Results for ' simple group'

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  1.  51
    Simple groups and the number of countable models.Predrag Tanović - 2013 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 52 (7-8):779-791.
    Let T be a complete, superstable theory with fewer than ${2^{\aleph_{0}}}$ countable models. Assuming that generic types of infinite, simple groups definable in T eq are sufficiently non-isolated we prove that ω ω is the strict upper bound for the Lascar rank of T.
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    Simple Groups of Morley Rank 5 Are Bad.Adrien Deloro & Joshua Wiscons - 2018 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 83 (3):1217-1228.
    We show that any simple group of Morley rank 5 is a bad group all of whose proper definable connected subgroups are nilpotent of rank at most 2. The main result is then used to catalog the nonsoluble connected groups of Morley rank 5.
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    The Ecological Rationality of Simple Group Heuristics: Effects of Group Member Strategies on Decision Accuracy.Torsten Reimer & Ulrich Hoffrage - 2006 - Theory and Decision 60 (4):403-438.
    The notion of ecological rationality implies that the accuracy of a decision strategy depends on features of the information environment in which it is tested. We demonstrate that the performance of a group may be strongly affected by the decision strategies used by its individual members and specify how this effect is moderated by environmental features. Specifically, in a set of simulation studies, we systematically compared four decision strategies used by the individual group members: two linear, compensatory decision (...)
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  4. Boolean simple groups and boolean simple rings.Gaisi Takeuti - 1988 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 53 (1):160-173.
  5. Group Knowledge and Mathematical Collaboration: A Philosophical Examination of the Classification of Finite Simple Groups.Joshua Habgood-Coote & Fenner Stanley Tanswell - 2023 - Episteme 20 (2):281-307.
    In this paper we apply social epistemology to mathematical proofs and their role in mathematical knowledge. The most famous modern collaborative mathematical proof effort is the Classification of Finite Simple Groups. The history and sociology of this proof have been well-documented by Alma Steingart (2012), who highlights a number of surprising and unusual features of this collaborative endeavour that set it apart from smaller-scale pieces of mathematics. These features raise a number of interesting philosophical issues, but have received very (...)
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    Simple Heuristics That Make Us Smart.Gerd Gigerenzer, Peter M. Todd & A. B. C. Research Group - 1999 - New York, NY, USA: Oxford University Press USA. Edited by Peter M. Todd.
    Simple Heuristics That Make Us Smart invites readers to embark on a new journey into a land of rationality that differs from the familiar territory of cognitive science and economics. Traditional views of rationality tend to see decision makers as possessing superhuman powers of reason, limitless knowledge, and all of eternity in which to ponder choices. To understand decisions in the real world, we need a different, more psychologically plausible notion of rationality, and this book provides it. It is (...)
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    Galois and the simple group of order 60.Ian Stewart - 2024 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 78 (1):1-28.
    In his testamentary letter to Auguste Chevalier, Évariste Galois states that, in modern terminology, the smallest simple group has order 60. No proof of this statement survives in his papers, and it has been suggested that a proof would have been impossible using the methods available at the time. We argue that this assertion is unduly pessimistic. Moreover, one fragmentary document, dismissed as a triviality and misunderstood, looks suspiciously like cryptic notes related to this result. We give an (...)
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    Group configurations and germs in simple theories.Itay Ben-Yaacov - 2002 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 67 (4):1581-1600.
    We develop the theory of germs of generic functions in simple theories. Starting with an algebraic quadrangle (or other similar hypotheses), we obtain an "almost" generic group chunk, where the product is denned up to a bounded number of possible values. This is the first step towards the proof of the group configuration theorem for simple theories, which is completed in [3].
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    Hyperdefinable groups in simple theories.Frank Wagner - 2001 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 1 (01):125-172.
    We study hyperdefinable groups, the most general kind of groups interpretable in a simple theory. After developing their basic theory, we prove the appropriate versions of Hrushovski's group quotient theorem and the Weil–Hrushovski group chunk theorem. We also study locally modular hyperdefinable groups and prove that they are bounded-by-Abelian-by-bounded. Finally, we analyze hyperdefinable groups in supersimple theories.
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    The Easy Approach to Group Agency. A Simple Realist View on Group Agents.Andreea Popescu - 2021 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia 66 (2):81-102.
    We talk about groups as doing something, we talk as if groups have agency. Is our talk legitimate? Are there group agents? Is there something like group agency? In this paper, I discuss two ontological frameworks concerning existence questions: the Quinean framework and the Thomasson-Carnap framework. I apply them to the problem of group agency. I review the Quinean-oriented literature debating the existence of group agents and its methodological background. I argue, via Thomasson’s easy approach to (...)
