Results for ' neurosciences'

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  1. All Animals Are Not Equal: The Interface Between Scientific Knowledge and Legislation for Animal Rights.Lesley J. Rogers, Gisela Kaplan, Both Professors Of Neuroscience & Australia - 2004 - In Cass R. Sunstein & Martha Craven Nussbaum (eds.), Animal rights: current debates and new directions. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  2. Reviewing Autonomy: Implications of the Neurosciences and the Free Will Debate for the Principle of Respect for the Patient's Autonomy.Sabine Müller & Henrik Walter - 2010 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 19 (2):205.
    Beauchamp and Childress have performed a great service by strengthening the principle of respect for the patient's autonomy against the paternalism that dominated medicine until at least the 1970s. Nevertheless, we think that the concept of autonomy should be elaborated further. We suggest such an elaboration built on recent developments within the neurosciences and the free will debate. The reason for this suggestion is at least twofold: First, Beauchamp and Childress neglect some important elements of autonomy. Second, neuroscience itself (...)
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  3. Neurofeminism and feminist neurosciences: a critical review of contemporary brain research.Sigrid Schmitz & Grit Hã¶Ppner - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Mindful Practices: On the Neurosciences in the Twentieth Century.Michael Hagner & Cornelius Borck - 2001 - Science in Context 14 (4).
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  5. The cognitive neurosciences.E. Tulving & Dans Ms Gazzaniga - 1995 - In Michael S. Gazzaniga (ed.), The Cognitive Neurosciences. MIT Press.
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    Enjeux éthiques des neurosciences et régulation. Introduction.Carol Jonas - 2011 - Médecine et Droit 2011 (106):47.
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    Sociology at the individual level, psychologies and neurosciences.Bernard Lahire - 2020 - European Journal of Social Theory 23 (1):52-71.
    The French sociological tradition has long regarded the ‘individual’ as a reality situated outside its area of intellection and investigation. According to Durkheim, the individual is a psychological object par excellence. Sociology has thus long favored the study of collectives (groups, classes, categories, institutions, microcosms), suggesting that the individual was a reality which, in itself, fell short of the social. The article discusses a method from the mid-1990s of researching sociology at an individual scale. This approach is essentially embedded in (...)
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    Self-consciousness: An integrative approach from philosophy, psychopathology and the neurosciences.Tilo Kircher & Anthony S. David - 2003 - In Tilo Kircher & Anthony S. David (eds.), The Self in Neuroscience and Psychiatry. Cambridge University Press. pp. 445-473.
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    Conscience et neurosciences. Une nouvelle image de l'homme?Henri Wattiaux - 1992 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 23 (1):23-40.
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    Criticism and Neurosciences: Doctrines of Space as a Practice of Cosmopolitanism in Between ‘Two Cultures’.Vincenzo Bochicchio - 2013 - In Stefano Bacin, Alfredo Ferrarin, Claudio La Rocca & Margit Ruffing (eds.), Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht. Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. Boston: de Gruyter. pp. 25-36.
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    Studies of caloric vestibular stimulation: implications for the cognitive neurosciences, the clinical neurosciences and neurophilosophy.Steven M. Miller & Trung T. Ngo - 2007 - .
    Objective: Caloric vestibular stimulation has traditionally been used as a tool for neurological diagnosis. More recently, however, it has been applied to a range of phenomena within the cognitive neurosciences. Here, we provide an overview of such studies and review our work using CVS to investigate the neural mechanisms of a visual phenomenon - binocular rivalry. We outline the interhemispheric switch model of rivalry supported by this work and its extension to a metarivalry model of interocular-grouping phenomena. In addition, (...)
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    (1 other version)Corrigendum: The Neurosciences of Health Communication: An fNIRS Analysis of Prefrontal Cortex and Porn Consumption in Young Women for the Development of Prevention Health Programs.Ubaldo Cuesta, Jose Ignacio Niño, Luz Martinez & Borja Paredes - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  13. The naturalization of epistemology and the neurosciences.Reiner Hedrich - 2001 - Epistemologia 24 (2):271-300.
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    The impact of current developments in the neurosciences on the concept of psychiatric diseases.Felix Thiele & Barbara Hawellek - 2008 - Poiesis and Praxis 6 (1-2):1-2.
    The impact of current developments in the neurosciences on the concept of psychiatric diseases Content Type Journal Article DOI 10.1007/s10202-008-0054-2 Authors Felix Thiele, Europäische Akademie zur Erforschung von Folgen wissenschaftlich-technischer Entwicklungen Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler GmbH Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler Germany Barbara Hawellek, Universität Bonn Klinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie Bonn Germany Journal Poiesis & Praxis: International Journal of Technology Assessment and Ethics of Science Online ISSN 1615-6617 Print ISSN 1615-6609 Journal Volume Volume 6 Journal Issue Volume 6, Numbers 1-2.
