Results for ' uneven distribution of theistic belief in the world is much more likely on naturalism than on theism'

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  1.  64
    Mutual Epistemic Dependence and the Demographic Divine Hiddenness Problem.Max Baker-Hytch - 2016 - Religious Studies 52 (3):375–394.
    In his article ‘Divine hiddenness and the demographics of theism’ (Religious Studies, 42 (2006), 177-191) Stephen Maitzen develops a novel version of the atheistic argument from divine hiddenness according to which the lopsided distribution of theistic belief throughout the world’s populations is much more to be expected given naturalism than given theism. I try to meet Maitzen’s challenge by developing a theistic explanation for this lopsidedness. The explanation I offer (...)
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    (1 other version)Divine Hiddenness.J. L. Schellenberg - 1997 - In Charles Taliaferro & Philip L. Quinn, A Companion to Philosophy of Religion. Cambridge, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 509–518.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction and Background The Contemporary Scene: Versions of the Hiddenness Problem The Hiddenness Problem and the Problem of Evil The Contemporary Scene: Attempts to Solve the Hiddenness Problem Works cited.
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  3. Alvin Plantinga on Paul Draper’s evolutionary atheology: implications of theism’s noncontingency.Tyler Andrew Wunder - 2013 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 74 (1):67-75.
    In his recently published Where the Conflict Really Lies: Science, Religion, & Naturalism 2011 Alvin Plantinga criticises Paul Draper’s evolutionary argument against theism as part of a larger project to show that evolution poses no threat to Christian belief. Plantinga focuses upon Draper’s probabilistic claim that the facts of evolution are much more probable on naturalism than on theism, and with regard to that claim makes two specific points. First, Draper’s probabilistic claim (...)
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    The 'will to believe' in science and religion.William J. Gavin - 1984 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 15 (3):139 - 148.
    “The Will to Believe” defines the religious question as forced, living and momentous, but even in this article James asserts that more objective factors are involved. The competing religious hypotheses must both be equally coherent and correspond to experimental data to an equal degree. Otherwise the option is not a live one. “If I say to you ‘Be a theosophist or be a Mohammedan’, it is probably a dead option, because for you neither hypothesis is likely to be (...)
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  5. Do the Demographics of Theistic Belief Disconfirm Theism? A Reply to Maitzen.Jason Marsh - 2008 - Religious Studies 44 (4):465 - 471.
    In his article entitled 'Divine hiddenness and the demographics of theism' ("Religious Studies", 42 (2006), 177–191), Stephen Maitzen draws our attention to an important feature that is often overlooked in discussion about the argument from divine hiddenness (ADH). His claim is that an uneven distribution of theistic belief (and not just the mere existence of non-belief) provides an atheological challenge that cannot likely be overcome. After describing what I take to be the most (...)
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  6. Language and the Existence of God: The Tension between Nativism and Naturalism in the Linguistic Theories of Noam Chomsky and Jerry Fodor, Together with an Inference to the Best Explanation for Theistic Non-naturalism.Ben Holloway - 2020 - Dissertation, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
    The overall claim of this dissertation is that nativism and naturalism are incompatible. Further, given the strength of the nativist arguments against their empirical counterparts, the way is open for an inductive argument for the existence of God. The particular species of nativism currently occupying the role of a dominant research program is linguistic nativism, the view that a grammar or a mental language is innately housed in the human mind. Thus, the argument will focus on showing that the (...)
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    God Naturalized: Epistemological Reflections on Theistic Belief in Light of the New Science of Religion.Halvor Kvandal - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    This volume argues that theistic philosophy should be seen not as an “armchair” enterprise but rather as a critical endeavor to bring philosophy of religion into close contact with emerging sciences of religion. This text engages with the rationality of religious belief by investigating central problems and arguments in philosophy of religion from the perspective of new naturalistic research. A central question the book analyzes is whether findings in cognitive science of religion falsify or undermine religious ideas and (...)
