Results for ' plasma cosmology'

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  1.  2
    Antimatter in astronomy and cosmology: the early history.Helge Kragh - forthcoming - Annals of Science.
    So-called antimatter in the form of elementary particles such as positive electrons (antielectrons alias positrons) and negative protons (antiprotons) has for long been investigated by physicists. However, atoms or molecules of this exotic kind are conspicuously absent from nature. Since antimatter is believed to be symmetric with ordinary matter, the flagrant asymmetry constitutes a problem that still worries physicists and cosmologists. As first suggested by Paul Dirac in 1933, in distant parts of the universe there might be entire stars and (...)
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  2. Alternative cosmologies.Martín López Corredoira - 2025 - Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2948:012001.
    A few remarkable examples of alternative cosmological theories are shown, ranging from a compilation of variations on the Standard Model (inhomogeneous universe, Cold Big Bang, varying physical constants or gravity law, zero-active mass, Milne cosmology, cyclical models), through the more distant quasi-steady-state cosmology, plasma cosmology, or universe models as a hypersphere such as the Dynamic Universe, to the most exotic cases including static models with non-cosmological redshifts of galaxies. -/- Most cosmologists do not usually work within (...)
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  3. Non-standard models and the sociology of cosmology.Martín López-Corredoira - 2014 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 46 (1):86-96.
    I review some theoretical ideas in cosmology different from the standard “Big Bang”: the quasi-steady state model, the plasma cosmology model, non-cosmological redshifts, alternatives to non-baryonic dark matter and/or dark energy, and others. Cosmologists do not usually work within the framework of alternative cosmologies because they feel that these are not at present as competitive as the standard model. Certainly, they are not so developed, and they are not so developed because cosmologists do not work on them. (...)
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    The Algebra of Cosmic Intelligence: Inhumanism and Cosmology in the Reflexive Neocybernetics of Vladimir Lefebvre.Maksim D. Miroshnichenko - 2022 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 60 (3):205-230.
    This article reconstructs the theory of the Soviet-American psychologist Vladimir Lefebvre as part of the neocybernetic movement. In particular, I propose to explore such elements of his research of the 1970s—1990s as systemic vision; reflexive analysis; a search for holistic configuration and Janus cosmology; and the realization of neocybernetics. An interest in the reflexive structures of cognition and action led Lefebvre to an understanding of the limited nature of the world’s scientific picture. The conflicting objects he studied proved too (...)
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    The tao of cosmos: the holographic unity of heaven, earth, and humankind.Zhen G. Ma - 2024 - Rochester, Vermont: Park Street Press.
    Explores the interplay between ancient wisdom and modern cosmology Connects the philosophy of the I Ching with key recent advances in cosmology, such as the Big Bang theory, Roger Penrose's cyclic conformal cosmology, and his and Stuart Hameroff's cosmic quantum brain dynamics Explains the Taoist cosmology of Heaven-Humanity Oneness in the context of Teilhard de Chardin's evolutionism, Thomas Berry's cosmogenetic trinity, and Brian Swimme's 12 cosmological powers Examines the holographic unity of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind at (...)
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  6. What Caused the Big Bang?Rem Blanchard Edwards - 2001 - Amsterdam, New York: Rodopi.
    The first two thirds or so of this book is a thorough, severe, and at times somewhat difficult, philosophical analysis and critique of atheistic naturalistic answers to “What caused the Big Bang?” Most contemporary astrophysicists accept one of the following non-theistic accounts of the origin of the Big Bang: Steady State, Plasma, Oscillationist, Big Fizz, Big Divide, Quantum Observership, Big Accident, Atheistic Anthropic, and Plenitude cosmologies. The last third or so of the book develops a highly plausible theistic process (...)
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  7. Is human history Wang Fuzhi’S. Cosmology - 2001 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 28:321-337.
  8. Dele Jegede.Artasaro An & Afrocentric Cosmology - 1993 - In Kariamu Welsh-Asante, The African aesthetic: keeper of the traditions. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press. pp. 153--237.
