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Bibliography: Tolerance in Normative Ethics
  1. Willa Cather's Vision of the Artist.Colette Toler - 1964 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 45 (4):503.
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    Social control and tolerance as a moral value. The problem of rehabilitation.Ya S. Pisachkina - 2023 - Liberal Arts in Russia 12 (4):212-220.
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    L'idée de tolérance.Albert Dondeyne - 1957 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 12 (3):398 - 401.
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    The quest for tolerance in Sarajevo’s textbooks.Robert J. Donia - 2000 - Human Rights Review 1 (2):38-55.
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    The New Wine and the Old Cask. Tolerance, Religion and the Law in Contemporary Europe.Silvio Ferrari - 1997 - Ratio Juris 10 (1):75-89.
    The author argues that a correct approach to the question of tolerance cannot ignore the increasing importance of the religious factor on the political, cultural and social scene of the last few years. The common European model of the relationship between the State and religious faiths that may be called the Law possesses some margins of elasticity. These margins of elasticity may be defined as tolerance. A mechanism of selection allows the law to welcome those new requests for (...)
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    Reading Habermas in Iran: political tolerance and the prospect of non-violent movement in Iran.Omid Payrow Shabani - 2010 - Journal of Global Ethics 6 (2):141-151.
    In this paper, I intend to appropriate the explanatory power of some of Habermas' recent ideas (such as complementary learning processes, modernization of faith, tolerance, and non-violence) for the purpose of examining the current political situation in Iran. I would like to argue that the recent history of Iran has offered an occasion for a development away from a dogmatic religious consciousness and toward a more tolerant one. I submit that these opposing modes of thought are, respectively, represented by (...)
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    Philosophical Aspects of Balance Between Tolerance and Manipulation in High School Pedagogical Technologies.Larisa Titonova - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 37:363-370.
    The emerging of new virtual studying cyberspace significantly broadens the scope of pedagogical techniques and created new opportunities for usage of manipulative techniques in educational practice Manipulation success factor is mostly depends on the tolerance level of a student-addressee when recognizing manipulation intrusion. There are three main moods of student-addressee’s behaviour in manipulation situation: active anti-manipulation defence, related to building effective contramanipulation; passive anti-manipulation defence, including applying different methods of operational and behavioural blocking ofmanipulator’s actions; and high level of (...)
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  8. The Cultural Limits of Legal Tolerance.Benjamin Berger - 2008 - Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 21 (2):245-277.
    This article presents the argument that our understanding of the nature of the relationship between modern constitutionalism and religious difference has suffered with the success of the story of legal tolerance and multiculturalism. Taking up the Canadian case, in which the conventional narrative of legal multiculturalism has such purchase, this piece asks how the interaction of law and religion – and, in particular, the practices of legal tolerance – would look if we sought in earnest to understand law (...)
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    Modern social approaches to the philosophy of tolerance.Nigar A. Huseynova - 2020 - Вісник Харківського Національного Університету Імені В. Н. Каразіна. Серія «Філософія. Філософські Перипетії» 63:51-58.
    An important issue in the article is the historical and modern approach to the problem of social tolerance, tracking the historical stages of its development and the current situation. Here it is necessary to distinguish between social tolerance as a phenomenon and a concept. Tolerance, acceptance of diversity – this is the principle of coexistence in intergroup, intercultural relations. Social tolerance ensures stable peaceful interaction of people, public associations and subjects with common and specific views, beliefs (...)
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    Not Only a Tolerance Issue.Chiara Saraceno - 2013 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 26 (1):85-102.
  11. Multiculturalism, Pluralism and Tolerance.Slavoj Zizek - 2007 - In Julian Baggini & Jeremy Stangroom, What More Philosophers Think. Continuum. pp. 57.
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    Co-Operation, Tolerance, and Prejudice: A Contribution to Social and Medical Psychology.Samuel Lowy - 1999 - Routledge.
