Results for ' intercultural training'

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  1.  30
    Cultural cognition, effective communication, and security: Insights from intercultural trainings for law enforcement officers in Poland.Svetlana Kurteš, Julita Woźniak & Monika Kopytowska - 2022 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 18 (2):343-366.
    Economic migration, international mobility and refugee crises have brought about both risks and opportunities. Alongside the socio-economic and cultural potential to capitalize on they have generated challenges that need to be addressed. In such an increasingly globalized and diverse world, intercultural competences have become strategic resources underpinning the concept of democratic citizenship and social integration. The objectives of the present article are thus two-fold: firstly we want to explore the concept of cultural cognition and highlight the importance of (...) and diversity awareness, and, secondly, we intend to present and discuss the results of intercultural training sessions for uniformed services conducted within the “Open Lodz” project (Otwarta Łódź POWR.03.01.00-IP.08-00-3MU/18) (2019-2022) coordinated by the University of Lodz in collaboration with the Marek Edelman Dialogue Center in Łódź, the Municipal Police, the City of Lodz Office and the City Guard in Łódź. The project was aimed at enhancing foreigners’ quality of life and functioning in Poland. With this goal in view project activities, addressed at two groups of beneficiaries, namely foreign nationals and frontline workers (police, city guard officers, and municipal clerks) focused on improving communication skills (linguistic and cultural competences). (shrink)
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    Designing a semiotic-based approach to intercultural training.Roger Parent & Stanley Varnhagen - 2011 - Sign Systems Studies 39 (1):145-180.
    This exploratory enquiry seeks to examine the largely unexplored potential of semiotics for intercultural training and education. The proposed three-partdiscussion describes the process by which semiotic theoretical principles were selected and progressively refined into an applied model which was then pilotedthrough a 2007 research initiative entitled Tools for Cultural Development. The case study involved six groups of French and Australian trainees from both theacademic and professional sectors, in collaboration with university, government and community partners. The first part of (...)
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    Qualitative evaluation of semiotic-based intercultural training.Roger Parent & Stanley Varnhagen - 2013 - Sign Systems Studies 41 (1):116-138.
    This second of a two-part series of articles on applied semiotics and intercultural training provides a qualitative evaluation of the research initiative Tools for Cultural Development. Th e discussion will firstly centre on several theoretical and methodological challenges inherent to the qualitative research paradigmand then relate these shifting concerns to convergent findings in poststructuralist (and postcolonial) semiotics, especially with respect to pheno menology and pragmatics. Analysis of four focus group interviews in France and Australia will examine and evaluate (...)
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    Intercultural Competence in EMP Training: A Case Study and Implications for Syllabus Design.Agnieszka Dudzik & Agnieszka Dzięcioł-Pędich - 2017 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 49 (1):55-71.
    Due to the development of global economy and increased geographical and occupational mobility, communication with people from multicultural backgrounds has become commonplace in many healthcare institutions. As the demographic profiles of both patients and medical personnel are increasingly varied, intercultural competence has become an integral component of English for Medical Purposes training. However, are medical students generally familiar with the notion of intercultural competence? What intercultural aspects should they be aware of in order to practise effectively (...)
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    Training Transdisciplinary Educators: Intercultural Learning and Regenerative Practices in Ecuador.Javier Collado-Ruano, Mario Madroñero-Morillo & Freddy Álvarez-González - 2019 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 38 (2):177-194.
    The main goal of this article is to explain the transdisciplinary training model developed at the National University of Education in Ecuador, based on the ancestral worldviews of Buen Vivir. Good Living is a philosophical and political concept of the Kichwa indigenous peoples in the Andean Region, where human beings are interconnected with planet Earth and the whole cosmos. In 2008, Ecuador became the first country in the world to recognize the Rights of Nature in its Constitution, in order (...)
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    Training in intercultural mediation in a multicultural university: contributions for fostering international stability.Mihaela Mecea - 2016 - AI and Society 31 (3):393-399.
  7.  9
    Intercultural School and the Training of the Global Citizen: The Competences of Participatory Citizenship.Alessio Annino - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (2):1-13.