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    Philosophy and Atheism: In Defense of Atheism by Kai Nielsen. [REVIEW]John Churchill - 1987 - The Thomist 51 (2):384-388.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:384 BOOK REVIEWS Philosophy and.Atheism: In Defense of.Atheism. By KAI NIELSEN. Buffalo, New York: Prometheus Books, 1985. Pp. 231. $18.95. Kai Nielsen is among the most prolific, trenchant, and articulate critics of religion now working in the world of English-speaking philosophy. In a steady spate of articles and books, including (to mention a few) Contemporary Critiques of Religion, Scepticism, Reason and Practice, Ethics Without God, and An Introduction (...)
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  9. Divine hiddenness and the demographics of theism.Stephen Maitzen - 2006 - Religious Studies 42 (2):177-191.
    According to the much-discussed argument from divine hiddenness, God's existence is disconfirmed by the fact that not everyone believes in God. The argument has provoked an impressive range of theistic replies, but none has overcome the challenge posed by the unevendistribution of theistic belief around the world, a phenomenon for which naturalistic explanations seem more promising. The confound any explanation of why non-belief is always blameworthy or of why God allows blameless non-belief. (...)
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  10.  26
    The Possibility of Making a Muslim Philosophy of Religion with the Concepts of the West: How Possible is it to Relate the Concepts of Theism, Atheism and Deism to Islamic Thought?E. R. Hasan - 2022 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 26 (3):971-986.
    In this study, the drawbacks of using some religious concepts produced in the tradition of Western thought directly in their studies on Islamic belief will be discussed. The claim in question will be put forward within the framework of the concepts of deism, atheism and especially theism. Especially by reviewing the philosophy of religion studies made in Turkey, the fact that the three concepts mentioned are directly transferred to the philosophy of religion studies carried out in the Islamic (...)
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  11.  42
    I Didn’t Like It, but I Recommend It: An Undergraduate Reflects on Contemplation in the Classroom.Lauren Rodgers - 2013 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 33:119-122.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:I Didn’t Like It, but I Recommend It: An Undergraduate Reflects on Contemplation in the ClassroomLauren RodgersWhile taking Introduction to World Religions as a first-year college student, I became acutely aware that my preconceived notions about religions were often wrong, and I had been oblivious to the diversity and complexity of the traditions I began to study. During subsequent semesters, I studied Judaism, Islam, and Hinduism, and during (...)
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  12.  30
    The Note of Interpretation: Theistic Finitism as an Aesthetics of Religious Naturalism.Andrew Stone Porter - 2023 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 44 (1):70-94.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Note of Interpretation: Theistic Finitism as an Aesthetics of Religious NaturalismAndrew Stone Porter (bio)In our cosmological construction we are, therefore, left with the final opposites, joy and sorrow, good and evil, disjunction and conjunction—that is to say, the many in one—flux and permanence, greatness and triviality, freedom and necessity, God and the World. In this list, the pairs of opposites are in experience with a certain (...)
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    Review of Being-in-the-world: A commentary on Heidegger’s Being and Time. [REVIEW]Travis T. Anderson - 1993 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 13 (1):62-69.
    Reviews the book, Being-in-the-world: A commentary on Heidegger's Being and Time by Hubert L. Dreyfus . The publication of Dreyfus' Being-in-the-World: A Commentary on Heidegger's Being and Time, Division 1 proves an occasion for considerable disappointment, as it reinforces and in some ways even deepens previous misreadings of Heidegger. Dreyfus has concentrated his study almost entirely on the first 200 pages of Heidegger's magnum opus, Being and Time, first published in 1927. These are the pages that constitute the (...)
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    Notes on Panofsky, Cassirer, and the "Medium of the Movies".Terry Comito - 1980 - Philosophy and Literature 4 (2):229-241.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Terry Comito NOTES ON PANOFSKY, CASSIRER, AND THE "MEDIUM OF THE MOVIES" The modesty of my title is not feigned. Panofsky's essay on "Style and Medium in the Motion Pictures"1 is more often quoted than understood, and much of it proves upon examination to be curiously elusive. The notes and hypotheses offered here are tentative ones, meant only to point us in the direction of answers (...)