    First Published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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    Appreciating Minorities or why Tolerance is not enough: Is Power Sharing the ‘Moral Must’ in International Politics?Urs Marti & Georg Kohler - 2003 - In Georg Kohler & Urs Marti, Konturen der Neuen Weltordnung: Beiträge Zu Einer Theorie der Normativen Prinzipien Internationaler Politik. De Gruyter.
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  14. Cartesianism and tolerance: Pierre Bayle's' Commentaire philosophique'.M. Marilli - 1996 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 51 (3):555-579.
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    The theology of Islamic moderation education in Singkawang, Indonesia: The city of tolerance.Lailial Muhtifah, Zaenuddin Hudi Prasojo, Sukman Sappe & Elmansyah Elmansyah - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4).
    This article explores the trends in the implementation of Islamic moderation through aqidah and sharia in Singkawang, as it is considered the most tolerant city in Indonesia based on a research report published in 2019. Using grounded research analysis, the authors found three structured patterns: implementation strategies, implementation processes and implementation patterns. This study shows that these strategies and methods, implemented through a flexible, straightforward and easy-to-implement model are relevant to the fundamental values of Islamic education and offer a means (...)
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    Looking at refugees(strangers) from hate and tolerance points of view. 김용환 - 2018 - The Catholic Philosophy 31:5-34.
    혐오감정은 싫어하고 미워하는 여러 대상들에 대해 말과 행위로표현되는 부정적이고 파괴적인 집단 감정이다. 여성, 성소수자, 외국인 노동자, 탈북 주민 그리고 난민 등에 대한 혐오 감정의 만연은 다문화 사회에 들어선 우리 사회에 위험 신호로 받아들여지고있다. 해결이 요구되는 시급한 현실문제이다. 2절에서는 혐오감정을 홉스, 데카르트, 스피노자 그리고 흄 같은근대철학자들이 어떻게 이해하고 있는가를 설명하고 있다. 3절에서는 혐오감정의 두 가지 기능(긍정적 기능과 부정적 기능)을 혐오감정의 두 가지 기원과 관련해서 설명하고 있다. 혐오감정의 기원에 관해서는 마사 누스바움의 이론, 즉 원초적 혐오와 투사적 혐오로 구분하여 소개하고 있다. 4절에서는 혐오감정의 (...)
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    Carnap and Beth on the Limits of Tolerance.Benjamin Marschall - 2021 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 51 (4):282–300.
    Rudolf Carnap’s principle of tolerance states that there is no need to justify the adoption of a logic by philosophical means. Carnap uses the freedom provided by this principle in his philosophy of mathematics: he wants to capture the idea that mathematical truth is a matter of linguistic rules by relying on a strong metalanguage with infinitary inference rules. In this paper, I give a new interpretation of an argument by E. W. Beth, which shows that the principle of (...)
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    On Social Tolerance and the Evolution of Human Normative Guidance.Ivan Gonzalez-Cabrera - 2019 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 70 (2):523-549.
    Discussions about the evolution of human social cognition usually portray the social environment of early hominins as highly hierarchical and violent. In this evolutionary narrative, our propensity for violence was overcome in our lineage by an increase in our intellectual capacities. However, I will argue in this article that we are at least equally justified in believing that our early hominin ancestors were less aggressive and hierarchical than is suggested in these models. This view is consistent with the available comparative (...)
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  19. The gentle strength of tolerance : The logical syntax of language and Carnap's philosophical programme.Richard Creath - 2009 - In Pierre Wagner, Carnap's Logical syntax of language. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 203--214.
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    Predictors of ethical code use and ethical tolerance in the public sector.Neal M. Ashkanasy, Sarah Falkus & Victor J. Callan - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 25 (3):237 - 253.
    This paper reports the results of a survey of ethical attitudes, values, and propensities in public sector employees in Australia. It was expected that demographic variables, personal values, and contextual variables at the individual level, and group- and organisational-level values would predict use of formal codes of ethics and ethical tolerance (tolerance of unethical behaviour). Useable data were received from 500 respondents selected at random across public sector organisations in a single Australian state. Results supported the study hypotheses, (...)