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    Pourquoi et comment doit-on tenir compte des neurosciences en éthique?Éric Racine - 2005 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 61 (1):77-105.
    Debates are taking place on the opportunity or not of establishing links between ethics and neuroscience. At first glance, this proposition jeopardizes a traditional conception of ethics that distinguishes it clearly from the empirical sciences. Taking this step seems to involve a deterministic and reductionist view of ethics. We argue in this article that, contrary to the views of some critics, neuroscience can be useful for ethics. Five arguments against integrating neurosciences in ethics are presented (determinism, naturalistic fallacy, dualism, (...)
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  16. L'épistémologie des données en neurosciences cognitives.W. Bechtel - 2008 - In Pierre Poirier & Luc Faucher (eds.), Des Neurones a La Philosophie: Neurophilosophie Et Philosophie Des Neurosciences. Éditions Syllepse. pp. 91--118.
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    A Framework to Integrate Ethical, Legal, and Societal Aspects (ELSA) in the Development and Deployment of Human Performance Enhancement (HPE) Technologies and Applications in Military Contexts.Human Behaviour Marc Steen Koen Hogenelst Heleen Huijgen A. Tno, The Hague Collaboration, Human Performance The Netherlandsb Tno, The Netherlandsc Tno Soesterberg, Aerospace Warfare Surface, The NetherlAndsmarc Steen Works As A. Senior Research ScientIst At Tno The Hague, Value-Sensitive Design Human-Centred Design, Virtue Ethics HIs Mission is To Promote The Design Applied Ethics Of Technology, Flourish Koen Hogenelst Works As A. Senior Research Scientist at Tno ApplicAtion Of Technologies In Ways That Help To Create A. Just Society In Which People Can Live Well Together, His Research COncentrates on Measuring A. Background In Neuroscience, Cognitive Performance Improving Mental Health, Military Domains HIs Goal is To Align Experimental Research In Both The Civil, Field-Based Research Applied, Practical Use To Pave The Way For Implementation, Consultant At Tno Impact Heleen Huijgen Is A. Legal Scientist & StrAtegic Environment Her MIssion is To Create Legal Safeguards Fo Technologies - 2025 - Journal of Military Ethics 23 (3):219-244.
    In order to maximize human performance, defence forces continue to explore, develop, and apply human performance enhancement (HPE) methods, ranging from pharmaceuticals to (bio)technological enhancement. This raises ethical, legal, and societal concerns and requires organizing a careful reflection and deliberation process, with relevant stakeholders. We discuss a range of ethical, legal, and societal aspects (ELSA), which people involved in the development and deployment of HPE can use for such reflection and deliberation. A realistic military scenario with proposed HPE application can (...)
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    Virtual Reality for Enhanced Ecological Validity and Experimental Control in the Clinical, Affective and Social Neurosciences.Thomas D. Parsons - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    The origins of film, psychology and the neurosciences.Bonnie Evans - 2024 - History of the Human Sciences 37 (2):12-40.
    The invention of film technologies in France at the end of the 19th century inspired neurologists and associated professionals to engage with this new medium to demonstrate their theories of the brain, the nervous system, and the mind. Beginning with the origins of cinema in Paris, this article explores how film technologies were used at La Salpêtrière, and beyond, to visualise internal mental processes, and to support the burgeoning sciences of the mind. This film-making became increasingly sophisticated by the late (...)
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    Droit, éthique et neurosciences.François Terré - 2011 - Médecine et Droit 2011 (106):64-66.
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    Generative Critique in Interdisciplinary Collaborations: From Critique in and of the Neurosciences to Socio-Technical Integration Research as a Practice of Critique in R(R)I.Mareike Smolka - 2020 - NanoEthics 14 (1):1-19.
    Discourses on Responsible Innovation and Responsible Research and Innovation, in short RI, have revolved around but not elaborated on the notion of critique. In this article, generative critique is introduced to RI as a practice that sits in-between adversarial armchair critique and co-opted, uncritical service. How to position oneself and be positioned on this spectrum has puzzled humanities scholars and social scientists who engage in interdisciplinary collaborations with scientists, engineers, and other professionals. Recently, generative critique has been presented as a (...)
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    Jean-Noël Missa, L'esprit-cerveau. La philosophie de l'esprit à la lumière des neurosciences. Préface de Claude Debru.Nathalie Frogneux - 1996 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 94 (3):549-550.
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    In Favour of a Dialogue Between Neurosciences and Normative Ethics: Moral Enhancement via Sprayed Oxitocine?Facundo Garcia Valverde & Cristian Augusto Fatauros - 2022 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 20:57-75.
