Results for ' plurinational state'

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  1.  32
    Plurinational Democracy: Stateless Nations in a Post-Sovereignty Era.Michael Keating - 2004 - Oxford University Press.
    This leading scholar draws on extensive research from four plurinational states - the United Kingdom, Spain, Belgium, and Canada - to provide a radical rethink of the very nature of sovereignty and the state. This innovative account demonstrates how transnational integration and other demands on the nation-state have broken the automatic link between state and nation, and goes on to provide a major new analysis of the subsequent challenges of recognition of nationality and democracy.
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  2. Creolising the State?Jane Anna Gordon - 2024 - Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory 71 (181):161-182.
    While the Euromodern model of the nation-state has been the subject of unremitting, exhaustive and merited political criticism, this article advances an anti-anti-statism. Oriented by warnings of theorists who have advanced plurinational states, creolising the nation, separating states from nations and abolishing the state, I turn to Fanon's insistence that states be re-envisioned beyond Cold War alternatives and narrowing nationalisms; Cabral's modelling of political unity on an effective football team; and Gyekye's suggestion of deliberately forging meta-national states. (...)
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    Motley Society, Plurinationalism, and the Integral State.Anne Freeland - 2019 - Historical Materialism 27 (3):99-126.
    This article examines Bolivian vice president Álvaro García Linera’s use of concepts originating in the work of Antonio Gramsci and Bolivian sociologist René Zavaleta Mercado. Zavaleta’s concept of sociedad abigarrada has a history of misappropriation in which García Linera participates by articulating it with the related concept of the estado aparente to claim that the merely ‘apparent’ state which does not effectively represent the heterogeneous social reality of a country like Bolivia is abolished with the official establishment of the (...)
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    Applying the principles of Vivir Bien to a court resolution in Bolivia: language, discourse, and land law.María Itatí Dolhare & Sol Rojas-Lizana - 2023 - Critical Discourse Studies 20 (3):269-281.
    ABSTRACT The Plurinational Constitutional Court is the final arbiter of legal disputes involving the interpretation and application of the Political Constitution of the Plurinational State of Bolivia (2009) (BC). Its role is especially important given that the BC follows a type of decolonial ‘hybrid’ constitutional model that incorporates the Indigenous concept of Vivir Bien (VB) as part of their legal paradigm. Using tools from Case Law Analysis and Critical Discourse Analysis, this article explores the Court’s judicial interpretation (...)
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    Renta Básica y Estado Plurinacional: opciones para la justicia global. Una reflexión desde las esferas de la justicia de Michael Walzer.Blas Zubiría Mutis - 2014 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 21:64-84.
    Este artículo vincula preocupaciones sociológicas con la propuesta comunitarista de Michael Walzer y las esferas de la justicia. Partiendo de la premisa básica de que no puede existir un criterio distributivo único universal para todas las esferas y de que efectivamente las distintas esferas exigen distintos criterios, se intenta responder la siguiente pregunta: a partir del reconocimiento de ciertas realidades apremiantes del mundo actual, ¿qué ideas de justicia global pueden ser válidas, sobre qué criterios básicos y para qué esferas teniendo (...)
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    Plural Sovereignty and la Familia Diversa in Ecuador's 2008 Constitution.Christine Keating & Amy Lind - 2017 - Feminist Studies 43 (2):291.
    Abstract:This essay examines the ways that the 2008 Constitution resignified Ecuador as a “plurinationalstate, one that respects and affirms the sovereignty of the diverse Indigenous and Afro-descendent groups within it, as well as the ways that it redefined the family, shifting from a singular notion of family to one based on a notion of la familia diversa, the family in its diverse forms. We'll suggest that these linked redefinitions share a similar logic of multiplicity and open-endedness that (...)
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    “The Right to Self-determination”: Right and Laws Between Means of Oppression and Means of Liberation in the Discourse of the Indigenous Movement of Ecuador.Philipp Altmann - 2016 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 29 (1):121-134.
    The 1970s and 1980s meant an ethnic politicization of the indigenous movement in Ecuador, until this moment defined largely as a class-based movement of indigenous peasants. The indigenous organizations started to conceptualize indigenous peoples as nationalities with their own economic, social, cultural and legal structures and therefore with the right to autonomy and self-determination. Based on this conceptualization, the movement developed demands for a pluralist reform of state and society in order to install a plurinational state with (...)
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    Exploring power dynamics in a food bank in Bolivia. A case study during the Covid-19 pandemic.Galindo Darío, Gruberg Helga & Dessein Joost - 2024 - Food Ethics 9 (2):1-30.