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    From geometry to tolerance: sources of conventionalism in nineteenth-century geometry.Alberto Coffa - 1986 - In Robert G. Colodny, From Quarks to Quasars: Philosophical Problems of Modern Physics. University of Pittsburgh Press. pp. 7--3.
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    Youth religious moderation model and tolerance strengthening through intellectual humility.Hadi Pajarianto, Imam Pribadi & Nur S. Galugu - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (1):10.
    Religious moderation is a crucial issue, along with religious and cultural values that develop in society. Religious moderation’s success will significantly determine millennial Muslim youth’s tolerant attitudes, mediated by intellectual humility. This study aimed to identify and design a model of religious moderation on tolerance by mediating intellectual humility. The research used mixed methods; data analysis used NVivo 12 Plus (software by QSR International), to compile variable nominations; and Partial Least Squares - Structural Equation (PLS-SEM) creates research models. There (...)
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  23. The relationship between future self-continuity and intention to use Internet wealth management: The mediating role of tolerance of uncertainty and trait anxiety.Rongzhao Wang, Xuanxuan Lin, Zetong Ye, Hua Gao & Jianrong Liu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:939508.
    This study aimed to analyze the mediating effect of tolerance of uncertainty and trait anxiety on future self-continuity and intention to use Internet wealth management systems. A questionnaire survey was distributed online and a total of 388 participants completed questionnaire, The questionnaire included the following scales: Chinese version of the FSC, Intention to Use the Internet Wealth Management, TU, and TA. Pearson correlation was used to investigate the correlation coefficient between variables while the sequential regression method was used to (...)
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    On being moderate and peaceful: Why Islamic political moderateness promotes outgroup tolerance and reconciliation.Esti Zaduqisti, Ali Mashuri, Amat Zuhri, Tri Astutik Haryati & Miftahul Ula - 2020 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 42 (3):359-378.
    Islamic moderateness is said to be one of the key factors that contribute to the promotion of peace in Muslim societies. We present an empirical study conducted in Indonesia ( N = 299) that assessed Islamic political moderateness and examined its role in explaining Muslims’ tolerance towards non-Muslims, as well as the first group’s support for making reconciliation with the latter group. We found as hypothesised that Islamic political moderateness was a positive predictor of outgroup tolerance, because of (...)
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    10. The Instability of Tolerance.George P. Fletcher - 1996 - In David Heyd, Toleration: An Elusive Virtue. Princeton University Press. pp. 158-172.
  26. (1 other version)Two Models of Pluralism and Tolerance.Will Kymlicka - 1992 - Analyse & Kritik 14 (1):33-56.
    In his most recent work, John Rawls argues that political theory must recognize and accomodate the ‘fact of pluralism’, including the fact of religious diversity. He believes that the liberal commitment to individual rights provides the only feasible model for accomodating religious pluralism. In the paper, I discuss a second form of tolerance, based on group rights rather than individual rights. Drawing on historical examples, I argue that this is is also a feasible model for accomodating religious pluralism. While (...)
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  27. Gut feelings of safety: Tolerance to the microbiota mediated by innate immune receptors.Bartlomiej Swiatczak & Irun R. Cohen - 2015 - Microbiology and Immunology 59 (10):573-585.
    To enable microbial colonisation of the gut mucosa, the intestinal immune system must not only react to danger signals but also recognize cues that indicate safety. Safety recognition, paradoxically, is mediated by the same environmental sensors that are involved in signalling danger. Indeed, in addition to their well established role in inducing inflammation in response to stress signals, pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) and a variety of metabolic sensors also promote gut-microbiota symbiosis by responding to "microbial symbiosis factors", "resolution-associated molecular patterns", (...)
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    Religion in a Secular State and State Religion in Practice: Assessing Religious Influence, Tolerance, and National Stability in Nigeria and Malaysia.Chuwunenye Clifford Njoku & Hamidin Abd Hamid - 2014 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 13 (39):203-235.
    Some recent state formations are offshoots of religious societies where the elite clothed the state with religious apparel. Diverse communities and their beliefs compel many modern nations to adopt a secular state ideology in order to avoid religious domination of time. Constitutionally, Islam is the official religion in Malaysia, while the state has maintained peaceful co-existence among its religious groups with an emphasis on religious tolerance and improved wealth distribution. Conversely, Nigeria, constitutionally a secular state with shared populations of (...)
