Results for 'A. Corneli'

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  1. Working memory ability: Electrophysiological correlates of performance on cognitive tasks.A. E. Eastwood, R. A. Steffy & W. C. Corning - 2000 - Consciousness and Cognition 9 (2):S96 - S96.
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    A Skill‐Based Approach to Modeling the Attentional Blink.Corné Hoekstra, Sander Martens & Niels A. Taatgen - 2020 - Topics in Cognitive Science 12 (3):1030-1045.
    People can learn to perform new tasks very quickly by making use of lower‐level skills they have developed when learning previous tasks. Hoekstra, Martens, and Taatgen model this process, showing how a system trained on simple tasks (visual search and two working memory tasks) can then quickly learn to perform the attentional blink task, and it ends up making the same sorts of errors as people do.
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    Metafoor bij Aristoteles.Cornelis A. Bos - 2003 - Philosophia Reformata 68 (2):123-136.
    Er is de laatste decennia nogal wat te doen over de metafoor en haar functie. En vaak wordt daarbij verwezen naar een belangrijke tekst van de Griekse filosoof Aristoteles. Ik wil in het hierna volgende nagaan wat Aristoteles over de metafoor zegt. Ik begin met de hierboven bedoelde passage in haar verband zo letterlijk mogelijk te vertalen. Dan bezie ik verder wat Aristoteles met de metafoor die hij als voorbeeld gebruikt, doet en vervolgens bezien we wat Aristoteles verder over de (...)
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    The re‐emergence of “emergence”: A venerable concept in search of a theory.Peter A. Corning - 2002 - Complexity 7 (6):18-30.
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  5. Are there adverse consequences of quizzing during informed consent for HIV research?J. Sugarman, A. Corneli, D. Donnell, T. Y. Liu, S. Rose, D. Celentano, B. Jackson, A. Aramrattana, L. Wei, Y. Shao, F. Liping, R. Baoling, B. Dye & D. Metzger - 2011 - Journal of Medical Ethics 37 (11):693-697.
    Introduction While quizzing during informed consent for research to ensure understanding has become commonplace, it is unclear whether the quizzing itself is problematic for potential participants. In this study, we address this issue in a multinational HIV prevention research trial enrolling injection drug users in China and Thailand. Methods Enrolment procedures included an informed consent comprehension quiz. An informed consent survey followed. Results 525 participants completed the informed consent survey (Heng County, China=255, Xinjiang, China=229, Chiang Mai, Thailand=41). Mean age was (...)
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  6. The re-emergence of emergence, and the causal role of synergy in emergent evolution.Peter A. Corning - 2012 - Synthese 185 (2):295-317.
    Despite its current popularity, “emergence” is a concept with a venerable history and an elusive, ambiguous standing in contemporary evolutionary theory. This paper briefly recounts the history of the term and details some of its current usages. Not only are there radically varying interpretations about how to define emergence but “reductionist” and “holistic” theorists hold very different views about the issue of causation. However, these two seemingly polar positions are not irreconcilable. Reductionism, or detailed analysis of the parts and their (...)
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    History of the Law of Nations A few remarks apropos of some recent and not so recent publications.Cornelis G. Roelofsen - 1993 - Grotiana 14 (1):52-58.
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    Quelques remarques sur une conception phénomenologique de l’expérience.Cornelis A. Van Peursen - 1953 - Proceedings of the XIth International Congress of Philosophy 4:145-151.
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    ‘Grotian Moments’ in the Dutch East Indies? The Reception of Hugo Grotius’s Ideas in Cornelis Van Vollenhoven’s Writings on Customary Law and Colonialism.Cornelis Marinus Veld - 2024 - Grotiana 45 (2):291-316.
    In this paper it is argued that Grotius views on customary law are compatible with the concept of a ‘Grotian Moment’. However, the idea of accelerated customary international law is developed by Van Vollenhoven, who interpreted Grotius in a questionable way. Whereas Grotius qualifies as a thinker in the tradition of natural law, Van Vollenhoven should be seen as an interactionist. This is especially visible in his publications on adat law, in which he visibly belongs to a romantic, Germanist, and (...)
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    Evidence for treatable inborn errors of metabolism in a cohort of 187 Greek patients with autism spectrum disorder.Martha Spilioti, Athanasios E. Evangeliou, Despoina Tramma, Zoe Theodoridou, Spyridon Metaxas, Eleni Michailidi, Eleni Bonti, Helen Frysira, A. Haidopoulou, Despoina Asprangathou, Aggelos J. Tsalkidis, Panagiotis Kardaras, Ron A. Wevers, Cornelis Jakobs & K. Michael Gibson - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  11. Intelligence diffusa e cultura dell 'intelligence'.A. Corneli - forthcoming - Gnosis.
