Results for ' media repertoire'

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  1.  76
    Media repertoires as a result of selective media use. A conceptual approach to the analysis of patterns of exposure.Jutta Popp & Uwe Hasebrink - 2006 - Communications 31 (3):369-387.
    This article sets out to provide a conceptual contribution to theoretical and empirical work on the level of media repertoires. We will first discuss theoretical approaches which allow for an explanation of media repertoires and relate them to the most prominent approaches to selective audience behavior. Secondly, in order to empirically analyze media repertoires we propose a combination of secondary analyses of existing surveys on media use and qualitative studies on the internal ‘architecture’ of these repertoires (...)
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    Bundles of trust? Examining the relationships between media repertoires, institutional trust, and social contexts.Marc Verboord - 2024 - Communications 49 (2):243-262.
    How the media influence the trust that citizens have in institutions such as politics and science seems more important than ever, given the decline of institutional trust in Western societies, and the increasingly diversified media landscape. This paper focuses on the relationship between media repertoires, institutional trust, and two socializing contexts (parents, social networks). Applying Latent Class Analysis, this paper examines (a) how parental socialization and social networks predict membership of media repertoires, and (b) how repertoires (...)
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    Fragmentation in high-choice media environments from a micro-perspective: Effects of selective exposure on issue diversity in individual repertoires.Christiane Eilders & Pablo Porten-Cheé - 2019 - Communications 44 (2):139-161.
    Online communication is often seen to promote audience fragmentation because it facilitates selective exposure and therefore is likely to divide audiences into sub-publics that hardly share common issues with other sub-publics. This study takes a micro-perspective on fragmentation by focusing on issue diversity in media items users have encountered in a particular week. Diversity was assessed via content analyses based on online diaries of 645 participants who recorded their media use concerning the German debates on climate change and (...)
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    News repertoires, civic engagement and political participation among young adults in Israel.Hillel Nossek & Sagit Dinnar - 2021 - Communications 46 (2):159-184.
    This study investigates the cross-media repertoires of news consumption of young adults in today’s fragmented multi-media environment, and examines the interactions between those repertoires and the consumers’ civic engagement and political participation. By using a Q-sort method, the respondents were asked to sort a number of elicitation cards on a relational scalar grid, which allowed for subsequent statistical factor analysis of these qualitative data and the generation of a sub-typology of media consumption repertoires as well as the (...)
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    Periods of upheaval and their effect on mediatized ways of life: Changes in media use in the wake of separation, new partnership, children leaving the parental home, and relocation.Stephan Niemand - forthcoming - Communications.
    Media use is always embedded in real everyday contexts, which would suggest that a profound change in everyday structure also brings about a change in the media repertoire. To explore the relationship between everyday structure and media use we present selected empirical findings from a qualitative panel study with couples on how they change their media repertoire in the wake of separation, new partnership, children leaving the parental home, and relocation. For analyzing the effects (...)
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  6.  20
    Polymedia repertoires of networked individuals : A day-in-the-life approach.Caroline Tagg & Agnieszka Lyons - 2021 - Pragmatics and Society 12 (5):725-755.
    This article introduces the concept of the polymedia repertoire to explore how social meaning is indexed through the interplay of communicative resources at different levels of expression in digitally mediated interactions. The multi-layered polymedia repertoire highlights how people move fluidly between media platforms, semiotic modes and linguistic resources in the course of their everyday interactions, and enables us to locate digital communications within individuals’ wider practices. The potential of our theoretical contribution is illustrated through analysis of mobile (...)
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    Cultural capital as a background of media use and civic engagement.Stanislaw Jedrzejewski - 2023 - Communications 48 (4):523-538.
    This article outlines the relationship that cultural capital, which is identified as a media user’s education level, shares with news media consumption patterns, civic engagement, and cultural participation. The article’s findings are based on data gathered during a 2015 investigation on news media consumption conducted by a group of European researchers as part of a comparative research project, supplemented with data from a survey on a random sample of Polish citizens conducted in May 2019. The project for (...)
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    Dialogical Demand: Discursive Position Repertoires for a Local and Global UK Sex Industry.Adam R. Crossley & Rebecca Lawthom - 2015 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 45 (2):261-286.
