Results for ' skin temperature'

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  1.  17
    Changes in skin temperature following intense stimulation.H. Helson & Lucena Quantius - 1934 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 17 (1):20.
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    A further study of the relation between skin temperature and cutaneous sensitivity.J. Weitz - 1942 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 30 (5):426.
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    Vibratory sensitivity as a function of skin temperature.J. Weitz - 1941 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 28 (1):21.
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    Pain measurement by the radiant heat method: individual differences in pain sensitivity, the effects of skin temperature, and stimulus duration.James E. Birren, Roland C. Casperson & Jack Botwinick - 1951 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 41 (6):419.
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    The relationship under stress between changes in skin temperature, electrical skin resistance, and pulse rate.Lawrence M. Baker & William M. Taylor - 1954 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 48 (5):361.
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    Instrument for marking the temperature spots on the skin.C. R. Pendleton - 1925 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 8 (6):471.
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    The influence of temperature and the electric current on the sensibility of the skin.Thomas Verner Moore - 1910 - Psychological Review 17 (6):347-380.
  8.  21
    Exploration of Temperature-Dependent Thermal Conductivity and Diffusion Coefficient for Thermal and Mass Transportation in Sutterby Nanofluid Model over a Stretching Cylinder.Rabeeah Raza, Muhammad Sohail, Thabet Abdeljawad, Rahila Naz & Phatiphat Thounthong - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-14.
    This declaration ponders the impacts of Joule warm, separation, and warming radiation for the progression of MHD Sutterby nanofluid past over an all-inclusive chamber. The wonder of warmth and mass conduction is demonstrated under warm conductivity relying upon temperature and dispersion coefficients individually. Besides, the conventional Fourier and Fick laws have been applied in the outflows of warm and mass transport. The control model comprising of a progression of coupled incomplete differential conditions is changed over into a standard arrangement (...)
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    The combined effects of neurostimulation and priming on creative thinking. A preliminary tDCS study on dorsolateral prefrontal cortex.Barbara Colombo, Noemi Bartesaghi, Luisa Simonelli & Alessandro Antonietti - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9:113006.
    The role of prefrontal cortex (PFC) in influencing creative thinking has been investigated by many researchers who, while succeeding in proving an effective involvement of PFC, reported suggestive but sometimes conflicting results. In order to better understand the relationships between creative thinking and brain activation in a more specific area of the PFC, we explored the role of dorsolateral PFC (DLPFC). We devised an experimental protocol using transcranial direct-current stimulation (tDCS). The study was based on a 3 (kind of stimulation: (...)
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    Unlocking the therapeutic potential of TRPV3: Insights into thermosensation, channel modulation, and skin homeostasis involving TRPV3.Jing Lei & Makoto Tominaga - forthcoming - Bioessays.
    Recent insights reveal the significant role of TRPV3 in warmth sensation. A novel finding elucidated how thermosensation is affected by TRPV3 membrane abundance that is modulated by the transmembrane protein TMEM79. TRPV3 is a warmth‐sensitive ion channel predominantly expressed in epithelial cells, particularly skin keratinocytes. Multiple studies investigated the roles of TRPV3 in cutaneous physiology and pathophysiology. TRPV3 activation by innocuous warm temperatures in keratinocytes highlights its significance in temperature sensation, but whether TRPV3 directly contributes to warmth sensations (...)
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  11.  23
    Hot news: temperature‐sensitive humans explain hereditary disease.Errol C. Friedberg - 2001 - Bioessays 23 (8):671-673.
    The skin‐cancer‐prone hereditary disease xeroderma pigmentosum is typically characterized by defective nucleotide excision repair (NER) of DNA. However, since all subunits of the core basal transcription factor TFIIH are required for both RNA polymerase II basal transcription and NER, some mutations affecting genes that encode TFIIH subunits can result in clinical phenotypes associated with defective basal transcription. Among these is a syndrome called trichothiodystrophy (TTD) in which the prominent features are brittle hair and nails, and dry scaly skin. (...)
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  12.  29
    The Role of Exercise-Induced Arousal and Exposure to Blue-Enriched Lighting on Vigilance.Antonio Barba, Francisca Padilla, Antonio Luque-Casado, Daniel Sanabria & Ángel Correa - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12:429021.
    It is currently assumed that exposure to an artificial blue-enriched light enhances human alertness and task performance, but recent research has suggested that behavioural effects are influenced by the basal state of arousal. Here we tested whether the effect of blue-enriched lighting on vigilance performance depends on participants’ arousal level. Twenty-four participants completed four sessions (blue-enriched vs. dim light x low vs. high arousal) at 10 pm on four consecutive days, following a repeated-measures design. Participants’ arousal was manipulated parametrically through (...)
