Results for ' notion of ‘yin’ and ‘yang’'

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  1.  23
    (1 other version)Varieties of Yin and Yang in the Han: Implicit Mode and Substance Divisions in Heshanggong’s Commentary on the Daodejing.Misha Tadd - 2017 - Sage Journals 64 (1-2):105-125.
    Diogenes, Ahead of Print. In the study of Chinese thought, the products of the Han dynasty have historically been identified as those most antithetical to Western rationalism. In many of these narratives, the commentarial tradition and systems of complementary yin and yang receive the most attention. The present work draws on Mawangdui texts, the writings of Dong Zhongshu, the Huainanzi, and ultimately Heshanggong’s Commentary on the Daodejing to complexify this view. Within these examples one discovers divergent philosophies of opposites and (...)
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    Yin-Yang and the Heart-Mind.Michael Slote - 2018 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 17 (1):1-11.
    The East Asian notion of a heart-mind is arguably more accurate to our psychology than the Western term “mind” and its equivalents are: the latter term implies the possibility of psychological functioning in the absence of all emotion, and it can be shown that that is impossible. But then it turns out that we can update the traditional Chinese notions of yin 陰 and yang 陽 in such a way as to help us philosophically explain how our functioning psychology (...)
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  3. The notion of feminine in asian philosophical traditions.Maja Mil - 1997 - Asian Philosophy 7 (3):195 – 205.
    The abstract notion of “the feminine”, —in French, le f minin, and in German, das Weibliche —as substantivum neutrum, remains together with its opposite, the masculine, connotative of an inherent disparity. It is meant neither as the biological affiliation of sex, nor as gender, the social response, or echo, of this biological affiliation. Rather, it is the spiritual attitude which is the norm for psychic manifestations in general, and is its subtle psychosomatic background. It is not necessarily connected with (...)
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    The Theory of Yin and Yang and the Five Elements of Mohism - Focusing on the Comparison with Hundred Schools of Thought. 윤무학 & 조주은 - 2013 - THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN PHILOSOPHICAL HISTORY 38 (38):189-220.
    본고에서는 陰陽家의 등장 과정과 아울러 墨家의 陰陽五行論을 諸家와의 비교를 통해서 살펴보았다. 司馬遷이 列傳에서 시사한 바대로 鄒衍으로 대표되는 음양가는 당시 儒家와도 일정한 관련이 있었던 것으로 보인다. 음양 관념은 본래 햇빛과 관련이 있었지만 전국 중기 이후 氣, 혹은 道 관념과 연계되면서 점점 추상화되었다. 오행 관념 또한 본래 일상생활에 필수적인 五材 관념에서 출발하여 인간과 자연의 모든 것을 포괄하는 분류 기준으로 발전하였다. 五德終始說로 대표되는 추연을 비롯한 음양가 혹은 음양오행가의 사상은 근본적으로 왕조 교체의 법칙성을 도출하기 위한 것이었다. 그러나 이러한 관점은 전국말에 이르기까지 백가쟁명의 주제로서 부각되지 (...)
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    Yin and Yang.Paul van Els - 1992 - In Harry Willemsen, Woordenboek filosofie. Assen: Uitgeverij Van Gorcum. pp. 617.
    van Els, Paul. "Yin en Yang" (Yin and Yang). In: Woordenboek filosofie (Dictionary of Philosophy), edited by Harry Willemsen and Peter de Wind, 617. Antwerpen & Apeldoorn: Garant, 2015.
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    The Yin and Yang of Conflict and Cooperation.Stefia Salata - 2024 - Questions 24:64-65.
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    The yin and yang of behavioral analysis.Sergio M. Pellis - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (2):286-286.
