Results for ' inter-bodily resonance'

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  1.  37
    Operationalizing Disembodied Interaction: The Perceptual Crossing Experiment in schizophrenia Research.Leonardo Martin Zapata-Fonseca - 2021 - Phenomenology and Mind 21:112-125.
    Embodied and phenomenological approaches to neuropsychiatry have proven to be promising for assessing social cognition and its impairments. Second-person neuroscience has demonstrated that the dynamics of social interaction make a difference when it comes to how people understand each other. This article presents the Perceptual Crossing Experiment (PCE) as a paradigm for studying real-time dyadic embodied interactions in the context of schizophrenia. We draw on the phenomenological concept of interbodily resonance (IR) and show how the PCE can be used (...)
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  2. The extended body: a case study in the neurophenomenology of social interaction. [REVIEW]Tom Froese & Thomas Fuchs - 2012 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 11 (2):205-235.
    There is a growing realization in cognitive science that a theory of embodied intersubjectivity is needed to better account for social cognition. We highlight some challenges that must be addressed by attempts to interpret ‘simulation theory’ in terms of embodiment, and argue for an alternative approach that integrates phenomenology and dynamical systems theory in a mutually informing manner. Instead of ‘simulation’ we put forward the concept of the ‘extended body’, an enactive and phenomenological notion that emphasizes the socially mediated nature (...)
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    Compassion Fatigue: Assessing the Psychological and Moral Boundaries of Empathy.Elodie Boublil - 2021 - In Susi Ferrarello, Phenomenology of Bioethics: Technoethics and Lived Experience. Springer. pp. 61-72.
    The philosophical analysis of trauma has grown over the last ten years due to our need to elucidate the lived experience endured by an increasing number of human beings undergoing forced migration, abuses, war crimes, and traumatizing situations. The irreducibility of trauma renders the task of care ethics more and more difficult. Yet, this paper argues that a phenomenological analysis of the care relation with traumatized patients can help elucidate the inter-affective dynamics at stake in such encounters. First, I (...)
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    On Bodily Resonance: Phenomenological Approaches, Empirical Examples, and Open Questions.Undine Eberlein - 2017 - Yearbook for Eastern and Western Philosophy 2017 (2):118-130.
    This paper is intended to outline both a special field of somatic inquiry concerning bodily communication and resonance and a theoretical approach combining concepts from the philosophical discourse of “Leibphänomenologie” with empirical participant research on bodily practices in somatics and modern dance. Since both the field of inquiry and the theoretical approach are not yet well established, but rather a work in progress, the paper will focus on the delineation of some theoretical conjectures and conceptual propositions, a (...)
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    Felt-Bodily Resonances: Towards a Pathic Aesthetics.Tonino Griffero - 2017 - Yearbook for Eastern and Western Philosophy 2017 (2):149-164.
    Moving from a phenomenological theory of the lived body, the text outlines its constitutive role in human experience but especially in aesthetic perception. Against every reductionist and introjectionist objectification of the lived experience, every explanatory hypothesis of associationist and projectivist type, a pathic aesthetics ‒ that emphasizes the affective involvement that the perceiver feels unable to critically react to or mitigate the intrusiveness of ‒ is an adequate investigation of the felt body as sounding board of outside atmospheres and Stimmungen. (...)
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    A mechanistic account of bodily resonance and implicit bias.Rachel L. Bedder, Daniel Bush, Domna Banakou, Tabitha Peck, Mel Slater & Neil Burgess - 2019 - Cognition 184 (C):1-10.
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    Two modes of being together: The levels of intersubjectivity and human relatedness in neuroscience and psychoanalytic thinking.Riccardo Williams & Cristina Trentini - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:981366.