    The increasing incidence of ‘trafficking’ has added an incontestably disturbing dimension to the contestable nature of a ‘non-trafficked’ UK sex industry. Men who buy sex remain under-researched, though some studies have indicated ambivalence within men's attitudes. This study combines a critical discursive psychology in support of dialogical self theory. Secondary data, from prominent UK media resources, were analysed using Edley's method of combining ‘interpretative repertoires’, ‘ideological dilemmas’ and ‘subject positions’. Contrasting discursive practices indicative of wider ideological conflict were found. (...)
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    Uses and Gratifications of Social Media: A Comparison of Facebook and Instant Messaging.Alyson L. Young & Anabel Quan-Haase - 2010 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 30 (5):350-361.
    Users have adopted a wide range of digital technologies into their communication repertoire. It remains unclear why they adopt multiple forms of communication instead of substituting one medium for another. It also raises the question: What type of need does each of these media fulfill? In the present article, the authors conduct comparative work that examines the gratifications obtained from Facebook with those from instant messaging. This comparison between media allows one to draw conclusions about how different (...)
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  10.  11
    Polymedia and family multilingualism : Linguistic repertoires and relationships in digitally mediated interaction.Kristin Vold Lexander - 2021 - Pragmatics and Society 12 (5):782-804.
    This paper investigates family multilingualism in a polymedia perspective, presenting results from a study of transnational communication among four families with Senegalese background, living in Norway. Ethnographic interview data collected in 2017 and 2018, including mediagrams, are analysed to get insight into the families’ uses of media and language. Furthermore, the moment-by-moment language practices through which family relationships are managed and sustained are examined through fine-grained analysis of interpersonal interaction. The paper thus both draws on and goes beyond polymedia (...)
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  11.  33
    Shaping Social Media Minds: Scaffolding Empathy in Digitally Mediated Interactions?Carmen Mossner & Sven Walter - 2024 - Topoi 43 (3):645-658.
    Empathy is an integral aspect of human existence. Without at least a basic ability to access others’ affective life, social interactions would be well-nigh impossible. Yet, recent studies seem to show that the means we have acquired to access others’ emotional life no longer function well in what has become our everyday business – technologically mediated interactions in digital spaces. If this is correct, there are two important questions: (1) What makes empathy for frequent internet users so difficult? and (2) (...)
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  12.  17
    Événements culturels internationaux et médias : Interactions et définitions réciproques.Bernadette Dufrene - 2006 - Hermes 46:179.
    Les événements culturels internationaux constituent-ils un système symbolique indépendant des médias? Le propos de cet article s'inscrit dans une théorie générale de la trivialité, c'est-à-dire de la circulation des concepts entre la sphère de la production culturelle et celle des médias. Sans remettre en cause l'apport fondamental de Davidson à la théorie de l'événement - à savoir qu'un événement existe indépendamment de toute reconstruction ultérieure notamment par les médias - et, au contraire, en soulignant les apports d'une sémantique de l'histoire (...)
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  13.  27
    Being a couple in a media world: The mediatization of everyday communication in couple relationships.Christine Linke - 2011 - Communications 36 (1):91-111.
    The aim of this research was to examine the mediatization on the level of social relationships, and to figure out which impact media has on the everyday life of couples. A theoretical framework is gathered which is based on the concept of mediatization as background and is applying theoretical approaches on everyday life and close relationships. The empirical study was carried out with 10 couples in order to gain a contextualized description of partners' everyday life communication. The results picture (...)
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  14.  23
    ‘It’s time we invested in stronger borders’: media representations of refugees crossing the English Channel by boat.Samuel Parker, Sophie Bennett, Chyna Mae Cobden & Deborah Earnshaw - 2022 - Critical Discourse Studies 19 (4):348-363.
    ABSTRACT Refugees crossing the Mediterranean Sea in small boats has become a common sight in the media, particularly since the so-called ‘refugee crisis’ in 2015. The number of boats crossing the English Channel between the French and UK coasts has been increasing as other migration routes have been closed down. This article reports the findings of a discourse analysis of 96 UK newspaper articles published in December 2018 when the daily crossings were referred to as a ‘major crisis’. Adopting (...)
