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Álvaro Herrero [18]Alejandro Herrero [11]Aritz Pardina Herrero [4]A. Herrero [4]
Ana Herrero [1]Amaranta Herrero [1]Á Herrero [1]Angel Herrero [1]

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  1.  32
    Gaining deep knowledge of Android malware families through dimensionality reduction techniques.Rafael Vega Vega, Héctor Quintián, José Luís Calvo-Rolle, Álvaro Herrero & Emilio Corchado - 2019 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 27 (2):160-176.
  2.  21
    Advanced Visualization of Intrusions in Flows by Means of Beta-Hebbian Learning.Héctor Quintián, Esteban Jove, José-Luis Casteleiro-Roca, Daniel Urda, Ángel Arroyo, José Luis Calvo-Rolle, Álvaro Herrero & Emilio Corchado - 2022 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 30 (6):1056-1073.
    Detecting intrusions in large networks is a highly demanding task. In order to reduce the computation demand of analysing every single packet travelling along one of such networks, some years ago flows were proposed as a way of summarizing traffic information. Very few research works have addressed intrusion detection in flows from a visualizations perspective. In order to bridge this gap, the present paper proposes the application of a novel projection method (Beta Hebbian Learning) under this framework. With the aim (...)
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  3.  13
    A hybrid machine learning system to impute and classify a component-based robot.Nuño Basurto, Ángel Arroyo, Carlos Cambra & Álvaro Herrero - 2023 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 31 (2):338-351.
    In the field of cybernetic systems and more specifically in robotics, one of the fundamental objectives is the detection of anomalies in order to minimize loss of time. Following this idea, this paper proposes the implementation of a Hybrid Intelligent System in four steps to impute the missing values, by combining clustering and regression techniques, followed by balancing and classification tasks. This system applies regression models to each one of the clusters built on the instances of data set. Subsequently, a (...)
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  4.  27
    Determinants of Electronic Word-of-Mouth on Social Networking Sites About Negative News on CSR.Maria del Mar García-de los Salmones, Angel Herrero & Patricia Martínez - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 171 (3):583-597.
    Social network sites are a new communication channel to convey CSR information. They are interactive channels that let users participate, spread content and generate positive and negative electronic word-of-mouth about companies that can dramatically affect their reputation and future business. To identify the factors behind this behaviour, we designed a causal model to explain the intention to both comment on and share a negative corporate social responsibility news posted on Facebook. We included the following as explanatory variables: social consciousness, environmental (...)
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  5.  33
    Analysis of meteorological conditions in Spain by means of clustering techniques.Ángel Arroyo, Álvaro Herrero, Verónica Tricio & Emilio Corchado - 2017 - Journal of Applied Logic 24:76-89.
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  6.  19
    Key features for the characterization of Android malware families.Javier Sedano, Silvia González, Camelia Chira, Álvaro Herrero, Emilio Corchado & José Ramón Villar - 2017 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 25 (1):54-66.
  7.  7
    Clustering extension of MOVICAB-IDS to distinguish intrusions in flow-based data.Raúl Sánchez, Álvaro Herrero & Emilio Corchado - 2017 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 25 (1):83-102.
  8.  74
    Hybrid Unsupervised Exploratory Plots: A Case Study of Analysing Foreign Direct Investment.Álvaro Herrero, Alfredo Jiménez & Secil Bayraktar - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-14.
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  9.  24
    Addressing Socio-Economic and Ethical Considerations in Biotechnology Governance: The Potential of a New Politics of Care.Fern Wickson, Christopher Preston, Rosa Binimelis, Amaranta Herrero, Sarah Hartley, Rachel Wynberg & Brian Wynne - 2017 - Food Ethics 1 (2):193-199.
    There is a growing demand to incorporate social, economic and ethical considerations into biotechnology governance. However, there is currently little guidance available for understanding what this means or how it should be done. A framework of care-based ethics and politics can capture many of the concerns maintaining a persistent socio-political conflict over biotechnologies and provide a novel way to incorporate such considerations into regulatory assessments. A care-based approach to ethics and politics has six key defining features. These include: 1) a (...)
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  10.  30
    Clustering extension of MOVICAB-IDS to identify SNMP community searches.R. Sanchez, A. Herrero & E. Corchado - 2015 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 23 (1):121-140.
  11.  7
    (1 other version)Los apuntes «Ciceros Academica» de Nietzsche. Una lectura filosófica.Aritz Pardina Herrero - 2022 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid):1-16.