    The notion of intersubjectivity has achieved a primary status in contemporary psychoanalytic debate, stimulating new theoretical proposals as well as controversies. This paper presents an overview of the main contributions on inter-subjectivity in the field of neurosciences. In humans as well as—probably—in other species, the ability for emotional resonance is guaranteed early in development. Based on this capacity, a primary sense of connectedness is established that can be defined inter-subjective in that it entails sharing affective states and (...)
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  8. Depression and the Self Bodily Resonance and Attuned Being-in-the-World.Fredrik Svenaeus - 2013 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 20 (7-8):7-8.
    This paper will explore the relationship between selfhood and depression, by focusing upon the lived body's capacity to 'resonate'with the world and thus open up an 'attuned' space of meaning. Persons will become differently tuned in different situations because they embody different patterns of resonance -- what is most often referred to as different temperaments -- but the self may also suffer from idiosyncrasies in mood profile that develop into deficiencies of resonance, making the person in question ill. (...)
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  9. Presence in the reading of literary narrative: A case for motor enactment.Anežka Kuzmičová - 2012 - Semiotica 2012 (189):23-48.
    Drawing on research in narrative theory and literary aesthetics, text and discourse processing, phenomenology and the experimental cognitive sciences, this paper outlines an embodied theory of presence in the reading of literary narrative. Contrary to common assumptions, it is argued that there is no straightforward relation between the degree of detail in spatial description on one hand, and the vividness of spatial imagery and presence on the other. It is also argued that presence arises from a first-person, enactive process of (...)
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  10.  47
    Consistent inter-individual differences in susceptibility to bodily illusions.Sarah A. Cutts, Dorothy M. Fragaszy & Madhur Mangalam - 2019 - Consciousness and Cognition 76:102826.
  11. Affective resonance and social interaction.Rainer Mühlhoff - 2015 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 14 (4):1001-1019.
    Interactive social cognition theory and approaches of developmental psychology widely agree that central aspects of emotional and social experience arise in the unfolding of processes of embodied social interaction. Bi-directional dynamical couplings of bodily displays such as facial expressions, gestures, and vocalizations have repeatedly been described in terms of coordination, synchrony, mimesis, or attunement. In this paper, I propose conceptualizing such dynamics rather as processes of affective resonance. Starting from the immediate phenomenal experience of being immersed in interaction, (...)
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    (Inter)corporeality and Temporality in Music Therapy. A Phenomenological Study.Valeria Guareschi Bizzari - 2021 - Phenomenology and Mind 21:126-139.
    What does it mean “playing music together”? Is this action guided by cognitive or pre-inferential skills? The aim of this paper is to unveil the different components that are implied in a collective action such as “playing music together”. The idea which will be supported is that embodiment and temporality are the main important structures that guide the subject. In the first part, we will emphasize the centrality of corporeality in the development of self-awareness and intercorporeal understanding. In particular, drawing (...)
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    From Body Image to Emotional Bodily Experience in Eating Disorders.María Isabel Gaete & Thomas Fuchs - 2016 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 47 (1):17-40.
    This paper is a critical analysis and overview of body image conceptualization and its scope and limits within the field of eating disorders up to the present day. In addition, a concept ofemotional bodily experienceis advanced in an attempt to shift towards a more comprehensive and multidimensional perspective for thelived bodyof these patients. It mainly considers contributions from phenomenology, embodiment theories and a review of the empirical findings that shed light on the emotional bodily experience in eating disorders. (...)
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    Embodied Inter-Affection in and beyond Organizational Life-Worlds.Wendelin Küpers - 2014 - Critical Horizons 15 (2):150-178.
    This paper presents a phenomenology of affect and discusses its relevance for organizational life-worlds. With Merleau-Ponty, affects are interpreted as bodily and embodied inter-relational phenomena, which have specific pathic, ecstatic and emotional qualities. Relationally, they will be situated as “inter-affection” that are part of the inter-corporeality of the “Flesh” of wild be(com)ing. Affect and inter-affectivity are then related to organizational life-worlds, through a critical exploration of different phenomena and effects generated by positive, negative and ambiguous (...)
