Results for ' technologies of the self'

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  1.  20
    Louise Bourgeois’ Technologies of the Self.Katrina Mitcheson - 2015 - Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology 2 (1):31-49.
    ABSTRACTIn this article, I demonstrate how Louise Bourgeois used her artworks not only to better understand herself but also to cultivate a self capable of taking control of and reshaping the material of her past. Exploring her artworks in the context of Michel Foucault's understanding of technologies of the self, I both contribute to the appreciation of Bourgeois’ work and show how visual artworks can be used to understand, cultivate, and transform aspects of the self. Foucault's (...)
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    Reproductive technologies of the self: Michel Foucault and meta-narrative-ethics.Daniel M. Goldstein - 2003 - Journal of Medical Humanities 24 (3-4):229-240.
    This paper presents a direction for narrative ethics based on ethical ideas found in the works of Michel Foucault. Narrative ethics is understood here at the meta-level of cultural discourse to see how the moral subject is constituted by the discursive practices that structure the contemporary debate on reproductive technologies. At this level it becomes meta-narrative-ethics. After a theoretical discussion, this paper uses two literary narratives representing the polarized views in the debate to show how the moral subject may (...)
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    Technologies of the Self.Luciano Floridi - 2012 - Philosophy and Technology 25 (3):271-273.
  4. Reproductive Technologies of the Self: Michel Foucault and Meta-Narrative-Ethics: Bioethics and the Later Foucault.Daniel M. Goldstein - 2003 - Journal of Medical Humanities 24 (3-4):3-4.
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  5. Technologies of the self: a seminar with Michel Foucault.Michel Foucault, Luther H. Martin, Huck Gutman & Patrick H. Hutton (eds.) - 1988 - Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press.
    This volume is a wonderful introduction to Foucault and a testimony to the deep humanity of the man himself.
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    Technologies of the self and other’: how self-tracking technologies also shape the other.Katleen Gabriels & Mark Coeckelbergh - 2019 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 17 (2):119-127.
    Purpose This paper aims to fill this gap by providing a conceptual framework for discussing “technologies of the self and other,” by showing that, in most cases, self-tracking also involves other-tracking. Design/methodology/approach In so doing, we draw upon Foucault’s “technologies of the self” and present-day literature on self-tracking technologies. We elaborate on two cases and practical domains to illustrate and discuss this mutual process: first, the quantified workplace; and second, quantification by wearables in (...)
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    Recommendation Systems as Technologies of the Self: Algorithmic Control and the Formation of Music Taste.Nedim Karakayali, Burc Kostem & Idil Galip - 2018 - Theory, Culture and Society 35 (2):3-24.
    The article brings to light the use of recommender systems as technologies of the self, complementing the observations in current literature regarding their employment as technologies of ‘soft’ power. User practices on the music recommendation website reveal that many users do not only utilize the website to receive guidance about music products but also to examine and transform an aspect of their self, i.e. their ‘music taste’. The capacity of assisting users in self-cultivation practices, (...)
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  8. Foucault, subjectivity, and technologies of the self.Mark G. E. Kelly - 2013 - In Christopher Falzon, Timothy O'Leary & Jana Sawicki, A Companion to Foucault. Malden Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 510–25.
    In this chapter, the author analyzes Foucault's conception of subjectivity and his history of technologies of the self, the collections of practices by which subjectivity constitutes itself. The first section situates Foucault's conception of subjectivity in his overall body of work and intellectual context, particularly in relation to two figures in French philosophy. The second section explores the conception of the subject that Foucault develops in his late work. Having explained the importance of historical practices to his conception (...)
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    Technologies of the self: Habitus and capacities.Ian Burkitt - 2002 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 32 (2):219–237.
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  10. Web 2.0 Technologies of the Self.Maria Bakardjieva & Georgia Gaden - 2012 - Philosophy and Technology 25 (3):399-413.
    Although no scholarly consensus exists on the issue, the claim that a substantive reconfiguration of the Internet has occurred in the beginning of the 2000s has settled firmly in public common sense. The label tentatively chosen for the new turn in the medium’s evolution is Web 2.0. The developments constituting this turn have been contemplated from different perspectives in technical and business publications (O’Reilly 2005), in treatises on convergence or participatory culture (Jenkins 2006; Jenkins et al. 2009), and could be (...)
