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    Anagram solution times as a function of individual differences in stored digram frequencies.Richard Harris & Henry Loess - 1968 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 77 (3p1):508.
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    Anagram solution times: A function of individual differences in stored digram frequencies.M. E. Tresselt & M. S. Mayzner - 1965 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 70 (6):606.
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    Anagram solution times: A function of letter order and word frequency.M. S. Mayzner & M. E. Tresselt - 1958 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 56 (4):376.
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    Anagram solutions as a function of task variables and solution word models.Ernest H. LeMay - 1972 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 92 (1):65.
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    Effect of word frequency restriction on anagram solution.Ed M. Edmonds & Marvin R. Mueller - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 79 (3p1):545.
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    Effects of frequency of prior incidental occurrence and recall of target words on anagram solution.Melvin H. Marx - 1982 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 19 (5):253-255.
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    Anagram solving as influenced by solution word frequency, anagram transition probability, and subject’s vocabulary level.Roy B. Weinstock - 1979 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 14 (5):375-378.
  8. The zone of latent solutions and its relevance to understanding ape cultures.Claudio Tennie, Elisa Bandini, Carel P. van Schaik & Lydia M. Hopper - 2020 - Biology and Philosophy 35 (5):1-42.
    The zone of latent solutions hypothesis provides an alternative approach to explaining cultural patterns in primates and many other animals. According to the ZLS hypothesis, non-human great ape cultures consist largely or solely of latent solutions. The current competing hypothesis for ape culture argues instead that at least some of their behavioural or artefact forms are copied through specific social learning mechanisms and that their forms may depend on copying. In contrast, the ape ZLS hypothesis does not require these forms (...)
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    The Zone of Latent Solutions and Its Relation to the Classics: Vygotsky and Köhler.Eva Reindl, Elisa Bandini & Claudio Tennie - 2018 - In Laura Desirèe Di Paolo, Fabio Di Vincenzo & Francesca De Petrillo (eds.), Evolution of Primate Social Cognition. Springer Verlag. pp. 231-248.
    In 2009, Tennie et al. proposed the theory of the Zone of Latent Solutions, defined as the range of behaviors an individual of a species can invent independently, i.e., which it can acquire without any form of social learning. By definition, species limited to their ZLS are unable to innovate and/or transmit behavioral traits outside their ZLS, i.e., they lack traits which go beyond the level of the individual—traits resulting from a gradual cultural evolution over successive transmission events (...)
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    The Landscape of Movement Control in Locomotion: Cost, Strategy, and Solution.James L. Croft, Ryan T. Schroeder & John E. A. Bertram - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Features of gait are determined at multiple levels, from the selection of the gait itself (e.g. walk or run) through the specific parameters utilized (stride length, frequency, etc.) to the pattern of muscular excitation. The ultimate choices are neurally determined, but what is involved with that decision process? Human locomotion appears stereotyped not so much because the pattern is predetermined, but because these movement patterns are good solutions for providing movement utilizing the machinery available to the individual (the legs (...)
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    Anagram solution times: A function of the "Ruleout" factor.Royce R. Ronning - 1965 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 69 (1):35.
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    Anagram solution times: A function of multiple-solution anagrams.M. S. Mayzner & M. E. Tresselt - 1966 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 71 (1):66.
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    Anagram solution as a function of bigram versatility.Robert L. Solso, Gene E. Topper & William H. Macey - 1973 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 100 (2):259.
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    Anagram solution times: A function of word transition probabilities.M. S. Mayzner & M. E. Tresselt - 1962 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 63 (5):510.
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    Anagram solution times as a function of initial visual pattern: Familiar vs unfamiliar typeface.Christopher Peterson - 1974 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 3 (1):39-40.
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    Anagram solution times, word length, and type of accessory clue.D. J. Murray & L. L. Mastronardi - 1975 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 5 (2):119-121.
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    Anagram solution as a function of instructions, priming, and imagery.Eugene M. Jablonski & John H. Mueller - 1972 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 94 (1):84.
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    Models of anagram solution.John T. E. Richardson & Paul B. Johnson - 1980 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 16 (4):247-250.