  12.  38
    Rethinking categories and life.Peter A. Corning - 1981 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 4 (2):286-288.
  13.  23
    The scientifization of culture: thoughts of a physicist on the techno-scientific revolution and the laws of progress.Cornelis Willem Rietdijk - 1994 - Assen: Van Gorcum. Edited by H. J. Eysenck.
    Chapter The Triumph of Reason; Anticipating the Bio- Technetronic Civilization I believe information technology is at the basis of a new age of civilization ...
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  14. Does the miracle argument embody a base rate fallacy?Cornelis Menke - 2014 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 45:103-108.
    One way to reconstruct the miracle argument for scientific realism is to regard it as a statistical inference: since it is exceedingly unlikely that a false theory makes successful predictions, while it is rather likely that an approximately true theory is predictively successful, it is reasonable to infer that a predictively successful theory is at least approximately true. This reconstruction has led to the objection that the argument embodies a base rate fallacy: by focusing on successful theories one ignores the (...)
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    The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Pain.Jennifer Corns (ed.) - 2017 - New York: Routledge.
    The phenomenon of pain presents problems and puzzles for philosophers who want to understand its nature. Though pain might seem simple, there has been disagreement since Aristotle about whether pain is an emotion, sensation, perception, or disturbed state of the body. Despite advances in psychology, neuroscience, and medicine, pain is still poorly understood and multiple theories of pain abound. The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Pain is an outstanding reference source to the key topics, problems and debates in this exciting (...)
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    Grotius and the Development of International Relations Theory The 'Long Seventeenth Century' and the Elaboration of a European States System.Cornelis G. Roelofsen - 1997 - Grotiana 18 (1):97-120.
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  17. Pain eliminativism: scientific and traditional.Jennifer Corns - 2016 - Synthese 193 (9).
    Traditional eliminativism is the view that a term should be eliminated from everyday speech due to failures of reference. Following Edouard Machery, we may distinguish this traditional eliminativism about a kind and its term from a scientific eliminativism according to which a term should be eliminated from scientific discourse due to a lack of referential utility. The distinction matters if any terms are rightly retained for daily life despite being rightly eliminated from scientific inquiry. In this article, I argue that (...)
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  18. A review of Biological Emergences: Evolution by Natural Experiment. [REVIEW]P. A. Corning - 2008 - Emergence: Complexity and Organization 10 (2):133-135.
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    A Model of Johannine Ethics.Cornelis Bennema - 2022 - Studies in Christian Ethics 35 (3):433-456.
    Johannine ethics was a problematic topic for a long time and has only been an acceptable and fruitful area of research since 2012. To stimulate and guide future research, this article proposes a model of Johannine ethics that consists of five aspects: (1) Graeco-Roman virtue ethics is the broad ethical context for Johannine ethics; (2) family is the theological context for Johannine ethics; (3) mimesis is central to Johannine ethics; (4) moral reasoning is the cognitive route to ethics; (5) Spirit (...)
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    Slowing of Hippocampal Activity Correlates with Cognitive Decline in Early Onset Alzheimer’s Disease. An MEG Study with Virtual Electrodes.Marjolein M. A. Engels, Arjan Hillebrand, Wiesje M. van der Flier, Cornelis J. Stam, Philip Scheltens & Elisabeth C. W. van Straaten - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
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    Superfluous People: A Reflection on Hannah Arendt and Evil.Cornelis Van Hattem - 2005 - Upa.
    Superfluous People describes Hannah Arendt's political and philosophical views on Nazi totalitarianism and the Shoah. In her contemplation of evil, Arendt initially spoke of the Shoah as a "radical evil," a term used by Kant. However, unlike Kant, Arendt's radical evil cannot be explained by human motives. Many years later she changed her mind and spoke of "the banality of evil," characterized by an inability to think and judge. Superfluous People seriously considers the question of whether thinking and judging can (...)
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    The various aspects of biology: essays by a botanist on the classification and main contents of the principal branches of biology.Cornelis Eliza Bertus Bremekamp - 1962 - Amsterdam: Noord-Hollandsche Uitg. Mij..
  23. Modelling serendipity in a computational context.Joseph Corneli, Alison Pease, Simon Colton, Anna Jordanous & Christian Guckelsberger - unknown
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  24. Moral motivation and the affective appeal.Jennifer Corns & Robert Cowan - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 178 (1):71-94.
