Results for 'Adriana Kater‐Kuipers'

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  1.  24
    Rethinking counselling in prenatal screening: An ethical analysis of informed consent in the context of non‐invasive prenatal testing.Adriana Kater-Kuipers, Inez D. de Beaufort, Robert-Jan H. Galjaard & Eline M. Bunnik - 2020 - Bioethics 34 (7):671-678.
    Informed consent is a key condition for prenatal screening programmes to reach their aim of promoting reproductive autonomy. Reaching this aim is currently being challenged with the introduction of non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) in first-trimester prenatal screening programmes: amongst others its procedural ease—it only requires a blood draw and reaches high levels of reliability—might hinder women’s understanding that they should make a personal, informed decision about screening. We offer arguments for a renewed recognition and use of informed consent compared to (...)
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    Rethinking counselling in prenatal screening: An ethical analysis of informed consent in the context of non‐invasive prenatal testing (NIPT).Adriana Kater‐Kuipers, Inez D. Beaufort, Robert‐Jan H. Galjaard & Eline M. Bunnik - 2020 - Bioethics 34 (7):671-678.
    Informed consent is a key condition for prenatal screening programmes to reach their aim of promoting reproductive autonomy. Reaching this aim is currently being challenged with the introduction of non‐invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) in first‐trimester prenatal screening programmes: amongst others its procedural ease—it only requires a blood draw and reaches high levels of reliability—might hinder women’s understanding that they should make a personal, informed decision about screening. We offer arguments for a renewed recognition and use of informed consent compared to (...)
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  3.  46
    Ethics of routine: a critical analysis of the concept of ‘routinisation’ in prenatal screening.Adriana Kater-Kuipers, Inez D. de Beaufort, Robert-Jan H. Galjaard & Eline M. Bunnik - 2018 - Journal of Medical Ethics 44 (9):626-631.
    In the debate surrounding the introduction of non-invasive prenatal testing in prenatal screening programmes, the concept of routinisation is often used to refer to concerns and potential negative consequences of the test. A literature analysis shows that routinisation has many different meanings, which can be distinguished in three major versions of the concept. Each of these versions comprises several inter-related fears and concerns regarding prenatal screening and particularly regarding NIPT in three areas: informed choice, freedom to choose and consequences for (...)
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    Should pregnant women be charged for non-invasive prenatal screening? Implications for reproductive autonomy and equal access.Eline M. Bunnik, Adriana Kater-Kuipers, Robert-Jan H. Galjaard & Inez D. de Beaufort - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (3):194-198.
    The introduction of non-invasive prenatal testing in healthcare systems around the world offers an opportunity to reconsider funding policies for prenatal screening. In some countries with universal access healthcare systems, pregnant women and their partners are asked to pay for NIPT. In this paper, we discuss two important rationales for charging women for NIPT: to prevent increased uptake of NIPT and to promote informed choice. First, given the aim of prenatal screening, high or low uptake rates are not intrinsically desirable (...)
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    Why NIPT should be publicly funded.Eline Maria Bunnik, Adriana Kater-Kuipers, Robert-Jan H. Galjaard & Inez de Beaufort - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (11):783-784.
    Asking pregnant women to (co)pay for non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) out of pocket leads to unequal access across socioeconomic strata. To avoid these social justice issues, first-trimester prenatal screening should be publicly funded in countries such as the Netherlands, with universal coverage healthcare systems that offer all other antenatal care services and screening programmes free of charge. In this reply, we offer three additional reasons for public funding of NIPT. First, NIPT may not primarily have medical utility for women and (...)
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    Nomic Truth Approximation Revisited.Theo A. F. Kuipers - 2019 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This monograph presents new ideas in nomic truth approximation. It features original and revised papers from a philosopher of science who has studied the concept for more than 35 years. Over the course of time, the author's initial ideas evolved. He discovered a way to generalize his first theory of nomic truth approximation, viz. by dropping an unnecessarily strong assumption. In particular, he first believed to have to assume that theories were maximally specific in the sense that they did not (...)
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  7. In spite of Plato: a feminist rewriting of ancient philosophy.Adriana Cavarero - 1995 - New York: Routledge.
    This pathbreaking work pursues two interwoven themes. Firstly, it engages in a deconstruction of Ancient philosopher's texts--mainly from Plato, but also from Homer and Parmenides--in order to free four Greek female figures from the patriarchal discourse which for centuries had imprisoned them in a particular role. Secondly, it attempts to construct a symbolic female order, reinterpreting these figures from a new perspective. Building on the theory of sexual difference, Cavarero shows that death is the central category on which the whole (...)
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    From Man to Ape: Darwinism in Argentina, 1870-1920.Adriana Novoa - 2010 - University of Chicago Press. Edited by Alex Levine.
