Results for ' populism and political action'

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  1.  32
    Populism as a logic of political action.Mónica Brito Vieira & Filipe Carreira da Silva - 2019 - European Journal of Social Theory 22 (4):497-512.
    This article offers a new understanding of populism. The argument unfolds as follows: first, the populist literature is reviewed and two main approaches are identified: ontic and logic-oriented, the more important of which is the Schmitt-Laclau logic of enmity. While the authors broadly agree with Laclau’s criticism of ontic approaches, they endorse neither his ontological understanding of enmity, nor his claim that populism is politics, and enmity is the logic of populism. Next, the origins of populism (...)
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    Green Populism? Action and Mortality in the Anthropocene.William Davies - 2020 - Environmental Values 29 (6):647-668.
    The rise of ‘populism’, often conflated with authoritarianism, is frequently viewed as being antagonistic to environmental values, where the latter are associated with ‘liberal elites’. However, with a less pejorative understanding of populism, we might be able to identify elements within that can be usefully channelled and mobilised towards the urgent rescue of human and non-human life. This paper seeks to illuminate a ‘green populism’ using Hannah Arendt's analysis of the tension between science and politics. In Arendt's (...)
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  3. Populism and the Fate of Civic Friendship.Randall Curren - 2018 - In James Arthur (ed.), Virtues in the Public Sphere: Citizenship, Civic Friendship and Duty. New York, NY: Routledge Press. pp. 92-107.
    Aristotle’s Politics offers both a broad diagnosis of the hazards of contemporary populism and a broad characterization of actionable remedies, and it does so in conjunction with an ideal of political societies as properly partnerships in living well, characterized by voluntary cooperation, mutual advantage, and civic friendship. The task of this paper is to explain the diagnosis, remedies, and ideals more fully and to illustrate their currency and value in contemporary political analysis. It addresses Aristotle’s views on (...)
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  4.  22
    Nobody can Trust or Believe Anything: Brexit, Populism and Digital Politics.Diana Ortega Martín & Alejandro Sánchez Berrocal - 2022 - Dilemata 38:83-102.
    In this article, we focus on the link between the new populisms and the crisis of neoliberal capitalism, as well as its post-democratic forms of governance, in the context of digital politics and its social effects, such as the intense polarisation of public life or the distrust of citizens towards traditional forms of politics. Brexit is a paradigmatic case that encapsulates all of these problems and prompts us to think about how philosophy can challenge the way we understand contemporary (...) coordinates, modes of socialisation, or democratic action. The weakness of our deliberative democracies and the undermining of the bonds, interaction, and decision-making within our civil society seem to have found a compensatory function in the digital world. By carrying out a philosophical-political and film analysis of Brexit: The Uncivil War ; we would like to focus specifically on how digital media foster the conditions for the success of a populist moment like Brexit. (shrink)
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    Angry populists or concerned citizens? How linguistic emotion ascriptions shape affective, cognitive, and behavioural responses to political outgroups.Philipp Wunderlich, Christoph Nguyen & Christian von Scheve - 2023 - Cognition and Emotion 37 (1):147-161.
    Emotion expressions of outgroup members inform judgements and prompt affective responses in observers, shaping intergroup relations. However, in the context of political group conflicts, emotions are not always directly observed in face-to-face interactions. Instead, they are frequently linguistically ascribed to particular actors or groups. Examples of such emotion ascriptions are found, among others, in media reports and political campaign messaging. For instance, anger and fear are frequently evoked in connection with and ascribed to right-wing populist groups. Yet not (...)
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    Can political liberalism help us rescue “the people” from populism?Alessandro Ferrara - 2018 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 44 (4):463-477.
    Within the author’s long-term project of updating John Rawls’s paradigm of “political liberalism” to a historical context different from the original one, this paper focuses on how political liberalism can help us understand populism and help liberal democracy survive the populist upsurge. In the first section, political liberalism is argued to be of help in directing our attention to three constitutive aspects of all sorts of populism: the conflation of “the people” with the electorate and (...)
