Results for ' longitudinal analysis'

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  1.  20
    Longitudinal Analysis of Self-Reported Symptoms, Behavioral Measures, and Event-Related Potential Components of a Cued Go/NoGo Task in Adults With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Controls.Marionna Münger, Silvano Sele, Gian Candrian, Johannes Kasper, Hossam Abdel-Rehim, Dominique Eich-Höchli, Andreas Müller & Lutz Jäncke - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    This study characterizes a large sample of adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and healthy controls regarding their task performance and neurophysiology; cross-sectionally and longitudinally. Self-reported symptoms, behavioral measures, and event-related potentials from a classical cued Go/NoGo task were used to outline the symptom burden, executive function deficits and neurophysiological features, and the associations between these domains. The study participants were assessed five or three times over two years. We describe cross-sectional and longitudinal group differences, and associations between symptom burden, and (...)
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    Longitudinal Analysis of Marathon Runners’ Psychological State and Its Relationship With Running Speed at Ventilatory Thresholds.Eneko Larumbe-Zabala, Jonathan Esteve-Lanao, Claudia A. Cardona, Alberto Alcocer & Alessandro Quartiroli - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Optimising qualitative longitudinal analysis: Insights from a study of traumatic brain injury recovery and adaptation.Joanna K. Fadyl, Alexis Channon, Alice Theadom & Kathryn M. McPherson - 2017 - Nursing Inquiry 24 (2):e12170.
    Knowledge about aspects that influence recovery and adaptation in the postacute phase of disabling health events is key to understanding how best to provide appropriate rehabilitation and health services. Qualitative longitudinal research makes it possible to look for patterns, key time points and critical moments that could be vital for interventions and supports. However, strategies that support robust data management and analysis for longitudinal qualitative research in health‐care are not well documented in the literature. This article reviews (...)
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    Vortex of Corruption: Longitudinal Analysis of Normative Pressures in Top Global Companies.Leyla Orudzheva, Manjula S. Salimath & Robert Pavur - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 163 (3):529-551.
    It is widely acknowledged that corruption by any firm is problematic. More importantly, its negative effects are compounded when corruption is present in large firms with global reach and corruption ceases to be a single instance but becomes a reoccurring or perpetuating phenomenon over time. Though the magnification of corruption over both time and size of operations creates scale effects that amplify its detrimental consequences, this context remains largely unexamined empirically. Thus, our research question is: What are the factors that (...)
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    Is Doing Bad Always Punished? A Moderated Longitudinal Analysis on Corporate Social Irresponsibility and Firm Value.Zhihua Ding & Wenbin Sun - 2021 - Business and Society 60 (7):1811-1848.
    Theoretical evidence suggests that corporate social irresponsibility (CSI) should produce long-lasting negative influences on firm performance. Yet, little empirical evidence exists in the literature to support this time-embedded research frame. This research was conducted by collecting a large set of firm data and by employing a series of vector autoregressive models to map out the longitudinal dynamic relationships between CSI and firm value under high versus low levels of two external factors, environmental dynamism and competition intensity, and one internal (...)
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    Educational participation post-16: A longitudinal analysis of intentions and outcomes.Paul Croll - 2009 - British Journal of Educational Studies 57 (4):400-416.
    The issue of levels of participation in post-compulsory education has been emphasised by the current policy initiatives to increase the age to which some form of participation is compulsory. One of the acknowledged weaknesses of research in the field of children's intentions with regard to participation is the lack of longitudinal data. This paper offers a longitudinal analysis using the Youth Survey from the British Household Panel Survey. The results show that most children can express intentions with (...)
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  7. Evolution of the conceptions of a secondary education biology teacher: Longitudinal analysis using cognitive maps.Consuelo Da‐Silva, Vicente Mellado, Constantino Ruiz & Rafael Porlan - 2007 - Science Education 91 (3):461-491.
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    Developing, Communicating and Promoting Corporate Ethics Statements: A Longitudinal Analysis.Patrick E. Murphy - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 62 (2):183-189.
    This paper reports on the findings of the third in a series of surveys of large U.S.-based and multinational corporations on their ethics statements. Focusing on four types – values statement, corporate credo, code of ethics and Internet privacy policy – we find growth in the use of these statements over the last decade. We discuss the external communication of these statements, including the avenues that are now used for promotion and their intended audiences. The paper concludes with a number (...)
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    Analyzing variations in changes over time: development of the Pattern‐Oriented Longitudinal Analysis approach.Åsa Kneck & Åsa Audulv - 2019 - Nursing Inquiry 26 (3):e12288.
