Results for ' science and ideology'

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  1. Science and Ideology.Eric C. Martin - 2018 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Science and Ideology This article illustrates some of the relationships between science and ideologies. It discusses how science has been enlisted to support particular ideologies and how ideologies have influenced the processes and interpretations of scientific inquiry. An example from the biological sciences illustrates this. In the early 20th century, evolutionary theory was used to … Continue reading Science and Ideology →.
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  2. Science and ideology.V. Ruml - 1975 - Filosoficky Casopis 23 (1):1-14.
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    Science and ideology in the Soviet capital discourse of religious studies: dichotomous analysis.Irina A. Savchenko & Olga K. Shimanskaya - forthcoming - Studies in East European Thought:1-13.
    Dichotomous analysis is used as a method to identify the contradictory nature and ways of adaption demonstrated by representatives of the Moscow School of Religious Studies (MSRS) in the combination of science and ideology specific to the Soviet period. This study proves that scholars can rarely be completely autonomous since their socio-political environment invariably affects their academic stance. In the late 1950s, Soviet religious studies were characterized by historicism. By the 1960s, Soviet authorities realized that the destruction of (...)
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  4. Social Science and Ideology.Raymond E. Ries - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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    Philosophy, science, and ideology in political thought.David Morrice - 1996 - New York: St. Martin's Press.
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    Political science and ideology.William E. Connolly - 2006 - New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers.
    Professor David Kettler commented at the time of the initial release, that this book is "writing with great poise and clarity, the author says important things ...
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    Science and Ideology: The Case of Cosmology in the Soviet Union, 1947–1963.Helge Kragh - 2013 - Acta Baltica Historiae Et Philosophiae Scientiarum 1 (1):35-58.
    Ideological considerations have always influenced science, butrarely as directly and massively as in the Soviet Union during the early Cold War period, when cosmology was among the sciences that became politicized. This field of science developed very differently in the Communist countries than in the West, in large measure because of political pressure. Certain cosmological models, in particular of the big bang type, were declared pseudo-scientific and idealistic because they implied a cosmic creation, a concept which was taken (...)
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    Social science and ideology! The case of behaviouralism in american political science.Iohn G. Gunnell - 2013 - In Michael Freeden, Lyman Tower Sargent & Marc Stears (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Political Ideologies. Oxford University Press. pp. 73.
    The origins of the social sciences were in ideologies associated with moral philosophy and social reform movements. The turn to science was initially to secure the cognitive authority to speak truth to power about matters of social policy. This heritage was particularly salient in the controversy about behaviouralism in American political science. The debate between what was becoming mainstream political science and a growing number of individuals in the subfield of political theory was actually less about whether (...)
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    X—Science and Ideology.Marcus Giaquinto - 1984 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 84 (1):167-192.
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    Science and ideology via development.Messay Kebede - 1992 - Journal of Value Inquiry 26 (4):483-494.
  11. The Sexed Brain: Between Science and Ideology.Catherine Vidal - 2011 - Neuroethics 5 (3):295-303.
    Despite tremendous advances in neuroscience, the topic “brain, sex and gender” remains a matter of misleading interpretations, that go well beyond the bounds of science. In the 19th century, the difference in brain sizes was a major argument to explain the hierarchy between men and women, and was supposed to reflect innate differences in mental capacity. Nowadays, our understanding of the human brain has progressed dramatically with the demonstration of cerebral plasticity. The new brain imaging techniques have revealed the (...)
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    Bunge on Science and Ideology: A Re-analysis.Russell Blackford - 2019 - In Michael Robert Matthews (ed.), Mario Bunge: A Centenary Festschrift. Springer. pp. 439-463.
    Mario Bunge has provided a useful analysis of the phenomenon of ideology, dividing ideologies into religions and sociopolitical ideologies and showing how both can be analyzed into very similar elements. This approach illuminates why sociopolitical ideologies so often bear the trappings of religion, and how they can play a similar role in their adherents’ lives. Importantly, both contain cognitive content that includes one or another view of human nature. Science can threaten religions and sociopolitical ideologies by undermining their (...)
