Results for ' task of trying ‐ to predict one's day'

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  1.  9
    Explain Yourself!Martin Cohen - 2010 - In Mind Games: 31 Days to Rediscover Your Brain. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 54–54.
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    Getting One's Hands Dirty; or, Practising What You Teach [review of Brian Patrick Hendley, Dewey, Russell, Whitehead: Philosophers as Educators ].David Harley - 1991 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 11 (2):218-223.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:'0". J.~·VleWS GETTING ONE'S HANDS DIRTY; OR, PRACTISING WHAT YOU TEACH DAVID HARLEY Finlayson House, 40 Dumfries Street Paris, Ont., Canada N3L 2c8 Brian Patrick Hendley.. Dewey, Russell, Whitehead: Philosophers as Educators. Carbondale and Edwardsville: Southern Illinois U. P., 1986. Pp. xxi, 177· US$19.95; paper $9·95· B rian Hendley's book is more than a well-written account of three eminent philosophers who wrote about and participated in educational theory (...)
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    Universals: A new look at an old problem.George J. Stack - 1968 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 6 (2):172-173.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:172 HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY us," Saint-Simon wrote in 1814. Matching the development of mind of their eighteenthcentury rationalist compatriots with the development of love and action, the Saint-Simonians, Fourier and Comte saw hardly any stop to the inevitability and infinitude of progress and perfectibility. The prospect of the twentieth century, however, shows an "uneasy consensus." Manuel is not concerned to swell the flood of philosophical history but to bear (...)
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  4. Belief: An Essay.Jamie Iredell - 2011 - Continent 1 (4):279-285.
    continent. 1.4 (2011): 279—285. Concerning its Transitive Nature, the Conversion of Native Americans of Spanish Colonial California, Indoctrinated Catholicism, & the Creation There’s no direct archaeological evidence that Jesus ever existed. 1 I memorized the Act of Contrition. I don’t remember it now, except the beginning: Forgive me Father for I have sinned . . . This was in preparation for the Sacrament of Holy Reconciliation, where in a confessional I confessed my sins to Father Scott, who looked like Jesus, (...)
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    Catherine Malabou’s Hegel: One or several plasticities?Gregor Moder - 2015 - Filozofija I Društvo 26 (4):813-829.
    Through an original and extraordinarily fruitful reading of the Hegelian conception of negativity, Catherine Malabou developed the concept of plasticity which she keeps working on as one of her cardinal concepts even to this day. Engaging in the problematic of unity in Hegel, the paper takes on the task of trying to answer the question whether plasticity is one or are there several plasticities. The author argues that one must be careful not to reduce the inherent multiple of (...)
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    The Epistemological Consequences of Artificial Intelligence, Precision Medicine, and Implantable Brain-Computer Interfaces.Ian Stevens - 2024 - Voices in Bioethics 10.
    ABSTRACT I argue that this examination and appreciation for the shift to abductive reasoning should be extended to the intersection of neuroscience and novel brain-computer interfaces too. This paper highlights the implications of applying abductive reasoning to personalized implantable neurotechnologies. Then, it explores whether abductive reasoning is sufficient to justify insurance coverage for devices absent widespread clinical trials, which are better applied to one-size-fits-all treatments. INTRODUCTION In contrast to the classic model of randomized-control trials, often with a large number of (...)
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  7. Anosognosia in parietal lobe syndrome.Vilayanur S. Ramachandran - 1995 - Consciousness and Cognition 4 (1):22-51.
    Patients with right parietal lesions often deny their paralysis , but do they have "tacit" knowledge of their paralysis? I devised three novel tests to explore this. First, the patients were given a choice between a bimanual task vs a unimanual one . They chose the former on 17 of 18 trials and, surprisingly, showed no frustration or learning despite repeated failed attempts. I conclude that they have no tacit knowledge of paralysis . Second, I used a "virtual reality (...)
