Results for ' total system'

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  1.  87
    Gilles Deleuze, Félix Guattari and the total system.Mohamed Zayani - 2000 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 26 (1):93-114.
    This paper is concerned with an aspect of Deleuze and Guattari's thought which has not been duly analyzed: systematicity. More specifically, it deals with their conception of the system in three co-authored major works: What is Philosophy?, Anti-Oedipus and A Thousand Plateaus. These works are of renewed interest because they tease out, each in its own way, a particular type of system. Regardless of whether it has a philosophical import, a botanical reference, a social dimension, or a libidinal (...)
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  2. Fichte’s First Principles and the Total System of the Wissenschaftslehre.David W. Wood - 2021 - Fichte-Studien 49:9-19.
    Editor's Preface to Fichte-Studien 49 (2021), "The Enigma of Fichte’s First Principles", (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2021): : IX-XIX. Also available on open-access. See the publisher's website.
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    Existence of Finite Total Equivalence Systems for Certain Closed Classes of 3-Valued Logic Functions.Ilya Makarov - 2015 - Logica Universalis 9 (1):1-26.
    The article deals with finding finite total equivalence systems for formulas based on an arbitrary closed class of functions of several variables defined on the set {0, 1, 2} and taking values in the set {0,1} with the property that the restrictions of its functions to the set {0, 1} constitutes a closed class of Boolean functions. We consider all classes whose restriction closure is either the set of all functions of two-valued logic or the set T a of (...)
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    Points, unit‐totals, age‐weightings and promoted posts‐their effects on the development of the English schooling system.W. F. Dennison - 1980 - British Journal of Educational Studies 28 (3):225-239.
    (1980). Points, unit‐totals, age‐weightings and promoted posts‐their effects on the development of the English schooling system. British Journal of Educational Studies: Vol. 28, No. 3, pp. 225-239.
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    Research on the Impact of Chinese Total Factor Productivity on the Modern Economic System Based on the Spatial Dubin Model.Qin Tang, Zhi-An Ren, Kang-Feng Zhu & Nai-Ru Xu - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-14.
    Total factor productivity is not only the core of high-quality economic development but also a core indicator for measuring the quality of economic development. Improving total factor productivity is one of the most critical points in building a modern economic system. Firstly, this paper uses the DEA-Malmquist index method to measure and decompose the total factor productivity of China’s 30 provinces, municipalities, and autonomous regions from 2001 to 2017 and analyzes the characteristics of its temporal and (...)
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    The Total Health Care Audit System: a systematic methodology for clinical practice evaluation and development in NHS provider organizations.Andrew Miles, Paul Bentley, Nicholas Price, Andreas Polychronis, Joseph Grey & Jonathan Asbridge - 1996 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 2 (1):37-64.
  7.  28
    Totally tubular: the mystery behind function and origin of the brain ventricular system.Laura Anne Lowery & Hazel Sive - 2009 - Bioessays 31 (4):446-458.
    A unique feature of the vertebrate brain is the ventricular system, a series of connected cavities which are filled with cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and surrounded by neuroepithelium. While CSF is critical for both adult brain function and embryonic brain development, neither development nor function of the brain ventricular system is fully understood. In this review, we discuss the mystery of why vertebrate brains have ventricles, and whence they originate. The brain ventricular system develops from the lumen of (...)
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  8. The total healthcare audit system: a systematic methodology for auditing the totality of patient care.A. Miles, D. P. Bentley, N. Price, A. Polychronis, J. E. Grey & J. E. Asbridge - 1996 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 2:37-64.
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  9. Philosphical Implications of a System of Social Accounts based on Roger Barker's ecological Psychology and a scalar Measure of total Income.Larl A. Fox - 1980 - Philosophica 25 (1):33-54.
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    Philosphical Implications of a System of Social Accounts based on Roger Barker’s ecological Psychology and a scalar Measure of total Income.F. O. X. Larl A. - 1980 - Philosophica 25.
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    The sundered totality of system and lifeworld.Deborah Cook - 2005 - Historical Materialism 13 (4):55-78.
  12.  27
    The role of information systems in total quality management.Jaak Jurison - 1994 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 7 (2):3-16.
