Results for ' post-modernism'

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  1. the Process-Relational Vision'and reply.Confessional Post-Modernism - 1989 - Process Studies 18:83-94.
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    Post-Modernism and the Social Sciences: Insights, Inroads, and Intrusions.Pauline Marie Rosenau & Pauline Vaillancourt Rosenau - 1991 - Princeton University Press.
    Post-modernism offers a revolutionary approach to the study of society: in questioning the validity of modern science and the notion of objective knowledge, this movement discards history, rejects humanism, and resists any truth claims. In this comprehensive assessment of post-modernism, Pauline Rosenau traces its origins in the humanities and describes how its key concepts are today being applied to, and are restructuring, the social sciences. Serving as neither an opponent nor an apologist for the movement, she (...)
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  3. Post-modernism and the recovery of the philosophical tradition.Francis L. Jackson - 1996 - Animus 1:3-28.
    Post-modernist thought represents the latest skeptical turn in a revolution going back to the overthrow of speculative thought in and after Hegel's time, whose principal phases are traced from its dogmatic origins in 19c scientism and absolutism, through the 20c. schools of meta-philosophy, to the explicitly post-philosophical positions of Derrida, Rorty and others who would finally abandon or suspend all engagement with the tradition of philosophical reason. The progress toward this denouement has brought with it progressive distortion of (...)
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    Zubiriy, Post-Modernism, and Plato.Gary M. Gurtler - 2000 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 56 (3/4):559 - 572.
    Zubiri presents a critique of modernism and return to phenomena in primordial apprehension. Only 'notes' are apprehended; as real they need to be repossessed by logos or reason, related to other notes in the field or unified as the world. Zubiri seeks to overcome the dualism of sensing and knowing and introducing transcendent objects. His target extends to ancient and medieval philosophy, charged with introducing the problem. So he reads Plato's Sophist as positing being, known independent of the senses, (...)
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  5. The post-modernist threat to the past.Kevin Walsh - 1990 - In Ian Bapty & Tim Yates (eds.), Archaeology after structuralism: post-structuralism and the practice of archaeology. London: Routledge.
  6. Modernism, Post Modernism and Organizational 3 the Contribution of Jacques Derrida.Robert Cooper - 1989
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  7. Post-Modernism.J. M. Thompson - 1913 - Hibbert Journal 12:733.
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  8. Post-Modernism for Dummies Occasional Paper.Michael J. Thomas - 1996 - University of Strathclyde, Dept. Of Marketing.
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  9. Post-modernism as culmination.J. Collins - 1992 - In Charles Jencks (ed.), The Post-modern reader. New York: St. Martin' Press.
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  10. "Post-Modernism" II.James Evans - 1914 - Hibbert Journal 13:205.
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  11. Post-modernism: A Comment.Paul Ernest - 1991 - Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal 3.
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  12. A Post-Modernist Philosophy of Education: An Action Philosophy for Active Times.Peter Gilroy - 1997 - In David N. Aspin (ed.), Logical empiricism and post₋empiricism in educational discourse. Johannesburg: [Distributed by] Thorold's Africana Books. pp. 107.
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    Post-Modernism, as Decadence On Aesthetics and the Philosophy of History.G. W. Trompf - 1999 - Filozofski Vestnik 20 (S2).
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  14. Hegelianism: Post-Modernists' Charges Refuted.R. Singh - 1995 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 22 (2):95.
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  15. Terrorism, post-modernism and world Rc Sinha - 2006 - In Yajñeśvara Sadāśiva Śāstrī, Intaj Malek & Sunanda Y. Shastri (eds.), In quest of peace: Indian culture shows the path. Delhi: Bharatiya Kala Prakashan. pp. 238.
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    Post-modernism and Post-compulsory Education.John Halliday - 2001 - Paideusis: Journal of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society 14 (1):31-47.
    This paper examines and elaborates upon the work of two writers, Usher and Edwards who have explored the significance of post-modernism for those involved in the post-compulsory sector of education. They argue that postmodernism signals an increasing interest in this sector of education and a major challenge to the idea of compulsory schooling. In this paper it is argued that postmodernism challenges the very distinction between compulsory and postcompulsory education. It problematises and disturbs a number of entrenched (...)
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  17. Understading Post-modernism.Jayanti Priyadarshini Sahoo - 2005 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 32 (1/2).
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    Early Buddhist Thought and Post-Modernism.Debika Saha - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 8:237-244.
    Buddhism traces its origin to the teachings of the historical figure of Gautama, the Buddha. Buddhist system addresses perennial human concerns and articulates profound insights into human nature and thus provides a practical context against the back ground of which it is possible to unravel the meaning of lives. Different branches of this school developed various scriptural traditions. Among them early Buddhist thought branched out into diversity of orders, schools of thought and teaching lineages. Wisdom and compassion are the distinctive (...)