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    Antiepileptic Efficacy and Network Connectivity Modulation of Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation by Vertex Suppression.Cong Fu, Aikedan Aisikaer, Zhijuan Chen, Qing Yu, Jianzhong Yin & Weidong Yang - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    A core feature of drug-resistant epilepsy is hyperexcitability in the motor cortex, and low-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation is a suitable treatment for seizures. However, the antiepileptic effect causing network reorganization has rarely been studied. Here, we assessed the impact of rTMS on functional network connectivity in resting functional networks and their relation to treatment response. Fourteen patients with medically intractable epilepsy received inhibitive rTMS with a figure-of-eight coil over the vertex for 10 days spread across two weeks. We designed (...)
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    Yin and Yang and the Danger of Idolatry.Michael Werner - 2006 - Essays in the Philosophy of Humanism 14:79-84.
    Personal reflection on the failure of liberal religion and on religious and secular ideologies.
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    The yin and yang of pioneer transcription factors: Dual roles in repression and activation.Takeshi Katsuda, Jonathan H. Sussman, Kenneth S. Zaret & Ben Z. Stanger - 2024 - Bioessays 46 (10):2400138.
    Pioneer transcription factors, by virtue of their ability to target nucleosomal DNA in silent chromatin, play crucial roles in eliciting cell fate decisions during development and cellular reprogramming. In addition to their well‐established role in chromatin opening to activate gene expression programs, recent studies have demonstrated that pioneer factors have the complementary function of being able to silence the starting cell identity through targeted chromatin repression. Given recent discoveries regarding the repressive aspect of pioneer function, we discuss the basis by (...)
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    Mana: Yin and Yang.John Patterson - 2000 - Philosophy East and West 50 (2):229-241.
    We can gain standing or mana in the world through cooperation (yin mana) or through competition (yang mana). Drawing on both Maori and Daoist ideas, the way of yin mana is explored, whereby all parties can gain through new and meaningful participatory activities.
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    The "Yin and Yang" of God and Humanity.Khiok-Khng Yeo - 1994 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 46 (4):319-332.
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    The equilibrium of yin and yang and dialogics of silence: A textual analysis of a Chinese Hui narrative.Hongguang Ying - 1997 - Semiotica 115 (3-4):345-360.
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    Updating Yin and Yang.Michael Slote - 2013 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 12 (3):271-282.
    Ethicists haven’t paid much attention recently to the Chinese complementarity of yin and yang. That complementarity can be updated to take into account and also form the basis for some of our contemporary ethical thinking. In my From Enlightenment to Receptivity, I argue that Western thought has overemphasized rational control/autonomy at the expense of the countervailing virtue of receptivity, and it turns out that the yin/yang complementarity can be profitably viewed as anticipating and clarifying a complementarity between receptivity and rational (...)
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  15. Background and illuminants: The yin and yang of colour constancy.R. O. Brown - 2003 - In Rainer Mausfeld & Dieter Heyer, Colour Perception: Mind and the Physical World. Oxford University Press. pp. 247--272.
  16. Yin and yang.Roger T. Ames - 2002 - In Antonio S. Cua, Encyclopedia of Chinese Philosophy. New York: Routledge. pp. 846--847.
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  17. The yin and yang of HIV.Valendar Turner & Andrew McIntyre - 1999 - Nexus 6 (6):47-54.
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    Yin and yang of life: understanding the universal nature of change.Joseph K. Kim - 2008 - Encino, CA: Heal and Soul, LLC.. Edited by David S. Lee.
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    The Ethics of Clinical Care and the Ethics of Clinical Research: Yin and Yang.Charles J. Kowalski, Raymond J. Hutchinson & Adam J. Mrdjenovich - 2017 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 42 (1):7-32.
    The Belmont Report’s distinction between research and the practice of accepted therapy has led various authors to suggest that these purportedly distinct activities should be governed by different ethical principles. We consider some of the ethical consequences of attempts to separate the two and conclude that separation fails along ontological, ethical, and epistemological dimensions. Clinical practice and clinical research, as with yin and yang, can be thought of as complementary forces interacting to form a dynamic system in which the whole (...)
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    The theory of the five natural elements of Yin and Yang('陰陽五行論') in China and the theory of the five natural elements of the three dimensions('三元五行論') in Korean Sundo(韓國仙道).Kyunghee Jung - 2008 - 동서철학연구(Dong Seo Cheol Hak Yeon Gu; Studies in Philosophy East-West) 49:61-90.
