Results for ' moral virtues fostered by humor'

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  1.  19
    Having a Good Laugh.John Morreall - 2009-09-04 - In Dominic McIver Lopes & Berys Gaut (eds.), Comic Relief. Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 111–124.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Intellectual Virtues Fostered by Humor Moral Virtues Fostered by Humor Humor during the Holocaust.
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    Law’s Virtue: Fostering Autonomy and Solidarity in American Society by Cathleen Kaveny.Eric E. Schnitger - 2015 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 35 (1):212-213.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Law’s Virtue: Fostering Autonomy and Solidarity in American Society by Cathleen KavenyEric E. SchnitgerLaw’s Virtue: Fostering Autonomy and Solidarity in American Society By Cathleen Kaveny WASHINGTON, DC: GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY PRESS, 2012. 304 PP. $29.95In Law’s Virtue, Cathleen Kaveny calls those in Western liberal countries to rethink their fundamental framework of ethics and law through the guiding principles of autonomy and solidarity, understood through the Catholic context of Thomistic (...)
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    “Patching up Virtue”.James J. S. Foster - 2013 - Journal of Religious Ethics 41 (4):688-709.
    Herdt's Putting On Virtue has two chief aims. The first is to champion the virtue tradition against Christian moral quietism and modern deontological ethics. The second is to facilitate reconciliation between Augustinian and Emersonian virtue. To accomplish these tasks Herdt constructs a counter-narrative to Schneewind's Invention of Autonomy, in which Luther's resignation and Kant's innovation are tragic consequences of “hyper-Augustinianism”—a competitive conception of divine and human agency, which leads to excessive suspicion of acquired virtue. This review argues that Putting (...)
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    Theatrical Intervention as a Pathway to Moral Virtue Development.Lijuan Wang, Deborah Mower & Margaret Garvey - unknown
    Moral virtue development is grounded in social relationships that foster the socioemotional intelligence underlying moral virtue. Recent research shows a decrease in socioemotional intelligence with implications for moral virtue development. This project is a feasibility study of a theatrical intervention with parent-child dyads to increase socioemotional intelligence and proto-virtuous character by improving parent-child mutual responsiveness. Our theatrical approach combines direct development of mutual responsiveness and practice of moral virtue scripts, providing a powerful and seamless integration of (...)
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  5. Is a Sense of Humour a Virtue?John Lippitt - 2005 - The Monist 88 (1):72-92.
    Is a sense of humour a virtue? In an informal sense of the term ‘virtue’, of course it is. A sense of humour is a trait nobody wants to be thought of as lacking, and one that we value in partners, friends, and colleagues alike. But the claim that a sense of humour is a moral virtue seems far more controversial. Yet in a fascinating article, just this claim has been advanced by Robert C. Roberts, who relates it to (...)
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  6.  12
    Wealth, virtue, and moral luck: Christian ethics in an age of inequality.Kate Ward - 2021 - Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press.
    In this book, Kate Ward addresses the issue of inequality from the perspective of Christian virtue ethics. Her unique contribution is to argue that moral luck, our individual life circumstances, affects one's ability to pursue virtue. She argues that economic status functions as moral luck and impedes the ability of both the wealthy and the impoverished to pursue virtues such as prudence, justice, and temperance. The book presents social science evidence that inequality reduces empathy for others' suffering, (...)
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    How does collaborative economy contribute to common good?Rosario Gomez-Alvarez & Rafael Morales-Sánchez - 2023 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 32 (S2):68-83.
    Collaborative economy emerged as a response to the need of people to exchange, produce and share in a more humane and cooperative manner. However, the growth of collaborative economy organizations and the terminological confusion have led to debates about their possible effects, both positive and negative. In this study, we have created a guideline that can be used to evaluate the contribution of organizations considered within collaborative economy to common good. We used the conceptualization of common good, which, from its (...)
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    Moral improvement through mathematics: Antoine Arnauld and Pierre Nicole’s Nouveaux éléments de géométrie.Laura Kotevska - 2020 - Synthese 199 (1-2):1727-1749.