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  13.  22
    The Influence of Rotational Training on Muscle Activity of Young Adults in Thermographic Imaging.Jolanta G. Zuzda, Magdalena Topczewska, Piotr Borkowski & Robert Latosiewicz - 2018 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 56 (1):91-105.
    The aim of this paper is to describe and assess the energetic-metabolic activity of selected muscles of upper and lower extremities during Rotational Training (RT). The influence of RT on temperature changes in the biceps and triceps brachii muscles as well as the quadriceps and biceps femoris muscles of healthy university students were verified, in addition to temperature differences between the left and right side before and after RT. The study was conducted on 18 subjects. RT was conducted (...)
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  14.  14
    Differences in the Course of Physiological Functions and in Subjective Evaluations in Connection With Listening to the Sound of a Chainsaw and to the Sounds of a Forest.Petr Fiľo & Oto Janoušek - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    We explored differences in the course of physiological functions and in the subjective evaluations in response to listening to a 7-min recording of the sound of a chainsaw and to the sounds of a forest. A Biofeedback 2000x-pert apparatus was used for continual recording of the following physiological functions in 50 examined persons: abdominal and thoracic respiration and their amplitude and frequency, electrodermal activity, finger skin temperature, heart rate and heart rate variability. The group of 25 subjects listening (...)
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  15.  11
    Sequentiality of Daily Life Physiology: An Automatized Segmentation Approach.J. Fontecave-Jallon, P. Baconnier, S. Tanguy, M. Eymaron & C. Rongier - 2013 - Acta Biotheoretica 61 (3):437-447.
    Based on the hypotheses that (1) a physiological organization exists inside each activity of daily life and (2) the pattern of evolution of physiological variables is characteristic of each activity, pattern changes should be detected on daily life physiological recordings. The present study aims at investigating whether a simple segmentation method can be set up to detect pattern changes on physiological recordings carried out during daily life. Heart and breathing rates and skin temperature have been non-invasively recorded in (...)
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  16.  56
    Complex regional pain syndromes: Taxonomy, diagnostic criteria, mechanisms of vascular abnormalites, edema, and pain.Ralf Baron & Wilfrid Jänig - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (3):437-439.
    Complex regional pain syndromes (reflex sympathetic dystrophy, causalgia) are often characterized by pain and autonomic and motor abnormalities. Pathophysiological mechanisms are in the central and peripheral nervous system. Differences in skin temperature and may be used as diagnostic criteria. Sympathetic blocks relieve pain and other symptoms in a subgroup of patients (sympathetically maintained pain, SMP).[blumberg et al.].
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  17.  22
    Who responds how and when to anger? The assessment of actual anger response styles and their relation to personality.Inke Böddeker & Gerhard Stemmler - 2000 - Cognition and Emotion 14 (6):737-762.
    Actual anger response styles during anger encounters may well diverge from self-reported habitual anger response styles, such as anger - in, anger - out, or anger control. Also, the relationship of actual anger response styles to broad personality traits is not well known. We obtained anger self - reports, physiological reactivity (diastolic blood pressure, skin temperature at the forehead, and EMG extensor digitorum), and ratings of facial anger expression, and defined actual anger response style dimensions of “intensity”, “suppression”, (...)
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  18.  24
    Dynamic behavior of the warmth sense organ.E. Eijkman & J. H. Vendrik - 1961 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 62 (4):403.
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    Sympathetic nervous system and pain: A clinical reappraisal.Helmut Blumberg, Ulrike Hoffmann, Mohsen Mohadjer & Rudolf Scheremet - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (3):426-434.
    The target article discusses various aspects of the relationship between the sympathetic system and pain. To this end, the patients under study are divided into three groups. In the first group, called (RSD), the syndrome can be characterized by a triad of autonomic, motor, and sensory symptoms, which occur in a distally generalized distribution. The pain is typically felt deeply and diffusely, has an orthostatic component, and is suppressed by the ischemia test. Under those circumstances, the pain is likely to (...)
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  20.  30
    Cutaneous discrimination of radiant heat.Warren H. Teichner - 1957 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 54 (6):438.
  21.  26
    Enhancement of thermal estimates by concomitant pressure stimulation.Richard A. McFarland - 1971 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 88 (1):20.