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    Deflating Psychiatric Classification.Claudio Em Banzato - 2009 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 16 (1):23-27.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Deflating Psychiatric ClassificationClaudio E. M. Banzato (bio)Keywordsnosography, comorbidity, utility, pragmatismSystems of classification bring order into the world. They are a key part of the informational working infrastructure of the world we inhabit (Bowker and Star 1999). Thus, much of the human interaction hinges on these ordering—pattern identifying and creating—systems. Formal or informal, standardized or ad hoc, visible or invisible, enforced or optional, there are a myriad of classifications we (...)
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    “Es gibt nur eine Sprache”: The ‘Task of the Translator’ in Rosenzweig’s Idea of Language and Redemption. Its Conceptual Homologies and Expansions.Massimiliano De Villa - 2020 - Naharaim 14 (2):153-171.
    The concurrence of different languages is one of the tenets of Rosenzweig Sprachdenken and of his translation activity which finds its main theoretical explication in the afterword to his ‘Zweiundneunzig Hymnen und Gedichte des Yehuda Halevi’ (Konstanz, Wöhrle, 1924). In the afterword to the translation of ha-Levi’s lyrical corpus, Rosenzweig outlines a translation model which, trying to convey all the morphological, syntactic and lexical traits of the source language into the target language, gives way to a real linguistic fusion (...)
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    A New Statistical Approach for fNIRS Hyperscanning to Predict Brain Activity of Preschoolers’ Using Teacher’s.Candida Barreto, Guilherme de Albuquerque Bruneri, Guilherme Brockington, Hasan Ayaz & Joao Ricardo Sato - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Hyperscanning studies using functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy have been performed to understand the neural mechanisms underlying human-human interactions. In this study, we propose a novel methodological approach that is developed for fNIRS multi-brain analysis. Our method uses support vector regression to predict one brain activity time series using another as the predictor. We applied the proposed methodology to explore the teacher-student interaction, which plays a critical role in the formal learning process. In an illustrative application, we collected fNIRS data of (...)
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  11. The Task of Criticism: Essays on Philosophy, History, and Community, and: The Active Life: Miller's Metaphysics of Democracy (review).Shannon Kincaid - 2006 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 42 (2):289-296.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Task of Criticism: Essays on Philosophy, History, and Community, and: The Active Life: Miller's Metaphysics of DemocracyShannon KincaidJoseph P. Fell, Vincent Colapietro, and Michael J. McGandy, editors The Task of Criticism: Essays on Philosophy, History, and CommunityNew York: W. W. Norton, 2005. 366 pp.Michael J. McGandy The Active Life: Miller's Metaphysics of Democracy Albany: State University of New York Press, 2005. 231 pp.I must admit (...)
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    “Just One More Rep!” – Ability to Predict Proximity to Task Failure in Resistance Trained Persons.Cedrik Armes, Henry Standish-Hunt, Patroklos Androulakis-Korakakis, Nick Michalopoulos, Tsvetelina Georgieva, Alex Hammond, James P. Fisher, Paulo Gentil, Jürgen Giessing & James Steele - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    In resistance training, the use of predicting proximity to momentary task failure, and repetitions in reserve scales specifically, is a growing approach to monitoring and controlling effort. However, its validity is reliant upon accuracy in the ability to predict MF which may be affected by congruence of the perception of effort compared with the actual effort required. The present study examined participants with at least 1 year of resistance training experience predicting their proximity to MF in two different (...)
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  13. On Love and Poetry—Or, Where Philosophers Fear to Tread.Jeremy Fernando - 2011 - Continent 1 (1):27-32.
    continent. 1.1 (2011): 27-32. “My”—what does this word designate? Not what belongs to me, but what I belong to,what contains my whole being, which is mine insofar as I belong to it. Søren Kierkegaard. The Seducer’s Diary . I can’t sleep till I devour you / And I’ll love you, if you let me… Marilyn Manson “Devour” The role of poetry in the relationalities between people has a long history—from epic poetry recounting tales of yore; to emotive lyric poetry; to (...)