  19. (1 other version)The effect of reportable and unreportable hints on anagram solution and the aha!E. M. Bowden - 1997 - Experience. Consciousness and Cognition 6 (4):545-573.
    Two experiments examine the effects of unreportable hints on anagram solving performance and on solvers' subjective experience of insight. In Experiment 1, after seeing a hint presented too briefly to identify, participants solved anagrams preceded by the solution fastest and solved anagrams preceded by unrelated hints slowest. Participants' “warmth” ratings for solution hints were more insight-like than those for unrelated hints. In Experiment 2 a hint, or no hint, was presented at one of three different exposure durations . Participants (...)
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  20. RFID: The next serious threat to privacy. [REVIEW]Vance Lockton & Richard S. Rosenberg - 2005 - Ethics and Information Technology 7 (4):221-231.
    Radio Frequency Identification, or RFID, is a technology which has been receiving considerable attention as of late. It is a fairly simple technology involving radio wave communication between a microchip and an electronic reader, in which an identification number stored on the chip is transmitted and processed; it can frequently be found in inventory tracking and access control systems. In this paper, we examine the current uses of RFID, as well as identifying potential future uses of the technology, including (...)
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    Associability and anagram solution.Christopher Peterson & Carol Rubel - 1974 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 4 (2):83-84.
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    Incubation effects in anagram solution.Christopher Peterson - 1974 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 3 (1):29-30.
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    Individual Differences in Frequency and Topography of Slow and Fast Sleep Spindles.Roy Cox, Anna C. Schapiro, Dara S. Manoach & Robert Stickgold - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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    Comprehension and computation in Bayesian problem solving.Eric D. Johnson & Elisabet Tubau - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:137658.
    Humans have long been characterized as poor probabilistic reasoners when presented with explicit numerical information. Bayesian word problems provide a well-known example of this, where even highly educated and cognitively skilled individuals fail to adhere to mathematical norms. It is widely agreed that natural frequencies can facilitate Bayesian reasoning relative to normalized formats (e.g. probabilities, percentages), both by clarifying logical set-subset relations and by simplifying numerical calculations. Nevertheless, between-study performance on “transparent” Bayesian problems varies widely, and generally remains rather (...)
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    Sovereignty, privacy, and ethics in blockchain-based identity management systems.Georgy Ishmaev - 2020 - Ethics and Information Technology 23 (3):239-252.
    Self-sovereign identity solutions implemented on the basis of blockchain technology are seen as alternatives to existing digital identification systems, or even as a foundation of standards for the new global infrastructures for identity management systems. It is argued that ‘self-sovereignty' in this context can be understood as the concept of individual control over identity relevant private data, capacity to choose where such data is stored, and the ability to provide it to those who need to validate it. It (...)
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    Anagram solving as a function of bigram rank and word frequency.Roger L. Dominowski - 1967 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 75 (3):299.
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    A Desperate Solution: Individual Autonomy and the Double-Blind Controlled Experiment.G. Logue & S. Wear - 1995 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 20 (1):57-64.
    The randomization ingredient in double-blind controlled experiments may be objectionable to patients who, in their desperation, come to such trials seeking a last chance of cure. Minogue et al., who view such a situation as inherently exploitive and undermining of patient autonomy, propose that such “desperate volunteers” instead be enrolled in the active arm, while other patients, less desperate and more committed to medical progress, continue to be randomized. Their view is critiqued as destructive of medical progress, inappropriate in its (...)
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    Incidence of Data Duplications in a Randomly Selected Pool of Life Science Publications.Morten P. Oksvold - 2016 - Science and Engineering Ethics 22 (2):487-496.
    Since the solution to many public health problems depends on research, it is critical for the progress and well-being for the patients that we can trust the scientific literature. Misconduct and poor laboratory practice in science threatens the scientific progress, leads to loss of productivity and increased healthcare costs, and endangers lives of patients. Data duplication may represent one of challenges related to these problems. In order to estimate the frequency of data duplication in life science literature, a systematic screen (...)
