Results for ' time transformation'

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  1.  74
    Experimental and Real Coordinates in Space-Time Transformations.Joseph Levy - 2004 - Foundations of Physics 34 (12):1905-1922.
    The experimental (apparent) space-time transformations connect coordinates altered by length contraction and clock retardation. When clocks are synchronized by means of light signals (Einstein–Poincaré procedure) or by slow clock transport, the experimental space-time. transformations assume the mathematical form of the “Extended space-time transformations”.(4) These reduce to the Lorentz–Poincaré transformations when one of the frames they connect is the fundamental inertial frame. If the synchronization procedure were perfect, the experimental space-time transformations would assume the form of Selleri’s (...)
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    Time Transformation in the Sign System of the Conditioned Reflex.Konstantin S. Mochalov - 2023 - Biosemiotics 16 (1):85-104.
    How is time transformed when signs appear? In the sign system of the conditioned reflex, the sign (conditioned stimulus) reverses, changes the direction of time, and overcomes its unidirectionality and irreversibility. In a sense, there is a “return” to the past in the form of the future when the sign is introduced. The sign serves as a “Time machine” of sorts. The mechanism of time transformation is possible because a mirror is embedded inside the sign, (...)
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    Critical Theory in Critical Times: Transforming the Global Political and Economic Order.Cristina Lafont & Penelope Deutscher (eds.) - 2017 - New York, USA: Columbia University Press.
    World-renowned specialists in contemporary critical theory address the recent crises and transformations of the global political and economic order.
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    Critical theory in critical times: Transforming the global political and economic order.Michael J. Thompson - 2017 - Contemporary Political Theory 18 (4):284-289.
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    To transform or not to transform: using generalized linear mixed models to analyse reaction time data.Steson Lo & Sally Andrews - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:148545.
    Linear mixed-effect models (LMMs) are being increasingly widely used in psychology to analyse multi-level research designs. This feature allows LMMs to address some of the problems identified by Speelman and McGann ( 2013 ) about the use of mean data, because they do not average across individual responses. However, recent guidelines for using LMM to analyse skewed reaction time (RT) data collected in many cognitive psychological studies recommend the application of non-linear transformations to satisfy assumptions of normality. Uncritical adoption (...)
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    Reclaiming time: the transformative politics of feminist temporalities.Tanya Ann Kennedy - 2023 - Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.
    Offers an interdisciplinary feminist framework for conceptualizing time and temporal justice as a form of reparation.
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    Helen Cooper, The English Romance in Time: Transforming Motifs from Geoffrey of Monmouth to the Death of Shakespeare. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2004. Pp. xv, 542. [REVIEW]Nancy Mason Bradbury - 2006 - Speculum 81 (1):164-165.
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    Effects of exposure time and magnitude of prism transform on eye-hand coordination.Egli Efstathiou - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 81 (2):235.
  9. Transformations of Old Age: Selfhood, Normativity, and Time.Sara Heinämaa - 2014 - In Silvia Stoller, Simone de Beauvoir’s Philosophy of Age: Gender, Ethics. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 167-87.
  10.  28
    Time isotropy, Lorentz transformation and inertial frames.Somajit Dey - 2018 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 63:123-127.
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  11. Medial transformation of humans or the absence of a noble resistance in the times of television.J. Pauer - 2006 - Filozofia 61 (6):502-507.
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  12.  28
    Lorentz Transformation Under a Discrete Dynamical Time and Continuous Space.Roland Riek - 2022 - Foundations of Physics 52 (5):1-12.
    The Lorentz transformation of space and time between two reference frames is one of the pillars of the special relativity theory. As a result of the Lorentz transformation, space and time are only relative and are entangled, while the Minkowski metric is Lorentz invariant. For this reason, the Lorentz transformation is one of the major obstructions in the development of physical theories with quantized space and time. Here is described the Lorentz transformation of (...)
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  13. The non-invariant time and Lorentz-like transformations.Boris Culina - 2025 - Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Física 47:1-7.
