Results for ' law and anthropology'

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  1.  17
    Law after Anthropology: Object and Technique in Roman Law.Alain Pottage - 2014 - Theory, Culture and Society 31 (2-3):147-166.
    Anthropological scholarship after Marilyn Strathern does something that might surprise lawyers schooled in the tradition of ‘law and society’, or ‘law in context’. Instead of construing law as an instrument of social forces, or as an expression of processes by which society maintains and reproduces itself, a new mode of anthropological enquiry focuses sharply on ‘law itself’, on what Annelise Riles calls the ‘technicalities’ of law. How might the legal scholar be inspired by this approach? In this article, I explore (...)
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    Law and System in Social Anthropology.David Goddard - 1975 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 42.
  3.  12
    The Clinic and the Court: Law, Medicine and Anthropology.Ian Harper, Tobias Kelly & Akshay Khanna (eds.) - 2015 - Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
    Law and medicine can be caught in a tight embrace. They both play a central role in the politics of harm, making decisions regarding what counts as injury and what might be the most suitable forms of redress or remedy. But where do law and medicine converge and diverge in their responses to and understandings of harm and suffering? Using empirical case studies from Europe, the Americas and Africa, The Clinic and the Court brings together leading medical and legal anthropologists (...)
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    Man, Law and Modern Forms of Life.Eugenio Bulygin, Jean-Louis Gardies & I. Niiniluoto - 1985 - Springer Verlag.
    "Proceedings of the 11th IVR World Congress on Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy... held on August 14-20, 1983 in Helsinki"--Introd.
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    A libertanian critique of incest laws: Philosophical and anthropological perspectives.Gabriel Ernesto Andrade - 2021 - Human Affairs 31 (2):139-148.
    This article is a libertarian critique of incest laws. On the basis of the libertarian “harm principle”, one must ask what exactly is the harm that incest brings forth. Traditionally, anthropologists have tried to rationalize the incest taboo in various theories, and lawmakers have used these principles as grounds for the criminalization of incest. These principles are the preservation of family structure, the enhancement of alliances and the avoidance of genetic risks. While I acknowledge that these rationalizations are plausible, I (...)
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    Venturing beyond: law and morality in Kabbalistic mysticism.Elliot R. Wolfson - 2006 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Are mysticism and morality compatible or at odds with one another? If mystical experience embraces a form of non-dual consciousness, then in such a state of mind, the regulative dichotomy so basic to ethical discretion would seemingly be transcended and the very foundation for ethical decisions undermined. Venturing Beyond - Law and Morality in Kabbalistic Mysticism is an investigation of the relationship of the mystical and moral as it is expressed in the particular tradition of Jewish mysticism known as the (...)
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    Homo juridicus: on the anthropological function of the law.Alain Supiot - 2007 - New York: Verso.
    In this groundbreaking work, French legal scholar Alain Supiot examines the relationship of society to legal discourse. He argues that the law is how justice is implmented in secular society, but it is not simply a technique to be manipulated at will: it is also an expression of the core beliefs of the West. We must recognize its universalizing, dogmatic nature and become receptive to other interpretations from non-Western cultures to help us avoid the clash of civilizations. In Homo Juridicus, (...)
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    Ethics, Law and the Politics of Information : A Guide to the Philosophy of Luciano Floridi.Massimo Durante - 2017 - Dordrecht: Imprint: Springer.
    This book provides a detailed discussion of the theoretical and practical implications of the change driven by ICTs. Such a change is often much more profound than an emphasis on information technology and society can capture, for not only does it bring about ethical and policy vacuums that call for a new understanding of ethics, politics and law, but it also "re-ontologizes reality", as propounded by Luciano Floridi's philosophy and ethics of information. The informational turn is transforming our understanding of (...)
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    Natural Law and the Possibility of a Global Ethics.Mark J. Cherry (ed.) - 2004 - Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    Accounts of natural law moral philosophy and theology sought principles and precepts for morality, law, and other forms of social authority, whose prescriptive force was not dependent for validity on human decision, social influence, past tradition, or cultural convention, but through natural reason itself. This volume critically explores and assesses our contemporary culture wars in terms of: the possibility of natural law moral philosophy and theology to provide a unique, content-full, canonical morality; the character and nature of moral pluralism; the (...)
