Results for 'A. Cousins'

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  1. The Philosophy of Kant Lectures by Victor Cousin.Victor Cousin & A. G. Henderson - 1854 - J. Chapman.
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    Humanism, Female Education, and Myth: Erasmus, Vives, and More's To Candidus.A. D. Cousins - 2004 - Journal of the History of Ideas 65 (2):213-230.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Humanism, Female Education, and Myth:Erasmus, Vives, and More's To CandidusA. D. CousinsWhen considering pleasure and chance as aspects of human experience, Thomas More sometimes gendered them female; that is to say, at times he represented them by drawing from the mythographies of Venus and of Fortune. But what did he suggest that actual women, as distinct from goddesses, were or should be or might become: what were his notions (...)
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  3. More's Utopia and the Utopian Inheritance.A. Cousins & Damian Grace - 1997 - Utopian Studies 8 (1):155-156.
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    More and the Refiguring of Stoicism: The Prefatory Poems to The Boke of Fortune.A. D. Cousins - 1993 - Moreana 30 (Number 115-30 (3-4):19-32.
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    Buddhist Studies in Honour of I. B. Horner.L. Cousins, A. Kunsf & K. R. Norman - 1977 - Philosophy East and West 27 (2):211-221.
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    Musique et mysticisme: oeuvre collégiale.Bernard Cousin (ed.) - 2011 - Le Tremblay: Diffusion Rosicrucienne.
    La musique a exercé depuis les temps les plus reculés une telle fascination sur l’esprit humain que l’homme n’a eu de cesse de créer des instruments nouveaux, de les perfectionner, de travailler sa voix pour lui donner la plus parfaite expression, de rechercher de nouvelles harmonies, de se laisser guider par son inspiration afin de concevoir les plus belles oeuvres. Mais d’où vient cette inspiration qui permit à certains êtres de léguer à l’humanité des chefs-d'oeuvre qui, plusieurs siècles après leur (...)
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    The celebration of life: a dialogue on hope, spirit, and the immortality of the soul.Norman Cousins - 1974 - New York: Bantam Books.
    A philosophical inquiry into the meaning of immortality that ties all men together.
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    A Study in Synthesis.James Henry Cousins - 1934 - Ganesh & Co..
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    Ethical care during COVID-19 for care home residents with dementia.Emily Cousins, Kay de Vries & Karen Harrison Dening - 2021 - Nursing Ethics 28 (1):46-57.
    The COVID-19 pandemic has had a devastating impact on care homes in the United Kingdom, particularly for those residents living with dementia. The impetus for this article comes from a recent review conducted by the authors. That review, a qualitative media analysis of news and academic articles published during the first few months of the outbreak, identified ethical care as a key theme warranting further investigation within the context of the crisis. To explore ethical care further, a set of salient (...)
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  10. The Jeffreys–Lindley paradox and discovery criteria in high energy physics.Robert D. Cousins - 2017 - Synthese 194 (2):395-432.
    The Jeffreys–Lindley paradox displays how the use of a \ value ) in a frequentist hypothesis test can lead to an inference that is radically different from that of a Bayesian hypothesis test in the form advocated by Harold Jeffreys in the 1930s and common today. The setting is the test of a well-specified null hypothesis versus a composite alternative. The \ value, as well as the ratio of the likelihood under the null hypothesis to the maximized likelihood under the (...)
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    Philosophie morale (1820).Victor Cousin - 2019 - Paris: Classiques Garnier. Edited by Sylvain Matton.
    Le Cours de Philosophie par Mr V. Cousin réunit les leçons du semestre d'hiver 1819-1820, précédées de quelques cours sur l'École sensualiste et sur la Philosophie de Kant. Il s'agit là d'un travail préparatoire en vue de la composition d'une oeuvre "dogmatique" que Cousin n'a jamais écrite.
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  12. UnQuantum Woolf: The Many Intellectual Contexts of To the Lighthouse's Metaphorical Wave-Particle Binary.Xavier Cousin - 2022 - Dissertation, Durham University
    This thesis is a sceptical investigation into the notion that the metaphorical wave-particle binary of Virginia Woolf's To the Lighthouse is related to quantum physics. Indeed, the field of literature and science has employed conceptual similarities as the main means of connecting quantum concepts to novels, however, this has led to a host of scholarly difficulties, prompting the need for a re-examination of analogical linkages. Woolf is the model candidate for such a re-examination, given her historical and philosophical proximity with (...)
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    A note on the text of Aristotle's metaphysics, 1026a14.D. R. Cousin - 1940 - Mind 49 (196):495-496.
  14. A Theology of Interpersonal Relations.Ewert Cousins - 1970 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 45 (1):56-82.
