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Ana Falcato [17]Ana Cristina Falcato [3]A. Falcato [2]Ana Falcato [1]
  1.  27
    The Politics of Emotional Shockwaves.Sara Falcato, Ana, Graça da Silva (ed.) - 2021 - Palgrave Macmillan.
    This interdisciplinary volume brings together specialists from different backgrounds to deliver expert views on the relationship between morality and emotion, putting a special emphasis on issues related to emotional shocks. One of the distinctive aspects of social existence today is our subjection to traumatic events on a global scale, and our subsequent embodiment of the emotional responses these events provoke. Covering various methodological angles, the contributors ensure careful and heterogeneous reflection on this delicate topic. With eleven original essays, the collection (...)
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  2.  24
    Introduction: The Formation of the Moral Point of View—The Legacy of Bernard Williams Twenty Years after His Passing.Susana Cadilha & Ana Falcato - 2024 - Topoi 43 (2):373-380.
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  3.  18
    On Occasion: Invisible Minimalism and the Pragmatic Frame.Ana Falcato - 2016 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 69:73-92.
    In the debate between literalism and contextualism in semantics, Kent Bach’s project is often taken to stand on the latter side of the divide. In this paper I argue that this is a misleading assumption and justify this by contrasting Bach’s assessment of the theoretical eliminability of minimal propositions arguably expressed by well-formed sentences with standard minimalist views, and by further contrasting his account of the division of interpretative processes ascribable to the semantics and pragmatics of a language with a (...)
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  4.  19
    Shame in the Philosophical Narrative of the Pour-Soi: On Sartre’s Being and Nothingness.Ana Falcato - 2023 - Research in Phenomenology 53 (3):359-378.
    This paper discusses the relevance and the conceptual role, within Sartre’s Being and Nothingness, of a fleeting impression of shame that reverts the threat of solipsism looming over any project of transcendental philosophy. In reading Sartre’s masterpiece, I underscore two methodological points that tend to be bypassed in standard interpretations and lengthy discussions of the book. On the one hand, I safeguard the strictly descriptive core of Sartre’s presentation of the impression of shame and what it reveals about the formal (...)
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    Correction: Introduction: The Formation of the Moral Point of View—The Legacy of Bernard Williams Twenty Years after His Passing.Susana Cadilha & Ana Falcato - forthcoming - Topoi:1-1.
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  6.  13
    As investigaçoes filosóficas enquanto "Álbum" cultural.Ana Falcato - 2012 - Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy 39 (39):115-130.
    As it is well known, the Philosophical Investigations are formally structured as a set of paragraphs numerically sequenced, and a more arbitrary group of thematic remarks. In the Prologue and in a justifying way of putting it, Wittgenstein States that: «Thus this book is really only an Album». Taking it as an exhibition of a series of sketches, we can read the book as a collection of «pictures of thought». However, as I will argue, in a wider understanding of the (...)
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  7.  12
    Die Idee des Schaminstinkts in Kants anthropologischen Schriften.Ana Cristina Falcato - 2021 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 69 (3):383-402.
    This paper corrects a historical injustice that has been perpetrated against Kant for some time now. Mostly on good grounds, Kantian ethics have been accused of neglecting the role played by the emotions in moral deliberation and in morally informed action. However, the contemporary moral philosophers who have put forth such a claim tend to bypass textual sources, on the one hand, and to downplay the role played by the anthropological writings on Kant’s practical philosophy as a whole, on the (...)
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  8.  9
    Embodied Ghosts: Coetzee’s Realist Modernism.Ana Falcato - 2018 - In Ana Falcato & Antonio Cardiello (eds.), Philosophy in the Condition of Modernism. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 71-97.
    Philosophers writing on J. M. Coetzee’s literary project have described it as “realist-modernist”. This is due to a combination of the prose’s stylistic features and more substantial issues developed in his novels. Coetzee’s prose is extremely sober, compact, dry, and overtly self-conscious; it contains his reflections on features of the prose itself and on the historic-literary conflict between realism and modernism in the modern novel. In this paper, I discuss the relevance of Coetzee’s use of the split page in Diary (...)
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  9.  11
    Emotional Shock and Ethical Conversion.Ana Falcato - 2021 - In Ana Falcato (ed.), The Politics of Emotional Shockwaves. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 187-201.
    In a similar way to what happens when a wave of electricity impacts the animal body and provokes a convulsive stir of muscles and nerves which can burn and ultimately paralyze the affected surface, some rough emotional experiences may lead us to sudden numbness. Keeping abreast with the most sophisticated phenomenological tools to account for an extremely damaging kind of psychological experience that can ultimately defeat the purpose of a sheer descriptive approach, this chapter does provide a descriptive analysis of (...)
