Results for ' negation'

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  1. Table Des matieres editorial preface 3.Jair Minoro Abe, Curry Algebras Pt, Paraconsistent Logic, Newton Ca da Costa, Otavio Bueno, Jacek Pasniczek, Beyond Consistent, Complete Possible Worlds, Vm Popov & Inverse Negation - 1998 - Logique Et Analyse 41:1.
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  2. Understanding the object.Property Structure in Terms of Negation: An Introduction to Hegelian Logic & Metaphysics in the Perception Chapter - 2019 - In Robert Brandom (ed.), A Spirit of Trust: A Reading of Hegel’s _phenomenology_. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
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  3.  46
    Weak Negation in Inquisitive Semantics.Vít Punčochář - 2015 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 24 (3):323-355.
    This paper introduces and explores a conservative extension of inquisitive logic. In particular, weak negation is added to the standard propositional language of inquisitive semantics, and it is shown that, although we lose some general semantic properties of the original framework, such an enrichment enables us to model some previously inexpressible speech acts such as weak denial and ‘might’-assertions. As a result, a new modal logic emerges. For this logic, a Fitch-style system of natural deduction is formulated. The main (...)
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  4. A Theory of Truthmaker Content I: Conjunction, Disjunction and Negation.Kit Fine - 2017 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 46 (6):625-674.
    I develop a basic theory of content within the framework of truthmaker semantics and, in the second part, consider some of the applications to subject matter, common content, logical subtraction and ground.
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    Negation.Heinrich Wansing - 2001 - In Lou Goble (ed.), The Blackwell Guide to Philosophical Logic. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 415–436.
    This chapter is concerned with logical aspects of negation, i.e. with the role of negation in valid inferences and hence with the contribution negation makes to the truth and falsity conditions of declarative expressions. Negation is an important philosophical and logical concept. Often differences between logical systems can ‐ at least partially ‐ be described as differences between the notions of negation used in these logics.
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    Negation in Weak Positional Calculi.Marcin Tkaczyk - 2013 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 22 (1):3-19.
    Four weak positional calculi are constructed and examined. They refer to the use of the connective of negation within the scope of the positional connective “R” of realization. The connective of negation may be fully classical, partially analogical or independent from the classical, truth-functional negation. It has been also proved that the strongest system, containing fully classical connective of negation, is deductively equivalent to the system MR from Jarmużek and Pietruszczak.
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  7. Negation on the Australian Plan.Francesco Berto & Greg Restall - 2019 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 48 (6):1119-1144.
    We present and defend the Australian Plan semantics for negation. This is a comprehensive account, suitable for a variety of different logics. It is based on two ideas. The first is that negation is an exclusion-expressing device: we utter negations to express incompatibilities. The second is that, because incompatibility is modal, negation is a modal operator as well. It can, then, be modelled as a quantifier over points in frames, restricted by accessibility relations representing compatibilities and incompatibilities (...)
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  8. Negation, `presupposition' and the semantics/ pragmatics distinction.Robyn Carston - 1998 - Journal of Linguistics 34:309-350.
    A cognitive pragmatic approach is taken to some long-standing problem cases of negation, the so-called presupposition denial cases. It is argued that a full account of the processes and levels of representation involved in their interpretation typically requires the sequential pragmatic derivation of two different propositions expressed. The first is one in which the presupposition is preserved and, following the rejection of this, the second involves the echoic (metalinguistic) use of material falling in the scope of the negation. (...)
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  9.  11
    Substructural Negations as Normal Modal Operators.Heinrich Wansing - 2024 - In Yale Weiss & Romina Birman (eds.), Saul Kripke on Modal Logic. Cham: Springer. pp. 365-388.
    A theory of substructural negations as impossibility and as unnecessity based on bi-intuitionistic logic, also known as Heyting-Brouwer logic, has been developed by Takuro Onishi. He notes two problems for that theory and offers the identification of the two negations as a solution to both problems. The first problem is the lack of a structural rule corresponding with double negation elimination for negation as impossibility, DNE, and the second problem is a lack of correspondence between certain sequents and (...)
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  10.  37
    Negation and non-being.Richard M. Gale - 1976 - Oxford: Blackwell.
  11. Star and perp: Two treatments of negation.J. Michael Dunn - 1993 - Philosophical Perspectives 7:331-357.
  12.  86
    Negation And Contradiction.Richard Routley Val Routley, Richard Sylvan & Richard Routley - 1985 - Revista Columbiana de Mathematicas 19:201 - 231.