    Longitudinal qualitative research in nursing is rare but becoming more common. Data collection and analysis over time provide some intriguing possibilities to better understand processes, development, and change in illness experience, healthcare organizations, and self‐management. This paper aims to present a process for analyzing qualitative longitudinal data material, namely the Pattern‐Oriented Longitudinal Analysis approach (POLA). We developed this approach after synthesizing experiences from two longitudinal qualitative projects and comparing our procedures and reflections with the (...)
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    A Longitudinal Study of Changes in the Shot Characteristics of Women Table Tennis Players: Analysis of the Olympic Semifinals and Finals of Women's Singles.Jie Wang, Mengqi Li & Xi Xiong - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This study aims to evaluate the changes in shot characteristics of elite women table tennis players through the longitudinal analysis of women's singles finals and semifinals from 2004 to 2021 Olympic Games. A total of 13 games were selected, and the stroke position, stroke type, ball placement, and stroke efficacy of 5,877 shots were analyzed using the notational analysis method. A chi-square test was used to test whether the shot characteristics had changed between game years, and the (...)
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  11.  29
    Ethical Code Effectiveness in Football Clubs: A Longitudinal Analysis.Bram Constandt, Els De Waegeneer & Annick Willem - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 156 (3):621-634.
    As football clubs are facing different ethical challenges, many clubs are turning to ethical codes to counteract unethical behaviour. However, both in- and outside the sport field, uncertainty remains about the effectiveness of these ethical codes. For the first time, a longitudinal study design was adopted to evaluate code effectiveness. Specifically, a sample of non-professional football clubs formed the subject of our inquiry. Ethical code effectiveness was assessed by the measurement of the ethical climate. A repeated-measurements ANOVA revealed a (...)
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  12.  28
    Changes in gray matter volume after microsurgical lumbar discectomy: a longitudinal analysis.Michael Luchtmann, Sebastian Baecke, Yvonne Steinecke, Johannes Bernarding, Claus Tempelmann, Patrick Ragert & Raimund Firsching - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  13.  23
    Legitimacy Strategies in Corporate Environmental Reporting: A Longitudinal Analysis of German DAX Companies’ Disclosed Objectives.Gerhard Schewe, Bernd Liesenkötter, Ann-Marie Nienaber & Philipp Borgstedt - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 158 (1):177-200.
    Ecological objectives in environmental reports usually promise a high degree of environmental responsibilities in a company’s activities. Several studies have already highlighted that most companies do not keep their promises since stakeholders’ expectations and a company’s capabilities for internal adjustments do not always match. Thus, a company might use strategic reporting in order not to endanger its legitimacy. However, no study so far has demonstrated how companies use different legitimacy strategies in reporting their environmental objectives over time. To achieve this (...)
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  14.  21
    Moral Identity Development Among Emerging Adults in Media: A Longitudinal Analysis.David A. Craig, Patrick Lee Plaisance, Erin Schauster, Chris Roberts, Katie R. Place, Casey Yetter & Jin Chen - 2024 - Journal of Media Ethics 39 (3):170-189.
    This longitudinal study examines changes in the moral identity of 48 emerging-adult U.S. college graduates in media-related fields from their first year after college to three years later as they progressed into early work life. Results from four moral psychology survey instruments reflect significant shifts in moral reasoning, relativistic thinking and idealism, coupled with stability in personality traits and character strengths. A fifth instrument found largely positive assessments of workplace ethical climate. The findings suggest that emerging adulthood is an (...)
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  15.  26
    Ethical Code Effectiveness in Football Clubs: A Longitudinal Analysis.Annick Willem, Els Waegeneer & Bram Constandt - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 156 (3):621-634.
    As football (soccer) clubs are facing different ethical challenges, many clubs are turning to ethical codes to counteract unethical behaviour. However, both in- and outside the sport field, uncertainty remains about the effectiveness of these ethical codes. For the first time, a longitudinal study design was adopted to evaluate code effectiveness. Specifically, a sample of non-professional football clubs formed the subject of our inquiry. Ethical code effectiveness was assessed by the measurement of the ethical climate. A repeated-measurements ANOVA revealed (...)
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  16. Retail store managers' and students' perceptions of ethical retail practices: A comparative and longitudinal analysis (1976–1986). [REVIEW]Donald G. Norris & John B. Gifford - 1988 - Journal of Business Ethics 7 (7):515 - 524.
