Andries Baart [6]A. Baart [3]Andries J. Baart [1]Andries Johannes Baart [1]
A. J. Baart [1]
  1.  46
    Practical wisdom in complex medical practices: a critical proposal.C. M. M. L. Bontemps-Hommen, A. Baart & F. T. H. Vosman - 2019 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 22 (1):95-105.
    In recent times, daily, ordinary medical practices have incontrovertibly been developing under the condition of complexity. Complexity jeopardizes the moral core of practicing medicine: helping people, with their illnesses and suffering, in a medically competent way. Practical wisdom (a modification of the Aristotelian phronèsis) has been proposed as part of the solution to navigate complexity, aiming at the provision of morally good care. Practical wisdom should help practitioners to maneuver in complexity, where the presupposed linear ways of operating prove to (...)
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  2.  55
    Demarcation of the ethics of care as a discipline.Klaartje Klaver, Eric van Elst & Andries J. Baart - 2014 - Nursing Ethics 21 (7):755-765.
    This article aims to initiate a discussion on the demarcation of the ethics of care. This discussion is necessary because the ethics of care evolves by making use of insights from varying disciplines. As this involves the risk of contamination of the care ethical discipline, the challenge for care ethical scholars is to ensure to retain a distinct care ethical perspective. This may be supported by an open and critical debate on the criteria and boundaries of the ethics of care. (...)
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  3.  47
    Attentiveness in care: Towards a theoretical framework.Klaartje Klaver & Andries Baart - 2011 - Nursing Ethics 18 (5):686-693.
    The purpose of this article is to shape a theoretical framework of attentiveness in care, which may function as a background to study attentiveness in a health care setting empirically. More insight into the functions, forms, and aspects of attentiveness in a particular health care setting is important, as there is a lack of indicators and criteria that enable a sharp picture of the caring side of health provision. The concept of attentiveness and its relation to care have seldom been (...)
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  4.  38
    In search of good care: the methodology of phenomenological, theory-oriented ‘N=N case studies’ in empirically grounded ethics of care.Guus Timmerman, Andries Baart & Frans Vosman - 2019 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 22 (4):573-582.
    This paper proposes a new perspective on the methodology of qualitative inquiry in ethics, especially the interaction between empirical work and theory development, and introduces standards to evaluate the quality of this inquiry and its findings. The kind of qualitative inquiry the authors are proposing brings to light what participants in practices of care and welfare do and refrain from doing, and what they undergo, in order to offer ‘stepping stones’, political-ethical insights that originate in the practice studied and enable (...)
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  5. Relationship based care and recognition. Part two: good care and recognition.F. Vosman & A. Baart - 2011 - In Carlo Leget, Chris Gastmans & Marian Verkerk, Care, compassion and recognition: an ethical discussion. Leuven: Peeters. pp. 201--227.
  6. Relationship based care and recognition. Part one: sketching good care from the theory of presence and five entries.A. Baart & F. Vosman - 2011 - In Carlo Leget, Chris Gastmans & Marian Verkerk, Care, compassion and recognition: an ethical discussion. Leuven: Peeters.
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  7.  42
    Professional Medical Discourse and the Emergence of Practical Wisdom in Everyday Practices: Analysis of a Keyhole Case.Marij Bontemps-Hommen, Andries Baart & Frans Vosman - 2020 - Health Care Analysis 28 (2):137-157.
    Recent publications have argued that practical wisdom is increasingly important for medical practices, particularly in complex contexts, to stay focused on giving good care in a moral sense to each individual patient. Our empirical investigation into an ordinary medical practice was aimed at exploring whether the practice would reveal practical wisdom, or, instead, adherence to conventional frames such as guidelines, routines and the dominant professional discourse. We performed a thematic analysis both of the medical files of a complex patient and (...)
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  8.  27
    The continuing formation of relational caring professionals.Guus Timmerman & Andries Baart - 2022 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 25 (4):587-602.
    Learning to work as a relational caring professional in healthcare and social welfare, is foremost a process of transformative learning, of Building, of professional subjectification. In this article we contribute to the design of such a process of formation by presenting a structured map of five domains of formational goals. It is mainly informed by many years of care-ethical research and training of professionals in healthcare and social work. The five formational domains are:Relational Caring Approach,Perception,Knowledge,Interpretation, andPractical Wisdom. The formation process, (...)
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  9.  23
    Cultivating quality awareness in corona times.Guus Timmerman, Andries Baart & Jan den Bakker - 2021 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 24 (2):189-204.
    The Covid-19 pandemic is a tragedy for those who have been hard hit worldwide. At the same time, it is also a test of concepts and practices of what good care is and requires, and how quality of care can be accounted for. In this paper, we present our Care-Ethical Model of Quality Enquiry (CEMQUE) and apply it to the case of residential care for older people in the Netherlands during the Covid-19 pandemic. Instead of thinking about care in healthcare (...)
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  10.  13
    Epistemic negotiations on a closed psychiatric ward.Bram Salman & Andries Johannes Baart - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology.
    On a closed psychiatric ward, conflict and disagreement may exist between patients and psychiatrists on how to interpret the patient’s condition. This forms a complexity for implementing contemporary ideals such as shared decision making, which would require a substantial degree of epistemic flexibility from both psychiatrists and patients. Recently, authors have argued that psychiatrists are pluralistic and pragmatic in their interpretation of the patient’s condition, implying a space for this flexibility in the clinical encounter. In this article we present an (...)
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  11.  33
    How can attending physicians be more attentive? On being attentive versus producing attentiveness.Klaartje Klaver & Andries Baart - 2016 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 19 (3):351-359.
    This article is about caregivers being attentive to patients in healthcare. From earlier work on the understanding of the other, we know that it is impossible to completely understand the experiences of others. By the sharing of subjectivity—intersubjectivity—we may try to ‘grasp’ the other’s point of view. However, we can never assume that the same experience produces the same experience. Now, if it is principally impossible to understand the experience of one another, and if paying attention always implies an understanding (...)
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  12.  43
    The ethics of care: the state of the art.Frans J. H. Vosman, A. J. Baart & Jacobus Retief Hoffman (eds.) - 2020 - Bristol, CT: Peeters.
    The ethics of care, developed in early 1980s within feminism as a critique on the biases of neokantian ethics, is 40 years old. This book presents its key insights, the developments and debates over the years and the challenges care ethics faces. Internationally renown scholars from various continents have contributed, a clear sign that care ethics has spread over the globe. The key insights regard issues close by, care from person to person, but also at an institutional level and questions (...)
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