    Hunger reduction, a universal goal, is often pursued through the concept of food security, which partially shifts the responsibility from national states to food banks. However, the active involvement of various stakeholders in food banks is frequently overlooked. The first waves of the COVID-19 pandemic prompted the High-Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition of the Committee on World Food Security to acknowledge the necessity of stakeholders´ participation in achieving food security. Despite the significant influence of power relations (...)
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    Non-territorial autonomy and gender equality: The case of the autonomous administration of north and east Syria - Rojava.Rosa Burç - 2020 - Filozofija I Društvo 31 (3):319-339.
    The Kurdish-led autonomous entity called Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria - also known as Rojava - considers women?s liberation an imperative condition for shaping a democratic society. The practice of autonomy in NES shares strong resemblances with Non- Territorial Autonomy models; however, it introduces a novelty in the role of women as active agents in building a plurinational democracy. This paper examines the intellectual and political origins of the political role ascribed to women in autonomous administrations and (...)
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    La configuración de un horizonte contrahegemónico en la región andina.Luis Tapia Mealla - 2011 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 16 (53):119-125.
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    Plurinacionalidad en la Constitución de Bolivia: ¿una noción capturada por el Estado?Cristina Oyarzo Varela - 2021 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 12:11-44.
    En Bolivia, el Estado Plurinacional se institucionalizó en 2009 por medio de la Asamblea Constituyente, luego de un amplio periodo de movilizaciones sociales. Sin embargo, la idea de plurinacionalidad había aparecido en 1983, en el contexto de los debates del sindicalismo campesino. El objetivo del artículo es analizar las características de la noción de plurinacionalidad en la Constitución Política, historizando sus dimensiones más relevantes. La hipótesis es que esta formulación fue capturada por la noción de Estado, enfatizando su institucionalización en (...)
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    Patriotism or Integrity? Constitutional Community in Divided Societies.Alex Schwartz - 2011 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 31 (3):503-526.
    Some commentators worry that a plurinational constitutional order can only ever be an inherently unstable modus vivendi. They fear that the accommodation of sub-state nationalism will tend to undermine the viability of constitutional democracies. This article enlists Ronald Dworkin's theory of ‘law as integrity’ to show how these concerns might be assuaged. My central claim is that the expressive value of integrity can drive a divided society in the direction of an eventual community of principle, even in the (...)
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  13.  48
    (1 other version)The constitutional paradox of complex diversity: A systemic path towards political integration through deliberation.Oier Imaz - 2019 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 46 (10):1244-1266.
    Identity and democracy and, more particularly, national identity and deliberative democracy account for a controversial relationship. However, from a classical deliberative democratic point of view, the controversy over who is the ‘we’ that needs to stand together in contemporary complex societies settled with the constitution of modern states. In this sense, the main contribution of this paper is twofold. On the one hand, I rebut the analytical appropriateness and conceptual coherence of Habermas’ discursive approach to democracy for the case of (...)
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  14. The explanation dialogues: an expert focus study to understand requirements towards explanations within the GDPR.Laura State, Alejandra Bringas Colmenarejo, Andrea Beretta, Salvatore Ruggieri, Franco Turini & Stephanie Law - forthcoming - Artificial Intelligence and Law:1-60.
    Explainable AI (XAI) provides methods to understand non-interpretable machine learning models. However, we have little knowledge about what legal experts expect from these explanations, including their legal compliance with, and value against European Union legislation. To close this gap, we present the Explanation Dialogues, an expert focus study to uncover the expectations, reasoning, and understanding of legal experts and practitioners towards XAI, with a specific focus on the European General Data Protection Regulation. The study consists of an online questionnaire and (...)
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  15.  44
    List gratulacyjny z Watykanu.Secretariat of State - 2008 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 43.
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  16.  48
    Dreams: The Royal Road to Metaphor.Bert O. States - 2001 - Substance 30 (1/2):104.
  17.  68
    State of Exception.Giorgio Agamben - 2004 - University of Chicago Press.
    In this highly topical book, Agamben ultimately arrives at original ideas about the future of democracy and casts a new light on the hidden relationship that ties law to violence.
  18.  25
    The Persistence of the Archetype.Bert O. States - 1980 - Critical Inquiry 7 (2):333-344.
    If we are looking for an Ur-explanation for the persistence of the Ur-myth, or any other myth, in our literature, could we not more directly find it in the structure of a mind which does not have to remember in order to imitate? The occasion of both myth and literature is the social life of the species which, in Starobinski's sense, is a history of continual eviction; but as regards the apparatus of thought by which this social life is reflected (...)
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  19. Medical research on apes should be banned.Humane Society of the United States - 2006 - In William Dudley (ed.), Animal rights. Detroit, [Mich.]: Thomson Gale.
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  20. Leading ethically in a culturally diverse global environment.Laurie Yates & United States - 2015 - In Daniel E. Palmer (ed.), Handbook of research on business ethics and corporate responsibilities. Hershey: Business Science Reference, An Imprint of IGI Global.
