Results for ' magazine'

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  1.  9
    Izbrannye trudy po obshcheĭ teorii prava.I︠A︡ Magaziner - 2006 - Sankt-Peterburg: "I︠U︡ridicheskiĭ t︠s︡entr Press".
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    290• Karen Ruoff Kramer.General Merchandizing Magazine - 2006 - Historical Materialism 14 (4):289-294.
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  3. La interdependencia de las culturas indígenas mesoamericanas como cerdad novelesca.Roger Magazine - 2017 - In Carlos Mendoza-Álvarez, José Luís Jobim, Méndez Gallardo & B. Mariana, Mímesis e invisibilización social: interdividualidad colectiva en América Latina. Ciudad de México: Universidad Iberoamericana.
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    There Is No Ethical Automation: Stanislav Petrov’s Ordeal by Protocol.Technology Antón Barba-Kay A. Center on Privacy, Usab Institute for Practical Ethics Dc, Usaantón Barba-Kay is Distinguished Fellow at the Center on Privacy Ca, Hegel-Studien Nineteenth Century European Philosophy Have Appeared in the Journal of the History of Philosophy, Among Others He has Also Published Essays About Culture The Review of Metaphysics, Commonweal Technology for A. Broader Audience in the New Republic & Other Magazines A. Web of Our Own Making – His Book About What the Internet Is The Point - 2024 - Journal of Military Ethics 23 (3):277-288.
    While the story of Stanislav Petrov – the Soviet Lieutenant Colonel who likely saved the world from nuclear holocaust in 1983 – is often trotted out to advocate for the view that human beings ought to be kept “in the loop” of automated weapons’ responses, I argue that the episode in fact belies this reading. By attending more closely to the features of this event – to Petrov’s professional background, to his familiarity with the warning system, and to his decisions (...)
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    Consumer magazines and ethical guidelines.Vicki Hesterman - 1987 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 2 (2):93 – 101.
    Americans read more than 10 magazines per month. Despite the profound effect this exposure has on individuals and society, little research has been done into ethical standards of magazines. Results of this pilot study of 100 consumer magazines indicate a considerable lack of standard practices and few ethical guidelines.
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  6. Magazines, Meat, and Animal Encounters: Gender and Domestic Medicine in Sarah Grand’s The Beth Book (1897).Louise Benson James - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Humanities:1-16.
    In an early scene of Sarah Grand’s novel The Beth Book, the child protagonist attempts to create a cure for rheumatism. Having read about the curative properties of snails in a “story of French life”, she corks up garden snails in a blacking bottle and places them in the oven to render into “snail oil”, envisaging rubbing patients with her product. This misguided attempt to create a cure explodes, and “boiling animal matter” bespatters the kitchen. This vignette indicates three previously (...)
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    Confessions of a magazine editor.Grant Bartley - 2021 - Human Affairs 31 (4):386-397.
    I argue that good communication is vital to philosophy’s project of understanding truth. I consider what good communication would involve, especially with regards to the needs of a popular philosophy magazine such as Philosophy Now. What makes a good or bad article? And how can one edit oneself for clarity? Finally I consider the difference the internet makes. and some of its implications for future philosophers.
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    Popular Science Magazines in Interwar Britain: Authors and Readerships.Peter J. Bowler - 2013 - Science in Context 26 (3):437-457.
    ArgumentThis article is based on a detailed survey of three British popular science magazines published during the interwar years. It focuses on the authors who wrote for the magazines, using the information to analyze the ways in which scientists and popular writers contributed to the dissemination of information about science and technology. It shows how the different readerships toward which the magazines were directed determined the proportion of trained scientists who provided material for publication. The most serious magazine,Discovery, featured (...)
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    The magazine Tumult and its staging of ›self-thinking‹.Alexander Fischer - 2024 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 98 (4):661-683.