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    To transform or not to transform: using generalized linear mixed models to analyse reaction time data.Steson Lo & Sally Andrews - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:148545.
    Linear mixed-effect models (LMMs) are being increasingly widely used in psychology to analyse multi-level research designs. This feature allows LMMs to address some of the problems identified by Speelman and McGann ( 2013 ) about the use of mean data, because they do not average across individual responses. However, recent guidelines for using LMM to analyse skewed reaction time (RT) data collected in many cognitive psychological studies recommend the application of non-linear transformations to satisfy assumptions of normality. Uncritical adoption (...)
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    The effectiveness of narrative writing on the moral distress of intensive care nurses.Smat Saeedi, Leila Jouybari, Akram Sanagoo & Mohammad Ali Vakili - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (7-8):2195-2203.
    Background: Nursing is a profession that has always been accompanied with common ethical concerns. There are some evidences which indicate that narrative writing on traumatic experiences may improve an individual’s emotional health. Objective: This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of narrative writing on moral distress of nurses working in intensive care unit. Research design: This study was a clinical trial with pre- and post-test design. The frequency and intensity of moral distress was measured by a valid and reliable (...)
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  31. The shooting-room paradox and conditionalizing on measurably challenged sets.Paul Bartha & Christopher Hitchcock - 1999 - Synthese 118 (3):403-437.
    We provide a solution to the well-known “Shooting-Room” paradox, developed by John Leslie in connection with his Doomsday Argument. In the “Shooting-Room” paradox, the death of an individual is contingent upon an event that has a 1/36 chance of occurring, yet the relative frequency of death in the relevant population is 0.9. There are two intuitively plausible arguments, one concluding that the appropriate subjective probability of death is 1/36, the other that this probability is 0.9. How are these two (...)
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    Higher Balance Task Demands are Associated with an Increase in Individual Alpha Peak Frequency.Thorben Hülsdünker, Andreas Mierau & Heiko K. Strüder - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    RuleRS: a rule-based architecture for decision support systems.Mohammad Badiul Islam & Guido Governatori - 2018 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 26 (4):315-344.
    Decision-makers in governments, enterprises, businesses and agencies or individuals, typically, make decisions according to various regulations, guidelines and policies based on existing records stored in various databases, in particular, relational databases. To assist decision-makers, an expert system, encompasses interactive computer-based systems or subsystems to support the decision-making process. Typically, most expert systems are built on top of transaction systems, databases, and data models and restricted in decision-making to the analysis, processing and presenting data and information, and they do not (...)
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    Absorption of Gamma Radiation as a Possible Mechanismfor Bigu: Theory and Data.Gary E. Schwartz - 2002 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 22 (5):371-373.
    The qigong state of bigu is believed to be supported by the absorption of qi from the universe. Gamma radiation is ubiquitous in the cosmos and, according to some, may be a possible source of energy for cellular functioning. When the concept of energy is integrated with the concept of dynamical systems, the logic leads to the theory—termed systemic memory—that predicts all systems, from the micro to macro, store information and energy to various degrees. New research indicates that the human (...)
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    Reconsidering Consent and Biobanking.Emma C. Bullock & Heather Widdows - 2011 - Biobanks and Tissue Research The International Library of Ethics, Law and Technology 8:111-125.
    The acquisition of fully informed consent presents a central ethical problem for the procurement and storage of human tissue in biobanks. The tension lies between the apparent necessity of obtaining informed consent from potential research subjects and the projected future use of the tissue. Specifically, under the doctrine of informed consent medical researchers are required to inform their potential research subjects about the relevant risks and purposes of the proposed research (Declaration of Helsinki, 2008, “Section 24.” Accessed November 1, 2009. (...)
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    Privacy in the clouds.Ann Cavoukian - 2008 - Identity in the Information Society 1 (1):89-108.
    Informational self-determination refers to the right or ability of individuals to exercise personal control over the collection, use and disclosure of their personal data by others. The basis of modern privacy laws and practices around the world, informational privacy has become a challenging concept to protect and promote in a world of ubiquitous and unlimited data sharing and storage among organizations. The paper advocates a “user-centric” approach to managing personal data online. However, user-centricity can be problematic when the user—the data (...)
