Results for 'Adam Krasuski'

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  1.  29
    Decision Support System for Blockage Management in Fire Service.Adam Krasuski & Karol Kreński - 2014 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 37 (1):107-123.
    In this article we present the foundations of a decision support system for blockage management in Fire Service. Blockage refers to the situation when all fire units are out and a new incident occurs. The approach is based on two phases: off-line data preparation and online blockage estimation. The off-line phase consists of methods from data mining and natural language processing and results in semantically coherent information granules. The online phase is about building the probabilistic models that estimate the block-age (...)
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  2. Corporate Governance, Ethics, and the Backdating of Stock Options.Avshalom M. Adam & Mark S. Schwartz - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 85 (S1):225 - 237.
    Backdating of stock options is an example of an agency problem. It has emerged despite all the measures (i.e., new regulations and additional corporate governance mechanisms) aimed at addressing such problems? Beyond such negative controlling measures, a more positive empowering approach based on ethics may also be necessary. What ethical measures need to be taken to address the agency problem? What values and norms should guide the board of directors in protecting the shareholders' interests? To examine these issues, we first (...)
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  3. ``How to Disagree about How to Disagree".Adam Elga - 2010 - In Richard Feldman & Ted A. Warfield (eds.), Disagreement. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
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    What in the world is consciousness?Adam Z. J. Zeman - 2005 - In Steven Laureys (ed.), The Boundaries of Consciousness: Neurobiology and Neuropathology. Elsevier.
  5.  46
    Eleatic Being:: Finite or Infinite?Adam Drozdek - 2001 - Hermes 129 (3):306-313.
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  6. Do theories of consciousness rest on a mistake?Adam Pautz - 2010 - Philosophical Issues 20 (1):333-367.
    Using empirical research on pain, sound and taste, I argue against the combination of intentionalism about consciousness and a broadly ‘tracking’ psychosemantics of the kind defended by Fodor, Dretske, Hill, Neander, Stalnaker, Tye and others. Then I develop problems with Kriegel and Prinz's attempt to combine a Dretskean psychosemantics with the view that sensible properties are Shoemakerian response-dependent properties. Finally, I develop in detail my own 'primitivist' view of sensory intentionality.
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    The Ethos of Excellence.Adam Berg - 2015 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 42 (2):233-249.
    The purpose of this paper is to draw attention to the normative role of conventions in sports. However, the approach I have in mind does not dispatch the theory of interpretivism. What I offer is a synthesis that aims to show how interpretivism works in concert with – and relies heavily on – conventions. To make this point, I will argue that historical, cultural, and even simple preferential needs and desires help to determine what counts as athletic ‘excellence’ in sports.
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  8. Lies, damned lies, and statistics: An empirical investigation of the concept of lying.Adam J. Arico & Don Fallis - 2013 - Philosophical Psychology 26 (6):790 - 816.
    There are many philosophical questions surrounding the notion of lying. Is it ever morally acceptable to lie? Can we acquire knowledge from people who might be lying to us? More fundamental, however, is the question of what, exactly, constitutes the concept of lying. According to one traditional definition, lying requires intending to deceive (Augustine. (1952). Lying (M. Muldowney, Trans.). In R. Deferrari (Ed.), Treatises on various subjects (pp. 53?120). New York, NY: Catholic University of America). More recently, Thomas Carson (2006. (...)
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  9. The changing significance of chance experiments in technological development.Matthias Adam - manuscript
    Industrial drug design methodology has undergone remarkable changes in the recent history. Up to the 1970s, the screening of large numbers of randomly selected substances in biological test system was often a crucial step in the development of novel drugs. From the early 1980s, such ‘blind’ screening was increasingly rejected by many pharmaceutical researchers and gave way to ‘rational drug design’, a method that grounds the design of new drugs on a detailed mechanistic understanding of the drug action. Surprisingly, however, (...)
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  10.  16
    Abstract Society in the Time of Plague.Adam Chmielewski - 2020 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 50 (4):366-380.
    The global lockdown following the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic is likely to generate all sorts of consequences: psychological, social, economic, and political. To hypothesize about what will emerge from the present situation is at this point both premature and impossible. The impossibility comes primarily from the gravity and vastness of this emergency and from the lack of intellectual resources to deal with the challenge. At the same time, however, the need to get a grasp of the condition in which (...)
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  11. Computers and the mind-body problem: On ontological and epistemological dualism.Adam Drozdek - 1993 - Idealistic Studies 23 (1):39-48.
    There seems to exist an indirect link between computer science and theology via psychology, which is founded on dualism. First, these theories from psychology, computer science and theology are considered that acknowledge the existence of (at least) two different kinds of reality, or, possibly, two different realms of the same reality. In order to express a root of incompatibility of science and theology, a distinction is drawn between ontological and epistemological dualism. It seems that computer science combines ontological monism with (...)