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    Post-modernism, post-structuralism, post-semiotics? Sign theory at the fin de siècle.Roland Posner - 2011 - Semiotica 2011 (183):9-30.
    The contribution describes the differences between modernism and postmodernism as historical periods of the twentieth century and establishes comparable differences between structuralism and post-structuralism as semiotic approaches. Like modernism, structuralism rejects traditional modes of thought, attempts to reconstruct academic disciplines on the basis of a few fundamental principles and strives to work with reconstructed terminologies and axioms. Like post-modernism, post-structuralism is characterized by the necessity of finding ways to continue research based on the fragmentary (...)
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    Postmodernism, a French cultural Chernobyl: Foucault on power/knowledge.Robert Nola - 1994 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 37 (1):3 – 43.
    Foucault appears to challenge traditional views of truth, reason, and knowledge in the doctrine of power/knowledge developed in his post?1970 writings. This doctrine applies to all the sciences (and to non?scientific and non?discursive practices that are not discussed here). Foucault's notions of discourse (1) and power (3) are sufficiently discussed to set out his explanatory theory of the cause of our discourses and their change. In (4) three theses concerning the power/knowledge link are distinguished, of which the more important (...)
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    Post-modernism and Anthropology: Theory and Practice.Karin Geuijen, Diederick Raven & Jan de Wolf - 1995
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    Post-modernism and Religion - Groping for the substance of the religious pluralism -. 남청 - 2010 - 동서철학연구(Dong Seo Cheol Hak Yeon Gu; Studies in Philosophy East-West) 58:419-439.
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    Modernity, (Post)Modernism and New Horizons of Postcolonial Studies. The Role and Direction of Caribbean Writing and Criticism in the Twenty-First Century.Izabella Penier - 2012 - International Studies. Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal 14 (1):23-38.
    My article will take issue with some of the scholarship on current and prospective configurations of the Caribbean and, in more general terms, postcolonial literary criticism. It will give an account of the turn-of-the century debates about literary value and critical practice and analyze how contemporary fiction by Caribbean female writers responds to the socioeconomic reality that came into being with the rise of globalization and neo-liberalism. I will use David Scott’s thought provoking study-Refashioning Futures: Criticism after Postcoloniality -to outline (...)
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    Post-Modernism and the Socratic Problem.A. H. Lesser - 2004 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 35 (3):310-313.
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  25. Polanyi and Post-modernism.Allen R. Dyer - 1992 - Tradition and Discovery 19 (1):31-38.
    Post-modernism is receiving much attention, but it is often seen as merely an extrapolation of modernism. Michael Polanyi’s post-critical epistemology offers a useful way of understanding post-modernism. The modern objectivism of critical thought leads to a dead-end dehumanization. Polanyi offers a recovery of the human dimension by demonstrating the ways in which all knowing, especially scientific discovery, requires human participation. An analogy is drawn with post-modern art and architecture, which similarly attempt to recover (...)
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    Post-Modernism.James L. Marsh - 1995 - International Philosophical Quarterly 35 (2):159-173.
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    Different human images and anthropological colissions of post-modernism epoсh: Biophilosophical interpretation.S. К Коstyuchkov - 2018 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 13:100-111.
    Purpose. The research is aimed at substantiation of the process of formation of various human images in the postmodernism era in the context of biophilosophy, taking into account the need to find an adequate response to historical challenges and the production of new value orientations reflecting succession of civilization development. Theoretical basis. The author in his theoretical constructs proceeds from the need of taking into account the biophilosophical aspect of postmodern man, as the one who, remaining a representative of the (...)
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    Post-modernism is not a scepticism.Wolfgang W. Fuchs - 1989 - Man and World 22 (4):393-402.
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    Post-modernism And The Construct Of The Divisible Self.William V. Dunning - 1993 - British Journal of Aesthetics 33 (2):132-141.
  30. Post-Modernism and the Ethics of Conscience: Various “Interpretations” of the Morality of the Post-Modern World. Role of A. T. Tymieniecka’s Phenomenology of Life. [REVIEW]A.-T. Tymieniecka - 2010 - In Phenomenology and Existentialism in the Twentieth Century. Springer Verlag.
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  31. Deconstructing Post-Modernism: Gellner and Crocodile Dundee.Joseph Agassi - unknown
    Abstract and Introduction. This essay is an attempt to dispense with the negative aspects of Romanticism and examine whatever positive it has to offer--in the light of ideas scattered through diverse writings of Ernest Gellner.
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    Postmodernism and social evolution: An inquiry.Robert Artigiani - 1991 - World Futures 30 (3):149-161.
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    Post-Modernism and the End of History.Richard Bellamy - 1987 - Theory, Culture and Society 4 (4):727-733.
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    Post-Modernist Neo-Patristic Mystical Empiricism of John Manuzakis.Gennadii Khrystokin - 2011 - Sententiae 24 (1):101-109.