    This paper examines the ethical and religious dimensions of mathematical practice in the early modern era by offering an interpretation of Antoine Arnauld and Pierre Nicole’s Nouveaux éléments de géométrie. According to these important figures of seventeenth-century French philosophy and theology, mathematics could achieve extra-mathematical or non-mathematical goals; that is, mathematics could foster practices of moral self-improvement, deepen the mathematician’s piety and cultivate epistemic virtues. The Nouveaux éléments de géométrie, which I contend offers the most robust account of (...)
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    Accountability as a virtue in medicine: from theory to practice.John R. Peteet, Charlotte V. O. Witvliet, Gerrit Glas & Benjamin W. Frush - 2023 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 18 (1):1-6.
    Accountability is a norm basic to several aspects of medical practice. We explore here the benefits of a more explicit focus on the virtue of accountability, which as distinct from the state of being held accountable, entails both welcoming responsibility to others and welcoming input from others. Practicing accountably can limit moral distress caused by institutional pressures on the doctor patient relationship. Fostering a mindset that is welcoming rather than resistant to feedback is critical to enhancing a culture of (...)
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    Knightly virtues : enhancing virtue literacy through stories : research report.J. Arthur, T. Harrison, D. Carr, K. Kristjánsson, I. Davidson, D. Hayes & J. Higgins - unknown
    There is a growing consensus in Britain on the importance of character, and on the belief that the virtues that contribute to good character are part of the solution to many of the challenges facing modern society. Parents, teachers and schools understand the need to teach basic moral virtues to pupils, such as honesty, self-control, fairness, and respect, while fostering behaviour associated with such virtues today. However, until recently, the materials required to help deliver this ambition (...)
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  11. Subversive Humor.Chris A. Kramer - 2015 - Dissertation, Marquette
    Oppression is easily recognized. That is, at least, when oppression results from overt, consciously professed racism, for example, in which violence, explicit exclusion from economic opportunities, denial of adequate legal access, and open discrimination perpetuate the subjugation of a group of people. There are relatively clear legal remedies to such oppression. But this is not the case with covert oppression where the psychological harms and resulting legal and economic exclusion are every bit as real, but caused by concealed mechanisms subtly (...)
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    What does it mean to embed ethics in data science? An integrative approach based on the microethics and virtues.Louise Bezuidenhout & Emanuele Ratti - 2021 - AI and Society 36:939–953.
    In the past few years, scholars have been questioning whether the current approach in data ethics based on the higher level case studies and general principles is effective. In particular, some have been complaining that such an approach to ethics is difficult to be applied and to be taught in the context of data science. In response to these concerns, there have been discussions about how ethics should be “embedded” in the practice of data science, in the sense of showing (...)
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  13.  84
    Virtue or consequences: The folk against pure evaluational internalism.Adam Feltz & Edward T. Cokely - 2013 - Philosophical Psychology 26 (5):702-717.
    Evaluational internalism holds that only features internal to agency (e.g., motivation) are relevant to attributions of virtue [Slote, M. (2001). Morals from motives. Oxford: Oxford University Press]. Evaluational externalism holds that only features external to agency (e.g., consequences) are relevant to attributions of virtue [Driver, J. (2001). Uneasy virtue. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press]. Many evaluational externalists and internalists claim that their view best accords with philosophically naïve (i.e., folk) intuitions, and that accordance provides argumentative support for their view. Evaluational internalism (...)
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  14.  47
    Virtue Ethics and the Practice–Institution Schema: An Ethical Case of Excellent Business Practices.Ying Wang, George Cheney & Juliet Roper - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 138 (1):67-77.
    This paper aims to contribute to a greater understanding of the theory of virtue ethics and its applications in the business arena. In contrast to other prominent approaches to ethics, virtue ethics provides a useful perspective in making sense of various business ethics issues with an emphasis on the moral character of the individuals and its transformational influences in driving ethical business conduct. Building on Geoff Moore’s :19–32, 2002; Bus Ethics Q 15:237–255, 2005; Bus Ethics Q 18:483–511, 2008) treatment (...)