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  15.  17
    Naming people on the move according to the political agenda: A study of Belgian media.Valériane Mistiaen - 2021 - Discourse and Communication 15 (3):308-329.
    The aim of this article is to study the different denominations used to name people on the move in the Belgian French- and Dutch-speaking press. The so-called ‘refugee crisis’ has received huge media attention in Europe. In Belgium, media landscape is divided amongst Dutch-, French- and much smaller German-speaking communities, all of which harbour different journalistic traditions. The country is then an excellent case study to observe the divergences between the linguistic repertoire of denominations referencing people in (...)
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  16.  28
    Alternative data and sentiment analysis: Prospecting non-standard data in machine learning-driven finance.Christian Borch & Kristian Bondo Hansen - 2022 - Big Data and Society 9 (1).
    Social media commentary, satellite imagery and GPS data are a part of ‘alternative data’, that is, data that originate outside of the standard repertoire of market data but are considered useful for predicting stock prices, detecting different risk exposures and discovering new price movement indicators. With the availability of sophisticated machine-learning analytics tools, alternative data are gaining traction within the investment management and algorithmic trading industries. Drawing on interviews with people working in investment management and algorithmic trading firms (...)
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  17.  28
    Investigating people’s news diets: How online users use offline news.Klaus Schoenbach & Damian Trilling - 2015 - Communications 40 (1):67-91.
    The question how offline media use is related to online media use has been heavily debated in the last decades. If they are functionally equivalent, then advantages like low costs, rapid publication cycles, and easy access to online news could lead to them displacing offline news. Data from a large-scale survey with detailed questions about media use in the Netherlands show that, interestingly, the functions that online and offline media are used for are often the same: (...)
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  18. E-text.Niels Finnemann - 2018 - Oxford Researech Encyclopedia - Literature.
    Electronic text can be defined on two different, though interconnected, levels. On the one hand, electronic text can be defined by taking the notion of “text” or “printed text” as the point of departure. On the other hand, electronic text can be defined by taking the digital format as the point of departure, where everything is represented in the binary alphabet. While the notion of text in most cases lends itself to being independent of medium and embodiment, it is also (...)
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  19.  20
    Health-related communication in everyday life: Communication partners, channels, and patterns.Anna Wagner & Doreen Reifegerste - 2023 - Communications 48 (2):180-201.
    Although health matters are commonly discussed in various social contexts, health-related interpersonal communication still remains a black box in health communication research. Bringing together research from the fields of health communication and interpersonal communication, we therefore examine how people communicate about health and illness in their everyday lives. Based on Channel Complementary Theory and the concept of communication repertoires, we focus on a) the communication partners, b) the communication channels, and c) the communication patterns relevant to health-related interpersonal communication. We (...)
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  20.  11
    Rhythm Returns: Movement and Cultural Theory.Pasi Väliaho, Milla Tiainen & Julian Henriques - 2014 - Body and Society 20 (3-4):3-29.
    This introduction charts several of rhythm's various returns as a way of laying out the theoretical and methodological field in which the articles of this special issue find their place. While Henri Lefebvre’s rhythmanalysis is perhaps familiar to many, rhythm has appeared in a wide repertoire of guises, in many disciplines over the decades and indeed the centuries. This introduction attends to the particular roles of rhythm in the formation of modernity ranging from the processes of industrialization and the (...)
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    Deep culture in action: resignification, synecdoche, and metanarrative in the moral panic of the Salem Witch Trials.Isaac Ariail Reed - 2015 - Theory and Society 44 (1):65-94.
    Sociological research on moral panics, long understood as “struggles for cultural power,” has focused on the social groups and media conditions that enable moral panics to emerge, and on the consequences of moral panics for the social control systems of societies. In this article I turn instead to modeling the specific cultural process of how the conditions for a moral panic are turned into an actual moral panic, moving the understanding of moral panic away from its Durkheimian origins and (...)
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  22.  31
    Why are graphs so central in science?Roger Krohn - 1991 - Biology and Philosophy 6 (2):181-203.