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    Book review: The pleasure of the play. [REVIEW]Bert O. States - 1996 - Philosophy and Literature 20 (1).
  22.  39
    Thomas Hobbes and the Debate Over Natural Law and Religion.Stephen A. State - 1991 - New York: Routledge.
    The argument laid out in this book discusses and interprets the work of Hobbes in relation to religion. It compares a traditional interpretation of Hobbes where Hobbes’ use of conventional terminology when talking about natural law is seen as ironic or merely convenient despite an atheist viewpoint, with the view that Hobbes’ morality is truly traditional and Christian. The book considers other thinkers of the age in tandem with Hobbes and discusses in detail his theology inspired by corporeal mechanics. The (...)
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  23. Can management have multi-fiduciary stakeholder obligations?Abe Zakhem & United States - 2015 - In Daniel E. Palmer (ed.), Handbook of research on business ethics and corporate responsibilities. Hershey: Business Science Reference, An Imprint of IGI Global.
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  24. Identifying corporate social responsibility (csr) curricula of leading u.s. executive mba programs.Robin James Mayes, United States, Pamela Scott Bracey, Mariya Gavrilova Aguilar & Jeff M. Allen - 2015 - In Daniel E. Palmer (ed.), Handbook of research on business ethics and corporate responsibilities. Hershey: Business Science Reference, An Imprint of IGI Global.
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  25. The starbucks culture : responsible, radical innovation in an irresponsible, incremental world.Joan Marques & United States - 2015 - In Daniel E. Palmer (ed.), Handbook of research on business ethics and corporate responsibilities. Hershey: Business Science Reference, An Imprint of IGI Global.
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  26. Facilitating trust : the benefits and challenges of communicating corporate social responsibility online.Mary Lyn Stoll & United States - 2015 - In Daniel E. Palmer (ed.), Handbook of research on business ethics and corporate responsibilities. Hershey: Business Science Reference, An Imprint of IGI Global.
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  27. Game-theoretic insights concerning key business ethics issues occurring in emerging economies.Duane Windsor & United States - 2015 - In Daniel E. Palmer (ed.), Handbook of research on business ethics and corporate responsibilities. Hershey: Business Science Reference, An Imprint of IGI Global.
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  28. Bridging the foundational gap between theory and practice : the paradigm on the evolution of business ethics to business law.Ben Tran & United States - 2015 - In Daniel E. Palmer (ed.), Handbook of research on business ethics and corporate responsibilities. Hershey: Business Science Reference, An Imprint of IGI Global.
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  29. Political theory in the welfare state.Niklas Luhmann - 1990 - New York: W. de Gruyter.
    Translator's Introduction Political Theory in the Welfare State [Politische Theorie im Wohl- fahrtsstaat] was originally published (Olzog, Munich) in. ...
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  30. Techniques for preparing business students to contribute to ethical organizational cultures.William Irvin Sauser & United States - 2015 - In Daniel E. Palmer (ed.), Handbook of research on business ethics and corporate responsibilities. Hershey: Business Science Reference, An Imprint of IGI Global.
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  31.  65
    For and Against the State: New Philosophical Readings.John T. Sanders & Jan Narveson (eds.) - 1996 - Rowman & Littlefield.
    This collection addresses the central issue of political philosophy or, in a couple of cases, issues very close to the heart of that question: Is government justified? This ancient question has never been more alive than at the present time, in the midst of continuing political and social upheaval in virtually every part of the world. Only two of the pieces collected here have been published previously. All the other contributions were, at the time of the inception of the volume, (...)
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  32. 2 Exclusivas Del Hombre, la Mano y El Tiempo.José Gaos & Nuevo León State) - 1945 - México,:
    Las exclusivas del hombre. La mano.--La caricia.--La caricia (continuacíon)--El tiempo.--El tiempo (conclusión).
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  33.  67
    State and Trait Anxiety Among University Students: A Moderated Mediation Model of Negative Affectivity, Alexithymia, and Housing Conditions.Isabella Giulia Franzoi, Maria Domenica Sauta & Antonella Granieri - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Democracy in What State?Giorgio Agamben, Alain Badiou, Daniel Bensaïd, Wendy Brown, Jean-Luc Nancy, Jacques Rancière, Kristin Ross & Slavoj Zizek - 2011 - Columbia University Press.
    "Is it meaningful to call oneself a democrat? And if so, how do you interpret the word?" -/- In responding to this question, eight iconoclastic thinkers prove the rich potential of democracy, along with its critical weaknesses, and reconceive the practice to accommodate new political and cultural realities. Giorgio Agamben traces the tense history of constitutions and their coexistence with various governments. Alain Badiou contrasts current democratic practice with democratic communism. Daniel Bensaid ponders the institutionalization of democracy, while Wendy Brown (...)