    Richard of St. Victor's elaboration of the themes of interpersonal relations and of human love as self-transcendence links him to contemporary philosophical and theological interests.
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    Corrections à l'article intitulé « Lettre de Darius fils d'Hystaspes ».Georges Cousin - 1890 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 14 (1):646-648.
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  16. La Bibliothèque Victor Cousin à la Sorbonne.A. Py - 1991 - Corpus: Revue de philosophie 18:197-198.
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    ‘The Good Doctor’: the Making and Unmaking of the Physician Self in Contemporary South Africa.Michelle Pentecost & Thomas Cousins - 2019 - Journal of Medical Humanities 43 (1):43-54.
    In this article we examine the figure of the doctor in animated debates around public sector medicine in contemporary South Africa. The loss of health professionals from the South African public system is a key contributor to the present healthcare crisis. South African medical schools have revised curricula to engage trainee doctors with a broader set of social concerns, but the disjunctures between training, health systems failures, and a high disease burden call into question whether junior doctors are adequately prepared (...)
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  18. HOERNLÉ, R. F. A. -Studies in Philosophy. Ed. D. S. Robinson. [REVIEW]D. R. Cousin - 1956 - Mind 65:115.
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    Du droit du patient de recevoir des soins antalgiques à l’obligation du médecin de prendre en charge la douleur.Clément Cousin - 2012 - Médecine et Droit 2012 (116):158-160.
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    Kant's Concept of Appearance: I.D. R. Cousin - 1941 - Philosophy 16 (62):169 - 184.
    The following discussion arises out of reflection upon a number of related topics. One of these is the problem of perception, and in particular of perceptual illusion. Another is the use which has been made, e.g. by Bradley, of the distinction between appearance and reality as a guiding principle of metaphysical inquiry. But the immediate occasion of the present inquiry is the attempt to discover what Kant in particular has to say upon these and similar problems. It is for this (...)
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    An Understanding Of The BuddhaBuddhist Studies In Honour Of I. B. Horner.B. G. Gokhale, Oscar Shaftel, L. Cousins, A. Kunst & K. R. Norman - 1977 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 97 (1):60.
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    The Convergence of Cultures and Religions in Light of the Evolution of Conciousness.Ewert Cousins - 1999 - Zygon 34 (2):209-219.
    This article describes a challenge to the cultures and religions of the world that the author believes is the greatest challenge that has confronted the human race in its entire history. Modernity's search for unity and postmodernity's affirmation of pluralism reflect aspects of our current situation, but more needs to be recognized. We must acknowledge that East and West must face the current challenges together. Multiculturalism and unity encompass all world cultures, and we cannot be content to read our present (...)
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    A Study in Memory. By E. J. Furlong. (Thomas Nelson and Sons. 1951. Pp. vi + 106. Price 12s. 6d.). [REVIEW]D. R. Cousin - 1953 - Philosophy 28 (107):363-.
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    The ConDialInt Model: Condensation, Dialogality, and Intentionality Dimensions of Inner Speech Within a Hierarchical Predictive Control Framework.Romain Grandchamp, Lucile Rapin, Marcela Perrone-Bertolotti, Cédric Pichat, Célise Haldin, Emilie Cousin, Jean-Philippe Lachaux, Marion Dohen, Pascal Perrier, Maëva Garnier, Monica Baciu & Hélène Lœvenbruck - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:454766.
    Inner speech has been shown to vary in form along several dimensions. Along condensation, condensed inner speech forms have been described, that are supposed to be deprived of acoustic, phonological and even syntactic qualities. Expanded forms, on the other extreme, display articulatory and auditory properties. Along dialogality, inner speech can be monologal, when we engage in internal soliloquy, or dialogal, when we recall past conversations or imagine future dialogs involving our own voice as well as that of others addressing us. (...)
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    Kant's Concept of Appearance-II: PHILOSOPHY.D. R. Cousin - 1941 - Philosophy 16 (63):272-284.
    In an illusion, if what has been said in the earlier part of this section is right, the essential thing is the presence to the mind of some false proposition, which may be affirmed or denied according as we are or are not deceived. But what precisely is this false proposition in each case? And, a second question, on what grounds do we entertain it?
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    Relational Morphology: A Cousin of Construction Grammar.Ray Jackendoff & Jenny Audring - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    New books. [REVIEW]R. M. Hare, Norwood Russell Hanson, Dorothy Emmet, A. Montefiore, O. P. Wood, Paul Ziff, L. E. Thomas, F. E. Sparshott, D. R. Cousin & J. N. Findlay - 1956 - Mind 65 (257):102-119.