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    The Development Process of Mahdi Belief in Shī‘a/Imāmiyya and Its Relationship with Mahdiship Understanding of Ahl al-Sunnah.Hasan Gümüşoğlu - 2022 - Kader 20 (2):701-722.
    Although there are fundamental differences between Ahl al-Sunnah and Shī‘a on the issue of Mahdī, one of the controversial issues among Islamic sects, Shī‘a has attached much greater importance to the issue. In this study, after the information about Mahdiship in the primary sources of Islam is conveyed, the opinions of the Ahl al-Sunnah and Shī‘a will be given and an evaluation will be made about the evidence and opinions put forward by the two sects. The Shiites, who formed (...)
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    Belief in God.Stewart Goetz - 2017-12-05 - In C. S. Lewis. Hoboken, NJ, USA: Wiley. pp. 159–179.
    Much has been written since Clive Staples Lewis' day about belief that God exists (belief in the existence of God). It would be many years before Lewis became a theist. But what he thought in 1918 indicates that he would first resolve the issue of supernaturalism as opposed to naturalism in terms of his own self, before becoming a theistic supernaturalist. The distinctions between naturalism, supernaturalism, and theistic supernaturalism are reflected in Lewis's frequent (...)
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    Seventeenth-Century Catholic Polemic and the Rise of Cultural Rationalism: An Example from the Empire.Susan Rosa - 1996 - Journal of the History of Ideas 57 (1):87-107.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Seventeenth-Century Catholic Polemic and the Rise of Cultural Rationalism: An Example from the EmpireSusan RosaIn Galileo’s Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems Sagre-do, an intelligent, cultivated, and well-traveled young man who is persuaded of the truth of arguments in favor of the Copernican opinion presented by the philosopher Salviati, dismisses the counter-arguments of the Aristotelian Simplicio with sympathetic condescension: “I pity him,” he proclaims,no less than (...)
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  18. Grounds for belief in God aside, does evil make atheism more reasonable than theism?Daniel Howard-Snyder & Michael Bergmann - 2003 - In Michael L. Peterson, Contemporary Debates in Philosophy of Religion. Hoboken: Blackwell. pp. 140--55.
    Preprinted in God and the Problem of Evil(Blackwell 2001), ed. William Rowe. Many people deny that evil makes belief in atheism more reasonable for us than belief in theism. After all, they say, the grounds for belief in God are much better than the evidence for atheism, including the evidence provided by evil. We will not join their ranks on this occasion. Rather, we wish to consider the proposition that, setting aside grounds (...)
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  19.  40
    Science in Theistic Contexts: Cognitive Dimensions (review).Edward Bradford Davis - 2003 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 41 (2):277-278.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 41.2 (2003) 277-278 [Access article in PDF] John Hedley Brooke, Margaret J. Osler, and Jitse M. van der Meer, editors. Science in Theistic Contexts: Cognitive Dimensions. Chicago: University of Chicago Press Journals Division, 2001. Pp. xiii + 376. Cloth, $39.00. Paper, $25.00. Some twenty years ago, when I submitted a dissertation proposal to explore connections between theologies of creation and views of (...)
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    The Laws of the Roman People: Public Law in the Expansion and Decline of the Roman Republic.Daniel J. Gargola - 2006 - American Journal of Philology 127 (3):469-473.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Laws of the Roman People: Public Law in the Expansion and Decline of the Roman RepublicDaniel J. GargolaCallie Williamson. The Laws of the Roman People: Public Law in the Expansion and Decline of the Roman Republic. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2005. xxviii + 506 pp. 39 tables. 4 maps. Cloth, $75.Laws enacted by citizen assemblies occupy a prominent place in the history of the Roman (...)
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    Commentary on "Loopholes, Gaps, and What is Held Fast".Lorraine Code - 1996 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 3 (4):255-260.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Commentary on “Loopholes, Gaps, and What Is Held Fast”Lorraine Code (bio)Keywordsepistemology, incredulity, knowing other people, memory, testimonyNancy Potter’s compelling essay points to some of the limitations of the theoretical apparatus that the post-positivist empiricist epistemologies of the Anglo-American mainstream make available for evaluating experiential memory claims in general, and “false memory syndrome” in particular. The loopholes and gaps in these theories of knowledge push urgent questions about testimony, trust, (...)
