Results for '피로, 노동, 철학상담, 피로사회, 성과 주체, 열매 주체, Fatigue, Work, Philosophical Counseling, Fatigue-Prone Society, Achievement-Centered Persons, Fruitfulness-Centered Persons'

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  1.  15
    Work Fatigue and Philosophical Counseling.박병준 ) - 2022 - Philosophical Practice and Counseling 12:5-31.
    오늘날 현대인은 만성 피로로 지쳐 있다. 한병철은 이러한 현대사회의 모습을 피로사회로 규정하고, 그 원인이 과도한 자기 긍정의 성과 주체에서 비롯된다고 진단한다. 과도한 피로로 인한 소진증후군과 같은 정신적 질병은 일 중독의 도핑 사회에서 성과 주체가 보여주는 필연적 현상이다. 그러나 현대사회에서 피로의 탓을 오로지 성과 주체의 내적 원인으로만 돌리는 것은 정당하지 않다. 왜냐하면, 성과 주체 자체가 이미 자기 성취와 자기 발견과 전혀 무관한 노동만을 암암리에 강요하는 사회의 외적 지배구조 아래 놓여 있기 때문이다. 이 글은 오늘날 질병으로서 인식되는 현대인의 만성적 피로가 근본적으로 어디에 (...)
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    Philosophical Counselling, Truth and Self-Interpretation.David A. Jopling - 1996 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 13 (3):297-310.
    Philosophical counselling, Ran Lahav and others claim, helps clients deepen their philosophical self‐understanding. The counsellor's role is the minimalist one of providing the client with the philosophical tools needed for reflective self‐evaluation. Respect for the client's autonomy entails refraining from intervening with substantive moral criticism, theories, and methods; the client's ways of working out fundamental questions like ‘Who am I and what do I really want?’cannot be assessed by the counsellor in terms of their truth‐value, but only (...)
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    Wise therapy: philosophy for counsellors.Tim LeBon - 2001 - New York: Continuum.
    Independent on Sunday October 2nd One of the country's lead­ing philosophical counsellers, and chairman of the Society for Philosophy in Practice (SPP), Tim LeBon, said it typically took around six 50 ­minute sessions for a client to move from confusion to resolution. Mr LeBon, who has 'published a book on the subject, Wise Therapy, said philoso­phy was perfectly suited to this type of therapy, dealing as it does with timeless human issues such as love, purpose, happiness and emo­tional challenges. (...)
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  4.  10
    A value-centered approach to data privacy decisions.Sarah E. Carter - 2024 - Dissertation, National University of Ireland, Galway
    There are a host of data privacy decisions we must make every day – and it is exceedingly difficult, if not impossible, for us to make meaningful decisions about all of them. In this thesis, I define, conceptualize, interrogate, and design for value-centered privacy decision making – that is, decisions that are focused on who we are and what we value – as a means of respecting and promoting user autonomy. To achieve this, this work utilizes philosophical theory (...)
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  5.  20
    Professional Activities of Practical Psychologists: Philosophical Counseling in the Context of Postmodernism.Yana Chaika, Oksana Patlaichuk, Olga Stupak, Alla Lazareva, Oksana Voitsekhovska & Liudmyla Shkil - 2022 - Postmodern Openings 13 (4):69-83.
    The current state of Ukrainian society is characterized by socio-economic instability, there are dynamic, unique processes in which each person is involved. In this connection, there are increasing demands on the professionalism of specialists in the field of practical psychology, their philosophical counseling in the context of postmodernism, aimed at helping people become the subject of their life, work, social and value relationships, to teach them to find meanings and maximize self-actualization. This is represented in the change of priorities (...)