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    Towards case‐based performance measures: uncovering deficiencies in applied medical care.Simon Hoelzer, Werner Waechter, Andrew Stewart, Raymond Liu, Ralf Schweiger & Joachim Dudeck - 2001 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 7 (4):355-363.
    Measures are designed to evaluate the processes and outcomes of care associated with the delivery of clinical (and non-clinical) services. They allow for intra- and interorganizational comparison to be used continuously to improve patient health outcomes. The use of performance measures always means to abstract the complex reality (medical scenarios and procedures) in order to provide an understandable and comparable output. Measures can focus on global performance. The more detailed data are available the more specific judgements with respect to the (...)
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  38.  21
    Definitely, Maybe: Helping Patients Make Decisions about Surgery When Prognosis Is Uncertain.Theresa Williamson, Peter A. Ubel, Christiana Oshotse, Jihad Abdelgadir & Taylor Mitchell - 2023 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 34 (2):169-174.
    The sudden onset of severe traumatic brain injury (sTBI) is an event suffered by millions of individuals each year. Regardless of this frequency in occurrence, accurate prognostication remains difficult to achieve among physicians. There are many variables that affect this prognosis. Physicians are expected to assess the clinical indications of the brain injury while considering other factors such as patient quality of life, patient preferences, and environmental context. However, this lack of certainty in prognosis can ultimately affect treatment recommendations and (...)
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    Corporate control through the criminal system — An alternative proposal.Paul Lansing & Donald Hatfield - 1985 - Journal of Business Ethics 4 (5):409-414.
    Corporate violations of the law are occurring with increasing frequency and with increasing public attention. Solutions to date have proved ineffectual because of the problem of determining whom is to be punished for the offense of the corporation. Instead of individual jail terms or corporate fines, we propose that the dissolution of the corporation be considered as a more effectual means of conforming corporate behavior to the norms of the legal system.
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  40. Avoiding the Asymmetry Problem.Travis Timmerman - 2017 - Ratio 31 (1):88-102.
    If earlier-than-necessary death is bad because it deprives individuals of additional good life, then why isn't later-than-necessary conception bad for the same reason? Deprivationists have argued that prenatal non-existence is not bad because it is impossible to be conceived earlier, but postmortem non-existence is bad because it is possible to live longer. Call this the Impossibility Solution. In this paper, I demonstrate that the Impossibility Solution does not work by showing how it is possible to be conceived earlier in the (...)
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  41. Mental models in propositional reasoning and working memory's central executive.Juan A. Garc - 2007 - Thinking and Reasoning 13 (4):370 – 393.
    We examine the role of working memory's central executive in the mental model explanation of propositional reasoning by using two working memory measures: the classical “reading span” test by Daneman and Carpenter (1980) and a new measure. This new “reasoning span” measure requires individuals to solve very simple anaphora problems, and store and remember the word solution in a growing series of inferential problems. We present one experiment in which we check the involvement of the central executive in conditional and (...)
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    Solution-word letter sequences in anagram solving.J. A. Gribben - 1970 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 85 (2):192.
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    Le capitalisme à la sauce artiste.Anne Querrien - 2004 - Multitudes 1 (1):251-261.
    Read again in light of the current French social conflict around the part-time theater and cinema workers, the book by L. Boltanski and E. Chiapello, Le nouvel esprit du capitalisme, seems to have been quite prescient when describing work as organized store and more through short-term projects. But the lack of social security in this system is supposed by the authors to conte front the artist-critics who were interested mostly in individual freedom and expressivity, store than from the infrastructural (...)
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  44.  19
    Optimization of Wheel Reprofiling Based on the Improved NSGA-II.Xinghu Wang, Jiabin Yuan, Sha Hua & Bojia Duan - 2020 - Complexity 2020:1-13.
    Wheels are the key components of a train, and the shape of the wheel flange should be maintained to ensure the security of train operations. As a method to maintain the shape at the cost of the diameter size, reprofiling has significant impacts on the lifecycle of a train. A wheel model is built in this paper based on the analysis of the wheel wear features and datasets from Taiyuan locomotives. With the decision variables T i, T i ′, which (...)