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  15. Bodily Self-Knowledge as a Special Form of Perception.Hao Tang - 2022 - Disputatio 11 (20).
    We enjoy immediate knowledge of our own limbs and bodies. I argue that this knowledge, which is also called proprioception, is a special form of perception, special in that it is, unlike perception by the external senses, at the same time also a form of genuine self-knowledge. The argument has two parts. Negatively, I argue against the view, held by G. E. M. Anscombe and strengthened by John McDowell, that this knowledge, bodily self-knowledge, is non-perceptual. This involves, inter (...)
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    Inter-Corporeity.Algis Mickūnas - 2011 - Santalka: Filosofija, Komunikacija 18 (1):26-36.
    The essay explicates the phenomenological problematic of intersubjectivity on the level of bodily interaction with the world and with others. On this level, the concept of visibility is transformed in terms of the primacy of bodily “I can” and the kinaesthetic awareness that pervades all perceptual fields. In addition, the investigations into kinaesthetic awareness lead to the understanding that one’s own bodily action is extended as well as varied by the kinaesthetic activities of others and thus form (...)
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    The Voice in Bodily Space.Gernot Böhme - 2014 - Dialogue and Universalism 24 (4):54-61.
    In the paper Gernot Böhme considers the spatial aspects of the perception of sound, especially the human voice, which he sees not as a verbal bearer of meaning but the expression of “the speaker’s atmospheric presence.” The voice lends the communication space emotional colour and the atmospheres it creates envelop the communication partners by way of resonance. The author sets the signatures concept propounded by the Renaissance philosopher Jacob Böhme against semiotic theories: understanding music is not interpretation but (...). Gernot Böhme also focuses on contemporary experimental music, where musical instruments are not treated as tools for the production of musical sounds but bodies “provoked” to generate specific sounds in the acoustic space. (shrink)
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    Shame as a Resonant Emotion. The Case of Autism Spectrum Disorder.Valeria Bizzari & Adrian Spremberg - 2019 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 31 (54).
    In this paper, drawing on phenomenological and clinical literature, we will describe shame as a resonant emotion where the subjects involved are intertwined with one another thanks to two pre-reflective features of selfhood: embodiment and common sense. Furthermore, we will pay particular attention to the notion of intercorporeality, as it reflects the fact that our self, since birth, is essentially relational and embodied. In doing so, we will use the case of autism spectrum disorder as a paradigmatic situation and we (...)
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    Dancing in God in an Accelerating Secular World: Resonating with Kierkegaard’s Critical Philosophical Theology.Curtis L. Thompson - 2024 - Philosophies 9 (3):88.
    This essay seeks to scrutinize Kierkegaard’s critical philosophical theology. The intent is to demonstrate how his religious thought, especially on God’s relation to the world and to the human being, can contribute to generating a cogent response to the challenges presented by our accelerating secular world. Apart from the narrative on the Dane’s passionate reflections, I employ two other narratives to facilitate this inquiry into Kierkegaard. The first of these facilitating narratives comes from highlighting the work on the concept of (...)
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  20. Bodily-Social Copresence Androgyny: Rehabilitating a Progressive Strategy.Joshua M. Hall - 2018 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 32 (1).
    Historically, the concept of androgyny has been as problematic as it has been appealing to Western progressives. The appeal clearly includes, inter alia, the opportunity to abandon or ameliorate certain identities. As for the problematic dimension, the central problem seems to be the reduction of otherness to the norms of straight white middle/upper-class Western cismen, particularly because of the consequent worsening of actual others’ marginalization and exclusion from social institutions. Despite these problems, I wish to suggest that androgyny—as evidenced (...)
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    Discourses and Inter-Corporeity.Algis Mickūnas - 2015 - Santalka: Filosofija, Komunikacija 23 (2):109-123.