    This paper raises the question of the prominence and use of statistical graphs in science, and argues that their use in problem solving analysis can best be understood in an ‘interactionist’ frame of analysis, including bio-emotion, culture, social organization, and environment as elements. The frame contrasts both with philosophical realism and with social constructivism, which posit two variables and one way causal flows. We next posit basic differences between visual, verbal, and numerical media of perception and communication. Graphs are (...)
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  23.  18
    Tensioned Civility: Presidential Delegitimization of the Press.Rui Alexandre Novais & Viviane Araújo - 2023 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 78 (4):1533-1560.
    This explorative study contributes to the theoretical debate on political incivility beyond the domination of Western-centric approaches while connecting the bodies of literature in political philosophy and media research. It offers empirical evidence of Bolsonaro’s delegitimizing criticisms and uncivil expressions toward the press, some specific news outlets, and individual journalists during the first two years of his presidential mandate in Brazil. It concludes that Bolsonaro displayed the complete repertoire of the defining elements of political incivility in liberal democracies (...)
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  24.  26
    New British feminisms, UK Feminista and young women’s activism.Khursheed Wadia & Nickie Charles - 2018 - Feminist Theory 19 (2):165-181.
    Over the past few years we have witnessed a sharp resurgence in feminist activism as young women have become increasingly interested in feminist ideas as a means of making sense of their lives. This resurgence in feminist practice is evidenced by the formation of myriad groups and networks across Britain and the initiation of various feminist projects and campaigns, reported regularly and widely in local and national media. This article examines the renaissance of this new feminism through the example (...)
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  25.  17
    Modelizing epistemologies: organizing Catholic sanctity from calendar-based martyrologies to today’s mobile apps.Gabriele Marino & Jenny Ponzo - 2021 - Semiotica 2021 (239):201-223.
    The Catholic concept of “sanctity” can be thought of as a “cultural unit” (Eco) composed of a wide variety of “grounds” (Peirce) or distinctive features. The figures of individual saints, i.e., tokens of sanctity, are characterized by a particular set of grounds, organized and represented in texts of different genres. This paper presents a semiotic study of texts seeking to offer an encompassing view of “sanctity” by listing all the saints and supplementing their names with a short description of their (...)
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    Musical Performance As an Intermedial Affair (A Case of a Pianist).Dario Martinelli & Lina Navickaitė-Martinelli - 2017 - American Journal of Semiotics 33 (1/2):83-98.
    The professional profile of a performer does not only consist of mere music playing, but calls into question a number of variables of private and public, musical and extra-musical articulation. Performers have their own personality and inclinations; they are exposed to different forms of education and influences; they develop certain technical and stylistic abilities; they find certain repertoires more suitable than others; they confront themselves with composers and their requests/indications; they have to take into account social demands to given repertoires; (...)
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    Traditions and innovations.Veronika Lipphardt - 2015 - History of the Human Sciences 28 (5):49-79.
    This article gives an overview of the visual culture shared by a number of scientists studying human variation in the first half of the 20th century. This was a time when most scientists shared the conceptual and terminological framework of ‘racial classifications’ to capture the structure of human variation. Clearly, drawings – and later photographs – of people from all over the world constituted a crucial part of the well-established visual culture concerned with human variation. The article, however, focuses on (...)
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  28.  33
    A kerosene summer dress.Graydon Wetzler - 2018 - Technoetic Arts 16 (3):247-258.
    This article combines situational analysis with situationists dérive to weave a seemingly disjointed series of historical tableaux, materialities, marginalia, combustion and corporeal techniques in embryology, chemistry, geology, synthetics and magic. The double locus structuring this constellation is Hilde Proescholdt (1898–1924), a gifted German experimental biologist; and Abraham Gesner (1797–1864), Canadian physician, geologist and inventor of kerosene. Following Adele Clark’s SA research programme, I attend to situational maps recurring the experimental repertoires Gesner and Proescholdt with the material, social and artefactual historicities (...)
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    Pasjonująca gra. Ballada o szachiście i inne „ciekawe piosenki” Wojciecha Młynarskiego napisane z Jerzym Wasowskim w okresie stanu wojennego.Jerzy Wiśniewski - 2021 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica 63 (4):69-92.
