
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    Umělecké dílo literární.Roman Ingarden & Antonín Mokrejs - 1989
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  24. The logic of the invisible : perceiving the submarine world in French Enlightenment natural history.Hanna Roman - 2019 - In Margaret Cohen & Killian Colm Quigley (eds.), The aesthetics of the undersea. New York: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.
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    Koncepcja wzniosłości Pseudo-Longinosa.Specht Roman - 2013 - Studia Z Historii Filozofii 4 (1):93-106.
    The following article is an addendum to Reinhardt Brandt’s article included above, written for the needs of Polish readers. Brandt discusses the famous Longinus’ treatise while including its entire historic context. The substantial threads including the specifics Longinus’ piece as a treatise on the field of aesthetics that were contained in Brandt’s work have been, on the other hand, reminded in this article.
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  26. Issledovanii︠a︡ po ėstetike.Roman Ingarden - 1962 - Moskva,: Izd-vo inostrannoĭ lit-ry.
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    Wybór pism estetycznych.Roman Ingarden - 2005 - Kraków: Tow. Autorów i Wydawców Prac Naukowych "Universitas". Edited by Andrzej Tyszczyk.
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  28. Erlebnis.Roman Ingarden - 1969 - Tübingen,: Niemeyer.
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    Przeżycie, dzieło, wartość.Roman Ingarden - 1966 - Kraków,: Wydawn. Literackie.
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    (1 other version)Studia z estetyki.Roman Ingarden (ed.) - 1957 - Warszawa,: Państwowe Wydawn. Naukowe.
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  31. The structure of appreciation.Roman Ingarden - 1973 - In Matthew Lipman (ed.), Contemporary aesthetics. Boston,: Allyn & Bacon. pp. 274-297.
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    Memory discourses and critical scientific history. On the specificity of modern historical discourses.Roman Zymovets - 2022 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 2:108-124.
    The word «history» can always be understood in two different meanings: as what happened in the past and as a story about the past. One and the same past can be described in different ways. The gap between historical events and representations of these events determines the diversity of historical discourses. Shifting the focus of the philosophy of history from identifying the con- ditions for the possibility of historical knowledge to the analysis of the process of historiography reflects an understanding (...)
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    Beyond Mimesis and Convention: Representation in Art and Science.Roman Frigg & Matthew Hunter (eds.) - 2008 - Boston Studies in Philosophy of Science.
    Featuring contributions from leading experts, this book represents the first collection of essays on the topic of art and science in the analytic tradition of ...
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    Wykłady i dyskusje z estetyki.Roman Ingarden - 1981 - Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawn. Nauk.. Edited by Anita Szczepańska.
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  35. Ontology of the Work of Art: The Musical Work; The Picture; The Architectural Work; The Film.Roman Ingarden, Raymond Meyer & John T. Goldthwait - 1990 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 48 (1):85-87.
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    Lineamientos de estética.Román de la Calle - 1985 - Valencia: NAU Llibres.
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    Erlebnis, Kunstwerk und Wert: Vorträge zur Ästhetik 1937-1967.Roman Ingarden - 1969 - Darmstadt,: De Gruyter.
    Der thematisch scharf umgrenzte Sammelband ist von grundlegender Bedeutung füuuml;r die Ästhetik der Gegenwart und vervollstäauml;ndigt Ingardens großen Entwurf einer philosophisch begründeten Theorie des Kunstwerks. Im Mittelpunkt der Eröouml;rterungen stehen das ästhetische Erlebnis, das Form-Inhalt-Problem im literarischen Kunstwerk und vor allem der Fragenkomplex des ästhetischen Wertes.
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    Durch den Landschaftsgarten wandeln.Roman Prahl - 2006 - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 42 (4):244-263.
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    A marginal commentary on Aristotle's poetics.Roman Ingarden - 1961 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 20 (2):163-173.
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    A marginal commentary on Aristotle's poetics. Part II.Roman Ingarden - 1962 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 20 (3):273-285.
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    Letters pro and con.Roman Ingarden, John Fizer & Hershel B. Chipp - 1970 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 28 (4):541-543.
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    Repertorio bibliográfico de investigación estética.Román de la Calle - 1986 - [Valencia]: Fundación Edivart.