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  6.  22
    Guide to Personal Knowledge: The Philosophy of Michael Polanyi: Tacit Knowledge, Emergence and the Fiduciary Program by Dániel Paksi and Mihály Héder.Alessio Tartaro - 2022 - Review of Metaphysics 76 (2):358-361.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Guide to Personal Knowledge: The Philosophy of Michael Polanyi: Tacit Knowledge, Emergence and the Fiduciary Program by Dániel Paksi and Mihály HéderAlessio TartaroPAKSI, Dániel and Mihály Héder. Guide to Personal Knowledge: The Philosophy of Michael Polanyi: Tacit Knowledge, Emergence and the Fiduciary Program. Wilmington, Del.: Vernon Press, 2022. xxiii + 209 pp. Cloth, $65.00Famous for the concept of "tacit knowledge," Polanyi is a figure who looms over twentieth-century (...)
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    Herman Dooyeweerd: Christian philosopher of state and civil society.Jonathan Chaplin - 2011 - Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press.
    The twentieth-century Dutch philosopher Herman Dooyeweerd left behind an impressive canon of philosophical works and has continued to influence a scholarly community in Europe and North America, which has extended, critiqued, and applied his thought in many academic fields. Jonathan Chaplin introduces Dooyeweerd for the first time to many English readers by critically expounding Dooyeweerd's social and political thought and by exhibiting its pertinence to contemporary civil society debates. Chaplin begins by contextualizing Dooyeweerd's thought, first in relation to present-day (...)
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  8. Philosophical Counseling and Teaching: "Holding the Tension" in a Dualistic World.Maria Davenza Tillmanns - 1998 - Dissertation, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
    In this dissertation, I develop a theory of philosophical counseling and teaching. It is the outcome of my holding the tension of my practical and theoretical viewing points. Holding the tension is a term which Maurice Friedman coined to counter the idea of dichotomous either/or thinking and any attempt to synthesize thought into unity or fusion. ;This dissertation focuses on Buber's notion of the dialogical, which implies acknowledging the other's otherness. Buber's notion of other is diametrically opposed to the (...)
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  9.  35
    George Santayana, Literary Philosopher (review).Matthew Caleb Flamm - 2001 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 39 (4):603-604.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 39.4 (2001) 603-604 [Access article in PDF] Irving Singer. George Santayana, Literary Philosopher. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2000. Pp. xiii + 217. Cloth, $25.00. In a prefatory comment, Irving Singer affirms that George Santayana, Literary Philosopher is "an introduction to the part of Santayana's philosophy that has meant the most to me" (xii). The locus of this personal interest, he goes on (...)
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  10.  53
    Philosophical Counselling.K. A. Zoë - 1995 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 2 (2):23-28.
    Self-understanding is to a great extent defined by narrative: who we are as human beings is determined by the stories we, and others, tell about ourselves. Yet many are unable to compose coherent personal narratives, as their experiences do not fall within the scope of an accepted conceptual framework. Survivors of trauma are particularly apt to fall into this “narrative rift,” where there can be no words to describe, and hence can be no assimilation of, their experiences. Using the example (...)
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  11.  48
    On becoming an effective teacher: person-centered teaching, psychology, philosophy, and dialogues with Carl R. Rogers and Harold Lyon.Carl R. Rogers - 2014 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Harold C. Lyon & Reinhard Tausch.
    On Becoming an Effective Teacher presents the final unpublished writings of Rogers and as such has a unique historical value. It also documents the research results of four highly relevant, related but independent studies which comprise the biggest collection of data ever accumulated to test a person-centred theory in the field of education. This body of comprehensive research on effective teaching was accomplished over a twenty-year period in 42 States in the U.S. and in six other countries including the UK, (...)
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  12.  32
    (1 other version)The open society and its enemies: one-volume edition.Karl R. Popper - 1994 - Princeton: Princeton University Press. Edited by George Soros, Alan Ryan, E. H. Gombrich & Karl R. Popper.
    One of the most important books of the twentieth century, Karl Popper's The Open Society and Its Enemies is an uncompromising defense of liberal democracy and a powerful attack on the intellectual origins of totalitarianism. Popper was born in 1902 to a Viennese family of Jewish origin. He taught in Austria until 1937, when he emigrated to New Zealand in anticipation of the Nazi annexation of Austria the following year, and he settled in England in 1949. Before the annexation, Popper (...)