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  10.  27
    Indigeneity, Science, and Difference: Notes on the Politics of How.Solveig Joks & John Law - 2019 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 44 (3):424-447.
    This paper explores a colonial controversy: the imposition of state rules to limit salmon fishing in a Scandinavian subarctic river. These rules reflect biological fish population models intended to preserve salmon populations, but this river has also been fished for centuries by indigenous Sámi people who have their own different practices and knowledges of the river and salmon. In theory, the Norwegian state recognizes traditional ecological knowledge and includes this in its biological assessments, but in practice this does not happen, (...)
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    Tidescapes: Notes on a shi-inflected Social Science.John Law - 2018 - Journal of World Philosophies 3 (1):1-16.
    What might it be to write a post-colonial social science? And how might the intellectual legacy of Chinese classical philosophy—for instance Sun Tzu and Lao Tzu—contribute to such a project? Reversing the more usual social science practice in which EuroAmerican concepts are applied in other global locations, this paper instead considers how a “Chinese” term, _shi_ might be used to explore the UK’s 2001 foot-and-mouth epidemic. Drawing on anthropological insights into mis/translation between different worlds and their alternative ways of knowing (...)
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  12.  22
    Reproduction and Succession: Studies in Anthropology, Law and Society. By Robin Fox. Pp. 269. (Transaction Publishers, New Brunswick, 1993.) £30.95. [REVIEW]Daniela Sieff - 1994 - Journal of Biosocial Science 26 (3):419-420.
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    Thomas Hobbes’s Theological and Political Anthropology and the Essential Mutations of the Perception of the Laws of Nature and Natural Rights in Seventeenth-Century England.Ionut Untea - 2020 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 37 (3):395-413.
    The overall goal of the article is to reexamine Hobbes’s concern to respond to the challenges of the republican perspective on the relationship between the liberty of subjects and the political power. If, according to Skinner, republican theorists appealed to sources of classical antiquity, I argue that Hobbes chooses to offer a blend of classical and theological ideas in order to generate a “science” of the political life within the confines of a postlapsarian world dominated by passion and the fear (...)
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    The Anthropology of Islamic Law: Education, Ethics, and Legal Interpretation at Egypt's Al-Azhar.Aria Nakissa - 2019 - Oup Usa.
    The Anthropology of Islamic Law shows how hermeneutic theory and practice theory can be brought together to analyze cultural, legal, and religious traditions. These ideas are developed through an analysis of the Islamic legal tradition, which examines both Islamic legal doctrine and religious education.
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    Law and Other Matters.Paul Weiss - 1950 - Review of Metaphysics 4 (1):131 - 135.
    New York University Press has been publishing a series of studies on the nature and meaning of time, under the general heading of "Time and Its Mysteries." So far three series of discussions have appeared. There have been some rather good studies of the making of watches and of time as pertinent to science, history and anthropology. Philosophy has been represented by John Dewey. No attention has as yet been paid to the metaphysical and cosmological aspects of time. An (...)
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  16. Law and Philosophy: Selected Papers in Legal Theory.Csaba Varga (ed.) - 1994 - Budapest: ELTE “Comparative Legal Cultures” Project.
    Photomechanical reprint of papers from 1970 to 1992 mostly in English, some in German or French: Foreword 1–4; LAW AS PRACTICE ‘La formation des concepts en sciences juridiques’ 7–33, ‘Geltung des Rechts – Wirksamkeit des Rechts’ 35–42, ‘Macrosociological Theories of Law’ 43–76, ‘Law & its Inner Morality’ 77–89, ‘The Law & its Limits’ 91–96; LAW AS TECHNIQUE ‘Domaine »externe« & domaine »interne« en droit’ 99–117, ‘Die ministerielle Begründung’ 119–139, ‘The Preamble’ 141–167, ‘Presumption & Fiction’ 169–185, ‘Legal Technique’187–198; LAW AS LOGIC (...)
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  17.  90
    Bioethics, law, and human life issues: a Catholic perspective on marriage, family, contraception, abortion, reproductive technology, and death and dying.D. Brian Scarnecchia - 2010 - Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow Press.