    The problems of the meaning and function of negation are disentangled from ontological issues with which they have been long entangled. The question of the function of negation is the crucial issue separating relevant and paraconsistent logics from classical theories. The function is illuminated by considering the inferential role of contradictions, contradiction being parasitic on negation. Three basic modelings emerge: a cancellation model, which leads towards connexivism, an explosion model, appropriate to classical and intuitionistic theories, and a (...)
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  13.  57
    Négation, contrariété et contradiction.Jean-Philippe Narboux - 2005 - Archives de Philosophie 3 (3):419-446.
    L’auteur discerne trois intuitions majeures dans la théorie éliminativiste de la négation développée par les idéalistes anglais, d’après laquelle une négation est l’élimination d’une alternative au sein d’un ensemble complet d’alternatives disjonctivement affirmées du sujet de la négation : premièrement, la détermination du sens d’une proposition est l’assignation à une proposition de coordonnées logiques dans un espace logique ; deuxièmement, le sens d’une proposition entretient une relation interne avec le sens de sa négation ; troisièmement, l’espace logique dans lequel une (...)
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  14.  29
    Irregular Negations.Wayne A. Davis - unknown
    Horn (1989) identified a number of irregular or marked negations that are not used in accordance with the standard rule of propositional logic. He concluded that negation was pragmatically ambiguous. Van der Sandt (1991) disputed Horn’s ambiguity claim, and proposed a uniform semantics for all negations. I will provide an informal explanation of van der Sandt’s theory, and develop a number of objections. I show that irregular negations are not anaphoric, as Van der Sandt believes, but compositional. I argue (...)
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  15.  36
    Classical Negation and Game-Theoretical Semantics.Tero Tulenheimo - 2014 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 55 (4):469-498.
    Typical applications of Hintikka’s game-theoretical semantics give rise to semantic attributes—truth, falsity—expressible in the $\Sigma^{1}_{1}$-fragment of second-order logic. Actually a much more general notion of semantic attribute is motivated by strategic considerations. When identifying such a generalization, the notion of classical negation plays a crucial role. We study two languages, $L_{1}$ and $L_{2}$, in both of which two negation signs are available: $\rightharpoondown $ and $\sim$. The latter is the usual GTS negation which transposes the players’ roles, (...)
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  16. Norms and Negation: A Problem for Gibbard’s Logic.Nicholas Unwin - 2001 - Philosophical Quarterly 51 (202):60-75.
    A difficulty is exposed in Allan Gibbard's solution to the embedding/Frege-Geach problem, namely that the difference between refusing to accept a normative judgement and accepting its negation is ignored. This is shown to undermine the whole solution.
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    Negation as Cancellation, Connexive Logic, and qLPm.Heinrich Wansing - 2018 - Australasian Journal of Logic 15 (2):476-488.
    In this paper, we shall consider the so-called cancellation view of negation and the inferential role of contradictions. We will discuss some of the problematic aspects of negation as cancellation, such as its original presentation by Richard and Valery Routley and its role in motivating connexive logic. Furthermore, we will show that the idea of inferential ineffectiveness of contradictions can be conceptually separated from the cancellation model of negation by developing a system we call qLPm, a combination (...)
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  18.  14
    Nichts, Negation, Nihilismus.Alessandro Bertinetto & Christoph Binkelmann (eds.) - 2010 - New York: Peter Lang.
    Seit den Anfängen der Philosophie in der Antike bis heute währt das Fragen um das Nichts. Dabei steht es in unterschiedlichen Kontexten: Theologie, Ontologie, Ethik, Erkenntnistheorie, Logik und Ästhetik. Trotz einer unleugbaren Kontinuität zur antiken und mittelalterlichen Beschäftigung mit dem Nichts bildet die europäische Moderne eine originäre und innovative Erkenntnis und Erfahrung des Nichts aus, die nicht zuletzt das Aufkommen des Nihilismus bescheinigt. Dieser Band versucht einen umfassenden Blick auf das Themenfeld «Nichts - Negation - Nihilismus» zu werfen und (...)
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  19. Negation. A Problem for the Proof-Theoretic Justification of Deduction.Nils Kürbis - 2015
    This is only a very short essay on negation and harmony in philosophical logic. If you buy it anyway, you'll help me pay the bills and I'll be able to write longer things.
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    Subatomic Negation.Bartosz Więckowski - 2021 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 30 (1):207-262.
    The operators of first-order logic, including negation, operate on whole formulae. This makes it unsuitable as a tool for the formal analysis of reasoning with non-sentential forms of negation such as predicate term negation. We extend its language with negation operators whose scope is more narrow than an atomic formula. Exploiting the usefulness of subatomic proof-theoretic considerations for the study of subatomic inferential structure, we define intuitionistic subatomic natural deduction systems which have several subatomic operators and (...)