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  13. A Philosophical Analysis and Critique of Dr. Irvin Yalom’s Writings Concerning Philosophical Counseling.Shlomit C. Schuster - 2013 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 27 (1):131-143.
    In this analysis of Yalom’s account of philosophical counseling I show that his perception of it is largely informed by his own ideas about existential psychotherapy and group therapy. Additionally I find that When Nietzsche Wept, and The Schopenhauer Cure comply with Yalom’s personal development and struggles in psychotherapy with philosophy, religion, and boundary violations. Conflicting ideas and attitudes concerning the formerly mentioned are traced also in other works by Yalom.
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  14. Reframing Deception for Human-Centered AI.Steven Umbrello & Simone Natale - 2024 - International Journal of Social Robotics 16 (11-12):2223–2241.
    The philosophical, legal, and HCI literature concerning artificial intelligence (AI) has explored the ethical implications and values that these systems will impact on. One aspect that has been only partially explored, however, is the role of deception. Due to the negative connotation of this term, research in AI and Human–Computer Interaction (HCI) has mainly considered deception to describe exceptional situations in which the technology either does not work or is used for malicious purposes. Recent theoretical and historical work, however, (...)
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  15.  42
    Philosophical representation of female artistic images in objectivism.A. O. Muntian - 2019 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 15:134-144.
    Purpose. Based on actualization of gender discursive features, the current piece aims to clarify and accentuate the manifestation of gender-philosophical ideas interaction: feminism in the framework of objectivism. The source material for the current article is a novel by Ayn Rand "Atlas Shrugged", which is a philosophical work on objectivism. Theoretical basis. The development of the gender discourse, in particular the discourse of feminism is researched from the retrospective angle. This piece is an attempt to underline peculiarities of (...)
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  16.  41
    B Flach! B Flach!Myroslav Laiuk & Ali Kinsella - 2023 - Common Knowledge 29 (1):1-20.
    Don't tell terrible stories—everyone here has enough of their own. Everyone here has a whole bloody sack of terrible stories, and at the bottom of the sack is a hammer the narrator uses to pound you on the skull the instant you dare not believe your ears. Or to pound you when you do believe. Not long ago I saw a tomboyish girl on Khreshchatyk Street demand money of an elderly woman, threatening to bite her and infect her with syphilis. (...)
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  17.  36
    Introduction to the Special Issue: Racism.Ronald R. Sundstrom - 2023 - American Philosophical Quarterly 60 (4):325-327.
    Racism as an independent topic of investigation in philosophy has considerably developed since the 1990s, when it appeared as part of growing debates that, on the one hand, investigated the political meaning of race and, on the other, its ontology and whether it existed at all. Likewise, with the idea of racism, its broadly normative meaning is critiqued by some philosophers, while others ask how best to conceive of it and identify its immorality. There were a few early and significant (...)
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  18.  9
    Actualization of the Shadow Archetype in a War Situation (From Philosophical Reflection to the Practice of Social Work).Оксана Олександрівна ОСЕТРОВА - 2024 - Epistemological studies in Philosophy, Social and Political Sciences 7 (1):78-85.
    A borderline situation, causing a person to realize the proximity of his death, actualizes the always potentially present threat of his own death. Currently, such a total borderline situation for the Ukrainian people is the war, the consequences of which are a huge number of personal and social problems that need to be solved. Awareness of their essence, in my opinion, is facilitated by a thorough acquaintance with the teaching of K. G. Jung about the archetypes of the collective unconscious. (...)
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  19.  4
    A Philosophy of Belonging: Persons, Politics, Cosmos by James Greenaway (review).Thomas W. Holman - 2024 - Review of Metaphysics 77 (4):717-719.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:A Philosophy of Belonging: Persons, Politics, Cosmos by James GreenawayThomas W. HolmanGREENAWAY, James. A Philosophy of Belonging: Persons, Politics, Cosmos. Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press, 2023. xii + 326 pp. Cloth, $125.00; paper, $50.00“Belonging” is a common theme in contemporary political discourse, but it has not yet garnered much sustained attention in terms of its philosophical significance. James Greenaway’s new book aims (...)