    Introduction -- Rational anthropology and the difference between persons and animals -- Human freedom and conscience -- The three moral determinants and doubts of conscience -- The principle of double effect and consequentialism -- Cooperation and scandal -- Virtues--natural and supernatural -- Sin and grace -- Revelation -- Reproductive technologies -- Homosexuality and same-sex marriage -- Contraception -- Abortion -- Marriage and family -- End of life issues -- Appendix A : Summary of Evangelium Vitae -- Appendix B : (...)
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    Legalism: anthropology and history.Paul Dresch & Hannah Skoda (eds.) - 2012 - Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press.
    In this volume leading historians and anthropologists with an interest in law gather to analyse the nature and meaning of law in diverse societies. They start from the concept of legalism, taken from the anthropologist Lloyd Fallers, whose 1960s work on Africa engaged, unusually, with jurisprudence. The concept highlights appeal to categories and rules. The degree to which legalism in this sense informs people's lives varies within and between societies, and over time, but it can colour equally both 'simple' and (...)
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  19.  33
    Set to take place from March 21-24, at the glorious Queensland Gold Coast, LAWASIAdownunder2005 will undoubtedly be the leading legal conference for Asia and the Pacific in 2005. [REVIEW]Intellectual Property Law - forthcoming - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology.
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  20. Israel and the Book of the Covenant: An Anthropological Approach to Biblical Law.W. Marshall - 1993
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    (1 other version)McCarty’s Law and How to Break It.Mark Mccarty - 1995 - In Paul Hockings (ed.), Principles of Visual Anthropology. De Gruyter. pp. 69-76.
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    Unexpected Properties: Strathern on the Relation of Law and Culture.Carol J. Greenhouse - 2014 - Theory, Culture and Society 31 (2-3):167-184.
    This article takes up Marilyn Strathern’s formulation of a law/culture ‘duplex’ – her term for the complementarity of anthropology and law as means to each other’s ends. She draws attention to the limitations of the duplex, and urges us to consider ethnography as (in part) a project of unwinding its entwinement. As a step toward that end, the article returns to classic texts by Emile Durkheim and Bronislaw Malinowski – texts that were foundational to the emergence of anthropology, (...)
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  23.  75
    Possible Thomistic Response to Hume’s Law and to Moore’s Open-Question Argument.Augusto Trujillo Werner - 2020 - Philosophy and Theology 32 (1-2):173-191.
    This article concerns Aquinas’s practical doctrine on two philosophical difficulties underlying much contemporary ethical debate. One is Hume’s Is-ought thesis and the other is its radical consequence, Moore’s Open-question argument. These ethical paradoxes appear to have their roots in epistemological scepticism and in a deficient anthropology. Possible response to them can be found in that Aquinas’s human intellect (essentially theoretical and practical at the same time) naturally performs three main operations: 1º) To apprehend the intellecta and universal notions ens, (...)
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  24.  37
    The Anthropology of Argument: Cultural Foundations of Rhetoric and Reason.Christopher W. Tindale - 2020 - Routledge.
    This innovative text reinvigorates argumentation studies by exploring the experience of argument across cultures, introducing an anthropological perspective into the domains of rhetoric, communication, and philosophy. The Anthropology of Argument fills an important gap in contemporary argumentation theory by shifting the focus away from the purely propositional element of arguments and onto how they emerge from the experiences of peoples with diverse backgrounds, demonstrating how argumentation can be understood as a means of expression and a gathering place of ideas (...)
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    Review of The Anthropology of Islamic Law: Education, Ethics, and Legal Interpretation at Egypt’s Al-Azhar. [REVIEW]Carl Sharif El-Tobgui - 2023 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 143 (1):217-219.
    The Anthropology of Islamic Law: Education, Ethics, and Legal Interpretation at Egypt’s Al-Azhar. By Aria Nakissa. Oxford Islamic Legal Studies. New York: Oxford University Press, 2019. Pp. ix + 312. $95.
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  26.  11
    Contributions to Law, Philosophy and Ecology: Exploring Re-Embodiments.Ruth Thomas-Pellicer, Vito De Lucia & Sian Sullivan (eds.) - 2016 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    _Contributions to Law, Philosophy and Ecology: Exploring Re-Embodiments_ is a preliminary contribution to the establishment of re-embodiments as a theoretical strand within legal and ecological theory and philosophy. Re-embodiments are all those contemporary practices and processes that exceed the epistemic horizon of modernity. As such, they offer a plurality of alternative modes of theory and practice that seek to counteract the ecocidal tendencies of the Anthropocene. The collection is comprised of eleven contributions approaching re-embodiments from a multiplicity of fields, including (...)
