Results for 'Abortion. '

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  1. Section A: Abortion.Deregulating Abortion - 1994 - In Alison M. Jaggar (ed.), Living with contradictions: controversies in feminist social ethics. Boulder: Westview Press. pp. 272.
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  2. Eloise Jones.Abortion Law - 1978 - In John Edward Thomas (ed.), Matters of life and death: crises in bio-medical ethics. Toronto: S. Stevens. pp. 54.
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    Vagueness, Values, and the World/Word Wedge.Personhood Humanity & A. Abortion - 1985 - International Philosophical Quarterly 25 (3).
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  4. Unborn baby may die after car accident pregnant driver may be paralyzed before most recent times, the report of such an accident might have said that the woman was pregnant, but I doubt that the unborn child would have been categorized as an entity separate from the mother, not to mention that.Kidnapped by Anti-Abortion Vigilantes - forthcoming - Semiotics.
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    Legitimate Differences: Interpretation in the Abortion Controversy and Other Public Debates.Georgia Warnke - 1999 - University of California Press.
    _Legitimate Differences_ challenges the usual portrayal of current debates over thorny social issues including abortion, pornography, affirmative action, and surrogate mothering as _moral_ debates. How can it be said that our debates oppose principles of life to those of liberty, principles of liberty to those of equality, principles of equality to those of fairness, and principles of fairness to those of integrity, when we as Americans share all these principles? Debates over such issues are not, Georgia Warnke argues, moral debates (...)
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  6. Chimeras, Moral Status, and Public Policy: Implications of the Abortion Debate for Public Policy on Human/Nonhuman Chimera Research.Robert Streiffer - 2010 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 38 (2):238-250.
    Moral status is the moral value that something has in its own right, independently of the interests or concerns of others. Research using human embryonic stem cells implicates issues about moral status because the current method of extracting hESCs involves the destruction of a human embryo, the moral status of which is contested. Moral status issues can also arise, however, when hESCs are transplanted into embryonic or fetal animals, thereby creating human/ nonhuman stem cell chimeras. In particular, one concern about (...)
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  7. On a Kantian argument against abortion.Bryan Wilson - 1988 - Philosophical Studies 53 (1):119 - 130.
    I argue that gensler's claims (in "philosophical studies" 48:57-72 and 49:83-98) about abortion are unsound. In addition, His argument is not a kantian consistency argument as he claims, But consequentialism in disguise.
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    A Theory of Unborn Life: From Abortion to Genetic Manipulation.Anja J. Karnein - 2012 - Oup Usa.
    In light of new biomedical technologies, such as artificial reproduction, stem cell research, genetic selection and design, the question of what we owe to future persons-and unborn life more generally-is as contested as ever. In A Theory of Unborn Life: From Abortion to Genetic Manipulation, author Anja J. Karnein provides a novel theory that shows how our commitments to persons can help us make sense of our obligations to unborn life. We should treat embryos that will develop into persons in (...)
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  9. Kant's Position on the Wide Right to Abortion.Samuel Kahn - 2024 - Kant Studien 115 (2):203-227.
    In this article, I explicate Kant’s position on the wide right to abortion. That is, I explore the extent to which, according to Kant’s practical philosophy, abortion is punishable, even if it involves an unjust infringement of the right to life. By focusing on the state’s right to punish, rather than the right to life or the onset of personhood, I use Kant to expose a novel range of issues and questions about the legal status of abortion (and criminal punishment (...)
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    Children Consenting to Abortion in New Zealand: An Ethical and Legal Critique.Michael Morrison - 2015 - Asian Bioethics Review 7 (1):26-42.
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    We should not take abortion services for granted.Nathan Emmerich - 2023 - Clinical Ethics 18 (1):1-2.
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    Understanding the 'conservative' view on abortion.Dave Wendler - 1999 - Bioethics 13 (1):32–56.
