Results for ' nuclear constituents'

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  1. Tropes – The Basic Constituents of Powerful Particulars.Markku Keinänen - 2011 - Dialectica 65 (3):419-450.
    This article presents a trope bundle theory of simple substances, the Strong Nuclear Theory[SNT] building on the schematic basis offered by Simons's (1994) Nuclear Theory[NT]. The SNT adopts Ellis's (2001) dispositional essentialist conception of simple substances as powerful particulars: all of their monadic properties are dispositional. Moreover, simple substances necessarily belong to some natural kind with a real essence formed by monadic properties. The SNT develops further the construction of substances the NT proposes to obtain an adequate trope (...)
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    Anthroponyms: the lexico-semantic approach to word formation and its social and cultural implications.Miramgul Mnaidarova, Gulnar Sarseke & Ibrahim Sahin - forthcoming - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics.
    The relevance of the study is that specific individual linguistic customs and traditions are characteristic of each nation. The objective of the study is to examine the key aspects of anthroponyms and the methodology of their development in Turkish and Kazakh languages. In conducting the research, general scientific and special methods were used to achieve its goals and objectives. Its main results can be defined as follows. It was argued that the lexical-semantic approach to word formation is one of the (...)
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    Manufacturing dissent: The discursive formation of nuclear proliferation.Rachelle Vessey, Stephanie Schnurr, Lena Rethel, Alexandra Homolar & Malcolm N. MacDonald - 2015 - Discourse and Communication 9 (2):173-197.
    This article draws on the conceptualisation of ‘discursive formation’ to examine the particular configuration of the ‘objects, subjects, concepts and strategies’ which constituted ‘nuclear proliferation’ between 2006 and 2012. While previous studies have mostly explored the discourse of nuclear proliferation through the analysis of newspaper texts, few have considered corpora from different sites or considered the changes, transformations and contradictions that take place when meanings are delocated from one site and relocated in another. Elements of poststructuralist discourse theory, (...)
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    Particulars and the Problem of Individuation.Timothy H. Pickavance & Robert C. Koons - 2017 - In Robert C. Koons & Timothy Pickavance, The atlas of reality: a comprehensive guide to metaphysics. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 171–200.
    This chapter focuses on question of the relation of properties to particulars. It considers three theories of facts: as tropes, as states of affairs, and as nexuses between particulars and universals, noting that in each case, facts turn out to be particulars of a kind. The chapter investigates the question of substances, considering two accounts about the relationship between substances and properties, namely, Relational and Constituent Ontology. Substances would have a surprising degree of metaphysical complexity. According to Constituent Ontology, properties (...)
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  5. Electronegativity as a New Case for Emergence and a New Problem for Reductionism.Monte Cairns - forthcoming - Foundations of Chemistry.
    The potential reducibility of chemical entities to their physical bases is a matter of dispute between ontological reductionists on one hand, and emergentists on the other. However, relevant debates typically revolve around the reducibility of so-called ‘higher-level’ chemical entities, such as molecules. Perhaps surprisingly, even committed proponents of emergence for these higher-level chemical entities appear to accept that the ‘lowest-level’ chemical entities – atomic species – are reducible to their physical bases. In particular, the microstructural view of chemical elements, actively (...)
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    Histoire de la physique moderne.Michel Biezunski - 1993 - Paris: Editions de La Découverte.
    La physique moderne est réputée absconse, imprévue, irrespectueuse, rebondissante. Il s'agit pourtant d'un domaine passionnant, qui peut être compris par tous quand il est replacé dans une perspective historique. C'est ce que propose ce livre, qui présente une histoire des concepts principaux de la physique contemporaine et leur genèse à partir des grandes ruptures du début du siècle, avec quelques incursions dans le passé plus lointain. On y trouvera une présentation claire des concepts essentiels, remplacés dans le contexte de leur (...)
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    Prenuclear L∗+H Activates Alternatives for the Accented Word.Bettina Braun & María Biezma - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:440224.
    Previous processing studies have shown that constituents that are prosodically marked as focus lead to an activation of alternatives. We investigate the processing of constituents that are prosodically marked as contrastive topics. In German, contrastive topics are prosodically realized by prenuclear L*+H accents. Our study tests a) whether prenuclear accents (as opposed to nuclear accents) are able to activate contrastive alternatives, b) whether they do this in the same way as constituents prosodically marked as focus with (...)
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    Der nachweis der plasmavererbung (das princip und seine praktische durchführung beim weidenröschen, epilobium).P. Michaelis - 1953 - Acta Biotheoretica 11 (1):1-26.