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  15.  30
    Consistently Pro-Life: The Ethics of Bloodshed in Ancient Christianity by Rob Arner, and: Christ at the Checkpoint: Theology in the Service of Justice and Peace ed. by Paul Alexander, and: Becoming Nonviolent Peacemakers: A Virtue Ethic for Catholic Social Teaching and US Policy by Eli Sarasan McCarthy.Brian D. Berry - 2014 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 34 (2):217-220.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Consistently Pro-Life: The Ethics of Bloodshed in Ancient Christianity by Rob Arner, and: Christ at the Checkpoint: Theology in the Service of Justice and Peace ed. by Paul Alexander, and: Becoming Nonviolent Peacemakers: A Virtue Ethic for Catholic Social Teaching and US Policy by Eli Sarasan McCarthyBrian D. BerryReview of Consistently Pro-Life: The Ethics of Bloodshed in Ancient Christianity ROB ARNER Eugene, OR: Pickwick, 2010. 136 pp. $15.56Review (...)
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    After Virtue or After Autonomy?Katelynn O’Leary - 2023 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 23 (1):47-56.
    In After Virtue, Alasdair MacIntyre argues that in modern ethical discourse, moral principles have been replaced by “fragments” that only partially represent their original meaning as derived from theological contexts. Today’s debates surrounding physician assisted suicide (PAS) and abortion highlight that the “fragment” of autonomy has been championed over principles such as justice, beneficence, and nonmaleficence with little justification. This acceptance of patient autonomy as the ultimate good distracts from societal ills that drive contentious medical decisions, further muddles society’s (...)
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    Platonic conception of intellectual virtues: its significance for contemporary epistemology and education.Alkis Kotsonis - 2019 - Dissertation, University of Edinburgh
    My main aim in my thesis is to show that, contrary to the commonly held belief according to which Aristotle was the first to conceive and develop intellectual virtues, there are strong indications that Plato had already conceived and had begun developing the concept of intellectual virtues. Nevertheless, one should not underestimate the importance of Aristotle’s work on intellectual virtues. Aristotle developed a much fuller (in detail and argument) account of both, the concept of ‘virtue’ and the (...)
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    The Moral Problem Is a Hume Problem.Karen Green - 2024 - Belgrade Philosophical Annual 37 (1):103-121.
    The moral problem, as articulated by Smith, arises out of the attempt to introduce the experimental method of reasoning into moral subjects, developed by Hume. This paper returns to Locke’s earlier attempt to provide an empirically adequate account of morality and the debate his attempt generated. It argues that the seeds of a more adequate, naturalistic account of the metaphysics and epistemology of morals than that developed by either Locke or Hume can already be found in aspects of (...)
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    Moral dilemmas involving anthropological and ethical dimensions in healthcare curriculum.Ignacio Macpherson, María Victoria Roqué & Ignacio Segarra - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (5):1238-1249.
    Background Currently a variety of novel scenarios have appeared within nursing practice such as confidentiality of a patient victim of abuse, justice in insolvent patients, poorly informed consent delivery, non-satisfactory medicine outputs, or the possibility to reject a recommended treatment. These scenarios presuppose skills that are not usually acquired during the degree. Thus, the implementation of teaching approaches that promote the acquisition of these skills in the nursing curriculum is increasingly relevant. Objective The article analyzes an academic model which integrates (...)
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  20.  8
    Virtue.William A. Galston - 1996 - In Robert E. Goodin, Philip Pettit & Thomas Winfried Menko Pogge (eds.), A Companion to Contemporary Political Philosophy. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 842–851.
    Recent decades have witnessed a revival of interest in the virtues, spanning not only several scholarly disciplines but educators and the public as well. Inspired by G. E. M Anscombe's 1958 article ‘Modern Moral Philosophy’, increasing numbers of philosophers have expressed dissatisfaction with moral enquiry bounded by debates between deontology and consequentialism. To the doubters, each of these standard approaches seems excessively focused on acts as opposed to agents, and neither seems fine‐grained enough to capture of subtleties (...)