    F. Nietzsche impartió unos seminarios sobre la obra Cuestiones académicas de Cicerón en la Universidad de Basilea en los semestres de verano de 1870 e invierno de 1870/71. En principio, su carácter era filológico, pues se enmarcaban en la Konjekturalkritik, una importante subdisciplina de la filología clásica decimonónica. Sin embargo, en los apuntes que hemos recibido con el título «Ciceros Academica» se pueden encontrar anotaciones filosóficas que trascienden esa dimensión técnica. Así, el artículo ensaya una lectura filosófica del escrito, con (...)
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  12.  28
    Neural Models for Imputation of Missing Ozone Data in Air-Quality Datasets.Ángel Arroyo, Álvaro Herrero, Verónica Tricio, Emilio Corchado & Michał Woźniak - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-14.
    Ozone is one of the pollutants with most negative effects on human health and in general on the biosphere. Many data-acquisition networks collect data about ozone values in both urban and background areas. Usually, these data are incomplete or corrupt and the imputation of the missing values is a priority in order to obtain complete datasets, solving the uncertainty and vagueness of existing problems to manage complexity. In the present paper, multiple-regression techniques and Artificial Neural Network models are applied to (...)
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  13.  19
    Self-Organizing Maps to Validate Anti-Pollution Policies.Ángel Arroyo, Carlos Cambra, Álvaro Herrero, Verónica Tricio & Emilio Corchado - 2020 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 28 (4):596-614.
    This study presents the application of self-organizing maps to air-quality data in order to analyze episodes of high pollution in Madrid. The goal of this work is to explore the dataset and then compare several scenarios with similar atmospheric conditions : some of them when no actions were taken and some when traffic restrictions were imposed. The levels of main pollutants, recorded at these stations for eleven days at four different times from 2015 to 2018, are analyzed in order to (...)
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  14.  51
    Special issue SOCO14-JAL.Pablo García Bringas, Asier Perallos Ruiz, Antonio D. Masegosa Arredondo, Álvaro Herrero, Héctor Quintián & Emilio Corchado - 2017 - Journal of Applied Logic 24:1-3.
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  15.  37
    Different approaches for the detection of SSH anomalous connections.S. González, Á Herrero, J. Sedano, Urko Zurutuza & E. Corchado - 2016 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 24 (1).
  16.  35
    Editorial: Special issue CISIS 2016.Manuel Graña, José Manuel López-Guede, Álvaro Herrero, Héctor Quintián & Emilio Corchado - 2019 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 27 (2):135-136.
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  17. Caracteres y destino del hombre nuevo simbolizado por San Martin.Antonio Herrero - 1943 - La Plata,: Taller de Impresiones, Oficiales.
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  18.  27
    Editorial: Special issue CISIS12-IGPL.A. Herrero, V. Sna el, A. Abraham, Z. Ivan, H. Quintian & E. Corchado - 2015 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 23 (1):1-3.
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  19.  47
    Editorial: Special Issue CISIS13-IGPL.Álvaro Herrero, Bruno Baruque, Ajith Abraham, André C. P. L. F. de Carvalho, Pablo García Bringas, Héctor Quintián & Emilio Corchado - 2016 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 24 (1).
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  20.  3
    Exploratory techniques to analyse Ecuador's tourism industry.Anita Herrera, Ángel Arroyo, Alfredo Jiménez & Álvaro Herrero - 2024 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 32 (6):1018-1035.
    The analysis of the operation of tourism companies will provide valid information for the design of policies to reactivate the tourism industry, which has been strongly affected during the pandemic generated by COVID-19. The objective of this paper is to use soft computing techniques to analyse tourism companies in Ecuador. First of all, dimensionality reduction methods are applied: principal component analysis, isometric feature mapping and locally linear embedding, on data of tourism enterprises in Ecuador for the year 2015. In addition, (...)
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  21.  65
    Juan Bautista Alberdi y las ideas políticas francesas. En busca de un proyecto alternativo al orden rosista (1835-1852).Alejandro Herrero - 2010 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 15 (48):75-85.
    Repensar ciertas tesis clásicas sobre la influencia de la cultura política francesa en la primera generación romántica argentina y, especialmente, en el pensamiento de Juan Bautista Alberdi durante el segundo gobierno de Juan Manuel de Rosas, 1835-1852, es el objetivo de este escrito. Trataremos de ..
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  22.  18
    Lugones and Ingenieros: their homage to Domingo Faustino Sarmiento in the first hundred anniversary of his birth (1911).Alejandro Herrero - 2012 - Estudios de Filosofía Práctica E Historia de Las Ideas 14 (2):57-72.