    The philosophical literature would have us believe that the conservative view on abortion is based on the claim that the fetus is a person from the time of conception. Given the widespread acceptance of this analysis, it comes as something of a surprise to learn that it conflicts with a number of major arguments offered in support of the conservative view. I argue, in the present paper, that a careful examination of these inconsistencies establishes that the personhood analysis is mistaken: (...)
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    A Woman Died: Abortion and the Politics of Birth in Ireland.Ronit Lentin - 2013 - Feminist Review 105 (1):130-136.
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    Improving Unjust Laws Without Inviting Unjust Plans: The Case of Abortion for Fetal Anomaly.Helen Watt - 2020 - Logos I Ethos 53 (1):179-193.
    Some laws cannot yet be entirely abrogated in a current political situation, though permitting grave injustices against some individuals; for example, unborn and/or disabled individuals. In supporting the passing of new ‘imperfect’ laws that protect only some of those who now lack protection, do we ourselves discriminate unjustly against those remaining unprotected? Or does that depend on factors such as our intentions – including what we intend that others intend? How may we collaborate with colleagues who intend, and perhaps explicitly (...)
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  15. Estimating parity specific rate of induced abortion: a new approach.Rajib Acharya, H. Eini-Zinab, S. Islam, M. A. Islam, S. S. Padmadas, S. Billingsley, T. Spoorenberg, D. Beguy, K. Grace & C. Muresan - 2010 - Journal of Biosocial Science 42 (6):705-19.
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    Facing a Post-Truth Era, a Fierce Commitment to Data Must Guide the Abortion Debate.Charles C. Camosy & Kristin Collier - 2020 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 20 (1):41-45.
    Academic medical ethics must be a bulwark against a disturbing trend toward post-truth cultures. Activism of course has its place in massive cultural debates like abortion. The fact that so many people care so deeply about these debates is part of what makes them so important. But especially when coming from clinicians, academics, and others to whom we entrust the care of our public discourse, interventions into the debates must be disciplined by a thoroughgoing commitment to engage with the available (...)
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    Elective Abandonment: A Male Counterpart to Abortion.Richard C. Playford - 2018 - The New Bioethics 24 (2):122-134.
    Two of the most influential arguments in favour of the permissibility of abortion were put forward in the latter half of the twentieth century by Judith Jarvis Thomson and Mary Anne Warren. The implications of these arguments for unwilling putative fathers have largely not been considered. Some have argued that Thomson's defence of abortion might allow a man under certain circumstances to terminate his parental responsibilities and rights. To my knowledge, nobody has considered the implications of Warren's argument for men. (...)
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    Acceptability in France of Induced Abortion for Adolescents.MaríA. Teresa Muñoz Sastre - 2007 - American Journal of Bioethics 7 (8):26-32.
    Background: This study investigated the factors affecting the acceptability in France of abortions. Method: 80 study participants from Toulouse and 124 from Metz judged the acceptability of abortion in 64 vignettes composed of five factors: 1) the adolescent's age (15 or 17.5 years), 2) the adolescent's plans to continue schooling or not, 3) the fetus' age (1, 2, 3, or 4 months), 4) the adolescent's parents' agreement or not, and 5) the agreement or not of baby's father. Results: Three clusters (...)
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    Edelin decision Sparks new abortion controversy.James F. Holzer - 1975 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 3 (2):3-9.
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  20. DNA, Masterpieces, and Abortion: Shifting the Grounds of the Debate.Reed Richter - manuscript
    Writers, philosophers, and theologians have oft made the comparison between being a mature human being and a masterpiece work of art or design. Employing the analogy between the creation of artistic value and the creation of full-fledged human value, this paper stakes out a middle ground between pro-choice and pro-life by considering a more general account of value and the relationship between being a potential X and a mature implementation of X's potential. I argue that the value of a potential (...)
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  21. Maternal Knowledge and Care Ethics in Navigating the Stances on Abortion Taken by Young Catholic Mothers in Poland.Joanna Krotofil, Dorota Wójciak & Dagmara Mętel - forthcoming - Journal of Religious Ethics.