    From the comparison of time in inertial frames, possible types of transformations between inertial frames are deduced. This elementary deduction directly relates the properties of time with the type of transformations. When all inertial frames measure the same time (time is absolute), the transformations are Galilean. When each inertial frame has its own time, different from the times of other inertial frames (time is not invariant) the transformations are Lorentz-like with the same positive parameter (...)
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    Transformations of Myth through Time[REVIEW]Kathleen Marie Higgins - 1991 - Teaching Philosophy 14 (2):199-202.
  15.  39
    Verbal transformation as a function of boredom susceptibility, attention maintenance, and exposure time.Richard S. Calef, Ruth A. Calef, Edward Piper, Debra J. Shipley, Cynthia D. Thomas & E. Scott Geller - 1979 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 13 (2):87-89.
  16.  71
    Time.Barbara Adam - 2006 - Theory, Culture and Society 23 (2-3):119-126.
    The article argues that the relationship to time is at the root of what makes us human and that culture arises with and from efforts to transcend death, change and the rhythmicity of the physical environment. Time can be tracked through systems of time measurement and later transformed from a process of nature into clock time, a time to human design that is abstracted from context and content. In this form time can be traded (...)
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    Book Review: Critical Theory in Critical Times: Transforming the Global Political and Economic Order. [REVIEW]Neal Harris - 2018 - European Journal of Social Theory 21 (4):569-573.
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    Transformations of Social Control in Pandemic Times – Reasons for Hope Beyond Science: Editorial.Miguel Ángel Belmonte - 2023 - Scientia et Fides 11 (1):101-104.
    Postmodernity has brought new forms of social control which are exercised through new forms of communication. Paradoxically, however, postmodernity also seemed to be heading towards the exaltation of the individual in their absolute freedom. The 20 th century pushed, in the name of science and progress, the secularization of Western societies, often distancing people from their traditional community ties, including ties to the ecclesial community. Thus, the postmodern individual initially appeared free of ancestral community pressures. However, subtle new forms of (...)
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  19.  54
    Societal transformations from Paleolithic to contemporary times.Alastair M. Taylor - 1977 - World Futures 15 (3):323-398.
  20.  20
    Chapter Twelve–A Time to Regender: The Transformation of Roman Time.Melissa Barden Dowling - 2004 - In Paul Harris & Michael Crawford, Time and uncertainty. Boston: Brill. pp. 175.
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  21.  83
    The lorentz transformation and "space-time".Evander Bradley McGilvary - 1941 - Journal of Philosophy 38 (13):337-349.
  22.  33
    Conformal transformations of space-time as vector bundle automorphisms.Alexey Kryukov - unknown
    Conformal group of Minkowski space-time M is considered as a group of bundle automorphisms of a vector bundle U over M. 4-component spin-vectors (4-spinors) are sections of a subbundle of the tangent bundle over U. Isotropic 4-vectors are images of 4-spinors under projection. This leads to a particularly clear interpretation of the spin properties of Nature.
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    Remarks on the transformations of space and time.F. Selleri - 1997 - Apeiron 4:100-103.
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  24. Retrieving the Past, Transforming the Future: Time and Art in Autobiographies of Childhood and Incarceration.Susan Tridgell - 2007 - In Jan Lloyd Jones, Art and Time. Australian Scholarly Publishing. pp. 190.
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    Collapsing consciously: transformative truths for turbulent times.Carolyn Baker - 2013 - Berkeley, California: North Atlantic Books.
    A collection of 17 meditative essays and 52 weekly reflections, this book is for readers who are concerned about the daunting future humankind has created and who seek inspiration, wisdom, and spiritual purpose in the face of the collapse of industrial civilization.
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    The Transformation of Individualism and Loneliness in Times of Pandemics.Javier Barraycoa Martínez - 2023 - Scientia et Fides 11 (1):187-195.
    The characterisation of mass society in a society without God, as a mere mimetic, hypnotic and unstable phenomenon is clearly insufficient. For its rise, social, psychological and relational changes had to take place, both among people and between people and their environment. Many scholars in recent times who have tried to explain the phenomenon of mass society have undoubtedly linked it to individualism, especially to one of its characteristics that could be considered specifically modern: loneliness. The study entitled “The Spiral (...)