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    The virtues (and vices) of the four principles.A. V. Campbell - 2003 - Journal of Medical Ethics 29 (5):292-296.
    Despite tendencies to compete for a prime place in moral theory, neither virtue ethics nor the four principles approach should claim to be superior to, or logically prior to, the other. Together they provide a more adequate account of the moral life than either can offer on its own. The virtues of principlism are clarity, simplicity and (to some extent) universality. These are well illustrated by Ranaan Gillon’s masterly analysis of the cases he has provided. But the (...)
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  22. Debate of Righteousness and Profit (義利之辯) and Bao 報 in Confucian Tradition: A New Interpretation of Moral Principles and Virtue. 張蕾 - 2024 - THE JOURNAL OF ASIAN PHILOSOPHY IN KOREA 62:71-108.
    This study reinterprets the core concept of bao 報 (reciprocity or recompense) within the Confucian tradition through the lens of yili zhi bian 義利之辨 (debate of righteousness and profit). It examines the relevant discourses of Confucius, Mencius, Xunzi, Zhou Dunyi, Zhu Xi, and Wang Yangming. By analyzing these discussions, the paper elucidates the transformations in the meaning of bao embedded in the moral principles and views on righteousness in Confucian thought. Furthermore, it systematizes the notion of “virtue” (dexing 德性) (...)
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    Ética del humor: fundamentos y aplicaciones de una nueva teoría ética.Juan Carlos Siurana - 2015 - Madrid: Plaza y Valdés Editores.
    Though laughter and smiles are a part of our everyday lives, they are not always used appropriately. We need to learn how to laugh, to educate our sense of humor. This book is a meditation on humor in general, the humor we deploy and perceive on a day-to-day basis, and on the ethical dimensions that underpin it. It puts forward a new ethical theory, placing humor at the Archimedean point from which to further our understanding as (...)
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  24. A small treatise on the great virtues: the uses of philosophy in everyday life.André Comte-Sponville - 2001 - New York: Metropolitan Books.
    An utterly original exploration of the timeless human virtues and how they apply to the way we live now, from a bold and dynamic French writer. In this graceful, incisive book, writer-philosopher André Comte-Sponville reexamines the classic human virtues to help us under-stand "what we should do, who we should be, and how we should live." In the process, he gives us an entirely new perspective on the value, the relevance, and even the charm of the Western ethical (...)
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    Moral Motivation and the Development of Francis Hutcheson's Philosophy.John D. Bishop - 1996 - Journal of the History of Ideas 57 (2):277-295.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Moral Motivation and the Development of Francis Hutcheson’s PhilosophyJohn D. BishopHutcheson was an able philosopher, but philosophical analysis was not his only purpose in writing about morals. 1 Throughout his life his writings aimed at promoting virtue; his changing philosophical views often had to conform, if he could make them, to that rhetorical end. But a mind which understands philosophical argument cannot always control the conclusions at which (...)
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  26.  59
    Is compliance a professional virtue of researchers? Reflections on promoting the responsible conduct of research.James M. DuBois - 2004 - Ethics and Behavior 14 (4):383 – 395.
    Evidence exists that behavioral and social science researchers have been frustrated with regulations and institutional review boards (IRBs) from the 1970s through today. Making matters worse, many human participants protection instruction programs - now mandated by IRBs - offer inadequate reasons why researchers should comply with regulations and IRBs. Promoting compliance either for its own sake or to avoid penalties is contrary to the developmental aims of moral education and may be ineffective in fostering the responsible conduct of research. (...)
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  27.  21
    Enhancing the moral space offered by critical dialogue: negotiating shared goals and target-centred virtue ethics.Thomas Donaldson - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 51 (1):23-23.