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  20.  28
    Human nature and the feasibility of inclusivist moral progress.Andrés Segovia-Cuéllar - 2022 - Dissertation, Ludwig Maximilians Universität, München
    The study of social, ethical, and political issues from a naturalistic perspective has been pervasive in social sciences and the humanities in the last decades. This articulation of empirical research with philosophical and normative reflection is increasingly getting attention in academic circles and the public spheres, given the prevalence of urgent needs and challenges that society is facing on a global scale. The contemporary world is full of challenges or what some philosophers have called ‘existential risks’ to humanity. Nuclear (...)
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  21.  31
    Lo Storicismo Tedesco Contemporaneo. [REVIEW]M. A. - 1972 - Review of Metaphysics 26 (1):170-172.
    Fifteen years after the first edition of this comprehensive work, German historicism remains largely and conspicuously in the shadows. The great historico-philological and historico-sociological work produced by, and on the fringes of, this school has given way to specialization. Great polygraphs of the caliber of a Meinecke, a Vossler, a Curtius, a Cassirer, a Croce, or an Auerbach seem to have completely disappeared from the scene. But is the necessity for cultural synthesis that these men stressed any less urgent today (...)
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  22.  75
    Philosophy of Happiness.Martin Janello - 2013 - Palioxis Publishing.
    [NOTE: THE ENTIRE TEXT OF THE PRINT VERSION OF THIS BOOK CAN BE DOWNLOADED FROM "CHAPTERS" BELOW, DIVIDED INTO 48 SEGMENTS: TABLE OF CONTENTS, INTRODUCTION, 45 CHAPTERS, AND CONCLUSION AND EPILOGUE.] -/- Whatever the circumstances and states of our happiness might be, we all can benefit from clarifying our understanding of happiness and from solidifying our conduct in favor of happiness on the basis of such an understanding. In trying to develop such a basis, I ended up pursuing the philosophy (...)
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  23.  24
    A Psychotherapist Seeks Philosophical Counseling: A Dialogue.Ross Channing Reed - 2022 - International Journal of Philosophical Practice 8 (1):54-63.
    This paper presents a dialogue between a psychotherapist whom we will call Lilly, and Ross Channing Reed, Ph.D., a philosopher and philosophical counselor. Lilly begins by asking Ross a series of questions regarding philosophical counseling and his approach to working with her. Ross discusses his philosophy and approach to philosophical counseling, what it is like to provide counseling for a therapist, and the educational nature of philosophical counseling. Topics addressed include the nature of unarticulated trauma, the (...)
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    Libertarian Autobiographies: Moving Toward Freedom in Today’s World.Jo Ann Cavallo & Walter Block (eds.) - 2023 - Springer.
    Influential libertarians from diverse backgrounds and professions who have worked toward a freer society across the globe share their personal and intellectual journeys, including what their lives and thoughts were before they embraced libertarianism; which people, texts, or events most inspired them; what experiences, challenges, tribulations, and achievements they have had as participants or leaders in this movement, and how this philosophy has affected their private and professional lives. The volume’s 80 contributors span the political-philosophical spectrum of libertarianism, including (...)
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    Redistributive Taxation, Self‐Ownership and the Fruit of Labour.Mark A. Michael - 1997 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 14 (2):137–146.
    Libertarians such as Nozick have argued that any redistributive tax scheme intended to achieve and maintain an egalitarian distributive pattern will violate self‐ownership. Furthermore, since self‐ownership is a central component of the idea of freedom, instituting an egalitarian distribution makes a society less rather than more free. All this turns on the claim, accepted by both libertarians and their critics, that a redistributive tax will violate self‐ownership because it must expropriate the fruit of a person’s labour. I show here that (...)
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  26.  92
    Breve storia dell'etica.Sergio Cremaschi - 2012 - Roma RM, Italia: Carocci.
    The book reconstructs the history of Western ethics. The approach chosen focuses the endless dialectic of moral codes, or different kinds of ethos, moral doctrines that are preached in order to bring about a reform of existing ethos, and ethical theories that have taken shape in the context of controversies about the ethos and moral doctrines as means of justifying or reforming moral doctrines. Such dialectic is what is meant here by the phrase ‘moral traditions’, taken as a name for (...)
