Results for ' nakedness'

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  1. Exposed: On Shame and Nakedness.Fredrik Westerlund - 2023 - Philosophia 51 (4):2195-2223.
    This article develops a new phenomenological account of the shame people typically tend to feel when seen naked by others. Although shame at nakedness is a paradigmatic and widespread form of shame, it has been under-explored in the literature on shame. The central thesis of the article is that shame at nakedness is rooted in our desire for social affirmation and constituted by our capacity for social self-consciousness. I argue that our ability to sense how others see us (...)
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    Nakedness, hunger, hooks and hearts Embodied memories and movement psychological.Helle Winther - 2012 - In Sabine C. Koch, Thomas Fuchs, Michela Summa & Cornelia Müller (eds.), Body Memory, Metaphor and Movement. John Benjamins. pp. 84--353.
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  3. Gymnosophy: The Wisdom of Nakedness.Ivo Jirasek & Pavel Hlavinka - 2010 - Filozofia 65 (7):683-690.
    The paper asks the question, whether nakedness embodies a potential wisdom. It deals with two different approaches to the phenomenon of nakedness: the first one rejecting, the second one appreciating the corporeality. The authors show different meanings the various cultures and civilizations attributed to nakedness, e.g. nakedness as a religious symbol of social subordination or belittling or of a specific national dominance . Attention is paid also to the meanings of nakedness in Jainism, where the (...)
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  4. Female nakedness in protest : tactile reading.Sarit Larry - 2023 - In Brian Treanor & James Taylor (eds.), Anacarnation and returning to the lived body with Richard Kearney. New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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  5. Female nakedness in protest : tactile reading.Sarit Larry - 2023 - In Brian Treanor & James Taylor (eds.), Anacarnation and returning to the lived body with Richard Kearney. New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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    Nakedness as Decolonial Praxis.Mpho Mathebula - 2022 - Body and Society 28 (3):3-29.
    This article examines naked protests as efforts to advocate for social justice, particularly against patriarchal oppression and state violence. It explores ways in which women use naked body protests as a form of resistance, thereby negating dominant narratives of its impropriety. Naked protests are examined for how they might be mobilised against patriarchy and institutional oppression. This is done through the use of three data sources, namely a radio podcast interview of two women student protestors who staged a naked body (...)
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    Fashioned in nakedness, sculptured, and caused to be born: Bodies in light of the Sartrean gaze.Lisa Folkmarson Käll - 2010 - Continental Philosophy Review 43 (1):61-81.
    In his writings on the gaze and the body in Being and Nothingness , Jean-Paul Sartre describes the ways in which bodies are exposed and vulnerable to the anonymous gaze of the other, and how they in the midst of their vulnerability depend entirely on being seen by the gaze for their meaning and their very being. Although it sometimes appears as quite depressingly restrictive, Sartre’s analysis of the gaze and his account of the body offer rich and important resources (...)
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    Sexual Essays: Gender, Desire, and Nakedness.James Giles - 2017 - Lanham, MD 20706, USA: Hamilton Books.
    Sexuality is a basic feature of human life. Gender, sexual and romantic attraction, sexual excitement, and sexual desire and fantasies all move in various degrees through our daily awareness. However, despite this pervasiveness, there is much disagreement surrounding the nature of such things and experiences. This book explores just these issues in an attempt to get clear about this enigmatic aspect of our existence. Through a series of interrelated essays, internationally acclaimed philosopher James Giles takes the reader on a fascinating (...)
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  9. Robots and cyborgs: to be or to have a body?Emma Palese - 2012 - Poiesis and Praxis 8 (4):191-196.
    Starting with service robotics and industrial robotics, this paper aims to suggest philosophical reflections about the relationship between body and machine, between man and technology in our contemporary world. From the massive use of the cell phone to the robots which apparently “feel” and show emotions like humans do. From the wearable exoskeleton to the prototype reproducing the artificial sense of touch, technological progress explodes to the extent of embodying itself in our nakedness. Robotics, indeed, is inspired by biology (...)
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  10. Impossible Dialogue on Bio-power: Agamben and Foucault.Mika Ojakangas - 2005 - Foucault Studies 2:5-28.