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  21. Willing Creation: The Yin and Yang of the Creative Life.Dean Keith Simonton - 2008 - In John Baer, James C. Kaufman & Roy F. Baumeister, Are we free?: psychology and free will. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    High Flow Nasal Cannula Decreased Pulmonary Complications in Neurologically Critically Ill Patients.Shuanglin Wang, Jingjing Yang, Yanli Xu, Huayun Yin, Bing Yang, Yingying Zhao, Zheng Zachory Wei & Peng Zhang - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Objective: Pulmonary complications could badly affect the recovery of neurological function and neurological prognosis of neurological critically ill patients. This study evaluated the effect of high-flow nasal cannula therapy on decreasing pulmonary complications in neurologically critically ill patients.Patients and Methods: The patients admitted to the intensive care unit with serious neurological disease and receiving oxygen therapy were retrospectively reviewed. Patients were divided into the HFNC group and the conventional oxygen therapy group. We analyzed the data within these two groups, including (...)
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  23. Yin and Yang in the chinese room.Jerry A. Fodor - 1991 - In David M. Rosenthal, The Nature of Mind. Oxford University Press.
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  24. Yin and Yang strike out.John R. Searle - 1991 - In David M. Rosenthal, The Nature of Mind. Oxford University Press. pp. 525--526.
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    Key Sources and Further Reading.Martin Cohen - 2008 - In Martin Cohen & Raul Gonzalez, Philosophical Tales: Being an Alternative History Revealing the Characters, the Plots, and the Hidden Scenes That Make Up the True Story of Philosophy. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 259–267.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Ancients and More Ancients Medieval Philosophy Modern Philosophy Enlightened Philosophy The Idealists The Romantics Recent Philosophy.
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  26. International Conference on Semantics of a Networked World: Semantics of Sequence and Time Dependent Data (ICSNW'06)-Dynamic Plan Migration for Snapshot-Equivalent Continuous Queries in Data Stream.Jurgen Kramer, Yin Yang, Michael Cammert, Bernhard Seeger & Dimitris Papadias - 2006 - In O. Stock & M. Schaerf, Lecture Notes In Computer Science. Springer Verlag. pp. 497-516.
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    (1 other version)The demon's sermon on the martial arts and other tales.Chozan Niwa - 2006 - New York: Kodansha International. Edited by William Scott Wilson.
    The Demon said to the swordsman, "Fundamentally, man's mind is not without good. It is simply that from the moment he has life, he is always being brought up with perversity. Thus, having no idea that he has gotten used to being soaked in it, he harms his self-nature and falls into evil. Human desire is the root of this perversity." Woven deeply into the martial traditions and folklore of Japan, the fearsome Tengu dwell in the country's mountain forest. Mythical (...)
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  28. Dong Zhongshu's Transformation of Yin-Yang Theory and Contesting of Gender Identity.Robin Wang - 2005 - Philosophy East and West 55 (2):209 - 231.
    Dong Zhongshu (Tung Chung-shu) (179-104 B.C.E.) was the first prominent Confucian to integrate yin-yang theory into Confucianism. His constructive effort not only generates a new perspective on yin and yang, it also involves implications beyond its explicit contents. First, Dong changes the natural harmony (he ネᄆ) of yin and yang to an imposed unity (he 合). Second, he identifies yang with human nature (xing) and benevolence (ren), and yin with emotion (qing) and greed (tan). Taken together, these novelties grant a (...)
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    Trust but Verify: The Interactive Effects of Trust and Autonomy Preferences on Health Outcomes. [REVIEW]Yin-Yang Lee & Julia L. Lin - 2009 - Health Care Analysis 17 (3):244-260.