    I wish to congratulate Delany, Feldman, Kameniar and Gillam for their article ‘Critical dialogue method of ethics consultation: making clinical ethics facilitation visible and accessible’.1 The authors argue for critical dialogue as an alternative to ‘top-down’ ethics consultation processes, seeking to avoid the authoritative imposition of theory-based resolutions, and instead include the values and perspectives of clinicians, patients and relatives in the dialogue. In particular, their emphasis on the creation of ‘moral space’1 to actively involve clinicians, patients and relatives (...)
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    The Moral Virtues and Theological Ethics (second edition). By Romanus Cessario.Francis Michael Walsh - 2010 - Heythrop Journal 51 (2):330-331.
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    Aquinas and the Infused Moral Virtues, written by Angela M. Knobel.Christopher Gross - 2024 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 21 (1-2):230-232.
  30.  51
    Cultivating Moral Agency in a Technology Ethics Course.William B. Cochran & Kate Allman - 2023 - Teaching Ethics 23 (1):15-34.
    The rapid pace of technological development often outstrips the ability of legislators and regulators to establish proper guardrails on emerging technologies. A solution is for those who develop, deploy, and use these technologies to develop themselves as moral agents—i.e., as agents capable of steering the course of emerging technologies in a direction that will benefit humanity. However, there is a dearth of literature discussing how to foster moral agency in computer science courses, and little if any research on (...)
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    Is Humility a Virtue in the Context of Sport?Michael W. Austin - 2013 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 31 (2):203-214.
    I define humility as a virtue that includes both proper self-assessment and a self-lowering other-centeredness. I then argue that humility, so understood, is a virtue in the context of sport, for several reasons. Humility is a component of sportspersonship, deters egoism in sport, fuels athletic aspiration and risk-taking, fosters athletic forms of self-knowledge, decreases the likelihood of an athlete seeking to strongly humiliate her opponents or be weakly humiliated by them, and can motivate an athlete to achieve greater levels of (...)
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  32. The Salacious and the Satirical: In Defense of Symmetric Comic Moralism.Aaron Smuts - 2013 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 47 (4):45-62.
    A common view holds that humor and morality are antithetical: Moral flaws enhance amusement, and moral virtues detract. I reject both of these claims. If we distinguish between merely outrageous jokes and immoral jokes, the problems with the common view become apparent. What we find is that genuine morals flaws tend to inhibit amusement. Further, by looking at satire, we can see that moral virtues sometimes enhance amusement. The position I defend is called symmetric (...)
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    Aquinas and the Infused Moral Virtues by Angela McKay Knobel.Thomas M. Osborne - 2022 - Review of Metaphysics 76 (1):144-146.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Aquinas and the Infused Moral Virtues by Angela McKay KnobelThomas M. Osborne Jr.KNOBEL, Angela McKay. Aquinas and the Infused Moral Virtues. Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press, 2021. 214 pp. Cloth, $65.00This book is the first substantial English monograph on Aquinas's account of the infused virtues in many years, and the most significant treatment of the issue since Gabriel Bullet, Vertus (...)
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    Moral Education and the Condition of Africa.Patrick Nyabul - 2009 - Thought and Practice: A Journal of the Philosophical Association of Kenya 1 (1):31-42.
    This paper explores the relationships among moral education on the one hand, and culture, politics, poverty and religion in Africa on the other. It sets out by examining the theory and practice of moral education, before reflecting on moral education and virtue ethics. Thereafter, the paper examines moral education in African cultures and in religion. Finally, it interrogates the connection between oral education in Africa on the one hand, and politics and poverty on the other. The (...)
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  35. Moral virtues for journalists.Aaron Quinn - 2007 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 22 (2-3):168 – 186.
    This essay outlines an account of virtue ethics applied to the profession of journalism. Virtue ethics emphasizes character before consequences, requires the "good" prior to the "right," and allows for agent-relative as well as agent-neutral values. This essay offers an exploration of the internal characteristics of a good journalist by focusing on moral virtues crucial to journalism. First, the essay outlines the general tenets of Aristotelian virtue ethics. Second, it offers arguments touting virtue ethics in comparison with other (...)
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  36.  23
    Debating Moral Education: Rethinking the Role of the Modern University.Elizabeth Kiss & J. Peter Euben (eds.) - 2010 - Duke University Press.