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  27.  47
    The Philosophy of Karl Popper. [REVIEW]Rodney Byrne - 1985 - Idealistic Studies 15 (2):173-175.
    Perhaps it is a measure of the controversy that Popper has evoked that this should be the first two-volume addition to Schilpp’s library. Certainly the thirty-three discursive and critical essays emanate from a galaxy of philosophical and other stars: Kraft, Kneale, Quine, Putnam, Lakatos, Medawar, Maxwell, Levison, Bar-Hillel, Eccles, Watkins, Campbell, Freeman & Skolimowski, Feigl & Meehl, Musgrave, Bernays, Bronowski, Lejewski, Schlesinger, Ayer, Agassi, Settle, Margenau, Suppes, Grünbaum, Kuhn, Wisdom, Boyle, Wild, Acton, Winch, Donagan, and Gombrich. The LLP faces (...)
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  28.  54
    Richard Rorty's 'Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature': An Existential Critique. [REVIEW]James P. Cadello - 1988 - Journal of Value Inquiry 22 (1):67-76.
    Seeing philosophy as conversation with a number of fruitful avenues of discourse, Rorty seems to be caught in limbo, unwilling to follow through or commit himself to any particular line of discourse for fear of closing himself off to alternative discourses. Choosing to adopt this particular attitude he still has made a choice: he has made a commitment to non-commitment, or as Ortega puts it, “decided not to decide.” Jose Ortega y Gasset, The Revolt of the Masses, trans. anonymously (New (...)
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  29.  26
    The Acting Person and Christian Moral Life by Darlene Fozard Weaver. [REVIEW]Sameer Yadav - 2015 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 35 (1):210-211.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Acting Person and Christian Moral Life by Darlene Fozard WeaverSameer YadavThe Acting Person and Christian Moral Life By Darlene Fozard Weaver WASHINGTON, DC: GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY PRESS, 2011. 215 PP. $32.95In this carefully argued and theologically subtle study of human moral agency, Darlene Fozard Weaver describes a large-scale shift in theological ethics away from an “act-centered” approach and toward a more “person-centered” approach. She catalogues the (...)
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  30.  71
    Reciprocity and its Role in Economic Cooperation.Pedro McDade - 2020 - Dissertation, University of Warwick
    Reciprocity is ubiquitous in our lives, both as a way of rewarding and punishing others. Consequently, the social sciences have devoted many studies to this phenomenon. However, the concept of 'reciprocity' is quite polyvalent, and is used in many different ways across different disciplines - a situation potentially prone to equivocation, which hinders fruitful interdisciplinary work. At the same time, although philosophers often invoke 'reciprocity' in their work, there is a lack of conceptual clarification about what reciprocity actually means (...)
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  31.  80
    Inequality.Irina Mitina - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 50:469-475.
    The inequality as a social problem was in focus of attention of social philosophers since the early years of modern history when a person has ceased to perceive the social hierarchy as pre-established one and has understood the opportunity of its re-determination. Investigators studied in detail different aspects of the problem but their discussions were centered on the question about foundation of inequality. I argue that if we allow the possibility of change of the social positions as the main (...)
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    Critical Thinking and Philosophical Counseling: Centred on 5 Steps of LBT.Hee-Bong Choi - 2017 - Sogang Journal of Philosophy 50 (null):165-200.
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    The Impact of Digital Technologies on Production Models and Forms of Employment: Socio-Philosophical Analysis.E. G. Tsurkan & E. D. Dryaeva - 2019 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 23 (4):533-547.
    The process of integration of digital technologies into the structure of social production and distribution leads to a series of definite trends in capitalist development. These trends are regular and interdependent. The acceleration of information exchange provides an opportunity to replace the Fordism with a thriftier network model, which involves outsourcing and reducing the longevity of contractual obligations and hiring relationships, which leads to the precarization of labor of a certain social group, which can be described as “precariat”. The change (...)