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    The group configuration in simple theories and its applications.Itay Ben-Yaacov, Ivan Tomašić & Frank O. Wagner - 2002 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 8 (2):283-298.
    In recent work, the authors have established the group configuration theorem for simple theories, as well as some of its main applications from geometric stability theory, such as the binding group theorem, or in the $\omega$-categorical case, the characterization of the forking geometry of a finitely based non-trivial locally modular regular type as projective geometry over a finite field and the equivalence of pseudolinearity and local modularity. The proof necessitated an extension of the model-theoretic framework to include (...)
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  12.  49
    Simple stable homogeneous groups.Alexander Berenstein - 2003 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 68 (4):1145-1162.
    We generalize tools and results from first order stable theories to groups inside a simple stable strongly homogeneous model.
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  13.  34
    (1 other version)Definability and definable groups in simple theories.Anand Pillay - 1998 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 63 (3):788-796.
    We continue the study of simple theories begun in [3] and [5]. We first find the right analogue of definability of types. We then develop the theory of generic types and stabilizers for groups definable in simple theories. The general ideology is that the role of formulas (or definability) in stable theories is replaced by partial types (or ∞-definability) in simple theories.
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    Internality and interpretable automorphism groups in simple theories.Ziv Shami - 2004 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 129 (1-3):149-162.
    The binding group theorem for stable theories is partially extended to the simple context. Some results concerning internality are proved. We also introduce a ‘small’ normal subgroup G0+ of the automorphism group and show that if p is Q-internal then it has a finite exponent and G/G0+ is interpretable.
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  15.  27
    Group factors in simple and discriminative reaction times.R. H. Seashore, R. Starmann, W. E. Kendall & J. S. Helmick - 1941 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 29 (4):346.
  16.  16
    Groups of Morley Rank 4.Joshua Wiscons - 2016 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 81 (1):65-79.
    We show that any simple group of Morley rank 4 must be a bad group with no proper definable subgroups of rank larger than 1. We also give an application to groups acting on sets of Morley rank 2.
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    Interpreting groups and fields in simple, finitary AECs.Tapani Hyttinen & Meeri Kesälä - 2012 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 163 (9):1141-1162.
  18.  22
    Applications of the group configuration theorem in simple theories.Ivan Tomašić & Frank O. Wagner - 2003 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 3 (02):239-255.
    We reconstruct the group action in the group configuration theorem. We apply it to show that in an ω-categorical theory a finitely based pseudolinear regular type is locally modular, and the geometry associated to a finitely based locally modular regular type is projective geometry over a finite field.
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  19.  37
    Coordinatisation by Binding Groups and Unidimensionality in Simple Theories.Ziv Shami - 2004 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 69 (4):1221 - 1242.
    In a simple theory with elimination of finitary hyperimaginaries if tp(a) is real and analysable over a definable set Q, then there exists a finite sequence ( $a_{i}|i \leq n^{*}$ ) $\subseteq dcl^{eq}$ (a) with $a_{n}*$ = a such that for every $i \leq n*$ , if $p_{i} = tp(a_{i}/{a_{i}|j < i}$ ) then $Aut(p_{i}/Q)$ is type-definable with its action on $p_{i}^{c}$ . A unidimensional simple theory eliminates the quantifier $\exists^{\infty}$ and either interprets (in $C^{eq}$ ) an infinite (...)
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  20.  22
    Definably simple stable groups with finitary groups of automorphisms.Ulla Karhumäki - 2019 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 84 (2):704-712.
  21.  17
    Simple almost hyperdefinable groups.Itaï Ben-Yaacov - 2006 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 6 (01):69-88.
    We lay down the groundwork for the treatment of almost hyperdefinable groups: notions from [5] are put into a natural hierarchy, and new notions, essential to the study to such groups, fit elegantly into this hierarchy. We show that "classical" properties of definable and hyperdefinable groups in simple theories can be generalised to this context. In particular, we prove the existence of stabilisers of Lascar strong types and of the connected and locally connected components of subgroups, and that in (...)
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  22.  16
    An application of simple majority rule to a group with an even number of voters.Ruth Ben-Yashar - 2022 - Theory and Decision 94 (1):83-95.
    In the basic model of Condorcet’s jury theorem and in the literature that follows, an odd-numbered group of voters is assumed so that the simple majority rule can be used. We show that this assumption is not necessary either in Condorcet’s basic model or in the general framework of dichotomous choice. We first apply simple majority rule to an even-numbered homogeneous fixed-size committee. We then provide a justification for using simple majority rule for an even-numbered heterogeneous (...)