    Among the composers with whom Wojciech Młynarski collaborated – a brilliant songwriter and penetrating satirist, librettist and translator, as well as a talented singer – was a completely unique artist, often referred to as the “Polish Gershwin” – Jerzy Wasowski. As a result of their nearly twenty years of cooperation, interrupted by Wasowski’s death in 1984, about thirty songs were created, most often being cabaret-satirical works or in the form of “sung columns”. Among the achievements of the Młynarski-Wasowski company there (...)
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    Technologien des Geistes.Oswald Schwemmer - 2007 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2007 (1):45-65.
    »Technologies of mind« can be understood as the different ways in which symbolic media are used to articulate thought. These media are given as facts in a culture, and their internal structure enters into all our acts of articulation – i.e. of our feeling, perceiving, and thinking. In this perspective our entire intellectual life can be regarded as a dynamic interplay between the symbolic repertoire of a culture and the way that individual behavior relates to this (...) in the effort to it articulation. That is why we only can inquire into »mind« after we have taken note of the culture within which it has formed. (shrink)
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    New Forms of Revolt: Kristeva’s Intimate Politics.Sarah K. Hansen & Rebecca Tuvel (eds.) - 2017 - SUNY Press.
    Essays explore the significance of Julia Kristeva’s concept of intimate revolt for social and political philosophy. Over the last twenty years, French philosopher, psychoanalyst, and novelist Julia Kristeva has explored how global crises threaten people’s ability to revolt. In a context of widespread war, deepening poverty, environmental catastrophes, and rising fundamentalisms, she argues that a revival of inner psychic experience is necessary and empowering. “Intimate revolt” has become a central concept in Kristeva’s critical repertoire, framing and permeating her understanding (...)
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  32.  6
    The Abc's of Classroom Management: An a-Z Sampler for Designing Your Learning Community.Pamela A. Kramer Ertel & Madeline Kovarik - 2015 - Routledge.
    _Co-published with Kappa Delta Pi_ _The ABCs of Classroom Management_ equips teachers with a repertoire of expert strategies to develop classroom expectations and manage student behaviors. The second edition of this practical, alphabetical guide includes expansions on time-honored topics such as relationship building, communication, discipline, and behavior management, with the addition of new topics such as cyberbullying, violence prevention, social media, and substitute teachers. The newest quick reference to managing a classroom offers tried-and-true tips and specific examples of (...)
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    Warburg’s “Goddess in Exile”: The “Nymph” Fragment between Letter and Taxonomy, Read with Heinrich Heine.Sigrid Weigel - 2013 - Critical Horizons 14 (3):271-295.
    As regards Aby Warburg’s oeuvre, it is fascinating that three unfinished or unpublished projects have come to represent the very theorems now appearing of most interest for cultural historians and theorists: The Mnemosyne Atlas representing pictorial memory; the Serpent Ritual as theorem for a cultural-anthropological reading of pagan cultures; and the Nymph Fragment as a foundational figure of modern iconology. This essay undertakes an analysis of the fragmentary character of Warburg’s way of working, arguing that his search for an analytic (...)
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    Selfi es.Ramón Reichert - 2018 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2018 (1):85-97.
    The history of the human face is the history of its social coding and the media- conditions of its appearance. The best way to explain the »selfie«-practices of today’s digital culture is to understand such practices as both participative and commercialized cultural techniques that allow their users to fashion their selves in ways they consider relevant for their identities as individuals. Whereas they may put their image of themselves front stage with their selfies, such images for being socially shared (...)
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    New forms of revolt: essays on Kristeva's intimate politics.Sarah K. Hansen (ed.) - 2017 - Albany, NY: SUNY Press.
    Essays explore the significance of Julia Kristeva’s concept of intimate revolt for social and political philosophy. Over the last twenty years, French philosopher, psychoanalyst, and novelist Julia Kristeva has explored how global crises threaten people’s ability to revolt. In a context of widespread war, deepening poverty, environmental catastrophes, and rising fundamentalisms, she argues that a revival of inner psychic experience is necessary and empowering. “Intimate revolt” has become a central concept in Kristeva’s critical repertoire, framing and permeating her understanding (...)
