Results for '(in)definites'

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  1. (In)Definiteness, Polarity, and the Role of wh-morphology in Free Choice.Anastasia Giannakidou & Lisa Cheng - 2006 - Journal of Semantics 23 (2):135-183.
    In this paper we reconsider the issue of free choice and the role of the wh-morphology employed in it. We show that the property of being an interrogative wh-word alone is not sufficient for free choice, and that semantic and sometimes even morphological definiteness is a pre-requisite for some free choice items (FCIs) in certain languages, e.g. in Greek and Mandarin Chinese. We propose a theory that explains the polarity behaviour of FCIs cross-linguistically, and allows indefinite (Giannakidou 2001) as well (...)
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    Set theory influenced logic, both through its semantics, by expanding the possible models of various theories and by the formal definition of a model; and through its syntax, by allowing for logical languages in which formulas can be infinite in length or in which the number of symbols is uncountable.Truth Definitions - 1998 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 4 (3).
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    Generational Differences in Definitions of Meaningful Work: A Mixed Methods Study.Kelly Pledger Weeks & Caitlin Schaffert - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 156 (4):1045-1061.
    The search for meaningful work has been of interest to researchers from a variety of disciplines for decades and seems to have grown even more recently. Much of the literature assumes that employees share a sense of what is meaningful in work and there isn’t much attention given to how and why meanings might differ. Researchers have not only called for more research studying demographic differences in definitions of meaning :77–90, 2014), but also more research utilizing mixed methods to study (...)
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    Respecting Choice in Definitions of Death.Lainie Friedman Ross - 2018 - Hastings Center Report 48 (S4):53-55.
    The definition of death was clearer one hundred years ago than it is today. People were declared dead if diagnosed with permanent cessation of both cardio‐circulatory function and respiratory function. But the definition has been muddled by the development of new technologies and interventions—first by cardiopulmonary resuscitation and ventilators, which were introduced in the mid‐twentieth century, and now by extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, which creates the ability to keep oxygenated blood circulating, with or without a beating heart or functioning lungs. In (...)
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  5. Uniqueness in definite noun phrases.Craige Roberts - 2003 - Linguistics and Philosophy 26 (3):287-350.
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    Split-scope definites: Relative superlatives and Haddock descriptions.Dylan Bumford - 2017 - Linguistics and Philosophy 40 (6):549-593.
    This paper argues for a particular semantic decomposition of morphological definiteness. I propose that the meaning of ‘the’ comprises two distinct compositional operations. The first builds a set of witnesses that satisfy the restricting noun phrase. The second tests this set for uniqueness. The motivation for decomposing the denotation of the definite determiner in this way comes from split-scope intervention effects. The two components—the selection of witnesses on the one hand and the counting of witnesses on the other—may take effect (...)
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    Agreement in definitions, judgements and forms of life.G. P. Baker & P. M. S. Hacker - 1980 - In Gordon P. Baker & P. M. S. Hacker (eds.), Wittgenstein: Rules, Grammar and Necessity. New York, NY, USA: Blackwell. pp. 211–239.
    This chapter contains sections titled: The scaffolding of facts The role of our nature Forms of life Agreement: consensus of human beings and their actions.
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    On the vicious circle in definitions.Pavel Tichý - 1971 - Studia Logica 28 (1):19 - 40.
  9. Number marking and (in)definiteness in kind terms.Veneeta Dayal - 2004 - Linguistics and Philosophy 27 (4):393-450.
    This paper explores the link between number marking and(in)definiteness in nominals and their interpretation. Differencesbetween bare singulars and plurals in languages without determinersare explained by treating bare nominals as kind terms. Differencesarise, it is argued, because singular and plural kinds relatedifferently to their instantiations. In languages with determiners,singular kinds typically occur with the definite determiner, butplural/mass kinds can be bare in some languages and definite inothers. An account of singular kinds in terms of taxonomic readingsis proposed, with number marking playing (...)
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    Demonstratives as Definites.Craige Roberts - 2002 - In Kees van Deemter & Rodger Kibble (eds.), Information Sharing: Reference and Presupposition in Language Generation and Interpretation. CSLI Press. pp. 89-196.