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    Hasdai Crescas on Codification, Cosmology and Creation: The Infinite God and the Expanding Torah.Ari Ackerman - 2022 - Boston: BRILL.
    This work focuses on the conception of God of the medieval Jewish philosopher and legal scholar, Hasdai Crescas (1340-1410/11). It demonstrates that Crescas’ God is infinitely creative and good and explores the parallel that Crescas implicitly draws between God as creator and legislator.
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    Natural Symbols: Explorations in Cosmology.David R. Bell & Mary Douglas - 1972 - Philosophical Quarterly 22 (88):280.
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  11. Interpreting the quantum mechanics of cosmology.David Wallace - forthcoming - In A. Ijjas & B. Loewer, Philosophy of Cosmology: an Introduction. Oxford University Press.
    Quantum theory plays an increasingly significant role in contemporary early-universe cosmology, most notably in the inflationary origins of the fluctuation spectrum of the microwave background radiation. I consider the two main strategies for interpreting standard quantum mechanics in the light of cosmology. I argue that the conceptual difficulties of the approaches based around an irreducible role for measurement - already very severe - become intolerable in a cosmological context, whereas the approach based around Everett's original idea of treating (...)
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    When the Earth Was Flat: Studies in Ancient Greek and Chinese Cosmology.Dirk L. Couprie - 2018 - New York, USA: Springer Verlag.
    This book is a sequel to Heaven and Earth in Ancient Greek Cosmology. With the help of many pictures, the reader is introduced into the way of thinking of ancient believers in a flat earth. The first part offers new interpretations of several Presocratic cosmologists and a critical discussion of Aristotle’s proofs that the earth is spherical. The second part explains and discusses the ancient Chinese system called gai tian. The last chapter shows that, inadvertently, ancient arguments and ideas (...)
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    (1 other version)The Origins of Stoic Cosmology.David E. Hahm - 1978 - Philosophical Review 87 (4):620-623.
  14. False Vacuum: Early Universe Cosmology and the Development of Inflation.Chris Smeenk - 2005 - In Eisenstaedt Jean & Knox A. J., The Universe of General Relativity. Birkhauser. pp. 223-257.
  15. Einstein's Role in the Creation of Relativistic Cosmology.Chris Smeenk - 2014 - In Michel Janssen & Christoph Lehner, The Cambridge Companion to Einstein. Cambridge University Press. pp. 228-269.
    This volume is the first systematic presentation of the work of Albert Einstein, comprising fourteen essays by leading historians and philosophers of science that introduce readers to his work. Following an introduction that places Einstein's work in the context of his life and times, the book opens with essays on the papers of Einstein's 'miracle year', 1905, covering Brownian motion, light quanta, and special relativity, as well as his contributions to early quantum theory and the opposition to his light quantum (...)
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  16. (1 other version)The Pseudo-Problem of Creation in Physical Cosmology.Adolf Grünbaum - 1989 - Philosophy of Science 56 (3):373 - 394.
    According to some cosmologists, the big bang cosmogony and even the (now largely defunct) steady-state theory pose a scientifically insoluble problem of matter-energy creation. But I argue that the genuine problem of the origin of matter-energy or of the universe has been fallaciously transmuted into the pseudo-problem of creation by an external cause. A fortiori, it emerges that the initial "true" and "false" vacuum states of quantum cosmology do not vindicate biblical divine creation ex nihilo at all.
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  17. The Return to Cosmology: Postmodern Science and the Theology of Nature.Stephen Toulmin - 1982 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 19 (4):266-269.
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  18. A History of cosmology 1917-1955.G. F. R. Ellis - 1989 - In Don Howard & John Stachel, Einstein and the History of General Relativity. Birkhäuser. pp. 367--431.