    This paper presents a conceptual model for describing the role of information systems in a Total Quality Management (TQM) organization and contrasts it with one for a traditional business firm. The model, based on systems theory, provides a framework for understanding the principles of TQM and their effects on information systems (IS). This paper suggests that TQM introduces changes in the firm’s feedback loop and creates new requirements for the IS function. The TQM system model is also used (...)
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    A Mixed Integer Linear Formulation and a Grouping League Championship Algorithm for a Multiperiod-Multitrip Order Picking System with Product Replenishment to Minimize Total Tardiness.Morteza Farhadi Sartangi, Ali Husseinzadeh Kashan, Hassan Haleh & Abolfazl Kazemi - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-24.
    Order picking, which is collecting a set of products from different locations in a warehouse, has repeatedly been described as one of the most laborious and time-consuming internal logistic processes. Each order is issued to pick some products located at given locations in the warehouse. In this paper, we consider an order picking problem, in which a number of orders with different delivery due dates are going to be retrieved by a limited number of order pickers in multiperiods such that (...)
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  14. Total Collisions in the N-Body Shape Space.Paula Reichert - 2021 - Symmetry 2021, 13(9), 1712.
    We discuss the total collision singularities of the gravitational N-body problem on shape space. Shape space is the relational configuration space of the system obtained by quotienting ordinary configuration space with respect to the similarity group of total translations, rotations, and scalings. For the zero-energy gravitating N-body system, the dynamics on shape space can be constructed explicitly and the points of total collision, which are the points of central configuration and zero shape momenta, can be (...)
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    The Emergence of Total Responsibility Management Systems: J. Sainsbury's (plc) Voluntary Responsibility Management Systems for Global Food Retail Supply Chains.Jennifer Leigh & Sandra Waddock - 2006 - Business and Society Review 111 (4):409-426.
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    Is Totalizing Thinking Totalitarian?Heribert Boeder - 1994 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 17 (1-2):299-312.
    Let us begin—as is fitting—with what is familiar. Now, familiar is by no means what ‘totalizing thinking’ is, but rather what ‘totalitarian’ means. Today this word rings in everyone’s ears, is common in public life—not so much as a descriptive, but more as a defamatory epithet. It brands political systems of our time which not only gave rise to horrifying consequences, but what is more spread terror through their form of domination. Now, rule by means of terror is in fact (...)
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    Hospitals as total institutions.Danisha Jenkins, Candace Burton & Dave Holmes - 2022 - Nursing Philosophy 23 (2):e12379.
    The image of the hospital is presented to the public as a place of healing. Though the oft‐criticized total institutions of the past have been notably dismantled, the totalizing practices therein are now operationalized in the health care system. Through the lens of Erving Goffman, this article offers ways in which health care institutions operationalize totalizing practices, contributing to the mortification of patients and nurses alike in service to the bureaucratic machine. This article examines the ways in which (...)
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    An exploration of the partial respects in which an axiom system recognizing solely addition as a total function can verify its own consistency.Dan E. Willard - 2005 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 70 (4):1171-1209.
    This article will study a class of deduction systems that allow for a limited use of the modus ponens method of deduction. We will show that it is possible to devise axiom systems α that can recognize their consistency under a deduction system D provided that: (1) α treats multiplication as a 3-way relation (rather than as a total function), and that (2) D does not allow for the use of a modus ponens methodology above essentially the levels (...)
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  19.  33
    Knowledge, practice and faith on Total Quality Management principles among workers in the Health Care System: Evidence from an Italian investigation.Dario Gregori, Giampaolo Napolitano, Cecilia Scarinzi, Arianna Semeraro, Rosalba Rosato, Eva Pagano, Giulia Zigon & Piergiorgio Gabassi - 2009 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 15 (1):69-75.
  20.  15
    Systems Theory and Scientific Philosophy: An Application of the Cybernetics of W. Ross Ashby to Personal and Social Philosophy, the Philosophy of Mind, and the Problems of Artificial Intelligence.John Bryant - 1991 - Upa.
    Systems Theory and Scientific Philosophy constitutes a totally new approach to philosophy, the philosophy of mind and the problems of artificial intelligence, and is based upon the pioneering work in cybernetics of W. Ross Ashby. While science is humanity's attempt to know how the world works and philosophy its attempt to know why, scientific philosophy is the application of scientific techniques to questions of philosophy.