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    Indifference and Envy: The Anthropological Analysis of Modern Economy.Paul Dumouchel - 2003 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 10 (1):149-160.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:INDIFFERENCE AND ENVY: THE ANTHROPOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF MODERN ECONOMY Paul Dumouchel University ofQuébec-Montréal 1. Girard and economics René Girard himself has not written very much on economics, at least explicitly. Though his works are full ofinsights into and short remarks on the sacrificial origin of different economic phenomena or the way in which mimetic relations and commercial transactions are often intertwined and act upon each other.1 Unlike religion, psychology, (...)
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    Criminal Justice in a Democracy: Towards a Relational Conception of Criminal Law and Punishment. [REVIEW]René Foqué - 2008 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 2 (3):207-227.
    This article starts from the observation that in classical Athens the discovery of democracy as a normative model of politics has been from the beginning not only a political and a legal but at the same time a philosophical enterprise. Reflections on the concept of criminal law and on the meaning of punishment can greatly benefit from reflections on Athenian democracy as a germ for our contemporary debate on criminal justice in a democracy. Three main characteristics of the Athenian model (...)
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  29. Genealogy of morality and law.José Antonio Marina - 2000 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 3 (3):303-325.
    In order to clarify the relationship between morality and law, it is necessary to define both concepts precisely. Cultural realities refer to concepts which are more specifically defined if we focus towards the genealogy of those realities, that is to say, their motivation, function and aim. Should we start from legal anthropology, comparative law and history of law, law arises as a social technique which coactively imposes ways of solving conflicts, protecting fundamental values for a society's co-existence. Values subject (...)
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  30. Freedom and Sensibility in Kant: An Anthropological-Psychological View.Stefano Pinzan - 2022 - Filosofia Morale/Moral Philosophy 1:63-83.
    Scholars disagree about whether and how Kant manages to avoid dualistic outcomes in the relation between freedom and sensibility within the moral agent. If he does not – if he portrays a moral agent who must judge and act without taking emotions, sentiments, and passions into account – then authors such as Blackburn can rightly argue that Kantian ethics loses sight of the concrete individual, whose sensibility has a fundamental role, taking part in the definition of her specific identity. I (...)
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  31.  20
    Law, Genre and the Voice of the Friend.Elina Staikou - 2010 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 23 (3):283-298.
    The article attempts to think friendship in its relation to law and justice and provides some arguments for the importance of this concept in Derrida’s ethical, legal and political philosophy. It draws on early texts such as Of grammatology and reads them in conjunction with later texts such as The animal that therefore I am. The relation of friendship to law and justice is explored by means of Derrida’s notion of “degenerescence” understood as the necessity or law of indeterminateness that (...)
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  32.  8
    Cognitive Dimensions of Social Science: The Way We Think About Politics, Economics, Law, and Society.Mark Turner - 2001 - Oxford University Press USA.
    What will be the future of social science? Where exactly do we stand, and where do we go from here? What kinds of problems should we be addressing, with what kinds of approaches and arguments? In Cognitive Dimensions of Social Science, Mark Turner offers an answer to these pressing questions: social science is headed toward convergence with cognitive science. Together they will give us a new and better approach to the study of what human beings are, what human beings do, (...)
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  33. Philosophical Anthropology, Ethics, and Human Enhancement.Jason Eberl - 2017 - In Jason T. Eberl (ed.), Contemporary Controversies in Catholic Bioethics. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.
    I approach the subject of human enhancement—whether by genetic, pharmacological, or technological means—from the perspective of Thomistic/Aristotelian philosophical anthropology, natural law theory, and virtue ethics. Far from advocating a restricted or monolithic conception of “human nature” from this perspective, I outline a set of broadly-construed, fundamental features of the nature of human persons that coheres with a variety of historical and contemporary philosophical viewpoints. These features include self-conscious awareness, capacity for intellective thought, volitional autonomy, desire for pleasurable experiences, and (...)