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  23.  30
    Characteristically simple ℵ0-categorical groups.Robert H. Gilman - 1984 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 49 (3):900 - 907.
  24.  17
    Embedding semigroups in groups: not as simple as it might seem.Christopher Hollings - 2014 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 68 (5):641-692.
    We consider the investigation of the embedding of semigroups in groups, a problem which spans the early-twentieth-century development of abstract algebra. Although this is a simple problem to state, it has proved rather harder to solve, and its apparent simplicity caused some of its would-be solvers to go awry. We begin with the analogous problem for rings, as dealt with by Ernst Steinitz, B. L. van der Waerden and Øystein Ore. After disposing of A. K. Sushkevich’s erroneous contribution in (...)
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  25.  40
    On the binding group in simple theories.Ziv Shami & Frank O. Wagner - 2002 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 67 (3):1016-1024.
    We show that if p is a real type which is almost internal in a formula φ in a simple theory, then there is a type p' interalgebraic with a finite tuple of realizations of p, which is generated over φ. Moreover, the group of elementary permutations of p' over all realizations of φ is type-definable.
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  26. Recognizing group cognition.Georg Theiner, Colin Allen & Robert L. Goldstone - 2010 - Cognitive Systems Research 11 (4):378-395.
    In this paper, we approach the idea of group cognition from the perspective of the “extended mind” thesis, as a special case of the more general claim that systems larger than the individual human, but containing that human, are capable of cognition (Clark, 2008; Clark & Chalmers, 1998). Instead of deliberating about “the mark of the cognitive” (Adams & Aizawa, 2008), our discussion of group cognition is tied to particular cognitive capacities. We review recent studies of group (...)
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  27.  65
    A generation theorem for groups of finite Morley rank.Jeffrey Burdges & Gregory Cherlin - 2008 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 8 (2):163-195.
    We deal with two forms of the "uniqueness cases" in the classification of large simple K*-groups of finite Morley rank of odd type, where large means the 2-rank m2 is at least three. This substantially extends results known for even larger groups having Prüfer 2-rank at least three, so as to cover the two groups PSp 4 and G 2. With an eye towards more distant developments, we carry out this analysis for L*-groups, a context which is substantially broader (...)
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  28. Inuit foraging groups: some simple models incorporating conflicts of interest, relatedness, and central place sharing.Eric Alden Smith - forthcoming - Human Nature: A Critical Reader. Oxford University Press, New York.
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  29.  21
    Boone William W.. Certain simple, unsolvable problems of group theory I–IV. Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, Proceedings, series A, vol. 57 , pp. 231–237, 492–497, and vol. 58 , pp. 252–256, 571–577; also Indagationes mathematicae, vol. 16 , pp. 231–237, 492–497, and vol. 17 , pp. 252–256, 571–577. [REVIEW]Michael O. Rabin - 1957 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 22 (4):372-373.
  30. Group Justification in Science.Kristina Rolin - 2010 - Episteme 7 (3):215-231.
    An analysis of group justification enables us to understand what it means to say that a research group is justified in making a claim on the basis of evidence. I defend Frederick Schmitt's (1994) joint account of group justification by arguing against a simple summative account of group justification. Also, I respond to two objections to the joint account, one claiming that social epistemologists should always prefer the epistemic value of making true judgments to the (...)
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  31. Bayesian group belief.Franz Dietrich - 2010 - Social Choice and Welfare 35 (4):595-626.
    If a group is modelled as a single Bayesian agent, what should its beliefs be? I propose an axiomatic model that connects group beliefs to beliefs of group members, who are themselves modelled as Bayesian agents, possibly with different priors and different information. Group beliefs are proven to take a simple multiplicative form if people’s information is independent, and a more complex form if information overlaps arbitrarily. This shows that group beliefs can incorporate all (...)
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  32.  26
    Les Groupes de Lie Dans L’Œuvre de Hermann Weyl Traduction Et Commentaire de L’Article théorie de la représentation Des groupes continus semi-simples Par Des transformations linéaires (1925-1926) Christophe eckes avec la collaboration d’amaury thuillier Nancy, presses universitaires de Nancy/éditions universitaires de Lorraine, 400 P. [REVIEW]Yvon Gauthier - 2014 - Dialogue 53 (4):758-760.