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  21.  27
    Investigating Total Collisions of the Newtonian N-Body Problem on Shape Space.Paula Reichert - 2021 - Foundations of Physics 51 (2):1-29.
    We analyze the points of total collision of the Newtonian gravitational system on shape space (the relational configuration space of the system). While the Newtonian equations of motion, formulated with respect to absolute space and time, are singular at the point of total collision due to the singularity of the Newton potential at that point, this need not be the case on shape space where absolute scale doesn’t exist. We investigate whether, adopting a relational description of (...)
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  22.  22
    Some systemic criteria of the differentiation between fundamental and applied terminologies.Kh A. Akayeva & O. A. Alimuradov - 2016 - Liberal Arts in Russiaроссийский Гуманитарный Журналrossijskij Gumanitarnyj Žurnalrossijskij Gumanitarnyj Zhurnalrossiiskii Gumanitarnyi Zhurnal 5 (2):200.
    In the article the issue of singling out some systemic criteria of differentiation between the fundamental and applied terminologies is considered. The authors point at the fact that each terminology has its own individual peculiarities, which mark it out against a general background of the terminological fund of a certain language. It is asserted that one of the most important and effective criteria that can be the basis of the approach to the study of sublanguages for special purposes is a (...)
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    Everyday language and the structure of our total response system.Earle A. Pritchard - 1946 - Synthese 5 (5-6):236 - 237.
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    The total archive: Data, subjectivity, universality.Boris Jardine & Matthew Drage - 2018 - History of the Human Sciences 31 (5):3-22.
    The complete system of knowledge is a standard trope of science fiction, a techno-utopian dream and an aesthetic ideal. It is Solomon’s House, the Encyclopaedia and the Museum. It is also an ideology – of Enlightenment, High Modernism and absolute governance. Far from ending the dream of a total archive, 20th-century positivist rationality brought it ever closer. From Paul Otlet’s ‘Mundaneum’ to Mass-Observation, from the Unity of Science movement to Wikipedia, the dream of universal knowledge dies hard. As (...)
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  25.  23
    Impact of Financial R&D Resource Allocation Efficiency Based on VR Technology and Machine Learning in Complex Systems on Total Factor Productivity.Hui Sun & Xiong Zhong - 2020 - Complexity 2020:1-15.
    With the development of the globalization of science and technology, innovation has become an important driving force for regional economic development. As a core element of regional innovation, financial R&D resources have also become a key element to enhance national innovation capabilities and national economic competitiveness. National and regional innovation capabilities have a direct impact. There are also many deep-seated problems behind the world-renowned achievements, such as irrational industrial structure, insufficient independent innovation capabilities, low resource utilization efficiency, and the service (...)
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  26.  43
    Totality in applicative theories.Gerhard Jäger & Thomas Strahm - 1995 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 74 (2):105-120.
    In this paper we study applicative theories of operations and numbers with the non-constructive minimum operator in the context of a total application operation. We determine the proof-theoretic strength of such theories by relating them to well-known systems like Peano Arithmetic PA and the system <0 of second order arithmetic. Essential use will be made of so-called fixed-point theories with ordinals, certain infinitary term models and Church-Rosser properties.
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    Nursing as total institution.Jess Dillard-Wright & Danisha Jenkins - 2024 - Nursing Philosophy 25 (1):e12460.
    Healthcare under the auspices of late‐stage capitalism is a total institution that mortifies nurses and patients alike, demanding conformity, obedience, perfection. This capture, which resembles Deleuze's enclosure, entangles nurses in carceral systems and gives way to a postenclosure society, an institution without walls. These societies of control constitute another sort of total institution, more covert and insidious for their invisibility (Deleuze, 1992). While Delezue (1992) named physical technologies like electronic identification badges as key to understanding these societies of (...)
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  28. Extending Dynamical Systems Theory to Model Embodied Cognition.Scott Hotton & Jeff Yoshimi - 2011 - Cognitive Science 35 (3):444-479.
    We define a mathematical formalism based on the concept of an ‘‘open dynamical system” and show how it can be used to model embodied cognition. This formalism extends classical dynamical systems theory by distinguishing a ‘‘total system’’ (which models an agent in an environment) and an ‘‘agent system’’ (which models an agent by itself), and it includes tools for analyzing the collections of overlapping paths that occur in an embedded agent's state space. To illustrate the way (...)