  11. Socrates' Defense of Justice in Plato's "Republic".In Ha Jang - 1993 - Dissertation, Boston College
    In this dissertation, I examine Socrates' defense of justice in Plato's Republic. I contend that recognizing the problematic character of Socrates' defense of justice in the Republic is a key to understanding his teaching regarding justice. In response to the request made by Glaucon and Adeimantus at the beginning of Book Two, Socrates tries to show, in the bulk of the Republic, that justice is intrinsically good and that it is better than injustice. In doing so, he relies especially on (...)
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  12. Reciprocals are Definites.Sigrid Beck - 2001 - Natural Language Semantics 9 (1):69-138.
    This paper proposes that elementary reciprocal sentences have four semantic readings: a strongly reciprocal interpretation, a weakly reciprocal interpretation, a situation-based weakly reciprocal reading, and a collective reading. Interpretational possibilities of reciprocal sentences that have been discussed in the literature are identified as one of these four. A compositional semantic analysis of all of these readings is provided in which the reciprocal expression is uniformly represented as 'the other ones among them' (recasting Heim, Lasnik and May 1991a, b). A reciprocal (...)
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    (5 other versions)MAKKY, Lukáš : Od začiatku po koniec a ešte ďalej: umenie v definičných súradniciach. [From the Beginning til the End and Beyond: The Art in Definitional Coordinates].Jana Migašová & Peter Gurský - 2019 - Espes 9 (2):88-91.
    MAKKY, Lukáš : Od začiatku po koniec a ešte ďalej: umenie v definičných súradniciach. [From the Beginning til the End and Beyond: The Art in Definitional Coordinates]. Prešov: Filozofická fakulta Prešovskej univerzity v Prešove, Opera Philosophica. 256 pp.
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  14. Scientific Imperialism: Difficulties in Definition, Identification, and Assessment.Uskali Mäki - 2013 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 27 (3):325-339.
    This article identifies and analyses issues related to defining and evaluating the so-called scientific imperialism. It discusses John Dupré's account, suggesting that it is overly conservative and does not offer a definition of scientific imperialism in not presenting it as a phenomenon of interdisciplinarity. It then discusses the recent account by Steve Clarke and Adrian Walsh, taking issue with ideas such as illegitimate occupation, counterfactual progress, and culturally significant values. A more comprehensive and refined framework of my own is then (...)
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    Ideology: an Essay in Definition.George A. Kendall - 1981 - Philosophy Today 25 (3):262-276.
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    Pourquoi Des dictionnaires?'.I. La Définition Linguistique du Dictionnaire - 1971 - In Julia Kristeva, Josette Rey-Debove & Donna Jean Umike-Sebeok (eds.), Essays in semiotics. The Hague,: Mouton. pp. 216.
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    Socrates’ wisdom in definition.Dylan B. Futter - 2019 - South African Journal of Philosophy 38 (4):383-391.
    Why does Socrates favour definitional speech discussion of virtue’s instances and attributes? Why does he take such a dim view of applied ethics? In this article, I criticise the received answers to these questions and offer a different view. I argue that Socrates favours definitional dialogue because it actualises knowledge that the logic of his argument shows to be essential to virtue. By leading the interlocutor to a paradoxical definition of virtue as knowledge, Socrates engenders this knowledge in his soul.
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    Emotional preparation for the unification of Korea: Through the embracement, forgiveness and love shown in the Gospel of Matthew.In-Cheol Shin - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (3).
    The greatest wish of the Baeda l people, or South Koreans, living in the Korean Peninsula is the unification of Korea. However, even when it has been 70 years since the outbreak of the Korean War, the two Koreas that used to be one nation are still in conflict. There have been many discourses on unification over the past 70 years, but these discourses still fail to create clear rules and a framework for unification. Discourses from the perspective of biblical (...)
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    Variations in definition of ultraproducts of a family of first order relational structures.Wilfred G. Malcolm - 1972 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 13 (3):394-398.
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    Inverse Linking, Possessive Weak Definites and Haddock Descriptions: A Unified Dependent Type Account.Justyna Grudzińska & Marek Zawadowski - 2019 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 28 (2):239-260.