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  21.  42
    Privations, Negations and the Square: Basic Elements of a Logic of Privations.Stamatios Gerogiorgakis - 2012 - In Jean-Yves Béziau & Dale Jacquette (eds.), Around and Beyond the Square of Opposition. New York: Springer Verlag. pp. 229--239.
    I try to explain the difference between three kinds of negation: external negation, negation of the predicate and privation. Further I use polygons of opposition as heuristic devices to show that a logic which contains all three mentioned kinds of negation must be a fragment of a Łukasiewicz-four-valued predicate logic. I show, further, that, this analysis can be elaborated so as to comprise additional kinds of privation. This would increase the truth-values in question and bring fragments (...)
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    Understanding Negation Implicationally in the Relevant Logic R.Takuro Onishi - 2016 - Studia Logica 104 (6):1267-1285.
    A star-free relational semantics for relevant logic is presented together with a sound and complete sequent proof theory. It is an extension of the dualist approach to negation regarded as modality, according to which de Morgan negation in relevant logic is better understood as the confusion of two negative modalities. The present work shows a way to define them in terms of implication and a new connective, co-implication, which is modeled by respective ternary relations. The defined negations are (...)
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    Substructural Negations.Takuro Onishi - 2015 - Australasian Journal of Logic 12 (4):177-203.
    We present substructural negations, a family of negations classified in terms of structural rules of an extended kind of sequent calculus, display calculus. In considering the whole picture, we emphasize the duality of negation. Two types of negative modality, impossibility and unnecessity, are discussed and "self-dual" negations like Classical, De Morgan, or Ockham negation are redefined as the fusions of two negative modalities. We also consider how to identify, using intuitionistic and dual intuitionistic negations, two accessibility relations associated (...)
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  24.  5
    Logical negation.George Englebretsen - 1981 - Assen: Van Gorcum.
  25. Negation, anti-realism, and the denial defence.Imogen Dickie - 2010 - Philosophical Studies 150 (2):161 - 185.
    Here is one argument against realism. (1) Realists are committed to the classical rules for negation. But (2) legitimate rules of inference must conserve evidence. And (3) the classical rules for negation do not conserve evidence. So (4) realism is wrong. Most realists reject 2. But it has recently been argued that if we allow denied sentences as premisses and conclusions in inferences we will be able to reject 3. And this new argument against 3 generates a new (...)
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    Boolean negation and non-conservativity I: Relevant modal logics.Tore Fjetland Øgaard - 2021 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 29 (3):340-362.
    Many relevant logics can be conservatively extended by Boolean negation. Mares showed, however, that E is a notable exception. Mares’ proof is by and large a rather involved model-theoretic one. This paper presents a much easier proof-theoretic proof which not only covers E but also generalizes so as to also cover relevant logics with a primitive modal operator added. It is shown that from even very weak relevant logics augmented by a weak K-ish modal operator, and up to the (...)
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    Łukasiewicz Negation and Many-Valued Extensions of Constructive Logics.Thomas Macaulay Ferguson - 2014 - In Proc. 44th International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic. IEEE Computer Society Press. pp. 121-127.
    This paper examines the relationships between the many-valued logics G~ and Gn~ of Esteva, Godo, Hajek, and Navara, i.e., Godel logic G enriched with Łukasiewicz negation, and neighbors of intuitionistic logic. The popular fragments of Rauszer's Heyting-Brouwer logic HB admit many-valued extensions similar to G which may likewise be enriched with Łukasiewicz negation; the fuzzy extensions of these logics, including HB, are equivalent to G ~, as are their n-valued extensions equivalent to Gn~ for any n ≥ 2. (...)
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    Boolean negation and non-conservativity II: The variable-sharing property.Tore Fjetland Øgaard - 2021 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 29 (3):363-369.
    Many relevant logics are conservatively extended by Boolean negation. Not all, however. This paper shows an acute form of non-conservativeness, namely that the Boolean-free fragment of the Boolean extension of a relevant logic need not always satisfy the variable-sharing property. In fact, it is shown that such an extension can in fact yield classical logic. For a vast range of relevant logic, however, it is shown that the variable-sharing property, restricted to the Boolean-free fragment, still holds for the Boolean (...)
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    What is a semantics for classical negation?B. J. Copeland - 1986 - Mind 95 (380):478-490.
  30.  22
    Negation and Free Choice Inference in Child Mandarin.Haiquan Huang, Peng Zhou & Stephen Crain - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    In sentences with internal negation, Free Choice Inferences (FCIs) are cancelled (Chierchia 2013). The present study investigated the possibility that FCIs are negated, not cancelled, by external negation. In previous research, both Mandarin-speaking children and adults were found to license FCIs in affirmative sentences with a modal verb and the disjunction word huozhe ‘or’ (Zhou, Romoli & Crain 2103). The present study contrasted internal versus external negation in sentences that contained all the ingredients needed to license FCIs. (...)