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    The ethics of artificial intelligence, UNESCO and the African Ubuntu perspective.Dorine Eva van Norren - 2023 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 21 (1):112-128.
    PurposeThis paper aims to demonstrate the relevance of worldviews of the global south to debates of artificial intelligence, enhancing the human rights debate on artificial intelligence (AI) and critically reviewing the paper of UNESCO Commission on the Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology (COMEST) that preceded the drafting of the UNESCO guidelines on AI. Different value systems may lead to different choices in programming and application of AI. Programming languages may acerbate existing biases as a people’s worldview is captured in (...)
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  35. The Cement of Social Alchemy: Philosophical Analysis of Mind Group's and Personal Identity.Nikolay Milkov - 2012 - In O. J. Schulz & B. E. Koch, New Developments in Anthropology Research. Nova Science.
    This essay advances an original theory of mind-group and personal identity and at the same time critically examines related concepts in the work of Peter Strawson and Harry Frankfurt. A mind group is here defined as a kind of social group that is built up by way of the practical beliefs, desires, and preferences of those who make up the group. Part One of the paper introduces a summative model of mind-group identity. It explicates social life as a net of (...)
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  36. W poszukiwaniu ontologicznych podstaw prawa. Arthura Kaufmanna teoria sprawiedliwości [In Search for Ontological Foundations of Law: Arthur Kaufmann’s Theory of Justice].Marek Piechowiak - 1992 - Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN.
    Arthur Kaufmann is one of the most prominent figures among the contemporary philosophers of law in German speaking countries. For many years he was a director of the Institute of Philosophy of Law and Computer Sciences for Law at the University in Munich. Presently, he is a retired professor of this university. Rare in the contemporary legal thought, Arthur Kaufmann's philosophy of law is one with the highest ambitions — it aspires to pinpoint the ultimate foundations of law by explicitly (...)
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  37.  14
    An Evolutionary Paradigm For International Law: Philosophical Method, David Hume And The Essence Of Sovereignty.John Martin Gillroy - 2013 - New York, NY, USA: Palgrave MacMillan.
    Preface The status of sovereignty as a highly ambiguous concept is well established. Pointing out or deploring, the ambiguity of the idea has itself become a recurring motif in the literature on sovereignty. As the legal theorist and international lawyer Alf Ross put it, “there is hardly any domain in which the obscurity and confusion is as great as here.” 1 The concept of sovereignty is often seen as a downright obstacle to fruitful conceptual analysis, carried over from its proper (...)
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  38.  13
    Between Two Worlds : Memoirs of a Philosopher-Scientist.Mario Bunge - 2016 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    To go through the pages of the Autobiography of Mario Bunge is to accompany him through dozens of countries and examine the intellectual, political, philosophical and scientific spheres of the last hundred years. It is an experience that oscillates between two different worlds: the different and the similar, the professional and the personal. It is an established fact that one of his great loves was, and still is, science. He has always been dedicated to scientific work, teaching, research, and (...)
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  39. Individualism: Personal Achievement and the Open Society. [REVIEW]O. H. S. - 1968 - Review of Metaphysics 22 (1):150-150.
    This book is an attempt to describe the interaction between the individual and his society. Miller claims that society gets its creative thrusts forward from the minds of its single individuals. Also each individual depends on feedback from his society in order to discover how his quest for the ideal self is going. The work includes a short history of the concept of individualism. There is a distinction drawn between the "open society" which provides the conditions necessary for the individual (...)
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  40. The Empirical Interpretation of French Cartesianism: the Académie des Sciences, the Journal des Sçavans and the Relationship with the Royal Society.Nausicaa Elena Milani - 2014 - Noctua 1 (2):312-480.
    The Système de philosophie by Pierre Sylvain Régis can be considered as the achievement both of the scientific liveliness of the Académie des Sciences in the 17th century and of its fruitful relationship with the Royal Society. Since it aims to shape the new conception of the universe in terms of a system, the Système represents one of the most mature achievements of Cartesian philosophy and it is characterized by an empirical interpretation of Descartes’ thought. The Système therefore reflects (...)