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  29.  18
    Education for total liberation: critical animal pedagogy and teaching against speciesism.Anthony J. Nocella (ed.) - 2019 - New York: Peter Lang.
    Education for Total Liberation is a collection of essays from leaders in the field of critical animal pedagogy (CAP). CAP emerges from activist educators teaching critical animal studies and is rooted in critical theory as well as the animal advocacy movement. Critical animal studies (CAS) argues for an interdisciplinary approach to understanding our relationships with nonhuman animals. CAS challenges two specific fields of theory: (1) animal studies, rooted in vivisection and testing on animals in the hard sciences and (2) (...)
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    Practical Design Considerations for Signal Conditioning Unit Interfaced with Multi-point Snow Temperature Recording System.Raman K. Attri, B. K. Sharma & M. A. Shamshi - 2000 - Iete Technical Review 17 (6):351-361.
    Multi-point Temperature Measurement has always been very important aspect of physical instrumentation mainly in environmental and Industrial application. A multi-point temperature measurement system has been developed to measure temperature at different points simultaneously. This multi-channel system is designed specifically for measuring snow temperature at 28 different points In snow layers and this multi-point data is used in modeling of snow cover. The interfacing of such multi-channel system to Data acquisition system is one of the most critical (...)
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    From Totality via Totalitarianism to Human Disregard.Nathan Rotenstreich - 2000 - Review of Metaphysics 53 (4):791 - 805.
    ONE OF THE MOST COMMON AND PLAUSIBLE EXPLANATIONS for the recent dissolution of the communist empire and for the failure of Marxist ideology is expressed in the view that communism was the political system in countries which had not yet reached the industrial age. Marxism was imposed on countries which could not be receptive to it and its goals.
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    Total Freedom: Toward a Dialectical Libertarianism.Chris Matthew Sciabarra - 2000 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    Building upon his previous books about Marx, Hayek, and Rand, _Total Freedom_ completes what _Lingua Franca_ has called Sciabarra’s "epic scholarly quest" to reclaim dialectics, usually associated with the Marxian left, as a methodology that can revivify libertarian thought. Part One surveys the history of dialectics from the ancient Greeks through the Austrian school of economics. Part Two investigates in detail the work of Murray Rothbard as a leading modern libertarian, in whose thought Sciabarra finds both dialectical and nondialectical elements. (...)
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  33.  8
    Total speech: an integrational linguistic approach to language.Michael J. Toolan - 1996 - Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press.
    Units, rules, codes, systems: this is how most linguists study language. Integrationalists such as Michael Toolan, however, focus instead on how language functions in seamless tandem with the rest of human activity. In Total Speech, Toolan provides a clear and comprehensive account of integrationalism, a major new theory of language that declines to accept that text and context, language and world, are distinct and stable categories. At the same time, Toolan extends the integrationalist argument and calls for a radical (...)
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  34.  8
    Die totale Freiheit.Bernard Willms - 1967 - Köln, Opladen,: Westdeutscher Verlag.
    Die hier vorgelegte Arbeit ist im Wintersemester 1964/65 von der Philosophi­ schen Fakultät der Universität Münster unter dem Titel,Die wahre Freiheit; Fichtes Staatsphilosophie als Theorie der bürgerlichen Gesellschaft' als Dissertation ange­ nommen worden. Sie ist im Kreise des Collegium Philosophicum in Münster ent­ standen. Das Collegium Philosophicum ist die Schöpfung von Herrn Professor Dr. J. Ritter; ihm als akademischen Lehrer gilt der herzliche Dank des Schülers. Für wirksame Hilfe und Förderung danke ich außerdem Herrn Professor Dr. H. Schelsky, Herrn Professor (...)
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  35.  12
    Total liberation: the power and promise of animal rights and the radical earth movement.David N. Pellow - 2014 - Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
    When in 2001 Earth Liberation Front activists drove metal spikes into hundreds of trees in Gifford Pinchot National Forest, they were protesting the sale of a section of the old-growth forest to a timber company. But ELF's communiqu on the action went beyond the radical group's customary brief. Drawing connections between the harms facing the myriad animals who make their home in the trees and the struggles for social justice among ordinary human beings resisting exclusion and marginalization, the dispatch declared, (...)
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    Bioactive peptides, networks and systems biology.Kurt Boonen, John W. Creemers & Liliane Schoofs - 2009 - Bioessays 31 (3):300-314.