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    Human rights as technologies of the self: creating the European governmentable subject of rights.Chapter11 Human - 2012 - In Ben Golder, Re-reading foucault: on law, power and rights. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 229.
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    Technologies of the World, Technologies of the Self: A Reply to Kenneth Stikkers.Larry A. Hickman - 1996 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 10 (4):257 - 271.
  13.  28
    Foucault's Technologies of the Self: Between Control and Creativity.Katrina Mitcheson - 2012 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 43 (1):59-75.
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    Harm minimisation as technologies of the self: some experiences of interviewing people with genital herpes.Candice Oster - 2003 - Nursing Inquiry 10 (3):201-203.
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  15. Foucault's technologies of the self as a theoretical tool for extending Dewey's cultural contextualism : an interpretation from the perspective of Cologne constructivism.Stefan Neubert - 2020 - In Meike Kricke & Stefan Neubert, New Studies in Deweyan Education: Democracy and Education Revisted. New York, NY: Routledge.
  16. Technologies of the Self and Self-knowledge in the Syrian Thomas Tradition.Luther H. Martin - 1988 - In Michel Foucault, Luther H. Martin, Huck Gutman & Patrick H. Hutton, Technologies of the self: a seminar with Michel Foucault. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press. pp. 50--63.
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    (1 other version)Technologies of the Self: Truth, Asceticism, and Autonomy.Alice Ramos - 1994 - Bulletin de la Société Américaine de Philosophie de Langue Française 6 (1-2):20-29.
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    Confucian rituals and the technology of the self: A Foucaultian interpretation.Chae-Bong Ham - 2001 - Philosophy East and West 51 (3):315-324.
    At first, the disciplined, proper, and moralistic Confucian might seem a far cry from the free, independent, and spontaneous individual of liberalism. However, Confucian self-discipline and ritual propriety are quite suitable for a democratic society. Liberal political theories privilege individual freedom, but there is little in them that deals with concrete ways in which this freedom can be exercised. Confucian theories of self-discipline and ritual propriety can fill this gap in liberal theory. Michel Foucault's investigations of Ancient Greek (...)
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  19. Williams and Cusk on Technologies of the Self.James V. Martin - 2024 - Topoi 43 (2):525-536.
    The rejection of a “characterless” moral self is central to some of Bernard Williams’ most important contributions to philosophy. By the time of Truth and Truthfulness, he works instead with a model of the self constituted and stabilized out of more primitive materials through deliberation and in concert with others that takes inspiration from Diderot. Although this view of the self raises some difficult questions, it serves as a useful starting point for thinking about the process of (...)
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    Motivational Enhancement: What Ancient Technologies of the Self and Recent Biotechnologies Have in Common.Cristian Iftode - 2024 - The New Bioethics 30 (1):47-62.
    Motivational enhancement of any kind can be conceived of either as a way to reduce the need for effort, or as a change in the subjective perception of effort. However, in both cases, effort is not all that matters. In the evaluation of praiseworthy conduct, the practical goals pursued by the subject, their dedication, and the discernment they exercise are equally important. I further argue that not only in terms of the general purpose, but also in terms of the means (...)
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  21. Technologies of the self at the end of life : pastoral power and the rhetoric of advance care planning.Lisa Kernen - 2013 - In Michael J. Hyde & James A. Herrick, After the genome: a language for our biotechnological future. Waco, Texas: Baylor University Press.
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  22. Unearthing Consonances in Foucault's Account of Greco‐Roman Self‐writing and Christian Technologies of the Self.Cynthia R. Nielsen - 2014 - Heythrop Journal 55 (2):188-202.
    Foucault’s later writings continue his analyses of subject-formation but now with a view to foregrounding an active subject capable of self-transformation via ascetical and other self-imposed disciplinary practices. In my essay, I engage Foucault’s studies of ancient Greco-Roman and Christian technologies of the self with a two-fold purpose in view. First, I bring to the fore additional continuities either downplayed or overlooked by Foucault’s analysis between Greco-Roman transformative practices including self-writing, correspondence, and the hupomnemata and (...)