    In Homo Sacer, Giorgio Agamben criticizes Michel Foucault's distinction between 'productive' bio-power and 'deductive' sovereign power, emphasizing that it is not possible to distinguish between these two. In his view, the production of what he calls 'bare life' is the original, although concealed, activity of sovereign power. In this article, Agamben's conclusions are called into question. (1) The notion of 'bare life', distinguished from the 'form of life', belongs exclusively to the order of sovereignty, being incompatible with the modern bio-political (...)
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    B Flach! B Flach!Myroslav Laiuk & Ali Kinsella - 2023 - Common Knowledge 29 (1):1-20.
    Don't tell terrible stories—everyone here has enough of their own. Everyone here has a whole bloody sack of terrible stories, and at the bottom of the sack is a hammer the narrator uses to pound you on the skull the instant you dare not believe your ears. Or to pound you when you do believe. Not long ago I saw a tomboyish girl on Khreshchatyk Street demand money of an elderly woman, threatening to bite her and infect her with syphilis. (...)
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  12. Natural and Philosophical Foundations of Ethics.Sélim Abou - 1995 - Diogenes 43 (172):35-54.
    Guilt and fear today have developed an unexpected quality: they contribute powerfully to the survival of humanity. The feeling of guilt proceeds from an elementary awareness: although the unequaled progress of science and technology in the twentieth century has undoubtedly ameliorated the conditions of human life, it also has given rise to an infernal logic of genocide and crimes against humanity, in which almost all nations, directly or indirectly, have participated and participate still. This awareness is joined to another, which (...)
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    The Eternal Present: Slow Knowledge and the Renewal of Time.Douglas E. Christie - 2013 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 33:13-21.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Eternal Present: Slow Knowledge and the Renewal of TimeDouglas E. ChristieA woman is seated in a chair at the center of a large, light-filled atrium. Across from her sits an adolescent girl, Asian or Asian-American, maybe thirteen years old. They are both perfectly still. They look intently at each other. That is all. Minute after minute passes. Neither of them moves. I look more closely. Utter stillness. Not (...)
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  14. The Impossible Nude.Maev de la Guardia (ed.) - 2007 - University of Chicago Press.
    The undraped human form is ubiquitous in Western art and even appears in the art of India and Japan. Only in China, François Jullien argues, is the nude completely absent. In this enthralling extended essay, he explores the different conceptions of the human body that underlie this provocative disparity. Contrasting nakedness with nudity, Jullien explores the traditional European vision of the nude as a fixed point of fusion where form joins truth. He then shows that the absence of the (...)
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    A Physics Prof Drops a Bomb on the Faux Left.Ruth Rosen - 1996 - Los Angeles Times 1996.
    Satire is often the best way of revealing the truth (recall Jonathan Swift's "A Modest Proposal"). Sokal's spoof exposed the hypocrisy practiced by these so-called cultural revolutionaries. They claim to be democratizing thought, but they purposely write in tongues for an initiated elite. They claim that their work is transformative and subversive, but they focus obsessively on the linguistic and social construction of human consciousness, not on the hard reality of people's lives. Their claim to originality is particularly offensive to (...)
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    Pinteresque Dialogue.Jadwiga Uchman - 2017 - Text Matters - a Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture 7 (7):386-401.
    The expression “Pinteresque” describing the characteristic features of Harold Pinter’s artistic output, established its position as a literary critical denominator many years ago. The aim of this article is to analyze some of the specific aspects of the playwright’s use of language. On several occasions, the artist made comments pertaining to certain issues concerning communication. He rejected the idea of the alienation of language and promoted the concept of evasive communication, thus showing people’s unwillingness to communicate. He also spoke about (...)
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    Poverty and Richness of Arguments in Lorenzo Valla.Fosca Mariani Zini - forthcoming - Diogenes:1-12.
    At first glance, in Valla’s thinking, his ‘poor’ conception of metaphysics seems to contrast with his appreciation of the ‘richness’ of rhetoric, as opposed to the indigence of dialectic. However, poverty can be understood in two senses: on the one hand, it designates a lack, even an insufficiency; on the other, it expresses the search for something simple, even essential. So, poverty, like nakedness (Séris 2021)1, is a concept with an opposite polarity. What is elementary can therefore be fundamental. (...)
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    Seksisme en realisme: een lezing van Émile Zola’s Het meesterwerk.Ruud Welten - 2023 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 115 (4):423-438.