    This paper proposes a unified dependent type analysis of three puzzling phenomena: inversely linked interpretations, weak definite readings in possessives and Haddock-type readings. We argue that the three problematic readings have the same underlying surface structure, and that the surface structure postulated can be interpreted properly and compositionally using dependent types. The dependent type account proposed is the first, to the best of our knowledge, to formally connect the three phenomena. A further advantage of our proposal over previous analyses is (...)
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    The Evaluation of Differences in Definitions and Classifications of Kināya in Arabic Rhetoric: In the Context of the Modern Period.Ahmet Gezek - 2023 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 9 (1):433-457.
    In the dictionary, kināya, which means “to say a word and to mean a second meaning with that word”, means “to use a word both in its true meaning and in a second meaning other than this meaning“ as the Arabic rhetoric term. The conceptualization process of kināya as a sub-title of the ilm al-bayān started in the second century hijrī and took its present form in the seventh century hijrī with Abū Yaʿqūb al-Sakkākī (d. 626/1229) and in the eighth (...)
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    On measuring inconsistency in definite and indefinite databases with denial constraints.Francesco Parisi & John Grant - 2023 - Artificial Intelligence 318 (C):103884.
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    Coalescent theories and divergent paraphrases: definites, non-extensional contexts, and familiarity.Francesco Pupa - 2021 - Synthese 199 (1-2):4841-4862.
    A recent challenge to Russell’s theory of definite description centers upon the divergent behavior of definites and their Russellian paraphrases in non-extensional contexts. Russellians can meet this challenge, I argue, by incorporating the familiarity theory of definiteness into Russell’s theory. The synthesis of these two seemingly incompatible theories produces a conceptually consistent and empirically powerful framework. As I show, the coalescence of Russellianism and the familiarity theory of definiteness stands as a legitimate alternative to both Traditional Russellianism and alternative (...)
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    On the Ambiguity in Definite Descriptions.Thomas J. Hughes - 2014 - In Piotr Stalmaszczyk (ed.), Philosophy of Language and Linguistics: The Legacy of Frege, Russell, and Wittgenstein. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 99-114.
  25. When is circularity in definitions benign?J. A. Burgess - 2007 - Philosophical Quarterly 58 (231):214–233.
    I aim to show how and why some definitions can be benignly circular. According to Lloyd Humberstone, a definition that is analytically circular need not be inferentially circular and so might serve to illuminate the application-conditions for a concept. I begin by tidying up some problems with Humberstone's account. I then show that circular definitions of a kind commonly thought to be benign have inferentially circular truth-conditions and so are malign by Humberstone's test. But his test is too demanding. The (...)
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  26. Privacy, Intimacy, and Isolation.Julie C. Inness - 1992 - New York, US: OUP Usa.
    From the Supreme Court to the bedroom, privacy is an intensely contested interest in our everyday lives and privacy law. Some people appeal to privacy to protect such critical areas as abortion, sexuality, and personal information. Yet, privacy skeptics argue that there is no such thing as a right to privacy. I argue that we cannot abandon the concept of privacy. If we wish to avoid extending this elusive concept to cover too much of our lives or shrinking it to (...)
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  27. The Effect of Scene Variation on the Redundant Use of Color in Definite Reference.Ruud Koolen, Martijn Goudbeek & Emiel Krahmer - 2013 - Cognitive Science 37 (2):395-411.
    This study investigates to what extent the amount of variation in a visual scene causes speakers to mention the attribute color in their definite target descriptions, focusing on scenes in which this attribute is not needed for identification of the target. The results of our three experiments show that speakers are more likely to redundantly include a color attribute when the scene variation is high as compared with when this variation is low (even if this leads to overspecified descriptions). We (...)
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    Developmental Changes in Children’s Processing of Redundant Modifiers in Definite Object Descriptions.Ruud Koolen, Emiel Krahmer & Marc Swerts - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Christian ethical perspective of church and politics in Nagaland: prospects in definition, relationship, mission, and guidelines.Kerio Wetsah - 2018 - [Kohima, Nagaland]: [Kerio Wetsah].
    Articles on the history of Assamese Sikhs.
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    Newton, Gases, and Daltonian chemistry: The foundations of combination in definite proportion.Robin S. Fleming - 1974 - Annals of Science 31 (6):561-574.
    (1974). Newton, Gases, and Daltonian chemistry: The foundations of combination in definite proportion. Annals of Science: Vol. 31, No. 6, pp. 561-574.