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    Network Connectivity Dynamics, Cognitive Biases, and the Evolution of Cultural Diversity in Round‐Robin Interactive Micro‐Societies.José Segovia-Martín, Bradley Walker, Nicolas Fay & Monica Tamariz - 2020 - Cognitive Science 44 (7):e12852.
    The distribution of cultural variants in a population is shaped by both neutral evolutionary dynamics and by selection pressures. The temporal dynamics of social network connectivity, that is, the order in which individuals in a population interact with each other, has been largely unexplored. In this paper, we investigate how, in a fully connected social network, connectivity dynamics, alone and in interaction with different cognitive biases, affect the evolution of cultural variants. Using agent‐based computer simulations, we manipulate population connectivity dynamics (...)
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    An Eye-Tracking Study of Statistical Reasoning With Tree Diagrams and 2 × 2 Tables.Georg Bruckmaier, Karin Binder, Stefan Krauss & Han-Min Kufner - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:436373.
    Changing the information format from probabilities into frequencies as well as employing appropriate visualizations such as tree diagrams or 2 × 2 tables are important tools that can facilitate people’s statistical reasoning. Previous studies have shown that despite their widespread use in statistical textbooks, both of those visualization types are only of restricted help when they are provided with probabilities, but that they can foster insight when presented with frequencies instead. In the present study, we attempt to replicate (...)
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  47. The objective Bayesian conceptualisation of proof and reference class problems.James Franklin - 2011 - Sydney Law Review 33 (3):545-561.
    The objective Bayesian view of proof (or logical probability, or evidential support) is explained and defended: that the relation of evidence to hypothesis (in legal trials, science etc) is a strictly logical one, comparable to deductive logic. This view is distinguished from the thesis, which had some popularity in law in the 1980s, that legal evidence ought to be evaluated using numerical probabilities and formulas. While numbers are not always useful, a central role is played in uncertain reasoning by the (...)
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  48.  50
    Mental Files and Naïve Semantic Accounts of Substitution Failure.Mayank Bora - 2019 - Acta Analytica 34 (3):301-325.
    Ever since Kripke’s influential arguments against descriptivism philosophers have attempted to provide solutions to Frege’s puzzle of substitution failure that adhere to Naïve Semantics—the view that names contribute their referents and referents alone to propositions expressed by sentences containing them. Recently, philosophers have also appealed to psychological objects called mental files, which are used to represent and store information on individuals, in solving the puzzle. Combining the two promises to revive a simple commonsensical theory while, at least prima facie, doing (...)
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    Brief Remote Intervention to Manage Food Cravings and Emotions During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Pilot Study.Tracey J. Devonport, Chao-Hwa Chen-Wilson, Wendy Nicholls, Claudio Robazza, Jonathan Y. Cagas, Javier Fernández-Montalvo, Youngjun Choi & Montse C. Ruiz - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic people have endured potentially stressful challenges which have influenced behaviors such as eating. This pilot study examined the effectiveness of two brief interventions aimed to help individuals deal with food cravings and associated emotional experiences. Participants were 165 individuals residing in United Kingdom, Finland, Philippines, Spain, Italy, Brazil, North America, South Korea, and China. The study was implemented remotely, thus without any contact with researchers, and involved two groups. Group one participants were requested (...)
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    Reproductive Numbers for Nonautonomous Spatially Distributed Periodic SIS Models Acting on Two Time Scales.M. Marvá, R. Bravo de la Parra & P. Auger - 2011 - Acta Biotheoretica 60 (1):139-154.
    In this work we deal with a general class of spatially distributed periodic SIS epidemic models with two time scales. We let susceptible and infected individuals migrate between patches with periodic time dependent migration rates. The existence of two time scales in the system allows to describe certain features of the asymptotic behavior of its solutions with the help of a less dimensional, aggregated, system. We derive global reproduction numbers governing the general spatially distributed nonautonomous system through the aggregated system. (...)
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