    Emancipating from prejudices, dogmatism, fears and mistrust through direct participation is the knot of education for democracy to be solved for a discipline such as education which, in contemporary times, cannot and must never be deaf to change. The essential assumption is that citizenship education needs a solid ethical and moral dimension, as well as a personal and social one, before political and administrative; only when the awareness of the inviolable rights of individuals, men and citizens, of their indifferent protection (...)
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    Enhancing intercultural competence of German medical students through innovative teaching on medical ethics with a focus on Muslim patients – a pilot study.Aysun Tekbaş, Arian Mauntel, Thomas Lehmann, Hans-Michael Tautenhahn, Utz Settmacher, Teresa Festl-Wietek & Anne Herrmann-Werner - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-11.
    Background Effective healthcare delivery in today's diverse society necessitates healthcare providers' adeptness in navigating cultural and religious nuances in patient care. However, the integration of cultural competence training into medical education remains inadequate, particularly concerning the care of Muslim patients. In response, we introduce a novel educational intervention aimed at enhancing intercultural proficiency among medical students, emphasizing care for Muslim patients. Methods The intervention comprised interactive seminars and simulated patient sessions. With a bespoke and the Cross-Cultural Competence of (...)
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    Interacting With Competence: A Validation Study of the Self-Efficacy in Intercultural Communication Scale-Short Form.Russell S. Kabir & Aaron C. Sponseller - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Self-efficacy as applied to language learning encompasses the belief in one’s ability to obtain mastery in a sought-after domain of linguistic competence by committing to goals and maintaining acquired skills. Intercultural communication and effectiveness are of interest to the professional and personal language goals of learners as their progress depends upon a strong motivation to put practical language skills to use when the real-world requires it. Studying or working abroad and engaging in intercultural training are two such (...)
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  10.  58
    Competencia comunicativa intercultural: Formación de profesores en el contexto poscolonial chileno.Segundo Quintriqueo, Héctor Torres, Susan Sanhueza & Miguel Friz - 2017 - Alpha (Osorno) 45:235-254.
    Resumen: Este ensayo analiza los desafíos que plantea el desarrollo de la competencia comunicativa intercultural en el marco de la formación de profesores en el contexto poscolonial chileno. A partir de una revisión de antecedentes bibliográficos se reconoce que la preparación de los nuevos educadores no ha logrado implementar de manera transversal el enfoque educativo intercultural. Esto ha permitido conservar la hegemonía de la monoculturalidad eurocéntrica, generando que los profesores en formación mantengan una comprensión insuficiente de las culturas (...)
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    How can the Pragmatic Philosophy of John Dewey Make a Contribution to the Theory and Practice of Intercultural Communication?Stephen Holmes - 2016 - Contemporary Pragmatism 13 (3):242-262.
    This paper focuses on the practical question of how the ideas of John Dewey can contribute to improved intercultural communication theory and practice, especially to training. The question is answered in four parts. The first part refers to the presumed superiority of sensitivity to difference as opposed to similarity in intercultural communication. The second part suggests that Dewey’s duality of potentiality and interaction can be carried over to the duality of competence and performance. The third part highlights (...)
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  12.  21
    Communication and Interculturality.Juan Carlos Suárez Villegas - 2014 - International Journal of Cyber Ethics in Education 3 (1):54-72.
    Citizenship as status implies the acknowledgment of individual rights as well as social ones. This very acceptance requires the consideration of all citizens as equal despite any personal difference and it represents an aim that is mostly dependent on the mass-media social function. The formal acknowledgment of the citizenship would be scarcely important if identity stereotypes and prejudice-based discrimination occurred during citizen's vital happenings. Today, citizenship must include the communicative dimension as part of the social integration project. Societies are every (...)
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    Islamic Ethics As Alternative Epistemology In Intercultural Education: Educators’ Situated Knowledges.Hamza R’Boul, Osman Z. Barnawi & Benachour Saidi - 2024 - British Journal of Educational Studies 72 (2):199-217.
    This paper explores the epistemological affordances of Islamic ethics as alternative knowledge within intercultural education. Despite the calls for epistemological plurality in intercultural education that centre epistemologies of the South, educators may find it hard to reaffirm their situated knowledges and practices because they may have been overwhelmed by the wide endorsements of the mainstream literature. Drawing on in-depth interviews with 25 EFL teachers, this study aims to (a) unpack educators’ perspectives around the adoption of alternative knowledges anchored (...)