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    Choose to win: transform your life, one simple choice at a time.Tom Ziglar - 2019 - Nashville, Tennessee: Nelson books, an imprint of Thomas Nelson.
    Shows readers how the choices they make will help them achieve balanced success, true significance, and an everlasting legacy.
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    Inheriting Identity and Practicing Transformation: The Time of Feminist Politics.Shannon Hoff - 2012 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 2 (2):167-193.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Inheriting Identity and Practicing TransformationThe Time of Feminist PoliticsShannon HoffA human life unfolds over time. No moment of it can be considered apart from the others, independently of the fact that the human being was and will be, and so no moment is sufficient on its own to tell us of the nature of that identity. Each moment is insufficient as an expression of who we are, (...)
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  29. In a time of terror: globalisation, transformation and the Enlightenment.Raymond Aaron Younis - 2009 - In Philip Quadrio Carrol Besseling & Andrew Quadrio, Politics and religion in the new century: philosophical reflections. Sydney University Press. pp. 233-258.
    A critical analysis and evaluation of Habermas' and Derrida's understanding of terrorism (in particular 9/11); some reflections on the role of philosophy and philosophers in the present age.
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  30. Subversive Spirituality: Transforming Mission through the Collapse of Space and Time.L. Paul Jensen - 2009
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  31.  74
    The coordinate transformations of the absolute space-time theory.Stefan Marinov - 1979 - Foundations of Physics 9 (5-6):445-460.
    In the light of our recently performed experiments, revealing the anisotropy of light velocity in any frame moving with respect to absolute space, we show that the Lorentz transformation, where the relativity of light velocity is given implicitly through the relativity of the time coordinates, must be treated from an absolute point of view if one seeks to preserve its adequacy to physical reality. Then we propose a new transformation (which is to be considered as a legitimate (...)
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  32.  9
    Laozi's Dao de jing: a new interpretation for a transformative time. Laozi & Ken Liu - 2024 - New York: Scribner. Edited by Ken Liu.
    A fresh, graceful translation of one of the most important and timeless classics-the foundational work of Daoism-by award-winning novelist Ken Liu, who contextualizes and demystifies this famously enigmatic text. Laozi's Dao De Jing was written around 400 BC by a compassionate soul in a world torn by hatred and ambition, dominated by those that yearned for apocalyptic confrontations and prized ideology over experience. By speaking out against the cleverness of elites and the arrogance of the learned, Laozi upheld the wisdom (...)
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  33.  19
    Transformation of the Constitutional System of the Slovak Republic.Boris Balog - 2011 - Creative and Knowledge Society 1 (2):70-82.
    Transformation of the Constitutional System of the Slovak Republic Purpose of the article is to analyze the Constitutional Act No. 356/2011 Z. Coll. amending the Constitution of the Slovak Republic in terms of its compatibility of the constitutional system of the Slovak Republic. The article analyzes the potential impact of amendment to the Constitution of the Slovak Republic on the Parliamentary form of the government of the Slovak Republic and examine the consistency of Art. 115 Para 3 of the (...)
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    Moving spaces and places: interdisciplinary essays on transformative movements through space, place, and time.Beitske Boonstra, Teresa Cutler-Broyles & Stefano Rozzoni (eds.) - 2022 - United Kingdom: Emerald Publishing.
    Moving Spaces and Places is a cross-disciplinary collection about movement as a transformative experience, showing how movement changes affect and percept of spaces and place and solidifies space into meaningful places.
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    Social scientists in times of crisis: The structural transformations within the disciplinary organization and thematic repertoire of the social sciences.Gennady S. Batygin - 2004 - Studies in East European Thought 56 (1):7-54.
    This is a contribution to thesociology and social epistemology of knowledgeproduction in Russian social sciences today. Inthe initial section, the epistemic status andsocial function of Soviet social scientificdiscourse are characterized in terms of textualforms and their modes of (re-)production. Theremaining sections detail the course of therestructuration of social scientific discoursesince the fall of the Soviet Union and draw onextant empirical sources, in particular studiesof bibliographical rubrics, thematicrepertoires, and current textual formsthroughout the public sphere and the academicestablishment in Russia. An underlying (...)