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    Głos z labiryntu: o pismach Karola Ludwika Konińskiego.Adam Fitas - 2003 - Wrocław: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Wrocławskeigo.
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    The Susceptibles, Chancers, Pragmatists, and Fair Players: An Examination of the Sport Drug Control Model for Adolescent Athletes, Cluster Effects, and Norm Values Among Adolescent Athletes.Adam R. Nicholls, Andrew R. Levy, Rudi Meir, Colin Sanctuary, Leigh Jones, Timothy Baghurst, Mark A. Thompson & John L. Perry - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Zastosowanie koncepcji etyki niezależnej w zawodzie lekarza.Adam Skowron - 2021 - Ruch Filozoficzny 77 (1):173.
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    Building a New Thursday Circle. Carnap and Frank in Prague.Adam Tamas Tuboly - 2021 - In Christian Damböck & Gereon Wolters (eds.), Der Junge Carnap in Historischem Kontext: 1918–1935 / Young Carnap in an Historical Context: 1918–1935. Springer Verlag. pp. 243-264.
    In 1949, Philipp Frank claimed that he and Rudolf Carnap built up a new center for the scientific world conception in Prague between 1931 and 1935. The aim of this paper is to provide historical evidence and further materials to approach this claim of Frank. Definite answers, however, require more space and contextualization, so I will just sketch some partial but hopefully promising narratives and rudimentary answers. I claim that though Carnap and Frank indeed tried to build a new center, (...)
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  16.  19
    Politics and Recognition: Towards a New Political Aesthetics.Adam Chmielewski - 2020 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book outlines a new conception of political aesthetics based on the notion of order as an aesthetic category pertaining to human perception. Engaging with the thought of a range of figures, including Veblen, Honneth, Foucault, Popper, and MacIntyre, it explores the nature of political aesthetics as an enquiry into the ways in which politics and our perceptions shape one another and our moral choices. Moving beyond the consideration of politics as a matter of perception, the author employs the concept (...)
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  17.  32
    Demystifying Evidence‐Based Policy Analysis by Revealing Hidden Value‐Laden Constraints.Adam M. Finkel - 2018 - Hastings Center Report 48 (S1):21-49.
    Consider any choice that affects some social policy. A decision that considers evidence will, at its heart, contain some kind of explicit or implicit “because” statement: “We are doing X because the evidence says Y.” But can evidence ever truly speak for itself, in the sense of being reducible to objective utterances that are either correct or in need of correction? Before answering, consider what you'd prefer. Would you rather receive evidence that was free of any value judgments imposed by (...)
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    Faith and Reason.Adam Wood - 2009 - Philosophy and Theology 21 (1-2):165-177.
    I compare two historical moments: Bishop Stephen Tempier’s 1277 condemnation of 219 “errors” in circulation at the University ofParis, and Pope Benedict XVI’s Regensburg Address. Both the condemnation and the address, I argue, were intended to defendparticular views of the relationship between faith and reason against forms of relativism and rationalism prevalent in their own day. Reflecting on the mixed success of Tempier’s condemnation’s in this enterprise can help to make clear some of the difficultiesinherent in Benedict’s.
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  19.  12
    Athanasia: afterlife in Greek philosophy.Adam Drozdek - 2011 - New York: Georg Olms.
  20.  22
    Nietzsche’s Protestant Fathers: A Study in Prodigal Christianity.Adam Foley - 2018 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 53 (2):220-225.
    Thomas Nevin's new reading of Nietzsche is at home on an island of misfit toys. Like Ariosto's Astolfo, who goes to the moon in search of Orlando's sanity only to find the good things that humanity has shed, Nevin has gone—not quite as far as the moon—in search of a true Christian. That Nietzsche might brook accommodation in his father's house, however, pleads convincingly that Luther may have wanted to reform the Church but ended up installing a lost-and-found box instead. (...)
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  21.  7
    (1 other version)Plato for pleasure.Adam Fox - 1945 - Folcroft, Pa.: Folcroft Library Editions.
  22. Science Fiction.Adam Roberts - 2001 - Utopian Studies 12 (1):241-243.
  23.  38
    Can Strategic Ignorance Explain the Evolution of Love?Adam Bear & David G. Rand - 2019 - Topics in Cognitive Science 11 (2):393-408.
    Why do people enter devoted relationships when they can continue looking for better partners? The “strategic ignorance” account holds that remaining ignorant about alternative partners is a signal that you are a high‐quality partner. Despite this intuition, the authors show that evolution favors a “look while allowing your partner to look” strategy, unless the costs of being rejected by a looking partner are extremely high. Thus, the origins of love must be found elsewhere.
