Results for ' intermediary concepts'

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  1.  23
    Fragile intermediaries. Mid-wives in Bosnia under Austro-Hungarian rule (1878-1918).Sara Bernasconi - 2018 - Clio 48:91-110.
    L’article s’intéresse aux sages-femmes dans la Bosnie habsbourgeoise montrant comment ce groupe professionnel joue un rôle de médiation inédit entre l’Empire austro-hongrois et la population bosnienne. À partir des méthodes et concepts de l’anthropologie sociale, il s’agit de comprendre la configuration des relations qui s’instaurent entre administrateurs, sages-femmes et habitantes à partir de la réforme statutaire des sages-femmes en 1898. Ces relations, qui remettent en cause l’ordre social existant hérité de l’époque ottomane, constituent pour les différents acteurs historiques à (...)
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    Intermediaries: reflections on virtual humans, gender, and the Uncanny Valley. [REVIEW]Claude Draude - 2011 - AI and Society 26 (4):319-327.
    Embodied interface agents are designed to ease the use of technology. Furthermore, they present one possible solution for future interaction scenarios beyond the desktop metaphor. Trust and believability play an important role in the relationship between user and the virtual counterpart. In order to reach this goal, a high degree of anthropomorphism in appearance and behavior of the artifact is pursued. According to the notion of the Uncanny Valley, however, this actually may have quite the opposite effect. This article provides (...)
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    Generating distant analogies facilitates relational integration: Intermediary role of relational mindset and cognitive load.Xuesong Du & Pei Sun - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Relational integration is essential for learning, working, and living, as we must encode enormous volumes of information and extract their relations to construct knowledge about the environment. Recent research hints that generating distant analogies can temporarily facilitate learners’ state-based relational integration. This study aimed to investigate the internal mechanism underlying the facilitation effect and preliminarily confirm its application in education. First, we adopted the classical n-term premise integration task and the Latin Square Task to explore the robustness of the facilitation (...)
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    The traveller as a concept’s translator: study of the hispanic and indigineous words in Der Wochenmarkt in Cartago.Lía de Luxán Hernández - 2021 - Alpha (Osorno) 52:133-147.
    Resumen: El objetivo de este trabajo es el análisis de los hispanismos e indigenismos que emplea el austríaco Karl Ritter von Scherzer en la descripción de un mercado local costarricense y se enmarca dentro de las investigaciones de incorporación de términos americanos en las lenguas europeas. El procedimiento utilizado para ello en este paper consiste en un gradiente creado mediante distintas metodologías de análisis filológicas, traductológicas y culturales. Los resultados arrojan indicios acerca de la domesticación o extranjerización de esas voces, (...)
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  5. Lessons from the Large Hadron Collider for model-based experimentation: the concept of a model of data acquisition and the scope of the hierarchy of models.Koray Karaca - 2018 - Synthese 195 (12):1-22.
    According to the hierarchy of models account of scientific experimentation developed by Patrick Suppes and elaborated by Deborah Mayo, theoretical considerations about the phenomena of interest are involved in an experiment through theoretical models that in turn relate to experimental data through data models, via the linkage of experimental models. In this paper, I dispute the HoM account in the context of present-day high-energy physics experiments. I argue that even though the HoM account aims to characterize experimentation as a model-based (...)
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  6.  18
    On tû-tû.Bartosz Brożek - 2015 - Revus 27:15-23.
    The goal in this short paper is to argue that so-called intermediary concepts play an essential role in organizing and generating legal knowledge. The point of departure is a reconstruction and a critique of Alf Ross’s analysis of such concepts. His goal was to argue that there exist concepts in the law which have no semantic reference, yet it is reasonable to use them as they perform some useful function regarding the presentation of legal rules. The (...)
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  7.  10
    On the good life: thinking through the intermediaries in Plato's Philebus.Cristina Ionescu - 2019 - Albany: SUNY Press.