    In this paper, we explore young Polish Catholic mothers' moral reasoning on abortion. We draw on the concept of maternal knowledge and theoretical insights developed within the ethics of care to shed light on the complexities and contradictions experienced by Catholic mothers in the context of reproductive choices. The narratives we gathered through in-depth interviews illustrate how mothers evoke embodied, experience-based maternal knowledge to challenge hegemonic frameworks associated with legal, medical, and religious authoritative knowledges. We show how mothers engage critically (...)
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    Moral absolutism and abortion: Alan Donagan on the hysterectomy and craniotomy cases.Terrence Reynolds - 1985 - Ethics 95 (4):866-873.
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    The Social Implications of Abortion.Rev Dr James J. McCartney - 1996 - Journal for Peace and Justice Studies 7 (1):85-91.
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    The problem of abortion and the doctrine of the double effect.Philip pa Foot - 2002 - In Ruth F. Chadwick & Doris Schroeder (eds.), Applied ethics: critical concepts in philosophy. New York: Routledge. pp. 187.
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    A Defense of Abortion, by David Boonin.Christopher Kaczor - 2005 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 5 (1):199-202.
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  26. Jewish perspectives on abortion.Aaron L. Mackler - 2009 - In John P. Lizza (ed.), Defining the beginning and end of life: readings on personal identity and bioethics. Baltimore, Md: Johns Hopkins University Press.
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  27. The paradox of abortion and violence.J. McCarthy - 1997 - Philosophical Forum 28 (4-1):369-376.
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    The Dilemma of Abortion.John Mcewan - 1987 - Journal of Medical Ethics 13 (2):100-100.
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    The Supreme Court and Abortion: 1. Upholding Constitutional Principles.John T. Noonan - 1980 - Hastings Center Report 10 (6):14-16.
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    An Appraisal of Abortion Laws in Southern Africa from a Reproductive Health Rights Perspective.Charles Npena - 2004 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 32 (4):708-717.
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    (1 other version)‘After-birth abortion’ and arguments from potential.Justin Oakley - 2012 - Monash Bioethics Review 30 (1):58-60.
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    Medical and midwifery students’ views on the use of conscientious objection in abortion care, following legal reform in Chile: a cross-sectional study.M. Antonia Biggs, Lidia Casas, Alejandra Ramm, C. Finley Baba & Sara P. Correa - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-11.
    Background In August 2017, Chile lifted its complete ban on abortion by permitting abortion in three limited circumstances: 1) to save a woman’s life, 2) lethal fetal anomaly, and 3) rape. The new law allows regulated use of conscientious objection in abortion care, including allowing institutions to register as objectors. This study assesses medical and midwifery students’ support for CO, following legal reform. Methods From October 2017 to May 2018, we surveyed medical and midwifery students from seven universities located in (...)
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    ‘On the wet side of the womb’: The construction of ‘mothers’ in anti-abortion activism in England and Wales.Sarah-Jane Page & Pam Lowe - 2019 - European Journal of Women's Studies 26 (2):165-180.
    Across the UK, there has been an increase in anti-abortion activism outside abortion clinics. The activism deployed includes explicitly religious activities such as ‘prayerful witnessing’ and ‘pavement counselling’, which aim to discourage women from entering clinics. This article stems from a wider ethnographic study of public activism over abortion to determine what claims about motherhood are being made within these debates. Two arguments are presented. First, how women’s role as mothers is central and essentialised in anti-abortion discourses, with the body (...)
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    Calling for a Pro-Love Movement: A Contextualized Theo-Ethical Examination of Reproductive Health Care and Abortion in the United States.Jeanie Whitten-Andrews - 2018 - Feminist Theology 26 (2):147-159.
    In the midst of extreme and dualistic religio-political debates regarding women’s sexual wellness and abortion, one begins to wonder what a new theo-ethical approach might look like which rejects overly-simplistic, harmful understandings of such crucial issues. What might it look like to truly centre women’s full human experiences, loving each other in a way that addresses harm and meets tangible needs? This article examines the complex inequitable structural and institutional realities of sexual wellness and abortion through an intersectional theo-ethical lens. (...)