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  28. New books. [REVIEW]P. F. Strawson, H. J. Paton, H. L. A. Hart, Richard Robinson, A. C. Lloyd, R. Rhees, J. L. Spilsbury, Dorothy Emmet, George E. Hughes, D. R. Cousin, Basil Mitchell, Richard Peters, B. A. Farrell, Antony Flew, J. O. Urmson, O. P. Wood & Jonathan Cohen - 1951 - Mind 60 (238):265-295.
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    Inscriptions and materiality - (A.) Petrovic, (I.) Petrovic, (e.) Thomas (edd.) The materiality of text – placement, perception, and presence of inscribed texts in classical antiquity. (Brill studies in greek and Roman epigraphy 11.) pp. XVIII + 416, b/w & colour ills, maps. Leiden and boston: Brill, 2019. Cased, €118, us$142. Isbn: 978-90-04-37550-5. [REVIEW]Eleri Cousins - 2020 - The Classical Review 70 (1):11-14.
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    Mapping of Language-and-Memory Networks in Patients With Temporal Lobe Epilepsy by Using the GE2REC Protocol.Sonja Banjac, Elise Roger, Emilie Cousin, Chrystèle Mosca, Lorella Minotti, Alexandre Krainik, Philippe Kahane & Monica Baciu - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Preoperative mapping of language and declarative memory functions in temporal lobe epilepsy patients is essential since they frequently encounter deterioration of these functions and show variable degrees of cerebral reorganization. Due to growing evidence on language and declarative memory interdependence at a neural and neuropsychological level, we propose the GE2REC protocol for interactive language-and-memory network mapping. GE2REC consists of three inter-related tasks, sentence generation with implicit encoding and two recollection memory tasks: recognition and recall. This protocol has previously been validated (...)
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    Emperor worship in the provinces. G. McIntyre a family of gods. The worship of the imperial family in the latin west. Pp. XII + 179. Ann Arbor: University of michigan press, 2016. Cased, us$60. Isbn: 978-0-472-13005-4. [REVIEW]Eleri Cousins - 2018 - The Classical Review 68 (1):184-185.
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    Implementación y evaluación de un modelo de intervención grupal para personas con consumo problemático de drogas de la comunidad terapéutica padre Alberto Hurtado de Arica.Alejandro Cuadra Peralta, Romina Cousins Hurtubia, Juan Carlos Romero Romero & Ángeles Santibáñez Silva - 2008 - Límite 3 (18):109-133.
    El presente artículo tiene como propósito exponer la implementación y evaluación de un modelo de intervención grupal para personas con consumo problemático de drogas, el cual tiene como teoría de base la Biología de la Cognición y del Amar de Humberto Maturana. Hipotetizamos que mediante laimplementación de este modelo de terapia grupal disminuyen los niveles de depresión y ansiedad en las personas con consumo problemático de drogas. Es una investigación cuasi experimental pre-post con grupo de control, donde se exponen los (...)
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    Classifying spaces and the Lascar group.Tim Campion, Greg Cousins & Jinhe Ye - 2021 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 86 (4):1396-1431.
    We show that the Lascar group $\operatorname {Gal}_L$ of a first-order theory T is naturally isomorphic to the fundamental group $\pi _1|)$ of the classifying space of the category of models of T and elementary embeddings. We use this identification to compute the Lascar groups of several example theories via homotopy-theoretic methods, and in fact completely characterize the homotopy type of $|\mathrm {Mod}|$ for these theories T. It turns out that in each of these cases, $|\operatorname {Mod}|$ is aspherical, i.e., (...)
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  34. Victor Cousin, Theodore Jouffroy and the eclecticism of the early 19th century.U. Rancan & A. Marques - 2000 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 55 (2):187-204.
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    Ice, fire and flood.Andrew Milner, Burgmann Jr, Rjurik Davidson & Susan Cousin - 2015 - Thesis Eleven 131 (1):12-27.
    Despite the occasional upsurge of climate change scepticism amongst conservative politicians and journalists, there is a near-consensus amongst scientists that current levels of atmospheric greenhouse gas are sufficient to alter global weather patterns to possibly disastrous effect. Like the hole in the ozone layer as described by Bruno Latour, global warming is a ‘hybrid’ natural-social-discursive phenomenon. And science fiction (SF) seems to occupy a critical location within this nature/culture nexus. This paper takes as its subject matter what Daniel Bloom dubs (...)
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    Jack Fruchtman Jr., Atlantic Cousins: Benjamin Franklin and His Visionary Friends.A. R. Page - 2008 - Enlightenment and Dissent 24:105-107.