    Genderism and Realism. A Reading of Émile Zola’s The Masterpiece Does sexual morality play a role in our perception of reality? This contribution explores the rise of modernity as a radical change of perception. This is done by reading an 1886 novel on painting, Émile Zola’s L’Oeuvre (The Masterpiece). The Masterpiece is a novel that meticulously explores the relationship between reality and representation in which the genderism implications become clear. Zola comments implicitly on the paintings of Éduoard Manet, on which (...)
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    Believing in a Fiction: Wallace Stevens at the Limits of Phenomenology.R. D. Ackerman - 1979 - Philosophy and Literature 3 (1):79-90.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:R. D. Ackerman BELIEVING IN A FICTION: WALLACE STEVENS AT THE LIMITS OF PHENOMENOLOGY The "ring of men" of "Sunday Morning" will chant their "devotion to the sun, / Not as a god, but as a god might be, / Naked among them, like a savage source" (CP, pp. 69-70).' Solar nakedness is deferred even as it is named. The problem for belief is the question of appearance (...)
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    Shifting the geography of reason: gender, science and religion.Marina Paola Banchetti-Robino & Clevis Headley (eds.) - 2007 - Newcastle, U.K.: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    MARINA PAOLA BANCHETTI-ROBINO is Associate Professor and Chair of the Philosophy Department at Florida Atlantic University. Her areas of research include phenomenology, philosophy of language, philosophy of science, philosophy of mind, and zoosemiotics. Her publications have appeared in such journals as Synthese, Husserl Studies, Idealistic Studies, Philosophy East and West, and The Review of Metaphysics. She has also contributed essays to The Role of Pragmatics in Contemporary Philosophy (1997), Feminist Phenomenology (2000), and Islamic Philosophy and Occidental Phenomenology on the Perennial (...)
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  21. The Naked Subject: Nudity, Context and Sexualization in Contemporary Culture.Rob Cover - 2003 - Body and Society 9 (3):53-72.
    This article examines the ways in which contemporary western cultures have attempted to legitimize certain sites of bodily nakedness (such as communal showers, bathing children and other `public' displays) by maintaining a contextual space or frame which attempts to exclude the sexual. Noting the ways in which that legitimacy has broken down in recent decades, the article suggests that the slippage between the sexual and the naked results from both a breakdown in the `heterosexual matrix' as well as a (...)
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    The Vulnerability of the Body.Eva de Clercq - 2011 - Bijdragen 72 (2):183-200.
    ‘Religion and corporeality’. At first sight, the coordinating conjunction «and» sounds rather odd here because in the vision of many people spirituality and materiality necessarily exclude each other. Still, many scholars have offered abundant evidence that Christianity is a religion of embodiment. Yet, as will become clear from the works of the theologians Erik Peterson and André Guindon, the turn toward the body within Christianity is primarily a turn toward a clothed body. This may explain why the Italian philosopher Giorgio (...)
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    Reading Bataille: The Invention of the Foot.Nelly Furman & Lucette Finas - 1996 - Diacritics 26 (2):97-106.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reading Bataille: The Invention of the FootLucette Finas (bio)Translated by Nelly Furman (bio)§ 1. Certainly, I wrote Le mort before the spring of 1944. This text must have been composed probably in 1943, not before. I do not know where I wrote it, in Normandy (end of 1942), in Paris in December 1942, or during the first three months of 1943; at Vézelay, from March to October 1943? Or (...)
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    Clothing and the Discovery of Science.Ian Gilligan - 2024 - Foundations of Science 29 (3):645-674.
    In addition to natural curiosity, science is characterized by a number of psychological processes and perceptions. Among the psychological features, scientific enquiry relates to uncovering—or discovering—aspects of a world perceived as hidden from humans. A speculative theoretical model is presented, suggesting the evolution of science reflects psychological repercussions of wearing clothes. Specifically, the natural world is perceived as hidden due to the presence of clothing. Three components of scientific enquiry may arise from clothing: detachment from sensual experience, a perception that (...)
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    Nudité et genre en France au xixe siècle.Lise Manin - 2021 - Clio 54 (54):197-221.