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  36.  13
    Enterpreneship Transformation in the Context of the Digitization of Business Processes.Lyubov Lytvyn, Anatoliy Hryhoruk, Liudmyla Verbivska, Oleksandr Poprotskyy, Tetiana Medynska & Oksana Pelekh - 2022 - Postmodern Openings 13 (2):396-408.
    This article examines the transformation of enterprises activity in terms of digitalization of business processes. The rapid and global spread of information and communication technologies contributes to the development of the digital economy and causes changes in the economic environment, which leads to the transformation of business activities, methods of transactions and the level of connections between economic entities. Globalization and digitalization of the economy transform the key characteristics and objectives of enterprises, the directions of their development and (...)
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  37. The Kuhnian Image of Science: Time for a Decisive Transformation?Moti Mizrahi (ed.) - 2017 - London: Rowman & Littlefield.
    More than 50 years after the publication of Thomas Kuhn’s seminal book, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, this volume assesses the adequacy of the Kuhnian model in explaining certain aspects of science, particularly the social and epistemic aspects of science. One argument put forward is that there are no good reasons to accept Kuhn’s incommensurability thesis, according to which scientific revolutions involve the replacement of theories with conceptually incompatible ones. Perhaps, therefore, it is time for another “decisive transformation (...)
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  38.  10
    Transformative Education Through International Service-Learning: Realising an Ethical Ecology of Learning.Phil Bamber - 2016 - Routledge.
    Transformative learning is a compelling approach to learning that is becoming increasingly popular in a diverse range of educational settings and encounters. This book reconceptualises transformative learning through an investigation of the learning process and outcomes of International Service-Learning, a pedagogical approach that blends student learning with community engagement overseas and the development of a more just society. Drawing upon key philosophers and theorists, Bamber offers an integrated, multi-dimensional approach, linking transformative learning to the development of the authentic self, and (...)
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  39.  19
    Transformation of the environmental regulatory system in Poland during the 1990s.Halina Szejnwald Brown - 2007 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 19 (4):26-43.
    This paper examines the transformation of environmental regulatory system in Poland during the 1990s. It is a case of institutional transplantation from the past into the present: the place remained constant but the economic and political context rapidly changed over time. Drawing on five case studies of privatized firms, a mailed questionnaire, and policy and institutional analysis, it investigates how Poland developed an effective system for managing industrial pollution while also achieving considerable socioeconomic progress. One key lesson is (...)
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    Transformation to Eternity: Augustine's Conversion to Mindfulness.Jim Highland - 2005 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 25 (1):91-108.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Transformation to Eternity:Augustine's Conversion to MindfulnessJim HighlandIn The Sutra on Knowing the Better Way to Live Alone, the Buddha advised his listeners not to dwell on the past and the future, but to live mindfully in the present. He argued that this was a better way to live—not necessarily living alone per se, but living alone with the present moment. The sutra and Thich Nhat Hanh's commentary emphasize (...)
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    Superluminal transformations in complex Minkowski spaces.Ceon Ramon & Elizabeth A. Rauscher - 1980 - Foundations of Physics 10 (7-8):661-669.
    We calculate the mixing of real and imaginary components of space and time under the influence of superluminal boosts in thex direction. A unique mixing is determined for this superluminal Lorentz transformation when we consider the symmetry properties afforded by the inclusion of three temporal directions. Superluminal transformations in complex six-dimensional space exhibit unique tachyonic connections which have both remote and local space-time event connections.
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    Transformational Leadership.Zubin R. Mulla & Venkat R. Krishnan - 2011 - Journal of Human Values 17 (2):129-143.
    In a study of 205 leader–follower pairs, we investigated the impact of the leader’s values and empathy on followers’ perception of transformational leadership and the effect of transformational leadership on followers’ values and empathy. The moderating effect of leader–follower relationship duration on the effect of transformational leadership on followers’ values and empathy was also investigated. We found that the leader’s values were related to transformational leadership and transformational leadership was related to followers’ values. Over time, the relationship between transformational (...)