    In this paper we argue that there should be a relationship of dialogue (excluding subordination and independence) between neurosciences and normative ethics. Our main argument is based on the fact that knowledge from neuroscience (and, in particular, studies on the causal role of oxytocin in human behavior) can explain and give content to some motivational and psychological limits that would modify moral demands on individuals. We show that in the face of a hypothetical case proposing moral enhancement through the (...)
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    An account of consciousness in physical and functional terms: A target for research in the neurosciences.G. Sommerhoff & Karl F. MacDorman - 1994 - Integrative Physiological and Behavioral Science 29:151-81.
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    La pensée de Bergson à l'ère des neurosciences cognitives: plasticité du cerveau et métamorphose des relations humaines.Péguy Lumuene Lusilavana - 2021 - Paris: Hermann. Edited by Camille Riquier.
    Les relations humaines peuvent-elles transformer nos vies? En croisant le discours de Bergson avec celui des neurosciences cognitives sur la notion de plasticité, ce livre ouvre l'horizon d'une philosophie des relations interhumaines. Il s'agit d'une enquête originale, stimulante et importante, qui ouvre des pistes pour de futures recherches. Y est étudiée a manière dont la plasticité ouvre sur les relations vitales entre les humains, conduisant à des transformations sociales, et à l'espérance que celles-ci doivent continuer à susciter.
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  26. The empathic emotions and self-love in Bishop Joseph Butler and the neurosciences.Arthur J. Dyck & Carlos Padilla - 2009 - Journal of Religious Ethics 37 (4):577-612.
    In Joseph Butler, we have an account of human beings as moral beings that is, as this essay demonstrates, being supported by the recently emerging findings of the neurosciences. This applies particularly to Butler's portrayal of our empathic emotions. Butler discovered their moral significance for motivating and guiding moral decisions and actions before the neurosciences did. Butler has, in essence, added a sixth sense to our five senses: this is the moral sense by means of which we perceive (...)
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    Framework for a new dialogue between psychoanalysis and neurosciences: is the combined neuro-psychoanalytic approach the missing link?Grigoris Vaslamatzis - 2007 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 2:25-.
    Freud's legacy deriving from his work The project for a scientific psychology (1895) could give a new impetus to the dialogue between psychoanalysis and neurosciences. A rapproachment phase is warrented. Based on the work of psychoanalysts who are themselves neuroscientists (such as Mauro Mancia, Martha Koukkou and Harold Shevrin) or have a long term dialogue with neuroscientists (Arnold Modell), three points of epistemological congruence are described: dualism is no longer a satisfactory solutioncautions for the centrality of interpretation (hermeneutics)the self-criticism (...)
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    Nouvelles interprétations du processus d’évaluation cognitive selon René Descartes à la lumière des neurosciences.Damien Lacroux - 2022 - Philosophia Scientiae 26:207-228.
    Notre entreprise consiste à comparer la théorie cartésienne de l’admiration avec une théorie neuroscientifique de l’évaluation cognitive afin d’établir les filiations et les ruptures conceptuelles et doctrinales qui existent sur ce point avec le cartésianisme. Nous questionnons plus largement le passage de la pure évaluation cognitive au déclenchement des réactions corporelles dans le cadre du processus émotionnel : à quelles difficultés Descartes s’est-t-il confronté dans la description neurologique du passage de la cognition à l’émotion? Et les neurosciences parviennent-elles, dans (...)
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  29. 10 Is Emergentism Refuted by the Neurosciences?Mario De Caro - 2010 - In Antonella Corradini & Timothy O'Connor (eds.), Emergence in science and philosophy. New York: Routledge. pp. 190.
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    Theory and Method in the Neurosciences.Gualtiero Piccinini - 2001 - Philosophy of Science 68 (4):584-588.
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    La conscience a-t-elle une origine?: des neurosciences à la pleine conscience: une nouvelle approche de l'esprit.Michel Bitbol - 2014 - Paris: Flammarion.
    Ce livre renouvelle le débat séculaire sur la possibilité de réduire la conscience à un processus neuronal. Il fait du lecteur l'arbitre de l'enquête, non seulement en tant que spectateur rationnel, mais aussi en tant qu'acteur apte à se reconnaître conscient aux moments décisifs de l'argumentation. Le fin mot de l'énigme ne se dissimulerait-il pas dans l'évidence que la question sur l'origine de la conscience a une conscience pour origine? Au cours de cette investigation qui mobilise la phénoménologie, la métaphysique, (...)
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  32. Neuroscience and Philosophy: Brain, Mind, and Language.M. Bennett, D. C. Dennett, P. M. S. Hacker & J. R. & Searle (eds.) - 2007 - Columbia University Press.
    "Neuroscience and Philosophy" begins with an excerpt from "Philosophical Foundations of Neuroscience," in which Maxwell Bennett and Peter Hacker question the ...