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    Organtransplantation ohne „Hirntod”-Konzept? : Anmerkungen zu R.D. Truogs Aufsatz ”Is It Time To Abandon Brain Death?”.Jürgen in der Schmitten - 2002 - Ethik in der Medizin 14 (2):60-70.
    Definition of the problem:Truog’s critique of the ”brain death” concept outlines inconsistencies well understood in the U.S. ethical debate, while he is one of the first to suggest returning to the traditional, coherent concept of death, thus breaking with the ”dead-donorrule.” The German transplantation law of 1996 endorses equating ”brain death” with death. A defeated draft, however, had acknowledged that irreversible total brain failure is a death-near state with a zero prognosis; organ harvesting, then, was to be allowed only in (...)
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  32. Witnesses.Matthew Mandelkern - 2022 - Linguistics and Philosophy 45 (5):1091-1117.
    The meaning of definite descriptions (like ‘the King of France’, ‘the girl’, etc.) has been a central topic in philosophy and linguistics for the past century. Indefinites (‘Something is on the floor’, ‘A child sat down’, etc.) have been relatively neglected in philosophy, under the Russellian assumption that they can be unproblematically treated as existential quantifiers. However, an important tradition, drawing from Stoic logic, has pointed to patterns which suggest that indefinites cannot be treated simply as existential quantifiers. The standard (...)
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  33. Methodological problems in evolutionary biology IV. stress and stress tolerance, an excercise in definitions.Wim J. Steen & Martin Scholten - 1985 - Acta Biotheoretica 34 (1).
    Grime (1979) in a recently developed theory distinguished three basic plant strategies: stress tolerance,ruderality and competition. He relates them to environments characterized in terms of stress and disturbance. Classifications of strategies and environments both are ultimately defined in terms of production. This tends to make the theory tautological. If the theory is to make sense, environments had better be defined in independent terms.
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  34. Diversity in feminist economics research methods: trends from the Global South.U. T. Salt Lake City, Annandale-On-Hudson USAb Levy Economics Institute of Bard College, C. O. Fort Collins, Markets Including Care Work, History of Economic Thought Public Policy, Labor Economics Currently Development, Macroeconomic Implications of Social Reproduction Her Research Focuses on the Micro-, Finance She is A. Labor Associate Editor for the African Review of Economics, Research Interests Related to the Division Feminist Economist, Definition of Both Paid Quality, How Households Unpaid Work, Formed Around These Types of Work Families Are Structured, Households How the State Interacts, Development The Editor of Feminist Economics She Was Recently Senior Economist at the United Nations Conference on Trade, Including the International Labour Organization Has Done Consulting Work for A. Number of International Development Institutions, the United Nations Research Institute on Social Development the World Bank & Macroeconomic Asp U. N. Women Her Work Focuses on the International - forthcoming - Journal of Economic Methodology:1-25.
    Using data on submitted and published manuscripts in Feminist Economics from 1995 to 2019, we examine differences in method and scope used by authors residing in the Global North and Global South. We specifically focus on research methods, intersectional analyses, region of analysis, and co-authorship status. Further, using logistic regression models, we examine the relationship between authors’ location and use of research methods. We find authors in the Global South are more likely to engage in empirical and mixed-methods papers compared (...)
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    The Problem of Metaphysics and the Meaning of Metaphysical Explanation: An Essay in Definitions.B. H. Bode - 1903 - Philosophical Review 12 (2):231-232.
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    Definition of Economics in Retrospective: Two Epistemological Tensions That Explain the Change of the Study Object in Economics.Daniel Durán-Sandoval & Francesca Uleri - 2023 - Philosophies 9 (1):1.
    Throughout history, schools of economic thought have defined political economy—or economics—and its object of study in multiple ways. This paper reflects on the definitions of economics by schools of economic thought and also proposes the concepts of value and scarcity as key concepts to explain the differences between them. The most important findings of the paper are: (a) the ontological and epistemological characteristics of the concept of value and scarcity have shaped the definitions of economics; (b) the boundaries of the (...)
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    Criticism of Gehlen’s Theory of Instinct-Reduction and Phenomenological Clarification of the Concept of Instinct as the Genetic Origin of Embodied Consciousness.Lee Nam-In - 2017 - Yearbook for Eastern and Western Philosophy 2017 (2):355-371.