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    Linguistic Marketing in a marketplace of ideas: Language choice and intertextuality in a Nigerian virtual community.Presley Ifukor - 2011 - Pragmatics and Society 2 (1):110-147.
    The virtual community under consideration is called theNigerian Village Square, ‘…a marketplace of ideas’. As an online discussion forum, NVS combines the features of listservs and newsgroups with a more elegant and user-friendly interface. While computer-mediated communication technologies augment political discourse in established democracies, new media and mobile technologies create avenues for a virtual sphere among Nigerians. Therefore, the ideal virtual sphere guarantees equal access to all connected netizens, equal right for all languages in netizens’ linguistic repertoire, and (...)
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    The Representational Necropolitics of Black Women in Zombie Dystopia Video Games.Eric Andrew James - 2021 - Feminist Studies 47 (1):147-174.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Feminist Studies 47, no. 1. © 2021 by Feminist Studies, Inc. 147 Eric Andrew James The Representational Necropolitics of Black Women in Zombie Dystopia Video Games Though Stuart Hall defends popular representation as an important terrain of political struggle, he also argues that images of difference are dominated by “racialized regimes of representation” manifest in stereotypes and invisibilities.1 These ensure that marginal identities are reduced, essentialized, and rendered other. (...)
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    Anti-populist discourse in Greece and Argentina in the 21st century.G. Markou - 2021 - Journal of Political Ideologies 26 (2):201-219.
    In recent years, especially after the outbreak of the economic crisis, the phenomenon of populism has returned to the forefront. Populism is all around us, on the front pages of the newspapers, in the political repertoire, in academic papers. Politicians, journalists and researchers discuss this phenomenon, try to define it, examine its principal features and analyse its relationship with democracy. A large part of the mainstream parties and politicians have succeeded, through a strong anti-populist rhetoric, in consolidating the idea (...)
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    Criminal Justice.Nicola Lacey - 1996 - In Robert E. Goodin, Philip Pettit & Thomas Winfried Menko Pogge (eds.), A Companion to Contemporary Political Philosophy. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 511–520.
    Over the last twenty years there has been an explosion of interest in ‘criminal justice’, generating a wealth of research incorporating law, philosophy, political theory, sociology and other disciplines. The fascination of criminal justice flows from the cultural prominence of criminalization as a form of social control. The news media in Australia, Britain or the United States provide plentiful evidence of the extent to which crime, fear of crime, government criminal justice policy and the activities of the more visible (...)
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    The metapragmatics of mode choice.Andreas Candefors Stæhr & Thomas Rørbeck Nørreby - 2021 - Pragmatics and Society 12 (5):756-781.
    In this article, we investigate the use of social media in contemporary family interaction from a linguistic ethnographic perspective. Inspired by Auer’s work on code-switching in conversation, we study how family members choose and sometimes alternate between digitally mediated and face-to-face modes of communication in various family settings. Based on ethnographic observations, the participants’ metapragmatic reflections, and their interactional orientations to mode choices, we show how such choices serve social and metapragmatic functions in the interaction between family members who (...)
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    How the public responded to the Schiavo controversy: evidence from letters to editors.E. Racine, M. Karczewska, M. Seidler, R. Amaram & J. Illes - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (9):571-573.
    The history and genesis of major public clinical ethics controversies is intimately related to the publication of opinions and responses in media coverage. To provide a sample of public response in the media, this paper reports the results of a content analysis of letters to editors published in the four most prolific American newspapers for the Schiavo controversy. Opinions expressed in the letters sampled strongly supported the use of living wills and strongly condemned public attention to the case (...)
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    ‘Coming up next’: The discourse of television news headlines.Debing Feng & Martin Montgomery - 2016 - Discourse and Communication 10 (5):500-520.
    Despite the adoption of the term headline for both print news and broadcast news, their roles in the different media are not the same. Print headlines are mostly contiguous with the story to which they refer. Broadcast headlines, however, are often at some temporal distance from their associated news item. In the print medium every story carries a headline. In broadcast news only some items are headlined. And yet, whereas the linguistic properties of print headlines have been much studied, (...)