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    The influence of mood on the effort in trying to shift one’s attention from a mind wandering phase to focusing on ongoing activities in a laboratory and in daily life.Hong He, Luming Hu, Hui Li, Yuqing Cao & Xuemin Zhang - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion:1-14.
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    Anodal Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Over Prefrontal Cortex Slows Sequence Learning in Older Adults.Brian Greeley, Jonathan S. Barnhoorn, Willem B. Verwey & Rachael D. Seidler - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Aging is associated with declines in sensorimotor function. Several studies have demonstrated that transcranial direct current stimulation, a form of non-invasive brain stimulation, can be combined with training to mitigate age-related cognitive and motor declines. However, in some cases, the application of tDCS disrupts performance and learning. Here, we applied anodal tDCS either over the left prefrontal cortex, right PFC, supplementary motor complex, the left M1, or in a sham condition while older adults practiced a Discrete Sequence Production, an explicit (...)
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  16. Toward an ontology of scientific concepts.Olin M. Robus - 2018 - Dissertation, University of Washington
    I argue that current projects in ‘naturalized metaphysics’ fail to be properly naturalistic, and thereby fail in their stated aim to take one’s metaphysics from science. I argue that naturalism must involve the idea of taking science seriously, and that this can only be spelled out in terms of taking not only the theories of science seriously, but also its practice and its socio-linguistic situatedness seriously as well. This accords with naturalism because not doing so draws an artificial (non-natural) distinction (...)
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    What Power Do I Have?: A Nursing Student’s Concerns Lead to a Passion for Ethics.Anonymous One - 2013 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 3 (2):93-95.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:What Power Do I Have? A Nursing Student’s Concerns Lead to a Passion for EthicsAnonymous OneThe day began like many in our ten–week rotation, around the large table in the brightly lit ICCU nurses’ station. Report, which was given by the night charge nurse, included information on all the patients on the unit. Since I had cared for A. G. the previous day, I was eager to know how (...)
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  18. Abusing One’s Position.Huw Price - 2011 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 82 (3):772-779.
    I once stood staring at a map in a large US airport, looking for an ATM. Next to me a couple also stared at the map, trying to figure out where in the airport they were. “Sheesh!” said the male at last, pointing to the red dot and the words ‘You are here’ in the key beside the map: “We’re way over here, right off the map!” Jenann Ismael’s understanding of red dots lies very much at the other extreme, (...)
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    What does it mean to predict one's own utterances?Antje S. Meyer & Peter Hagoort - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (4):367 - 368.
    Many authors have recently highlighted the importance of prediction for language comprehension. Pickering & Garrod (P&G) are the first to propose a central role for prediction in language production. This is an intriguing idea, but it is not clear what it means for speakers to predict their own utterances, and how prediction during production can be empirically distinguished from production proper.
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    Parenting Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders Through the Transition to Adulthood.Anonymous One, Anonymous Two, Lorri Centineo, Anonymous Three, Virginia Clapp, Catherine Cornell, Nancy Coughlin, David McDonald, Mark Osteen, Laura Shumaker, Julie Van der Poel & Anonymous Four - 2012 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 2 (3):151-181.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Parenting Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders Through the Transition to AdulthoodAnonymous One, Anonymous Two, Lorri Centineo, Anonymous Three, Virginia Clapp, Catherine Cornell, Nancy Coughlin, David McDonald, Mark Osteen, Laura Shumaker, Julie Van der Poel, Anonymous FourMy Son's Life with Autistic Spectrum DisorderAnonymous OneThis is the story of how my son, David, has tried to become independent. David is now 25–years–old. His immediate family is his dad, a brother (age (...)
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    God's plan for humanity.One Trying To Help (ed.) - 1958 - Philadelphia,: Dorrance.