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  29. A defensible conception of tolerance in Aquinas?Manfred Svensson - 2011 - The Thomist 75 (2):291-308.
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    A Close Shave: Balancing Religious Tolerance and Patient Care in the Age of COVID-19.Zohar Lederman & Miki Halberthal - 2022 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 19 (4):625-633.
    In this essay we discuss an ethical dilemma that recently arose in our institution, involving healthcare workers who lamented the requirement to shave their facial hair as a condition to care for COVID-19 patients. The essay represents a genuine attempt to grapple with the dilemma sensibly and vigorously. We first provide a brief introduction, focusing on the tension between religious tolerance and the institutional obligation to optimize patient care and public health in the age of COVID-19. We then discuss (...)
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    Grounds of liberal tolerance.Mark Mercer - 1999 - Journal of Value Inquiry 33 (3):319-334.
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    The ups and Downs of tolerance.Theo W. De Wit - 2002 - Bijdragen 63 (4):387-416.
    In the Netherlands, the traditional and famous ‘culture of tolerance’ in the past few years surprisingly became associated with the laxity, half-heartedness, even negligence and indifference with regard to serious problems in a multi-ethnic society. For the time being, a polemical use of the term dominates: tolerance as an aspect of our western ‘superiority’ against barbaric fundamentalism. To regain some grip on the – at least in the Netherlands – apparently ‘hollow’, even politically and morally dubious concept of (...)
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  33. Mahatma Gandhi: The Prophet of Tolerance.Ramin Jahanbegloo - 1996 - Diogenes 44 (176):115-119.
    Mahatma Gandhi was one of those rare human beings who was simultaneously a theoretician and practitioner of tolerance. Gandhi was possessed of an inner conviction that tolerance was not only one of the key words of his own century but of centuries still to come. It is in this sense that his ideas on non-violence and tolerance transcend the context of India itself, even though these ideas were initially conceived in relation to India's independence and future. Nevertheless, (...)
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    On Social Tolerance and the Evolution of Human Normative Guidance.Ivan Gonzalez-Cabrera - 2017 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science:axx017.
    Discussions about the evolution of human social cognition usually portray the social environment of early hominins as highly hierarchical and violent. In this evolutionary narrative, our propensity for violence was overcome in our lineage by an increase in our intellectual capacities. However, I will argue in this article that we are at least equally justified in believing that our early hominin ancestors were less aggressive and hierarchical than is suggested in these models. This view is consistent with the available comparative (...)
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    Regulating Aversion: Tolerance in the Age of Identity and Empire. ByWendy Brown.Noëlle McAfee - 2008 - Constellations 15 (3):437-439.
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    The Law and the New Language of Tolerance.Antoine Garapon - 1996 - Diogenes 44 (176):71-89.
    The history of the idea of tolerance is marked by a rift between its original meaning and its modern one. At first tolerance was understood as the effort made to put up with certain reprehensible acts or lapses with regard to society's values, since rules can never be respected at all times without life becoming unbearable. Conceived originally as a discretion on the part of authority, it progressively acquired the meaning of a “right to differ.” “The idea that (...)
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  37. The Limits of Tolerance: Carnap’s Logico-Philosophical Project in Logical Syntax.Alan W. Richardson - 1994 - Proceedings of Aristotelian Society:67--82.
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    12. The Difficulty of Tolerance.T. M. Scanlon - 1996 - In David Heyd, Toleration: An Elusive Virtue. Princeton University Press. pp. 226-240.
  39. The Paradox Of Tolerance.Joshua Halberstam - 1982 - Philosophical Forum 14 (2):190.
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    Cultural Diversity in Business: A Critical Reflection on the Ideology of Tolerance.Teresa Escrich & J. Félix Lozano - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 142 (4):679-696.