    The unity of the Philebus: metaphysical assumptions of the good human life -- The placement of pleasure and knowledge in the fourfold articulation of reality -- Hybrid varieties of pleasure: true mixed pleasures and false pure pleasures -- The nature of pleasure: absolute standards of filling or replenishment and due measure -- Pleasures of learning and the role of due measure in experiencing them -- Plato's conception of pleasure confronting three Aristotelian critiques -- The Philebus' implicit response to the aporiai (...)
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  8. How to do things with nonwords: pragmatics, biosemantics, and origins of language in animal communication.Dorit Bar-On - 2021 - Biology and Philosophy 36 (6):1-25.
    Recent discussions of animal communication and the evolution of language have advocated adopting a ‘pragmatics-first’ approach, according to which “a more productive framework” for primate communication research should be “pragmatics, the field of linguistics that examines the role of context in shaping the meaning of linguistic utterances”. After distinguishing two different conceptions of pragmatics that advocates of the pragmatics-first approach have implicitly relied on, I argue that neither conception adequately serves the purposes of pragmatics-first approaches to the origins of human (...)
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    Sinn and its Shadow. Terminological Analysis of Husserl’s Conception of Noetic-Noematic Structures of Pure Consciousness.Victor Molchanov - 2024 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 13 (1):207-240.
    The methodological premise of the investigation is the meta-difference between foreground and background as a necessary element of any difference, including the difference between conceptual and terminological types of analysis of philosophical texts. The topic of terminological analysis is the function of the terms that make up the framework of concepts, the methods and justifications for their introduction. The role of D.Hume, who was the first to draw attention to the difference in the meaning of the same word in (...)
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    De L’Intermédiaire Dans la Philosophie de L’Espace : Précarité, Création, Liberté.Ciprian Mihali - 2022 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia 67 (3):149-159.
    The Intermediary in the Philosophy of Space: Precariousness, Creation, Freedom. The reflection proposed by this text is the result of a dialogue spread over several years between philosophers and geographers. The best common ground between each other – in the right middle of the road – is undoubtedly the concept of the intermediary, which describes, negatively or affirmatively, the future of our physical, social, conceptual spaces and which speaks to us about discontinuity, hybridization, flow, contiguity, but also vulnerability, (...)
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  11. Relevance reviewed: The case of argumentum ad hominem. [REVIEW]Frans H. Eemeren & Rob Grootendorst - 1992 - Argumentation 6 (2):141-159.
    This article aims tt providing some conceptual tools for dealing adequately with relevance in argumentative discourse. For this purpose, argumentative relevance is defined as a functional interactional relation between certain elements in the discourse. In addition to the distinction between interpretive and evaluative relevance that can be traced in the literature, analytic relevance is introduced as an intermediary concept. In order to classify the various problems of relevance arising in interpreting, analyzing and evaluating argumentative discourse, a taxonomy is proposed (...)
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  12. Kant and Whewell on Bridging Principles between Metaphysics and Science.Steffen Ducheyne - 2011 - Kant Studien 102 (1):22-45.
    In this essay, I call attention to Kant’s and Whewell’s attempt to provide bridging principles between a priori principles and scientific laws. Part of Kant’s aim in the Opus postumum (ca. 1796-1803) was precisely to bridge the gap between the metaphysical foundations of natural science (on the Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Science (1786) see section 1) and physics by establishing intermediary concepts or ‘Mittelbegriffe’ (henceforth this problem is referred to as ‘the bridging-problem’). I argue that the late-Kant attempted (...)
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  13.  67
    Relevance reviewed: The case of argumentum ad hominem.Frans H. Van Eemeren & Rob Grootendorst - 1992 - Argumentation 6 (2):141-159.
    This article aims tt providing some conceptual tools for dealing adequately with relevance in argumentative discourse. For this purpose, argumentative relevance is defined as a functional interactional relation between certain elements in the discourse. In addition to the distinction between interpretive and evaluative relevance that can be traced in the literature, analytic relevance is introduced as an intermediary concept. In order to classify the various problems of relevance arising in interpreting, analyzing and evaluating argumentative discourse, a taxonomy is proposed (...)