    This historiographical essay is based on a survey of fields of historical research capable of shedding light on the evolution of practices and representations of naked or undressed bodies. It sets out to explore the dialectical link between nakedness, gender identities and gender relationships in France during the second half of the nineteenth century. The variety of representations of nakedness, central to the construction of feminine and masculine archetypes, constitutes an essential element in the perpetuation of masculine domination. (...)
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    The roots of human responsibility.Angela Michelis - 2017 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 29 (46):307.
    Starting from Hans Jonas’ works, this essay researches the bases of human responsibility and its reasoning is made up of four points. 1. He was aware of how his experience had influenced his thought and he questioned what means reflecting starting from extreme situations: «The apocalyptic state of things, the threatening collapse of a world, the climatic crisis of civilization, the proximity of death, the stark nakedness to which all the issues of life were stripped, all these were ground (...)
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    Donning the Imaging Gown: Enchanting the Ill and Pregnant Body in Art.Darian Goldin Stahl - 2024 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 67 (4):532-540.
    The hospital gown is a particularly charged article of clothing. For the chronically ill and disabled, the ritual of donning the gown signals a change of identity from “person” to “patient.” This essay chronicles the metamorphosis of a standard hospital gown into a work of wearable art that showcases the glittering pregnant body. Rather than thinly shrouding nakedness, this gown reveals the nude, gravid, and disabled figure as not only worthy of artistic concentration, but full of wonder and enchantment. (...)
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    From neuromorphic sensors to a chip under skin.Emma Palese - 2013 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 11 (2):72-80.
    PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to explain the sense of choice in our contemporary world.Design/methodology/approachTaking cue from the research of the Institute of Neuroinformatics of Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, and University of Zürich, this paper is meant to highlight that the contemporary individual is gradually abandoning his own freedom of choice: the principle of moral responsibility, and – consequently – sign of humanity.FindingsIf today the smartphone is the most used tool, in the future we will soon benefit from (...)
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    Finding a pedagogical framework for dialogue about nudity and dance art.Suzanne Jaeger - 2009 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 43 (4):pp. 32-52.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Finding a Pedagogical Framework for Dialogue about Nudity and Dance ArtSuzanne Jaeger (bio)"Nudity is like calling something 'Free Beer.' I always threaten to make people do stuff naked, and I'm all for it, but to me, it's usually more trouble than it's worth. If something is swinging around, that's all anybody looks at."—Mark Morris, choreographerIntroductionIn his article on nudity in theatre dance, philosopher Francis Sparshott observes that because we (...)
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    Rights of Passage.William O'Neill - 2007 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 27 (1):113-135.
    CONTEMPORARY HUMANITARIAN CRISES UNDERSCORE WHAT HANNAH Arendt called the "perplexities" of human rights; the very category "refugee" attests the failure of the global rights regime. Indeed, the "abstract nakedness of being nothing but human" belies the "right to have rights." In light of this criticism, I offer a reconstructive, communitarian interpretation of the rights of the forcibly displaced. The grammar of rights, I argue, presumes the communicative virtues of respect and recognition of the "concrete other." I conclude by showing (...)
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    Gendered Bodies in Contemporary Chinese Art.Mary Bittner Wiseman - 2013 - In Peg Brand Weiser (ed.), Beauty Unlimited. Indiana University Press. pp. 385-405.
    The idea of beauty in the West has often been connected with the idea of woman, whose beauty has been celebrated in sculptures of the nude since classical Greece and in paintings since the sixteenth century. the nude is not a genre in either traditional or contemporary Chinese art, however, and although there has been nakedness in the representations of the body in the contemporary art of China, its presence is marked by two characteristics that distance the Chinese naked (...)
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    Two ancient theologians’ interpretations of the withered fig tree (Mt 21:18–22).Hennie F. Stander - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4):8.
    This article is an investigation on how two theologians from the Early Church interpreted the withered fig tree, as narrated by the evangelist Matthew (Mt 21:18–22). The two theologians referred to are Origen of Alexandria, who belongs to the pre-Nicene era and represents the Alexandrian School, and Ps.-Chrysostom who belongs to the post-Nicene era, and represents the School of Antioch. Origen believed that when the fig tree withered, it referred to Israel’s withering. This interpretation of the narrative surrounding the withered (...)