    Cultural diversity is an increasingly important phenomenon that affects not only social and political harmony but also the cohesion and efficiency of organisations. The problems that firms have with regard to managing cultural diversity have been abundantly studied in recent decades from the perspectives of management theory and moral philosophy, but there are still open questions that require deeper reflection and broader empirical analysis. Managing cultural diversity in organisations is of prime importance because it involves harmonising different values, beliefs, credos (...)
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    Research on the Influence of Tolerance of Opportunistic Behaviors of Channel Boundaries on the Choice of Response Strategies.Jinsong Chen, Zhaoxia Liu & Ruoqian Hu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    In the Chinese society, border agents in channel transactions will choose different opportunistic behavior response strategies to the tolerance of other members based on the relationship between the two parties. Based on 206 valid questionnaires collected, structural equation model and regression analysis were used to investigate the influence of opportunistic behavior tolerance on response strategy selection. The results show that the channel boundary personnel's tolerance to opportunistic behavior negatively influences their choice of a positive response strategy and (...)
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    Intuitionism and Logical Tolerance.Göran Sundholm - 1999 - Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook 6:135-148.
    Tradition is classical. Surely, nothing could be more pleonastic than that? The logical tradition, certainly, was squarely classical from Bolzano to Carnap, with, say, Frege, Moore, Russell and the Wittgenstein of the Tractatus as intermediaries. Propositions are construed as being in themselves true-or-false. Indeed, in this tradition, a declarative sentence S expresses a proposition by being true-or-false. So the meaningfulness of a sentence consists in its being true-or-false. But S is true-orfalse, or so they say, only when S is true, (...)
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    A word to Heidegger? The limits of tolerance in the oral history of philosophy.Sofiia Dmytrenko - 2019 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 4:81-92.
    The beginning of the new realm in philosophical research, which is the oral history of phiosophy, is followed by the consequential set of serious ethical issues. The purpose of this article is to identify moral orientations a historian of philosophy can rely on in oral communication with respondents. The starting point of the analysis is the ethical standards of interviews developed by the Oral History Society. An example to test these standards based on the principle of maximum tolerance is (...)
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    Mendelssohn’s Aesthetics of Critical Tolerance.Dustin N. Atlas - 2017 - Idealistic Studies 47 (1-2):123-140.
    This paper revisits Moses Mendelssohn’s political theology through his early aesthetic writings, and in conjunction with his later writing on politics and religion, unearths a model of religious toleration that can respond to many contemporary critiques of tolerance, especially those which draw from Jacobi and Schmitt’s decisionist political theology.
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    The Importance of Risk Tolerance in Maternal Autonomy.Joshua D. Kapfhamer, Seema Menon & Ryan Spellecy - 2012 - American Journal of Bioethics 12 (7):53 - 54.
    The American Journal of Bioethics, Volume 12, Issue 7, Page 53-54, July 2012.
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    Science and tolerance.A. Cornelius Benjamin - 1963 - World Futures 2 (sup001):64-77.
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    Cathedral stimulus for the development of religious tolerance and interfaith dialogue.Iryna Vityuk - 2013 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 66:435-439.
    The urgency of the chosen topic is due to the situation of multiculturalism and polyconfessionality of the modern world, in which the numerical superiority among the religious population belongs to the Roman Catholic Church, which has more than 1 billion followers. Therefore, being the most numerous among religions, the Roman Catholic Church has a significant influence on the religious situation in the world and on the world community as a whole. By shaping the outlook of its followers, the Church can (...)
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    Private or intimate relations between doctor and patient: is zero tolerance warranted?W. Spiegel - 2005 - Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (1):27-28.
    This article reviews and comments on the five categories of arguments used to defend zero tolerance with regard to sexual contacts resulting from the physician-patient relationship as summarised by Cullen. In addition it puts forward a hypothesis—“fear of loss by third party”—as a psychological explanation for the collective insistence on a zero tolerance policy.
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    Is ambiguity tolerance malleable? Experimental evidence with potential implications for future research.Megan L. Endres, Richaurd Camp & Morgan Milner - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    The Trouble with Tolerance.A. T. Nuyen - 1997 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 71 (1):1-12.
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