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  14.  18
    O tû-tûju.Bartosz Brożek - 2015 - Revus 27:7-14.
    Avtor zatrjuje, da imajo t. i. posredniški pojmi ključno vlogo pri urejanju in tvorbi pravnega znanja. V izhodišču povzame Rossovo razmišljanje o takšnih pojmih, ki ga nato kritizira. Ross je skušal pokazati, da v pravu obstajajo pojmi, ki nimajo nobenega pomenskega ozira, a je njihova raba kljub temu nekaj razumnega, saj imajo pri predstavitvi pravnih pravil koristno vlogo. Avtor meni, da sta obe Rossovi trditvi napačni: zmoten je njegov sklep, da posredniški pojmi nimajo nobenega pomenskega ozira, Rossova opredelitev njihove vloge (...)
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    Bridging the Gap: a study of general nurses’ perceptions of patient advocacy in Ireland.Tom O’Connor & Billy Kelly - 2005 - Nursing Ethics 12 (5):453-467.
    Advocacy has become an accepted and integral attribute of nursing practice. Despite this adoption of advocacy, confusion remains about the precise nature of the concept and how it should be enacted in practice. The aim of this study was to investigate general nurses’ perceptions of being patient advocates in Ireland and how they enact this role. These perceptions were compared with existing theory and research on advocacy in order to contribute to the knowledge base on the subject. An inductive, qualitative (...)
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  16.  20
    Conciliation Ethics in the Qurʾan.Shafi Fazaluddin - 2016 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 29 (2):333-358.
    The concept of Conciliation Ethics in the Qurʾan is a crucial aspect of Islamic Law: Conciliation features notably in the Qurʾanic text which gives rise to Islamic rules and regulations, Conciliation is an important dispute resolution method in an Islamic legal system, and Conciliation-related Qurʾanic textual analysis reveals a broad range of legal language and concepts. Traditional studies of Conciliation in the Qurʾan have often focussed on the process of ṣulḥ through intermediaries, particularly in marriage and between groups of (...)
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  17. An Informational Ontology and Epistemology of Cognition.Wu Kun & Joseph E. Brenner - 2015 - Foundations of Science 20 (3):249-279.
    Despite recent major advances in the neuroscience underlying cognition, the processes of its emergence and evolution are far from being understood. In our view, current interrelated concepts of mind; knowledge; epistemology; perception; cognition and information fail to reflect the real dynamics of mental processes, their ontology and their logic. It has become routine to talk about information in relation to these processes, but there is no consensus about its most relevant qualitative and functional properties. We present a theory of (...)
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  18.  22
    Sobre tû-tû.Bartosz Brożek - 2015 - Revus 27:25-34.
    El propósito en este breve artículo es argumentar que los llamados conceptos intermediarios juegan un rol esencial en la organización y generación del conocimiento jurídico. El punto de partida es una reconstrucción y crítica del análisis de Alf Ross sobre dichos conceptos. Su objetivo era argumentar que existen conceptos en el derecho que no tienen referencia semántica, pero que aun así es razonable usarlos dado que cumplen con algunas funciones útiles relacionadas con la presentación de las reglas jurídicas. El autor (...)
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  19.  54
    Reflection on euthanasia: Western and african ntomba perspectives on the death of a chief.Deogratias Biembe Bikopo & Louis-Jacques van Bogaert - 2009 - Developing World Bioethics 10 (1):42-48.
    Largely, the concept of energy or vital force, as first analysed by Placide Tempels in Bantu Philosophy, permeates most African ontology systems, worldviews and life views. The Ntomba Chief is chosen because of his above average vital force. This puts him in the position of intermediary between the Supreme Being, the ancestors, and his subordinates. The waning of his energy is incompatible with his position because his energy is that of his tribe. When installed, he takes an oath that, (...)