    Adriana Novoa and Alex Levine offer here a history and interpretation of the reception of Darwinism in Argentina, illuminating the ways culture shapes ...
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  9.  63
    Models, postulates, and generalized nomic truth approximation.Theo A. F. Kuipers - 2016 - Synthese 193 (10).
    The qualitative theory of nomic truth approximation, presented in Kuipers in his, in which ‘the truth’ concerns the distinction between nomic, e.g. physical, possibilities and impossibilities, rests on a very restrictive assumption, viz. that theories always claim to characterize the boundary between nomic possibilities and impossibilities. Fully recognizing two different functions of theories, viz. excluding and representing, this paper drops this assumption by conceiving theories in development as tuples of postulates and models, where the postulates claim to exclude nomic impossibilities (...)
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  10.  76
    Empirical progress and nomic truth approximation revisited.Theo A. F. Kuipers - 2012 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 46:64-72.
  11.  14
    Studies in Inductive Probability and Rational Expectation.Theo A. F. Kuipers - 1978 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Reidel.
    3 in philosophy, and therefore in metaphilosophy, cannot be based on rules that avoid spending time on pseudo-problems. Of course, this implies that, if one succeeds in demonstrating convincingly the pseudo-character of a problem by giving its 'solution', the time spent on it need not be seen as wasted. We conclude this section with a brief statement of the criteria for concept explication as they have been formulated in several places by Carnap, Hempel and Stegmiiller. Hempel's account is still very (...)
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    Einleitung.Thomas Kater, Amrei Bahr & Johannes Waßmer - 2020 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 65 (1).
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    Health care ethics and health law in the Dutch discussion on end-of-life decisions: a historical analysis of the dynamics and development of both disciplines.Loes Kater, Rob Houtepen, Raymond De Vries & Guy Widdershoven - 2003 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 34 (4):669-684.
    Over the past three or four decades, the concept of medical ethics has changed from a limited set of standards to a broad field of debate and research. We define medical ethics as an arena of moral issues in medicine, rather than a specific discipline. This paper examines how the disciplines of health care ethics and health care law have developed and operated within this arena. Our framework highlights the aspects of jurisdiction and the assignment of responsibilities . This theoretical (...)
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  14. Konflikt und Gemeinsinn Konstruktionen von Zeit in der politischen Philosophie.Thomas Kater - 2001 - Studia Philosophica 60:173-192.
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    Ethical teachings of Classical Antiquity philosophers in the poetry of Saint Gregory of Nazianzus.Adriána Koželová & Erika Brodňanská - 2019 - Ethics and Bioethics (in Central Europe) 9 (3-4):98-105.
    The paper focuses on the ethical teachings of Classical Antiquity philosophers in the poetry of Saint Gregory of Nazianzus, especially on the parallels between the author’s work and the Cynics and the Stoics. The syncretic nature of Gregory’s work, reflected in the assimilation of the teachings of ancient philosophical schools and the then expanding Christianity creates conditions for the explanation and highlighting of basic human virtues. Gregory of Nazianzus’ legacy also draws on the teachings of such philosophers as Plato and (...)
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  16. Kan schoonheid de weg wijzen naar de waarheid?Theo Af Kuipers - 1999 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 91 (3):174-193.
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  17. Shaftesbury: Sensus communis y humor en la filosofía.Adriana María Urrea Restrepo - 1997 - Universitas Philosophica 28:11-28.
  18.  28
    (1 other version)Inference to the Best Theory, Rather than Inference to the Best Explanation: Kinds of Abduction and Induction.Theo Kuipers - 2004 - Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook 11:25-51.
    An interesting consequence of the structuralist theory of truth approximation, as developed in my From Instrumentalism to Constructive Realism, henceforth ICR, concerns so-called ‘inference to the best explanation’. It will be argued that this popular rule among scientific realists can better be replaced by, various kinds of, ‘inference to the best theory’.
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  19.  61
    A Network Approach to Compliance: A Complexity Science Understanding of How Rules Shape Behavior.Malouke Esra Kuiper, Monique Chambon, Anne Leonore de Bruijn, Chris Reinders Folmer, Elke Hindina Olthuis, Megan Brownlee, Emmeke Barbara Kooistra, Adam Fine, Frenk van Harreveld, Gabriela Lunansky & Benjamin van Rooij - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 184 (2):479-504.
    To understand how compliance develops both in everyday and corporate environments, it is crucial to understand how different mechanisms work together to shape individuals’ (non)compliant behavior. Existing compliance studies typically focus on a subset of theories (i.e., rational choice theories, social theories, legitimacy theories, capacity theories, and opportunity theories) to understand how key variables from one or several of these theories shape individual compliance. The present study provides a first integrated understanding of compliance, rooted in complexity science, in which key (...)