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    Understanding person‐centered care within a complex social context: A qualitative study of Saudi Arabian acute care nursing.Mashael Hasan Alamrani & Shira Birnbaum - 2024 - Nursing Inquiry 31 (3):e12650.
    Policy reforms implemented in Saudi Arabia in recent years aim to modernize the culture and infrastructure of healthcare delivery and are expected to integrate person‐ and patient‐centered care principles throughout the national healthcare system. However, in a complex multicultural environment where most nurses are international migrant workers, unique challenges emerge that frame the delivery of care. Better understanding is needed about what nurses perceive to be high‐quality, person‐centered care in Saudi Arabia and how they manage to enact it (...)
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  42. The Concept of Work in Maria Montessori and Karl Marx.Madonna R. Adams - 2005 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 79:247-260.
    Surprising as it may appear, the philosophical writings of political economist Karl Marx (1818–1883), and those of philosopher, educator Maria Montessori(1870–1952), show thematic resemblances that invite further exploration. These resemblances reflect both keen awareness of the historical period they shared, but also important common threads in their philosophical anthropology, ethical and political values, and goals. In this paper, I examine one central thread which both take as fundamental, namely, the centrality of work in achieving the harmonious development of (...)
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  43.  22
    Relating person‐centredness to quality‐of‐life assessments and patient‐reported outcomes in healthcare: A critical theoretical discussion.Viktor Andersson, Richard Sawatzky & Joakim Öhlén - 2022 - Nursing Philosophy 23 (3):e12391.
    Engagement with the historical and theoretical underpinnings of measuring quality of life (QoL) and patient‐reported outcomes (PROs) in healthcare is important. Ideas and values that shape such practices—and in the endgame, people's lives—might otherwise remain unexamined, be taken for granted or even essentialized. Our aim is to explicate and theoretically discuss the philosophical tenets underlying the practices of QoL assessment and PRO measurement in relation to the notion of person‐centredness. First, we engage with the late‐modern history of the concept (...)
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    Student-Centred Philosophy.Venera-Mihaela Cojocariu - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 37:35-41.
    The sciences of education have always, but even more at the present moment, felt the need of a paradigmatic “umbrella” that could offer both a real bases as well as a large and adequate covering. The changes on the philosophical level and, at the same time, the dilemmas in the social life and in the educational process have generated simultaneous and interdependent reshapings. This explains the fact that the new exigencies that education faces, especially from the perspective of the (...)
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    A Person-Centered Approach to Psychospiritual Maturation : Mentoring Psychological Resilience and Inclusive Community in Higher Education.Jared D. Kass - 2017 - Cham: Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan.
    This book presents an engaged learning curriculum for higher education that helps emerging adults and professionals-in-training develop psychological resilience and community-building interpersonal skills. The curriculum mentors a person-centered process of psychospiritual maturation through growth in five dimensions of self: bio-behavioral, cognitive-sociocultural, social-emotional, existential-spiritual, and resilient worldview formation. This growth promotes student well-being and a positive campus culture, while preparing them to build cultures of health, social justice, and peace in the social systems where they will work and live.
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    Matrices of Genre: Authors, Canons, and Society (review).Paul Allen Miller - 2002 - American Journal of Philology 123 (1):119-122.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:American Journal of Philology 123.1 (2002) 119-122 [Access article in PDF] Mary Depew and Dirk Obbink, eds. Matrices of Genre: Authors, Canons, and Society. Center for Hellenic Studies Colloquia 4. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2000. vi + 346 pp. Cloth, $50. The present collection of essays, which originated as a colloquium at the Center for Hellenic Studies, starts, in the words of editor and organizer Dirk Obbink, from (...)
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  47. Periagoge. Teoria della singolarità e filosofia come esercizio di trasformazione (II ed.).Guido Cusinato - 2017 - Verona, Italy: QuiEdit.
