Results for 'Abraham ben David Abraham bar Hiyya Savasorda'

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  1. Shene sefarim niftaḥim.Abraham ben David Abraham bar Hiyya Savasorda & Ibn Daud (eds.) - 2001 - [Israel?: Ḥ. Mo. L..
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  2. Sefer Hegyon ha-nefesh.Abraham bar Hiyya Savasorda - 1966 - Yerushalayim: Edited by Solomon Judah Leib Rapoport & Ayziḳ Fraiman.
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    The meditation of the sad soul.Abraham bar Hiyya Savasorda - 1968 - New York,: Schocken Books. Edited by Geoffrey Wigoder.
    This is the first English translation of the 12th-century philosophical and ethical classic that has been a key work in the development of medieval Jewish thought.
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  4. Hegyon ha-nefesh.Abraham bar Hiyya Savasorda - 1971 - Edited by Geoffrey Wigoder.
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    On fluidity of the textual transmission in Abraham bar Hiyya’s Ḥibbur ha-Meshiḥah ve-ha-Tishboret.Michael Friedman & David Garber - 2022 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 77 (2):123-174.
    We examine one of the well-known mathematical works of Abraham bar Ḥiyya: Ḥibbur ha-Meshiḥah ve-ha-Tishboret, written between 1116 and 1145, which is one of the first extant mathematical manuscripts in Hebrew. In the secondary literature about this work, two main theses have been presented: the first is that one Urtext exists; the second is that two recensions were written—a shorter, more practical one, and a longer, more scientific one. Critically comparing the eight known copies of the Ḥibbur, we show (...)
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    Abraham Ibn Daud's 'The Exalted Faith'.Abraham ben David Ibn Daud & Norbert Max Samuelson - 1985
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  7. Emunah ramah: perakim mi-tokh "Emunah ramah".Abraham ben David Ibn Daud & Yehudah Aizenberg - 1986 - Yerushalayim: Haśkel. Edited by Yehudah Aizenberg.
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  8. (1 other version)ha-Emunah ha-ramah.Ibn Daud & Abraham ben David - 1919 - Berlin,: L. Lamm. Edited by Solomon Ibn Labi, Weil, Simson & [From Old Catalog].
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  9. Emunah ramah: perakim mi-tokh "Emunah ramah".Ibn Daud & Abraham ben David - 1986 - Yerushalayim: Haśkel. Edited by Yehudah Aizenberg.
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    Sefer ha-Emunah ha-ramah =.Ibn Daud & Abraham ben David - 2019 - Yerushalayim: Mekhon Ben-Tsevi le-ḥeḳer ḳehilot Yiśraʼel ba-Mizraḥ. Edited by ʻAmirah ʻEran.
    The Exalted Fath: Ha-Emunah ha-Ramah Transleted by Solomon Ibn Lavi, Ha-Emunah ha-Nissaʼah Transleted by Samuel Ibn Matut, The Anonymous Commentary to HaEmunah ha-Ramah.
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  11. The First Hebrew Encyclopedia of Science: Abraham Bar Hiyya’s Yesodei ha-Tvunah u-Migdal ha-Emunah.Mercedes Rubio - 2000 - In Steven Harvey, Amsterdam Studies of Jewish Thought. pp. 140-153.
    The article examines the first Hebrew Encyclopedia of Science, Yesodei ha-Tvunah u-Migdal ha-Emunah, by Medieval Jewish scholar Abraham Bar Hiyya from Saragossa (Iberian peninsula).
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    Analysis of the astronomical tables for 1340 compiled by Immanuel ben Jacob Bonfils.José Chabás & Bernard R. Goldstein - 2017 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 71 (1):71-108.
    In this paper, we analyze the astronomical tables for 1340 by Immanuel ben Jacob Bonfils who flourished 1340–1365, based on four Hebrew manuscripts. We discuss the relation of these tables principally with those of al-Battānī, Abraham Bar Ḥiyya, and Levi ben Gerson, as well as with Bonfils’s better known tables, called Six Wings. An unusual feature of this set of tables is that there are two kinds of mean motion tables, one arranged for Julian years from 1340 to 1380, (...)
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    The Establishment of the Mathematical Bookshelf of the Medieval Hebrew Scholar: Translations and Translators.Tony LÉvy - 1997 - Science in Context 10 (3):431-451.
    The ArgumentThe major part of the mathematical “classics” in Hebrew were translated from Arabic between the second third of the thirteenth century and the first third of the fourteenth century, within the northern littoral of the western Mediterranean. This movement occurred after the original works by Abraham bar Hiyya and Abraham ibn Ezra became available to a wide readership. The translations were intended for a restricted audience — the scholarly readership involved in and dealing with the theoretical (...)
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    On Defining a Jewish Stance toward Newtonianism: Eliakim ben Abraham Hart's Wars of the Lord.David Ruderman - 1997 - Science in Context 10 (4):677-691.
    The ArgumentThe article studies a small Hebrew book called “The Wars of God” composed by an Anglo-Jewish jeweler who lived in London at the end of the eighteenth century. The book is interesting in further documenting the Jewish response to Newtonianism, that amalgam of scientific, political, and religious ideas that pervaded the culture of England and the Continent throughout the century. Hart, while presenting Newton in a favorable light, departs from other Jewish Newtonians in voicing certain reservations about Newton's alleged (...)