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  20.  22
    Evil Media.Matthew Fuller & Andrew Goffey - 2012 - MIT Press.
    _Evil Media_ develops a philosophy of media power that extends the concept of media beyond its tried and trusted use in the games of meaning, symbolism, and truth. It addresses the gray zones in which media exist as corporate work systems, algorithms and data structures, twenty-first century self-improvement manuals, and pharmaceutical techniques. _Evil Media _invites the reader to explore and understand the abstract infrastructure of the present day. From search engines to flirting strategies, from the value of institutional stupidity to (...)
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    Cyberbullying, Moral Responsibility, and Social Networking: Lessons from the Megan Meier Tragedy.Raphael Cohen-Almagor - 2020 - European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 16 (1):75-98.
    This paper addresses the concepts of moral and social responsibility on the Internet in considering the most troubling phenomenon of cyberbullying that results in loss of life. Specifically, I probe the moral and social responsibilities of Internet users (agents), of the education system in fighting cyberbullying, and of Internet intermediaries. Balance needs to be struck between freedom of expression and social responsibility. The tragic story of Megan Meier serves as an illustrative example and some further incidents in which this (...)
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  22.  16
    The Effect of Religious Education on Self-Control - Özdenetimde Din Eğitiminin Etkisi.Şakir Gözütok - 2017 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 21 (2):1035-1060.
    : The concept of Self-Control carried by contemporary criminology has been put forward in order to catch up with increasing crime rates in society, to prevent crime, and to function in anger control. Works done in this area also include measures that must be taken early in the course of a kind of education to prevent crime in general. we see that in some countries Social and Emotional Learning programs are used in areas such as character education, prevention of violence, (...)
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  23.  8
    Lavoro e attenzione.Simeoni Francesca - 2019 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 7 (2):89-112.
    Mediation is a key concept in the thought of Simone Weil. The paper addresses this topic exploring Weil's writings between 1920s-1940s. At first, Weil reinterprets the Cartesian legacy and sees mediation as a practical instance in the relationship between the subject and the world, in terms of “perception” and “work”. At a later moment, Weil shifts the focus to the desire for the good, which she believes to be a more original way to understand the ego-world relationship. The experience of (...)
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  24.  15
    Between Collective Action and Individual Appropriation: The Informal Dimensions of Participatory Budgeting in Recife, Brazil.Camille Goirand & Françoise Montambeault - 2016 - Politics and Society 44 (1):143-171.
    Examining the concept of clientelism in analysis of participatory processes, we investigate how collective and individual action are articulated in practices in the case of participatory budgeting in Recife, Brazil. We use ethnographic work to look how collective actors mobilize within the PB process in Recife and show that PB’s territorial and redistributive nature provides fertile ground for informal exchanges to be entrenched in institutional processes at the micro level. Microsocial interactions between political entrepreneurs, intermediaries, and ordinary participants in Recife (...)
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  25.  61
    Reflection on euthanasia: Western and african ntomba perspectives on the death of a chief.Louis-Jacques Bogaert Deogratias Biembe Bikopvano - 2010 - Developing World Bioethics 10 (1):42-48.
    Largely, the concept of energy or vital force, as first analysed by Placide Tempels in Bantu Philosophy, permeates most African ontology systems, worldviews and life views. The Ntomba Chief is chosen because of his above average vital force. This puts him in the position of intermediary between the Supreme Being, the ancestors, and his subordinates. The waning of his energy is incompatible with his position because his energy is that of his tribe. When installed, he takes an oath that, (...)
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  26.  40
    Towards Shared Social Responsibility: A Study of Consumers’ Willingness to Donate Micro-Insurances when Taking Out Their Own Insurance.Patty Jansen, Tobias Gössling & Toon Bullens - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 100 (1):175-190.