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    Classical Negation and Expansions of Belnap–Dunn Logic.Michael De & Hitoshi Omori - 2015 - Studia Logica 103 (4):825-851.
    We investigate the notion of classical negation from a non-classical perspective. In particular, one aim is to determine what classical negation amounts to in a paracomplete and paraconsistent four-valued setting. We first give a general semantic characterization of classical negation and then consider an axiomatic expansion BD+ of four-valued Belnap–Dunn logic by classical negation. We show the expansion complete and maximal. Finally, we compare BD+ to some related systems found in the literature, specifically a four-valued modal (...)
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    A Decision Procedure For the System E Ī of Entailment with Negation.Nuel D. Belnap & John R. Wallace - 1965 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 11 (4):277-289.
  33.  16
    Naturalizing Negation. A Challenge for Cognitive Phenomenology about Phenomenological Possess Conditions of Logical Vocabulary.Felice Masi - 2023 - Humana Mente 16 (43).
    The negation constitutes one of the main troubles for attempts to naturalise the semantics of the logical vocabulary, as shown by the problems related to the interpretation of disjunction in the treatment of error (Fodor) or to the definition of contraries in the analysis of reidentification abilities (Millikan). There seems to be no way out between “no (naturalized) negation, no grip of logic on the world” and “no (truth-functional) negation, no logic”. Unexpected help may come from the (...)
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    On Negation for Non-classical Set Theories.S. Jockwich Martinez & G. Venturi - 2020 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 50 (3):549-570.
    We present a case study for the debate between the American and the Australian plans, analyzing a crucial aspect of negation: expressivity within a theory. We discuss the case of non-classical set theories, presenting three different negations and testing their expressivity within algebra-valued structures for ZF-like set theories. We end by proposing a minimal definitional account of negation, inspired by the algebraic framework discussed.
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  35. Negation, expressivism, and intentionality.Alejandro Pérez Carballo - 2020 - Philosophical Quarterly 70 (279):246-267.
    Many think that expressivists have a special problem with negation. I disagree. For if there is a problem with negation, I argue, it is a problem shared by those who accept some plausible claims about the nature of intentionality. Whether there is any special problem for expressivists turns, I will argue, on whether facts about what truth-conditions beliefs have can explain facts about basic inferential relations among those beliefs. And I will suggest that the answer to this last (...)
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  36. Metalinguistic negation and metaphysical affirmation.Mahrad Almotahari - 2014 - Philosophical Studies 167 (3):497-517.
    In a series of articles, Kit Fine presents some highly compelling objections to monism, the doctrine that spatially coincident objects are identical. His objections rely on Leibniz’s Law and linguistic environments that appear to be immune to the standard charge of non-transparency and substitution failure. In this paper, I respond to Fine’s objections on behalf of the monist. Following Benjamin Schnieder, I observe that arguments from Leibniz’s Law are valid only if they involve descriptive, rather than metalinguistic, negation. Then (...)
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  37. Empirical Negation.Michael De - 2013 - Acta Analytica 28 (1):49-69.
    An extension of intuitionism to empirical discourse, a project most seriously taken up by Dummett and Tennant, requires an empirical negation whose strength lies somewhere between classical negation (‘It is unwarranted that. . . ’) and intuitionistic negation (‘It is refutable that. . . ’). I put forward one plausible candidate that compares favorably to some others that have been propounded in the literature. A tableau calculus is presented and shown to be strongly complete.
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  38. The Principle of Four-Cornered Negation in Indian Philosophy.P. T. Raju - 1954 - Review of Metaphysics 7 (4):694 - 713.
    Those philosophers who gave a negative answer to all four questions were called "eel-wrigglers" by the Buddhists. It was impossible to fix their position either for approval or for rejection. They would criticize any view, positive or negative, but would not themselves hold any. And it was difficult for a serious person to enter into any controversy with them.
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    Boolean negation and non-conservativity III: the Ackermann constant.Tore Fjetland Øgaard - 2021 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 29 (3):370-384.
    It is known that many relevant logics can be conservatively extended by the truth constant known as the Ackermann constant. It is also known that many relevant logics can be conservatively extended by Boolean negation. This essay, however, shows that a range of relevant logics with the Ackermann constant cannot be conservatively extended by a Boolean negation.
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  40. Constructive negation, implication, and co-implication.Heinrich Wansing - 2008 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 18 (2-3):341-364.