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    Gérard Chazal, Les réseaux du sens. De l'informatique aux neurosciences.Olivier Perru - 2002 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 100 (1-2):321-324.
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  34. Some logical and ontological aspects of the neurosciences.T. Radil - 1984 - Filosoficky Casopis 32 (6):831-838.
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    Resilience beyond reductionism: ethical and social dimensions of an emerging concept in the neurosciences.Nikolai Münch, Hamideh Mahdiani, Klaus Lieb & Norbert W. Paul - 2020 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 24 (1):55-63.
    Since a number of years, popular and scientific interest in resilience is rapidly increasing. More recently, also neuroscientific research in resilience and the associated neurobiological findings is gaining more attention. Some of these neuroscientific findings might open up new measures to foster personal resilience, ranging from magnetic stimulation to pharmaceutical interventions and awareness-based techniques. Therefore, bioethics should also take a closer look at resilience and resilience research, which are today philosophically under-theorized. In this paper, we analyze different conceptualizations of resilience (...)
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    The Unavoidable Intentionality of Affect: The History of Emotions and the Neurosciences of the Present Day.William M. Reddy - 2020 - Emotion Review 12 (3):168-178.
    The “problem of emotions,” that is, that many of them are both meaningful and corporeal, has yet to be resolved. Western thinkers, from Augustine to Descartes to Zajonc, have handled this problem by employing various forms of mind–body dualism. Some psychologists and neuroscientists since the 1970s have avoided it by talking about cognitive and emotional “processing,” using a terminology borrowed from computer science that nullifies the meaningful or intentional character of both thought and emotion. Outside the Western-influenced contexts, emotion and (...)
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    The neuroscience of intelligence.Richard J. Haier - 2017 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    This unique book clearly explains genetic and neuroimaging research on intelligence and how neuroscience findings may lead to enhancing it.
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    The Cognitive Neurosciences. Michael S. Gazzaniga. [REVIEW]Rick Grush - 1997 - Philosophy of Science 64 (1):188-190.
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    The ‘Real Without Law’ in Psychoanalysis and Neurosciences.Adriano Aguiar - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Reply to reviewers: Reuse, embodied interactivity, and the emerging paradigm shift in the human neurosciences.Michael L. Anderson - 2016 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 39.
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    Sens et neurosciences. Étude critique de Paul Thagard, The Brain and the Meaning of Life, Princeton University Press, 2010, 274 pagesÉtude critique de Paul Thagard, The Brain and the Meaning of Life, Princeton University Press, 2010, 274 pages. [REVIEW]Jean-Frédéric de Pasquale - 2011 - Philosophiques 38 (2):579-595.
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    Toward a Machine Learning Predictive-Oriented Approach to Complement Explanatory Modeling. An Application for Evaluating Psychopathological Traits Based on Affective Neurosciences and Phenomenology.Pasquale Dolce, Davide Marocco, Mauro Nelson Maldonato & Raffaele Sperandeo - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  43. The Philosophical "Mind-Body Problem" and Its Relevance for the Relationship Between Psychiatry and the Neurosciences.Lukas7 Van Oudenhove & Stefaan3 Cuypers - 2010 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 53 (4):545-557.
    Psychiatry is a discipline on the border between the biomedical sciences on the one hand and the humanities and social sciences (most notably psychology and anthropology) on the other. This unique position undoubtedly contributes to the attractiveness of psychiatry as a medical specialism for many young doctors, but it also causes significant problems. Unlike other medical disciplines, in which the definitions of diseases are based on objective, measurable pathophysiological underpinnings, psychiatric diagnosis and classification has been based on descriptions of inherently (...)
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    Working Memory From the Psychological and Neurosciences Perspectives: A Review.Wen Jia Chai, Aini Ismafairus Abd Hamid & Jafri Malin Abdullah - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Matérialisme et neurosciences : La question Des localisations cérébrales.Jean-Noël Missa - 1995 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 185 (1):43 - 53.
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    Naturalized psychology as a neurophilosocial and neuroepistemological tool to study the connections between mind and brain. The example of neurosciences and Eastern philosophy.Paul Ruiz Santos - 2011 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 47:187.
  47. Theory and Method in the Neurosciences. MachamerPeter (ed.) - 2001
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    L'autorite de la science: Neurosciences, espaces et temps, chaos, cosmologie. Francois Lurcat.Harry Paul - 1997 - Isis 88 (1):125-126.
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    Anomalous Experiences, Trauma, and Symbolization Processes at the Frontiers between Psychoanalysis and Cognitive Neurosciences.Thomas Rabeyron & Tianna Loose - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    L'inné et l'acquis dans les neurosciences contemporaines.Bernard Feltz - 2000 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 98 (4):711-731.
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