    After decades of marginalization in the secularized twentieth-century academy, moral education has enjoyed a recent resurgence in American higher education, with the establishment of more than 100 ethics centers and programs on campuses across the country. Yet the idea that the university has a civic responsibility to teach its undergraduate students ethics and morality has been met with skepticism, suspicion, and even outright rejection from both inside and outside the academy. In this collection, renowned scholars of philosophy, politics, and (...)
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    The Moral Virtues and Theological Ethics by Romanus Cessario, O.P.Alasdair MacIntyre - 1992 - The Thomist 56 (2):339-344.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS The Moral Virtues and Theological Ethics. By RoMANUS CESSARIO, O.P. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1991. Pp. x +204. $24.95. What we learn from Holy Scripture about the kind of life which God commands us to lead depends in key part upon our prior natural and rational understanding of many of the key expressions used in Scripture. So it is with those expressions (...)
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    Moral Reasons Not to Posit Extended Cognitive Systems: a Reply to Farina and Lavazza.Guido Cassinadri - 2022 - Philosophy and Technology 35 (3):1-20.
    Given the metaphysical and explanatory stalemate between Embedded and Extended cognition, different authors proposed moral arguments to overcome such a deadlock in favor of EXT. Farina and Lavazza attribute to EXT and EMB a substantive moral content, arguing in favor of the former by virtue of its progressiveness and inclusiveness. In this treatment, I criticize four of their moral arguments. In Sect. 2, I focus on the argument from legitimate interventions and on the argument from extended agency. (...)
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  39.  26
    Moral virtues.Georg Spielthenner - 2004 - Ethic@: An International Journal for Moral Philosophy 3 (1):27–35.
    Although much has been published on virtues in recent years, there is still considerable uncertainty in philosophy (and even more among philosophical laymen) about the concept of a virtue and especially about moral virtues. In this article, I will try to clarify these notions. In particular, I want to answer the question: When are virtues moral virtues? Clearly, not every practical virtue is a moral virtue. Why was the courage of the Nazi soldiers (...)
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    Why We Should Be Curious about Each Other.Lisa Bortolotti & Kathleen Murphy-Hollies - 2023 - Philosophies 8 (4):71.
    Is curiosity a virtue or a vice? Curiosity, as a disposition to attain new, worthwhile information, can manifest as an epistemic virtue. When the disposition to attain new information is not manifested virtuously, this is either because the agent lacks the appropriate motivation to attain the information or because the agent has poor judgement, seeking information that is not worthwhile or seeking information by inappropriate means. In the right circumstances, curiosity contributes to the agent’s excellence in character: it is appropriate (...)
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    Doctors should be morally common: a reply to Rosamond Rhodes.Charles Foster - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (12):784-785.
    ​Rosamond Rhodes contends, by reference to seven examples, that medical ethics is distinctly different from non-medical ethics. Each of those examples, on proper examination, illustrates precisely the opposite contention. It is clear not only that medical ethics relies on the same principles as non-medical (and indeed non-professional) ethics, but that it should so rely. A distinctively medical ethics would be dangerous: it would divorce ethical medical decision-making from the patients whom medicine exists to serve.
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    From Natural Character to Moral Virtue in Aristotle by Mariska Leunissen.Paula Gottlieb - 2018 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 56 (3):552-553.
    In her new book, Leunissen, author of Explanation and Teleology in Aristotle's Science of Nature, turns her expertise in Aristotle's biology to the issue of virtue of character. The book contains some fascinating material from Aristotle's biological works and also material from relatively neglected parts of the Politics, including discussions of ethnography, climate, physiognomy, and "eugenics." Leunissen's thesis is that an examination of this material will provide insight into how people become morally virtuous, and especially why Aristotle excludes women from (...)
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  43. Utilitarian Moral Virtue, Admiration, and Luck.Robert J. Hartman - 2015 - Philosophia 43 (1):77-95.