    In this paper, a family of paraconsistent propositional logics with constructive negation, constructive implication, and constructive co-implication is introduced. Although some fragments of these logics are known from the literature and although these logics emerge quite naturally, it seems that none of them has been considered so far. A relational possible worlds semantics as well as sound and complete display sequent calculi for the logics under consideration are presented.
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    Negation and negative properties: reply to Richard Vallée.O. Chateaubriand - 2004 - Manuscrito 27 (1):235-242.
    I argue in §1 that there is a clear distinction between predicate negation and sentential negation and that sentential negation is a special case of predicate negation operating on the predicate ‘is true’. In §2 I reply to Richard’s objections to negative properties on the basis of the conception of properties as identity conditions presented in Chapter 12 of Logical Forms.
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    Brain Inhibitory Mechanisms Are Involved in the Processing of Sentential Negation, Regardless of Its Content. Evidence From EEG Theta and Beta Rhythms.David Beltrán, Yurena Morera, Enrique García-Marco & Manuel de Vega - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  43. Minimal Negation in the Ternary Relational Semantics.Gemma Robles, José M. Méndez & Francisco Salto - 2005 - Reports on Mathematical Logic 39:47-65.
    Minimal Negation is defined within the basic positive relevance logic in the relational ternary semantics: B+. Thus, by defining a number of subminimal negations in the B+ context, principles of weak negation are shown to be isolable. Complete ternary semantics are offered for minimal negation in B+. Certain forms of reductio are conjectured to be undefinable (in ternary frames) without extending the positive logic. Complete semantics for such kinds of reductio in a properly extended positive logic are (...)
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  44. The revival of rejective negation.Lloyd Humberstone - 2000 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 29 (4):331-381.
    Whether assent ("acceptance") and dissent ("rejection") are thought of as speech acts or as propositional attitudes, the leading idea of rejectivism is that a grasp of the distinction between them is prior to our understanding of negation as a sentence operator, this operator then being explicable as applying to A to yield something assent to which is tantamount to dissent from A. Widely thought to have been refuted by an argument of Frege's, rejectivism has undergone something of a revival (...)
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    The phenomenology of negation.Jean-Michel Saury - 2009 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 8 (2):245-260.
    Negation is a fundamental component of communication (no-answers), cognition (logical negation), perception (different color), attitude (dislike), emotion (hatred), and volition (disagreement). Its many uses make it difficult to provide an integrated definition of the concept. The aim of this paper is to show that an integrated definition of the concept can be arrived at by means of a phenomenological method structuring it into three general essences labelled lack, otherness and obstruction.
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    Constructive Negations and Paraconsistency.Sergei Odintsov - 2008 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    Here is an account of recent investigations into the two main concepts of negation developed in the constructive logic: the negation as reduction to absurdity, and the strong negation. These concepts are studied in the setting of paraconsistent logic.
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  47. Negation as cancellation, and connexive logic.Graham Priest - 1999 - Topoi 18 (2):141-148.
    Of the various accounts of negation that have been offered by logicians in the history of Western logic, that of negation as cancellation is a very distinctive one, quite different from the explosive accounts of modern "classical" and intuitionist logics, and from the accounts offered in standard relevant and paraconsistent logics. Despite its ancient origin, however, a precise understanding of the notion is still wanting. The first half of this paper offers one. Both conceptually and historically, the account (...)
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    Negation: a notion in focus.Heinrich Wansing (ed.) - 1996 - New York: W. de Gruyter.
    No detailed description available for "Negation".
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  49. Negation and negative concord in romance.Ivan A. Sag & Henriëtte De Swart - 2002 - Linguistics and Philosophy 25 (4):373-417.
    This paper addresses the two interpretations that a combination ofnegative indefinites can get in concord languages like French:a concord reading, which amounts to a single negation, and a doublenegation reading. We develop an analysis within a polyadic framework,where a sequence of negative indefinites can be interpreted as aniteration of quantifiers or via resumption. The first option leadsto a scopal relation, interpreted as double negation. The secondoption leads to the construction of a polyadic negative quantifiercorresponding to the concord reading. (...)
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  50. Empty Names, Presupposition Failure, and Metalinguistic Negation.Giulia Felappi - 2021 - Journal of Philosophy 118 (5):270-287.
    When it comes to empty names, we seem to have reached very little consensus. Still, we all seem to agree, first, that our semantics should assign truth to negative singular existence statements in which an empty name occurs and, second, that names are used in such statements. The purpose of this paper is to show that ruling out that the names are mentioned is harder than it has been thought. I will present a new metalinguistic account for negative singular existence (...)
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