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    The increasing investigations and prosecutions for illegal abortion in Britain: A case for decriminalisation.Zoe L. Tongue - forthcoming - Clinical Ethics.
    This paper presents a case for the decriminalisation of abortion in Britain in light of the increasing investigations into people experiencing pregnancy loss and prosecutions of those suspected of illegal abortion. This growing enforcement of the criminal abortion offences has coincided with the legal change to allow the home use of abortion pills through telemedicine, and comes in the context of global backlash against abortion rights. Framing abortion as a necessary healthcare service and human right, this paper demonstrates the harms (...)
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  36. Disability-selective abortion and the americans with disabilities act.Christopher L. Griffin Jr & Dov Fox - unknown
    This Article examines the influence of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) on affective attitudes toward children with disabilities and on the incidence of disability-selective abortion. Applying regression analysis to U.S. natality data, we find that the birthrate of children with Down syndrome declined significantly in the years following the ADA's passage. Controlling for technological, demographic, and cultural variables suggests that the ADA may have encouraged prospective parents to prevent the existence of the very class of people the Act was (...)
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    Pregnancy, birth and abortion.Herbert Brewer - 1959 - The Eugenics Review 51 (2):105.
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    St. Augustine, Abortion, and Libido Crudelis.Daniel A. Dombrowski - 1988 - Journal of the History of Ideas 49 (1):151.
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    In defence of abortion.Plinio Prioreschi, Wolfgang Jöchle & Robert T. Muller - 1992 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 35 (3):466.
  40. The politics of abortion as "family planning".Sheila Ernst - 1986 - In Les Levidow (ed.), Radical science essays. Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press. pp. 88.
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    De-Medicalizing Abortion.B. Jessie Hill - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (8):57-58.
    As we stand on the precipice of a world without Roe v. Wade and its constitutional protection for the right to terminate a pregnancy, new arguments, approaches, and conceptual frames for understand...
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    Noonan on contraception and abortion.Mark Strasser - 1987 - Bioethics 1 (2):199–205.
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    A Gift or a Waste? Quintavalle, Surplus Embryos and the Abortion Act 1967.Lisa Cherkassky - 2017 - The New Bioethics 23 (2):138-146.
    The destruction of an embryo must be justified in law. This is to prevent frivolous wastage and to show the respect afforded by the Warnock Report. For example, embryonic destruction during pregnancy is underpinned by the Abortion Act 1967, and embryonic destruction during fertility treatment is regulated by the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 1990. However, following the appeal decision in R v Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority [2005] 2 A.C. 561, embryos can now be created for a bone marrow (...)
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    Relating to foetal persons: why women’s Voices come first and last, but not alone in Abortion debates.Stephen Milford - 2023 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 26 (3):293-300.
    Abortion remains a controversial topic, with pro-life and pro-choice advocates clashing fiercely. However, public polling demonstrates that the vast majority of the Western public holds a middle position: being in favour of abortion but not in all circumstances nor at any time. The intuitions held by the majority seem to imply a contradiction: two early foetuses at the same point in development have different moral statuses. Providing coherent philosophical grounding for this intuition has proved challenging. Solutions given by philosophers such (...)
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    Being Baptized: Bodies and Abortion.Frederick Christian Bauerschmidt - 2004 - In Stanley Hauerwas & Samuel Wells (eds.), The Blackwell companion to Christian ethics. Malden, MA: Blackwell.
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  46. The Ethics of Abortion.I. B. English - forthcoming - Ethics.
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    Australians on Abortion: Common Ground.John Fleming & Selena Ewing - 2005 - Bioethics Research Notes 17 (2).
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    Natural Kinds, Persons, and Abortion.Laura L. Garcia - 2008 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 8 (2):265-273.
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    The case against abortion.James M. Humber - 1975 - The Thomist 39 (1):65.
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    The Supreme Court and Abortion: 2. Sidestepping Social Realities.David Mechanic - 1980 - Hastings Center Report 10 (6):17-19.
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