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    Constructing an almost hyperdefinable group.Itay Ben-Yaacov, Ivan Tomašić & Frank O. Wagner - 2004 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 4 (02):181-212.
    This paper completes the proof of the group configuration theorem for simple theories started in [1]. We introduce the notion of an almost hyperdefinable structure, and show that it has a reasonable model theory. We then construct an almost hyperdefinable group from a polygroup chunk.
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    Simple generic structures.Massoud Pourmahdian - 2003 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 121 (2-3):227-260.
    A study of smooth classes whose generic structures have simple theory is carried out in a spirit similar to Hrushovski 147; Simplicity and the Lascar group, preprint, 1997) and Baldwin–Shi 1). We attach to a smooth class K0, of finite -structures a canonical inductive theory TNat, in an extension-by-definition of the language . Here TNat and the class of existentially closed models of =T+,EX, play an important role in description of the theory of the K0,-generic. We show that (...)
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  35.  46
    Semisimple torsion in groups of finite Morley rank.Jeffrey Burdges & Gregory Cherlin - 2009 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 9 (2):183-200.
    We prove several results about groups of finite Morley rank without unipotent p-torsion: p-torsion always occurs inside tori, Sylow p-subgroups are conjugate, and p is not the minimal prime divisor of our approximation to the "Weyl group". These results are quickly finding extensive applications within the classification project.
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    Invariant measures in simple and in small theories.Artem Chernikov, Ehud Hrushovski, Alex Kruckman, Krzysztof Krupiński, Slavko Moconja, Anand Pillay & Nicholas Ramsey - 2023 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 23 (2).
    We give examples of (i) a simple theory with a formula (with parameters) which does not fork over [Formula: see text] but has [Formula: see text]-measure 0 for every automorphism invariant Keisler measure [Formula: see text] and (ii) a definable group [Formula: see text] in a simple theory such that [Formula: see text] is not definably amenable, i.e. there is no translation invariant Keisler measure on [Formula: see text]. We also discuss paradoxical decompositions both in the setting (...)
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    Boone William W.. Certain simple, unsolvable problems of group theory V–VI. Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, Proceedings, series A, vol. 60 , pp. 22–27, 227–232; also Indagationes mathematicae, vol. 19 , pp. 22–27, 227–232. [REVIEW]Michael O. Rabin - 1957 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 22 (4):373-374.
  38.  22
    Understanding Group Polarization with Bipolar Argumentation Frameworks.Carlo Proietti - 2016 - Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications 287.
    Group polarization occurs when an initial attitude or belief of individuals becomes more radical after group discussion. Polarization often leads subgroups towards opposite directions. Since the 1960s this effect has been observed and repeatedly confirmed in lab experiments by social psychologists. Persuasive Arguments Theory emerged as the most convincing explanation for this phenomenon. This paper is a first attempt to frame the PAT explanation more formally by means of Bipolar Argumentation Frameworks. In particular, I show that polarization may (...)
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    Full frobenius groups of finite Morley rank and the Feit-Thompson theorem.Eric Jaligot - 2001 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 7 (3):315-328.
    We show how the notion of full Frobenius group of finite Morley rank generalizes that of bad group, and how it seems to be more appropriate when we consider the possible existence (still unknown) of nonalgebraic simple groups of finite Morley rank of a certain type, notably with no involution. We also show how these groups appear as a major obstacle in the analysis of FT-groups, if one tries to extend the Feit-Thompson theorem to groups of finite (...)
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  40. Bad groups of finite Morley rank.Luis Jaime Corredor - 1989 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 54 (3):768-773.
    We prove the following theorem. Let G be a connected simple bad group (i.e. of finite Morley rank, nonsolvable and with all the Borel subgroups nilpotent) of minimal Morley rank. Then the Borel subgroups of G are conjugate to each other, and if B is a Borel subgroup of G, then $G = \bigcup_{g \in G}B^g,N_G(B) = B$ , and G has no involutions.
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    A Simple Quantum Model Linked to Decisions.Inge S. Helland - 2022 - Foundations of Physics 53 (1):1-13.
    This article may be seen as a summary and a final discussion of the work that the author has done in recent years on the foundation of quantum theory. It is shown that quantum mechanics as a model follows under certain specific conditions from a quite different, much simpler model. This model is connected to the mind of an observer, or to the joint minds of a group of communicating observers. The model is based upon conceptual variables, and an (...)
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  42. Classification of All Parabolic Subgroup-Schemes of a Semi-Simple Linear Algebraic Group over an Algebraically Closed Field.Christian Wenzel - 1990 - Dissertation, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Usa
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    Supersimple ω-categorical groups and theories.David Evans & Frank Wagner - 2000 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 65 (2):767-776.