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  23. Confucian rituals and the technology of the self: A Foucaultian interpretation.Hahm Chaibong - 2001 - Philosophy East and West 51 (3):315-324.
    At first, the disciplined, proper, and moralistic Confucian might seem a far cry from the free, independent, and spontaneous individual of liberalism. However, Confucian self-discipline and ritual propriety are quite suitable for a democratic society. Liberal political theories privilege individual freedom, but there is little in them that deals with concrete ways in which this freedom can be exercised. Confucian theories of self-discipline and ritual propriety can fill this gap in liberal theory. Michel Foucault's investigations of Ancient Greek (...)
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  24. Why it's ok to be amoral: technologies of the self, government, and writing.Ronald De Sousa - 2025 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Why it's OK to Be Amoral argues that self-righteous moralism has replaced religion as a source of embattled and gratuitous certainties. High-minded moral convictions invoke the authority of sacred moral truths; but there are no such truths. In reality, moral passions are rooted in atavistic emotional dispositions and arbitrary social conventions. While public and private discourse is saturated with guilt, shame, and righteous indignation, professional philosophers, under cover of clever argumentation, promote the utopian idea that all practical questions have (...)
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  25. Critique as technology of the self.Matthew Sharpe - 2005 - Foucault Studies 2:97-116.
    This inquiry is situated at the intersection of two enigmas. The first is the enigma of the status of Kant's practice of critique, which has been the subject of heated debate since shortly after the publication of the first edition of The Critique of Pure Reason. The second enigma is that of Foucault's apparent later 'turn' to Kant, and the label of 'critique', to describe his own theoretical practice. I argue that Kant's practice of 'critique' should be read, after Foucault, (...)
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    Sexual science and self-narrative: epistemology and narrative technologies of the self between Krafft-Ebing and Freud.Paolo Savoia - 2010 - History of the Human Sciences 23 (5):17-41.
    The aim of this article is to understand an important passage in the history of the sciences of the psyche: starting from the psychiatric problematization — and the consequent emergence — of the concept and the object called ‘sexuality’ in the second half of the 19th century, it attempts to show a series of continuities and discontinuities between this kind of reasoning and the birth of psychoanalysis in the first years of the 20th century. The particular focus is therefore directed (...)
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  27. Adult education as a technology of the self.Mark Tennant - 2009 - In Knud Illeris, Contemporary Theories of Learning: Learning Theorists -- In Their Own Words. Routledge.
  28. Watsuji’s Ethics from the Perspective of Kata as a Technology of the Self.Jordančo Sekulovski - 2017 - European Journal of Japanese Philosophy 2:199-208.
    This paper investigates the history of systems of thought different from those of the West. A closer look at Japan’s long philosophical tradition draws attention to the presence of uniquely designed acculturation and training techniques designed as kata or shikata, shedding light on kata as a generic technique of self-perfection and self-transformation. By seeing kata as foundational to the Japanese mind and comparing it to Michel Foucault’s research on technologies of the self, the groundwork is laid (...)
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    Technologies of the World, Technologies of the Self: A Schelerian Critique of Dewey and Hickman.Kenneth W. Stikkers - 1996 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 10 (1):62 - 73.
  30. Spinoza as an Exemplar of Foucault’s Spirituality and Technologies of the Self.Christopher Davidson - 2015 - Journal of Early Modern Studies 4 (2):111-146.
    Practices of the self are prominent in Spinoza, both in the Ethics and On the Emendation of the Intellect. The same can be said of Descartes, e.g., his Discourse on the Method. What, if anything, distinguishes their practices of the self? Michel Foucault’s concept of “spirituality” isolates how Spinoza ’s practices are relatively unusual in the early modern era. Spirituality, as defined by Foucault in The Hermeneutics of the Subject, requires changes in the ethical subject before one can (...)
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    Life-Philosophical Lecturing as a Systems-Intelligent Technology of the Self.Esa Saarinen - 2015 - Journal of Philosophical Research 40 (Supplement):263-280.