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    A Dialogic Interpretation of Hume's Dialogues.William Lad Sessions - 1991 - Hume Studies 17 (1):15-39.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A Dialogic Interpretation of Hume's Dialogues William Lad Sessions For all ofits prominence in contemporary Anglo-American philosophy of religion, Hume's Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion continues to provoke divergent readings, especially as regards its author's intentions and beliefs. Most writers today, following Norman Kemp Smith's masterful analysis, accept some version ofwhat I will call "the standard interpretation": Hume aimed to discredit religion—natural and revealed religion alike, but especially the "experimental (...)
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  23. The best country in the world?: India, where the cow is the holy mother.Sangeeta Mall - 2017 - Australian Humanist, The 125:5.
    Mall, Sangeeta The most popular Indian street food is the pani puri. The snack is a combination of solid and liquid, a watery bomb of sweet, sour and tangy flavours, a complete sensory delight, much like Indian society, though 'delight' might not be the right descriptor at times. Freedom of expression, individual rights, civil liberties, equality before law, all the cornerstones of a democracy, have been given to the Indian people by the founding fathers in the form of a (...)
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  24. Naturalistic and Theistic Explanations of the Distribution of Suffering.Dan Linford - 2019 - In Graham Oppy & Joseph W. Koterski, Theism and Atheism: Opposing Viewpoints in Philosophy. Farmington Hills: MacMillan Reference.
    This is a forthcoming section for the book "Theism and Atheism: Opposing Arguments in Philosophy", edited by Graham Oppy, Gregory Dawes, Evan Fales, Joseph Koterski, Mashhad Al-Allaf, Robert Fastiggi, and David Shatz. I was asked to write a brief essay on whether naturalism or theism can successfully explain the distribution of suffering in our world. Wheras another section covers the possibility that suffering is evidence against theism, my essay is concerned only with the ability (...)
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  25. The Missing Link / Monument for the Distribution of Wealth (Johannesburg, 2010).Vincent W. J. Van Gerven Oei & Jonas Staal - 2011 - Continent 1 (4):242-252.
    continent. 1.4 (2011): 242—252. Introduction The following two works were produced by visual artist Jonas Staal and writer Vincent W.J. van Gerven Oei during a visit as artists in residence at The Bag Factory, Johannesburg, South Africa during the summer of 2010. Both works were produced in situ and comprised in both cases a public intervention conceived by Staal and a textual work conceived by Van Gerven Oei. It was their aim, in both cases, to produce complementary works that could (...)
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    Emerging World Order? From Multipolarity to Multilateralism in the G20, the World Bank, and the IMF.Robert H. Wade - 2011 - Politics and Society 39 (3):347-378.
    Many developing and transitional countries have grown faster than advanced countries in the past decade, resulting in a shift in the distribution of world income in their favor. China is now the second largest economy in the world, behind the United States and ahead of Japan. As the relative economic weight of China and several others has come to match or exceed that of the middle-ranking G7 economies, the world economy has shifted from “unipolar” toward (...)
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  27. Commentary on "Towards a Design-Based Analysis of Emotional Episodes".Maria Miceli & Cristiano Castelfranchi - 1996 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 3 (2):129-133.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Commentary on “Towards a Design-Based Analysis of Emotional Episodes”Cristiano Castelfranchi (bio) and Maria Miceli (bio)Keywordsgrief, suffering, attachment, agent architectureThis paper is significant in many respects: its approach (the design-based analysis); its proposed architecture; its description of grief; and its self-control/perturbance theory. We would offer some remarks on each of these aspects.AI: Back to the FutureAfter some years of crisis, AI seems now to have recovered its original challenging attitude (...)