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    A consideration of the dimensions of servant leadership in intercultural contexts: a focal case study of a UK executive in Japan.Ashok Ashta & Peter Stokes - 2023 - Asian Journal of Business Ethics 12 (2):347-368.
    A range of emergent studies have explored the idea of a renewed human-centered society, termed “Society 5.0,” and the role therein, of servant leadership. In this regard, in East Asian cultural contexts, existing scholarship does not yet provide sufficient theoretical and practical guidance for intercultural contexts, such as when a predominantly individualistic UK business culture interacts with generally collectivist Japanese culture. This is an important gap because if Society 5.0 is to be realized then a more in-depth intercultural (...)
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  15.  28
    The Role of Genres and Text Selection in Legal Translator Training.Dorka Balogh - 2019 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 58 (1):17-34.
    The development of genre-awareness is a key issue in legal translator training, as, according to research, semantic text comprehension depends largely on the recognition of genres/text types. Legal translators must be familiar with the rhetorical and textual conventions of legal genres both in the source- and the target language – the two code systems – to realise the communicative aim of the translation, and to be able to produce texts that are acceptable by the professional community. Consequently, in legal (...)
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    The Redoubled In-Between between the Cosmos and the Human or the Hidden Interity.Jacques Demorgon - 2016 - Iris 37:83-95.
    L’entre-deux nous le rencontrons, c’est l’autre. Pour nous, il fut présent dans les formations-recherches interculturelles des Offices des jeunesses : franco-allemand, germano-polonais, franco-québécois. L’autre, les ennemis ou les alliés? Ceux d’hier ou les nouveaux, alors, l’Est et l’Ouest. Leur rivalité pour l’espace nous référait à l’entre-deux du cosmos et de l’humain ; le cosmos, repère d’entre-deux. En microphysique, à chaque particule, son antiparticule. Le proton en noyau, les électrons alentour mais aussi le neutron. En cosmologie : rayonnement centrifuge des étoiles (...)
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    Квалитативная оценка межкультурного обучения с семиотической точки зрения. Резюме.Roger Parent & Stanley Varnhagen - 2013 - Sign Systems Studies 41 (1):139-139.
    This second of a two-part series of articles on applied semiotics and intercultural training provides a qualitative evaluation of the research initiative Tools for Cultural Development. The discussion will firstly centre on several theoretical and methodological challenges inherent to the qualitative research paradigm and then relate these shifting concerns to convergent findings in poststructuralist semiotics, especially with respect to phenomenology and pragmatics. Analysis of four focus group interviews in France and Australia will examine and evaluate the 2007 (...) experience in light of the culture-specific contexts and stakeholder groups involved. Of particular concern will be the capacity of qualitative evaluative processes to account for the "local meanings" and "voices" within the trainee narratives so as to highlight their perceptions as to the use of semiotics for designing culturally significant practices in education and praxis. (shrink)
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  18.  24
    (1 other version)La formation en Europe : une mission interculturelle à l’ère planétaire.Christoph Wulf - 2011 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 60 (2):, [ p.].
    À la suite de Penser l’Europe , la thèse suivante est avancée : aujourd’hui, la formation culturelle en Europe n’est plus seulement une tâche nationale mais bien une tâche interculturelle. Ce n’est qu’en s’adonnant à celle-ci que les systèmes culturels européens peuvent donner à la génération suivante la capacité de concevoir de manière productive les deux tendances qui déterminent la mondialisation : l’homogénéisation et la diversité culturelle. Dans ce processus, il s’agit avant tout d’apprendre à affronter l’étrangéité ou bien encore (...)
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  19. Cultural alterity and acknowledgement: A research project on the plural societies of the Mediterranean 1.F. X. Marin & Navarro ÀJ - 2011 - Ramon Llull Journal of Applied Ethics 2 (2):213.