    The article deals with the history of the journal Tumult. Vierteljahresschrift für Konsensstörung and its self-designation as a ›self-thinker‹ borrowed from Arthur Schopenhauer and Karl Heinz Bohrer. The ›self-thinker‹ in the sense of a heroic resistance narrative is positioned in the magazine as a radical contrasting figure to an ostensibly conformist social consensus. Against this background, the literary texts presented in Tumult are discussed in terms of their political program.
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    Le magazine Ah! Nana : une épopée féministe dans un monde d’hommes?Virginie Talet - 2006 - Clio 24:251-272.
    Ah! Nana est un journal de bande dessinée publié entre 1976 et 1978. Adapté d’un magazine apparu aux USA en 1970, le Wimmen’s comix, sa spécificité est d’être réalisé par des femmes et de viser un lectorat féminin. C’est pourquoi il représente une aventure pionnière dans le monde de la bande dessinée française. Son contenu reflète les préoccupations féministes de son temps, pour aborder des sujets les plus délicats comme les plus tabous de la société de la fin des (...)
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    Magazines and the American Experience.G. Thomas Tanselle - 2022 - Common Knowledge 28 (3):463-464.
    The Grolier Club of New York has been mounting exhibitions of books and prints since 1884, and many of them are recognized as landmark treatments of their subjects. Most of them have also been accompanied by published catalogs or related books. A recent instance was the exhibition, in the early months of 2021, drawn from Steven Lomazow's vast collection of American magazines, consisting of over eighty-three thousand separate issues from 1731 to the present. The substantial and profusely illustrated book that (...)
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    Pc Magazine Printing Great Digital Photos.David Karlins - 2004 - Wiley.
    Packed with practical, hands on guidance, PC Magazine’s Guide to Printing Great Digital Photos is the perfect book for computer users who are looking to get that little bit extra out of their color printer investment. Digital print expert David Karlins guides readers through everything –from selecting the right kinds of ink and paper, calibrating your computer monitor and making colors match, to getting your images ready for printing and giving your photos that professional touch with a bit of (...)
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    Pc Magazine Guide to Digital Photography.Daniel Grotta & Sally Wiener Grotta - 2004 - Wiley.
    You have the camera, or intend to. You have the desire. Now, you have personalized instruction from PC Magazine "The play of light and color on the human imagination." That's how Daniel and Sally Wiener Grotta define photography. They'll lead you through choosing a digital camera and using all its amazing features, but photography is more than technology. These renowned experts liberally share their knowledge of lighting, settings, focus, file formats, communicating with pictures, and more. Read a little, then (...)
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  14. Magazines field, or, the next Documenta should be curated by magazines.Patricia Canetti & Leandro de Paula - 2007 - Radical Philosophy 146:43-45.
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    Thought and actuality. The magazines of the 20th century.Luís Andrade - 2009 - Cultura:19-49.
    Face ao papel central que as revistas desempenharam nas transformações culturais e na criação de movimentos doutrinários e cívicos, entre o final do século XIX e o final do século XX, procura--se caracterizar esta modalidade de imprensa a partir dos traços distintivos que lhe permitiram unir, segundo diferentes propósitos e modalidades, pensamento e actualidade.
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    The Magazine “Kadro”: The Perspective of Language And Literature.Ahmet Uslu - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:1103-1114.
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    A magazine to make you beautiful: Votre Beauté and the cosmetics industry in the 1930sUn magazine pour se faire belle : Votre Beauté et l’industrie cosmétique dans les années 1930.Alexie Geers - 2015 - Clio 40.
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    The face beautiful: the magazine Votre Beauté and the French cosmetics industry in the 1930s.Alexie Geers - 2014 - Clio 40:249-269.
    À partir des années 1930, émerge en France une nouvelle forme de presse destinée aux femmes où apparaît la thématique de la beauté. L’idée de beauté, qui était liée principalement au vêtement ou à la nature est redessinée par la ligne éditoriale de ces nouveaux périodiques qui la définissent désormais par les soins du corps. La plus ancienne de ces publications, Votre Beauté, est créée par Eugène Schueller, fondateur de L’Oréal. Cet article porte sur la manière dont est élaborée cette (...)