    Contemporary European theories have focused attention on corporeity, its surface excitations and passions, and even on politically constructed bodies – how do men and women “carry their bodies”. The great variety of such claims suggests transformations in theoretical thinking, yet such changes were already articulated at another level by phenomenological studies: kinesthetic body. It is obvious that to speak of corporeity is possible only on the basis of analyses of corporeal movements. Thus, the aim of this essay is to disclose (...)
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    Human Agency, Reasons, and Inter-subjective Understanding.William Hasselberger - 2014 - Philosophy 89 (1):135-160.
    In this essay I argue that the mainstream ‘Standard Story’ of action – according to which actions are bodily motions with the right internal mental states as their causal triggers (e.g., ‘belief-desire-pairs’, ‘intentions’) – gives rise to a deeply problematic conception of inter-subjective action-understanding. For the Standard Story, since motivating reasons are internal mental states and bodily motions are not intrinsically intentional, an observer must ascribe internal states to others to make rational sense of their outwardly observable (...)
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    Musical Harmony in the Xunzi and the Lüshi Chunqiu: Different Implications of Musical Harmony Resulting from Their Dissimilar Approaches to the Concept of Resonance between Sound and Qi.J. O. Jungeun - 2017 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 16 (3):371-387.
    This article discusses two interpretations of musical harmony around the 3rd century BCE based on the Xunzi 荀子 and the Lüshi Chunqiu 呂氏春秋, comparing the concepts of resonance between sound and qi 氣 in each interpretation. The Xunzi supports the moral influence of the sage kings’ music where ethical resonance between sound and bodily qi serves as firm ground for musical harmony begetting social harmony. In contrast, the Lüshi Chunqiu advocates the idea of physical resonance between (...)
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    Exoskeletons, Rehabilitation and Bodily Capacities.Denisa Butnaru - 2021 - Body and Society 27 (3):28-57.
    Motility impairments resulting from spinal cord injuries and cerebrovascular accidents are increasingly prevalent in society, leading to the growing development of rehabilitative robotic technologies, among them exoskeletons. This article outlines how bodies with neurological conditions such as spinal cord injury and stroke engage in processes of re-appropriation while using exoskeletons and some of the challenges they face. The main task of exoskeletons in rehabilitative environments is either to rehabilitate or ameliorate anatomic functions of impaired bodies. In these complex processes, they (...)
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    Freedom, Autonomy, and (Inter)dependency.Ailynn Torres Santana - 2022 - Theoria 69 (171):1-24.
    This article starts from the analytical disconnection between feminisms and republicanism and investigates the potential of an academic and political conversation between them. The text takes up some of the intersections between feminism and republicanism over the past few decades and draws attention to the greater interest that has been verified recently. Furthermore, the article proposes spaces where potential conversation between feminism and republicanism can take place: examining the relationship between material dispossession, dependence, and freedom; across the public, private, and (...)
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    A Defense of the Resonating Role Account of Meaning In Life.Gabriel Bruguier - unknown
    The primary contribution of this dissertation is the development and defense of a novel subjectivist account of meaning in life—the Resonating Role Account (RRA). I argue that ‘meaning in life’ is an evaluative phrase applied when a subject’s pursues a unique social and/or natural role well, when the role(s) resonate with her, and when they maintain a minimum balance of her attention. A defense of subjectivism over its competitors—objectivism and hybrid theory— is the second main contribution of the dissertation. These (...)
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    The Respective Effects of Virtues and Inter-organizational Management Control Systems on Relationship Quality and Performance: Virtues Win.Gisele Campos Ribeiro, Gwenaëlle Nogatchewsky, Caroline Mothe & Carole Donada - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 154 (1):211-228.
    In this study, we evaluate how individual virtues and inter-organizational management control systems influence buyer–supplier performance through relationship quality. Results from a sample of 232 firms confirm that virtues and IOMCS relate positively to relationship quality and performance, respectively. However, IOMCS lose their positive influence on relationship quality when considered along with virtues. That is, when both variables enter the regression model simultaneously, virtues win. This interesting finding has particular resonance at a time when research on ethics still (...)