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  13. Social epistemology, information science and ideology.Archie L. Dick - 2002 - Social Epistemology 16 (1):23 – 35.
    Margaret Egan and Jesse Hauk Shera's original conception of social epistemology has never been defined unambiguously, or developed significantly beyond its early formulation. An interesting consequence of this lack of conceptual clarity has been the application of several interpretations of social epistemology. This article discusses how social epistemology was linked with the ideology of apartheid, and with racially segregated library and information services in the Republic of South Africa. In a fraudulent scientific vision for librarianship, social epistemology was assigned (...)
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    Eugenics between Science and Ideology.Hoyeon Kim - 2008 - 동서철학연구(Dong Seo Cheol Hak Yeon Gu; Studies in Philosophy East-West) 48:243-266.
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    Science and ideology via development: A reply to Kebede. [REVIEW]L. D. Keita - 1996 - Journal of Value Inquiry 30 (4):569-572.
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    “We Have Poetry / So We Do Nor Die of History” On the Interplay Between Poetry, Science, and Ideology.Ikram Hili - 2017 - Human and Social Studies. Research and Practice 6 (3):103-115.
    Important as they are in people’s mental and intellectual development and in their appreciation of the things around them, the Humanities remain a field that is, more often than not, frowned upon among people who firmly believe that the STEM fields are much more important, practical, and lucrative in a rapidly growing and competitive workplace. Besides, when scientific and technological breakthroughs have invaded every nook and cranny of our lives, the incessant comparison between science and the arts does not, (...)
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    Science as Ideology: Rejection and Reception of Sociobiology in China.Jianhui Li - 2003 - Journal of the History of Biology 36 (3):567-78.
    The spread of sociobiology in China is not simply an internal event in the development of science. From the day it was introduced to China, its destiny was closely bound up with the development and change of Chinese society. Although it did not create as great disturbance as in America, it did have a significant impact in academic circles. However, scholars have paid little attention to these historical events. Today, sociobiology seems outdated and Wilson's grand agenda seems to have (...)
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  18. Science and political ideology, 1790-1848.Dorinda Outram - 1989 - In R. C. Olby, G. N. Cantor, J. R. R. Christie & M. J. S. Hodge (eds.), Companion to the History of Modern Science. Routledge. pp. 1008--23.
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    Scholarship and Ideology: The Chair of the General History of Science at the College de France, 1892-1913.Harry Paul - 1976 - Isis 67 (3):376-397.
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    Metaphysics and Ideologies in Science.Teresa Castelão-Lawless - 2007 - Cultura 4 (2):22-36.
    What counts as scientific ideology for Canguilhem and Kuhn is functionally distinct. However, in this article I argue that metaphysical and other non-scientificbeliefs brought about by scientists into their research traditions and that Kuhn sees as generating scientific change coincide closely with Canguilhem’s conception of scientific ideology. Kuhn failed to describe clearly those ideological and metaphysical elements influencing the work of science. He chose to focus on psychological factors intrinsic to paradigms and present in paradigm shifts and (...)
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    Philosophy and Ideology of the Future in the Context of Modern Science.Georgiy G. Malinetskiy - 2020 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 63 (5):28-52.
    The article analyzes the issues of the philosophy and ideology of the future from the point of view of the theory of self-organization, or synergetics. This interdisciplinary approach allows researchers to focus their efforts on the key problems of the development of civilization and, in particular, on designing the future. In the theory of valuable information developed by D.S. Chernavsky, it is shown that there is a number of knowledge, skills, and abilities that increase the probability of their holders (...)
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  22. Biology and ideology: The interpenetration of science and values.Robert C. Richardson - 1984 - Philosophy of Science 51 (3):396-420.
    The mutual influence of science and values in biology is exhibited in several cases from the biological literature. It is argued in a number of cases, from R. A. Fisher's argument for the optimality of a 50:50 sex ratio to A. Jensen's defense of a genetic basis for intelligence, and including work on the evolution of sexual dimorphism and muted aggression, that the credence accorded the views is disproportionate with their theoretical and empirical warrant. It is, furthermore, suggested that (...)
