Results for ' mind & body'

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  1.  61
    Philosophy of Mind.I. Mind-Body Dualism - 1996 - In Eric Tsui-James & Nicholas Bunnin, Blackwell Companion to Philosophy. Cambridge, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 173.
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  2. Sanna Iitti.Mind Over Body - 2003 - In Eero Tarasti, Paul Forsell & Richard Littlefield, Musical semiotics revisited. Imatra: International Semiotics Institute. pp. 211.
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    The Mind-Body Politic.Michelle Maiese & Robert Hanna - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    Building on contemporary research in embodied cognition, enactivism, and the extended mind, this book explores how social institutions in contemporary neoliberal nation-states systematically affect our thoughts, feelings, and agency. Human beings are, necessarily, social animals who create and belong to social institutions. But social institutions take on a life of their own, and literally shape the minds of all those who belong to them, for better or worse, usually without their being self-consciously aware of it. Indeed, in contemporary neoliberal (...)
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    Another Mind-Body Problem: A History of Racial Non-Being.John Harfouch - 2018 - Albany: SUNY.
    The mind-body problem in philosophy is typically understood as a discourse concerning the relation of mental states to physical states, and the experience of sensation. On this level it seems to transcend issues of race and racism, but Another Mind-Body Problem demonstrates that racial distinctions have been an integral part of the discourse since the Modern period in philosophy. Reading figures such as Descartes, Leibniz, and Kant in their historical contexts, John Harfouch uncovers discussions of (...) and body that engaged closely with philosophical and scientific notions of race in metaphysics and the philosophy of mind, in particular in understanding how the mind unites with the body at birth and is then passed on through sexual reproduction. Kant argued that a person’s exterior body and interior psyche are bound together, that non-White people lacked reason, and that this lack of reason was carried on through reproduction such that non-Whites were an example of a union of mind and body without full being. Charting the development of this phenomenon from sixteenth-century medical literature to modern-day race discourse, Harfouch argues for new understandings of Descartes’s mind-body problem, Fanon’s experience of being ‘not-yet human,’ and the place of racism in relation to one of philosophy’s most enduring and canonical problems. -/- “Harfouch has written an important book on the intersection of race and the Western construction of the mind-body problem … This book is a significant resource for theorists dealing with race and decolonization issues, but it is more significant for the critique of philosophy itself and the continued teaching of mind-body issues. Readers will need some knowledge of philosophy, but the volume is in general accessible. It should be required reading for scholars of philosophy. Harfouch establishes a logically strong argument and makes a unique contribution to the field.” — CHOICE. (shrink)
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    The mind-body problem.Jonathan Westphal - 2016 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
    The mind-body problem: background and history -- Dualist theories of mind and body -- Physicalist theories of mind -- Anti-materialism about the mind -- Science and the mind-body problem: consciousness -- Three neutral theories of mind and body -- Neutral monism.
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    The mind-body problem and metaphysics: an argument from consciousness to mental substance.Ralph Stefan Weir - 2024 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book evaluates the widespread preference in philosophy of mind for varieties of property dualism over other alternatives to physicalism. It takes the standard motivations for property dualism as a starting point and argues that these lead directly to nonphysical substances resembling the soul of traditional metaphysics. In the first half of the book, the author clarifies what is at issue in the choice between theories that posit nonphysical properties only and those that posit nonphysical substances. The crucial question, (...)
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  7. Reductionism, levels of organization, and the mind-body problem.William C. Wimsatt - 1975 - In Gordon G. Globus, Grover Maxwell & I. Savodnik, Consciousness and the Brain. Plenum Press.
  8.  27
    (1 other version)Aquinas and Emotional Theory Today: Mind-Body, Cognitivism and Connaturality.Patrick Gorevan - 1991 - Modern Schoolman 68:321-30.
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    A Problem for the Aristotelian Solution to the Mind-Body Problem.Richard Gray - 2001 - Philosophical Inquiry 23 (1-2):25-30.
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    Spirit: mind, body, and the will to existence.Arthur Kornhaber - 1988 - New York, NY: Warner Books.