    Considerable attention is currently being directed to ethics in business, government and academia in both the professional and popular media. Most of these studies propound that ethics have eroded over time, resulting in their current low state. However, few, if any, of these articles provide comparative or longitudinal data to support their arguments. In this investigation, both comparative and longitudinal data were collected between 1976 and 1986 from retail store managers and retail students concerning their current perceptions of (...)
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  17.  16
    Medicaid Community-Based Programs: A Longitudinal Analysis of State Variation in Expenditures and Utilization.Martin Kitchener, Helen Carrillo & Charlene Harrington - 2003 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 40 (4):375-389.
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  18.  16
    Bridging Classical and Revised Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory Research: A Longitudinal Analysis of a Large Population Study.Daniela A. Espinoza Oyarce, Richard Burns, Peter Butterworth & Nicolas Cherbuin - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The reinforcement sensitivity theory proposes that neurobiological systems mediate protective and appetitive behaviours and the functioning of these systems is associated to personality traits. In this manner, the RST is a link between neuroscience, behaviour, and personality. The theory evolved to the present revised version describing three systems: fight-flight-freezing, behavioural approach/activation, and behavioural inhibition. However, the most widely available measure of the theory, the BIS/BAS scales, only investigates two systems. Using a large longitudinal community survey, we found that the (...)
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  19.  40
    Ethics Consultations at a Major Academic Medical Center: A Retrospective, Longitudinal Analysis.Aimee Milliken, Andrew Courtwright, Pamela Grace, Elizabeth Eagan-Bengston, Monique Visser & Martha Jurchak - 2020 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 11 (4):275-286.
    Growing evidence suggests that nurses and other clinicians often feel insufficiently equipped to manage ethical issues that arise in their practice (Truog et al. 2015; Woods 2005; Darmon et al. 201...
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  20.  18
    Longitudinal neurological analysis of moderate and severe pediatric cerebral visual impairment.Andres Jimenez-Gomez, Kristen S. Fisher, Kevin X. Zhang, Chunyan Liu, Qin Sun & Veeral S. Shah - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    IntroductionCerebral visual impairment results from damage to cerebral visual processing structures. It is the most common cause of pediatric visual impairment in developed countries and rising in prevalence in developing nations. There is currently limited understanding on how neurologic, developmental, and ophthalmic factors predict outcome for pediatric CVI.MethodA retrospective manual chart review of pediatric CVI patients seen at the tertiary pediatric hospital neurology and neuro-ophthalmology service between 2010 and 2019 was conducted. Patients were stratified into severity groups, and followed over (...)
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  21.  20
    Perceived posttraumatic growth after interpersonal trauma and subsequent well-being among young Colombian adults: A longitudinal analysis.Zhuo Job Chen, Andrea Ortega Bechara, Richard G. Cowden & Everett L. Worthington - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Research has shown that people sometimes report self-perceived growth as a result of dealing with a potentially traumatic event, but relatively few methodologically rigorous studies have examined whether perceived posttraumatic growth is associated with improved subsequent well-being across a wide range of outcomes. In this three-wave longitudinal study of Colombian emerging adults, we examined the associations of perceived posttraumatic growth with 17 well-being outcomes across domains of psychological well-being, psychological distress, social well-being, physical well-being, and character strengths. Using an (...)
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  22.  21
    White Matter Plasticity in Reading-Related Pathways Differs in Children Born Preterm and at Term: A Longitudinal Analysis.Lisa Bruckert, Lauren R. Borchers, Cory K. Dodson, Virginia A. Marchman, Katherine E. Travis, Michal Ben-Shachar & Heidi M. Feldman - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  23.  40
    Attention bias to threat in mothers with emotional disorders predicts increased offspring anxiety symptoms: a joint cross-sectional and longitudinal analysis.Allison M. Waters, Elise M. Candy & Steven G. Candy - 2018 - Cognition and Emotion 32 (4):892-903.
    There is convincing evidence of the transmission of anxiety and depression from parents to children; however, mechanisms by which this vulnerability is passed on are unclear. Cognitive models and a small body of cross-sectional research suggest that parental attention biases (ABs) may be one mechanism involved in transmission. Longitudinal associations of maternal and offspring ABs with offspring symptoms have been scarcely studied. Forty-three mothers–child dyads were included. All children (7–12 years old) were diagnosis-free while 24 mothers had a lifetime (...)