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  43. Expanding Transformative Experience.Havi Carel & Ian James Kidd - 2019 - European Journal of Philosophy 28 (1):199-213.
    We develop a broader, more fine-grained taxonomy of forms of ‘transformative experience’ inspired by the work of L.A. Paul. Our vulnerability to such experiences arises, we argue, due to the vulnerability, dependence, and affliction intrinsic to the human condition. We use this trio to distinguish a variety of positively, negatively, and ambivalently valenced forms of epistemically and/or personally transformative experiences. Moreover, we argue that many transformative experiences can arise gradually and cumulatively, unfolding over the course of longer periods of (...). (shrink)
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  44.  14
    Fugitive time: global aesthetics and the black beyond.Matthew Omelsky - 2023 - Durham: Duke University Press.
    In Fugitive Time, Matthew Omelsky theorizes the embodied experience of time in twentieth- and twenty-first-century black artforms from across the world. Through the lens of time, he charts the sensations and coursing thoughts that accompany desires for freedom as they appear in the work of artists as varied as Toni Morrison, Yvonne Vera, Aimé Césaire, and Issa Samb. "Fugitive time" names a distinct utopian desire directed at the anticipated moment when the body and mind have been (...)
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  45.  11
    The Making of a Man of Science: Darwin’s Development in a Transformative Time.Piers J. Hale - 2020 - Isis 111 (2):368-370.
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    Living the season: Zen practice for transformative times.Ji Hyang Padma - 2013 - Wheaton, Illinois: Quest Books, Theosophical Publishing House.
    As the Rig Vedas and Buddhist sutras foretell, as well as the Hopi and Mayan calendars, we are in the midst of complete transformation-ecologically, economically, politically, culturally. This graceful introduction offers creative safe passage through the sometimes overwhelming transition, drawing on ancient and contemporary spiritual practices particularly useful for these times. The endings we experience are always the beginning of something else. Hence author Ji Hyang Padma organizes teachings around the four seasons. In living connected to natural rhythms-the stillness (...)
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  47.  5
    The Urban Enigma: Time, Autonomy, and Postcolonial Transformations in Latin America.Simone Vegli - 2020 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    The book shows how the question of time was crucial for the specific articulation of Latin America’s postcolonialism.
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    Transformative ‘cultural shifts' in nursing: participatory action research and the ’project of possibility‘.Andrew Robinson - 1995 - Nursing Inquiry 2 (2):65-74.
    Transformative ‘cultural shifts’ in nursing: participatory action research and the lsquo;project of possibility’For some time scholars have called for changes in nursing in order to address the subjugated position of nurses within health care. This paper argues that through an engagement with participatory action research, nurses open up a possibility to bring about transformative shifts in nursing culture. The motivation for nurses to engage with this research process arises out of an acknowledgement that they can no longer live with (...)
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  49.  26
    Universal basic income, services, or time politics? A critical realist analysis of (potentially) transformative responses to the care crisis.Richard Bärnthaler & Corinna Dengler - 2023 - Journal of Critical Realism 22 (4):670-691.
    1. The Covid-19 pandemic has made strikingly visible both the essential role of care work in societies and worrying symptoms of a care crisis (Dowling 2021; Rao 2021). These symptoms have become ma...
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  50.  6
    Transformational Politics: Theory, Study, and Practice.Stephen Woolpert, Christa Daryl Slaton & Edward W. Schwerin - 1998 - State University of New York Press.
    Winner of the 1999 Best Book in Ecological and Transformational Politics presented by the American Political Science Association's Section on Ecological and Transformational Politics The discipline of political science has reached a crossroads. The frequency with which terms such as "post-liberal," "post-modern," "post-patriarchical," "post-materialist," and "post-structural" are used in contemporary political discourse testifies to the pervasive conviction that an era has ended. Similarly, phrases such as "new world order," "new paradigm," "new age," and "third wave" convey the widely-shared expectation that (...)
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