    Patients’ trust in their physicians improves their health outcomes because of better compliance, more disclosure, stronger placebo effect, and more physicians’ trustworthy behaviors. Patients’ autonomy may also impact on health outcomes and is increasingly being emphasized in health care. However, despite the critical role of trust and autonomy, patients that naïvely trust their physicians may become overly dependent and lack the motivation to participate in medical care. In this article, we argue that increased trust does not necessarily imply decreased autonomy. (...)
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    Administrative Ethics Conflict and Governance of Grassroots Government Staff Under the Human Relationship Society.Yue Yin, Taotao Li & Fan Yang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The conflict of administrative morality among civil servants at the grassroots level arises from the background of China’s long-standing traditional culture, and the current administrative system cannot keep up with the pace of economic development. In the process of grassroots management, due to the lag in the construction of administrative morality, the traditional official standard thinking, the imperfection of the current system, and the restriction of human nature, it is easy to cause the administrative moral conflict of the grassroots civil (...)
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    The Fractal Self and the Organization of Nature: The Daoist Sage and Chaos Theory.David Jones & John Culliney - 1999 - Zygon 34 (4):643-654.
    The interconnections between self and surroundings in Daoist thought have been explored in the past in a variety of contexts. This paper, however, explores the Daoist version of the relational self from the general perspective of chaos theory and, more specifically, examines the role of the self in creating emergent form and dynamism in nature and society. The fractal self and world merge through the disciplined effort of the sage until the effort becomes effortless. Both self and world are transformed (...)
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    Types of Value.Michael Slote - 2024 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 23 (4):537-558.
    Our values possess a previously unrecognized distinctive kind of underlying unity. Discussion here begins with moral values, and it is argued that recent approaches like Scanlon’s and Parfit’s run together moral and rational values in an unintuitive way. A defense is then briefly given of a more intuitively plausible moral approach that focuses on empathy, and it is argued further that empathy itself can be theoretically grounded in updated versions of _yin_ 陰 and _yang_ 陽, with _yin_ understood as receptivity (...)
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    Do Corporate Frauds Distort Suppliers’ Investment Decisions?Cheng Yin, Xin Cheng, Yinan Yang & Dan Palmon - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 172 (1):115-132.
    This study examines whether customer firms’ unethical behavior distorts suppliers’ investment decisions. Using litigation and restatement to measure unethical behavior, we find that suppliers with customers engaged in frauds tend to invest more during the cheating period, compared to unaffected suppliers. In cross-sectional analyses, we examine the moderating effect of suppliers’ reliance on customer information and peer information. Results show that more industry peers’ voluntary disclosures and analyst coverage, lower sales volatility, and lower relationship-specific investments mitigate the distortion effect on (...)
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    Time Unpacking Effect on Intertemporal Decision-Making: Does the Effect Change With Choice Valence?Quan Yang, Xianmin Gong, Jinli Xiong & Shufei Yin - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    People often feel that a period of time becomes longer when it is described in more detail or cut into more segments, which is known as the time unpacking effect. The current study aims to unveil how time unpacking manipulation impacts intertemporal decision making and whether the gain-loss valence of choices moderates such impacts. We recruited 87 college students and randomly assigned them to the experimental conditions to complete a series of intertemporal choice tasks. The subjective values of the delayed (...)
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    Central Neural Correlates During Inhibitory Control in Lifelong Premature Ejaculation Patients.Xuejuan Yang, Ming Gao, Lan Zhang, Lin Liu, Peng Liu, Jinbo Sun, Yibin Xi, Hong Yin & Wei Qin - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12:337374.
    Lifelong premature ejaculation (LPE) is a common male sexual dysfunction. Lack of active control for rapid ejaculation brought great distress to sexual harmony, and even fertility. Previous neurophysiology studies revealed an ejaculation-related control mechanism in the brain. However, it remains unclear whether this inhibitory network is altered in LPE patients. The present study investigated the central inhibitory network function of LPE patients by using stop signal task-related functional magnetic resonance imaging and resting-state functional connectivity analysis. The results showed no difference (...)
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    Social anxiety modulating early processing for social threat words: an ERP study.Fei Yin, Feng Si, Shuhui Huo, Zhengjun Wang, Haibo Yang, Xiwu Zhao & Jianqin Cao - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion.