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    Introduction to Dei Filius and Theology Today.Andrew Meszaros - 2022 - Nova et Vetera 20 (3):793-801.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Introduction to Dei Filius and Theology TodayAndrew MeszarosThe pandemic year of 2020 quickly torpedoed the modest intentions of formally reflecting on the contemporary significance of Dei Filius on its 150th anniversary. Nevertheless, the year's delay proved providential: in holding an online symposium, "Dei Filius and Theology Today," on April 22–24, 2021, the symposium was able to reach more participants than could have realistically travelled to Ireland, and was able (...)
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    Wisdom, wine, and wonder-lust in Plato's.Mark Holowchak - 2003 - Philosophy and Literature 27 (2):415-427.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Literature 27.2 (2003) 415-427 [Access article in PDF] Wisdom, Wine, and Wonder-Lust in Plato's Symposium M. Andrew Holowchak PLATO EMPLOYS A VARIETY of literary and philosophical tools in Symposium to show how eroticism, properly understood, is linked to the good life. These have been a matter of great debate among scholars. Cornford, for instance, argues that Symposium must be read along with Republic, in that the latter (...)
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    Pragmatics in the False-Belief Task: Let the Robot Ask the Question!Jean Baratgin, Marion Dubois-Sage, Baptiste Jacquet, Jean-Louis Stilgenbauer & Frank Jamet - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:593807.
    The poor performances of typically developing children younger than 4 in the first-order false-belief task “Maxi and the chocolate” is analyzed from the perspective of conversational pragmatics. An ambiguous question asked by an adult experimenter (perceived as a teacher) can receive different interpretations based on a search for relevance, by which children according to their age attribute different intentions to the questioner, within the limits of their own meta-cognitive knowledge. The adult experimenter tells the child the following story of (...)
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    The Disabled People’s View Towards Being Disabled And Their Approach Towards Religion.Vehbi Ünal - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (3):1457-1482.
    Events such as industrialization, population growth and old age have made the disability more visible. We think that the disabled people's attitude towards being disabled and religion is an important issue to be investigated in terms of formation of the social sensitivity about the learning of the thoughts of disabled people. In this context, it is aimed to investigate the function of the religion in terms of how the disabled identify, understand and overcome the problems related to being disabled. The (...)
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  26. Self-awareness: The ability to predict one's subsequent behaviour.J. S. Shrauger & T. M. Osberg - 1982 - In G. Underwood & R. Stevens (eds.), Aspects of Consciousness: Volume 3, Awareness and Self-Awareness. Academic Press.
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    Immanuel Kant and the Task of Understanding Another's Lived-Experience.Simon Wharne - 2022 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 29 (3):161-163.
    Professor katie harster has considered the phenomenon of psychological trauma, bringing philosophical understandings into play. She provides an informed account of observed “symptoms,” and associated treatments. I comment as a counseling psychologist, although I do not specialize in the evidence-based treatments that she describes. Usually, in my work with clients, we are trying to make sense of what has happened, with a concern for what might happen in the future. I am grateful therefore to colleagues who have the expertise (...)
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  28. Momma taught us to keep a clean house.Ashley D. Hairston - 2013 - Continent 3 (2):66-69.
    This piece, included in the drift special issue of continent. , was created as one step in a thread of inquiry. While each of the contributions to drift stand on their own, the project was an attempt to follow a line of theoretical inquiry as it passed through time and the postal service(s) from October 2012 until May 2013. This issue hosts two threads: between space & place and between intention & attention . The editors recommend that to experience the (...)
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  29. Wanting to Say Something: Aspect-Blindness and Language.William Day - 2010 - In William Day & Víctor J. Krebs (eds.), Seeing Wittgenstein Anew. Cambridge University Press.
    "Lest one think that the focus on aspect-seeing in Wittgenstein is only a means to more contemporary philosophical ends, one ought to read Day’s remarkable 'Wanting to Say Something: Aspect-Blindness and Language'. Day considers the issue of aspect-blindness, arguing that universal aspect-blindness is impossible for beings with language. Specifically, he shows that a child’s first attempt at language, at trying “bloh” for “ball,” is neither an indication that the child sees the ball for the first time, nor an indication (...)