    After a short review of the historical development of the problem of cytoplasmic inheritance, the principles for the proof of cytoplasmic inheritance were discussed. At present the proof can be based on the maternal transmission of plasmagenes, on the missing of mendelian segregation and on the possibility of a segregation during ontogenetic development. In the following the most important possibilities for errors and their refutation onEpilobium were discussed: elimination of genotypes , abnormal cytology , maternal aftereffects , predetermination , (...) produced plasmagenes and transmission of parasites or symbionts as virus . At the end the principles for the distinction between different cytoplasmic constituents were discussed. (shrink)
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    Relativistic hadronic mechanics: Nonunitary, axiom-preserving completion of relativistic quantum mechanics.Ruggero Maria Santilli - 1997 - Foundations of Physics 27 (5):625-729.
    The most majestic scientific achievement, of this century in mathematical beauty, axiomatic consistency, and experimental verifications has been special relativity with its unitary structure at the operator level, and canonical structure at the classical levels, which has turned out to be exactly valid for point particles moving in the homogenenous and isotropic vacuum (exterior dynamical problems). In recent decades a number of authors have studied nonunitary and noncanonical theories, here generally calleddeformations for the representation of broader conditions, such as extended (...)
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    PARP‐mediated proteasome activation: A co‐ordination of DNA repair and protein degradation?Jenny Arnold & Tilman Grune - 2002 - Bioessays 24 (11):1060-1065.
    During the evolution of aerobic life, antioxidant defence systems developed that either directly prevent oxidative modifications of the cellular constituents or remove the modified components. An example of the latter is the proteasome, which removes cytosolic oxidised proteins. Recently, a novel mechanism of activation of the nuclear 20S proteasome was discovered: automodified poly‐(ADP‐ribose) polymerase‐1 (PARP‐1) activates the proteasome to facilitate selective degradation of oxidatively damaged histones. Since activation of the PARP‐1 itself is induced by DNA damage and is (...)
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    Physics and the explanation of life.Eugene P. Wigner - 1970 - Foundations of Physics 1 (1):35-45.
    It is proposed to consider present-day physics as dealing with a special situation, the situation in which the phenomena of life and consciousness play no role. It is pointed out that physical theory has often dealt, in the past, with similarly special situations. Planetary theory neglects all but gravitational forces, macroscopic physics neglects fluctuations due to the atomic structure of matter, nuclear physics disregards weak and gravitational interactions. In some of these cases, physicists were well aware of dealing with (...)
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  12. The Ethics of the Nuclear Security Summit Process.Alexandra I. Toma & Nuclear Terrorism Threat - forthcoming - Ethics.
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  13. Waft.Nuclear Fuel Rod Behavior During - 2005 - In Alan F. Blackwell & David MacKay, Power. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 2.
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  14. Part IV. Shared challenges to governance. The information challenge to democratic elections / excerpt: from "What is to be done? Safeguarding democratic governance in the age of network platforms" by Niall Ferguson ; Governing over diversity in a time of technological change / excerpt: from "Unlocking the power of technology for better governance" by Jeb Bush ; Demography and migration / excerpt: from "How will demographic transformations affect democracy in the coming decades?" by Jack A. Goldstone and Larry Diamond ; Health and the changing environment / excerpt: from "Global warming: causes and consequences" by Lucy Shapiro and Harley McAdams ; excerpt: from "Health technology and climate change" by Stephen R. Quake ; Emerging technology and nuclear nonproliferation. [REVIEW]Excerpt: From "Nuclear Nonproliferation: Steps for the Twenty-First Century" by Ernest J. Moniz - 2020 - In George P. Shultz, A hinge of history: governance in an emerging new world. Stanford, California: Hoover Institution Press, Stanford University.
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    The right to life.Nuclear Weapons & Shingo Shibata - 1977 - Journal of Social Philosophy 8 (3):9-14.
  16. What Unarticulated Constituents Could Not Be.Lenny Clapp - 2002 - In Joseph Keim-Campbell, Michael O'Rourke & David Shier, Meaning and Truth: Investigations in Philosophical Semantics. Seven Bridges Press. pp. 231--256.
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    The distance between constituents.David Miller - 1978 - Synthese 38 (2):197 - 212.
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    Promisings and other Social Acts: Their Constituents.Kevin Mulligan - 1987 - In Speech Act and Sachverhalt: Reinach and the Foundations of Realist Phenomenology. Reidel. pp. 1--29.
    The discovery of what Reinach called social acts (in 1913) and Austin speech acts (in 1962) was first and foremost the discovery of a type of linguistic action which, Reinach and Austin are convinced, had simply not been noticed hitherto. It is true that both authors present their discovery within a theoretical framework and that they hoped that their accounts of the phenomenon discovered would be taken as representative of new ways of doing philosophy.
