Results for '토론 수업, 도덕 교육, 도덕성, 도덕적 갈등, 비판적 사고, 도덕적 판단력, 2007년 개정 교육과정, 토론 주제'

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  1. Imagination.Colin McGinn - 2007 - In Brian McLaughlin, Ansgar Beckermann & Sven Walter, The Oxford handbook of philosophy of mind. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  2. Poétique et imaginaire de la femme à Edo.Jean Cholley - 2007 - Iris 30:69-73.
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    Vis-à-vis the glaneuse.S. D. Chrostowska - 2007 - Angelaki 12 (2):119 – 133.
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    ‘Exercitatio animi’ en ‘De Trinitate’ de san Agustín.Martin Claes - 2007 - Augustinus 52 (204):43-47.
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    Down but Not Out: Union Resurgence and Segmented Neocorporatism in Argentina.Ruth Berins Collier & Sebastián Etchemendy - 2007 - Politics and Society 35 (3):363-401.
    The shift from state-led import-substitution industrialization to more market-oriented economic models often has the result of shrinking and demobilizing the labor movement. Yet, evidence from Argentina suggests that a subsequent resurgence of even a downsized labor movement may occur and furthermore that a type of “segmented neocorporatism” may be established in the new economic context. We argue that the establishment of this new form of interest intermediation is driven by economic and political factors that are both immediate and longer term. (...)
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    Giselle Donnard.Michèle Collin - 2007 - Multitudes 2 (2):199-201.
    We have chosen to include here two unpublished texts by Giselle which seemed to us to express the originality of her truly political life, as someone who was both extremely close to Felix Guattari in theoretical terms, and was a very concrete actor on the front lines of various citizen movements, which assert a specific relation to political action and to life.
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    Re-thinking the Conflict Concerning the Argument Structure of the ‘Analytic of Concepts’ in Kant’s First Critique.Nathan Colaner - 2007 - Southwest Philosophy Review 23 (1):147-154.
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    Tra grammatica e logica: saggio sulla lingua di Benedetto Croce.Davide Colussi - 2007 - Pisa: F. Serra.
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  9. Towards the New Jerusalem: Catholic Realism in the Public Domain.Mark Coleridge - 2007 - The Australasian Catholic Record 84 (2):204.
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    “If There Were an Eye on the Back of the Heaven…” (Plotinus, Ennead 4.5,3 and 8).Andrei Cornea - 2007 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 63 (3):459-472.
    Notre article analyse deux passages curieux du traité Sur les difficultés relatives à l’âme III. De la vision (Enn. IV.5,3 et 8), dans lesquels Plotin paraît concevoir la possibilité d’un autre univers, situé en dehors du nôtre. Or, cet autre univers doit rester inconnu pour nous à jamais, quand bien même il y aurait un « oeil placé sur le dos du Ciel » qui voudrait le voir. En outre, nous ne saurons même pas décider si cet univers existe ou (...)
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    REVIEWS-Modern algebra and the rise of mathematical structures.L. Corry & Thomas Drucker - 2007 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 13 (1):102-103.
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    Pairwise disjoint eight-shaped curves in hybrid planes.Camillo Costantini - 2007 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 53 (6):551-557.
    We introduce a suitable notion of eight-shaped curve in the product S × ℝ of a Suslin line S for the real line ℝ, and we prove that if S is dense in itself, then every collection of pairwise disjoint eight-shaped curves in S × ℝ is countable. This parallels a folklore result which holds for the real plane.
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    Aggregators or aggravators? The role of republication in the scholarly journal market.John Cox - 2007 - Logos 18 (4):209-214.
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    1857.Jeffrey S. Cramer - 2007 - In I to Myself: An Annotated Selection From the Journal of Henry D. Thoreau. Yale University Press. pp. 301-348.
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    1854.Jeffrey S. Cramer - 2007 - In I to Myself: An Annotated Selection From the Journal of Henry D. Thoreau. Yale University Press. pp. 219-236.
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  16.  49
    New Adolescent Vaccines: Legal and Legislative Issues.Allen Craig, Abigail English, Frederic E. Shaw & Lance Rodewald - 2007 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 35 (S4):106-111.
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    A clash of symbolic universes: Judeanism vs Hellenism.Markus Cromhout - 2007 - HTS Theological Studies 63 (3).
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    Ravinder Lal Kapur, MD (1938–2006).Lord Crowther & Ajai Singh - 2007 - Mens Sana Monographs 5 (1).