    In the past 20 years, the concept of instinct has been discussed in respect to various disciplines such as evolutionary biology, evolutionary psychology, linguistics, ethics, aesthetics, and phenomenology, etc. However, the meaning of instinct still remains unclarified in many respects. In order to overcome this situation, it is necessary to elucidate the genuine meaning of instinct so that the discussion of instinct in these disciplines can be carried out systematically. The objective of this paper is to establish the genuine concept (...)
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  38. Definition and the Epistemology of Natural Kinds in Aristotle.Nathanael Stein - 2018 - Metaphysics 1 (1):33–51.
    We have reason to think that a fundamental goal of natural science, on Aristotle’s view, is to discover the essence-specifying definitions of natural kinds—with biological species as perhaps the most obvious case. However, we have in the end precious little evidence regarding what an Aristotelian definition of the form of a natural kind would look like, and so Aristotle’s view remains especially obscure precisely where it seems to be most applicable. I argue that if we can get a better understanding (...)
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    Fisheries, Wildlife, and Philosophy of Science: An Exercise in Definition.Benjamin R. Cohen - 2000 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 20 (6):466-479.
    The Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences (FWS) graduate program at Virginia Tech held a student-led, discussion-based, 9-week seminar in the philosophy of science during the fall 1999 semester. This seminar presented the sociologist of science with the opportunity to investigate questions such as, How does a contemporary scientific discipline use the philosophy of science? What do scientists hope to gain from an understanding of demarcation issues? And how do they perceive themselves as a science? Issues of demarcation between science (...)
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    Definitions in economics: farewell to essentialism.Cristian Frasser & Gabriel Guzmán - 2023 - Journal of Economic Methodology 30 (3):228-244.
    There is an essentialist view that requires one to specify the set of necessary and sufficient properties of the things that exist when establishing definitions. The endorsement of essentialism for definitions in economics has been largely motivated by the Taxonomic Tower of Babel (TTB), which encompasses two intellectual fears. The fear of scientific aphasia is the fear that scientific progress is hampered because economists do not agree on the definitions they use. The fear of nihilism refers to the fear of (...)
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    Definitions (and Concepts) in Mathematical Practice.V. J. W. Coumans - 2024 - In Bharath Sriraman (ed.), Handbook of the History and Philosophy of Mathematical Practice. Cham: Springer. pp. 135-157.
    Definitions are traditionally seen as abbreviations, as tools for notational convenience that do not increase inferential power. From a Philosophy of Mathematical Practice point of view, however, there is much more to definitions. For example, definitions can play a role in problem solving, definitions can contribute to understanding, sometimes equivalent definitions are appreciated differently, and so on. This chapter reviews the literature on definitions and (to a certain extent) concepts in mathematical practice. It is structured according to four themes through (...)
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    Leonard Greenberg. The ‘is’ of identity in definitions. ETC.: A review of general semantics, vol. 1 , pp. 109–111. - Charles Morris. Science and discourse. Synthese , vol. 5 , pp. 296–308. - Brugt H. Kazemier. Remarks on logical positivism. Synthese , vol. 5 , pp. 327–332. - Arnold Reymond. Congrès de Berne de I'unité et de la méthode dans les sciences. Synthese , vol. 5 , pp. 475–485. - Anonymous. The relativistic standpoint with regard to the foundation of mathematics. Synthese , vol. 5 , pp. 519–521. - Jean-Louis Destouches. Logique el réalité. Synthese , vol. 6 , pp. 300–304. - F. Denk. Sprache, Modell und Exaktheit. Synthese , vol. 5 , pp. 487–494. - P. H. Esser. Inaugural address. English with French abstract. Synthese , vol. 7 , pp. 16–22. - Karl Dürr. Logislik als Forschungsmethode. Synthese , vol. 5 , pp. 27–31. - Louis van Haecht. Les aspects psychologique et logique de I'analyse du langage. Synthese , vol. 5 , pp. 100–108. [REVIEW]Alonzo Church - 1950 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 15 (3):236-236.
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    Methodological problems in evolutionary biology IV. Stress and stress tolerance, an excercise in definitions.Wim J. Van der Steen & Martin Scholten - 1985 - Acta Biotheoretica 34 (1):81-90.