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    What Happened to Philosophy Between Aquinas and Descartes?John Deely - 1994 - The Thomist 58 (4):543-568.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:WHAT HAPPENED TO PHILOSOPHY BETWEEN AQUINAS AND DESCARTES? JoHN DEELY Loras College Dubuque, Iowa INTRODUCTION a. Pondering the Imponderable HE NEO-THOMISTIC revival launched by Leo XIII eems to have run its main course with an almost exclusive ook at the works of Thomas himself without taking much into serious consideration the work of his Latin commentators. At this moment, we find that a book translated from the work of (...)
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    On Popular Music and its Unruly Entanglements.Nick Braae & Kai Arne Hansen (eds.) - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    On Popular Music and Its Unruly Entanglements comprises eleven essays that explore the myriad ways in which popular music is entwined within social, cultural, musical, historical, and media networks. The authors discuss genres as diverse as mainstream pop, hip hop, classic rock, instrumental synthwave, video game music, amateur ukelele groups, and audiovisual remixes, while also considering the music’s relationship to technological developments, various media and materials, and personal and social identity. The collection presents a range of different methodologies (...)
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  45.  12
    Between the aesthetics of picturesque and the documentary uses: the images of popular types and customs in Chile and Peru’s 19th century visual culture.María José Delpiano Kaempffer - 2021 - Alpha (Osorno) 52:229-242.
    Resumen: Las imágenes de tipos populares se erigieron como repertorios angulares en la conformación de los imaginarios de nación en América Latina, de ahí la importancia de su estudio para comprender la cultura visual decimonónica de territorios como Chile y Perú. Estas representaciones se desarrollaron fundamentalmente a partir de medios manuales, y en ellas se debaten cuestiones de gusto, asociadas a una estética de lo pintoresco, y se evidencian las tensiones y convergencias de varias funciones y demandas de la imagen (...)
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    Global corruption and ethics management: translating theory into action.Carole L. Jurkiewicz, Stuart Gilman & Carol W. Lewis (eds.) - 2019 - Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield.
    Global Corruption and Ethics Management: Transforming Theory into Action is focused on integrating research from a diverse array of scholars and translating it into proactive skills; the empirical content is presented clusters of short chapters, each cluster or section is followed by a synopsis of skills for implementation based upon this new knowledge. The scope of the content encompasses the work of top scholars and experienced professionals from across the globe to strategically outline the mercurial nature of corruption, its causes, (...)
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    Music and narrative since 1900.Michael Leslie Klein & Nicholas W. Reyland (eds.) - 2012 - Indianapolis: Indiana University Press.
    This comprehensive volume offers a wide-ranging perspective on the stories that art music has told since the start of the 20th century. Contributors challenge the broadly held opinion that the loss of tonality in some music after 1900 also meant the loss of narrative in that music. To the contrary, the editors and essayists in this book demonstrate how experiments in approaching narrative in other media, such as fiction and cinema, suggested fresh possibilities for musical narrative, which composers were (...)
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  48. Zuleta, cruz vélez y gómez dÁvila: Tres lectores colombianos de Nietzsche: NIETZSCHE.Juan Fernando Media Mosquera - 2000 - Universitas Philosophica 34:257-301.
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  49. Suspended animation : thoughts recovered from the memory of first entering the ex-Alumix Factory.Raqs Media Collective - 2009 - In Eva Ebersberger, Daniela Zyman & Thordis Arrhenius (eds.), Jorge Otero-Pailos: The Ethics of Dust. Dist. By Art Publishers.
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    Aesthetic experience and performing arts in the Arab region: towards an audience-centred perspective.Tarik Sabry Media & London Digital Industries - forthcoming - Journal for Cultural Research:1-13.
    In this article, I engage with aesthetic experience as a central hermeneutic endeavour for theorising performing arts audiences in the Arab region. I argue that a critical engagement with Arab performing arts audiences’ aesthetic experiences necessitates both an archaeological manoeuver and a re-articulation of two keywords: ‘experience’ and ‘everyday’. The article advances, using evidence from research, that allowing the audiences of performing arts in the Arab region to speak may be a step towards democratising the triangular meaning making process among (...)
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