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    Cry of the Caregiver.Leilani Roseberry - 2011 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 1 (3):151-153.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Cry of the CaregiverLeilani RoseberryMy story is about the work-related grief I've experienced while working as a certified nurse assistant (CNA). I'll begin with my first days as a newly hired CNA. It was day two of my first week, and while I walked down the hallway I noticed something unusual lying on the floor near the opposite side of building. The hall of the retirement community was quite (...)
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    Post-Modern Challenges to Ethics.Frans de Wachter - 1994 - Ethical Perspectives 1 (2):77-88.
    In a famous article published in 1900, Cardinal Mercier drew up a philosophical balance sheet of the previous century. While still showing respect for modern developments, he severely criticized anything that strayed too far from the neo-Thomistic horizon. It is very characteristic that the first object of his criticism is De Bonald’s traditionalism. Mercier says that this type of philosophy is so greatly influenced by the impotence of reason that it hurls itself into the arms of faith. But, “an act (...)
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    Today and Tomorrow Volume 25 Sport and Leisure: Rusticus or the Future of the Countryside Diogenes or the Future of Leisure Hanno, or the Future of Exploration Atalanta or the Future of Sport.Joad Briggs - 2008 - Routledge.
    Rusticus Or The Future of the Countryside Martin S Briggs Originally published in 1926 "Few of the fifty volumes, provocative and brilliant as most of them have been, capture our imagination as does this one." Daily Telegraph "The book is a pamphlet, though it has the form and charm of a book." Spectator Contents include: "So this is England!" Before the Deluge King Coal The Age of Petrol The Future 126pp Diogenes Or The Future of Leisure C E M Joad (...)
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    Predicting Learning: Understanding the Role of Executive Functions in Children's Belief Revision Using Bayesian Models.Joseph A. Colantonio, Igor Bascandziev, Maria Theobald, Garvin Brod & Elizabeth Bonawitz - forthcoming - Topics in Cognitive Science.
    Recent studies suggest that learners who are asked to predict the outcome of an event learn more than learners who are asked to evaluate it retrospectively or not at all. One possible explanation for this “prediction boost” is that it helps learners engage metacognitive reasoning skills that may not be spontaneously leveraged, especially for individuals with still-developing executive functions. In this paper, we combined multiple analytic approaches to investigate the potential role of executive functions in elementary school-aged children's science (...)
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  34. Grande Sertão: Veredas by João Guimarães Rosa.Felipe W. Martinez, Nancy Fumero & Ben Segal - 2013 - Continent 3 (1):27-43.
    INTRODUCTION BY NANCY FUMERO What is a translation that stalls comprehension? That, when read, parsed, obfuscates comprehension through any language – English, Portuguese. It is inevitable that readers expect fidelity from translations. That language mirror with a sort of precision that enables the reader to become of another location, condition, to grasp in English in a similar vein as readers of Portuguese might from João Guimarães Rosa’s GRANDE SERTÃO: VEREDAS. There is the expectation that translations enable mobility. That what was (...)
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    Using fMRI to Test Models of Complex Cognition.John R. Anderson, Cameron S. Carter, Jon M. Fincham, Yulin Qin, Susan M. Ravizza & Miriam Rosenberg-Lee - 2008 - Cognitive Science 32 (8):1323-1348.
    This article investigates the potential of fMRI to test assumptions about different components in models of complex cognitive tasks. If the components of a model can be associated with specific brain regions, one can make predictions for the temporal course of the BOLD response in these regions. An event‐locked procedure is described for dealing with temporal variability and bringing model runs and individual data trials into alignment. Statistical methods for testing the model are described that deal with the scan‐to‐scan correlations (...)
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    Social Evasion and Aristocratic Manners in Cicero's De Oratore.Jon Hall - 1996 - American Journal of Philology 117 (1):95-120.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Social Evasion and Aristocratic Manners in Cicero’s De OratoreJon HallThe importance of Cicero’s De oratore as a source for Roman aristocratic manners has long been recognized. In particular, the participants in the dialogue have often been regarded as providing a model of the sophisticated ideal of humanitas and its associated qualities. 1 The aim of the present paper is likewise to examine Cicero’s portrayal of Roman manners, but from (...)