    Proponents of “the affective appeal” :787–812, 2014; Zagzebski in Philos Phenomenol Res 66:104–124, 2003) argue that we can make progress in the longstanding debate about the nature of moral motivation by appealing to the affective dimension of affective episodes such as emotions, which allegedly play either a causal or constitutive role in moral judgements. Specifically, they claim that appealing to affect vindicates a version of Motivational Internalism—roughly, the view that there is a necessary connection between moral judgment and motivation—that is (...)
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    Mimesis in the Johannine literature: a study in Johannine ethics.Cornelis Bennema - 2017 - New York: Bloomsbury T&T Clark.
    Mimesis is a fundamental and pervasive human concept, but has attracted little attention from Johannine scholarship. This is unsurprising, since Johannine ethics, of which mimesis is a part, has only recently become a fruitful area of research. Bennema contends that scholars have not yet identified the centre of Johannine ethics, admittedly due to the fact that mimesis is not immediately evident in the Johannine text because the usual terminology for mimesis is missing. This volume is the first organized study on (...)
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    Conceptual representation of belief systems.Cornelis Wegman - 1981 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 11 (3):279–305.
    This paper describes a belief understanding system which, taking an interview-text as its input, builds a conceptual representation of a respondent's belief system concerning a given object. Central to the understanding process is the identification of the connections between the object and the believer's goals. A general scheme governing the inference-processes with respect to these object-goal relationships is presented. It is suggested that the implementation of BUS could proceed from Schank's et al Integrated Partial Parsing program. The system's behavior is (...)
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    Holistic Darwinism: Synergy, Cybernetics, and the Bioeconomics of Evolution.Peter Corning - 2005 - University of Chicago Press.
    In recent years, evolutionary theorists have come to recognize that the reductionist, individualist, gene-centered approach to evolution cannot sufficiently account for the emergence of complex biological systems over time. Peter A. Corning has been at the forefront of a new generation of complexity theorists who have been working to reshape the foundations of evolutionary theory. Well known for his Synergism Hypothesis—a theory of complexity in evolution that assigns a key causal role to various forms of functional synergy—Corning puts this theory (...)
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    The Mystery of the Moon Illusion: Exploring Size Perception.Helen Ross & Cornelis Plug - 2002 - Oxford University Press UK.
    ''The authors' style is clear, making the book accessible to newcomers, and the illustrations are excellent. There can be no doubt that this book will remain the standard work in the subject, and it will appeal to readers of all types.'' -Sir Patrick Moore in the Times Higher Education Supplement ''It will surely be the standard work on the subject for many years to come and we await with interest the outcome of further research into this fascinating subject.'' -Society for (...)
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    Toward a Christian Conception of History.Meijer Cornelis Smit (ed.) - 2002 - University Press of America.
    Meyer Cornelis Smit taught history and philosophy in the Free University at Amsterdam for a quarter century. Toward a Christian Conception of History presents the harvest of his scholarly output. The relation between God and history and the problems inherent in articulating that relation in a manner consistent with historic Christian belief and modern ideas of historical existence is the central theme of Smit's writing. Smit discusses the influence of one's world view on the practice and appreciation of history, the (...)
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    Interactions between Obsessional Symptoms and Interpersonal Ambivalences in Psychodynamic Therapy: An Empirical Case Study.Shana Cornelis, Mattias Desmet, Kimberly L. H. D. Van Nieuwenhove, Reitske Meganck, Jochem Willemsen, Ruth Inslegers & Jasper Feyaerts - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:190151.
    Background: The classical symptom specificity hypothesis (Blatt, 1974) links obsessional symptoms to autonomous interpersonal behavior. Inconsistent findings from cross-sectional group studies on symptom specificity have previously been associated with several conceptual and methodological limitations intrinsic to nomothetic research. Previous empirical case research reported ambivalences between autonomous and dependent interpersonal behavior in obsessional pathology. Aim and Method: The present ‘theory-building’ case study specifically aims at further refinement of the classical symptom specificity hypothesis by testing specific operationalizations within an empirical single case (...)
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  31. Competition and cooperation in the Asia-Pacific : why major power hedge and what does this mean for regional order.Elena Atanassova-Cornelis - 2018 - In Elena Aoun & Pierre Vercauteren, The state between interdependence and power in the contemporary world: a reassessment. Bruxelles: P.I.E. Peter Lang.