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    Gilbert Magazine.Dale Ahlquist - 2004 - The Chesterton Review 30 (3/4):461-461.
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    Consumption of Specialized Travel Magazines in Spain.Ana Beriain Bañares, Jose Ignacio Castelló Rivera, Javier Sierra Sánchez & Aida María De Vicente Domínguez - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (2):117-128.
    This study analyzes the interests of Spanish audiences in travel magazines within the current context of press consumption. The objectives are to identify the readers' reading frequency and reasons for reading, what contents interest them, and what aspects of the photographs attract them. The methodology involves a structured questionnaire completed by a representative sample of the Spanish population (n=1000). The main results reveal a low reading frequency, great interest in practical information, preference for landscape photography (over the age of 54) (...)
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    Digital alteration of photographs in consumer magazines.Shiela Reaves - 1991 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 6 (3):175 – 181.
    Digital manipulation of photographs raises a different set of questions for magazine editors than it does for news.paper editors. Interviews with editors of 13 consumer magazines reveal that digital alteration depends largely on the editorial profile of the magazine. All editors interviewed refused to digitally manipulate news photos; however, opinions varied on the treatment of feature and cover photos.
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  22. 3am magazine interview: Parts, Wholes, Abstract objects, Tropes and Ontology.Friederike Moltmann - 2014 - 3Am Magazine.
    This my 3am interview with Richard Marshall about my work and its inspirations. It focuses on my research on parst and wholes, tropes, and abstract objects.
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    Pc Magazine Digital Slr Photography Solutions.Sally Wiener Grotta & Daniel Grotta - 2006 - Wiley.
    Don't enter the world of Digital SLR without this book! If you want to use your Digital SLR camera like a pro, let a pro show you how! Sally Wiener Grotta and Daniel Grotta have been covering the world of digital photography since 1991, and this book is like a private course in DSLR mastery. From understanding the parts of your camera to using the controls effectively to shooting stunning, beautiful, and meaningful photographs to editing your images, here's everything you (...)
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    The philosophers’ magazine/autumn 2002.Jaroslav Peregrin - manuscript
    What is structuralism? The stock To explain why we should see Quine can translate the natives’ gavagai either as answer is that it is the brainas a structuralist, I would like to revive rabbit or as undetached rabbit’s part, so he child of Ferdinand de his widely discussed thought experican translate his peers’ rabbit either as Saussure, later fostered by Levi-Strauss, ment, featuring a field linguist decipherrabbit or as undetached rabbit’s part. Hence Foucault, Derrida and their allies. But I ing (...)
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    Tracing fashion transformations: a comprehensive visual analysis of fashion magazine covers.Tuğba Seferoğlu & Şerife Gülcü Yıldız - 2024 - Semiotica 2024 (261):167-208.
    This study looks at the differences and changes observed in the visual design of the covers of French editions of women’s fashion magazines over a period of twenty-one years. To this end, the study aims to identify the changes that can be observed over the years in the design of the covers of the magazines Vogue, Elle, Marie Claire, and Cosmopolitan. However, the main aim of the study is to analyze how these visual signs on the covers of French magazines (...)
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    Computer Magazines.George Thompson - 1977 - Teaching Philosophy 2 (1):93-95.
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    Linguistic Encoding of Youth Ideology by the Romanian Teen Magazines for Girls.Diana Cotrau - 2003 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 2 (6):29-48.
    This paper aims to establish and identify the linguistic devices through which the niche printed media specifically targeting a young female local audience identify, shape and construct their ad- dressee by acknowledging their subcultural ideology. Our intention is to trace the measure of congruency between the two types of discourse: of the encoder and of the decoder. Such instantiations as were found at the level of text functions, discourse patterns and strategies, rhetorical and linguistic items testify to our conclusion that (...)