  19. Anaximander and the origins of Greek cosmology.Charles H. Kahn - 1960 - Indianapolis: Hackett.
    Through criticism and analysis of ancient traditions, Kahn reconstructs the pattern of Anaximander’s thought using historical methods akin to the reconstructive techniques of comparative linguists.
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    Infinite Regress: Wolff’s Cosmology and the Background of Kant’s Antinomies.Matteo Favaretti Camposampiero - 2021 - Kant Studien 112 (2):239-264.
    Wolff’s relation to Leibniz and Kant’s relation to both are notoriously vexed questions. First, this paper argues that Wolff’s most serious departure from Leibniz consists in his (so far overlooked) rejection of the latter’s infinitism. Second, it contends that the controversies that surrounded Wolff’s early acceptance of infinite causal regress and prompted his conversion to finitism played a prominent role in shaping the theses of Kant’s Antinomies. Whereas Leibniz and the early Wolff considered infinite regress to provide support for the (...)
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  21.  21
    The Limits of Individualism: Potential Societal Harms from the EAP for Convalescent Plasma.David Magnus - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (9):1-3.
    Volume 20, Issue 9, September 2020, Page 1-3.
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    Soul: God, self, and the new cosmology.Angela Tilby - 1992 - New York: Doubleday.
    Discusses how new understandings of the origin and nature of the universe, revealed by recent work in theoretical physics, can affect religious belief and spirituality.
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    The Derveni Papyrus: Cosmology, Theology, and Interpretation.Miguel Herrero Garcia - 2006 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 99 (4):472-473.
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  24. Solving Numerically Ermakov-type Equation for Newtonian Cosmology Model with Vortex.Victor Christianto, Florentin Smarandache & Yunita Umniyati - manuscript
    It has been known for long time that most of the existing cosmology models have singularity problem. Cosmological singularity has been a consequence of excessive symmetry of flow, such as “Hubble’s law”. More realistic one is suggested, based on Newtonian cosmology model but here we include the vertical-rotational effect of the whole Universe. We review a Riccati-type equation obtained by Nurgaliev, and solve the equation numerically with Mathematica. It is our hope that the new proposed method can be (...)
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  25. “One Note Samba” approach to cosmology: How to connect Bose-Einstein Condensate, Ermakov-Pinney equation, Scalar Field Cosmology and Feshbach Resonance all at once.Victor Christianto & Florentin Smarandache - manuscript
    Inspired by “One Note Samba,” a standard jazz repertoire, we present an outline of Bose-Einstein Condensate Cosmology (BECC). Although this approach seems awkward and a bit off the wall at first glance, it is not impossible to connect altogether BEC, Scalar Field Cosmology and Feshbach Resonance with Ermakov-Pinney equation. We also discuss shortly possible link with our previous paper, where we describe Newtonian Universe with Vortex in terms of Ermakov equation.
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  26. Philosophers and Popular Cosmology.Stephen R. L. Clark - 1993 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 10 (1):115-122.
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    Nature: An Environmental Cosmology.Joseph Grange - 1997 - State University of New York Press.
    Provides a set of normative measure sto assess the value of nature and proposes the new discipline of foundational ecology as a response to environmental crisis.
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  28. Less Interpretation and More Decoherence in Quantum Gravity and Inflationary Cosmology.Elise M. Crull - 2015 - Foundations of Physics 45 (9):1019-1045.
    I argue that quantum decoherence—understood as a dynamical process entailed by the standard formalism alone—carries us beyond conceptual aspects of non-relativistic quantum mechanics deemed insurmountable by many contributors to the recent quantum gravity and cosmology literature. These aspects include various incarnations of the measurement problem and of the quantum -to-classical puzzle. Not only can such problems be largely bypassed or dissolved without default to a particular interpretation, but theoretical work in relativistic arenas stands to gain substantial physical and philosophical (...)
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  29. Plato's Cosmology: The Timaeus of Plato.Francis MacDonald Cornford - 1935 - Indianapolis, Ind.: Hackett Publishing Company. Edited by Francis Macdonald Cornford.