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  20.  25
    Conceptual Concretization.Theo A. F. Kuipers - 2023 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 30 (2):153-159.
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  21.  44
    Truthlikeness and the Number of Planets.Theo A. F. Kuipers - 2024 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 53 (2):493-520.
    Examples of hypotheses about the number of planets are frequently used to introduce the topic of (actual) truthlikeness but never analyzed in detail. In this paper we first deal with the truthlikeness of singular quantity hypotheses, with reference to several ‘the number of planets’ examples, such as ‘The number of planets is 10 _versus_ 10 billion (instead of 8).’ For the relevant ratio scale of quantities we will propose two, strongly related, normalized metrics, the proportional metric and the (simplest and (...)
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  22. Handbook of the Philosophy of Science. General Philosophy of Science--Focal Issues.Theo A. F. Kuipers (ed.) - 2007 - Elsevier: Amsterdam.
  23. Relating Narratives: Storytelling and Selfhood.Adriana Cavarero - 1997 - Routledge.
    Relating Narratives is a major new work by the philosopher and feminist thinker Adriana Cavarero. First published in Italian to widespread acclaim, Relating Narratives is a fascinating and challenging new account of the relationship between selfhood and narration. Drawing a diverse array of thinkers from both the philosophical and the literary tradition, from Sophocles and Homer to Hannah Arendt, Karen Blixen, Walter Benjamin and Borges, Adriana Cadarero's theory of the `narratable self' shows how narrative models in philosophy and (...)
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  24.  68
    What is Closer-to-the-truth?: A Parade of Approaches to Truthlikeness.Theo A. F. Kuipers (ed.) - 1987 - Amsterdam: Rodopi.
    INTRODUCTION When Karl Popper published in' his definition of closer-to-the- truth this was an important intellectual event, but not a shocking one. ...
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  25.  77
    A coherent trio of, distance and size based, measures for nomic and actual truthlikeness.Theo A. F. Kuipers - 2023 - Synthese 201 (2):1-31.
    So far, the most prominent measure for actual truthlikeness, i.e. the likeness of a theory to the actual truth, is Ilkka Niiniluoto’s minsum definition, which is purely based on distances. A competing definition is the average distance measure proposed by Pavel Tichy and Graham Oddie. We will define three related, distance and size based, measures for actual truthlikeness and compare them with the two well-known options. However, we will start, Sect. 2, from a trio of such measures for nomic truthlikeness. (...)
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  26. Explication in Philosophy of Science.Theo A. F. Kuipers - 2007 - In Handbook of the Philosophy of Science. General Philosophy of Science--Focal Issues. Elsevier: Amsterdam.
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    Explanation by intentional, functional, and causal specification.Theo A. F. Kuipers - 1996 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 47:209-236.
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    Fault Lines.Laura A. Katers - 2024 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 14 (1):26-28.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Fault LinesLaura A. KatersI first meet Shawn in person on the 46th day of his most recent hospitalization. We sit outside of a community hospital on a wooden bench dedicated as a place to “sit, pause, and reflect.” It’s a biting cold November afternoon and I try to keep my shivering at bay by thinking of warm things. Shawn is wearing only a thin hospital gown and socks, but (...)
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  29. La "perspectiva" in Sigieri di Brabante.Adriana Caparello - 1987 - [Città del Vaticano]: Libreria editrice vaticana.
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  30.  44
    Health care ethics and health law in the dutch discussion on end-of-life decisions: A historical analysis of the dynamics and development of both disciplines.L. Kater, R. Houtepen, R. Vries & G. Widdershoven - 2003 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 34 (4):669-684.
    Over the past three or four decades, the concept of medical ethics has changed from a limited set of standards to a broad field of debate and research. We define medical ethics as an arena of moral issues in medicine, rather than a specific discipline. This paper examines how the disciplines of health care ethics and health care law have developed and operated within this arena. Our framework highlights the aspects of jurisdiction (Abbott) and the assignment of responsibilities (Gusfield). This (...)
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    Is “command” at the top of the hierarchy?Stanley B. Kater & Bonnie Granzow - 1978 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 1 (1):26-28.
  32.  7
    Tagungsbericht: »Gegenstand und Methoden der empirischen Ästhetik«.Thomas Kater - 2017 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 62 (1):172-176.
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    Problem reduction and its relevance: Reply to Thomas Nickles.Theo A. F. Kuipers - 2005 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 84 (1):134-137.
  34. Verstehen, Einfühlen and Mental Simulation: Reply to Anne Ruth Mackor.Theo Kuipers - 2005 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 84:Verstehen, Einfühlen and Mental.
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    What is the best empirically equivalent theory?: Reply to Igor Douven.Theo A. F. Kuipers - 2005 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 83 (1):310-313.