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    The Limits of Diagnosis: Sex, Law, and Psychiatry in a Case of Contested Marriage.Sarah Pinto - 2012 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 40 (2):119-141.
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  35. Anthropology of Security and Security in Anthropology: Cases of Counterterrorism in the United States.Meg Stalcup & Limor Samimian-Darash - 2017 - Anthropological Theory 1 (17):60-87.
    In our study of U.S. counterterrorism programs, we found that anthropology needs a mode of analysis that considers security as a form distinct from insecurity, in order to capture the very heterogeneity of security objects, logics and forms of action. This article first presents a genealogy for the anthropology of security, and identifies four main approaches: violence and State terror; military, militarization, and militarism; para-state securitization; and what we submit as “security analytics.” Security analytics moves away from studying (...)
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  36. A dialogical exploration of the Grey zone of health and illness: Medical science, anthropology, and Plato on alcohol consumption.Kieran Bonner - 2009 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 30 (2):81-103.
    This paper takes a phenomenological hermeneutic orientation to explicate and explore the notion of the grey zone of health and illness and seeks to develop the concept through an examination of the case of alcohol consumption. The grey zone is an interpretive area referring to the irremediable zone of ambiguity that haunts even the most apparently resolute discourse. This idea points to an ontological indeterminacy, in the face of which decisions have to be made with regard to the health of (...)
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  37. Freedom and Klugheit in Kant’s Anthropology Lectures.Holly L. Wilson - 2017 - Con-Textos Kantianos 5:26-37.
    Kant holds in his works on morality that prudence is not free, because only action under the moral law is free. He also holds that acting on prudent reasons is incompatible with the moral law. If one explores his lectures on anthropology, however, one has reason to believe that not only is prudent action free in some sense as freedom of choice, but it is also not incompatible with moral action, since it does not necessitate using other human beings (...)
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    Freedom as an Anthropological Problem in the Christian Philosophy of Aurelius Augustine and Hryhorii Skovoroda.M. M. Potsiurko - 2022 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 22:124-140.
    _Purpose._ The study aims to define and comprehend the phenomenon of freedom as an anthropological problem in the Christian philosophical heritage of A. Augustine and H. Skovoroda. The objectives of the study are: a) to identify the main aspects of the problem of freedom in the Christian philosophy of Augustine; b) to clarify the essence and specificity of understanding of freedom in the philosophical anthropology of H. Skovoroda; c) to compare the peculiarities of the statement of the problem of (...)
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  39.  49
    Law before Government: Ideology and Aspiration.Fernanda Pirie - 2010 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 30 (2):207-228.
    The extended notion of law evoked by the concept of legal pluralism has been subjected to powerful anthropological critiques. Simon Roberts, among others, has argued that law should be kept analytically distinct from forms of negotiated order. His persuasive argument in favour of a link between law and government, however, shuts the door on examples of law which arise before, or apart from, government, but which are nevertheless not negotiated orders. Law, it is argued here, can be identified neither by (...)
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    Christian Character Formation: Lutheran Studies of the Law, Anthropology, Worship, and Virtue.Gifford Andrew Grobien - 2019 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    This work investigates worship and formation in view of Christian anthropology, particularly union with Christ.
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  41. Thinking about relations: Strathern, Sahlins, and Locke on anthropological knowledge.Robert A. Wilson - 2016 - Anthropological Theory 4 (16):327-349.
    John Locke is known within anthropology primarily for his empiricism, his views of natural laws, and his discussion of the state of nature and the social contract. Marilyn Strathern and Marshall Sahlins, however, have offered distinctive, novel, and broad reflections on the nature of anthropological knowledge that appeal explicitly to a lesser-known aspect of Locke’s work: his metaphysical views of relations. This paper examines their distinctive conclusions – Sahlins’ about cultural relativism, Strathern’s about relatives and kinship – both of (...)
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    Below and Beyond the Signifier: Space as a Living Semiotic Horizon, a Key to Interculturality and a Challenge for Law.Ishvarananda Cucco - 2024 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 37 (4):1389-1417.
    This paper focus on the problem posed by the rigidity of categories to the translation/transaction operation of the intercultural approach to law. This rigidity holds subjects back from leaving the more structured paradigms (moral, social, cultural, legal) of their culture. The first methodological issue this paper seeks to clarify is to place the problem of categories within a narrowly delimited research horizon in which this issue can be treated with an appropriate degree of scientific rigor. This need seems to find (...)