    The author outlines his thoughts on the force that animates body and mind, discussing how it can provide happiness when present and how its lack can cause illness.
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  11. Mind-body identity, privacy, and categories.Richard Rorty - 1965 - Review of Metaphysics 19 (1):24-54.
    CURRENT CONTROVERSIES about the Mind-Body Identity Theory form a case-study for the investigation of the methods practiced by linguistic philosophers. Recent criticisms of these methods question that philosophers can discern lines of demarcation between "categories" of entities, and thereby diagnose "conceptual confusions" in "reductionist" philosophical theories. Such doubts arise once we see that it is very difficult, and perhaps impossible, to draw a firm line between the "conceptual" and the "empirical," and thus to differentiate between a statement embodying (...)
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    Mind/body Theory and Practice in Tibetan Medicine and Buddhism.Brendan Richard Ozawa-De Silva & Chikako Ozawa De Silva - 2011 - Body and Society 17 (1):95-119.
    The model of mind and body in Tibetan medical practice is based on Buddhist theory, and is neither dualistic in a Cartesian sense, nor monistic. Rather, it represents a genuine alternative to these positions by presenting mind/body interaction as a dynamic process that is situated within the context of the individual’s relationships with others and the environment. Due to the distinctiveness, yet interdependence, of mind and body, the physician’s task is to heal the patient’s (...)
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  13. (1 other version)Mind-body interaction and supervenient causation.Ernest Sosa - 1984 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 9 (1):271-81.
    The mind-body problem arises because of our status as double agents apparently en rapport both with the mental and with the physical. We think, desire, decide, plan, suffer passions, fall into moods, are subject to sensory experiences, ostensibly perceive, intend, reason, make believe, and so on. We also move, have a certain geographical position, a certain height and weight, and we are sometimes hit or cut or burned. In other words, human beings have both minds and bodies. What (...)
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  14. MindBody Commerce: Occasional Causation and Mental Representation in Anton Wilhelm Amo.Peter West - 2022 - Philosophy Compass 17 (9):e12872.
    This paper contributes to a growing body of literature focusing on Anton Wilhelm Amo’s account of the mind-body relation. The first aim of this paper is to provide an overview of that literature, bringing together several interpretations of Amo’s account of the mind-body relation and providing a comprehensive overview of where the debate stands so far. Doing so reveals that commentary is split between those who take Amo to adopt a Leibnizian account of pre-established harmony (...)
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    Reason, Mind, Body, and World.Paul Weiss - 1976 - Review of Metaphysics 30 (2):325 - 334.
    I BEGIN with a summary. The mind-body problem is one of a group of four and cannot be adequately understood without some understanding of the others. It deals with the relation of an individual mind to an individual body. But there is also a question of how an individual mind is related to an impersonal body that is a part of a world; how an individual body is related to an impersonal mind (...)
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  16.  7
    The Mind-Body Stage: Passion and Interaction in the Cartesian Theater.R. Gobert - 2013 - Stanford University Press.
    Descartes's notion of subjectivity changed the way characters would be written, performed by actors, and received by audiences. His coordinate system reshaped how theatrical space would be conceived and built. His theory of the passions revolutionized our understanding of the emotional exchange between spectacle and spectators. Yet theater scholars have not seen Descartes's transformational impact on theater history. Nor have philosophers looked to this history to understand his reception and impact. After Descartes, playwrights put Cartesian characters on the stage and (...)
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  17. Modern Physics and the Energy-Conservation Objection to Mind-Body Dualism.Robin Collins - 2008 - American Philosophical Quarterly 45 (1):31-42.
  18. Mind-body Dualism: A critique from a Health Perspective.Neeta Mehta - 2011 - Mens Sana Monographs 9 (1):202-209.
    Philosophical theory about the nature of human beings has far reaching consequences on our understanding of various issues faced by them. Once taken as self-evident, it becomes the foundation on which knowledge gets built. The cause of concern is that this theoretical framework rarely gets questioned despite its inherent limitations and self-defeating consequences, leading to crisis in the concerned field. The field, which is facing crisis today, is that of medicine, and the paradigmatic stance that is responsible for the crisis (...)