    A complex world like ours demands for the teachers and professors to command intercultural competences in order to avoid the instrumentalization of the alterities. It is precisely the professionals of education who, given their social function, have the responsibility of forming the citizens of the future in attitudes and behaviours adjusted to plural communities. This article presents the first part of a research project carried out by researchers from Barcelona, Marseille, Rabat and Beirut on the complex world of the (...)
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  20.  12
    University and Business.Guillermo Arce Ballesteros, Eva Matarín Rodríguez-Peral & Gloria Claudio-Quiroga - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (6):1-11.
    This study shows how disruptive training methods (DTM) equip students with skills that facilitate intergenerational and intercultural work. Skills and competences of leading international companies and institutions. A review of the literature on disruptive methodology has been carried out. The result shows how traditional education can be adapted to Wikiproducers and Generation Z students, to help them understand and develop some skills that their training is leaving behind, and that can be critical in their early stages of (...)
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    The Struggles of the Interculturalists: Professional Ethical Identity and Early Stages of Codes of Ethics Development.Laurence Romani & Betina Szkudlarek - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 119 (2):1-19.
    Ethicalisation processes that partake in the construction of a firm or a professional group’s ethical identity are often described as a relatively linear combination of several components, such as policies (starting with the development of a code of ethics), corporate practices, and leadership. Our study of a professional community dealing with the topics related to cultural diversity indicates a more reciprocal relationship between ethical identity and ethicalisation processes. We argue that a tangible form of ethical identity can pre-date the ethicalisation (...)
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  22.  13
    Authentic Fatherhood.Abiodun Oladele Balogun - 2010-09-24 - In Fritz Allhoff, Lon S. Nease & Michael W. Austin, Fatherhood ‐ Philosophy for Everyone. Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 121–129.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Authentic Fatherhood in Traditional Yoruba Thought Yoruba Proverbs and Folktales Yoruba Lessons for Contemporary Fathers Conclusion: An Intercultural Understanding of Fatherhood Notes.
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    Bateson and Pragmatism: A Search for Dialogue.Stephen Holmes - 2017 - Contemporary Pragmatism 14 (4):475-505.
    In order to set up a dialogue the author, first, will attempt to discern similarities and differences between the ideas of Gregory Bateson and those of the so-called Pragmatist philosophers, John Dewey and William James. Second, he will address connecting points and relevance to intercultural communication training and teaching. For both sides aesthetics are of central importance, for Bateson, coming from the direction of systems, more in the observation of the pattern that connects. For Dewey, the aesthetic experience (...)
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    Yinming Logic and Dialogue in the Contact Zone.Friederike Assandri - 2014 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 41 (3-4):344-360.
    This article presents a case of the application of Buddhist yinming logic in a public debate between Buddhists and Daoists at the court of Emperor Tang Gaozong, as recorded by Daoxuan in his Ji Gujin Fo Dao Lunheng. The application was successful in the sense that the Buddhist vanquished his Daoist opponent. Yet, yinming logic was not used in other debates against Daoists, not even by Buddhists trained in this particular logic. Why? Looking for answers to this question, the article (...)
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    Professional Nurses Should Have Their Own Ethics: the Current Status of Nursing Ethics in the Dutch Curriculum.Mariël Kanne - 1994 - Nursing Ethics 1 (1):25-33.
    Should nurses have their own ethics to match specific problems met in their daily routines? How do nurses act in a society that is changing from a 'monocultural' to an 'intercultural' structure? What are the ethical consequences of these changes for their many tasks? How can the ethical aspects be taught to nurses? This article describes the current status of nursing ethics in the curriculum taught in schools of higher education for nurses in The Netherlands. Aspects of the debate (...)
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  26.  28
    Interculturalidad y competencia comunicativa en la formación médica.José Alfredo Carrascal-Fuentes - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (6):1-16.
    Consciente del significado de las interrelaciones, se considera relevante la competencia de una lengua originaria en los médicos de atención primaria y hospitalaria en sociedades y comunidades donde confluye el pluralismo cultural asistencial, en congruencia, para aproximar el contexto sociomédico y los actores específicos institucionales y comunitarios, en aras de resignificar la relación médico-paciente desde la autenticidad dialéctica de los grupos autóctonos que posibiliten atenuar los desencuentros lingüísticos dentro de los contextos plurales, otorgando el manejo integral del paciente y responder (...)