    Bioactive peptides are a group of diverse intercellular signalling molecules. Almost half a century of research on this topic has resulted in an enormous amount of data. In this essay, a general perspective to interpret all these data will be given. In classical endocrinology, neuropeptides were thought of as simple signalling molecules that each elicit one response. However, the fact that the total bioactive peptide signal is far from simple puts this view under pressure. Cells and tissues express many (...)
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  37.  22
    Total synthesis of a eukaryotic chromosome: Redesigning and SCRaMbLE‐ing yeast.Dejana Jovicevic, Benjamin A. Blount & Tom Ellis - 2014 - Bioessays 36 (9):855-860.
    A team of US researchers recently reported the design, assembly and in vivo functionality of a synthetic chromosome III (SynIII) for the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The synthetic chromosome was assembled bottom‐up from DNA oligomers by teams of students working over several years with researchers as the first part of an international synthetic yeast genome project. Embedded into the sequence of the synthetic chromosome are multiple design changes that include a novel in‐built recombination scheme that can be induced to catalyse intra‐chromosomal (...)
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  38.  57
    Total Quality Management and the Silent Patient.Mary V. Rorty - 2002 - Business Ethics Quarterly 12 (4):481-504.
    This essay examines the impact of the imposition of businesses techniques, in particular, those associated with Total QualityManagement, on the relationships of important components of the health care delivery system, including payers, managed care organizations, institutional and individual providers, enrollees, and patients. It examines structural anomalies within the delivery system and concludes that the use of Total Quality Management techniques within the health care system cannot prevent the shift of attention of other components away from (...)
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  39.  48
    Système et rupture chez Hobbes.Gilbert Boss - 1988 - Dialogue 27 (2):215-.
    L'histoire de la philosophie voit d'abord en Hobbes un spécialiste de la philosophie politique, au point qu'on en oublie souvent l'importance du reste de son oeuvre. Sans doute, il n'est pas faux d'insister sur la contribution hobbienne à la philosophie politique. Et de l'avis de Hobbes lui-même, c'est dans ce domaine qu'il avait été particulièrement novateur. Cependant, son ambition était plus large: il voulait construire un système entier de philosophie, dont la politique ne devait représenter que la dernière partie. En (...)
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    Hybrid systems in electrical distribution design with genetic algorithm.Angel Nunez - 2020 - Minerva 1 (1):32-42.
    The incorporation of hybrid systems based on renewable sources for the optimization of electricity distribution systems and planning of power supply strategies using genetic algorithms is studied. A series of characteristics of electrical sub-stations was chosen and through simulations, data were obtained for the optimization of the existing infrastructure, which provides reliability, security, economic supply and quality of service. An algorithm was obtained with the optimal configuration of various components: photovoltaic panels, batteries, AC generator, fuel cell and inverter, which in (...)
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  41. The Principle of Totality and the Limits of Enhancement.Joshua Schulz - 2015 - Ethics and Medicine 31 (3):143-57.
    According to the Thomistic tradition, the Principle of Totality (TPoT) articulates a secondary principle of natural law which guides the exercise of human ownership or dominium over creation. In its general signification, TPoT is a principle of distributive justice determining the right ordering of wholes to their parts. In the medical field it is traditionally understood as entailing an absolute prohibition of bodily mutilation as irrational and immoral, and an imperfect obligation to use the parts of one’s body for the (...)
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    A Comparison of Metaheuristic Techniques for Solving Optimal Sitting and Sizing Problems of Capacitor Banks to Reduce the Power Loss in Radial Distribution System.Tongfei Lei, Saleem Riaz, Hira Raziq, Munira Batool, Feng Pan & Jianfeng Wang - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-14.
    The losses in the radial distribution system are inevitable which needs to be minimized for the proper transmission of power to the end customers. This problem can be solved by the allocation of capacitor banks at proper locations with appropriate sizing. These allocations need an efficient approach for the performance enhancement of RDS. In this paper, several metaheuristic techniques such as particle swarm optimization, Harmony search, Bat, Cuckoo, and Grey-wolf algorithms are employed to find the size of capacitor banks. (...)
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    The Buridan-Volpin Derivation System; Properties and Justification.Sven Storms - 2022 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 28 (4):533-535.