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    Political myths of the populist discourse.Mihnea S. Stoica - 2017 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 16 (46):63-76.
    Studies point out that populism, a concept still in dire need of clarifications, resembles more of a rhetorical strategy than a fully-fledged ideology. Actually, populism has become a concept so frequently used that its orginial meaning seems to have been lost, leaving it as an empty shell, at least from an ideological point of view. I argue that in spite of this – or rather as a means of compensation – populism uses a very robust mythological apparatus, (...)
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    Pragmatist democracy and the populist challenge.Felix Petersen - 2022 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 48 (10):1427-1444.
    This article intervenes in the debate on populism and democratic reform. Assuming that neither progressive populist counter-projects nor reforms broadening participation or deepening deliberation provide an immediate and realistic solution to the problematic political condition, the article engages with John Dewey’s work and presents a democratic praxis focused on problem solving as the most promising remedy to the populist challenge. The analysis shows that Dewey conceptualizes human action as inherently focused on problem solving, which allows him to (...)
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    Populism on the periphery of democracy: moralism and recognition theory.Charlene McKibben - 2023 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 26 (6):897-917.
    Moralism is an often-cited feature of populist politics; yet, as a concept, it remains under-theorised in current literature. This paper posits that to understand the threat that populism poses to democracy, it is necessary to develop this key feature of populism. Essential to discerning what moralism is is the difference between moralism, or moralistic blame, and moral criticism. While moral criticism is a restrained and thoughtful method of holding persons accountable for their actions, moralism amounts to a distinctly (...)
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    Democracy vs. demography: Rethinking politics and the people as debate.Emilia Palonen - 2021 - Thesis Eleven 164 (1):88-103.
    Rise of populist politics in the 21s century calls scholars and politicians alike to reflect upon the question of how politics and democracy have been understood. Drawing on the theory of hegemony, this article establishes a distinction between democracy and ‘demography’ as a key line of conceptualization in politics. It highlights a central misunderstanding at the core of the demonization of populism: For radical democratic theory, ‘the people’ is not a demographic, socio-economic, or historically sedimented category tied to some (...)
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  11.  11
    Political identity and the metaphysics of polities.Gabriele De Anna & Manuele Dozzi (eds.) - 2023 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    The essays in this volume clarify the notion of political identity by focusing on the metaphysics of polities. By analysing the notion of political identity, they provide the conceptual resources for a deeper understanding of the theoretical and practical debates on populism, on the crisis of sovereignty, on the feasibility of a world government, and on ethical, religious, and cultural pluralism. What is a political community? Any answer to this question lies at the intersection between three (...)
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  12. On the Integration of Populism into the Democratic Public Sphere.Gheorghe-Ilie Farte - 2017 - Argumentum. Journal of the Seminar of Discursive Logic, Argumentation Theory and Rhetoric 15 (2):87-109.
    The central thesis of this article is that populism is a side effect of liberal democracy and a reliable indicator of the relationship between liberal democracy and its polar opposite ‒ illiberal majoritarianism. As long as liberal democracy prevails over illiberal majoritarianism, populism remains dormant. Populism rises and becomes conspicuous only if certain manifestations of illiberal majoritarianism or illiberal elitism reach a critical point in terms of number and impact. More exactly, populism becomes active when there (...)
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  13.  19
    Pragmatisme ou cynisme, le duel des géants : une analyse empirique et théorique des déterminants de l’action politique.Jean-Herman Guay - 2016 - Éthique Publique 18 (2).
    La montée des populismes ramène à l’avant-plan une question souvent négligée : la colère politique pousse-t-elle à l’action ou à l’inaction? Plus fondamentalement, nous cherchons ici à savoir si la propension à l’engagement politique est plus grande lorsqu’elle s’adosse au cynisme ou, au contraire, lorsqu’elle s’adosse au pragmatisme. L’analyse est menée sur deux fronts, l’un empirique, l’autre théorique. Dans le premier cas, la European Social Survey sert de corpus, avec plus de 100 000 répondants, répartis dans 12 pays, sur (...)