  30. Plato's Cosmology: The Timaeus of Plato.F. M. Cornford - 1938 - Mind 47 (185):73-80.
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  31. Solitons in cosmology.Mario Diaz, Reinaldo Gleiser & Jorge Pullin - 1988 - Scientia 52:419.
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    Conceptions of Cosmos: From Myths to the Accelerating Universe: A History of Cosmology.Helge Kragh - 2006 - Oxford University Press.
    This book presents the history of how the universe at large became the object of scientific understanding. Starting with the ancient creation myths, it offers an integrated and comprehensive account of cosmology that covers all major events from Aristotle's Earth-centred cosmos to the recent discovery of the accelearting universe.
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  33. Less Decoherence and More Coherence in Quantum Gravity, Inflationary Cosmology and Elsewhere.Elias Okon & Daniel Sudarsky - 2016 - Foundations of Physics 46 (7):852-879.
    In Crull it is argued that, in order to confront outstanding problems in cosmology and quantum gravity, interpretational aspects of quantum theory can by bypassed because decoherence is able to resolve them. As a result, Crull concludes that our focus on conceptual and interpretational issues, while dealing with such matters in Okon and Sudarsky, is avoidable and even pernicious. Here we will defend our position by showing in detail why decoherence does not help in the resolution of foundational questions (...)
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    Measure, Topology and Probabilistic Reasoning in Cosmology.Erik Curiel - unknown
    I explain the difficulty of making various concepts of and relating to probability precise, rigorous and physically significant when attempting to apply them in reasoning about objects living in infinite-dimensional spaces, working through many examples from cosmology. I focus on the relation of topological to measure-theoretic notions of and relating to probability, how they diverge in unpleasant ways in the infinite-dimensional case, and are even difficult to work with on their own. Even in cases where an appropriate family of (...)
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    God, humanity and nature: Cosmology in Islamic spirituality.Syafaatun Almirzanah - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (1).
    Most of the works on creation theology in the past have departed from a functional point of view with the assumption that creation is for the sake of human use, thus a means to an end. It has been believed that this utilitarian perception is supported by the sacred texts of theistic religions, saying that people were masters and possessors of the natural world. They were created in the likeness of God, ‘in His image’, and the rest of creation existed (...)
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    The Perfection of the Universe According to Aquinas: A Teleological Cosmology.Oliva Blanchette - 1992 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    The Perfection of the Universe gives an account of the idea of the universe and its perfection in Aquinas's philosophy, but at the same time it provides an example of how a cosmology can be developed in a teleological framework. Although this is the cosmology of one who was first and foremost a theologian, the book tries to show how it was articulated philosophically and in relation to a particular model of the universe. As a contribution to the (...)
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  37. Hartle-Hawking Cosmology and Atheism.William Lane Craig - 1997 - Analysis 57 (4):291 - 295.
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    Studies in Hegelian Cosmology.Mary Whiton Calkins, John McTaggart & Ellis McTaggart - 1903 - Philosophical Review 12 (2):187.
  39. Locke and Cartesian cosmology.Peter R. Anstey - 2018 - In Philippe Hamou & Martine Pécharman, Locke and Cartesian Philosophy. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. pp. 33–48.
    This chapter examines John Locke's interest in and views on the Cartesian vortex theory.
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    The controversy between science and pseudoscience over modern cosmology.Lz Fang - 1988 - Chinese Studies in Philosophy 19 (4):14-26.
    Between the spring and summer of 1973, the "Gang of Four" began to interfere publicly with the field of astrophysics, launching a critique of modern cosmology under the lead of the Magazine of Natural Dialectics, which they directly controlled. All of modern astrophysical cosmology was proclaimed to be a "new theology," and those studying cosmological models were denounced for "letting their intellects run wild." An endless litany of transgressions was attributed to Big-Bang cosmology in various "criticisms" and (...)
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    New leaders for a new future: The new business cosmology.John Renesch - 1998 - World Futures 52 (2):131-135.