    In recent years, the concepts of charity and development aid have changed significantly. Present concepts combine direct money transfer with co-production, knowledge sharing and the development of products and services designed for the need of developing and transition economies. The concept of micro-financing is a financial service which has proven to allow for entrepreneurs in the respective countries to start up their businesses. A relatively new financial product for these countries is micro-insurance. This article deals with the question (...)
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  27.  4
    Просвещение и медиация.Всеволод Кузнецов - 2016 - Sententiae 34 (1):161-168.
    The author analyzes the concept of Enlightenment as described in the monograph “Medi-ums of the Enlightenment: obscene deviation” by Oleh Perepelytsia. The author notes that O. Perepelytsia considers Enlightenment as a medial phenomenon and identifies three mediums of the Enlightenment: language, sex and money. The author further notes that the main drawback of O. Perepelitsi’s concept is too broad understanding of the Enlightenment. Also O. Perepelytsia puts universal mediums in the stead of specific mediums of Enlightenment. Sex fulfilled its (...) functions even in primitive society, and continues to do that today. Sexuality is very important for the European Enlightenment, but in the Chinese Enlight-enment it does not play any special role. However, even when we talk about Europe, it is nec-essary to find out the conditions under which sex becomes a medium of the Enlightenment. Money for Enlightenment is not a medium, but one of the factors that determine the state of human nature before it is subjected to education and training. Language is a full-fledged medi-um only in Chinese Enlightenment. In Europe there is a trend towards the transformation of language into the object of education. To prove this thesis the author compares the views of Locke, Plato and Confucius. (shrink)
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    Beyond and Within Actual Society: The Dialectics of Power and Liberation.Wolfgang Leo Maar - 2013 - Radical Philosophy Review 16 (2):595-601.
    The materialist approach of One-Dimensional Man emerges in a later work in which Marcuse connects the notion of “new sensibility” to a “complex intermediary function of the intellect.” Revolutionary praxis “is not simply negation but contradiction,” and thus Marcuse’s “new idea of reason” constructs a liberating rationality upon a technological one. This is accomplished by moving from an abstract “concept” of possibility to the perception of possibility as a “social alternative.” Here I examine the “dialectical logic” of human rights, (...)
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  29.  14
    Engaging Political Philosophy: An Introduction.Robert B. Talisse - 2014 - New York: Routledge.
    Engaging Political Philosophy introduces readers to the central problems of political philosophy. Presuming no prior work in the area, the book explores the fundamental philosophical questions regarding freedom, authority, justice, and democracy. More than a survey of the central figures and texts, Engaging Political Philosophy takes readers on a philosophical exploration of the core of the field, directly examining the arguments and concepts that drive the contemporary debates. Thus the fundamental issues of political philosophy are encountered first-hand, rather than (...)
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  30. Explaining Reference: A Plea for Semantic Psychologism.Santiago Echeverri - 2014 - In Julien Dutant, Davide Fassio & Anne Meylan (eds.), Liber Amicorum Pascal Engel. University of Geneva. pp. 550-580.
    ‘Modest’ and ‘full-blooded’ conceptions of meaning disagree on whether we should try to provide explanations of reference. In this paper, I defend a psychological brand of the full-blooded program. As I understand it, there are good reasons to provide a psychological explanation of referential abilities. This explanation is to be framed at an intermediary level of description between the personal level and the explanations provided by neuroscience. My defense of this program has two parts: First, I display the explanatory (...)
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  31.  50
    The Prisonhouse of Psychoanalysis.Arnold Goldberg - 1990 - Routledge.
    In _The Prisonhouse of Psychoanalysis_, Arnold Goldberg trains a searching, critical eye on his own profession. His subject matter is the system of interlocking constraints - theoretical, institutional, educational - that imprisons psychoanalysis and the psychoanalyst. His agenda is to sketch the shape analysis might take in the absence of these constraints. What emerges from these twin endeavors is a penetrating critique of psychoanalysis from the inside - from the vantage point of a senior analyst who has labored for many (...)