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  28.  38
    The Philosophy of Peter Abelard (review). [REVIEW]C. J. Mews - 1998 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 36 (4):621-623.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Philosophy of Peter Abelard by John MarenbonConstant MewsJohn Marenbon. The Philosophy of Peter Abelard. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997. Pp. xx + 373. Cloth, £40.Peter Abelard (1079–1142) has long provoked conflicting responses from readers. Even in his own lifetime opinions varied from the adulation of loyal disciples to a chorus of hostility from St. Bernard and others. Inevitably these debates have colored subsequent perception of Abelard’s achievement. (...)
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    The Appeal to History I: The Appeal to History I: The History of Religions.Brian Hebblethwaite - 2005 - In In Defence of Christianity. Oxford University Press UK.
    This chapter shows how a cumulative case for theistic belief is already moving from considerations of natural theology to considerations of revealed theology, as one attempts to do justice to a wide range of historical data on the history of religions. Sense has to made of the widespread phenomenon of religious experience. Morality, too, is found to be more intelligible in a theistic context than within a purely naturalistic worldview. Further arguments for theism from (...)
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  30. The Problem of Alternative Monotheisms: Another Serious Challenge to Theism.Raphael Lataster - 2018 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 10 (1):31-51.
    Theistic and analytic philosophers of religion typically privilege classical theism by ignoring or underestimating the great threat of alternative monotheisms. [1] In this article we discuss numerous god-models, such as those involving weak, stupid, evil, morally indifferent, and non-revelatory gods. We find that theistic philosophers have not successfully eliminated these and other possibilities, or argued for their relative improbability. In fact, based on current evidence – especially concerning the hiddenness of God and the gratuitous evils in the (...)
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    The Confirmation of Scientific and Theistic Hypotheses.G. Schlesinger - 1977 - Religious Studies 13 (1):17 - 28.
    The idea that there might be empirical evidence for the existence of God has been largely discredited these days. Even among theists there are many who hold that it is not a fruitful idea and that there is no point in searching for evidence for theistic beliefs. Some who regard themselves as theists go to the extreme of denying that there is any possibility of there being empirical evidence to support a religious world-view since that view implies no (...)
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  32.  14
    Syncretism and Theistic Religious Experiences: A Philosophical Discussion About Blends of Belief in the Context of Theism.Marciano Adilio Spica - 2022 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 14 (4):265-288.
    In this paper, I consider syncretic processes as generators of syncretic beliefs and discuss the question of whether the religious believer, especially the theist believer, would have reasons for trusting in the beliefs that arise from this process. I intend to answer the following specific question: Is the theist, specially the Christian theist, justified in forming and maintaining syncretic beliefs? However, the answer to the specific question is dependent on an answer to a broad question, namely, whether a believer in (...)
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    (1 other version)The gandhian approach to swadeshi or appropriate technology: A conceptualization in terms of basic needs and equity.J. I. Bakker - 1990 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 3 (1):50-88.
    This is an examination of the significance of Gandhi's social philosophy for development. It is argued that, when seen in light of Gandhi's social philosophy, the concepts of appropriate technology and basic needs take on new meaning. The Gandhian approach can be identified with theoriginal "basic needs" strategy for international development. Gandhi's approach helps to provide greater equity, or "distributive justice," by promoting technology that is appropriate to "basic needs". Gandhi's social philosophy has been neglected by most development specialists, with (...)
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  34.  7
    New Perspectives on Old-Time Religion by George N. Schlesinger. [REVIEW]Thomas V. Morris - 1990 - The Thomist 54 (2):358-361.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:358 BOOK REVIEWS New Perspectives on Old-Time Religion. By GEORGE N. SCHLESINGER. Oxford: Clarendon Press; New York: Oxford University Press, 1988. Pp. 196. George Schlesinger ends one of the chapters of his hook by saying: In the last two hundred years or so, theism has mostly been on the defensive and in retreat. It is important to show that the believer can offer a rational justification for his (...)
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    (1 other version)The Naturalness of Belief: New Essays on Theism’s Rationality.Paul Copan & Charles Taliaferro (eds.) - 2018 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This volume exposes naturalism’s unnaturalness and defends theism’s naturalness and greater explanatory power to account for wide-ranging phenomena in the world and human experience. A broadening of naturalism to accommodate these features means borrowing heavily from—and thus more closely resembling—a theistic worldview.