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    On moral certainty, justification, and practice: a Wittgensteinian perspective.Julia Hermann - 2015 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    On Moral Certainty, Justification and Practice presents a view of morality that is inspired by the later Wittgenstein. Hermann explores the ethical implications of Wittgenstein's remarks on doubt, justification, rule-following, certainty and training, offering an alternative to interpretations of Wittgenstein's work that view it as being intrinsically ethical. The book scrutinises cases in which doubt and justification do not make sense, and contrasts certain justificatory demands made by philosophers with the role of moral justification in concrete situations. It offers (...)
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    In Search of the Good: A Life in Bioethics by Daniel Callahan, and: Why the Church Needs Bioethics: A Guide to the Wise Engagement with Life’s Challenges ed. by John F. Kilner, and: Respecting Life: Theology and Bioethics by Neil Messer.Andrea Vicini - 2015 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 35 (1):196-199.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:In Search of the Good: A Life in Bioethics by Daniel Callahan, and: Why the Church Needs Bioethics: A Guide to the Wise Engagement with Life’s Challenges ed. by John F. Kilner, and: Respecting Life: Theology and Bioethics by Neil MesserAndrea Vicini SJIn Search of the Good: A Life in Bioethics By Daniel Callahan (edited by Arthur Caplan) CAMBRIDGE, MA: MIT PRESS, 2012. XVII + 206 PP. $29.00Why (...)
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    Vivre son identité au Vietnam.Anh Nga Pham Thi - 2004 - Hermes 40 (3):62-65.
    Cet article se présente comme un questionnement sur l'attitude à prendre, de la part d'un pays francophone tel que le Vietnam, « lourd » de son passé colonial, et attentif à « rattraper » le train en marche de l'humanité entière, après tant de péripéties et de retard connus durant et à cause de ses temps de guerre. Attitude à adopter envers soi-même, envers l'Autre et l'autre culture. Pour ce, il s'appuie sur les quelques notions de l'interculturel, analyse la façon (...)
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    Musik–Vielfalt–Integration–Inklusion: Musikdidaktik für die eine Schule [Music–Diversity–Inclusion–Integration: A New Philosophy of Music Education for an Inclusive School] by Irmgard Merkt (review).Beatrice McNamara - 2023 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 31 (2):187-193.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Musik–Vielfalt–Integration–Inklusion: Musikdidaktik für die eine Schule [Music–Diversity–Inclusion–Integration: A New Philosophy of Music Education for an Inclusive School] by Irmgard MerktBeatrice McNamaraIrmgard Merkt, Musik–Vielfalt–Integration–Inklusion: Musikdidaktik für die eine Schule [Music–Diversity–Inclusion–Integration: A New Philosophy of Music Education for an Inclusive School] (Regensburg: Conbrio, 2019)Irmgard Merkt, a German music education scholar, is a pioneer of intercultural music education with regard to the development of the concept Schnittstellensansatz, literally “interface approach,” (...)
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    Expanding and Improving the English Language and Culture Education of Ukrainian Tertiary Students Majoring in English.Oleg Tarnopolsky - 2019 - International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences 87:32-40.
    Publication date: 2 May 2019 Source: Author: Oleg Tarnopolsky The article discusses an innovative course taught to students majoring in English at Ukrainian universities. The course called “Specific Features of the English Language and English-Speaking Nations’ Cultures in the Context of International Communication” was designed to eliminate the lack of a number of issues that must be included in the curriculum of English language and culture studies to be learned by such students but which are ordinarily not included there because (...)
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    History of Philosophy and the Reflective Society by Riccardo Pozzo.Robert R. Clewis - 2022 - Review of Metaphysics 76 (1):156-158.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:History of Philosophy and the Reflective Society by Riccardo PozzoRobert R. ClewisPOZZO, Riccardo. History of Philosophy and the Reflective Society. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2021. vi + 231 pp. Cloth, $94.99In a forward-looking proposal, Pozzo lays out his vision for a multidisciplinary history of philosophy "from a global perspective." This book is "a long position paper, an extended essay dedicated to twenty-first century policies of philosophical research from (...)