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    The processing of task-irrelevant emotion and colour in the Approach-Avoidance Task.Xijia Luo, Mike Rinck, Harold Bekkering & Eni S. Becker - 2019 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (3):548-562.
    ABSTRACTWhen processing information about human faces, we have to integrate different sources of information like skin colour and emotional expression. In 3 experiments, we investigated how these features are processed in a top-down manner when task instructions determine the relevance of features, and in a bottom-up manner when the stimulus features themselves determine process priority. In Experiment 1, participants learned to respond with approach-avoidance movements to faces that presented both emotion and colour features. For each participant, only one of (...)
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    (1 other version)Better to Have No Deep Cut Anywhere in the Biopsychosocial System.Derek Bolton - 2024 - Philosophy Psychiatry and Psychology 31 (3):321-324.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Better to Have No Deep Cut Anywhere in the Biopsychosocial SystemDerek Bolton, PhD (bio)It is very good to see theoretical work on the biopsychosocial model, acknowledging the causal role of these three kinds of factors in health and disease. I think Ongaro is right to argue that the biopsychosocial model requires an account of these three also being one—integrated—and that systems theoretic concepts such as dynamic, nonlinear causation are (...)
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    How to silence one's conscience: Cognitive defenses against the feeling of guilt.Maria Miceli & Cristiano Castelfranchi - 1998 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 28 (3):287–318.
    This work presents an analysis of the feeling of guilt and in particular of the cognitive defenses against it. It shows how the need to avoid or mitigate the feeling, with the suffering implied, affects the perception and judgment of oneself and others. It is in fact claimed that to copy with their guilt people try to alter the appraisal processes implied by the emotion. Once described the main cognitive components of the feeling of guilt, an analysis is offered of (...)
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    Critical companionship: Some sensibilities for studying the lived experience of data subjects.Ranjit Singh & Malte Ziewitz - 2021 - Big Data and Society 8 (2).
    What are the challenges of turning data subjects into research participants—and how can we approach this task responsibly? In this paper, we develop a methodology for studying the lived experiences of people who are subject to automated scoring systems. Unlike most media technologies, automated scoring systems are designed to track and rate specific qualities of people without their active participation. Credit scoring, risk assessments, and predictive policing all operate obliquely in the background long before they come to matter. In (...)
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  41. Investigative Poetics: In (night)-Light of Akilah Oliver.Feliz Molina - 2011 - Continent 1 (2):70-75.
    continent. 1.2 (2011): 70-75. cartography of ghosts . . . And as a way to talk . . . of temporality the topography of imagination, this body whose dirty entry into the articulation of history as rapturous becoming & unbecoming, greeted with violence, i take permission to extend this grace —Akilah Oliver from “An Arriving Guard of Angels Thusly Coming To Greet” Our disappearance is already here. —Jacques Derrida, 117 I wrestled with death as a threshold, an aporia, a bandit, (...)
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    Figuring Myself out: Certainty, Injury, and the Poststructuralist Repositioning of Bodies of Identity.James Haywood Rolling - 2004 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 38 (4):46.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Figuring Myself Out:Certainty, Injury, and the Poststructuralist Repositioning of Bodies of IdentityJames Haywood Rolling Jr. (bio)CertaintyI have been attempting to figure myself out. Out of chaos and incompletion, toward increased certainty. I have been at this task of construction for quite some time now. I have just proposed my dissertation and my intentions are once again uncertain. My dissertation is to be a self-study. It is also a (...)
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    Ibn al-Fahhād and the Great Conjunction of 1166 AD.S. Mohammad Mozaffari - 2019 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 73 (5):517-549.