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    Discourse on thinking.Rudolf A. Makkreel - 1968 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 6 (2):196-197.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:196 HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY in 1943, was to write an Epilogue to Julian Marias' History o] Philosophy. In early 1944, the Epilogue was conceived as a volume of 400 pages, and later of 700. In 1945 a part of the Epilogue was to be detached and given the title The Origin ol Philosophy. Then one completed part of that was published in 1953 as an essay in a Festschrift (...)
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  37. Natural Nonbelief in God: Prehistoric Humans, Divine Hiddenness, and Debunking.Matthew Braddock - 2022 - In Diego E. Machuca, Evolutionary Debunking Arguments: Ethics, Philosophy of Religion, Philosophy of Mathematics, Metaphysics, and Epistemology. New York: Routledge. pp. 160-184.
    The empirical literature seems to indicate that prehistoric humans did not believe in God or anything like God. Why is that so, if God exists? The problem is difficult because their nonbelief was natural: their evolved mind and cultural environment restricted them to concepts of highly limited supernatural agents. Why would God design their mind and place them in their environments only to hide from them? The natural nonbelief of prehistoric humans is much more surprising given theism (...)
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  38. Religious experience and the evidential argument from evil.David Silver - 2002 - Religious Studies 38 (3):339-353.
    This paper examines Alvin Plantinga's defence of theistic belief in the light of Paul Draper's formulation of the problem of evil. Draper argues (a) that the facts concerning the distribution of pain and pleasure in the world are better explained by a hypothesis which does not include the existence of God than by a hypothesis which does; and (b) that this provides an epistemic challenge to theists. Plantinga counters that a theist could accept (a) yet (...)
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  39. The Practice-Independence of Intergenerational Justice.Merten Reglitz - 2016 - Utilitas 28 (4): 415-440.
    The question whether distributive justice is at bottom practice-dependent or practice-independent has received much attention in recent years. I argue that the problem of intergenerational justice resolves this dispute in favor of practice-independence. Many believe that we owe more to our descendants than leaving them a world in which they can merely lead minimally decent lives. This thought is particularly convincing given the fact that it is us who determine to a significant extent what this future (...)
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    Ubiquity: the science of history, or why the world is simpler than we think.Mark Buchanan - 2000 - London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson.
    Scientists have recently discovered a new law of nature. Its footprints are virtually everywhere - in the spread of forest fires, mass extinctions, traffic jams, earthquakes, stock-market fluctuations, the rise and fall of nations, and even trends in fashion, music and art. Wherever we look, the world is modelled on a simple template: like a steep pile of sand, it is poised on the brink of instability, with avalanches - in events, ideas or whatever - following a universal pattern (...)
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    The Eternity of the World in the Thought of Thomas Aquinas and his Contemporaries ed. by J. B. M. Wissink.Steven Baldner - 1993 - The Thomist 57 (1):146-149.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:146 BOOK REVIEWS the years passed since Father Garrigou-Lagrange last published his De Revelatione would have allowed Thomistic scholars to retrieve and de· velop Aquinas's theological insights in their fullness. The danger of apologetics is that it can lead one to develop a teaching only along the lines set by those challenging the traditional teaching of the Church. In this particular instance, the Catholic apologists of the antimodernist period (...)
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  42. Sceptical theism and the evil-god challenge.Perry Hendricks - 2018 - Religious Studies 54 (4):549-561.
    This article is a response to Stephen Law's article ‘The evil-god challenge’. In his article, Law argues that if belief in evil-god is unreasonable, then belief in good-god is unreasonable; that the antecedent is true; and hence so is the consequent. In this article, I show that Law's affirmation of the antecedent is predicated on the problem of good (i.e. the problem of whether an all-evil, all-powerful, and all-knowing God would allow there to be as much good (...)