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  14.  43
    Can realism save us from populism? Rousseau in the digital age.Ilaria Cozzaglio - 2022 - European Journal of Political Theory 21 (2).
    In 2016, the Five Stars Movement (5SM), one of the parties currently in power in Italy, launched the ‘Rousseau platform’. This is a platform meant to enhance direct democracy, transparency and the real participation of the people in the making of laws, policies and political proposals. Although ennobled with the name of Rousseau, the 5SM’s redemptive promise has been strongly criticised in the public sphere for being irresponsible and ideological. Political realism, I will argue, can perform both a (...)
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  15. Philosophy and Political Action.Virginia Held, Kai Nielsen & Charles Parsons - 1975 - Mind 84 (333):150-151.
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  16.  15
    New perspectives in philosophy of education: ethics, politics and religion.David Lewin (ed.) - 2014 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    New Perspectives in Philosophy of Education seeks to build a bridge between philosophical reflection and socio-political action by developing a range of critical discussions in the areas of ethics, politics and religion. This volume brings together established authorities and a new generation of scholars to ask whether philosophy of education can contribute to political and social discourse, or whether it is destined to remain the marginal gadfly of mainstream ideology. The philosophy of education stands in danger of (...)
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  17.  23
    Populism as the Cause of Legitimising Racism in Western Societies.Krzysztof Przybyszewski - 2021 - Dialogue and Universalism 31 (1):157-175.
    The article aims at demonstrating that a spike in populist narratives in Western societies leads to the legitimization of a new type of racism, xenoracism. Societies belonging to the so-called Western culture in the second half of the 20th century were attached to the liberal values where every sign of racism was negatively perceived as pejorative and attempts were made at eradicating it. In the 21st century, in turn, various economic and social crises caused by, inter alia, globalizing processes, were (...)
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  18.  10
    Temporal Politics: Contested Pasts, Uncertain Futures.Adrian Little - 2022 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    Develops a new theory of political temporality to demonstrate how to conduct political analysis in times of conflict and uncertainty -/- Offers an important differentiation between a political theory of temporality and philosophies of time Examines contemporary debates on migration and border control to demonstrate the myopia in the understanding of historical contexts that give rise to the displacement and/or mobility of migrants Analyses current debates about the decline of or lack of faith in democratic institutions exemplified (...)
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  19.  21
    Myth, Utopia, and Political Action.Iris Mendel - 2007 - Human Affairs 17 (2):209-219.
    Myth, Utopia, and Political ActionStarting from the premise that some form of "reality transcendence", i.e. the ability to imagine a different reality and reach out for the (un)thinkable, is necessary for political action, the aim of this paper is to analyse the concepts of myth and utopia elaborated by Georges Sorel and Karl Mannheim and to examine their possible contributions to a theory of political action and social change. By comparing the role the authors assign (...)
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  20. Thought and Political Action in Athenian Tradition: The Emergence of the 'Alienated'Intellectual.Blair Campbell - 1984 - History of Political Thought 5 (1):17-60.
  21.  21
    Compromise and Political Action: Political Morality in Liberal and Democratic Life.J. Patrick Dobel - 1990 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    No one likes to compromise, but we almost always do. Our politics and associations are built upon negotiation, respect for diversity, bargaining and elections. Compromise seems an awkward stepchild of morality and even dictionaries reflect its moral ambiguity.
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  22.  40
    Situated political innovation: explaining the historical emergence of new modes of political practice.Robert S. Jansen - 2016 - Theory and Society 45 (4):319-360.
    Scholars have recognized that contentious political action typically draws on relatively stable scripts for the enactment of claims making. But if such repertoires of political practice are generally reproduced over time, why and how do new modes of practice emerge? Employing a pragmatist perspective on social action, this article argues that change in political repertoires can be usefully understood as a result of situated political innovation—i.e., of the creative recombination of existing practices, through experimentation (...)
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  23.  13
    Insights from the infamous: Recovering the social-theoretical first phase of populism studies.Paul K. Jones - 2019 - European Journal of Social Theory 22 (4):458-476.