  22. Better than nature: The changing treatment of asthma and hay fever in the united states, 1910-1945.C. C. - 2003 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 34 (3):511-531.
    Through the early twentieth century, asthmatics were advised to move to a more suitable climate, or to vacation in one during their worst season. In the late nineteenth century, physicians sought to quantify the ideal temperature, humidity, altitude, and pollen count to help travellers to select a suitable place, but these investigations led some physicians to question contradictions between expected and actual conditions. Given that even the best climate was not perfect at all times, and that many patients could (...)
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  23.  27
    A Robot Hand Testbed Designed for Enhancing Embodiment and Functional Neurorehabilitation of Body Schema in Subjects with Upper Limb Impairment or Loss.Randall B. Hellman, Eric Chang, Justin Tanner, Stephen I. Helms Tillery & Veronica J. Santos - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9:116641.
    Many upper limb amputees experience an incessant, post-amputation “phantom limb pain” and report that their missing limbs feel paralyzed in an uncomfortable posture. One hypothesis is that efferent commands no longer generate expected afferent signals, such as proprioceptive feedback from changes in limb configuration, and that the mismatch of motor commands and visual feedback is interpreted as pain. Non-invasive therapeutic techniques for treating phantom limb pain, such as mirror visual feedback (MVF), rely on visualizations of postural changes. Advances in neural (...)
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  24.  52
    Better than nature: the changing treatment of asthma and hay fever in the United States, 1910–1945.Carla C. Keirns - 2003 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 34 (3):511-531.
    Through the early twentieth century, asthmatics were advised to move to a more suitable climate, or to vacation in one during their worst season. In the late nineteenth century, physicians sought to quantify the ideal temperature, humidity, altitude, and pollen count to help travellers to select a suitable place, but these investigations led some physicians to question contradictions between expected and actual conditions. Given that even the best climate was not perfect at all times, and that many patients could (...)
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  25. The Poetry of Jeroen Mettes.Samuel Vriezen & Steve Pearce - 2012 - Continent 2 (1):22-28.
    continent. 2.1 (2012): 22–28. Jeroen Mettes burst onto the Dutch poetry scene twice. First, in 2005, when he became a strong presence on the nascent Dutch poetry blogosphere overnight as he embarked on his critical project Dichtersalfabet (Poet’s Alphabet). And again in 2011, when to great critical acclaim (and some bafflement) his complete writings were published – almost five years after his far too early death. 2005 was the year in which Dutch poetry blogging exploded. That year saw the foundation (...)
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  26. Lj Vinson, ph. D., ej Singer, ph. D., and vf borselli, bs.Through Guinea Pig Skin - 1968 - In Peter Koestenbaum (ed.), Proceedings. [San Jose? Calif.,: [San Jose? Calif..
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  27. The fact of blackness Frantz Fanon.White Masks Skin - 1999 - In Jessica Evans & Stuart Hall (eds.), Visual culture: the reader. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications in association with the Open University.
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  28.  30
    Skin as cover: the discursive effects of 'covering' metaphors on wound care practices.Trudy Rudge - 1998 - Nursing Inquiry 5 (4):228-237.
    Skin as cover: the discursive effects of 'covering' metaphors on wound care practicesThis paper outlines a Foucauldian analysis of interactions between nurses and patients during wound care procedures in a burns unit. It explores the use of Kristeva's psychoanalytic concepts of abjection and the abject body to illuminate the emotional affects of wounds on nurse and patient. In this process, I identify how cultural metaphoric understandings about skin influence and organise the care of burns patients. Such analysis suggests (...)
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  29.  49
    Skin-transmitted pathogens and the heebie jeebies: evidence for a subclass of disgust stimuli that evoke a qualitatively unique emotional response.Khandis R. Blake, Jennifer Yih, Kun Zhao, Billy Sung & Cindy Harmon-Jones - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 31 (6):1153-1168.
    Skin-transmitted pathogens have threatened humans since ancient times. We investigated whether skin-transmitted pathogens were a subclass of disgust stimuli that evoked an emotional response that was related to, but distinct from, disgust and fear. We labelled this response “the heebie jeebies”. In Study 1, coding of 76 participants’ experiences of disgust, fear, and the heebie jeebies showed that the heebie jeebies was elicited by unique stimuli which produced skin-crawling sensations and an urge to protect the skin. (...)
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  30.  37
    The effect of stacking fault energy on low temperature creep in pure metals.P. R. Thornton & P. B. Hirsch - 1958 - Philosophical Magazine 3 (31):738-761.