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  28. Releasing Philosophy, Thinking Art: A Bodily Hermeneutic of Four Poems by Sylvia Plath.Ellen Miller - 2001 - Dissertation, York University (Canada)
    I develop a phenomenological hermeneutics of four poems by Sylvia Plath: 'Mystic,' 'Ariel,' 'The Moon and the Yew Tree,' and 'The Arrival of the Bee Box.' Inspired by the work of Maurice Merleau-Ponty, I illustrate how we can experience individual poems through the multiple aspects of our embodiment. Importantly, single artworks are treated here with the same respect as single philosophical texts. Heidegger treats poems similarly in his "later" philosophy, which also influenced this dissertation. This emphasis on embodiment does not (...)
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    The Respective Effects of Virtues and Inter-organizational Management Control Systems on Relationship Quality and Performance: Virtues Win.Carole Donada, Caroline Mothe, Gwenaëlle Nogatchewsky & Gisele de Campos Ribeiro - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 154 (1):211-228.
    In this study, we evaluate how individual virtues and inter-organizational management control systems influence buyer–supplier performance through relationship quality. Results from a sample of 232 firms confirm that virtues and IOMCS relate positively to relationship quality and performance, respectively. However, IOMCS lose their positive influence on relationship quality when considered along with virtues. That is, when both variables enter the regression model simultaneously, virtues win. This interesting finding has particular resonance at a time when research on ethics still (...)
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  30.  45
    Well-being as a Collective Atmosphere.Tonino Griffero - 2020 - Lebenswelt. Aesthetics and Philosophy of Experience 15:46-77.
    A neo-phenomenological and atmospherological approach, mainly based on a first-person perspective, seems perfectly entitled to consider subjective and collective well-being as the starting point for a philosophical reflection. The question is, however, whether and how well-being, also as an atmosphere, can be really investigated and verified. The paper examines many traditional roblems hindering the research and suggests to analyze well-being from a pathic-atmospheric point of view. It therefore focuses especially on the idea of “flow”, wonders how much our well-being depends (...)
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    Gentle Biologies: Reconceptualizing Bodily Transformation and Healthcare between Catherine Malabou and Anne Dufourmantelle.Benjamin Dalton - 2024 - Paragraph 47 (3):324-340.
    This article brings Catherine Malabou’s philosophy of the plasticity of biological life into dialogue with Anne Dufourmantelle’s concept of gentleness, theorizing gentle biologies at the intersections of both thinkers. It explores how, for both Malabou and Dufourmantelle, gentleness is not an innately occurring power or characteristic predetermined within biological life, but rather a force that must be plastically shaped, honed, practised. Further, if Dufourmantelle argues in Power of Gentleness (2018 [2013]) that gentleness can constitute a formidable resource for both transformation (...)
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    Can we Expect AI to be Wise? — A Wisdom, Knowledge (Management), Resonance, and Cognitive Science Perspective.Markus Peschl, Ernst Wageneder, Alexander Kaiser & Clemens Kerschbaum - unknown
    This paper investigates whether AI can possess wisdom, a complex and deeply human capacity. We adopt an interdisciplinary approach, drawing on philosophy, 4E cognition, Material Engagement Theory, and engaged epistemology, to argue that wisdom is a dynamic force unfolding through meaningful life experiences and resonant interactions with the world. Central to our discussion is Rosa's concept of resonance, essential for fostering personal growth, emotional empathy, as well as existential and bodily connectedness to the world and its unfolding into (...)
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    Pour une théologie pratique du dialogue inter-religieux.Geneviève Comeau - 2012 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 43 (2):242-256.