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  15. Sefer Minhat Kena'ot.Vitale da Pisa & David Kaufmann - 1969 - Bi-Defus Ts.H. Ittskovski.
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  16. Maʼamar ʻal ha-derashot ṿe-ʻal ha-agadot: [pereḳ mi-tokh Sefer ha-Maspiḳ le-ʻovde ha-Shem].Abraham ben Moses ben Maimon - 2019 - Monsi, Nyu Yorḳ: ha-Makhon le-ḥeḳ Torat ha-ḳadmonim. Edited by Mosheh ben A. Maimon.
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    The high ways to perfection of Abraham Maimonides.Abraham ben Moses ben Maimon - 1927 - New York,: Columbia university press. Edited by Samuel Rosenblatt.
  18. The high ways to perfection.Abraham ben Moses ben Maimon - 1927 - New York,: Columbia University Press. Edited by Samuel Rosenblatt.
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  19. Sefer Neveh Shalom.Abraham ben Isaac ben Judah ben Samuel Shalom - 1969 - [Farnborough, Hants.,: Gregg.
  20. ha-Maspiḳ le-ʻovde ha-Shem =.Abraham ben Moses ben Maimon - 2007 - Yerushalayim: Feldhaim. Edited by Yosef Tsalaḥ Avraham Dori, Shemuʼel Miler & Yaakov Wincelberg.
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  21. Kifāyat al-ʻābidīn.Abraham ben Moses ben Maimon - 1972 - Edited by Joseph[From Old Catalog] Duri.
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  22. The Meditation of the Sad Soul.ABRAHAM BAR HAYYA - 1968
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  23. ha-Maspik le-ʻovde Adonai.Abraham ben Moses ben Maimon - 1965 - Edited by Durī, Joseph & [From Old Catalog].
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  24. Emergence of.Joseph Ben-David - 1978 - In Jerry Gaston, Sociology of science. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers. pp. 197.
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    Three Approaches to Biblical Metaphor: From Abraham Ibn Ezra and Maimonides to David Kimhi.Mordechai Z. Cohen - 2003 - BRILL.
    This work analyzes the treatment of biblical metaphor in a Jewish exegetical tradition originating in Muslim Spain that was transplanted to Christian Provence, yielding a variety of approaches that integrate Arabic poetics, hermeneutics and logic with indigenous Hebrew modes of reading.
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  26. Scientific productivity and academic organization in nineteenth century medicine.Joseph Ben-David - forthcoming - Science and Society.
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    Scientific Growth: Essays on the Social Organization and Ethos of Science.Joseph Ben-David & Gad Freudenthal (eds.) - 1991 - University of California Press.
    "Here, for the first time, we have the work of a key pioneer presented in all its depth and range. The pragmatic and prophetic voice of Joseph Ben-David speaks with a power and a clarity that will win the attention of a new generation of scholars."--Arnold Thackray, University of Pennsylvania "A superb collection of brilliant papers by a pioneering mind of international fame, who did much to shape the sociology of science. In organizing this major work, its knowing editor, (...)
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  28. Sefer Zikhru torat Mosheh.Abraham ben Jehiel Michal Danzig - 1967 - Edited by Yo Ṭ. Neṭil ben Tsevi Dov Branshpigel, Eleazar ben Moses Azikri, Asher ben Jehiel & Moses Maimonides.
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    The Hebrew-Arabic Dictionary of the Bible Known as Kitab Jami Al-Alfaz (Agron) of David ben Abraham Al-Fasi the Karaite.Boaz Cohen & Solomon L. Skoss - 1940 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 60 (1):108.
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  30. Sefer Ḥokhmah u-musar: maʼamarim niflaʼim be-musar.Abraham ben Isaac Antibi - 1849 - Yerushalayim: Mekhon ha-ketav. Edited by Ezra Basri.
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    A German-Jewish Existence: Stéphane Mosès and the Establishment of German Literature Studies at the Hebrew University.Irene Aue-Ben-David & Sharon Livne - 2021 - Naharaim 15 (1):31-40.
    The paper is dealing with the foundation of the Division for German Literature and Language at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem from the point of view of its first head, Prof. Stéphane Mosès.
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    An historical holistic thread in the dynamical fabric of psychology.Frederick David Abraham - 1997 - World Futures 49 (1):159-201.
    (1997). An historical holistic thread in the dynamical fabric of psychology. World Futures: Vol. 49, The Dialatic of Evolution: Essays in Honor of David Loye, pp. 159-201.
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    The profession of science and its powers.Joseph Ben-David - 1972 - Minerva 10 (3):362-383.
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    A modal logic for subjective default reasoning.Shai Ben-David & Rachel Ben-Eliyahu-Zohary - 2000 - Artificial Intelligence 116 (1-2):217-236.
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    Éléments d'une sociologie historique des sciences.Joseph Ben-David, Gad Freudenthal, Michelle De Launay & Jean-Pierre Rothschild - 1997 - Presses Universitaires de France - PUF.