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    (Toward) a Phenomenology of Acting.Phillip Zarrilli & Evan Thompson - 2019 - Routledge.
    In a phenomenology of acting, Phillip Zarrilliconsiders acting as a 'question' to be explored in the studio, and then reflected upon. This book is a vital response to Jerzy Grotowski's essential question: "How does the actor 'touch that which is untouchable?'" Phenomenology invites us to listen to "the things themselves", to be attentive to how we sensorially, kinaesthetically, and affectively engage with acting as a phenomenon and process. Using detailed first-person accounts of acting across a variety of dramaturgies and performances (...)
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    Autonomous Vehicles in Drivers’ School: A Non-Western Perspective.Soraj Hongladarom & Daniel D. Novotný - 2022 - In Ryan Jenkins, David Cerny & Tomas Hribek, Autonomous Vehicle Ethics: The Trolley Problem and Beyond. New York: Oxford University Press.
    As vehicles become more autonomous, the task of designing guiding systems that make morally acceptable decisions is getting more urgent. It is sometimes assumed that one solution will be acceptable across various cultures. In this paper we argue for the importance of intercultural perspectives; in particular, we explore possible insights derived from Buddhist philosophy, taking avail of the virtue of compassion (karuṇā). We suggest that autonomous vehicles should first learn in supervised situations so that they reach a level of (...)
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    Relational Spirituality and Transformation: Risking Intimacy and Alterity.Daniel Jass, Mary L. Jensen & Steven J. Sandage - 2008 - Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 1 (2):182-206.
    We extend a relational model of spirituality and transformation based on Shuts’ and Sandage's previous interdisciplinary work in Transforming Spirituality. Spirituality is conceptualized based on a relational framework, and transformation is understood as emerging through an intensification of relational anxiety. Spiritual maturity is related to differentiation of self, based on theology and social science. The risks and challenges of relational intimacy and alterity are proposed as two relational pathways toward differentiation and spiritual transformation. Practical relational strategies to enhance spiritual formation (...)
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    Les énoncés dogmatiques dans le contexte interculturel.Agnès Kim - 2006 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 1 (1):77-97.
    Face à la démarche théologique qui commence à partir de concepts dogmatiques existants, E. Schillebeeckx, en renversant cette démarche du déductif à l'inductif, élabore une théologie basée sur l'herméneutique de l'expérience et de la praxis. Ainsi aborde-t-il la question de l'actualisation de la foi, en montrant la relation dialectique entre la tradition de la foi et le contexte où vivent les croyants. Se situant dans le champ culturel asiatique, Agnès Kim rappelle qu'il y a là un champ d'interprétation façonné tout (...)
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    Partnership of Philosophical Schools of Belarus and Russia and Its Contribution to Development of the Scientific Potential of the Eastern European Region.Михаил Борисович Завадский - 2022 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 65 (3):153-159.
    The summary reveals various areas of Belarusian-Russian collaboration in philosophy: problems of the methodology of scientific knowledge, transdisciplinary synthesis of philosophy and science, philosophical foundations of physics, scientific realism, theory of harmony and self-organization of complex systems, modern epistemological theories, the sociocultural foundations, risks, and prospects of the digital society, human problems in the context of convergent technologies, anthropological foundations of intercultural communication, the world heritage of philosophical thought, the reception of Russian philosophy in the Belarusian intellectual tradition. Special (...)
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  38. Inclusive organizational culture as a culture of diversity acceptance and mutual understanding.Anna Shutaleva - 2019 - Perspektivy Nauki I Obrazovania – Perspectives of Science and Education, 41 (5):373-385.
    The relevance of the study is the need to reform the educational environment based on the values of inclusion to ensure the accessibility of quality education for all people. The purpose of the study is to justify the need an inclusive culture formation as a culture of acceptance of diversity and mutual understanding. The research problem is the lack of development of an inclusive organizational culture is a barrier to ensuring the availability of quality education in a variety of health (...)
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    Interculturalidad: Un Reto En la Formación de Profesorado.Alexandra Monné Bellmunt & Carles Porté Porté - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (3):1-14.