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  32. Reid on fictional objects and the way of ideas.Ryan Nichols - 2002 - Philosophical Quarterly 52 (209):582-601.
    I argue that Reid adopts a form of Meinongianism about fictional objects because of, not in spite of, his common sense philosophy. According to 'the way of ideas', thoughts take representational states as their immediate intentional objects. In contrast, Reid endorses a direct theory of conception and a heady thesis of first-person privileged access to the contents of our thoughts. He claims that thoughts about centaurs are thoughts of non-existent objects, not thoughts about mental intermediaries, adverbial states or general (...). In part this is because of the common sense semantics he adopts for fictional-object terms. I show that it is reasonable for Reid to endorse Meinongianism, given his epistemological priorities, for he took the way of ideas to imply that his view about first-person privileged access to our mental contents was false. (shrink)
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  33. Experience and the Mind: An Essay on the Metaphysics of Perception.Robert Alva Noe - 1995 - Dissertation, Harvard University
    The aim of this dissertation is to defend the view that vision is a noninferential way of acquiring knowledge about what takes place in one's immediate vicinity. This direct approach to vision is opposed to the widely-held Cartesian idea that in perception items of consciousness function as epistemic intermediaries. ;In Chapter One I argue that the content of experience is the same as the content of the judgments we would make on the basis of experience, were we to take experience (...)
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    God the invisible king.H. G. Wells - 1917 - [n. p.]: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform.
    This book covers the author's conception of God aside from any religion. He does not come from a religious view in order to transmit the truest conception of God that he is capable of because any religion, whatever it might be, always claims God for itself in an exclusionary fashion. In other words, you must be a follower of the chosen faith before God will accept you into his kingdom. Wells rejects this view. Any man or woman who accepts God's (...)
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    Privacy exchanges: restoring consent in privacy self-management.Mario Pascalev - 2017 - Ethics and Information Technology 19 (1):39-48.
    This article reviews the qualitative changes that big data technology introduced to society, particularly changes that affect how individuals control the access, use and retention of their personal data. In particular interest is whether the practice of privacy self-management in this new context could still ensure the informed consent of individuals to the privacy terms of big data companies. It is concluded that that accepting big data companies’ privacy policies falls short of the disclosure and understanding requirements for informed consent. (...)
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    Wittgenstein's world of mechanics: including transcripts of lectures by Wittgenstein's teacher Joseph Petzoldt and related texts on mechanics.Gerd Grasshoff (ed.) - 2006 - Wien: Springer.
    Ludwig Wittgenstein refers to Heinrich Hertz as one of his major influences. However, up to now it was not clear from where he acquired his knowledge of mechanics and in which way it contributed to his philosophy. The aim of this book is to answer these questions. It shows that Wittgenstein came in contact with Hertz’s physical world view during his studies in Berlin. It had an effect on his view of the natural sciences in the Tractatus, and Hertz's conception (...)
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    The Impact of Inclusive Leadership on Employees’ Innovative Behaviors: The Mediation of Psychological Capital.Yang-Chun Fang, Jia-Yan Chen, Mei-Jie Wang & Chao-Ying Chen - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:471532.
    Employee innovation is the cornerstone of the organization, and the motivation for employee innovative behavior largely depends on the leadership style of the leader. With the economic development of society, the traditional authoritative style of leadership can no longer adapt to the psychological characteristics of employees, who use new-era work concepts, techniques, and social rules (hereafter, new generation workers). Inclusive leadership is based on the concept of “fully inclusive and equitable” in traditional Chinese culture, and it can adapt to (...)