    Joseph Ben-David (1920-1986) fut un des sociologues des sciences les plus innovateurs et les plus en vue des années soixante et soixante-dix. Travaillant dans le cadre des théories sociologiques de Max Weber, Talcott Parsons et Robert Kmerton, il élabora dans ses ouvrages et nombreux articles une théorie sociologique originale du développement scientifique. Par sa démarche diachronique, il se démarque des sociologues des sciences de l'école fonctionnaliste ; par sa perspective sociologique, il définit des nouvelles problématiques qui viennent s'ajouter à (...)
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    A Study of the Uses of Letter "Yōd" by David Ben Abraham Al-FāsīA Study of the Uses of Letter "Yod" by David Ben Abraham Al-Fasi.Solomon L. Skoss - 1938 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 58 (1):167.
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  37. Yesod mora ṿe-sod Torah.Ibn Ezra & Abraham ben Meïr - 2007 - Ramat-Gan: Universiṭat Bar-Ilan. Edited by Yosef Kohen & Uriel Simon.
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    The rise and decline of France as a scientific centre.Joseph Ben-David - 1970 - Minerva 8 (1-4):160-179.
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  39. The weak □* is really weaker than the full □.Shai Ben-David & Menachem Magidor - 1986 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 51 (4):1029 - 1033.
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    The Realistic Costs and Benefits of Translational Research.Abraham Schwab & David Satin - 2008 - American Journal of Bioethics 8 (3):60-62.
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    Scientific policy in the Netherlands.Joseph Ben-David - 1967 - Minerva 6 (1):118-121.
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    Normal variants of competence to consent to treatment.Abraham Rudnick & David Roe - 2004 - HEC Forum 16 (2):129-137.
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  43. Sefer ha-ʻatsamim.Ibn Ezra & Abraham ben Meïr - 1901 - [London,: Edited by Isaac Abravanel.
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    Souslin trees and successors of singular cardinals.Shai Ben-David & Saharon Shelah - 1986 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 30 (3):207-217.
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    Constantin Brunner im Kontext: ein Intellektueller zwischen Kaiserreich und Exil.Irene Aue-Ben-David, Gerhard Lauer & Jürgen Stenzel (eds.) - 2014 - Jerusalem: Magnes.
    Eine Ko-Publikation von The Hebrew University Magnes Press and De Gruyter.
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    Deutsch-israelische Annäherungen in Geisteswissenschaften und Kulturpolitik.Irene Aue-Ben-David, Michael Brenner & Kärin Nickelsen - 2017 - Naharaim 11 (1-2):5-11.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Naharaim Jahrgang: 11 Heft: 1-2 Seiten: 5-11.
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    A reading of Bentham’s “Historical Preface to A Fragment on Government – Intended for the second edition.”.Arnon Ben-David - 2014 - Revue D’Études Benthamiennes 13.
    The present note is part of a commentary on the first six chapters of the Historical Preface – the preface intended by Bentham for the second edition of A Fragment on Government As Sir John Bowring, the executor of Jeremy Bentham’s work, testifies, « This preface was first printed in 1828, during Mr. Bentham’s lifetime. ». On this, as on other occasions, Bentham employs the literary convention of the preface to demo...
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    “Love looks not with the eyes”: supranormal processing of emotional speech in individuals with late-blindness versus preserved processing in individuals with congenital-blindness.Boaz M. Ben-David, Daniel-Robert Chebat & Michal Icht - 2024 - Cognition and Emotion 38 (8):1354-1367.
    Processing of emotional speech in the absence of visual information relies on two auditory channels: semantics and prosody. No study to date has investigated how blindness impacts this process. Two theories, Perceptual Deficit, and Sensory Compensation, yiled different expectations about the role of visual experience (or its lack thereof) in processing emotional speech. To test the effect of vision and early visual experience on processing of emotional speech, we compared individuals with congenital blindness (CB, n = 17), individuals with late (...)
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    One Size Does Not Fit All: Examining the Effects of Working Memory Capacity on Spoken Word Recognition in Older Adults Using Eye Tracking.Gal Nitsan, Karen Banai & Boaz M. Ben-David - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Difficulties understanding speech form one of the most prevalent complaints among older adults. Successful speech perception depends on top-down linguistic and cognitive processes that interact with the bottom-up sensory processing of the incoming acoustic information. The relative roles of these processes in age-related difficulties in speech perception, especially when listening conditions are not ideal, are still unclear. In the current study, we asked whether older adults with a larger working memory capacity process speech more efficiently than peers with lower capacity (...)
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    Serious Mental Illness: Person-Centered Approaches.Abraham Rudnick & David Roe (eds.) - 2011 - Crc Press.
    Practical and evidence-based, this unique book is the first comprehensive text focused on person-centered approaches to people with serious mental illness such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. It reflects a range of views and findings regarding assessment, treatment, rehabilitation, self-help, policy-making, education and research. It is highly recommended for all healthcare professionals, students, researchers and educators involved in general practice, psychiatry, nursing, social work, clinical psychology and therapy. Healthcare service providers, and policy makers and shapers, will find the book's wide-ranging, (...)
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