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  23. Competition as a dominant concept in ecology: on the unity of science and ideology.Julio Muñoz-Rubio - 2003 - Ludus Vitalis 11 (19):3-24.
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    Enquiry and ideology: Habermas' trichotomous conception of science.Tronn Overend - 1978 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 8 (1):1-13.
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    Social Science and Its Critics: An Ideological Analysis.Adrian Blau - 2024 - Social Philosophy and Policy 41 (1):158-180.
    Why do many postpositivists caricature contemporary social science? Why make incorrect claims, for instance about social scientists avoiding values? Why discuss features that often no longer matter, such as seeking laws or predictions? Why reject extreme forms of social science without discussing more sensible forms? Why say little or nothing about scientific methodology, which is a great strength of recent social science? To explain such oversights and caricatures, philosophical analysis will not suffice. These are not isolated intellectual (...)
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    Compilation of Books on Military Arts and Science and Ideology of Military Science in the late Joseon Dynasty. 윤무학 - 2013 - THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN PHILOSOPHICAL HISTORY 36 (36):101-133.
    이 글은 조선 후기에 편찬된 대표적 병서와 지식인들의 논의를 중심으로 병학사상을 살펴본 것이다. 조선은 개국 이래 200여년의 태평성대를 구가하다가 양대 戰亂을 거치면서 지식인들을 중심으로 조선 병학의 한계를 각성하였다. 柳成龍의 『懲毖錄』에 반영된 倭賊에 대한 대비책과 전란의 경험은 후기 병학 사상의 토대가 되었다고 평할 수 있을 것이다. 그러나 안타깝게도 선초의 병서에는 이에 대한 대비책이 별도로 제시된 일이 없었다. 한편 선초의 陣法 논쟁과 마찬가지로 후기 병학의 정립과정은 순탄하지 못하였다. 임란 직후 明나라 군대를 통해서 척계광의 『紀效新書』와 『練兵實紀』가 유입되었는데, 처음에는 원본 내지는 초록본의 형태로 군사훈련에 (...)
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    Ideology, science, and human geography.Derek Gregory - 1978 - New York: St. Martin's Press.
    "There is a growing unease among geographers with the notion of geography as spatial analysis but, as yet, no book has appeared which is able to assimilate and develop the profound methodological developments and changes in philosophy which have occurred since the sixties. Ideology, Science and Human Geography re-examines the nature of geography after the positivist revolution and provides a critique of the discipline from the perspective of the social sciences in general. For Gregory, the new geography's commitment (...)
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    Book reviews : Science and ideology in the policy sciences. By Paul Diesing. New York: Aldine publishing, 1982. Pp. 460. $34.95 (cloth), $18.95 (paper. [REVIEW]H. T. Wilson - 1986 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 16 (3):397-399.
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    Reflections on Empirical, External and Ideological Studies of Science.Noretta Koertge - 1986 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1986:152 - 159.
    This paper points out the vagueness and methodological naivete of current anti-normative studies of science. The Tversky-Kahneman paradigm catalogues common 'mistakes' in statistical reasoning, but fails to describe and explain people's embarrassment when these 'mistakes' are pointed out to them. A comprehensive naturalistic account of science should not limit itself to the quick-and-dirty aspects of scientific practice. The semantic view of theories is faulted for failing to account for the processes of prediction and explanation. I also argue against (...)
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    Science and Technology, Ideology and Politics in the Usa: (Toward an Analysis of the Evolution of Complex Scientific-Technological Projects in the USA).G. S. Khozin - 1973 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 12 (3):50-70.
    In the complex diversity of processes and phenomena associated with the revolution in science and technology and characteristic of the functioning of capitalism in the 1960s, a new and at the same time highly characteristic phenomenon is to be seen. This is the complex scientific-technological project, which made its appearance at the leading edge of scientific and engineering progress. Maximum national technical, economic, and scientific potential is concentrated on its implementation, as are the latest achievements in management and organization. (...)