    Logic is traditionally considered to be a purely syntactic discipline, at least in principle. However, prof. David Isles has shown that this ideal is not yet met in traditional logic. Semantic residue is present in the assumption that the domain of a variable should be fixed in advance of a derivation, and also in the notion that a numerical notation must refer to a number rather than be considered a mathematical object in and of itself. Based on his work, the (...)
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    Simply terminating rewrite systems with long derivations.Ingo Lepper - 2004 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 43 (1):1-18.
    .A term rewrite system is called simply terminating if its termination can be shown by means of a simplification ordering. According to a result of Weiermann, the derivation length function of any simply terminating finite rewrite system is eventually dominated by a Hardy function of ordinal less than the small Veblen ordinal. This bound had appeared to be of rather theoretical nature, because all known examples had had multiple recursive complexities, until recently Touzet constructed simply terminating examples with (...)
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    Granger causality analysis of deviation in total electron content during geomagnetic storms in the equatorial region.Sumitra Iyer & Alka Mahajan - 2021 - Journal of Engineering and Applied Science 68 (1):1-25.
    The total electron content in the ionosphere widely influences Global Navigation Satellite Systems especially for critical applications by inducing localized positional errors in the GNSS measurements. These errors can be mitigated by measuring TEC from stations located around the world at various temporal and spatial scales and using them for advanced forecasting of TEC. The TEC can be used as a tool in understanding space weather phenomena such as geomagnetic storms which cause disruptions in the ionosphere. This paper examines (...)
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    The Buddhist Teaching of Totality: The Philosophy of Hwa Yen Buddhism.Garma C. C. Chang - 1971 - London,: Pennsylvania State University Press.
    The Hwa Yen school of Mahāyāna Buddhism bloomed in China in the 7th and 8th centuries A.D. Today many scholars regard its doctrines of Emptiness, Totality, and Mind-Only as the crown of Buddhist thought and as a useful and unique philosophical system and explanation of man, world, and life as intuitively experienced in Zen practice. For the first time in any Western language Garma Chang explains and exemplifies these doctrines with references to both oriental masters and Western philosophers. The (...)
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  47. The truly total Turing test.Paul Schweizer - 1998 - Minds and Machines 8 (2):263-272.
    The paper examines the nature of the behavioral evidence underlying attributions of intelligence in the case of human beings, and how this might be extended to other kinds of cognitive system, in the spirit of the original Turing Test. I consider Harnad's Total Turing Test, which involves successful performance of both linguistic and robotic behavior, and which is often thought to incorporate the very same range of empirical data that is available in the human case. However, I argue (...)
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  48. Towards a Best Predictive System Account of Laws of Nature.Chris Dorst - 2019 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 70 (3):877-900.
    This article argues for a revised best system account of laws of nature. David Lewis’s original BSA has two main elements. On the one hand, there is the Humean base, which is the totality of particular matters of fact that obtain in the history of the universe. On the other hand, there is what I call the ‘nomic formula’, which is a particular operation that gets applied to the Humean base in order to output the laws of nature. My (...)
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  49. Epistemological System, Logic, and Contradiction in German Idealism. Kant, Fichte, Schelling, and Hegel.Nectarios G. Limnatis - 2004 - Dissertation, New School University
    The dissertation contrasts Kant's epistemological assertiveness with his ontological skepticism as a central issue in the development of the discourse in German Idealism. Fichte's phenomenological demarche essentially amplifies this problem but, at the same time, allows him to advance a path breaking critique of formal logic and to stress the importance of contradiction. Schelling, by restoring metaphysics, attempts to overcome Fichte's contrast between ontological dualism and epistemological monism. Finally, it is Hegel who directly addresses the need for a non-formal cognitive (...)
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    System-wide assessment using the Measure of Moral Distress – Healthcare professionals.Adam T. Booth & Kathryn L. Robinson - forthcoming - Nursing Ethics.
    Background: Moral distress is the inability to do the right thing due to institutional constraints. The Measure of Moral Distress – Healthcare Professionals (MMD-HP) measures this phenomenon and has extensively explored moral distress among nurses. There are limited large-scale research studies using the MMD-HP to identify levels of moral distress across multiple healthcare professionals (HPs) and settings. Research question: What are the overall levels of moral distress among HPs? Research design: A quantitative, exploratory, cross-sectional study of HPs in a healthcare (...)
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