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    The Dynamics of Aristotelian Natural Philosophy from Antiquity to the Seventeenth Century.Cornelis Hendrik Leijenhorst, Christoph Herbert Lüthy & J. M. M. H. Thijssen - 2021 - BRILL.
    This book explores the dynamics of the commentary and textbook traditions in Aristotelian natural philosophy under the headings of doctrine, method, and scientific and social status. It enquires what the evolution of the Aristotelian commentary tradition can tell us about the character of natural philosophy as a pedagogical tool, as a scientific enterprise, and as a background to modern scientific thought. In a unique attempt to cut old-fashioned historiographic divisions, it brings together scholars of ancient, medieval, Renaissance and seventeenth-century philosophy. (...)
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    Coexistence of Habitat Specialists and Generalists in Metapopulation Models of Multiple-Habitat Landscapes.Cornelis J. Nagelkerke & Steph B. J. Menken - 2013 - Acta Biotheoretica 61 (4):467-480.
    In coarse-grained environments specialists are generally predicted to dominate. Empirically, however, coexistence with generalists is often observed. We present a simple, but previously unrecognized, mechanism for coexistence of a habitat generalist and a number of habitat specialist species. In our model all species have a metapopulation structure in a landscape consisting of patches of different habitat types, governed by local extinction and colonization. Each specialist is limited to its specific type of habitat. The generalist can use more types of habitat, (...)
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    The Complex Reality of Pain.Jennifer Corns - 2020 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book employs contemporary philosophy, scientific research, and clinical reports to argue that pain, though real, is not an appropriate object of scientific generalisations or an appropriate target for medical intervention. Each pain experience is instead complex and idiosyncratic in a way which undermines scientific utility. In addition to contributing novel arguments and developing a novel position on the nature of pain, the book provides an interdisciplinary overview of dominant models of pain. The author lays the needed groundwork for improved (...)
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    Graph Analysis of EEG Functional Connectivity Networks During a Letter-Speech Sound Binding Task in Adult Dyslexics.Gorka Fraga-González, Dirk J. A. Smit, Melle J. W. Van der Molen, Jurgen Tijms, Cornelis J. Stam, Eco J. C. De Geus & Maurits W. Van der Molen - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:767839.
    We performed an EEG graph analysis on data from 31 typical readers (22.27 ± 2.53 y/o) and 24 dyslexics (22.99 ± 2.29 y/o), recorded while they were engaged in an audiovisual task and during resting-state. The task simulates reading acquisition as participants learned new letter-sound mappings via feedback. EEG data was filtered for the delta (0.5–4 Hz), theta (4–8 Hz), alpha (8–13 Hz), and beta (13–30 Hz) bands. We computed the Phase Lag Index (PLI) to provide an estimate of the (...)
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    Faith in international agricultural development: Conservation Agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa.Corné J. Rademaker & Henk Jochemsen - 2019 - Agriculture and Human Values 36 (2):199-212.
    The role of faith and religion in international development cooperation is hotly debated today. The legitimacy of this role remains, however, often confided to instrumental reasons. Yet, thinking about faith and religion only in instrumental terms leaves unquestioned the possibility of a religious background of development cooperation as a practice itself and the potential role of faith through individual practitioners that operate within secular NGOs, and research and policy institutes. The aim of the present paper is therefore to consider the (...)
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    Peirce: a guide for the perplexed.Cornelis de Waal - 2013 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Charles Sanders Peirce, the founder of pragmatism, is a hugely important and influential thinker in the history of American philosophy. His philosophical interests were broad and he made significant contributions in several different areas of thought. Moreover, his contributions are intimately connected and his philosophy designed to form a coherent and systematic whole. Contents: 1: Life and Work; Chapter 2: Logic; Chapter 3: The Doctrine of the Categories; Chapter 4: Semiotics; Chapter 5: Philosophy of Science; Chapter 6: Pragmatism but Not (...)
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    (1 other version)A Critical Engagement with Ratcliffe’s Phenomenological Exploration of Grief.Jennifer Corns - 2023 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 31 (1):85-93.
    Grief Worlds is a phenomenological exploration of grief experiences and what they may teach us about emotional experience and human experience more generally. Though explicitly and self-consciously...
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    Remaking “Nature”: The Ecological Turn in Dutch Water Management.Cornelis Disco - 2002 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 27 (2):206-235.
    The ecological turn in water management has usually been interpreted as a political and cultural rather than technical and professional accomplishment. The dynamics of the uptake of ecological expertise into hydraulic engineering bureaucracies have not been well described. Focusing on the controversy around the damming of the Oosterschelde estuary in the Netherlands in the 1970s, this article shows how public environmental politics transformed the politics of interprofessional competition. Andrew Abbott’s concept of “jurisdictional vacancies” is mobilized to illuminate how ecologists took (...)