    This paper describes life-philosophical lecturing, as developed by the author, as a form of performing art and as a positive, oral and non-directive philosophical practice that revitalizes the Socratic ideal of philosophy. Life-philosophical lecturing is explicated as a systems-intelligent technology of the self.
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    From Discipline to Insecurity in Work: Illegible Technologies of the Self in “The New Economy”.Jerald Wallulis - 2002 - Intertexts 6 (1):110-126.
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    Computational Technologies and Images of the Self.Sherry Turkle - 1997 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 64.
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    Resilient Evil: Neoliberal Technologies of the Self and Population in Zombie "Demodystopia".Andreu Domingo - 2019 - Utopian Studies 30 (3):444-461.
    In the twenty-first century, with steadily increasing production and consumption of the zombie genre, academic interest in it is also growing. Scholars seek to explain the phenomenon, frequently focusing on the living dead and mostly seeing the figure of the zombie as an expression of the anxieties besetting contemporary society. In particular, its popularity can be interpreted as a response to the escalating climate of terror since the 9/11 attacks in 2001, after which media reporting has routinely been permeated with (...)
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    Subjectivity as the Care of the Self: a Foucaultian Reading of Self-care.Radu Bandol - 2015 - Postmodern Openings 6 (1):65-85.
    This study is considered as a proposal to identify some metaphysical support of the self-care for a patient suffering from a chronic disease, as an extension of the bio-psycho-social paradigm. The methodology is dominated by a phenomenological perspective, supported by a hermeneutic conceptual analysis of the care of the self in Michel Foucault, focused on the Socratico-Platonic period and pervaded by the intention of having a translation and application to self-care. Foucault pleads for an aesthetics of the (...)
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    An extrapolation of Foucault’s Technologies of the Self to effect positive transformation in the intensivist as teacher and mentor.Thomas J. Papadimos, Joanna E. Manos & Stuart J. Murray - 2013 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 8:7.
    In critical care medicine, teaching and mentoring practices are extremely important in regard to attracting and retaining young trainees and faculty in this important subspecialty that has a scarcity of needed personnel in the USA. To this end, we argue that Foucault’s Technologies of the Self is critical background reading when endeavoring to effect the positive transformation of faculty into effective teachers and mentors.
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    Technologies of the Scientific Self: John Tyndall and His Journal.Ian Hesketh - 2019 - Isis 110 (3):460-482.
    This essay examines the physicist John Tyndall’s journal writing in the mid-nineteenth century and focuses on how Tyndall used his journal during a series of transitions that occurred when he was a young man: when he went from being a surveyor to a public school instructor and then from a Ph.D. student and budding experimenter in Germany to Professor of Natural Philosophy at the Royal Institution in London. As well as providing insight into these various transitions, the journal more importantly (...)
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    Posthuman Perspectivism and Technologies of the Self.Debashish Banerji - 2019 - Sophia 58 (4):737-742.
    Philosophical Posthumanism is a recent area of scholarship which Francesca Ferrando has introduced in her eponymous book. The author situates the subject as one closely related to Critical Posthumanism and Cultural Posthumanism. She also discusses its close relatives such as Transhumanism and its forebears such as Antihumanism and Poststructuralism. The present article is a discussion of Ferrando’s text, tracing its lineages and relating it to the ideas of thinkers such as Frederich Nietzsche, Gilles Deleuze and Sri Aurobindo.
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    Self-Knowledge as a Technology of the Self: Foucault and Wittgenstein on the Practice of Philosophy.Jörg Volbers - 2010 - In Volker Munz, Essays on the philosophy of Wittgenstein. De Gruyter. pp. 111-122.
  40. Foucault, Freud, and the Technologies of the Self.Patrick H. Hutton - 1988 - In Michel Foucault, Luther H. Martin, Huck Gutman & Patrick H. Hutton, Technologies of the self: a seminar with Michel Foucault. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press. pp. 121--44.
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  41. Rousseau's confessions: a technology of the self.Huck Gutman - 1988 - In Michel Foucault, Luther H. Martin, Huck Gutman & Patrick H. Hutton, Technologies of the self: a seminar with Michel Foucault. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press. pp. 99--120.