    Il est temps aujourd’hui de réfléchir au dialogue inter-religieux du point de vue d’une théologie pratique du dialogue . L’article aborde donc le dialogue à partir des questions de nos contemporains, liées pour une grande part aux effets de la mondialisation: quel vivre-ensemble dans des sociétés plurielles? quels liens entre religieux, politique et juridique? Des pistes sont ensuite proposées pour vivre les rencontres de manière féconde: entrer dans la dynamique des identités, être enraciné dans sa tradition, pouvoir entendre des (...)
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    More Than Just Statics: Temporal Dynamic Changes in Inter- and Intrahemispheric Functional Connectivity in First-Episode, Drug-Naive Patients With Major Depressive Disorder.Yu Jiang, Yuan Chen, Ruiping Zheng, Bingqian Zhou, Ying Wei, Ankang Gao, Yarui Wei, Shuying Li, Jinxia Guo, Shaoqiang Han, Yong Zhang & Jingliang Cheng - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Several functional magnetic resonance imaging studies have demonstrated abnormalities in static intra- and interhemispheric functional connectivity among diverse brain regions in patients with major depressive disorder. However, the dynamic changes in intra- and interhemispheric functional connectivity patterns in patients with MDD remain unclear. Fifty-eight first-episode, drug-naive patients with MDD and 48 age-, sex-, and education level-matched healthy controls underwent resting-state fMRI. Whole-brain functional connectivity, analyzed using the functional connectivity density approach, was decomposed into ipsilateral and contralateral functional connectivity. We (...)
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    Moved by Emotions: Affective Concepts Representing Personal Life Events Induce Freely Performed Steps in Line With Combined Sagittal and Lateral Space-Valence Associations.Susana Ruiz Fernández, Lydia Kastner, Sergio Cervera-Torres, Jennifer Müller & Peter Gerjets - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Embodiment approaches to cognition and emotion have put forth the idea that the way we think and talk about affective events often recruits spatial information that stems, to some extent, from our bodily experiences. For example, metaphorical expressions such as “being someone’s right hand” or “leaving something bad behind” convey affectivity associated with the lateral and sagittal dimensions of space. Action tendencies associated with affect such as the directional fluency of hand movements (dominant right hand-side – positive; non-dominant left (...)
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    The oscillating body: an enactive approach to the embodiment of emotions.Carlos Vara Sánchez - 2019 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 31 (54).
    The aim of this paper is to advance, within the framework of enactivism, towards a more radically embodied and situated theory of emotions and, in general, of affectivity. Its starting point is that of discussing the well-established notion of bodily resonance (Fuchs 2013, Fuchs & Koch 2014, Fuchs 2018) and the primordial affectivity approach (Colombetti 2014). I will incorporate John Dewey’s theory of emotions, and recent models and empirical finding from cognitive science on the relation between perception and (...)
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    Doubleness in Experience: Toward a Distributed Enactive Approach to Metaphoricity.Thomas Wiben Jensen & Elena Cuffari - 2014 - Metaphor and Symbol 29 (4):278-297.
    A new concept of cognition also implies a novel approach to the study of metaphor. This insight is the starting point of this article presenting two innovations to comprehending and analyzing metaphor, one theoretical and one in terms of methodology. On a theoretical level we argue for a new orientation to metaphor and metaphoricity based on enactive cognition and distributed language and cognition. In recent years enactive and distributed cognition have been developing a new concept of cognition as an (...)-bodily and ecologically afforded achievement, and in light of this theoretical development we propose an approach to metaphor as a multi-body, multi-party, and multi-timescale phenomenon. On a methodological level we demonstrate a new way of analyzing metaphoricity in multimodal social interaction based on in-depth video analyses of two real life examples in which we introduce metaphorical identification criteria focusing on doubleness in meaning, affordances for co-action, co-ordination, and co-exper.. (shrink)
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    Reconciling conceptualisations of the body and person‐centred care of the older person with cognitive impairment in the acute care setting.Carole Rushton & David Edvardsson - 2017 - Nursing Philosophy 18 (4):e12160.