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  31. Systems and emergence, rationality and imprecision, free-wheeling and evidence, science and ideology: Social science and its philosophy according to Van den Berg.Mario Bunge - 2001 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 31 (3):404-423.
  32. Science or ideology? : sociobiology and its aftermath.Murat Bayar - 2010 - In Howard J. Wiarda (ed.), Grand theories and ideologies in the social sciences. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    Objectivity and ideology in the human sciences.John M. Vickers - 1991 - Topoi 10 (2):175-186.
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    Ideology, Science and Social Relations: A Reinterpretation of Marx’s Epistemology.Dorothy E. Smith - 2004 - European Journal of Social Theory 7 (4):445-462.
    The article argues that Marx’s use of the concept of ideology in The German Ideology is incidental to a sustained critique of how those he described as the German ideologists think and reason about society and history and that this critique is not simply of an idealist theory that represents society and history as determined by consciousness but of methods of reasoning that treat concepts, even of those of political economy, as determinants. His view of how consciousness is (...)
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    Phenomenology and Ideology: Tuckett’s “Phenomenological” Founding of “Social Science Proper”.Ilja Srubar - 2020 - Human Studies 43 (3):471-486.
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    Ideology, social science and general facts in late eighteenth-century French political thought.Michael Sonenscher - 2009 - History of European Ideas 35 (1):24-37.
    Jean-Jacques Rousseau's attack on the natural jurisprudence of Grotius, Hobbes and Pufendorf is well known. But what happened to modern natural jurisprudence after Rousseau not very well known. The aim of this article is to try to show how and why it turned into what Emmanuel-Joseph Sieyès called “social science” and the bearing that this Rousseau-inspired transformation has on making sense of ideology, or the moral and political thought of the late eighteenth-century French ideologues.
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  37. Computer Science and the Ideology of Artificial Intelligence.G. Graham White - 1994 - In Andrzey Bronk (ed.), Tendencies and Problems in Contemporary Philosophy.
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    Genes, Brains, and Human Potential: The Science and Ideology of Intelligence: by Ken Richardson, New York, Columbia University Press, 2017, xi + 387 pp., $34.92/£19.43 (cloth), $19.24.Stanley Shostak - 2020 - The European Legacy 25 (7-8):886-888.
    Volume 25, Issue 7-8, November - December 2020, Page 886-888.
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    Ideology, Empirical Sciences, and Modern Philosophical Systems.J. C. Akike Agbakoba - 2005 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 4 (10):116-125.
    This paper examines the role of ideology in the emergence of the empirical sciences and the evolution of philosophy. It argues that the orientation of the religious ideology, Christianity, at the epistemological and ontological levels was very instrumental in the emergence of the empirical sciences in the area dominated by the culture of the Western (Latin) church. This claim is demonstrated by an analysis of the theoretical and methodological orientation of pre-Christian Europe, the epistemological and other philo- sophical (...)
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    The Revolution in Science and Technology and the Ideological Struggle.A. N. Shlepakov - 1976 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 15 (1):73-77.
    The connection between the revolution in science and technology and ideological struggle is quite obvious, and it affects not only the content of the struggle but its very scale, character, and means. Today the technical potentials for bringing ideological influence to bear have increased to an unprecedented degree. This increase has expanded the range of communication to a tremendous degree and brought its object — the masses of the people — close to the sources of ideological influence.
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    Science as Ideology: The Rejection and Reception of Sociobiology in China.Li Jianhui & Hong Fan - 2003 - Journal of the History of Biology 36 (3):567-578.
    The spread of sociobiology in China is not simply an internal event in the development of science. From the day it was introduced to China, its destiny was closely bound up with the development and change of Chinese society. Although it did not create as great a disturbance as in America, it did have a significant impact in academic circles. However, scholars have paid little attention to these historical events. Today, sociobiology seems outdated and Wilson's grand agenda seems to (...)
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    Marxism and ideology.Ferruccio Rossi-Landi - 1990 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This book represents the culmination of the life's work of one of Italy's foremost Marxist theorists. In it, Ferruccio Rossi-Landi illuminates the complex issues raised by the concept of "ideology." Through his penetrating analysis of the intimate relationship between language, consciousness, and power, his treatise not only offers a valuable review of the history of the notion of ideology and the debate surrounding it, but represents an original and comprehensive revision of the classic Marxist theory of ideology. (...)