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  24. Alexander, Patricia A. 1996. The past, present, and future of knowledge research: A reexamination of the role of knowledge in learning and instruction. Educational Psychologist 31 (2): 89-92. Allan, B., J. Qin, and FW Lancaster. 1994. Persuasive communities: A longitudinal analysis of references in the philosophical transactions of the Royal Society, 1665. [REVIEW]Chicago Press - 2001 - In Raymond Mcinnis, Discourse synthesis: studies in historical and contemporary social epistemology. Westport, Conn.: Praeger. pp. 31--2.
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  25.  33
    Character Strengths Lead to Satisfactory Educational Outcomes Through Strength Use: A Longitudinal Analysis.Xiaoqing Tang, Yumei Li, Wenjie Duan, Wenlong Mu & Xinfeng Cheng - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:454028.
    Despite the flourishing of positive education, understanding of whether different character strengths have different predictive effects on academic achievement/ well-being and the mechanisms of actions between character strengths is limited. Specifically, this study adopted strength use as a mediator to understand well how character strength (assessed by caring, inquisitiveness, and self-control) is associated with students’ end-of-year academic achievements and well-being. Survey data from 349 adolescents from three different schools showed that three factors of character strengths have positive correlations with academic (...)
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  26.  22
    How Does CSR Orientation of CEOs Associate with Financial Performance and Online Reputation: A Longitudinal Analysis.Shivani Thakur, Nidhi Sharma & Arpan Kumar Kar - 2024 - Journal of Human Values 30 (2):134-149.
    This study aims to explore how CSR-related messages posted by CEOs on social media are beneficial in fostering social capital, which in turn impacts the FP and online reputation of the firm. The study also examines whether there is any difference in FP due to sharing of CSR-related messages by CEOs before and during the pandemic. Hierarchical regression is used to examine the influence of CEOs CSR related tweets on FP and online reputation. The study reveals that by posting CSR-related (...)
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  27.  33
    Malpractice Experience and the Incidence of Cesarean Delivery: A Physician-Level Longitudinal Analysis.Darren Grant & Melayne Morgan McInnes - 2004 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 41 (2):170-188.
  28.  48
    Coordinated affect with mothers and strangers: A longitudinal analysis of joint engagement between 5 and 9 months of age. [REVIEW]Tricia Striano & Evelin Bertin - 2005 - Cognition and Emotion 19 (5):781-790.
  29.  20
    Gaussian Process Panel Modeling—Machine Learning Inspired Analysis of Longitudinal Panel Data.Julian D. Karch, Andreas M. Brandmaier & Manuel C. Voelkle - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    In this article, we extend the Bayesian nonparametric regression method Gaussian Process Regression to the analysis of longitudinal panel data. We call this new approach Gaussian Process Panel Modeling (GPPM). GPPM provides great flexibility because of the large number of models it can represent. It allows classical statistical inference as well as machine learning inspired predictive modeling. GPPM offers frequentist and Bayesian inference without the need to resort to Markov chain Monte Carlo-based approximations, which makes the approach exact (...)
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  30.  60
    Counterfactual Graphical Models for Longitudinal Mediation Analysis With Unobserved Confounding.Ilya Shpitser - 2013 - Cognitive Science 37 (6):1011-1035.
    Questions concerning mediated causal effects are of great interest in psychology, cognitive science, medicine, social science, public health, and many other disciplines. For instance, about 60% of recent papers published in leading journals in social psychology contain at least one mediation test (Rucker, Preacher, Tormala, & Petty, 2011). Standard parametric approaches to mediation analysis employ regression models, and either the “difference method” (Judd & Kenny, 1981), more common in epidemiology, or the “product method” (Baron & Kenny, 1986), more common (...)
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  31.  24
    Long-Term Mental Health Impacts of the Covid-19 Pandemic on University Students in the UK: A Longitudinal Analysis Over 12 Months. [REVIEW]Rosie Allen, Chathurika Kannangara & Jerome Carson - 2023 - British Journal of Educational Studies 71 (6):585-608.
    University students in the UK have encountered many challenges as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. This research aimed to track the mental well-being of a large sample of British university students (n = 554) over a one-year period of the COVID-19 pandemic, capturing data at four time points between May 2020 and May 2021. Overall retention after 12 months was 34.73%. Findings showed the COVID-19 pandemic has caused a significant, negative impact on the well-being of British university students. Students (...)
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  32.  45
    A Descriptive Analysis of Environmental Disclosure: A Longitudinal Study of French Companies.Elisabeth Albertini - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 121 (2):233-254.