  35. Contemporary state of investigations on materialist dialectic in socialist-countries.J. Polakova - 1979 - Filosoficky Casopis 27 (1):98-116.
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  36. State of the Art: Die Grenzen der Sprache als Grenzen der Welt: Michael Dummetts anti-realistische Bedeutungstheorie.Klaus Puhl - 1995 - ProtoSociology 6.
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  37.  11
    Bacon, The Advancement of Learning: Edited for Indian Students.Francis Bacon & Bombay State) - 1882 - Government Central Book Depôt.
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    The myth of the state.Ernst Cassirer - 1946 - Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press. Edited by Charles William Hendel.
    A great contemporary German philosopher attacks the explosive problem of political myth in our day, and reveals how the myth of the state evolved from primitive times to prepare the way for the rise of the modern totalitarian state. "A brilliant survey of some of the major texts in the history of political theory."—Kenneth Burke, _The Nation._.
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  39. The State of the Journal.Eugene Hargrove - 1979 - Environmental Ethics 1:291-292.
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  40. State in Shakespeare's Greek and Roman Plays.P. F. Jones - 1941 - Classical Weekly 35:226-227.
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    Democratic Equality and the Justification of Welfare-State Capitalism.Jeppe von Platz - 2020 - Ethics 131 (1):4-33.
    Is capitalism compatible with democratic equality? Rawls’s critique of welfare-state capitalism implies a negative answer. I argue that Rawls’s critique fails and that welfare-state capitalism can satisfy the demands of democratic equality. I articulate a social democratic interpretation of the ideal of democratic equality and show that it justifies welfare-state capitalism. This argument also implies that welfare-state capitalism can satisfy the demands of democratic equality as interpreted by Rawls’s justice as fairness. So, whether we accept Rawls’s (...)
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    The State of the Field Report XI: Contemporary Chinese Studies of Zhuangzi’s Philosophy of Language in Mainland China.Heyang Zheng - 2024 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 23 (1):117-135.
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  43. State of the Art on Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues Linked to Audio- and Video-Based AAL Solutions.Alin Ake-Kob, Aurelija Blazeviciene, Liane Colonna, Anto Cartolovni, Carina Dantas, Anton Fedosov, Francisco Florez-Revuelta, Eduard Fosch-Villaronga, Zhicheng He, Andrzej Klimczuk, Maksymilian Kuźmicz, Adrienn Lukacs, Christoph Lutz, Renata Mekovec, Cristina Miguel, Emilio Mordini, Zada Pajalic, Barbara Krystyna Pierscionek, Maria Jose Santofimia Romero, Albert AliSalah, Andrzej Sobecki, Agusti Solanas & Aurelia Tamo-Larrieux - 2021 - Alicante: University of Alicante.
    Ambient assisted living technologies are increasingly presented and sold as essential smart additions to daily life and home environments that will radically transform the healthcare and wellness markets of the future. An ethical approach and a thorough understanding of all ethics in surveillance/monitoring architectures are therefore pressing. AAL poses many ethical challenges raising questions that will affect immediate acceptance and long-term usage. Furthermore, ethical issues emerge from social inequalities and their potential exacerbation by AAL, accentuating the existing access gap between (...)
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    State and Classes in Weimar Germany.David Abraham - 1977 - Politics and Society 7 (3):229-266.
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  45. State Neutrality, Moral Pluralism and the Parliamentary Decision on Assisted Suicide.Alexander Schöpke - 2020 - Archiv Fuer Rechts Und Sozialphilosophie 106 (3):353-367.
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    The Teaching of Values and the Successor Generation.Edmund D. Pellegrino & Atlantic Council of the United States - 1983 - Atlantic Council of the United States.
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  47. Religion in state schools.Elysia Murphy - 2013 - The Australian Humanist 109 (109):1.
    Murphy, Elysia Government funds should not be used to endorse religion in state schools. The presence of chaplains and scripture teachers in public schools diminishes the secularity of the state school system. Given the plethora of faith-based schools for families seeking a religious education, it is not unreasonable for non-religious families to expect a secular education from the government sector.
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    State Tax Return.Maryann B. Gall & Laura A. Kulwicki - 2008 - Nexus 15 (1).
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  49. The state muddled in co-dependencies and Incremental policy making : the case of the economic and financial crisis in the European Union.Alain Guggenbuhl & Frank Lambremont - 2018 - In Elena Aoun & Pierre Vercauteren (eds.), The state between interdependence and power in the contemporary world: a reassessment. Bruxelles: P.I.E. Peter Lang.
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  50. (1 other version)The State in the Continental European Tradition.Paweł Kaczorowski - 2009 - Civitas 11 (11).
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