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    Self-Improvement: Technologies of the Soul in the Age of Artificial Intelligence.Mark Coeckelbergh - 2022 - Columbia University Press.
    We are obsessed with self-improvement; it’s a billion-dollar industry. But apps, workshops, speakers, retreats, and life hacks have not made us happier. Obsessed with the endless task of perfecting ourselves, we have become restless, anxious, and desperate. We are improving ourselves to death. The culture of self-improvement stems from philosophical classics, perfectionist religions, and a ruthless strain of capitalism—but today, new technologies shape what it means to improve the self. The old humanist culture has given way (...)
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    The Technological Construction of the Self.Lars Botin - 2015 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 19 (2):211-232.
    This paper aims at constructing the ontological and epistemological background for a methodology to be applied in Techno-Anthropological reflection and practice. The background is constructed as a patchwork, where structuralism, constructivism and post-phenomenology are woven together in order to support Techno-Anthropological reflection and practice in relation to the construction of the self through and with technology. The paper will specifically address what has been named the morality of things, primarily by Jacques Ellul, Hans Jonas, Michel Foucault and Peter-Paul Verbeek. (...)
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    Technologies of the Electoral Process: A Field Study of the Possibility of Informative Communication.Alexander Yu Antonovsky - 2017 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 55 (1):37-48.
    The article focuses on the role of social technology in the Russian electoral process. On this basis, the author provides answers to more general issues concerning such questions as whether it is possible in the Russian context to combine social stability and informative political communication; whether a conflict-free processing of objective information can be achieved; whether political communication can extricate itself from self-referential isolation around the issue of social unity and address the real challenges facing society; and whether the (...)
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    Narratives of Distinction: Personal Life Narrative as a Technology of the Self in the Everyday Lives and Relational Worlds of Children with Autism.Karen Gainer Sirota - 2010 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 38 (1):93-115.
  46. The Self and the Ontic Trust: Toward Technologies of Care and Meaning.Tim Gorichanaz - forthcoming - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 17 (3).
    Purpose – Contemporary technology has been implicated in the rise of perfectionism, a personality trait that is associated with depression, suicide and other ills. is paper explores how technology can be developed to promote an alternative to perfectionism, which is a self- constructionist ethic. Design/methodology/approach – is paper takes the form of a philosophical discussion. A conceptual framework is developed by connecting the literature on perfectionism and personal meaning with discussions in information ethics on the self, the ontic (...)
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    Technologies of the Other: Renewing 'empathy' bettween Foucault and psychoanalysis.Andrea Lobb - 2015 - Foucault Studies 20:218-235.
    This article expands Michel Foucault’s schema of the human ‘technologies’—those of production, signification, power and technologies of the self —to posit the existence of a fifth technological modality described here as technologies of the other. This refers to techniques and practices that facilitate the autonomy, not of the self, but of another person or persons. The specificity of these techniques of care, I argue, is obscured in Foucault’s work in so far as they are subsumed (...)
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  48. Technologies of the will and their Christian roots : self and (socio-)scientific knowledge.Nikolas Rose - 2007 - In Sabine Maasen & Barbara Sutter, On willing selves: neoliberal politics vis-à-vis the neuroscientific challenge. New York: Plagrave Macmiilan.
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    “Livity” and the Hermeneutics of the Self.Leslie R. James - 2019 - CLR James Journal 25 (1):195-219.
    This paper explores the concept of “livity,” the ground of Rastafari subjectivity. In its multifaceted nuances, “livity” represents the Rastafari invention of a religious tradition and discourse, whose ethos was fundamentally sacred, signified the immanence of the Absolute in dialectic with the Rastafari worldview and life world. Innovatively, the Rastafari coined the term “livity” to a discourse to combat despair, damnation, social death, and the existential chaos-monde they referred to as Babylon. In the process, the Rastafari reclaimed their power to (...)
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  50. Perceptions of the Self Versus One’s Own Social Group: (Mis)conceptions of Older Women’s Interest in and Competence With Technology.Alina Gales & Sylvia V. Hubner - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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