    For the last 15 years, companies have extensively increased their environmental disclosure relative to their environmental strategy in response to institutional pressures. Based on a computerized content analysis of the annual reports of the 55 largest French industrial companies, we describe environmental disclosure with respect to the different strategies implemented by companies over a period of 6 years. The results show that environmental disclosure becomes more and more technical and precise for all the companies. Environmental innovations are presented as (...)
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  33.  27
    Analysis of patterns of use, production, and activity in kid YouTuber channels. A longitudinal study through three cultural contexts: United States, United Kingdom, and Spain.David Atauri-Mezquida, Ricardo Vizcaíno-Laorga & Esther Martínez-Pastor - 2022 - Communications 47 (2):195-218.
    This paper analyzes the data collected about 5,388 videos from the 15 leading channels from Spain, the United Kingdom, and the United States focusing on toys and in which the protagonists are children under 14 years of age. It aims to determine whether there are common patterns of use, production, and activity in videos by kid YouTubers. Specific software was developed to enable information to be gathered from the YouTube platform through the YouTube Data API by analyzing the date on (...)
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  34.  25
    Functional Analysis of Continuous, High-Resolution Measures in Aging Research: A Demonstration Using Cerebral Oxygenation Data From the Irish Longitudinal Study on Aging.John D. O’Connor, Matthew D. L. O’Connell, Roman Romero-Ortuno, Belinda Hernández, Louise Newman, Richard B. Reilly, Rose Anne Kenny & Silvin P. Knight - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  35.  19
    Sensitivity Analysis in Nonrandomized Longitudinal Mediation Analysis.Davood Tofighi - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Mediation analysis relies on an untestable assumption of the no omitted confounders, which posits that an omitted variable that confounds the relationships between the antecedent, mediator, and outcome variables cannot exist. One common model in alcohol addiction studies is a nonrandomized latent growth curve mediation model, where the antecedent variable is not randomized, the two covarying mediators are latent intercept and slope modeling longitudinal effect of the repeated measures mediator, and an outcome variable that measures alcohol use. An (...)
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  36.  18
    Longitudinal Service Learning in Medical Education: An Ethical Analysis of the Five-Year Alternative Curriculum at Stritch School of Medicine.Brian F. Borah - 2018 - Journal of Medical Humanities 39 (4):407-416.
    In this article, the author explores a model of alternative medical education being pioneered at Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine. The five-year Global Health Fieldwork Fellowship track allows two students per year to complete an extra year of medical education while living and working in a free rural clinic in the jungle lowlands of Bolivia. This alternative curricular track is unique among other existing models in that it is longitudinally immersive for at least one full additional year of (...)
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  37.  10
    Ethical analysis of informed consent methods in longitudinal cohort studies: A Chinese perspective.Kun Li, Mingtao Huang, Xiaomei Zhai & Chen Wang - forthcoming - Developing World Bioethics.
    In longitudinal cohort studies involving large populations over extended periods, informed consent entails numerous urgent challenges. This paper explores challenges regarding informed consent in long‐term, large‐scale longitudinal cohort studies based on the longitudinal and dynamic nature of such research. It analyzes and evaluates widely recognized broad consent and dynamic consent methods, highlighting limitations concerning their ability to adapt to evolving research objectives and participant perspectives. This paper discusses trust‐based informed consent and emphasizes the needs to establish and (...)
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  38.  39
    Longitudinal Invariance Analysis of the Short Grit Scale in Chinese Young Adults.Jie Luo, Meng-Cheng Wang, Ying Ge, Wei Chen & Shuang Xu - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
  39.  22
    Longitudinal associations for right-wing authoritarianism, social justice, and compassion among seminary students.Peter J. Jankowski, Steven J. Sandage, Daniel J. Hauge, Choi Hee An & David C. Wang - 2022 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 44 (3):202-222.
    Religious/spiritual communities in the United States hold significant differences in the relative valuing of social order and progress toward social justice, and religious/spiritual leaders play an influential role in fostering those values. This recognition has prompted calls for theological education to revise the process of student formation, equipping them to address an increasingly diverse social world and the social disparities within their larger communities. Right-wing authoritarianism tends to be associated with a preference for social order and various forms of prejudice, (...)
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    Longitudinal Model Building Using Latent Transition Analysis: An Example Using School Bullying Data.Ji Hoon Ryoo, Cixin Wang, Susan M. Swearer, Michael Hull & Dingjing Shi - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Longitudinal and cross-sectional analysis of group performance measures in competitive youth soccer.Allen J. Schuh - 1988 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 26 (3):238-241.