    Grime in a recently developed theory distinguished three basic plant strategies: stress tolerance,ruderality and competition. He relates them to environments characterized in terms of stress and disturbance. Classifications of strategies and environments both are ultimately defined in terms of production. This tends to make the theory tautological. If the theory is to make sense, environments had better be defined in independent terms.
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    Definitions Come in Many Kinds: Reply to Comments.Kevin Mulligan & Klaus R. Scherer - 2012 - Emotion Review 4 (4):389-390.
    We conclude that the commentators seem to fundamentally agree on the substance of our proposal of a partial real definition of emotion as a dynamic episode which has to fulfill a certain number of conditions to count as a member of the class. We raise the issue of prescriptive functions of a definition, suggesting parallels to biomedical ontologies. We also clarify the issues of linguistic and cultural relativity and of differences in the nature of individual emotions.
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    Definition in mathematics.Carlo Cellucci - 2018 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 8 (3):605-629.
    In the past century the received view of definition in mathematics has been the stipulative conception, according to which a definition merely stipulates the meaning of a term in other terms which are supposed to be already well known. The stipulative conception has been so absolutely dominant and accepted as unproblematic that the nature of definition has not been much discussed, yet it is inadequate. This paper examines its shortcomings and proposes an alternative, the heuristic conception.
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    Proper Definition in "Principia Mathematica".C. G. Morgan - 1973 - International Logic Review 7:80.
    In an article in "mind," 1971, pp. 282-283, the authors raised objections to a certain definition in "principia mathematica." in this paper we demonstrate that (a) their argument is faulty, (b) their suggested remedies are unsatisfactory, and (c) there is nothing wrong with the original definition.
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  47. Definition in Greek philosophy.David Charles (ed.) - 2010 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Socrates' greatest philosophical contribution was to have initiated the search for definitions. In Definition in Greek Philosophy his views on definition are examined, together with those of his successors, including Plato, Aristotle, the Stoics, Galen, the Sceptics and Plotinus. Although definition was a major pre-occupation for many Greek philosophers, it has rarely been treated as a separate topic in its own right in recent years. This volume, which contains fourteen new essays by leading scholars, aims to reawaken interest in a (...)
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    Definitions- und Begriffslehre in Camaps Konstitutionstheorie.Juan Ignacio Gómez Tutor - 1999 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 57 (1):151-166.
    Es wird versucht, die Camapsche Definitions- und Begriffslehre darzustellen, die er bei der Entwicklung seiner Konstitutionstheorie aufstellte. Camap unterscheidet zwei Hauptteile der Definitions- und Begriffslehre: den Abschnitt, der zum Konstitutionssystem gehört, und den Abschnitt, der nicht dazu gehört. Die Definitionslehre besteht wiederum aus zwei zentralen Definitionsarten: der Strukturbeschreibung, mit der das Konstitutionssystem aufgebaut wird, und der impliziten Definition, die außerhalb des Konstitutionssystems steht. Auch die Begriffslehre läßt sich in zwei Hauptgruppen unterteilen: in die eigentlichen Begriffe, die die Begriffe des Konstitutionssystems (...)
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    The search for mind: a new foundation for cognitive science.Seán Ó Nualláin - 1995 - Portland, OR: Intellect.
    Machine generated contents note: Part 1 - The Constituent Disciplines of Cognitive Science -- Philosophical Epistemology -- Glossary -- 1.0 What is Philosophical Epistemology? -- 1.1 The reduced history of Philosophy Part I - The Classical Age -- 1.2 Mind and World - The problem of objectivity -- 1.3 The reduced history of Philosophy Part II - The twentieth century -- 1.4 The philosophy of Cognitive Science -- 1.5 Mind in Philosophy: summary -- 1.6 The Nolanian Framework (so far) -- (...)
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  50. Definitions in ontologies.Selja Seppälä, Alan Ruttenberg, Yonatan Schreiber & Barry Smith - 2016 - Cahiers de Lexicologie 109 (2):175‐207.
    Definitions vary according to context of use and target audience. They must be made relevant for each context to fulfill their cognitive and linguistic goals. This involves adapting their logical structure, type of content, and form to each context of use. We examine from these perspectives the case of definitions in ontologies.
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