  31.  7
    Skin in the game: hidden asymmetries in daily life.Nassim Nicholas Taleb - 2018 - New York: Random House.
    #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • A bold work from the author of The Black Swan that challenges many of our long-held beliefs about risk and reward, politics and religion, finance and personal responsibility In his most provocative and practical book yet, one of the foremost thinkers of our time redefines what it means to understand the world, succeed in a profession, contribute to a fair and just society, detect nonsense, and influence others. Citing examples ranging from Hammurabi to Seneca, (...)
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  32.  16
    The effect of quenching history, quenching temperature and trace impurities on vacancy clusters in aluminium and gold.R. M. J. Cotterill & R. L. Segall - 1963 - Philosophical Magazine 8 (91):1105-1125.
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  33.  59
    White Skin, Black Friend: A Fanonian application to theorize racial fetish in teacher education.Cheryl E. Matias - 2016 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 48 (3).
    In Black Skin, white masks, Franz Fanon uses a psychoanalytic framework to theorize the inferiority-dependency complex of Black men in response to the colonial racism of white men. Applying his framework in reverse, this theoretical article psychoanalyzes the white psyche and emotionality with respect to the racialization process of whites and their racial attachment to Blackness. Positing that such a process is interconnected with narcissism, humanistic emptiness, and psychosis, this article presents how racial attachment becomes racial fetish. Such a (...)
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  34.  25
    LXV. On the theory of the low-temperature internal friction peak observed in metals.Alfred Seeger - 1956 - Philosophical Magazine 1 (7):651-662.
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  35. Inventing Temperature: Measurement and Scientific Progress.Hasok Chang - 2004 - New York, US: OUP Usa.
    This book presents the concept of “complementary science” which contributes to scientific knowledge through historical and philosophical investigations. It emphasizes the fact that many simple items of knowledge that we take for granted were actually spectacular achievements obtained only after a great deal of innovative thinking, painstaking experiments, bold conjectures, and serious controversies. Each chapter in the book consists of two parts: a narrative part that states the philosophical puzzle and gives a problem-centred narrative on the historical attempts to solve (...)
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  36.  19
    Optimized Skin Lesion Segmentation: Analysing DeepLabV3+ and ASSP Against Generative AI-Based Deep Learning Approach.Hassan Masood, Asma Naseer & Mudassir Saeed - forthcoming - Foundations of Science:1-25.
    Accurate skin lesion segmentation is an important task in dermatology for facilitating early diagnosis and treatment planning. The challenges in skin lesion segmentation comprehend the variability in lesion, low contrast, heterogeneous backgrounds, overlapping or connected lesions, noise and certain artifacts. Despite of these challenges, Deep learning models accomplish remarkable results for skin lesion segmentation by automatically learning discriminative features. The current research introduces a novel approach utilizing the ASSP-based Deeplabv3+ for skin lesion segmentation along with other (...)
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  37. The temperature paradox and temporal interpretation.Maribel Romero - manuscript
    Montague’s analysis of the well-known temperature paradox poses a problem for Gupta’s syllogism, whose surface syntax differs from the temperature syllogism in the addition of the intensional adverb necessarily. Lasersohn (2005) argues that the puzzle arising from these syllogisms can be solved if one adopts the Fregean presuppositional treatment of definite descriptions, and concludes that the temperature-Gupta puzzle provides an argument in favor of such treatment. This paper shows that the analysis of definite descriptions is in fact (...)
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  38.  39
    Human Skin Color Detection Using Neural Networks.Arvin Agah & Mohammadreza Hajiarbabi - 2015 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 24 (4):425-436.
    Human skin detection is an essential phase in face detection and face recognition when using color images. Skin detection is very challenging because of the differences in illumination, differences in photos taken using an assortment of cameras with their own characteristics, range of skin colors due to different ethnicities, and other variations. Numerous methods have been used for human skin color detection, including the Gaussian model, rule-based methods, and artificial neural networks. In this article, we introduce (...)
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  39.  15
    Grain boundary dislocations in aluminium bicrystals after high-temperature deformation.G. R. Kegg, C. A. P. Horton & J. M. Silcock - 1973 - Philosophical Magazine 27 (5):1041-1055.
  40.  44
    Skin and the Self: Cultural Theory and Anglo-American Psychoanalysis.Marc Lafrance - 2009 - Body and Society 15 (3):3-24.