    El máster en Educación plantea a los estudiantes el reto de diseñar una propuesta para fomentar la interculturalidad y así dar respuesta a distintas necesidades que estos han percibido en los centros escolares donde realizan sus prácticas.Encontramos iniciativas como la creación de aulas de acogida, la creación de parejas lingüísticas, menús escolares internacionales, mercados de segunda mano, reutilización de la comida sobrante como abono para los huertos intergeneracionales, glosarios multilingüe de palabras clave de cuentos conocidos mundialmente. Sus propuestas se centran (...)
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    La situation professionnelle : Contributions des sciences de l'éducation à l'élaboration d'un objet scientifique.Jean-François Marcel, Frédéric Tupin & Philippe Maubant - 2012 - Revue Phronesis 1 (1):1-4.
    Based on the presentation of a research framework (the shared work of teachers), this text uses an empirical approach to examine the hypothesis of a co-elaboration of the professional situation. To do so, the empirical investigation, based on the Goffman framework, analyzes the process of reconstructing a teaching session (reference situation) over the course of a pedagogical counselling session (support situation) characterized by interaction between a beginning teacher and a trainer. The invalidation of the hypothesis leads to a suggested conceptualization (...)
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  41. The user's needs for trained manpower in fluid power by Max F. Covert.Apprentice Training - 1965 - In Karl W. Linsenmann, Proceedings. St. Louis, Lutheran Academy for Scholarship. pp. 110.
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  42. Thomas Allen Nadelhoffer.Post Doctoral Training - 2007 - Philosophical Explorations 10 (2):123-149.
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  43. Los vínculos del'Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales' de Frankfort con la Universidad de Buenos Aires en los años' 30.Martín Traine - 1994 - Cuadernos de Filosofía 40:89.
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    REC Members' Perceptions of Their Training Needs: Report of an AREC Audit.Paula McGee, Gordon Taylor, Roger Rawbone, on Behalf of the Arec Training Needs Working Group, Carol Dawson, Kate McGarva & Richard Nicholson - 2006 - Research Ethics 2 (4):119-131.
    The Association of Research Ethics Committees is one of the leading providers of training and education for members of Research Ethics Committees. The introduction of the research governance strategy and the increasing complexity of ethical review place great demands on research ethics committee members that in turn creates challenges for training providers. This paper presents the outcome of an audit of REC members' views about training. Findings demonstrate that REC members are not a homogenous group. Several distinct (...)
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  45. Bryan Magee Talks to Michael Ayers About Locke and Berkeley.Bryan Magee, Michael Ayers, Inc Bbc Education & Training, B. B. C. Worldwide Americas & Films for the Humanities - 1987 - Films for the Humanities & Sciences.
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    Administration of Public Education in the United States.Samuel Train Dutton & David Snedden - 1909 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 6 (17):473-474.
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  47. The crime of authenticity : regulating boundaries of identity around Jewish community through the image of Russian Jewish criminality.Kelly Armanda Train - 1999 - In Marilyn Corsianos & Kelly Amanda Train, Interrogating social justice: politics, culture, and identity. Toronto: Canadian Scholars' Press.
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  48. Bryan Magee Talks to Sidney Morgenbesser About the American Pragmatists.Bryan Magee, Sidney Morgenbesser, Inc Bbc Education & Training, Films for the Humanities & B. B. C. Worldwide Americas - 1987 - Films for the Humanities & Sciences.
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    Trial and error versus "insightful" problem solving: Effects of distraction, additional response alternatives, and longer response chains.Gary A. Davis, Alice J. Train & Mary E. Manske - 1968 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 76 (3p1):337.
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    Interrogating social justice: politics, culture, and identity.Marilyn Corsianos & Kelly Amanda Train (eds.) - 1999 - Toronto: Canadian Scholars' Press.
    Social justice is a concept we take for granted. We assume that it means using state structures to ensure equality and fairness. But is that true? Or, do state structures of social order actually inhibit creativity, freedom, social welfare, and belonging? This collection broadens the boundaries of the ways we think about what constitutes criminality and interrogates issues of social justice and power in new, innovative and critical ways. The essays examine a wide variety of themes, including the deconstruction of (...)
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