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    A Buddha and his cousin.Richard Hayes - manuscript
    Like most religions, the Buddhist tradition is rich in stories that are designed to illustrate key principles and values. Stories of the Buddha himself offer a verbal portrait of an ideal human being that followers of the tradition can aspire to emulate; his story offers a picture of a person with a perfectly healthy mind. Stories of other people (and of gods, ghosts and ghouls) portray a wide range of beings from the nearly perfect to the dreadfully imperfect, all presented (...)
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  38. A Philosophy before Philosophy: Royer-Collard, Jouffroy, Cousin.Sandro Chignola - 2011 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 66 (3):471-504.
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    Kissing Cousins: A New Kinship Bestiary.Frances Bartkowski - 2008 - Columbia University Press.
    Since DNA has replaced blood as the medium through which we establish kinship, how do we determine with whom we are kin? Who counts among those we care for? The distinction between these categories is constantly in flux. How do we come to decide those we may kiss and those we may kill? Focusing on narratives of kinship as they are defined in contemporary film, literature, and news media, Frances Bartkowski discusses the impact of "stories of origin" on our regard (...)
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    Cousin upon Kant's doctrine of the absolute.Francis A. Henry - 1868 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 2 (2):82 - 94.
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  41. PrÓlogo a un escrito filosÓfico del sr. Víctor Cousins.Ignacio Falgueras - 2002 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 7:201-218.
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    Absolute judgment and paired-associate learning: Kissing cousins or identical twins?Jane A. Siegel & William Siegel - 1972 - Psychological Review 79 (4):300-316.
  43. Honor and political imagination.Smita A. Rahman - 2024 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    In an unusual appearance in the press room in Fall 2017 then White House Chief of Staff general John Kelly made an interesting set of observations that compared our political present to a more traditional and seemingly upright past. "You know when I was a kid growing up, a lot of things were sacred in our country. Women were sacred, looked upon with great honor. That's obviously not the case anymore, as we've seen from recent cases. Life - the dignity (...)
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    Becoming a Xhosa Healer: Nomzi’s Story.Beauty N. Booi & David J. A. Edwards - 2014 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 14 (2):1-12.
    This paper presents the story of an isiXhosa traditional healer, Nomzi Hlathi, as told to the first author. Nomzi was asked about how she came to be an igqirha and the narrative focuses on those aspects of her life story that she understood as relevant to that developmental process. The material was obtained from a series of semi-structured interviews with Nomzi, with some collateral from her cousin, and synthesised into a chronological narrative presented in Nomzi’s own words. The aim of (...)
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    Weaker cousins of Ramsey's theorem over a weak base theory.Marta Fiori-Carones, Leszek Aleksander Kołodziejczyk & Katarzyna W. Kowalik - 2021 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 172 (10):103028.
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    Must a Man Be His Cousin's Keeper?Alan Meisel & Loren H. Roth - 1978 - Hastings Center Report 8 (5):5-6.
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    "And Her Substance Would Be Mine": Envy, Hate, and Ontological Evacuation in Josephine Hart's Sin.A. Samuel Kimball - 2005 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 12 (1):239-258.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:"And Her Substance Would Be Mine":Envy, Hate, and Ontological Evacuation in Josephine Hart's SinA. Samuel Kimball (bio)Envy involuntarily testifies to a lack of being that puts the envious to shame.—René Girard, A Theatre of EnvySin, offspring of snt-ya, "that which is," in Germanic sun(d)jo, "it is true," "the sin is real," and ultimately from es-, "to be," source of am, is, sooth, soothe; of the Sanskrit roots sat- and (...)
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    Consanguinity, Caste and deaf-mutism in punjab, 1921.A. H. Bittles, S. G. Sullivan & L. A. Zhivotovsky - 2004 - Journal of Biosocial Science 36 (2):221-234.
    The effects of religion, population sub-division and geography on the prevalence of deaf-mutism were investigated using information collected in the 1921 Census of Punjab. The total sample size was 9·36 million, and comprised data on thirteen Hindu castes, seventeen Muslim biraderis and two Sikh castes. A two-way analysis of variance comparing males in Hindu castes in which consanguineous marriage was prohibited, with males in Muslim biraderis which favoured first cousin marriage, indicated major differences with respect to the patterns of deaf-mutism (...)
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    Victor Cousin, la doctrine illustre que la France a donnée au monde et d'oú est sortie la philosophie moderne, les progrés des temps et les besoins du xixé siècle.Patrice Vermeren - 1999 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía:345-352.
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    Prólogo a un escrito filosófico del sr. Víctor Cousin.Igancio Falgueras & Mª José Varela Salinas - 2016 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 7.
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