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  19. Promisings and Other Social Acts: Their Constituents and Structure.Kevin Mulligan - 1987 - In Speech Act and Sachverhalt: Reinach and the Foundations of Realist Phenomenology. Reidel.
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  20. Contextual Emergence: Constituents, Context and Meaning.Robert C. Bishop - 2022 - In Shyam Wuppuluri & Ian Stewart, From Electrons to Elephants and Elections: Exploring the Role of Content and Context. Springer Nature. pp. 243-256.
    This chapter provides a gentle introduction to contextual emergence and its implications for the structure of the material world as well as implications for meaning in our world.
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    Understanding War: An Essay on the Nuclear Age.W. B. Gallie *Decd* & W. B. Gallie - 1990 - Routledge.
    First published in 1990. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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    Mach’s “Sensation”, Gomperz’s “Feeling”, and the Positivist Debate About the Nature of the Elementary Constituents of Experience. A Comparative Study in an Epistemological and Psychological Context.David Romand - 2019 - In Friedrich Stadler, Ernst Mach – Life, Work, Influence. Springer Verlag.
    In the present article, I compare Ernst Mach’s and Heinrich Gomperz’s contributions to the German-speaking positivist tradition by showing how, in trying to refound epistemology on the basis of one definite category of experiential element, namely, sensation and feeling, respectively, they each epitomized one major trend of Immanenzpositivismus. I demonstrate that, besides Mach’s “sensualist” conception of positivism – in light of which historians have tended thus far to interpret all German-speaking positivist research of that period – there also existed an (...)
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    LXII. On the nature of particles produced in extremely energetic nuclear collisions.F. A. Brisbout, C. Dahanayake, A. Engler, Y. Fujimoto & D. H. Perkins - 1956 - Philosophical Magazine 1 (7):605-621.
  24. Ambiguity of a Natural Language Expression Accompanied by the Context-Independent Meaning of Its Constituents.Pavel Materna - 2013 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 20:99-104.
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  25. Yadernoe oruzhie v epokhu geopoliticheskoi mnogopolyarnosti [Nuclear Weapons and Geopolitical Multipolarity].Konstantin Sorokin - 1995 - Polis 4 (1995):18-32.
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  26. Tropes and Dependency Profiles: Problems for the Nuclear Theory of Substance.Robert K. Garcia - 2014 - American Philosophical Quarterly 51 (2):167-176.
    In this article I examine the compatibility of a leading trope bundle theory of substance, so-called Nuclear Theory, with trope theory more generally. Peter Simons (1994) originally proposed Nuclear Theory (NT), and continues to develop (1998, 2000) and maintain (2002/03) the view. Recently, building on Simons’s theory, Markku Keinänen (2011) has proposed what he calls the Strong Nuclear Theory (SNT). Although the latter is supposed to shore up some of NT’s weaknesses, it continues to maintain NT’s central (...)
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    Effects of syntactic complexity on processing and retrieval of sentential constituents.Betty J. Haslett - 1973 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 100 (2):419.
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  28. Changes in atmos-pheric constituents and in radiative forcing.P. Artaxo, T. Berntsen, R. Betts, D. W. Fahey, J. Haywood, J. Lean, D. C. Lowe, G. Myhre, J. Nganga & R. Prinn - 2007 - In S. Solomon, D. Qin, M. Manning, Z. Chen, M. Marquis, K. B. Averyt, M. Tignor & H. L. Miller, Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Cambridge University Press.
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    Hostages or Shields? An Alternative Conception of Noncombatants and Its Implications as Regards the Morality of Nuclear Deterrence.Jonathan Schonsheck - 1987 - Public Affairs Quarterly 1 (2):21-34.
  30. Saying what you mean: Unarticulated constituents and communication.Emma Gabriel Nelson Borg - 2005 - In Reinaldo Elugardo & Robert J. Stainton, Ellipsis and non-sentential speech. Springer. pp. 237-262.
    In this paper I want to explore the arguments for so-called ‘unarticulated constituents’ (UCs). Unarticulated constituents are supposed to be propositional elements, not presented in the surface form of a sentence, nor explicitly represented at the level of its logical form, yet which must be interpreted in order to grasp the (proper) meaning of that sentence or expression. Thus, for example, we might think that a sentence like ‘It is raining’ must contain a UC picking out the place (...)
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    The Origin of the Liquid-Drop Model and the Interpretation of Nuclear Fission.Roger H. Stuewer - 1994 - Perspectives on Science 2 (1):76-129.
    This article addresses the historical problem of how it was possible for Lise Meitner and her nephew Otto Robert Frisch to arrive at their novel interpretation of nuclear fission at the end of 1938. To understand this requires an analysis of the origin and subsequent development of the liquid-drop model of the nucleus. We begin by discussing George Gamow’s conception of the liquid-drop model in 1928 and then explore its extension, particularly by Werner Heisenberg and Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker, (...)