    In this article, we sought reconciliation between the “body‐as‐representation” and the “body‐as‐experience,” that is, how the body is represented in discourse and how the body of older people with cognitive impairment is experienced. We identified four contemporary “technologies” and gave examples of these to show how they influence how older people with cognitive impairment are often represented in acute care settings. We argued that these technologies may be mediated further by discourses of ageism and ableism which can potentiate either the (...)
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  39. "I am feeling tension in my whole body": An experimental phenomenological study of empathy for pain.David Martínez-Pernía, Ignacio Cea, Alejandro Troncoso, Kevin Blanco, Jorge Calderón, Constanza Baquedano, Claudio Araya-Veliz, Ana Useros, David Huepe, Valentina Carrera, Victoria Mack-Silva & Mayte Vergara - 2023 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Introduction: Traditionally, empathy has been studied from two main perspectives: the theory-theory approach and the simulation theory approach. These theories claim that social emotions are fundamentally constituted by mind states in the brain. In contrast, classical phenomenology and recent research based on enactive theories consider empathy as the basic process of contacting others’ emotional experiences through direct bodily perception and sensation. Objective: This study aims to enrich knowledge of the empathic experience of pain by using an experimental phenomenological method. (...)
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    Screened Intercorporeality. Reflections on Gestures in Videoconferences.Christian Ferencz-Flatz - 2023 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 54 (1):56-70.
    This article brings a phenomenological perspective to the question of how bodily and inter-bodily experience is involved in interacting via audio-visual media like videoconferencing platforms. Contemporary discussions in interaction studies point to a certain suspension of bodily involvement in these mediated interactions, which leads to a visible loss of function in the case of gestures. Such observations have led phenomenologists to voice concern as to whether phenomenology is indeed still suited to account for the “digital world” (...)
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    Emotionale Regie: Mediopassivität und der Umgang mit Gefühlen.Ilona Vera Szlezák - 2022 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 70 (6):924-936.
    This article outlines a conception of emotions as mediopassive processes based on an understanding of the affective as situated felt-body phenomena. On these grounds, in the second part of the text, a form of emotional ability is introduced. It is described as the subject’s ability to mindfully feel and perceive her emotions in such a way that it allows her to both attend and subtly conduct the unfolding of the emotions’ dynamic gestalt. A philosophical grasp of this ability can illuminate (...)
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    Merleau-Ponty and the Institution of Animate Form: The Generative Origins of Animal Perception and Movement.Don Beith - 2013 - Chiasmi International 15:201-218.
    From his earliest work in The Structure of Behavior, Maurice Merleau-Ponty abrogates accounts of organic form that posit the organism as either passively ordered by the environment which precedes it, or as actively constituting its environment. I argue that Merleau-Ponty first develops what I term a genetic concept of form, in which the organism-environment relationship unfolds developmentally. This account of genetic form, however, requires a further concept of generative form to overcome the conceptual distinction between constituting activity and constituted passivity. (...)
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    Gestimmt sein: Zwischen Resonanz und Responsivität.Tonino Griffero - 2021 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 69 (5):691-719.
    The boom in new theories of resonance is most certainly due to an intellectual atmosphere closely linked to the so-called “affective turn” in the humanities. The paper compares some theories of resonance or responsivity such as Thomas Fuchs’ phenomenological-psychopathological analysis of resonance and Bernhard Waldenfels’ phenomenology of responsivity with a sociological research on resonance by which Hartmut Rosa aims at contrasting the capitalist dictatorship of the growth-acceleration-innovation triad and the resulting loss of bodily resonance (...)
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    Corporeal Suspicion. Defining an Atmosphere of Protracted Emergency (such as Covid-19).Tonino Griffero - 2022 - Studi di Estetica 23.