    Even though some recent research revealed individuals with HSA typically display enhanced processing in the early stages of emotional information processing due to hypervigilance and vulnerability to negative stimuli, it is still unclear whether social anxiety affects the time course underlying processing bias for emotional stimuli. Therefore, the present study aimed to explore the early stage of processing social threat stimuli in high social anxiety (HSA) individuals by recording RTs and EEG data in the emotional Stroop task. Behavioral data showed (...)
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    Post-Conference Reflections on Yin and Yang.John B. Cobb - 1979 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 6 (4):421-426.
  38.  6
    Index.Martin Cohen - 2008 - In Martin Cohen & Raul Gonzalez, Philosophical Tales: Being an Alternative History Revealing the Characters, the Plots, and the Hidden Scenes That Make Up the True Story of Philosophy. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 269–282.
    This chapter contains sections titled: The Philosophical Tale.
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    The Characteristics of Yīn-Yáng in Zhōuyi and the Distinction between Them. 정석현 - 2022 - Journal of the Daedong Philosophical Association 100:135-160.
    음양(陰陽)에 해당하는 대상들을 상호 구분하기 위해서는 음양의 특징을 알아야 한다. 그리고 음양의 특징을 밝힐 때는 그 대상들을 모두 구분할 수 있도록 구체적이어야 한다. 그런데 이와 관련된 원리적 차원에서의 연구는 찾아보기가 어렵다. 따라서 이 논문은 먼저 음양이 형성되는 과정을 살펴보고, 그 과정적 관점에서 음양의 특징들을 구체적으로 추론 한다. 즉 음양은 서수(筮數)의 배열인 수자괘(數字卦)가 부호괘(符號卦)로 변화되는 과정 에서 자신들에 배당되는 대상들의 공통성(共通性)을 모사함으로써 형성된 것이다. 이에 따라 음양의 특징은 자신, 즉 --[음]−[양]으로부터 느껴지는 인상이 되는데, 그 인상만으 로는 그 공통성을 모두 표현할 수 (...)
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    Metaverse as a possible tool for reshaping schema modes in treating personality disorders.Bin Yin, Ya-Xin Wang, Cheng-Yang Fei & Ke Jiang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Personality disorders are usually treated with face-to-face sessions and/or digital mental health services. Among many schools of therapies, schema therapy stands out because rather than simply targeting the symptoms of PD, it cordially targets the cause of PD and heals the early maladaptive schema, thus is exceptionally good at soothing emotional disturbances before enacting cognitive restructuring, resulting in long-term efficacy. However, according to Piaget’s genetic epistemology, the unmet needs lie in the fact that the schemata that determine the adaptive behavior (...)
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    Why We Need Empathy.Michael A. Slote - 2021 - Australasian Philosophical Review 5 (4):366-373.
    Kwong-loi Shun argues that our reactions to situations of danger to others needn’t be understood in terms of empathy for those others, but can be fully anchored in what is bad about the situations themselves. My reply begins by pointing out cases where the desire to help and/or emotional reactions to what is bad for others don’t seem to involve empathy and then showing how empathy actually works in those cases. It goes on to argue that empathy allows a deeper (...)
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    Bohr, Quantum Physics and the Laozi.Keekok Lee - 2017 - Australasian Philosophical Review 1 (3):298-304.
    ABSTRACTThis contribution argues that Bohr's notion of complementarity can be traced back to the Laozi which he would have read. In Chinese philosophy, polar contrasts such as yin and yang are not regarded as mutually exclusive; they are co-present, existing as a harmonious Whole. Such a conception of metaphysics and logic stood Bohr in good stead for characterising quantum phenomena which are at once both wave and particle. His notion of complementarity bears witness to the possibility of communication (...)
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    Polemos and Dao: Conflict and Harmony in Heidegger and Zhuangzi.Steven Burik - 2015 - In Aaron B. Creller, Conflict and Harmony in Comparative Philosophy.