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  32. Too Big or so Little? Nuclear Physics in the Thirties and Forties in USA and Japan.Angelo Baracca - 2011 - Humana Mente 4 (16).
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    Strategic Planning and Moral Norms: The Case of Deterrent Nuclear Threats.Daniel M. Farrell - 1987 - Public Affairs Quarterly 1 (1):61-77.
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    Essentialism and the Elementary Constituents of Matter.Evan Pales - 1986 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 11 (1):391-402.
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    Hellenism and Christianity: Petros Brailas-Armenis on the Constituents of Modern-Greek Identity.Dimitrios Vasilakis - 2019 - AKROPOLIS: Journal of Hellenic Studies 3:88-108.
    In this paper I examine how Brailas conceives of Modern-Greek identity. After an introduction, I look at Brailian texts where it is emphasized that Hellenism and Christianity are the two components of Greek national identity. Does this mean, though, that for Brailas these two elements express a similar mode of being? There are passages that can support this claim. Still, Brailas’ reader should not suppose that the Corfiote philosopher uncritically assumes a linear transition from Hellenism to Christianity. But if Christianity (...)
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  36. John Martin Gillroy The role of the analyst within the democratic policy process is common-ly understood as primarily that of responding to the preferences of one's constituents and aggregating these preferences into a cohesive public choice.When Responsive Public Policy Does - 1994 - In Robert Paul Churchill, The Ethics of liberal democracy: morality and democracy in theory and practice. Providence, R.I., USA: Berg.
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    Back to the Future: Small Modular Reactors, Nuclear Fantasies, and Symbolic Convergence.M. V. Ramana & Benjamin K. Sovacool - 2015 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 40 (1):96-125.
    In this article, we argue that scientists and technologists associated with the nuclear industry are building support for small modular reactors by advancing five rhetorical visions imbued with elements of fantasy that cater to various social expectations. The five visions are as follows: a vision of risk-free energy would eliminate catastrophic accidents and meltdowns. A vision of indigenous self-energization would see SMRs empowering remote communities and developing economies. A vision of water security would see SMR-powered desalination plants satisfying the (...)
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  38. The neural correlates of consciousness: Causes, confounds and constituents.Jakob Hohwy & Timothy Bayne - unknown
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    Inventing Accuracy: A Historical Sociology of Nuclear Missile Guidance. Donald MacKenzie.Joan Bromberg - 1992 - Isis 83 (3):523-524.
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    Magnetic hysteresis properties of neutron-irradiated VVER440-type nuclear reactor pressure vessel steels.S. Kobayashi, F. Gillemot, Á Horváth, R. Székely & M. Horváth - 2012 - Philosophical Magazine 92 (31):3813-3823.
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    Choice of Optimum Size of Installations for Dual-Purpose Production of Desalted Water and Electricity, Using Nuclear Power.J. Gaussens - 1965 - In Karl W. Linsenmann, Proceedings. St. Louis, Lutheran Academy for Scholarship. pp. 3--407.
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  42. The centrality of international law and international organi zations for peace in the nuclear age.John Hefried - 1989 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 15 (1).
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  43. America should not reduce its nuclear arsenal.G. Philip Hughes - 2014 - In David M. Haugen, War. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, A part of Gale, Cengage Learning.
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    Baltimore in the Morning... After: On the Forms of Post-Nuclear Leadership.Dean MacCannell - 1984 - Diacritics 14 (2):32.
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  45. On-line monitoring and aid to diagnosis system for large components in nuclear power flant.J. M. Mazalerat, J. Morel, P. Legaud & B. Mouhamed - 1991 - Ai 1991 Frontiers in Innovative Computing for the Nuclear Industry Topical Meeting, Jackson Lake, Wy, Sept. 15-18, 1991 1.
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    Causes and constituents of occurrent emotion.Richard E. Aquila - 1975 - Philosophical Quarterly 25 (October):346-349.
  47. Artifacts and constituents.Arda Denkel - 1995 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 55 (2):311-322.
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  48. Some observations on the order of constituents in Bulgarian.Svilen Stanchev - 1987 - In Jan Nuyts & G. De Schutter, Getting one's words into line: on word order and functional grammar. Providence, RI, USA: Foris Publications. pp. 33--43.
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    Effects of electron irradiation in nuclear waste glasses.K. Sun, L. M. Wang, R. C. Ewing & W. J. Weber - 2005 - Philosophical Magazine 85 (4-7):597-608.
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  50. First Strike: A Game of Strategy, Diplomacy and Nuclear Weapons.Michael McLean - 2010 - Agora (History Teachers' Association of Victoria) 45 (4):43.
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