    While early studies of populism, usually dated from the 1960s, were highly interdisciplinary, contemporary research in this field is dominated by political science and political theory. This current phase of research is narrowly focused on certain forms of political action and remarkably reluctant to pathologize the US case. Social theory plays at most a marginal role. Recent historicizations of this field have failed to recognize the significance of the prior ‘missing first phase’ of populism (...)
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  24.  44
    Populism and the politics of redemption.Filipe Carreira da Silva & Mónica Brito Vieira - 2018 - Thesis Eleven 149 (1):10-30.
    This article re-examines current definitions of populism, which portray it as either a powerful corrective to or the nemesis of liberal democracy. It does so by exploring a crucial but often neglected dimension of populism: its redemptive character. Populism is here understood to function according to the logic of resentment, which involves both socio-political indignation at injustice and envy or ressentiment. Populism promises redemption through regaining possession: of a lower status, a wounded identity, a diminished (...)
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  25.  17
    Social determinants of health and political action.Francisco Rojas Ochoa - 2013 - Humanidades Médicas 13 (2):279-291.
    Introducción: se presenta un ensayo cuyo objetivo es fijar posiciones frente al resumen del Informe de la Comisión sobre Determinantes Sociales de la Salud (CDSS) proponer las acciones políticas que los movimientos sociales en salud deben emprender. Análisis: las recomendaciones de la CDSS no enfocan el problema en toda su compleja naturaleza y en especial desconoce la influencia decisiva de la formación económica social sobre la situación crítica de la salud en el mundo. Acción: se propone la unidad de los (...)
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  26.  29
    Administration as Democratic Trustee Representation.Katharine Jackson - 2023 - Legal Theory 29 (4):314-348.
    The “folk” theory of democracy that typically justifies the administrative state cannot help but lead to a discourse of constraint. If agency action is only legitimate when it mechanically applies the will of the voters as transposed by Congress through statutes, then the norms guiding that action will inevitably restrain agency discretion. As a result, attempts to establish the democratic credentials of the administrative state ironically obstruct the application of collective power. But this “folk” theory of democracy is (...)
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  27. "Philosophy and Political Action". Edited by V. Held, K. Nielsen and C. Parsons. [REVIEW]T. Honderich - 1975 - Mind 84:150.
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    Ethnographies of doubt: faith and uncertainty in contemporary societies.Mathijs Pelkmans (ed.) - 2013 - New York: I.B. Tauris.
    Religious and secular convictions have powerful effects, but their fundaments are often surprisingly fragile. Because of the conspicuous role that nationalisms, populisms, and fundamentalisms have in our globalizing world it is essential not to take their strength for granted, but to acknowledge that conviction and doubt are part of the same dynamic. The chapters in this volume demonstrate that doubt and hesitation are daily concerns even among the Maoist movement in India, right-wing populists in Europe and newly pious Somali Muslims (...)
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    Populism and the political system: A critical systems theory approach to the study of populism.Kolja Möller - 2022 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 50 (2):299-322.
    This article outlines a critical systems theory approach to the study of populism by arguing that populism is an avenue of contestation which assumes a distinct role and function in the existing constitution of the political system. Most notably, it is characterised by the re-entry of a popular sovereignty dimension within regular political procedures. By taking up a critical systems theory perspective, it becomes possible to more precisely distinguish populism from other forms of politics, such (...)
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    Compromise and Political Action.Bill E. Lawson & J. Patrick Dobel - 1991 - Philosophical Quarterly 41 (164):369.
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    Political Philosophy and Political Action: Imperatives of Resistance.Adam Benjamin Burgos - 2016 - New York: Rowman & Littlefield International.
    Looks at the connections between practices of resistance and political theory.
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    Local food systems, citizen and public science, empowered communities, and democracy: hopes deserving to live.William Lacy - 2022 - Agriculture and Human Values 40 (1):1-17.