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  35. Post-modernism today: a brief introduction. Siraj - 2003 - Kolkata: Radical Publications.
  36. Preface: Post-modernism-the third force.Charles Jencks - 1992 - In The Post-modern reader. New York: St. Martin' Press.
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    From post-modernism to modernity again. From modernity to a paradigm shift.Albert Ferrer - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 50 (14):1428-1429.
  38. After truth: Post-modernism and the rhetoric of science.Hugh Tomlinson - 1989 - In Hilary Lawson & Lisa Appignanesi (eds.), Dismantling Truth: Reality in the Post-modern World. London: Weidenfeld. pp. 43--57.
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    Post modernist critical spirit: its cultural influence and impact on music and schools of thought.Zhiguo Wang & Xueping Wang - 2024 - Trans/Form/Ação 47 (5):e02400160.
    Resumo: O pós-modernismo ocidental é uma tendência cultural de pensamento que surgiu nas décadas de 1960 e 1970. Sua influência envolve muitos campos, como arte, literatura, filosofia e estética, o que indica que uma grande mudança ocorreu em toda a sociedade ocidental e também tem um impacto profundo na cultura e na arte contemporâneas. Ao analisar a influência de longo alcance do pós-modernismo, na música e na filosofia, este artigo fornece estratégias de desenvolvimento e sugestões para a música e a (...)
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  40. "Modernism, Post-Modernism, Realism: A Critical Perspective for Art": Brandon Taylor. [REVIEW]Roger Taylor - 1988 - British Journal of Aesthetics 28 (3):287.
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  41. Two kinds of post-modernism in legal theory : Santos, Calvino, and Haack.William Twining - 2007 - In Cornelis De Waal (ed.), Susan Haack: a lady of distinctions: the philosopher responds to critics. Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books.
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  42. The Self-Contradiction of “Post-modernist” Feminism.Denise Thompson - 1996 - In Diane Bell & Renate Klein (eds.), Radically speaking: feminism reclaimed. North Melbourne, Vic.: Spinifex Press.
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    Being and becoming: a critique of post-modernism.F. F. Centore - 1991 - New York: Greenwood Press.
    Contemporary society, according to Centore, is dominated by a post-modern philosophical world-view. Lacking until now, from the many works that have been written on post-modernism, is one that scrutinizes its fundamental assumptions and presuppositions. Being and Becoming attempts to fill this need by synthesizing the key developments in contemporary post-modernism. By taking the reader through the various historical periods and developments which have led to the current situation, Centore shows what is now taken for granted (...)
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  44. Situating the Self.... & Post-Modernism.A. Kanthmani - 1999 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 26 (4):605-617.
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    Complexity and post-modernism: understanding complex systems.P. Cilliers & David Spurrett - 1999 - South African Journal of Philosophy 18 (2):258-274.
    This is a review article of Paul Cillier's 1999 book _Complexity and Postmodernism_. The review article is generally encouraging and constructive, although isolates a number of areas in need of clarification or development in Cillier's work. The volume of the _South African Journal of Philosophy_ in which the review article appeared also printed a response by Cilliers.
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    Post-Modernism and the Ethics of Conscience: Various 'Interpretations' of the Morality of Post-Modern World. Role of AT Tymieniecka's Phenomenology of Life.Jan Szmyd - 2010 - Analecta Husserliana, the Yearbook of Phenomenological Research 105:111 - 122.
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  47. Is the semiosphere post-modernist?George Rossolatos - 2015 - Kodikas- Ars Semeiotica 2 (38):95-113.
    This paper provides arguments for and against M.Lotman’s (2002) contention that Y.Lotman’s seminal concept of semiosphere is of post-modernist (post-structuralist; Posner 2011) orientation. A comparative reading of the definitional components of the semiosphere, their hierarchical relationship and their interactions is undertaken against the two principal axes of space and subjectivity in the light of Kantian transcendental idealism, as inaugural and authoritative figure of modernity, the Foucauldian discursive turn and the Deleuzian (post) radical empiricism (sic), as representative authors (...)
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  48. Post-modernism and its” Contribution 'to Ending Violence Against Women.“.Katja Mikhailovich - 1996 - In Diane Bell & Renate Klein (eds.), Radically speaking: feminism reclaimed. North Melbourne, Vic.: Spinifex Press. pp. 339--45.
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  49. Conceptual Interconnections post-humanism post-modernism.Ulrich De Balbian - 2023 - O ford: Oxford.
    Meta-philosophy. Philosophy of philosophizing. Philosophy. Art. Religion, science, ethics, death, astrophysics, the universe, philosophizing as theorizing and many other disciplines. 176,400 views of my profile in the top 0.1%.
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  50. Return to gender: Post-modernism and lesbianandgay theory.Sheila Jeffreys - 1996 - In Diane Bell & Renate Klein (eds.), Radically speaking: feminism reclaimed. North Melbourne, Vic.: Spinifex Press. pp. 359--74.
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