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    Philosophical magazine first published in 1798.Jong K. Lee & Kevin J. Hemker - 2005 - Philosophical Magazine 85 (2-3):115-116.
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  29. Nexus magazine.Sam Chachoua, John Frodsham, Bruce Moen & Barry Hilton - 1999 - Nexus 6 (2).
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    A Magazine Far From Well-Run.Dudley Barker - 1975 - The Chesterton Review 2 (1):102-103.
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    Electronic publishing of magazines: tendencies, limitations and the contribution of the SLHI.Pedro Lisboa - 2009 - Cultura:259-268.
    O mundo da edição electrónica de periódicos encontra-se em permanente evolução, a par dos avanços tecnológicos e da crescente utilização de meios informáticos que facilitem o acesso à informação.A maioria das iniciativas que utilizam a edição electrónica de revistas tem como principal objectivo permitir aos investigadores um acesso fácil e centralizado à informação, alargando desta forma a potencial difusão das publicações consultadas.Partilhando alguns elementos deste princípio funcional, o Seminário Livre de História das Ideias (SLHI) propõe-se editar e estudar revistas históricas, (...)
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  32. Talking philosophy - the philosophers' magazine blog.James Garvey, Jean Kazez, Jeff Mason, Julian Baggini & Mike LaBossiere - unknown
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    Eighteenth-Century Magazine Illustration and Copper Plates Coloured from Nature.Jocelyn Anderson - 2020 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 39:79-111.
    In the second half of the eighteenth century, as the magazine publishing industry grew, illustrations became a fundamental element of magazines, and some of the most ambitious publishers began offering readers coloured illustrations. This article examines a series of coloured illustrations published in The Universal Magazine of Knowledge and Pleasure. Launched in 1752, this series depicts subjects from natural history, including birds, animals, and plants. These plates were a critical vehicle in adapting and circulating elite scientific publications to (...)
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    Discovering Science from an Armchair: Popular Science in British Magazines of the Interwar Years.Peter J. Bowler - 2016 - Annals of Science 73 (1):89-107.
    ABSTRACTAnalysing the contents of magazines published with the stated intention of conveying information about science and technology to the public provides a mechanism for evaluation what counted as ‘popular science’. This article presents numerical surveys of the contents of three magazines published in inter-war Britain and offers an evaluation of the results. The problem of defining relevant topic-categories is addressed, both direct and indirect strategies being employed to ensure that the topics correspond to what the editors and publishers took to (...)
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    Facing the Bounds of Tradition: Kant's Controversy with the Philosophisches Magazin.Yaron Senderowicz - 1998 - Science in Context 11 (2):205-228.
    The ArgumentThe main subject examined in this paper is Immanuel Kant's controversy withPhilosophisches Magazinregarding Kant's new theory of judgments. J. A. Eberhard, editor ofPhilosophisches Magazin, and his colleagues wanted to vindicate the Wollfian traditional concept of judgments by undermining Kant's claims. As will be demonstrated, their arguments were effective mainly in exposing the ambiguity that was inherent in Kant's concept of the synthetic a priori; an ambiguity that resulted from Kant's desire—central to his critique of metaphysics—to present judgments pertaining to (...)
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  36. Reading Bridal Magazines from a Critical Discursive Perspective.[author unknown] - 2014
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    Jocelyne George, Les Féministes de la CGT. Histoire du magazine Antoinette (1955-1989).Michelle Zancarini-Fournel - 2013 - Clio 38:333-335.
    Le projet de ce livre était intéressant : faire l’histoire du magazine féminin de la CGT, Antoinette, de sa naissance (1955) à l’interruption de la publication (1989). L’auteur utilise de nouvelles sources, car elle a eu accès aux archives de la CGT, y compris aux notes manuscrites du secrétaire général Henri Krasucki. La partie la plus intéressante est les annexes qui indiquent le tirage, la diffusion (nationale et par département) et le prix de vente du magazine. En effet, (...)