    Since 1984, the AHV journal has provided a key forum for a community of interdisciplinary, international researchers, educators, and policy makers to analyze and debate core issues, values and hopes facing the nation and the world, and to recommend strategies and actions for addressing them. This agenda includes the more specific challenges and opportunities confronting agriculture, food systems, science, and communities, as well as broader contextual issues and grand challenges. This paper draws extensively on 40 years of AHV journal articles (...)
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  33.  17
    Compromise and Political Action.Michael A. Menlowe - 1991 - Philosophical Books 32 (2):119-121.
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    Embodiment and political action.Hwa Yol Jung - 1976 - World Futures 14 (4):367-388.
  35.  25
    Political Theory and Political Action: A Guide Through the Archives.Daniel Nichanian & Rebecca Aili Ploof - 2020 - Political Theory:009059172097535.
    Why do we characterize some human actions as political? Political theorists have traditionally argued either that violence is constitutive of political action or that violence must recede for politics to start. Beyond such binaristic thinking, however, the archives of Political Theory provide original paths through which to reenliven this debate.
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  36.  41
    Political action and the philosophy of mind.Peter J. Steinberger - 2021 - Contemporary Political Theory 20 (2):364-384.
    The problem of political action has its roots, arguably, in the sixth book of the Nicomachean Ethics, where Aristotle seeks to describe an intellectual virtue – phronêsis – that is different from the faculty of theoretical reason but that is nonetheless capable of producing genuinely objective, rational knowledge, i.e., knowledge of what is true. The problem, specifically, is to understand how such a thing is possible, and much of the recent literature appears to suggest that perhaps it’s not. (...)
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  37. Populism and the Politics of Resentment.Jean L. Cohen - 2019 - Jus Cogens 1 (1):5-39.
    This article argues that understanding the dangers and risks of authoritarian populism in consolidated constitutional democracies requires analysis of the forms of pluralism and status anxieties that emerge in civil and economic society, in a context of profound political, socioeconomic, and cultural change. This paper has two basic theses. The first is that when societies become deeply divided, and segmental pluralism maps onto affective party political polarization, generalized social solidarity is imperiled, as is commitment to democratic norms, (...)
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  38.  17
    Populism and key concepts in social and political theory.Carlos de la Torre & Oscar Mazzoleni (eds.) - 2023 - Boston: Brill.
    This volume aims to generate a dialogue between scholarship on populism and social and political theory. It focuses on citizenship, class, gender, cleavages, sovereignty, accountability, participation, leadership, and parties. The volume explores how classical and current theorists developed these categories, how they were used by scholars of populism, and what populism tells us about their heuristic advantages and limitations. The authors of this book have studied populism in Europe, the US, and Latin America from distinct (...)
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  39.  21
    Reversing the Primacy of Political Action: Thinking Politics and Technology with Arendt.Anthony Longo - 2024 - Arendt Studies 8:89-113.
    Since the 1990s, political theorists have widely mobilized Arendt’s theory of political action to theorize and assess the impact of digital media on the public sphere. These contributions, however, refer directly to her substantive-normative concepts without attending to how she develops them. This approach, I argue, has obscured the complex interplay between technology and political action in Arendt’s analysis of the public sphere. Drawing from Arendt’s phenomenological methodology (rather than her substantive-normative concepts), I propose that (...)
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    Rethinking populism and democracy in politically turbulent times.Mark Devenney, Clare Woodford & Ramón Feenstra - 2019 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 25 (1):1-3.
    The past two decades have witnessed a resurgence of populist politics across the globe. The early 21st century saw the pink tide of left wing populism in Latin America, the Southern European populisms that rejected the politics of austerity after 2013, and the right wing populisms that now dominate not only European but global polities. Although each instance of populist politics is distinct, all share an appeal to the people, to the true people, who both oppose and are dominated (...)
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  41.  32
    Anatomy of failure: philosophy and political action.Oliver Feltham - 2013 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Thrasymachus versus Socrates on philosophy and political action -- 1647: the history of the leveller-agitators and the new model army -- Hobbes' and Locke's metaphysics: substances no longer act, institutions act -- Hobbes and Locke on religious conflict: when institutions act, subjects act -- Hobbes and Locke on politics: sovereign action and contractual action -- Unveiling the forgotten model: the leveller-agitators on joint action.