    An ω-categorical supersimple group is finite-by-abelian-by-finite, and has finite SU-rank. Every definable subgroup is commensurable with an acl( $\emptyset$ )-definable subgroup. Every finitely based regular type in a CM-trivial ω-categorical simple theory is non-orthogonal to a type of SU-rank 1. In particular, a supersimple ω-categorical CM-trivial theory has finite SU-rank.
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    R.j. Thompson’s groups F and T are bi-interpretable with the ring of the integers.Clément Lasserre - 2014 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 79 (3):693-711.
    We show that R.J. Thompson’s groupsFandTare bi-interpretable with the ring of the integers. From a result by A. Khélif, these groups are quasi-finitely axiomatizable and prime. So, the groupTprovides an example of a simple group which is quasi-finitely axiomatizable and prime. This answers questions posed by T. Altınel and A. Muranov in [2], and by A. Nies in [12].
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    The Choreography of Group Affiliation.Jorina von Zimmermann, Staci Vicary, Matthias Sperling, Guido Orgs & Daniel C. Richardson - 2018 - Topics in Cognitive Science 10 (1):80-94.
    Dance provides natural conditions for studying relationships between coordination patterns and human experience. von Zimmermann and colleagues investigate whether relatively simple or more complex forms of movement coordination are related to pro‐social experiences during group dance. They find that pro‐social experience depends on the degree to which movement patterns are distributed and diversified, but not the degree to which movement patterns are simply unitary.
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    On the Type-Definability of the Binding Group in Simple Theories.Bradd Hart & Ziv Shami - 2005 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 70 (2):379 - 388.
    Let T be simple, work in Ceq over a boundedly closed set. Let p ∈ S(θ) be internal in a quasi-stably-embedded type-definable set Q (e.g., Q is definable or stably-embedded) and suppose (p, Q) is ACL-embedded in Q (see definitions below). Then Aut(p/Q) with its action on pC is type-definable in Ceq over θ. In particular, if p ∈ S(θ) is internal in a stably-embedded type-definable set Q, and pC υ Q is stably-embedded, then Aut(p/Q) is type-definable with its (...)
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    Reading Aloud and Solving Simple Arithmetic Calculation Intervention (Learning Therapy) Improves Inhibition, Verbal Episodic Memory, Focus Attention and Processing Speed in Healthy Elderly People: Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trial.Rui Nouchi, Yasuyuki Taki, Hikaru Takeuchi, Takayuki Nozawa, Atsushi Sekiguchi & Ryuta Kawashima - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10:190093.
    Background Previous reports have described that simple cognitive training using reading aloud and solving simple arithmetic calculations, so-called “learning therapy”, can improve executive functions and processing speed in the older adults. Nevertheless, it is not well-known whether learning therapy improve a wide range of cognitive functions or not. We investigated the beneficial effects of learning therapy on various cognitive functions in healthy older adults. Methods We used a single-blinded intervention with two groups (learning therapy group: LT and (...)
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  48. The Simple View again: a brief rejoinder.H. J. McCann - 2011 - Analysis 71 (2):293-295.
    In a recent issue of Analysis I gave a critique of some arguments made by Di Nucci concerning the so-called Simple View – the view that an agent performs an action intentionally only if he intends so to act. In turn Di Nucci offers a reply that concentrates on two points. The first has to do with a group of examples, one having to do with waking a flatmate, and the others with routine actions such as shifting gears (...)
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    A Simple Computational Theory of General Collective Intelligence.Peter M. Krafft - 2019 - Topics in Cognitive Science 11 (2):374-392.
    What are the conditions under which groups of agents will perform well across multiple tasks? The author establishes a set of “alignment conditions” that enforce identity of beliefs and desires across agents. These conditions are necessary and sufficient for ensuring that a multiagent system behaves as if controlled by a rational centralized controller. Several widely observed social phenomena can be understood as facilitating the alignment conditions.
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    Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS).Arthur Smith - 2022 - Knowledge Organization 49 (5):371-384.
    SKOS (Simple Knowledge Organization System) is a recommendation from the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) for representing controlled vocabularies, taxonomies, thesauri, classifications, and similar systems for organizing and indexing information as linked data elements in the Semantic Web, using the Resource Description Framework (RDF). The SKOS data model is centered on “concepts”, which can have preferred and alternate labels in any language as well as other metadata, and which are identified by addresses on the World Wide Web (URIs). Concepts (...)
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