    Examino textos de Leopoldo Lugones y de José Ingenieros, escritos para homenajear a Domingo Faustino Sarmiento en el primer centenario de su nacimiento en 1911. Mi hipótesis es que tanto Lugones como Ingenieros se proponen legitimar un gobierno de un círculo inteligente que tiene la autoridad (la palabra y la decisión), y expone, por ende, un dogma que da fundamento a la patria y a la democracia. Dicho de otro modo, todos los actores de la patria, (productores de riqueza, obreros, (...)
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  23.  7
    Las ideas y sus historiadores: un fragmento del campo intelectual en los años noventa.Alejandro Herrero & Roger Chartier - 1996 - Centro de Publicaciones Universidad Nacional del Litoral.
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  24.  56
    Liberalismo y democracia en Argentina. El estudio de un caso: Ernesto Nelson: ¿Un educador del Estado en contra del Estado?Alejandro Herrero - 2006 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 11 (33):103-108.
    This paper studies one aspect of the career of Ernesto Nelson (1873-1959) covering moreover the years in which he belonged to the National University in La Plata, and evaluates his university career which is quite different both in relation to the policies implemented in the same by its founder and ..
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  25.  31
    Special issue SOCO12.Álvaro Herrero, Václav Snášel, Ajith Abraham, Ivan Zelinka, Bruno Baruque, Héctor Quintián, José Luis Calvo-Rolle, Javier Sedano, Andre de Carlvalho & Emilio Corchado - 2015 - Journal of Applied Logic 13 (2):91-93.
  26.  42
    Special issue soco13-Jal.Álvaro Herrero, Bruno Baruque, Fanny Klett, Ajith Abraham, Václav Snášel, André C. P. L. F. de Carvalho, Pablo García Bringas, Ivan Zelinka, Héctor Quintián, Juan Manuel Corchado & Emilio Corchado - 2016 - Journal of Applied Logic 17:1-3.
  27.  34
    Special issue SOCO 2015.Álvaro Herrero, Bruno Baruque, Javier Sedano, Héctor Quintián & Emilio Corchado - 2017 - Journal of Applied Logic 24:1-2.
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  28.  30
    El cáncer de mama.Miguel Martín, Ana Herrero & Isabel Echavarría - 2015 - Arbor 191 (773):a234.
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  29. PDF [Es] HTML [Es] Traducciones automáticas [Es].Álvaro B. Márquez-Fernández, Stefan Gandler, Gerardo Oviedo, Graciela Maturo, Andrés Donoso Romo, Lino Morán-Beltrán, Johan Méndez-Reyes, Alejandro Herrero, Rafael Ojeda & Antonio Tinoco Guerra - 2006 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 11 (35).
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  30.  26
    Mutating network scans for the assessment of supervised classifier ensembles.J. Sedano, S. Gonzalez, A. Herrero, B. Baruque & E. Corchado - 2013 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 21 (4):630-647.
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  31.  32
    Delving into Android Malware Families with a Novel Neural Projection Method.Rafael Vega Vega, Héctor Quintián, Carlos Cambra, Nuño Basurto, Álvaro Herrero & José Luis Calvo-Rolle - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-10.
    Present research proposes the application of unsupervised and supervised machine-learning techniques to characterize Android malware families. More precisely, a novel unsupervised neural-projection method for dimensionality-reduction, namely, Beta Hebbian Learning, is applied to visually analyze such malware. Additionally, well-known supervised Decision Trees are also applied for the first time in order to improve characterization of such families and compare the original features that are identified as the most important ones. The proposed techniques are validated when facing real-life Android malware data by (...)
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  32.  22
    Carrión Arias, Rafael, Historia de la literatura griega. Los orígenes del método genealógico en F. Nietzsche, New York, Peter Lang, 2020, 392 págs. ISBN: 978- 1- 4331- 4067- 9. [REVIEW]Aritz Pardina Herrero - 2021 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 54 (1):265-267.
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  33. (1 other version)Una mirada sobre la educación argentina en los niveles primario y secundario entre 1862 y 1900. Las dificultades de la implantación de la enseñanza técnica y manual/A Look at Argentinean Primary and Secondary Level Education between 1862 and 1900. Diff. [REVIEW]Alejandro Herrero - 2010 - Telos (Venezuela) 12 (3):298-322.
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  34.  15
    VV. AA., Friedrich Nietzsche poeta, ed. de Carmen Gómez García y Óscar Quejido Alonso, Madrid: Trotta, 2022, ISBN: 978-84-1364-057-0, 204 págs. [REVIEW]Aritz Pardina Herrero - 2023 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 56 (1):127-130.