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  19. Mind-Body Parallelism and Spinoza's Philosophy of Mind.Ruben Noorloos - 2022 - Dissertation, Central European University
    Mind-body parallelism is the view that mind and body stand in the same “order and connection,” as Spinoza put it, or that corresponding mental and physical states have corresponding causal explanations in terms of other mental and physical states. This dissertation investigates the nature and role of mind-body parallelism, as well as other forms of parallelism, in Spinoza’s philosophy of mind. In doing so, it also considers how Spinoza’s views relate to current discussions. (...)
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  20.  33
    The Mind-Body Problem in the Light of Neuroscience.Mario Bunge & Rodolfo Llinás - 1983 - der 16. Weltkongress Für Philosophie 2:274-279.
    This paper addresses the problem of which, of the two rival doctrines of the mind, psychoneural dualism and monism, coheres best with both the ontological framework of science and with results in neuroscience. It is concluded that, whereas dualism is not compatible with either, a certain version of monism—called emergentist materialism—is. It is also argued that, while the former is sterile or worse, the latter fosters scientific- research into the mind-body problem by encouraging the integration of psychology (...)
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  21. The mind-body problem: An overview.Kirk Ludwig - 2003 - In Ted Warfield, The Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Mind. Blackwell. pp. 1-46.
    My primary aim in this chapter is to explain in what the traditional mindbody problem consists, what its possible solutions are, and what obstacles lie in the way of a resolution. The discussion will develop in two phases. The first phase, sections 1.2–1.4, will be concerned to get clearer about the import of our initial question as a precondition of developing an account of possible responses to it. The second phase, sections 1.5–1.6, explains how a problem arises in (...)
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    The mind-body world-not.Jesper Kallestrup - 2009 - Think 8 (21):37-51.
    Here Kallestrup presents a succinct introduction to some of the latest thinking about the notorious mind-body problem.
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  23. Mind-Body problemets olösbarhet frigör viljan.Jan Scheffel - manuscript
    Mind-body problemet analyseras i ett reduktionistiskt perspektiv. Genom att kombinera emergensbegreppet med algoritmisk informationsteori visas i ett tankeexperiment att ett starkt epistemiskt emergent system kan konstrueras utifrån en relativt enkel, ickelinjär process. En jämförelse med hjärnans avsevärt mer komplexa neurala nätverk visar att även medvetandet kan karakteriseras som starkt epistemiskt emergent. Därmed är reduktionistisk förståelse av medvetandet inte möjlig; mind-body problemet har alltså inte en reduktionistisk lösning. Medvetandets ontologiskt emergenta karaktär kan därefter konstateras utifrån en kombinatorisk (...)
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    Mind-Body: A Pluralistic Interpretation of Mind-Body Interaction Under the Guidelines of Time, Space, and Movement.Adrian Moulyn - 1991 - Westport: Greenwood Press.
    This innovative work takes a new approach to a fundamental dilemma of physiology, psychology, and philosophy: the subjectively perceived split between body and mind. Examining the subjective and objective aspects of movement and their relationship to our perception of mind-body separation, the author takes issue with conventional philosophical views on human duality and develops an integrative theory of interaction that suggests a basis for genuine mind-body harmony.
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  25. Rethinking mind-body dualism: a Buddhist take on the mind-body problem.Chien-Te Lin - 2013 - Contemporary Buddhism 14 (2):239-264.
    This paper is an effort to present the mind-body problem from a Buddhist point of view. Firstly, I show that the Buddhist distinction between mind and body is not absolute, but instead merely employed as a communicative tool to aid the understanding of human beings in a holistic light. Since Buddhism acknowledges a mind-body distinction only on a conventional level, it would not be fair to claim that the tradition necessarily advocates mind-body (...)
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  26.  33
    Another Mind-Body Problem: A History of Racial Non-Being by John Harfouch.Susan Peppers-Bates - 2020 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 58 (1):183-184.