    Using Heidegger‘s reinterpretation of Heraclitus' polemos and Zhuangzi's ideas of dao, struggle and sorting of differences, I will argue for a reinterpretation of notions of conflict and harmony in the two thinkers. Heidegger's Auseinandersetzung and Zhuangzi's famous 'sorting which evens things out', the seminal second chapter of the book Zhuangzi, suggest that harmony lies not in overcoming differences, but exactly in making difference and diversity central. I start with an exposition of how Heidegger understands logos and polemos in radically different (...)
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    Theory of Dynamic Relativity of Science and Yin-Yang in Dong Zhongshu. 김주창 & 白立强 - 2018 - Journal of the Daedong Philosophical Association 85:269-286.
    This Dong Zhongshu (董仲舒BC179-104) is a philosopher who thought that the concept of yin and yang descending from whales was a very real existence code and a scientific code. He built a foundation stone with a scientific and yin-yang concept that was firmly established in establishing his huge ideological system, and established a universal human value on it. Therefore, his philosophical system has been sustained for over a thousand years without being firmly destroyed and contributed to the settlement of the (...)
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  45. On the dao in the commentary of the book of change.Qingzhong Yang - 2006 - Frontiers of Philosophy in China 1 (4):572-593.
    The existence of the Dao 道(the Way), according to the Yizhuan 易传 (the Commentary), is something intangible. The connotation of the Dao is the law of change caused by the interaction between yin and yang. The main functions of the Dao are "to change" and "to generate". The intangible refers to the law of change caused by the interaction between yin and yang, and the law is expressed by the divinatory symbolic system (卦爻符号, the trigrams or hexagrams). It is through (...)
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    A New Adaptive Controller for Nonlinear Systems with Uncertain Virtual Control Gains.Wei Xiao, Zhixiang Yin, Tianyue Zhou, Zi Ye & Xiaoqi Yang - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-21.
    This paper addresses the adaptive asymptotic tracking control problem for nonlinear systems whose virtual control gains are unknown nonlinear functions of system states. Only in the first step, the Nussbaum gain technique is utilized to handle the uncertain virtual control gain. In the remaining steps, virtual control gains are dealt with by constructing novel control laws without the approximation of the uncertain nonlinear functions and external disturbances by neural networks or fuzzy logic. New adaptive laws are defined to compensate for (...)
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    The Influence of Self-Control and Social Status on Self-Deception.Mengmeng Ren, Bowei Zhong, Wei Fan, Hongmei Dai, Bo Yang, Wenjie Zhang, Zongxiang Yin, Juan Liu, Jin Li & Youlong Zhan - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  48. A Redemptive Analysis of Suffering.Daihyun Chung - 2015 - Philosophy Study 5 (10):530-536.
    The notion of suffering carries with it aspects which are private and individual on the one hand and social and lingual on the other. I would pay attention to the latter part of the suffering notion, where the notion of suffering is recognized to be primitive by almost all the theories of human values. This primitive character allows a commensurable basis on the basis of which most plural theories share something in common to talk objectively to each (...)
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    A Study on the Coherence Problem of the Yin-Yang Relation in Zhouyi: Focusing on the logical problems of Mutual correlation between Yin and Yang(陰陽對待) and Nurturing Yang and Suppressing Yin(扶陽抑陰).Lim Chaewoo - 2014 - 동서철학연구(Dong Seo Cheol Hak Yeon Gu; Studies in Philosophy East-West) 72:37-62.
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    Strategic Earnings Announcement Timing and Fraud Detection.Xin Cheng, Dan Palmon, Yinan Yang & Cheng Yin - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 182 (3):851-874.
    This study investigates whether firms with fraudulent financial reporting time their earnings announcements strategically and finds that fraudulent firms are more likely to disclose their earnings in the after-market hours during their fraud periods to postpone fraud detection. Cross-sectional tests show that firms with lower visibility are more likely to adopt and benefit from this timing strategy. In addition, fraudulent firms are found to time their conference calls strategically and package their earning news with forecasts to flood the market with (...)
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