  42.  17
    a Phenomenological Analysis of the Longitudinal Proton Structure Function FL.M. Soleymaninia, A. N. Khorramian & S. Atashbar Tehrani - 2010 - In Harald Fritzsch & K. K. Phua, Proceedings of the Conference in Honour of Murray Gell-Mann's 80th Birthday. World Scientific. pp. 451.
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    Growing pains in local food systems: a longitudinal social network analysis on local food marketing in Baltimore County, Maryland and Chester County, Pennsylvania.Catherine Brinkley, Gwyneth M. Manser & Sasha Pesci - 2021 - Agriculture and Human Values 38 (4):911-927.
    Local food systems are growing, and little is known about how the constellation of farms and markets change over time. We trace the evolution of two local food systems over six years, including a dataset of over 2690 market connections between 1520 locations. Longitudinal social network analysis reveals how the architecture, actor network centrality, magnitude, and spatiality of these supply chains shifted during the 2012–2018 time period. Our findings demonstrate that, despite growth in the number of farmers’ markets, (...)
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  44.  13
    Gaining Longitudinal Accounts of Carers' Experiences Using IPA and Photograph Elicitation.Val Morrison & Karina Williams - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Fluctuations in positive and negative caregiving experiences remain only partially explained as the significant variability over time of potential predictive factors themselves is understudied. The current study aims to gain considerable insight into caregiving experiences and perceptions over time by using photovoice methodology to support semi-structured interviews. A case study, longitudinal design is taken with three female caregivers who provide detailed insight into their caregivers' experiences over a 12 month period. The interview transcripts were analyzed using IPA- Interpretative Phenomenological (...)
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    (1 other version)A longitudinal and cross-cultural study of the contents of codes of ethics of Australian, Canadian and Swedish corporations.Jang Singh, Göran Svensson, Greg Wood & Michael Callaghan - 2011 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 20 (1):103-119.
    This study uses a specific method to analyze the contents of the codes of ethics of the largest corporations in Australia, Canada and Sweden and compares the findings of similar content analyses in 2002 and 2006. It tracks changes in code contents across the three nations over the 2002–2006 period. There were statistically significant changes in the codes of the three countries from 2002 to 2006: the Australian and Canadian codes becoming more prescriptive, intensifying the differences between these and the (...)
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  46.  24
    Longitudinal Patterns of Ethical Organisational Culture as a Context for Leaders’ Well-Being: Cumulative Effects Over 6 Years.Mari Huhtala, Muel Kaptein, Joona Muotka & Taru Feldt - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 177 (2):421-442.
    The aim of this longitudinal study was to investigate the temporal dynamics of ethical organisational culture and how it associates with well-being at work when potential changes in ethical culture are measured over an extended period of 6 years. We used a person-centred study design, which allowed us to detect both typical and atypical patterns of ethical culture stability as well as change among a sample of leaders. Based on latent profile analysis and hierarchical linear modelling we found (...)
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    A Longitudinal Study on the Development of Moral Judgement in Korean Nursing Students.Yong-Soon Kim, Jee-Won Park, Youn-Jung Son & Sung-Suk Han - 2004 - Nursing Ethics 11 (3):254-265.
    This longitudinal study examined the development of moral judgement in 37 nursing students attending a university in Suwon, Korea. The participants completed the Korean version of the Defining Issues Test to allow analysis of their level of moral judgement. The development of moral judgement was quantified using ‘the moral development score’ at each stage (i.e. the six stages detailed by Kohlberg) and the ‘P(%) score’ (a measure of the overall moral judgement level). The results were as follows: (1) (...)
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  48.  14
    The Analysis of Longitudinal Data. By P. J. Dingle, K-Y. Liang & S. L. Zeger. Pp. 253. (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1994.) £30.00. [REVIEW]Timothy B. Gage - 1998 - Journal of Biosocial Science 30 (2):282-283.
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    Emotion Network Analysis During COVID-19 Quarantine ‐ A Longitudinal Study.Ramón Martín-Brufau, Carlos Suso-Ribera & Javier Corbalán - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Freestanding Emergency Departments Are Associated With Higher Medicare Costs: A Longitudinal Panel Data Analysis.Patidar Nitish, Weech-Maldonado Robert, J. O’Connor Stephen, Sen Bisakha, M. Trimm Jerry & A. Camargo Carlos - 2017 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 54:004695801772710.
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