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    Le corps--l'âme--l'esprit: introduction à une anthropologie phénoménologique.Cornelis Anthonie van Peursen - 1979 - Boston: M. Nijhoff : Hingham, MA : distribution for the U.S. and Canada, Kluwer Boston.
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    Corrigendum: Graph Analysis of EEG Functional Connectivity Networks During a Letter-Speech Sound Binding Task in Adult Dyslexics.Gorka Fraga-González, Dirk J. A. Smit, Melle J. W. Van der Molen, Jurgen Tijms, Cornelis J. Stam, Eco J. C. de Geus & Maurits W. Van der Molen - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
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  42. The inadequacy of unitary characterizations of pain.Jennifer Corns - 2014 - Philosophical Studies 169 (3):355-378.
    Though pain scientists now understand pain to be a complex experience typically composed of sensation, emotion, cognition, and motivational responses, many philosophers maintain that pain is adequately characterized by one privileged aspect of this complexity. Philosophically dominant unitary accounts of pain as a sensation or perception are here evaluated by their ability to explain actual cases—and found wanting. Further, it is argued that no forthcoming unitary characterization of pain is likely to succeed. Instead, I contend that both the motivating intuitions (...)
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  43. The Placebo Effect.Jennifer Corns - 2018 - In David Bain & Michael Brady, Philosophy of Pain: Unpleasantness, Emotion, and Deviance. New York: Routledge.
    Despite the conceptual problems in identifying the placebo effect, an increasing number of multidisciplinary inquiries rest on the assumption that there is a distinct class of effects, placebo effects. In this chapter, I argue against this assumption. I present cases and characterizations of the placebo effect as offered in the literature, and argue that the latter are subject to insurmountable problems. Moreover, I argue that identification of placebo effects as such is not useful for the three main purposes offered in (...)
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    As in a mirror: John Calvin and Karl Barth on knowing God: a diptych.Cornelis van der Kooi - 2005 - Boston, Mass.: Brill.
    By sounding the work of John Calvin and Karl Barth as mirrors of reflection and experience, justice is done to the tension between the premodern and postkantian ...
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    On Peirce.Cornelis De Waal - 2001 - Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
    This brief text assists students in understanding Peirce's philosophy and thinking so they can more fully engage in useful, intelligent class dialogue and improve their understanding of course content. Part of the Wadsworth Notes Series, (which will eventually consist of approximately 100 titles, each focusing on a single "thinker" from ancient times to the present), On Peirce is written by a philosopher deeply versed in the philosophy of this key thinker. Like other books in the series, this concise book offers (...)
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    Beyond Modernization: Development Cooperation as Normative Practice.Corné J. Rademaker & Henk Jochemsen - 2018 - Philosophia Reformata 83 (1):111-139.
    In 2010, the Dutch Scientific Council for Governmental Policy called for an explicit and adequate intervention ethics for policy on international development cooperation. Yet, as appears from a careful reading of their report, the council’s own overall commitment to a modernist worldview hinders the fruitful development of such an intervention ethics. There is, however, a strand in their thinking that draws attention to the importance of practical knowledge. We argue specifically that an intervention ethics for development cooperation in agriculture should (...)
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    EEG Resting State Functional Connectivity in Adult Dyslexics Using Phase Lag Index and Graph Analysis.Gorka Fraga González, Dirk J. A. Smit, Melle J. W. van der Molen, Jurgen Tijms, Cornelis Jan Stam, Eco J. C. de Geus & Maurits W. van der Molen - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    The Whewell-Mill debate on predictions, from Mill's point of view.Cornelis Menke - 2018 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 69:60-71.
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  49. Suffering as significantly disrupted agency.Jennifer Corns - 2021 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 105 (3):706-729.
    This article offers a new theory of suffering as significantly disrupted agency. In presenting it, I here make three significant contributions. First, I subject the leading account of suffering as undesired unpleasant experience (Brady, 2018) to its first dose of sustained scrutiny. Second and drawing on this discussion, I identify and liberate eight desiderata for any account of suffering. Third, I present the novel account of suffering as significantly disrupted agency and argue that it satisfies these desiderata. Moreover, I argue (...)
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    Play as dynamic movement in an assemblage: A novel approach to the concept of “play”.Corné du Plessis - 2018 - South African Journal of Philosophy 37 (1):111-129.
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