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    History of Natural History Madeleine Barthélemy-Madaule, Lamarck the mythical precursor: a study of the relations between science and ideology. Translated by M. H. Shank. Cambridge, Mass., and London: The M.I.T. Press, 1982. Pp. xv + 174. ISBN 0-262-02179-X. £12.25. [REVIEW]Dorinda Outram - 1984 - British Journal for the History of Science 17 (3):319-320.
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  44. (1 other version)Science, Folklore and Ideology. Studies in the Life Sciences in Ancient Greece.G. E. R. Lloyd - 1984 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 174 (4):447-451.
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    Science, Folklore and Ideology: Studies in the Life Sciences in Ancient Greece.G. E. R. Lloyd - 1983 - Indianapolis: Cambridge University Press.
    Taking a set of central issues from ancient Greek medicine and biology, this book studies firstly, the interaction between scientific theorising and folklore or popular assumptions; secondly, the ideological character of scientific inquiry. Topics of interest in the philosphy and sociology of science illuminated here include the relationship between primitive thought and early science, the roles of the consensus on the scientific community, tradition and the authority of the written text, in the development of science.
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    The Puzzle of Modern Economics: Science or Ideology?Roger E. Backhouse - 2010 - Cambridge University Press.
    Does economics hold the key to everything or does the recent financial crisis show that it has failed? This book provides an assessment of modern economics that cuts through the confusion and controversy on this question. Case studies of the creation of new markets, the Russian transition to capitalism, globalization, and money and finance establish that economics has been very successful where problems have been well defined and where the world can be changed to fit the theory, but that it (...)
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    Sacred Science?: On Science and its Interrelations with Religious Worldviews.Simen Andersen Øyen & Tone Lund-Olsen (eds.) - 2012 - Wageningen Academic Publishers.
    "Science and religion are often viewed as dichotomies. But although our contemporary society is often perceived as a rationalization process, we still need broad, metaphysical beliefs outside of what can be proven empirically. Rituals and symbols remain at the core of modern life. Do our concepts of science and religion require revitalization? Can science itself be considered a religion, a belief, or an ideology? Science's authority and prestige allows for little in the way of alternate (...)
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    Distinguishing Science From Ideology: Truth, Facts or Interests?Richard Mohr - unknown
    Recent policy debates are commonly framed as questions of “sci-ence” versus “ideology”. This is seen in polemics around issues that can be informed by bio–medical or geo–physical sciences: the coronavirus pandemic and climate change. The paper explores the basis for claims of difference between science and ideology: truth versus delusion; representations of reality and the means for interpreting it; and their relation to conflicting interests. Each of these three characteristics of ideology is explored by relating them (...)
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  49. Biology and Ideology From Descartes to Dawkins.Denis R. Alexander & Ronald L. Numbers (eds.) - 2010 - London: University of Chicago Press.
    Over the course of human history, the sciences, and biology in particular, have often been manipulated to cause immense human suffering. For example, biology has been used to justify eugenic programs, forced sterilization, human experimentation, and death camps—all in an attempt to support notions of racial superiority. By investigating the past, the contributors to _Biology and Ideology from Descartes to Dawkins_ hope to better prepare us to discern ideological abuse of science when it occurs in the future. Denis (...)
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  50. . Notes on Spectator Emotion and Ideological Film Criticism.Carl Plantinga - 1997 - In Richard Allen & Murray Smith (eds.), Film theory and philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 327--393.
    This chapter focuses on an explanation of the neglect of investigating and understanding emotional response to films. It argues that the kind of emotional experience a film offers is a proper target of ideological investigation. This chapter aims to suggest how emotions should be understood in ideological criticism. There is characterization of spectator emotion with a view toward conceptual clarification. This chapter examines two families of screen emotions: sentiment and sentimentality, and the emotions which accompany screen violence. Drawing on work (...)
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