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    George Santayana, Literary Philosopher (review).Matthew Caleb Flamm - 2001 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 39 (4):603-604.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 39.4 (2001) 603-604 [Access article in PDF] Irving Singer. George Santayana, Literary Philosopher. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2000. Pp. xiii + 217. Cloth, $25.00. In a prefatory comment, Irving Singer affirms that George Santayana, Literary Philosopher is "an introduction to the part of Santayana's philosophy that has meant the most to me" (xii). The locus of this personal interest, he goes on (...)
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    David Hume: Reason in History. [REVIEW]Dario Perinetti - 2005 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 43 (2):212-213.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:David Hume: Reason in HistoryDario PerinettiClaudia M. Schmidt. David Hume: Reason in History. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2003. Pp. xiii + 473. Cloth, $85.00Not the least interesting feature of this fine piece on Hume's philosophy is its intriguing Hegelian title, and particularly if one recalls that Hume claimed that reason is the slave of the passions and that "Mankind are so much the same, in (...)
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    History Making History: The New Historicism in American Religious Thought by William Dean.Joseph Mangina - 1992 - The Thomist 56 (3):540-545.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:540 BOOK REVIEWS automatically without requiring the intervention of human beings who are convinced of its validity" (p. 356). If, however, a representative legislature, acting according to proper constitutional procedures, should decide to effect a strict egalitarian redistribution of property, then on Kant's theory this decision of the general will would be perfectly rightful and legitimate. The wealthy could not complain that their rightful property was being taken from (...)
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    Theism or Atheism: The Eternal Debate.F. F. Centore - 2004 - Routledge.
    From the time of the thinkers of ancient Greece, the question of what can be said about the existence and nature of God has been debated by many philosophers and theologians. In Theism and Atheism: The Eternal Debate, F.F. Centore presents a broad analysis of the major positions that address the question and the thinkers who have contributed to the debate. This is an admirably lucid and thorough examination of the history of natural theology. Covering the material in a (...)
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  47. (1 other version)Theism and the Scope of Contingency.Timothy O'Connor - 2008 - Oxford Studies in the Philosophy of Religion 1:134-149.
    According to classical theism, contingent beings find the ultimate explanation for their existence in a maximally perfect, necessary being who transcends the natural world and wills its acts in accordance with reasons. I contend that if this thesis is true, it is likely that contingent reality is vastly greater than what current scientific theory or even speculation fancies. After considering the implications of this contention for the extent of divine freedom, I go on to discuss its (...)
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  48. Money as Media: Gilson Schwartz on the Semiotics of Digital Currency.Renata Lemos-Morais - 2011 - Continent 1 (1):22-25.
    continent. 1.1 (2011): 22-25. The Author gratefully acknowledges the financial support of CAPES (Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento do Ensino Superior), Brazil. From the multifarious subdivisions of semiotics, be they naturalistic or culturalistic, the realm of semiotics of value is a ?eld that is getting more and more attention these days. Our entire political and economic systems are based upon structures of symbolic representation that many times seem not only to embody monetary value but also to determine it. The connection (...)
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    The Suspended Substantive: On Animals and Men in Giorgio Agamben's The Open.Leland De la Durantaye - 2003 - Diacritics 33 (2):3-9.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:diacritics 33.2 (2005) 3-9 [Access article in PDF] The Suspended Substantive On Animals and Men in Giorgio Agamben's The Open Leland de la Durantaye Giorgio Agamben. The Open: Man and Animal. Trans. Kevin Attell. Stanford: Stanford UP, 2004. [O] Trans. of L'aperto: L'uomo e l'animale. Torino: Bollati Boringhieri, 2002. [A] With a title as enigmatic as The Open, the reader might well wonder, "the open what?" Is the title's (...)
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  50. Rhetorical Circulation in Late Capitalism: Neoliberalism and the Overdetermination of Affective Energy.Catherine Chaput - 2010 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 43 (1):1-25.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Rhetorical Circulation in Late CapitalismNeoliberalism and the Overdetermination of Affective EnergyCatherine ChaputIn the world we have known since the nineteenth century, a series of governmental rationalities overlap, lean on each other, challenge each other, and struggle with each other: art of government according to truth, art of government according to the rationality of the sovereign state, and art of government according to the rationality of economic agents, and (...)
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