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    “Getting your Body Back”: Postindustrial Fit Motherhood in Shape Fit Pregnancy Magazine.Faye Linda Wachs & Shari L. Dworkin - 2004 - Gender and Society 18 (5):610-624.
    This investigation explores how contemporary motherhood is constituted in postindustrial consumer culture through a content and textual analysis of Shape Fit Pregnancy. Using all available issues of the magazine from its inception in 1997 to 2003, the authors first underscore a key tension surrounding pregnant women’s bodies within health and fitness discourse: That the pregnant form is presented as maternally successful yet aesthetically problematic. Second, the authors reveal how contemporary mothers are defined as newly responsible for a second shift (...)
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    Provisional Avant-Gardes: Little Magazine Communities from Dada to Digital.Marjorie Perloff - 2022 - Common Knowledge 28 (1):154-155.
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    Stanley Kubrick at Look Magazine: Authorship and Genre in Photojournalism and Film.Philippe Mather - 2013 - Intellect.
    Sheds new light on the aesthetic factors that shaped Kubrick's artistic voice by examining the links between his photojournalist work (done between 1945 to 1950) and his films.
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    Questıons To Ask Magazines.Yaşar Aydemi̇r - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8.
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    Flying Blind: WORLD·WATCH Magazine, November/december 1997, p. 3. Reprinted by permission of WORLD·WATCH Magazine.Ed Ayres - 1997 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 17 (4):201-202.
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    The Philosophical Magazine and the Periodic Table of Elements.Peter Weinberger - 2012 - Philosophical Magazine 92 (13):1727-1732.
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    D e B eers, A nglo A merican and O ptima Magazine.Michael Schwartz & Debra R. Comer - 2015 - Business and Society Review 120 (3):329-361.
    We consider in this article how the largest corporations in Apartheid South Africa used an in‐house magazine to manipulate their shareholders' perceptions of the current political scenario. We argue that in that era, business felt compelled to respond to the portrayal of events in South Africa presented by the international media. Furthermore, we examine the motivation of business for doing so and why that motivation does not exist in post‐apartheid South Africa.
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    Water: Alphabet City Magazine 14.John Knechtel (ed.) - 2009 - MIT Press.
    Water is the chemical matrix required for life, the molecular chain that connects all organisms on the planet. But in the twenty-first century, water may replace oil as the most prized of resources. Just as gas-guzzling SUVs use more than their share of fuel, water-guzzling regions threaten the water supply for the rest of the world. In Water, writers, scientists, architects, and artists consider the many aspects of water, at levels from the microscopic to the global, touching on subjects that (...)
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    Multitudes Icônes versus Documenta Magazine.Éric Alliez & Giovanna Zapperi - 2007 - Multitudes 3 (3):129-132.
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    I The Little Magazine and the Theory Journal: A Response to Evan Kindley's “Big Criticism”.Jeffrey J. Williams - 2013 - Critical Inquiry 39 (2):402-411.
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    Prominent Philosophical Magazines. Morrison - 1926 - Modern Schoolman 3 (1):9-9.
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    The dawn, a monthly magazine: devoted to religion, philosophy, and science.Satish Chandra Mukherjee & Madhabendranath Mitra (eds.) - 1897 - Calcutta: Naba Bharati Bhaban.
    v. 1. March 1897-February 1898 -- v. 2. March 1898-July 1899.
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    Ageing bodies and beauty in selected Polish women’s magazines.Katarzyna Kociołek - 2024 - Communications 49 (4):561-577.
    The aim of the article is to examine the representation of ageing in selected issues of the Polish women’s magazine Twój Styl. With reference to Wolf’s concept of the “beauty myth,” the article argues that ageing is presented as a threat to women’s psychological integrity. Although the theme of old age is rarely directly addressed in the magazines, its presence is implied in the advertised anti-age beauty products. Based on semiotic theory and Cognitive Metaphor Theory, the paper demonstrates that (...)
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