    The paper investigates the kind of collective feeling – or, better, atmosphere – that is generated by the situation of protracted emergency. After asking whether ours is in general an age marked by (media) emergency, what are the structural char-acteristics distinguishing short-term emergency from protracted emergency and to what extent we can speak of an effectively shared collective feeling of “emer-gency”, the analysis focuses on the atmospheric properties of this collective affec-tive situation and shows what are the possible resources to (...)
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    Do antidepressants affect the self? A phenomenological approach.Fredrik Svenaeus - 2007 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 10 (2):153-166.
    In this paper, I explore the questions of how and to what extent new antidepressants (selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitors, or SSRIs) could possibly affect the self. I do this by way of a phenomenological approach, using the works of Martin Heidegger and Thomas Fuchs to analyze the roles of attunement and embodiment in normal and abnormal ways of being-in-the-world. The nature of depression and anxiety disorders — the diagnoses for which treatment with antidepressants is most commonly indicated — is also explored (...)
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    Psychic treats and somatic shelters: attuning to the body in contemporary psychoanalytic dialogue.Nitza Yarom - 2015 - New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    There is increasing recognition within psychoanalysis and related therapies that awareness of the body is important in understanding and treating patients. Psychic Threats and Somatic Shelters explores the ways in which adults and children become acquainted with the range of physical issues that arise within their psychoanalytic or psychological treatments. Nitza Yarom discusses in a practical and clinically focused way the large variety of physical outlets which today's person uses to shelter from the many troubles and restrictions that are placed (...)
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  47. Embodied Social Cognition, Participatory Sense-Making, and Online Learning.Michelle Maiese - 2013 - Social Philosophy Today 29:103-119.
    I will argue that the asynchronous discussion format commonly used in online courses has little hope of bringing about transformative learning, and that this is because engaging with another as a person involves adopting a personal stance, comprised of affective and bodily relatedness (Ratcliffe 2007, 23). Interpersonal engagement ordinarily is fully embodied to the extent that communication relies heavily on individuals’ postures, gestures, and facial expressions. Subjects involved in face-to-face interaction can perceive others’ desires and feelings on the basis (...)
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    Dead meat: Feeding at the anatomy table of Gunther von Hagens' Body Worlds.Rosemary Deller - 2011 - Feminist Theory 12 (3):241-261.
    Whether in the growing awareness of the origins of supermarket meat or the emergence of meat art, carnality appears to be something increasingly under question. Yet, despite meat carrying connotations that offer provocative connection with feminist concerns regarding the body, consumption and the cultural representation of women, meat consciousness has been only sporadically explored in existing feminist theory. Struck, however, by the comparisons between the dissected Body Worlds corpse and the filleted flesh of meat that are levelled most particularly at (...)
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    Psychopharmacology and the Self: An Introduction to the Theme. [REVIEW]Fredrik Svenaeus - 2007 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 10 (2):115-117.
    In this paper, I explore the questions of how and to what extent new antidepressants (selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitors, or SSRIs) could possibly affect the self. I do this by way of a phenomenological approach, using the works of Martin Heidegger and Thomas Fuchs to analyze the roles of attunement and embodiment in normal and abnormal ways of being-in-the-world. The nature of depression and anxiety disorders — the diagnoses for which treatment with antidepressants is most commonly indicated — is also explored (...)
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    The landscape spreads as far as you can feel it. An atmospheric liminology.Tonino Griffero - 2024 - Lebenswelt: Aesthetics and Philosophy of Experience 23.
    My hypothesis is that landscape is identified by the atmospheric feeling it radiates in a now constant and now more ephemeral way and by the felt-bodily resonance it generates in those who simply perceive it, and a fortiori in those who are also deeply affectively grasped by it. In partial contrast to a reductionist approach prevalent today, the intention is to demonstrate that the (feeling of) landscape, in its constitutive extraneousness to the objective-quantitative dimension, can never be fully (...)
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