    Despite ideals of philosophical objectivity, who speaks is as important as what is said, and those who fall outside the Eurocentric male norm often are not heard or invited to participate in theorizing. New work chronicling and challenging the creation of white supremacist ideology in philosophy is needed greatly. In this important book, Another Mind-Body Problem: A History of Racial Non-Being, John Harfouch reveals the hermeneutical injustice that obscures how professional philosophers understand the mind-body problem today (...)
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  27. The Mind-Body Problem: A Psychobiological Approach.Mario Bunge - 1981 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 32 (3):282-286.
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  28. Mind and Body: a Philosophical Delineation of the Problem.Evandro Agazzi - 1981 - Epistemologia 4:3.
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  29. "Mind, Life and Body." By R. O. Kapp.Peter Alexander - 1952 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 3 ([9/12]):287.
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    Mind-body problem: mente, corpo, emozioni e passioni.Paolo Quintili (ed.) - 2024 - Milano: Mimesis.
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    Mind-body dualism: a philosophical investigation.Alpana Chakraborty - 1997 - New Delhi: D.K. Printworld.
    The Study Reviews The Philosophical Thinking That Has, Since Descartes Time, Been Invested In The Shaping Of This Dualistic Tradition. It Compares The Cartesian View Of Mind-Body Dualism With The Dualism Of Traditional Samkhya Philosophy.
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    Body and Mind. By Keith Campbell. Macmillan, 1971. Pp. 125 + 25 + vi. £1.95.Jenny Teichmann - 1972 - Philosophy 47 (181):286-.
  33.  31
    Mind, Body, and Morality: New Perspectives on Descartes and Spinoza.Frans Svensson & Martina Reuter (eds.) - 2019 - New York: Routledge.
    The turn of the millennium has been marked by new developments in the study of early modern philosophy. In particular, the philosophy of René Descartes has been reinterpreted in a number of important and exciting ways, specifically concerning his work on the mind-body union, the connection between objective and formal reality, and his status as a moral philosopher. These fresh interpretations have coincided with a renewed interest in overlooked parts of the Cartesian corpus and a sustained focus on (...)
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  34.  6
    Why the mind has a body.Charles Augustus Strong - 1903 - London,: Macmillan & Co..
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to (...)
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    Pragmatism, Neural Plasticity and Mind-Body Unity.Stephen Jarosek - 2013 - Biosemiotics 6 (2):205-230.
    Recent developments in cognitive science provide compelling leads that need to be interpreted and synthesized within the context of semiotic and biosemiotic principles. To this end, we examine the impact of the mind-body unity on the sorts of choices that an organism is predisposed to making from its Umwelt. In multicellular organisms with brains, the relationship that an organism has with its Umwelt impacts on neural plasticity, the functional specialisations that develop within the brain, and its behaviour. Clinical (...)
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  36. Mind-Body Meets Metaethics: A Moral Concept Strategy.Helen Yetter-Chappell & Richard Yetter Chappell - 2013 - Philosophical Studies 165 (3):865-878.
    The aim of this paper is to assess the relationship between anti-physicalist arguments in the philosophy of mind and anti-naturalist arguments in metaethics, and to show how the literature on the mind-body problem can inform metaethics. Among the questions we will consider are: (1) whether a moral parallel of the knowledge argument can be constructed to create trouble for naturalists, (2) the relationship between such a "Moral Knowledge Argument" and the familiar Open Question Argument, and (3) how (...)
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    (1 other version)Mind, body, intelligence amd language in the era of cognitive technologies. Brief overview of the MBIL 2023 conference.П. Н Барышников - 2023 - Philosophical Problems of IT and Cyberspace (PhilIT&C) 2:140-144.
    Science as a social institution today is experiencing a phase of profound transformation. Objects, methods, research technological tools, methods of institutional communication and mechanisms for commercializing new knowledge are changing. The creation of new interdisciplinary communication platforms is more relevant today than ever before. This review pro[1]vides key information about the First Conference «Mind, Body, Intelligence, Language in the Age of Cognitive Technologies». The organizers created an event that brought together IT developers, academic researchers, and business representatives.