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    Political Physiology in High School: Columbine and After.John Protevi - unknown
    In this paper I investigate the mechanics of killing, brining together neuroscience, military history, and the work of the French philosophers Gilles Deleuze & Félix Guattari. Investigating the Columbine killers and the way they negotiate with the intensity of the act of killing allows me to construct a concept of “political physiology,” defined as “interlocking intensive processes that articulate the patterns, thresholds, and triggers of emergent bodies, forming assemblages linking the social and the somatic, with sometimes the subjective as (...).” While most people must be in a blind rage to kill at close range, the Columbine killers raised the threshold at which an evolutionarily inherited non-subjective “rage agent” kicks in, thus allowing themselves to be subjects in the act of killing. Yet they were not “cold-blooded killers,” either, those who lower the intensity of the act of killing below the threshold that prevents most interpersonal violence from reaching lethal proportions, since they committed suicide soon after their killing spree from burning out. The success of the Columbine killing machine warns us of a “machinic phylum” whose singularities are virtually available for incorporation into bodies by subjects willing to undergo extreme experiments in political physiology. (shrink)
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    The mechanics of perfection : Philosophy, theology, and the foundations of american law.Larry Catá Backer - 2009 - In Francis J. Mootz (ed.), On Philosophy in American Law. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 44.
    Americans have been obsessed about the mechanics of perfectibility. Perfectibility is built into the constitutive documents of the American Republic. The expression of that perfection is Law, and Government provides the means. The mechanics of perfectibility lies in philosophy and theology. Through these mechanics Americans can discern the spirit of perfection - as God or as the genius of the American community made manifest. The essay considers these notions in the context of two cases, Swift v. Tyson (1842) and Erie (...)
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  40. Expanding Mediation Theory.Peter-Paul Verbeek - 2012 - Foundations of Science 17 (4):391-395.
    In his article In Between Us, Yoni van den Eede expands existing theories of mediation into the realm of the social and the political, focusing on the notions of opacity and transparency. His approach is rich and promising, but two pitfalls should be avoided. First, his concept of ‘in-between’ runs the risk to conceptualize mediation as a process ‘between’ pre-given entities. On the basis of current work in postphenomenology and actor-network theory, though, mediation should rather be seen as the origin (...)
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    The genetics revolution, economics, ethics and insurance.Patrick L. Brockett & E. Susan Tankersley - 1997 - Journal of Business Ethics 16 (15):1661-1676.
    This paper considers the revolutionary developments occurring in the field of genetic mapping and the genetic identification of disease propensities. These breakthroughs are discussed relative to the ethical and economic implications for the insurance industry. Individual's privacy rights and rights to employment must be weighed against the insurers desire for better estimates of future loss costs associated with health, life and other insurances. These are in turn related to the fundamental conception of insurance as a financial intermediary versus insurance (...)
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  42. Perceptual systems and realism.Athanasios Raftopoulos - 2008 - Synthese 164 (1):61 - 91.
    Constructivism undermines realism by arguing that experience is mediated by concepts, and that there is no direct way to examine those aspects of objects that belong to them independently of our conceptualizations; perception is theory-laden. To defend realism one has to show first that perception relates us directly with the world without any intermediary conceptual framework. The result of this direct link is the nonconceptual content of experience. Second, one has to show that part of the nonconceptual content (...)
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  43.  48
    The construction of an alternative quinoa economy: balancing solidarity, household needs, and profit in San Agustín, Bolivia.Andrew Ofstehage - 2012 - Agriculture and Human Values 29 (4):441-454.
    Quinoa farmers in San Agustín, Bolivia face the dilemma of producing for a growing international market while defending their community interests and resources, meeting their basic household needs, and making a profit. Farmers responded to a changing market in the 1970s by creating committees in defense of quinoa and farmer cooperatives to represent their interests and maximize economic returns. Today farmer cooperatives offer high, stable prices, politically represent farmers, and are major quinoa exporters, but intermediaries continue to play an important (...)
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    A Role of Fair Trade Certification for Environmental Sustainability.Rie Makita - 2016 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 29 (2):185-201.
    Although most studies on the Fair Trade initiative are, to some extent, cognizant of its contribution to environmental sustainability, what the environmental aspect means to Fair Trade has not yet been explored fully. A review of environmental issues in the Fair Trade literature suggests that Fair Trade might influence participant producers’ farming practices even if it does not directly impact natural resources. This paper attempts to interpret Fair Trade certification as an intermediary institution that links two significant objectives of (...)