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    Time travel on the instalment plan: The index and future form in building.Adam Brown - 2012 - Philosophy of Photography 3 (1):141-153.
    The contemporary architectural rendering, digitally engineered and published in advance of construction, has come to resemble an image of an existing building so closely that it is hard to tell future from past. In constructing an appearance of an existing lived reality, which previously arose from the camera's re-presentation of the trace of past circumstances, has it now become possible to speak of the trace of future events? With regard to property as commodity, the more believable these projected forms, the (...)
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    Charles Taliaferro. A Narnian Vision of the Atonement: A Defense of the Ransom Theory.Adam J. Johnson - 2024 - Journal of Analytic Theology 12:748-750.
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  26. Early American Philosophers. — Columbia University Contributions to Philosophy, Psychology and Education.Adam Leroy Jones - 1899 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 48:220-222.
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  27. Department of Anthropology Connecticut College New London, Connecticut 06320.Adam Kendon - forthcoming - Semiotics.
  28. The faculties of the soul and some medieval mind-body problems.Adam Wood - 2011 - The Thomist 75 (4):585-636.
  29. Abstraction in gesture+ article review of calbris, Genevieve semiotics of French gesture.Adam Kendon - 1992 - Semiotica 90 (3-4):225-250.
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    Analogical mapping across sensory modalities and evidence for a general analogy factor.Adam B. Weinberger, Natalie M. Gallagher, Griffin Colaizzi, Nathaniel Liu, Natalie Parrott, Edward Fearon, Neelam Shaikh & Adam E. Green - 2022 - Cognition 223 (C):105029.
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    Consumer Accuracy at Identifying Plant-based and Animal-based Milk Items.Adam Feltz & Silke Feltz - 2019 - Food Ethics 4 (1):85-112.
    Are people are product literate enough to make informed decisions about plant-based and animal-based milk products? In 8 studies, we provide evidence that consumers do not make mistakes indicative of pervasive lack of milk product literacy. People were accurate at identifying plant-based and animal-based milk and cheese products as being plant or animal-based (74% - 84% of the time). In a more difficult task, participants were generally accurate at identifying nutritional differences between plant-based and animal-based milk and cheese products (50%–62% (...)
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    Canalization: A molecular genetic perspective.Adam S. Wilkins - 1997 - Bioessays 19 (3):257-262.
    The phenomenon of ‘canalization’ ‐ the genetic capacity to buffer developmental pathways against mutational or environmental perturbations ‐ was first characterized in the late 1930s and early 1940s. Despite enormous subsequent progress in understanding the nature of the genetic material and the molecular basis of gene expression, there have been few attempts to interpret the classical work on canalization in molecular genetic terms. Some recent findings, however, bear on one form of canalization, ‘genetic canalization’, the stabilization of development against mutational (...)
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    A functional perspective on argumentation schemes.Adam Wyner - 2016 - Argument and Computation 7 (2-3):113-133.
    In multi-agent systems (MAS), abstract argumentation and argumentation schemes are increasingly important. To be useful for MAS, argumentation schemes require a computational approach so that agents can use the components of a scheme to construct and present arguments and counterarguments. This paper proposes a syntactic analysis that integrates argumentation schemes with abstract argumentation. Schemes can be analysed into the roles that propositions play in each scheme and the structure of the associated propositions, yielding a greater understanding of the schemes, a (...)
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    Critical ethnography and its others: Entanglement of matter/meaning/madness.Simon Adam, Efrat Gold & Joyce Tsui - 2024 - Nursing Inquiry 31 (1):e12576.
    Beginning with a critical examination of the humanist assumptions of critical ethnography, this article interrogates and surfaces problems with the ontological and epistemological orientations of this research methodology. In drawing on exemplar empirical data from an arts‐based project, the article demonstrates the limitations in the humanist‐based qualitative research approach and advances a postdualist, postrepresentationalist direction for critical ethnography called entangled ethnography. Using data from a larger study that examined the perspectives of racialized mad artists, what is demonstrated in this inquiry (...)
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  35.  28
    Working on the argument pipeline: Through flow issues between natural language argument, instantiated arguments, and argumentation frameworks.Adam Wyner, Tom van Engers & Anthony Hunter - 2016 - Argument and Computation 7 (1):69-89.
  36.  6
    Wieloznaczność zdań pytajnych.Adam Jonkisz - 2019 - Filozofia Nauki 27 (4):115-134.
  37.  26
    Reflexive Modernization Temporalized.Barbara Adam - 2003 - Theory, Culture and Society 20 (2):59-78.