    Botticelli and Tizian depict the Annunciation in two very different ways. Botticelli portrays a kneeling angel in an act of guiding from below, while Tizian represents an angel imposing himself from above with an authoritarian forefinger. Botticelli's painting suggests an intention of orientation that is not authoritarian yet able to bring about a transformation (Umbildung). It also suggests that an individual's transformation cannot be achieved in a closed solipsistic dimension, but requires a disclosure from otherness. My theory is that at (...)
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  48.  8
    Perception of the Values of the Previous Era in the Paradigms of « Prominent Philosophers and Writers.В Опенько - 2024 - Philosophical Horizons 48:102-109.
    Disputes about the “uniqueness” of one’s era in comparison with the achievements of previous ones have always been a “cornerstone” in the perception of past concepts regarding the values of the achievements of predecessors. However, at one time, Confucius said his world-famous phrase that if you don’t look back, there is no way forward. But many people are not interested in their past. That is why the “Querelle des Anciens et des Modernes” in the form of a literary debate, (...) on a comparison of the value of the contributions of ancient authors and French authors of the 17th century, and which was widespread at the time, is still relevant today. The purpose and objectives of the article. The purpose of the article is to highlight the perception of the values of previous eras in the paradigms of “non-contemporary” prominent philosophers and writers. The tasks of the article are to reveal the reasons for the primordial disputes about “ancient and new”, a natural return to ancient literature and ancient philosophy. Research methodology. The leading research methods were: content-comparative - to analyze the reliability of judgments of French writers of the 17th century; retrospective, which helps to investigate the phenomenon of the value of “the ancient in the new” in the century-old controversy, the method of personalization, which ensures the study and understanding of the works of S. Perrault and his contemporaries. The results. It’s no secret that the tasks of art in the Antiquity, Middle Ages and Modern times differed greatly. For Antiquity, every craftsman was an artist, while the activity of a painter and sculptor was a more complex craft. It is typical for that time that there was almost no idea about creativity and the creative act, but despite this, the ancient Greeks were able to create immortal examples of art. The art of the Middle Ages was supposed to embody a moralistic character and remind of the eternal, the art of romanticism saw godlike creativity as its goal. The art of the 20th century presented its ideal in the denial of everything that the previous era saw as its goal, periodically declaring the death of art. Based on the fact that today there are many different ideas about the goals and tasks of modern art, we cannot say with full confidence what is the common goal of the art of our days, and it is even more difficult for us to imagine how art will live, for example, through a hundred years. Conclusions. So, we can come to the conclusion that in the era of the early Enlightenment, the attitude to the ancient heritage, in particular in France and England, was not unambiguous even among the educated aristocracy or university professors who knew Greco-Roman works well enough. This is clearly evidenced by the century-old dispute “about ancient and new”, which caused a lot of auxiliary discussions. Undoubtedly, even today arguing and debating about the art of previous eras and our own has a place in philosophy and literature, and they continue to do this with success for more than one hundred years. But to prove the rightness of one of the sides of these disputes is a sufficiently dubious matter for science. (shrink)
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    An Evaluation on "The Literature of the Nafs" in Mawardi's Work Named Kitab Aadab al-Dunya w'al-Din.Özkan Kerimoğlu - 2025 - Fırat Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 29 (2):79-95.
    In the sacred texts, human beings are described as being created in the most beautiful way. In order to understand and define its integrity of existence in the most accurate way, it is necessary to know both its biological and spiritual aspects. In addition to the well-known and generally accepted characteristics of humans such as will and responsibility, there are also basic realities that constitute humans such as nafs, soul and mind. One of the most powerful factors that make a (...)
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    John Stuart Mill on Liberty and Control, and: Mill's Moral, Political and Legal Philosophy (review).Daniel E. Palmer - 2001 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 39 (2):308-311.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 39.2 (2003) 308-311 [Access article in PDF] Joseph Hamburger. John Stuart Mill on Liberty and Control. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1999. Pp. xx + 239. Cloth, $35.00. C. L. Ten, editor. Mill's Moral, Political and Legal Philosophy. Aldershot: Dartmouth Publishing Company, 1999. Pp. xxiii + 498. Cloth, $180.00. John Stuart Mill's On Liberty is commonly viewed as the classic defense of individual liberty, (...)
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