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  33. Full‐Frontal Morality: The Naked Truth about Gender.Talia Mae Bettcher - 2012 - Hypatia 27 (2):319-337.
    This paper examines Harold Garfinkel's notion of the natural attitude about sex and his claim that it is fundamentally moral in nature. The author looks beneath the natural attitude in order to explain its peculiar resilience and oppressive force. There she reveals a moral order grounded in the dichotomously sexed bodies so constituted through boundaries governing privacy and decency. In particular, naked bodies are sex-differentiated within a system of genital representation through gender presentation—a system that helps constitute the very boundaries (...)
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    Book Review: On Nietzsche. [REVIEW]Thomas Reinert - 1995 - Philosophy and Literature 19 (1):169-170.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:On NietzscheThomas ReinertOn Nietzsche, by Georges Bataille; translated by Bruce Boone; xxxiv & 199 pp. New York: Paragon House, 1994, $12.95 paper.Dating from 1944, On Nietzsche has the feel of a transitional work. Its themes of excess, risk, and self-loss had dominated Bataille’s writing since the late 1920s and do not seem freshly imagined here. They are, rather, brought together in a large, compendious argument, suggesting that at (...)
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    Book Review: The Contingency of Theory: Pragmatism, Expressivism, and Deconstruction. [REVIEW]Thomas Reinert - 1995 - Philosophy and Literature 19 (1):170-171.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:On NietzscheThomas ReinertOn Nietzsche, by Georges Bataille; translated by Bruce Boone; xxxiv & 199 pp. New York: Paragon House, 1994, $12.95 paper.Dating from 1944, On Nietzsche has the feel of a transitional work. Its themes of excess, risk, and self-loss had dominated Bataille’s writing since the late 1920s and do not seem freshly imagined here. They are, rather, brought together in a large, compendious argument, suggesting that at (...)
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    El cuerpo fragmentado.Paul Walder - 2004 - Polis 7.
    Tras el referente de las cuatro mil personas que posaron desnudas ante la cámara del fotógrafo Tunick, el autor aborda la intimidad corporal desenmascarada y propone desnudar también el comportamiento, mostrar en toda su magnitud qué somos y qué nos falta. Postula que la debilidad de los cuerpos individuales sobrelleva la fortaleza de la masa, la rebelión, el desafío. Traspasado el umbral de las prohibiciones y las inhibiciones, la performance sería un acto de provocación política, haciendo una recuperación de lo (...)
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    ‘Speculative Mysticism’ and ‘Women"s Mysticism’ in Middle Ages. 이상봉 - 2017 - Journal of the New Korean Philosophical Association 90:291-312.
    본 연구의 목적은 현자의 사변을 강조하는 에크하르트의 신비주의와 직관적 체험에 근거한 여성 신비주의를 비교 검토함으로써 중세 그리스도교적 신비주의의 일면을 고찰하는 것이다.BR 에크하르트에 따르면 인간의 영혼은 신의 본성 안에 있는 모든 것으로 만들어진 것이기에 신의 본성을 부은 것이라 할 수 있다. 인간이 신에게 이르는 길은 인간이 자신의 형상을 벗어나 자신을 신의 형상으로 변형시켜야 한다. 이를 위해 인간은 자기 자신과 모든 사물로부터 떠나서 자유로워져야 한다. 에크하르트가 말하는 ‘영혼 속에 신의 탄생’은 신과 영혼이 하나임을 의미한다.BR 힐데가르트에게 주어진 근원적인 신비 체험은 경건한 자들에게 주어지는 (...)
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    Ehrlichkeit and Parrhēsia: The Development of Nietzsche’s Cynicism from Schopenhauer as Educator to Ecce Homo.Fraser Logan - 2023 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 54 (1):51-75.
    Nietzsche commits himself to a practice of honesty (Ehrlichkeit) in Schopenhauer as Educator. This article argues that this practice is an adaptation of Diogenes’s parrhēsia, the Cynic virtue of outspokenness, and that Nietzsche’s commitment to Ehrlichkeit increases from 1874 to 1888. The article emphasizes the interpersonal dimensions of Ehrlichkeit and parrhēsia and the author resists the widespread tendency to conflate Nietzsche and Diogenes in terms of shamelessness. The article demonstrates that, using Diogenes as an exemplar, Nietzsche gradually renounces the scholarly (...)
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