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    Triplizität als Strukturprinzip in Platons Politeia.Dirk Cürsgen - 2007 - Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch Fur Antike Und Mittelalter 12 (1):195-208.
  20. (1 other version)Entre verdad y simulacro: las imágenes de la imagen en filosofía.Juan Cristóbal Cruz - 2007 - Tópicos 32:39-51.
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    Die Machiavellistudie von 1971. Zum Erstlingswerk von Kondylis.Andreas Cser - 2007 - In Falk Horst, Kondylis - Aufklärer Ohne Mission: Aufsätze Und Essays. Akademie Verlag. pp. 15-42.
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  22.  31
    The prestige e Memento di Christopher Nolan.Umberto Curi, Mario Pezzella & Antonio Tricomi - 2007 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 20 (3):623-634.
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  23. Visual conceptual art.Gregory Currie - 2007 - In Peter Goldie & Elisabeth Schellekens, Philosophy and conceptual art. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 33.
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    Commentary.Andrew Cutrofello - 2007 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 35 (2):159-163.
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  25. Principes d'anthropologie politique chez saint Thomas d'Aquin.Francois Daguet - 2007 - Revue Thomiste 107 (1):5-46.
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  26. Licenze epistemologiche e risorse poetiche di conoscenza.Marco Dallari - 2007 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 21:77-100.
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  27.  15
    A Mere Shadow of an Institution: the Unhappy Story of the Portuguese Geological Survey (PGS) in the Period Between the Two World Wars.Teresa Alves Da Mota - 2007 - Annals of Science 64 (1):19-40.
    Summary In the period between the two World Wars, the Portuguese Geological Survey (Serviços Geológicos de Portugal: PGS) was legally dependent on the General Directorate of Mines and Geological Survey (Direcção Geral de Minas e Serviços Geológicos: GDMGS). Portugal was then living through troubled times, and the PGS struggled with financial problems and a lack of technical personnel. This situation did not allow the PGS to work properly as a scientific institution, and achieve its main function: the making and publication (...)
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  28.  22
    Termination of logic programs with imperfect information: applications and query procedure.C. V. Damásio, J. Medina & M. Ojeda-Aciego - 2007 - Journal of Applied Logic 5 (3):435-458.
  29. Essential elements in healing from massive trauma: Some theory, victims' voices, and international developments.Yael Danieli - 2007 - In Jon Miller & Rahul Kumar, Reparations: interdisciplinary inquiries. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 307--322.
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  30.  6
    Morality, justice, and the law: the continuing debate.M. Katherine B. Darmer & Robert M. Baird (eds.) - 2007 - Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books.
    Intellectually stimulating articles, which grapple with the tough issues involving morality, justice, and the law. This balanced anthology will be of interest to philosophers, legal scholars, and anyone concerned about the relation of law to morality.
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    A Tale of Two Daughters: Jewish Law and End-of-Life Decision Making.Dena S. Davis - 2007 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 18 (4):394-395.
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    Comments of Poole and Penny's essay “Evaluating hypotheses for the origin of eukaryotes”, BioEssays 29:74–84.Yaacov Davidov & Edouard Jurkevitch - 2007 - Bioessays 29 (6):615-616.
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    (1 other version)How to Take Truth as a Goal?Marian David - 2007 - In Christoph Jäger & Winfried Löffler, Epistemology: Contexts, Values, Disagreement. Papers of the 34th International Ludwig Wittgenstein-Symposium in Kirchberg, 2011. The Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society. pp. 203-214.
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    Literary semiotics and cognitive semantics.Helle M. Davidsen - 2007 - Semiotica 2007 (165):337-349.
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    Review essay / how the commander in chief power swallowed the rest of the constitution.David A. Harris - 2007 - Criminal Justice Ethics 26 (2):44-51.
    John Yoo, War by Other Means: An Insider's Account of the War on Terror New York: Atlantic Monthly Press, 2006, pp. 224.
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  36. Foucault, Platón y la historia de la verdad; Foucault, Plato and the history of the truth.Marco A. Díaz Marsá - 2007 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 40:185-213.
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    Filosofia da música e crítica musical em Theodor Adorno.Jorge de Almeida - 2007 - Discurso 37:343-364.