    This article considers the relevance of time theory for Beck's theory of reflexive modernization and vice versa. It focuses in particular on discontinuity in the context of continuity, on decontextualization, naturalization and responsibility as key concerns of both perspectives on the industrial way of life. It makes explicit the temporal underpinnings of that cultural form with respect to five Cs: the creation of time to human design (C1), the commodification of time (C2), the compression of time (C3), the control of (...)
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  38.  8
    Moral Perfection and Freedom in the Philosophy of Anthony Ashley Cooper, Third Earl of Shaftesbury.Adam Grzeliński - 2024 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 72 (3):89-108.
    In the article, I analyze the significance of moral disposition and freedom concepts in the philosophy of Anthony Ashley Cooper, 3rd Earl of Shaftesbury (1671–1713), and their connection to the issues of personal identity and aesthetic experience. I point out that personal identity and freedom are not inherently given to a person but rather the goal of personality development. In this way, I compliment the interpretation presented by Laurent Jaffro and Ruth Boeker, indicating that the moral rigour characteristic of the (...)
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    The Sacrament of Language: An Archaeology of the Oath.Adam Kotsko (ed.) - 2010 - Stanford University Press.
    This book is a continuation of Giorgio Agamben's investigation of political theory, which began with the highly influential volume _Homo Sacer: Sovereign Power and Bare Life_. Having already traced the roots of the idea of sovereignty, sacredness, and economy, he now turns to a perhaps unlikely topic: the concept of the oath. Following the Italian scholar Paolo Prodi, Agamben sees the oath as foundational for Western politics and undertakes an exploration of the roots of the phenomenon of the oath in (...)
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  40.  58
    Contemporary theories of consciousness.Adam Z. J. Zeman, A. C. Grayling & Alan Cowey - 1997 - Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry 62:549-552.
  41. O dekonstruowaniu pojęcia tożsamości.Adam Nowaczyk - 2003 - Principia 34.
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  42. Struktura ilościowa pól leksykalnych a procesy poznawcze człowieka.Adam Pawłowski - 2010 - Studia Semiotyczne 27:71-89.
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    Tillichian teleodynamics: An examination of the multidimensional unity of emergent life.Adam Pryor - 2011 - Zygon 46 (4):835-856.
    Abstract Emergence theory has generated many significant new questions for dialogue between theology and science. My work will examine the models of one emergence theorist, Terrence Deacon, and consider the constructive potential of Tillich's multidimensional unity of life for responding to the theological ramifications of this account of emergence theory. Such a Tillich-inspired constructive process will rely upon Robert Russell's method of “Creative Mutual Interaction.” Building on the interactive quality of Russell's method, I will also begin to offer suggestions for (...)
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  44. Three Essays on Journalism and Virtue.G. Stuart Adam, Stephanie Craft & Elliot D. Cohen - 2004 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 19 (3-4):247-275.
    In these essays, we are concerned with virtue in journalism and the media but are mindful of the tension between the commercial foundations of publishing and broadcasting, on the one hand, and journalism's democratic obligations on the other. Adam outlines, first, a moral vision of journalism focusing on individualistic concepts of authorship and craft. Next, Craft attempts to bridge individual and organizational concerns by examining the obligations of organizations to the individuals working within them. Finally, Cohen discusses the importance (...)
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  45. Marksism a egzystencjalizm.Adam Schaff - 1961 - Warszawa]: Ksiazka i Wiedza.
  46.  28
    Justice as Welfare: Equity and Solidarity.Adam Gearey - 2012 - Continuum.
    Justice as Welfare links equality, justice and welfare at the philosophical level, to propose an egalitarian view of social justice.
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  47. Re-reading Capital : Notes towards an Investigation of Law, Politics and Pensions.Adam Gearey - 2013 - In Laurent De Sutter (ed.), Althusser and Law. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
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    A litany of queer anger.Adam Greteman - 2020 - Philosophy of Education:28-35.
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    Knocking Out Bricks.Adam Greteman - 2020 - Philosophy of Education:15-21.
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  50.  11
    Koncepcja przebóstwienia w systemie Jana Szkota Eriugeny.Adam Grzegorzyca - 2019 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 55 (4):35-60.
    W systemie filozoficznym Jana Szkota Eriugeny wszystko, co istnieje, to natura złożona z bytów i niebytów. Poznawalne dla ludzkiego intelektu części natury to byty, natomiast niepoznawalne części natury to niebyty. Bytem jest zmysłowa część natury ludzkiej oraz rzeczywistość materialnych form. Dla ludzkiego intelektu Niebytem jest Bóg oraz ustanowione przez Niego prymordialne przyczyny i materia. Bóg stworzył wszystko z niczego w ludzkiej naturze. Nierozumny wybór człowieka doprowadził do upadku ludzkiej natury i stworzenia, które z doskonałości przeszło do istnienia w świecie doczesnym. (...)
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