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  42. Jewish Tradition and Political Action.J. Israel Richard - 1995 - In Elliot N. Dorff & Louis E. Newman (eds.), Contemporary Jewish ethics and morality: a reader. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 118.
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    Religion, Populism, and Patriarchy: Political Authority from Luther to Pufendorf:Luther and Calvin on Secular Authority Martin Luther, John Calvin, Harro Hopfl; The Radical Reformation Michael G. Baylor; Political Writings Francisco de Vitoria, Anthony Pagden, Jeremy Lawrance; Patriarcha and Other Writings Robert Filmer, Johann P. Sommerville; On the Duty of Man and Citizen According to Natural Law Samuel Pufendorf, James Tully, Michael Silverthorne.Michael Seidler - 1993 - Ethics 103 (3):551-.
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    The political theology of populism and the case of the Front National.Ingeborg M. Bergem & Ragnar M. Bergem - 2018 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 45 (2):186-211.
    In this article, we investigate the political theology of populism and look at the case of the Front National. Considering the writings of Carl Schmitt and Ernesto Laclau, we trace the logical core of Schmitt’s political theology and show how it is integrated into theories of the political and Laclau’s theory of populism. We argue that the theologico-political core of populism is the simultaneous disavowal and imposition of mediation and that this stance leads (...)
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  45. Political Interventions: Social Science and Political Action[REVIEW]David Macey - 2008 - Radical Philosophy 151.
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    Political Action Committees: Fact, fancy, and morality.Joanna Banthin & Leigh Stelzer - 1986 - Journal of Business Ethics 5 (1):13-19.
    The analysis of Political Action Committee activities is dominated by the perspective that PAC contributions are a rational investment in political candidates; they yield valuable short-term payoffs. PACs buy access to officeholders and their votes on important legislation. Despite broad acceptance of this morally suspect theory, the evidence upon which it is based is weak. An alternative perspective — what we call the principled approach — both fits the evidence and rejects the morally repugnant interpretation of the (...)
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    Ambiguity, responsibility and political action in the UK daily COVID-19 briefings.Jamie Williams & David Wright - 2024 - Critical Discourse Studies 21 (1):76-91.
    ABSTRACT This paper investigates how pronouns were used by UK government speakers to allocate responsibility to themselves and others in all 92 daily televised COVID-19 briefings that were held between March and June 2020. We identified the referent for every use of the first-person plural pronoun (1PL) as ‘inclusive’, ‘exclusive’, or 'ambiguous' and analysed the transitivity patterns in which these pronouns act as Participants. We argue that the UK government uses the inherent ambiguity of this pronoun to strategically mitigate their (...)
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    Conscience, Morality, Judgment: The Bond between Thinking and Political Action in Hannah Arendt.Lenka Ucnik - 2020 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2020 (192):81-100.
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    Political Action, Context and Conjuncture.Alan Shandro - 1998 - Historical Materialism 3 (1):73-84.
    Concerned to remedy the ‘state of severe disarray’ that immobilises the left in advanced capitalist countries, Howard Chodos and Colin Hay set out to inquire into ‘the organisational conditions that are necessary to the radical transformation of capitalism'. This disarray is expressed in the drift of social-democratic parties in the wake of the neoliberal mainstream, the inability of a fragmented and disappearing radical Left to orient either itself or spontaneous resistance to the global neoliberal agenda, and the failure of the (...)
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    Nonviolent political action and the limits of consent.Iain Atack - 2006 - Theoria 53 (111):87-107.
    The consent theory of power, whereby ruling elites depend ultimately on the submission, cooperation and obedience of the governed as their source of power, is often linked to debates about the effectiveness of non-violent political action. According to this theory, ruling elites depend ultimately on the submission, cooperation and obedience of the governed as their source of power. If this cooperation is with-drawn, then this power is undermined. Iain Atack outlines this theory and examines its strengths and weaknesses. (...)
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