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  10.  59
    Fantasmas de Realismo na Obra de J. M. Coetzee.Ana Falcato - 2016 - Trans/Form/Ação 39 (4):219-250.
    RESUMO: Com um estilo sóbrio e minimalista, a prosa literária de J. M. Coetzee é um espaço criativo onde diferentes identidades literárias são constantemente baralhadas e uma perigosa sobreposição de alter-egos é sistematicamente ensaiada. Pensando sobre todas essas nuances, filósofos contemporâneos a trabalhar sobre a obra do escritor sul-africano têm descrito o seu trabalho como "realista-modernista'. Neste artigo, discuto uma obra específica de Coetzee - focando sobretudo a estranha técnica gráfica da tripartição da página em três vozes literárias e a (...)
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  11.  18
    Fenomenologia e Emoções: Experiência íntima do avesso.Ana Falcato - 2020 - Filosofia Unisinos 21 (2).
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  12.  42
    How far does Wittgenstein go with the Context Principle?Ana Falcato - 2014 - Wittgenstein-Studien 5 (1).
    Name der Zeitschrift: Wittgenstein-Studien Jahrgang: 5 Heft: 1 Seiten: 89-100.
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  13.  13
    1 How to Obtain a Minimal Proposition.Ana Falcato - 2010 - In Erich Rast & Luiz Carlos Baptista (eds.), Meaning and Context. Peter Lang. pp. 2--255.
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  14.  11
    Introduction: Philosophy and Literary Modernism—An Old Problem Finally Made New.Ana Falcato & Antonio Cardiello - 2018 - In Ana Falcato & Antonio Cardiello (eds.), Philosophy in the Condition of Modernism. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 1-27.
    In this introductory chapter, we discuss some recent theoretical approaches to the relations between Western Philosophy and Literary Modernism, and at the same time, we get back to some classic contrasts drawn between the two creative enterprises in the foundational texts of each tradition, which make them seem irreconcilable. Recent rapprochements made by commentators on twentieth-century philosophy and the cultural breakthrough of Modernism in the last decade of the nineteenth-century have insisted on a disenchanted rupture with all kinds of metaphysical (...)
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    Phenomenology and Emotions.Ana Falcato - 2020 - Filosofia Unisinos 21 (2).
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  16. Phenomenological Approaches to Intersubjectivity and Values.A. Falcato & L. Aguiar de Sousa (eds.) - 2019
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  17.  14
    Philosophy in the Condition of Modernism.Ana Falcato & Antonio Cardiello (eds.) - 2018 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    Produced on the fringes of philosophy and literary criticism, this book is a pioneering study which aims to explicitly address and thematize what may be called a “critical philosophy in the condition of modernism”. Its most important and original contribution to both disciplines is a self-conscious reflection on possible modes of writing philosophy today, and a systematic comparison with what happened in literary modernism at the beginning of the twentieth-century. The volume is divided into six sections, where internationally renowned scholars (...)
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  18.  31
    The Philosophy and Psychology of Delusions: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives.A. Falcato & J. Gon\C. Calves - 2023 - Routledge.
    This book presents new philosophical work on delusions and their impact on everyday human behavior. It explores a cluster of related topics at the intersection of philosophy of mind and psychiatry, while also charting the historical development of work on delusions. Within psychiatry, there are several disputes about the nature and origin of delusions. Whereas some authors see only an abnormal phenomenon that needs to be treated by psychological or pharmacological means, others hold that delusions can be psychologically adaptive and (...)
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  19.  16
    Um contraexemplo à originariedade das razões em What we Owe to Each Other.Ana Falcato - 2014 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 26 (39):719.
    No seu livro de 1998 — What we owe to each other — T. M. Scanlon defendeu sistematicamente que a noção de “razão” é primitiva e não definível noutros termos quando se trata de explicar um curso de acção moralmente relevante. Suportando o seu argumento num modelo muito intuitivo para pensar o que são razões em termos de racionalidade prática, Scanlon defende que qualquer explicação conduz sempre à mesma ideia: uma razão é uma consideração que conta em favor de algo. (...)
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  20.  13
    Vergonha e ideias de si: abordagem genética e perspetivas éticas.Ana Cristina Falcato - 2020 - Filosofia Unisinos 21 (2).
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  21.  22
    Book Review - Mulhall, Stephen – The Great Riddle: Wittgenstein and Nonsense, Theology and Philosophy -The Stanton Lectures 2014. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015, 138 p. [REVIEW]Ana Falcato - 2016 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 72 (1):243-254.
  22.  23
    Comparing Kant and Sartre. Ed. by Sorin Baiasu. London/New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016, 262 pp. ISBN 978-1-137-45452-2. [REVIEW]Ana Falcato - 2017 - Kant Studien 108 (3):487-493.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Kant-Studien Jahrgang: 108 Heft: 3 Seiten: 487-493.
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