    O impulso que leva grande parte dos comentadores a enfatizar a importância de Adorno como "filósofo da nova música" parece ser o mesmo que condena a uma lugar subalterno e ao olhar indiferente sua atuação como crítico musical. E, no entanto, não há como entender (ou criticar) a filosofia desenvolvida por Adorno sem levar em consideração a origem polêmica de grande parte de suas ideias. Se a filosofia da música não quer ser apenas mais uma "filosofia de alguma coisa", tem (...)
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    Bait, Trans. Peter Agnone.Erica Johnson Debeljak - 2007 - Common Knowledge 13 (1):147-147.
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    The construction of the older worker: privilege, paradox and policy.Cynthia Hardy & Susan Ainsworth - 2007 - Discourse and Communication 1 (3):267-285.
    Our study of a public inquiry shows how particular constructions of the older worker — as male and lacking in self-esteem — were privileged as a result of discursive manoeuvres that established comparative disadvantage among different identities. Paradoxically, traditional gender stereotypes were subverted to construct female willingness to accept low status, low paid jobs as a reason why they did not need help in the form of policy initiatives; while men's intransigence meant they deserved greater support. A second paradox concerned (...)
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    Philosophy and Rhetoric in Dialogue: Redrawing Their Intellectual Landscape.Gerard A. Hauser (ed.) - 2007 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    _Philosophy and Rhetoric, _one of Penn State Press’s longest-running journals, was conceived at a time of immense philosophical upheaval: rhetoric as a field of study—first dismissed by Descartes—was being reexamined after decades of neglect. Now, nearly forty years later, _Philosophy and Rhetoric _continues to hold pride of place in this reinvigorated discipline. The brainchild of Penn State professors Carroll Arnold and Henry Johnstone, _Philosophy and Rhetoric_ boasts work from dozens of international luminaries from a broad spectrum of specializations. To commemorate (...)
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  41.  22
    Reoffending and restorative justice.Hennessey Hayes - 2007 - In Gerry Johnstone & Daniel W. Van Ness, Handbook of Restorative Justice. Taylor & Francis. pp. 426--444.
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  42.  52
    Bending the rules: morality in the modern world: from relationships to politics and war.Robert A. Hinde - 2007 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Joseph Rotblat.
    Ethical principles and precepts -- The evolution of morality -- Ethics and law -- Exchange and reciprocity : conflict in personal relationships -- Ethics and the physical sciences -- Ethics and medicine -- Ethics and politics -- Ethics and business -- Ethics and war -- What does all this mean for the future? -- Appendix : relations to moral philosophy.
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  43. Dänemark.Søren Holm - 2007 - In Albin Eser, Hans-Georg Koch & Carola Seith, Internationale Perspektiven zu Status und Schutz des extrakorporalen Embryos: rechtliche Regelungen und Stand der Debatte im Ausland = International perspectives on the status and protection of the extracorporeal embryo. Baden-Baden: Nomos.
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  44. Intermedial Narrative: Ekphrasis and Perspectival Montage, or Sorting out the Gaze of Narrative Agents.Silke Horstkotte & Karin Leonhard - 2007 - In Karin Leonhard & Silke Horstkotte, Seeing Perception. Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 166--96.
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  45. Scribes, Visionaries, and the Politics of Second Temple Judea.Richard A. Horsley - 2007
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    Błąd poznawczy i błąd moralny (Helena Einstein, Biblia w ręku ateisty).Jacek Hołówka - 2007 - Etyka 40:160-166.
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    Die menschliche Existenz im Spannungsfeld von Möglichkeit und Wirklichkeit: Überlegungen zum Möglichkeitsbegriff bei S. Kierkegaard mit ständiger Rücksicht auf Entweder – Oder.Sebastian Hüsch - 2007 - Archiv für Begriffsgeschichte 49:151-163.
    This article focuses on Kierkegaard's two-fold use of the categories of modality »possibility« and »reality« in his philosophy of existence. The difference between possibility and reality in the works of Kierkegaard is commonly referred to as to the difference between »Denken« and »Sein«, between »Thought« and »Being«. However Either/Or reveals that this dichotomy does only cover one aspect of their use. The other and maybe even more fundamental distinction is that of »possibility« and »reality« as a difference between two modes (...)
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  48.  13
    The personality structure of Confucianism and its psychological developing [J].Jing Huaibin - 2007 - Modern Philosophy 5:009.
  49. Hegel's philosophy of mind.Axel Hutter - 2007 - Hegel-Studien 42:81-97.
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  50. Héroes públicos.Norberto M. Ibáñez - 2007 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 49:6-7.
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