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    Plato's persona: Marsilio Ficino, Renaissance humanism, and Platonic traditions.Denis J.-J. Robichaud - 2018 - Philadelphia: PENN, University of Pennsylvania Press.
    In 1484, humanist philosopher and theologian Marsilio Ficino published the first complete Latin translation of Plato's extant works. Students of Plato now had access to the entire range of the dialogues, which revealed to Renaissance audiences the rich ancient landscape of myths, allegories, philosophical arguments, etymologies, fragments of poetry, other works of philosophy, aspects of ancient pagan religious practices, concepts of mathematics and natural philosophy, and the dialogic nature of the Platonic corpus's interlocutors. By and large, Renaissance readers in (...)
  46. How Is Meaning Grounded in the Organism?Liz Stillwaggon Swan & Louis J. Goldberg - 2010 - Biosemiotics 3 (2):131-146.
    In this paper we address the interrelated questions of why and how certain features of an organism’s environment become meaningful to it. We make the case that knowing the biology is essential to understanding the foundation of meaning-making in organisms. We employ Miguel Nicolelis et al’s seminal research on the mammalian somatosensory system to enrich our own concept of brain-objects as the neurobiological intermediary between the environment and the consequent organismic behavior. In the final section, we explain how brain-objects (...)
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    Are Collective Trading Organisations Necessarily Inclusive of Smallholder Farmers?: A Comparative Analysis of Farmer-led Auctions in the Javanese Chilli Market.Dyah Woro Untari & Sietze Vellema - 2022 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 35 (4):1-21.
    Organising smallholder farmers into groups or co-operatives is widely promoted as a strategy to connect farmers to markets and turn them into price makers rather than price takers. This pathway usually combines co-operative organisational models, based on collective ownership and representation in internal governance, with measures to shorten the agri-food chain, shifting the ownership of intermediary sourcing, aggregating and trading functions to the group. The underlying assumption is that this improves smallholder farmers' terms of inclusion in markets. To scrutinise (...)
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    Contingency: a Path between Avicenna’s al-Ilā-hī-yyā-t and Duns Scotus’s Quaestiones Super Libros Metaphysicorum.Giulio Navarra - 2023 - Quaestio 23:335-352.
    This paper aims to contribute to the history of the concept of contingency as it has been developed by John Duns Scotus in his Quaestiones Super Libros Metaphysicorum in light of his reception of Avicenna’s metaphysics (al-Ila-hı-yya-t) from the Kita-b al-Šifa-’. As is known, an intermediary role was played by Henry of Ghent’s ontology. The focus is here the peculiarity of Scotus’s new way of thinking about the modalities of being in relation to metaphysics, in light of the speculations (...)
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    Sin and bioethics.Tibor Imrényi - 2005 - Christian Bioethics 11 (2):133-145.
    The essay starts out with defining the biblical concept of sin in the Old and the New Testaments. The literal knowledge of divine truth is distinguished from its truthful and spiritual interpretation. A further distinction should be made between the Creator of life (God) and the medium or “intermediary creator” (man) of life. I argue for the “single wholeness” of the human race and for the unity of human responsibility in bioethics. In delineating the teaching of the Church on (...)
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    Mindestfallzahlensteuerung und Bedarfsgerechtigkeit in der stationären Versorgung.Ralf-Gero C. Dirksen - 2021 - Jahrbuch für Recht Und Ethik 29 (1):239-276.
    The mainly medical law and health economics treatise follows the interdisciplinary theoretical approach of health services research. The focus is on managing health care in Germany through minimum numbers of cases. What effects does this concept have on the quality aspect and the needs-based approach to inpatient care. Methodologically, a selective literature search is used. In a comparative analysis between the states of Saxony-Anhalt and Schleswig-Holstein, empirical data are examined. As a result, it can be stated that the actors have (...)
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