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  43. Ficción real: el metraje encontrado y las formas de lo real en el cine.Carlos Gustavo Román Echeverri - 2010 - Logos: Revista de la Facultad de Filosofia y Humanidades 17:145-157.
    Some initial considerations on film in documentary form are discussed, along with its relationships with reality and fiction in cinema language. Found footage genre is explained, pointing its most important technical and aesthetical characteristics. The text points the importance of the movie camera in documentary and found footage, not only as a technical device that objectivizes the information in a static manner, but also as an axis that configures dynamism and subjectivity on films. Redacted (2007) by Brian De Palma is (...)
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    Gusto, belleza y arte: doce ensayos de historia de la estética y teoría de las artes.Román de la Calle - 2006 - Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca.
    La obra pretende aunar la reflexión estética y el ejercicio de la crítica de arte a través de la mirada histórica. La primera parte tiene como hilo conductor cuestiones básicas relativas a la estética francesa del XVIII, entre el ámbito del gusto y el contexto de la belleza, entre la calificada como estética de la ratio y la estética de la "delicatesse". La segunda se centra en la teoría del arte, atendiendo a aspectos concretos del hecho artístico, matizados a su (...)
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    Neuropsychology of Art.Roman Frigg & Catherine Howard - 2011 - In Elisabeth Schellekens Dammann & Peter Goldie (eds.), The Aesthetic Mind: Philosophy and Psychology. Oxford [etc.]: Oxford University Press. pp. 54.
  46. The Aesthetic Value of Literary Works in Roman Ingarden’s Philosophy.Hicham Jakha - 2022 - Kultura I Wartości (32):165-185.
    In this paper, I attempt to formulate an Ingardenian conception of the literary work’s aesthetic value. Following Mitscherling’s lead, I attempt to place Ingarden’s aesthetics within his overall phenomenological-ontological project. That is, I argue that Ingarden’s aesthetics can only be properly fathomed in the context of his ontological deliberations, since, as he himself often enunciated, all his philosophical investigations constitute a realist rejoinder to Husserl’s turn toward transcendental idealism. To this end, I bring together insights from his aesthetics and ontology (...)
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    Book review: the images of time: an essay on temporal representation. [REVIEW]Roman Frigg - 2008 - British Journal of Aesthetics 48 (4):467-469.
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    Experiencia estética y crítica del arte: Los planteamientos de John Dewey.Román de la Calle - 1996 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 1:53-73.
    RESUMENEl trabajo se propone analizar la relación que John Dewey establece entre la experiencia estética y la crítica de arte. Dewey entiende la crítica como estadio mediador entre la expreiencia estética y la propia finalidad ilustrativa de la crítica. Asimismo, esta mediación es analizada como experiencia crítica, desarrollada en el proceso reflexivo y comunicativo del juicio crítico.PALABRAS CLAVEDEWEY-ESTETICA-CRITICA DE ARTEABSTRACTThe paper focuses on the relation John Dewey establishes betwerrn the aesthetic experiencie and art critique. Dewey conceives critique as a mediating (...)
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    Theology of Creation and Beauty: Kohelet 3:11.Tibor Máhrik & Roman Králik - 2025 - Espes. The Slovak Journal of Aesthetics 13 (2):63-79.
    This paper explores the interrelated concepts of beauty, creation, and kitsch, which collectively form a comprehensive framework for understanding one’s relationship to the world and one’s place in it. The hermeneutic of the text Kohelet 3:11, which defines beauty as a characteristic feature of all being in the context of creation theology, is utilised to focus on the typical tension between beauty as an immanent feature of the real world and the human desire to fully understand and capture it. In (...)
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    Corps et images: œuvres, dispositifs et écrans contemporains.Jacinto Lageira & Mathilde Roman (eds.) - 2017 - [Sesto San Giovanni]: Éditions Mimésis.
    Si les écrans sont multiples, les images sont toujours à construire dans une expérience perceptive qui participe aux cheminements du sens et des imaginaires. En virtualisant ses émotions esthétiques par le recours permanent à Internet et aux réseaux sociaux, le spectateur s'engage dans des approches complexes, à la fois conceptuelles et émotionnelles. Une coexistence qui lui permet de vivre des expériences esthétiques au fort potentiel critique. Face à la présence de plus en plus grande du virtuel dans les vies quotidiennes, (...)
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