    Every tenable ethical theory must have an account of moral virtue and vice. Julia Driver has performed a great service for utilitarians by developing a utilitarian account of moral virtue that complements a broader act-based utilitarian ethical theory. In her view, a moral virtue is a psychological disposition that systematically produces good states of affairs in a particular possible world. My goal is to construct a more plausible version of Driver’s account that nevertheless maintains its basic integrity. (...)
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    Jean-Jacques Rousseau: A Friend of Virtue (review).Matthew Simpson - 2004 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 42 (4):497-498.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Jean-Jacques Rousseau: A Friend of VirtueMatthew SimpsonJoseph R. Reisert. Jean-Jacques Rousseau: A Friend of Virtue. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2003. Pp. xiv + 211. Cloth, $42.50.This important book is an interpretation and defense of Rousseau's theory of moral education, in which the author explains and justifies Rousseau's ideas about what virtue is, why it is important, and how it can be cultivated.Briefly, this is his reading: (...)
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    Moral Virtue and Inclusive Happiness: From Ancient to Recent in Western and Confucian Traditions.Shirong Luo - 2021 - Comparative Philosophy 12 (2).
    What is the relationship between moral virtue and happiness? Does having moral virtues make their possessors happy? Can one be happy without them? Philosophers provide diverging answers to these questions due to their different understandings of the concept of happiness which has multifarious meanings and senses. In this essay, I compare the representative Western theories of happiness with what may be called “a classical Confucian view” informed by recent scholarship on classical Confucianism. I argue that for classical (...)
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    Atonement, Justice, and Peace: The Message of the Cross and the Mission of the Church by Darrin W. Snyder Belousek, and: Restorative Justice: Theories and Practices of Moral Imagination by Amy Levad.Dana Scopatz - 2014 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 34 (2):214-217.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Atonement, Justice, and Peace: The Message of the Cross and the Mission of the Church by Darrin W. Snyder Belousek, and: Restorative Justice: Theories and Practices of Moral Imagination by Amy LevadDana ScopatzReview of Atonement, Justice, and Peace: The Message of the Cross and the Mission of the Church DARRIN W. SNYDER BELOUSEK Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2012. 668 pp. $55.00Review of Restorative Justice: Theories and Practices (...)
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    Book review: The harmony of the soul: Mental health and moral virtue reconsidered, by Neal O. Weiner. [REVIEW]Henry Veatch - 1997 - Journal of Value Inquiry 31 (2):277-279.
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    The Moral Virtue of Doublemindedness.Donald Beggs - 2013 - Philosophy 88 (3):411-432.
    The conscientious are morally conflicted when their moral dilemmas or incommensurabilities, real or apparent, have not been resolved. But such doublemindedness need not lead to ethical disintegration or moral insensitivity. For one may develop the moral virtue of doublemindedness, the settled power to deliberate and act well while morally conflicted. Such action will be accompanied by both moral loss (perhaps ‘dirty hands’) and ethical gain (salubrious agental stability). In explaining the virtue's moral psychology I show, (...)
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    Sartre and Contemporary Moral Psychology.Gary Foster - 2016 - Symposium 20 (2):92-103.
    Much has been written about Sartre’s contribution to the field of psychology. His phenomenology as whole and his proposal for an existential psychoanalysis in particular, have contributed to the field of humanist psychology in general and existential psychology specifically. Less has been written, however, about Sartre’s contribution to the field of moral psychology apart from the occasional analysis of his notion of “bad faith” or the use, by moral philosophers, of some of his colourful examples to illustrate a (...)
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    Religion, Virtue and Ethical Culture.John Cottingham - 1994 - Philosophy 69 (268):163 - 180.
    There is a long-standing tradition in Western thought that sees religion as a bolster for morality. In its vaguest version, the idea is that religious belief provides a kind of social cement, fostering an ‘ethos’ in which traditional moral values are respected. 1 Religious observances are thus often prized by the ethical conservative, who fears secularization as subversive of the moral and social fabric. Religion, at the very least, serves to keep people in line: as Descartes put it, (...)
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