  36. Il filosofo e il problema politico: la lettera VII e l'Epistolario.Adriana Plato & Cavarero - 1976 - Torino: Società editrice internazionale. Edited by Adriana Cavarero.
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    Diálogos sobre ontología y estética.Adriana Yáñez (ed.) - 1995 - México, D.F.: Asoćiacion Filosófica de México, Coordinación de Humanidades, Dirección General de Publicaciones.
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    Qualitative simulation.Benjamin Kuipers - 1986 - Artificial Intelligence 29 (3):289-338.
  39.  15
    Richard Rorty.Ronald Alexander Kuipers - 2013 - London ; New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Richard Rorty is one of the most oft-cited yet least understood philosophers of the twentieth century. This book offers an overview and introduction to Rorty's ideas, key writings and contributions to the various fields of philosophy. Chronologically organized, the book traces the development of Rorty's thought and examines all the key topics, and controversies, central to his work. Ronald A. Kuipers introduces Rorty's complex thought through the exploration of three Rortyan personas: The Philosophical Therapist, The Liberal Ironist, and the Anticlerical (...)
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  40. A structuralist approach to truthlikeness.T. A. F. Kuipers - 1987 - In Theo A. F. Kuipers, What is Closer-to-the-truth?: A Parade of Approaches to Truthlikeness. Amsterdam: Rodopi. pp. 79--99.
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  41.  13
    Cognitive Patterns in Science and Common Sense: Groningen Studies in Philosophy of Science, Logic, and Epistemology.Theo A. F. Kuipers & Anne Ruth Mackor - 1995 - Rodopi.
    This collection of 17 articles offers an overview of the philosophical activities of a group of philosophers (who have been) working at the Groningen University. The meta-methodological assumption which unifies the research of this group, holds that there is a way to do philosophy which is a middle course between abstract normative philosophy of science and descriptive social studies of science. On the one hand it is argued with social studies of science that philosophy should take notice of what scientists (...)
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  42. What is Closer-to-the Truth? A Parade of Approaches to Truthlikeness.Theo A. Kuipers - 1988 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 50 (3):575-576.
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  43. Approaching the Truth With the Rule of Success.Theo Kuipers - 1984 - Philosophia Naturalis 21 (2/4):244-253.
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  44. What Remains of Carnap's Program Today?Theo A. F. Kuipers - 1984 - Epistemologia 7:121.
  45. Empirical Progress and Truth Approximation by the ‘Hypothetico-Probabilistic Method’.Theo A. F. Kuipers - 2009 - Erkenntnis 70 (3):313-330.
    Three related intuitions are explicated in this paper. The first is the idea that there must be some kind of probabilistic version of the HD-method, a 'Hypothetico-Probabilistic method', in terms of something like probabilistic consequences, instead of deductive consequences. According to the second intuition, the comparative application of this method should also be functional for some probabilistic kind of empirical progress, and according to the third intuition this should be functional for something like probabilistic truth approximation. In all three cases, (...)
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  46.  20
    Structures in Science: Heuristic Patterns Based on Cognitive Structures An Advanced Textbook in Neo-Classical Philosophy of Science.Theo A. F. Kuipers - 2001 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    The philosophy of science has lost its self-confidence, witness the lack of advanced textbooks in contrast to the abundance of elementary textbooks. Structures in Science is an advanced textbook that explicates, updates, accommodates, and integrates the best insights of logical-empiricism and its main critics. This `neo-classical approach' aims at providing heuristic patterns for research. The book introduces four ideal types of research programs and reanimates the distinction between observational laws and proper theories. It explicates various patterns of explanation by subsumption (...)
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    Il problema morale e religioso in A. Aliotta.Adriana Dentone - 1976 - Roma: Città nuova.
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    The Role of Technology in Defining the "Third World".Adriana Jaramillo - 1996 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 16 (1-2):24-27.
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    Frieden oder Krieg – Nietzsche und die „grosse Politik“: Zwei Collagen.Thomas Kater - 2011 - In Volker Caysa & Konstanze Schwarzwald, Nietzsche - macht - größe. Nietzsche - philosoph der größe der macht oder der macht der größe? deGruyter. pp. 355-366.
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  50.  23
    Health care ethics and health law in the Dutch discussion on end-of-life decisions: a historical analysis of the dynamics and development of both disciplines.Loes Kater, Rob Houtepen, Raymond De Vries & Guy Widdershoven - 2002 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 34 (4):669-684.
    Over the past three or four decades, the concept of medical ethics has changed from a limited set of standards to a broad field of debate and research. We define medical ethics as an arena of moral issues in medicine, rather than a specific discipline. This paper examines how the disciplines of health care ethics and health care law have developed and operated within this arena. Our framework highlights the aspects of jurisdiction and the assignment of responsibilities. This theoretical framework (...)
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