    Farīd al-Dīn Abu al-Ḥasan ‘Alī b. al-Fahhād’s astronomical tradition as represented in the prolegomenon to his Alā’ī zīj (1172 AD) shows his experimental examination of the theories of his predecessors and testing the circumstances of the synodic phenomena as derived from the theories developed in the classical period of medieval Middle Eastern astronomy against his own observations. This work was highly influential in late Islamic astronomy and was translated into Greek in the 1290s. He evaluated al-Battānī’s Ṣābi’ zīj (d. 929 (...)
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    Genealogies of Oppression: A Response to Ladelle McWhorter’s Racism and Sexual Oppression in Anglo-America: A Genealogy.Chloë Taylor - 2012 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 2 (2):207-215.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Genealogies of OppressionA Response to Ladelle McWhorter’s Racism and Sexual Oppression in Anglo-America: A GenealogyChloë TaylorLadelle McWhorter introducesRacism and Sexual Oppression inAnglo-America with an account of her experiences during the days between the attack on and the death of Matthew Shepard. On sabbatical near Pennsylvania State University in October 1998, McWhorter describes following these events as they were covered by the media and discussed on a Penn State University (...)
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  45. How Not to Affirm One's Life: Nietzsche and the Paradoxical Task of Life Affirmation.Allison Merrick - 2016 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 33 (1):63-78.
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  46. Transformations of the Slavophile Idea in the Twentieth Century.S. S. Khoruzhii - 1995 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 34 (2):7-25.
    The Slavophile idea in the broad sense, as the idea of the self-determination of Russian culture, was by no means born together with historical Slavophilism. It has always been an immanent component of the intellectual world and intellectual development of Russia and merely received its name, a rather random and infelicitous one, from Slavophilism. In our century it has a rich history, in which the majority of events have been of a political and polemical character. They have been much discussed, (...)
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    Using Eye-Tracking to Investigate an Activation-Based Account of False Hearing in Younger and Older Adults.Eric Failes & Mitchell S. Sommers - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Several recent studies have demonstrated context-based, high-confidence misperceptions in hearing, referred to as false hearing. These studies have unanimously found that older adults are more susceptible to false hearing than are younger adults, which the authors have attributed to an age-related decline in the ability to inhibit the activation of a contextually predicted response. However, no published work has investigated this activation-based account of false hearing. In the present study, younger and older adults listened to sentences in which the semantic (...)
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    Hamann and the philosophy of David Hume.Charles W. Swain - 1967 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 5 (4):343.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Hamann and the Philosophy of David Hume CHARLES W. SWAIN There have been many and various interpretations of Hume's philosophy; no one, so far as I know, has ever viewed him as a romantic. On the other hand, Johann Georg Hamann, "the wizard of the North," has gained his modicum of notoriety mainly through his influence on German romanticism, plus the fact that Kierkegaard mentions him approvingly, and even (...)
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    The logical structure of evolutionary explanation and prediction: Darwinism’s fundamental schema.Neil Tennant - 2014 - Biology and Philosophy 29 (5):611-655.
    We present a logically detailed case-study of Darwinian evolutionary explanation. Special features of Darwin’s explanatory schema made it an unusual theoretical breakthrough, from the point of view of the philosophy of science. The schema employs no theoretical terms, and puts forward no theoretical hypotheses. Instead, it uses three observational generalizations—Variability, Heritability and Differential Reproduction—along with an innocuous assumption of Causal Efficacy, to derive Adaptive Evolution as a necessary consequence. Adaptive Evolution in turn, with one assumption of scale (‘Deep Time’), implies (...)
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    Analysis of artificial neural networks training models for airfare price prediction.Kuptsova E. A. & Ramazanov S. K. - 2020 - Artificial Intelligence Scientific Journal 25 (3):45-50.
    Air transport is playing an increasing role in the world economy every year. This is facilitated by technological development and the latest developments in the aviation industry, globalization. This paper provides an overview of artificial neural network training methods for airfare predicting. The articles for 2017-2019 were analyzed in order to determine the model with the most accurate prediction. The researchers conducted research on open data collected by themselves and set themselves the goal of creating a model that would advise (...)
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