    Leaders in business need to become more literate in the dynamics of the present day?subjects such as systems theory, paradigm change, complexity and holistic thinking. These new leaders will recognize that humanity is in the midst of a significant transformation in its evolution?at the end of the honeymoon with the Industrial Age and preparing for an Age of Consciousness. Recognizing human beings are not mere objects or resources for businesses to use up or discard, these leaders will create a new (...)
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    Uniform probability in cosmology.Sylvia Wenmackers - 2023 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 101 (C):48-60.
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  43. Stoic Alternatives to Aristotelian Cosmology: Pena and Rothmann.Peter Barker - forthcoming - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences.
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    Cosmic metaphysics: Being versus Becoming in cosmology and astrophysics.Marcelo Gleiser - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (3).
    This article offers a critical discussion on the question of the existence of the Universe, starting with creation myths of a variety of different cultures and ending with cutting-edge ideas from modern cosmology. Emphasising the polarised tension between Being and Becoming and its religious and philosophical origins, this article argues that this tension is unavoidable and still very much present. Further, the logical insolvability of the problem of the First Cause is examined, showing the conceptual inappropriateness of current scientific (...)
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  45. (1 other version)The Return to Cosmology.Stephen Toulmin - 1984 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 15 (3):200-201.
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    Towards precision medicine; a new biomedical cosmology.M. W. Vegter - 2018 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 21 (4):443-456.
    Precision Medicine has become a common label for data-intensive and patient-driven biomedical research. Its intended future is reflected in endeavours such as the Precision Medicine Initiative in the USA. This article addresses the question whether it is possible to discern a new ‘medical cosmology’ in Precision Medicine, a concept that was developed by Nicholas Jewson to describe comprehensive transformations involving various dimensions of biomedical knowledge and practice, such as vocabularies, the roles of patients and physicians and the conceptualisation of (...)
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    The quest for the size of the universe in early relativistic cosmology (1917–1930).Matteo Realdi & Giulio Peruzzi - 2011 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 65 (6).
    Before the discovery of the expanding universe, one of the challenges faced in early relativistic cosmology was the determination of the finite and constant curvature radius of space-time by using astronomical observations. Great interest in this specific question was shown by de Sitter, Silberstein, and Lundmark. Their ideas and methods for measuring the cosmic curvature radius, at that time interpreted as equivalent to the size of the universe, contributed to the development of the empirical approach to relativistic cosmology. (...)
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    Developing a Thai Theological and Biblical Understanding of the World: Rethinking Thai Cosmology in Light of Divine Council theology.Sutheera Sritrakool & Kelly Michael Hilderbrand - 2021 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 38 (1):63-77.
    This article is an attempt to compare and contrast biblical divine council cosmology with Thai Buddhist cosmology. The Ramakien and the Three Worlds According to King Ruang are the primary cultural narratives of the Thai people. These narratives give us insight into the worldview of the Thai. By comparing the Thai worldview with the biblical worldview, we can see where they intersect and where they are in conflict. The goal of this article is to spark a dialogue for (...)
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  49. Balloons on a String: A Critique of Multiverse Cosmology.Bruce Gordon - 2011 - In Bruce Gordon & William A. Dembski, The nature of nature: examining the role of naturalism in science. Wilmington, DE: ISI Books. pp. 558-601.
    Our examination of universal origins and fine-tuning will begin with a discussion of infl ationary scenarios grafted onto Big Bang cosmology and the proof that all infl ationary spacetimes are past-incomplete. After diverting into a lengthy critical examination of the “different physics” offered by quantum cosmologists at the past-boundary of the universe, we will proceed to dissect the inadequacies of infl ationary explanations and string-theoretic constructs in the context of three cosmological models that have received much attention: the Steinhardt-Turok (...)
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    Kepler's Geometrical Cosmology. J. V. Field.Curtis Wilson - 1988 - Isis 79 (3):539-540.
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