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    Natural Law, Science, and the Social Construction of Reality.Bernie Koenig - 2004 - Upa.
    Natural Law, Science, and the Social Construction of Reality looks at changes in knowledge and the relationship to values from the modern era to today. Author Bernie Koenig examines Newton's influence on Locke and Kant, how Kant influenced Darwin and Freud, and the implications of their work for both anthropology and moral theory.
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    Philosophical, anthropological and axiological aspects of Constantine’s definition of philosophy.Ján Zozuľak - 2021 - Ethics and Bioethics (in Central Europe) 11 (1-2):14-22.
    This paper focuses on the philosophical-ethical foundations of Constantine’s definition of philosophy, as well as its anthropological and axiological aspects. The focus is placed on the relationship between definitions of philosophy postulated by Constantine the Philosopher and John of Damascus, the latter of which traces the six classical definitions systematized by Platonic commentators. Byzantine thinkers proposed a method of unifying both the theoretical and practical aspects of ancient philosophy with a Christian way of life by interpreting the classical definitions of (...)
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  45. In and of the world? Christian theological anthropology and environmental ethics.Anna Peterson - 2000 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 12 (3):237-261.
    Mainstream currents within Christianity havelong insisted that humans, among all creatures, areneither fully identified with their physical bodiesnor fully at home on earth. This essay outlines theparticular characteristics of Christian notions ofhuman nature and the implications of this separationfor environmental ethics. It then examines recentefforts to correct some damaging aspects oftraditional Christian understandings of humanity''splace in nature, especially the notions of physicalembodiment and human embeddedment in earth. Theprimary goal of the essay is not to offer acomprehensive evaluation of Christian thinking (...)
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    Commentary: Trauma and Testimony: Between Law and Discipline.Veena Das - 2007 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 35 (3):330-335.
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    The political economy of desire: international law, development and the nation state.Jennifer Beard - 2007 - New York, NY: Routledge-Cavendish.
    This book offers an intelligent and thought-provoking analysis of the genealogy of Western capitalist 'development'. Jennifer Beard departs from the common position that development and underdevelopment are conceptual outcomes of the Imperialist Era and positions the genealogy of development within early Christian writings in which the western theological concepts of sin, salvation, and redemption are expounded. In doing so, she links the early Christian writings of theologians such as Augustine and , Anselm and Abelard to the processes of modern identity (...)
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    Who is corrupt? Anthropological reflections on the moral, the criminal and the borderline.Italo Pardo - 2013 - Human Affairs 23 (2):124-147.
    Drawing on historical and contemporary evidence from Great Britain and Italy, this article examines actions that fall under official definitions of corruption and actions that are not illegal but are widely regarded as morally corrupt. As a social anthropologist, I argue that when dealing with the complexity of corruption and abuses of power, we need to identify what aspects of the system encourage or generate illicit practices (illegal and legal) and what aspects could instead generate real change. It is imperative (...)
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    Anthropological sphere of human existence: Restrictions on human rights during pandemic threats.V. S. Blikhar & I. M. Zharovska - 2020 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 18:49-61.
    Purpose. The article is aimed to study the anthropological, socio-philosophical and philosophical-legal dimensions of the ontological sphere of human life within the discourse of restricting human rights during pandemic threats. To do this, one should solve a number of tasks, among which are the following: 1) to explore the anthropological and praxeological understanding of fear as a primary component of human existence in a pandemic, which prevents people from changing their lives for the better and healthier, having fun and happiness; (...)
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    Homo juridicus: culture as a normative order.Isaak Ismail Dore - 2016 - Durham, North Carolina: Carolina Academic Press.
    Homo Juridicus focuses on the normative foundations underlying all socio-cultural formations. The book uses the concept of ''normativity'' in an inclusive sense. It includes law, but it is not limited to it. As such, it explores the various social and cultural forces that persuade, incite, seduce, influence, direct, restrain, repress or control behavior. It is a major interdisciplinary study cutting across several disciplines of social science, such as law, anthropology, sociology, psychology, linguistics and philosophy. Its primary audience is law (...)
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