    In recent years, a number of cultural theorists have made important contributions to the study of the body’s surface. Despite their importance, however, none of these contributions provides us with a systematic framework for understanding why the body’s surface — its skin — matters to the extent that it does. In this article, I seek to provide such a framework and, in doing so, to shed light on why the skin and the self seem to share a special (...)
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  41. Does Temperature Have a Metric Structure?Bradford Skow - 2011 - Philosophy of Science 78 (3):472-489.
    Is there anything more to temperature than the ordering of things from colder to hotter? Are there also facts, for example, about how much hotter (twice as hot, three times as hot...) one thing is than another? There certainly are---but the only strong justification for this claim comes from statistical mechanics. What we knew about temperature before the advent of statistical mechanics (what we knew about it from thermodynamics) provided only weak reasons to believe it.
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  42.  18
    Strain-rate dependence of the brittle-to-ductile transition temperature in tungsten.A. Giannattasio & S. G. Roberts - 2007 - Philosophical Magazine 87 (17):2589-2598.
  43.  13
    Skin Trade’: Genealogy of Anti-ageing ‘Whiteness Therapy’ in Colonial Medicine.Amina Mire - 2014 - Medicine Studies 4 (1):119-129.
    This article investigates the extent to which the emerging trend of do-it-yourself anti-ageing skin-whitening products represents a re-articulation of Western colonial concerns with environmental pollution and racial degeneracy into concern with gendered vulnerability. This emerging market is a multibillion dollar industry anchored in the USA, but expanding globally. Do-it-yourself anti-ageing skin-whitening products purport to address the needs of those looking to fight the visible signs of ageing, often promising to remove hyper-pigmented age spots from women’s skin, and (...)
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  44.  19
    On the activation energy of high temperature creep in metals.Paul Feltham - 1957 - Philosophical Magazine 2 (17):584-588.
  45.  12
    Skin Complexion and the Blush.W. Raymond Crozier - 2023 - Emotion Review 15 (2):118-126.
    The implications of variation in skin pigmentation for the blush have attracted discussion for centuries. Two long-standing positions are identified. First, the blush has been identified with shame, giving rise to claims that because people with dark skin do not blush they do not have the capacity to experience shame. Second, the meaning of a visible blush can be ambiguous. A review of more recent theorizing and empirical research suggests that people blush whatever their level of pigmentation; the (...)
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  46.  31
    Making Skin Visible: How Consumer Culture Imagery Commodifies Identity.Jonathan E. Schroeder & Janet L. Borgerson - 2018 - Body and Society 24 (1-2):103-136.
    Human skin, photography, and consumer culture combine to produce striking images designed to promote visions of the good life. Branding and marketing imagery mobilize skin to resonate and communicate with consumers, which influences the meaning-making possibilities of skin more broadly. Representations of skin in consumer culture, including marketing communications, are anything but ‘blank’ backgrounds or ‘neutral’ meaning spaces. We analyse how skin ‘appears’ to work, and how its appearance in consumer culture imagery reveals ideological and (...)
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  47.  35
    Ductile–brittle transition in micropillar compression of GaAs at room temperature.Fredrik Östlund, Philip R. Howie, Rudy Ghisleni, Sandra Korte, Klaus Leifer, William J. Clegg & Johann Michler - 2011 - Philosophical Magazine 91 (7-9):1190-1199.
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  48.  25
    Skin Studies: Past, Present and Future.Marc Lafrance - 2018 - Body and Society 24 (1-2):3-32.
    In this article, I introduce the critical study of the skin in three parts. I start with a reflection on what makes the skin such a suggestive and, arguably, special phenomenon. I then provide a brief overview of the key works, recurring themes and ongoing debates that characterize the skin studies subfield. And finally, I end with a presentation of the articles that make up Body and Society’s special issue on the skin, taking care to highlight (...)
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  49. (1 other version)Skinner skinned.Daniel C. Dennett - 1978 - In Daniel Clement Dennett (ed.), Brainstorms: Philosophical Essays on Mind and Psychology. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Bradford Books. pp. 53--70.
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  50.  22
    White Skin Privilege: Modern Myth, Forgotten Past.Peter Frost - 2020 - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture 4 (2):63-82.
    European women dominate images of beauty, presumably because Europe has dominated the world for the past few centuries. Yet this presumed cause poorly explains “white slavery”-the commodification of European women for export at a time when their continent was much less dominant. Actually, there has long been a cross-cultural preference for lighter-skinned women, with the notable exception of modern Western culture. This cultural norm mirrors a physical norm: skin sexually differentiates at puberty, becoming fairer in girls, and browner and (...)
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