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    Body-mind and creativity.James Herbert Blackhurst - 1954 - New York,: Philosophical Library.
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    Mind and Body Snatchers.Temenuga Trifonova - 2005 - Film and Philosophy 9:74-93.
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  40. The Mind-Body Problem.Tim Crane - 1999 - In Robert Andrew Wilson & Frank C. Keil, MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences. Cambridge, USA: MIT Press.
    The mind-body problem is the problem of explaining how our mental states, events and processes—like beliefs, actions and thinking—are related to the physical states, events and processes in our bodies. A question of the form, ‘how is A related to B?’ does not by itself pose a philosophical problem. To pose such a problem, there has to be something about A and B which makes the relation between them seem problematic. Many features of mind and body (...)
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    BODY, SOUL, SPIRIT: A Survey of the BodyMind Problem.G. N. A. Vesey - 1966 - Philosophical Books 7 (3):26-28.
  42. Mind and body in their relations to each other and to external things.C. Lloyd Morgan - 1915 - Scientia 9 (18):244.
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  43. The mind-body problem and explanatory dualism.Nicholas Maxwell - 2000 - Philosophy 75 (291):49-71.
    An important part of the mind-brain problem arises because sentience and consciousness seem inherently resistant to scientific explanation and understanding. The solution to this dilemma is to recognize, first, that scientific explanation can only render comprehensible a selected aspect of what there is, and second, that there is a mode of explanation and understanding, the personalistic, quite different from, but just as viable as, scientific explanation. In order to understand the mental aspect of brain processes - that aspect we (...)
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  44. Narrow content functionalism and the mind-body problem.Kenneth Taylor - 1989 - Noûs 23 (3):355-72.
  45. Body-Mind Concepts in the Ancient Near East: A Comparison of Egypt and Israel in the Second Millennium BC.L. D. Hankoff - 1980 - In Robert W. Rieber, Body and mind: past, present, and future. New York: Academic Press. pp. 3--33.
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  46. Body, Mind, and Method: Essays in Honour of Virgil C. Aldrich.D. F. Gustafson & B. L. Tapscott - 1982 - Mind 91 (362):313-315.
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    Body and Mind: on the Fuzzy Relation Between Meaning and Word in Fritz Mauthner's Critique of Language.Silvia Dapiá - 1995 - Semiotics:332-342.
  48. Minds & Bodies: No Dogs or Philosophers Allowed.Ken Knisely, Wayne Alt, Alicia Juerrero & Daniel Robinson - forthcoming - DVD.
    Is believing in "minds" as qualitatively distinct from "bodies" just wrong headed? Did René Descartes set us off on a four hundred year wild goose chase? How should we think about this traditional dichotomy? With Wayne Alt, Alicia Juerrero, and Daniel Robinson.
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  49. The Mind-Body Problem at Century's Turn.Jaegwon Kim - 2004 - In Brian Leiter, The future for philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 129-152.
    A plausible terminus for the mind-body debate begins by embracing ontological physicalism—the view that there is only one kind of substance in the concrete world, and that it is material substance. Taking mental causation seriously, this terminus also embraces conditional reductionism, the thesis that only physically reducible (i.e., functionalizable) mental properties can be causally efficacious. Intentional/cognitive properties (what David Chalmers calls “psychological” aspects of mind) are physically reducible, but qualia (“phenomenal” aspects of mind) are not. In (...)
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    The MindBody Relation: Problem, Mystery, or What?Joseph Levine - 2021 - In Nicholas Allott, Terje Lohndal & Georges Rey, A Companion to Chomsky. Wiley. pp. 503–514.
    In this chapter, the author wants to respond to Noam Chomsky's claim, repeated often in different ways. He argues both that Chomsky's own position suffers from inconsistency – he dismisses the apparent problem while at the same time promoting it as a “mystery” – and that his principal reason for maintaining his position, that there is no clear conception of body, or the physical, with which to contrast the mind, or the mental, does not really dispense with the (...)
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