Results for ' in-betweenness'

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  1. Taking Watsuji online: Betweenness and expression in online spaces.Lucy Osler & Joel Krueger - 2021 - Continental Philosophy Review (1):1-23.
    In this paper, we introduce the Japanese philosopher Tetsurō Watsuji’s phenomenology of aidagara (“betweenness”) and use his analysis in the contemporary context of online space. We argue that Watsuji develops a prescient analysis anticipating modern technologically-mediated forms of expression and engagement. More precisely, we show that instead of adopting a traditional phenomenological focus on face-to-face interaction, Watsuji argues that communication technologies — which now include Internet-enabled technologies and spaces — are expressive vehicles enabling new forms of emotional expression, shared (...)
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    “(Not)Belongingness” and “(Not)Betweenness” as being “Other” in Jhumpa Lahiri’s The Namesake.K. Morve Roshan, Nazila Heidarzadegan, Dulfqar Mhaibes Abdulrazzaq & Muhammad Imran - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:527-540.
    This paper focuses on diaspora-related issues in Jhumpa Lahiri’s The Namesake (2003). Furthermore, the paper analyses the characters’ understating of identity and how it reflects through the characters’ ‘(not)belonging’ and a conflict of ‘(not)betweenness.’ This research seeks an answer to the questions: 1. What is the role of culture and memory in Indian American life? And 2. How do Indian Americans struggle for cultural, diasporic, and personal names as an identity? In The Namesake, the characters’ struggles are examined through (...)
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    Betweenness Algebras.Ivo Düntsch, Rafał Gruszczyński & Paula Menchón - forthcoming - Journal of Symbolic Logic:1-25.
    We introduce and study a class ofbetweenness algebras—Boolean algebras with binary operators, closely related to ternary frames with a betweenness relation. From various axioms for betweenness, we chose those that are most common, which makes our work applicable to a wide range of betweenness structures studied in the literature. On the algebraic side, we work with two operators ofpossibilityand ofsufficiency.
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    In‐Between Child and World: Educational Responsibility with and against Arendt.Julien Kloeg & Liesbeth Noordegraaf-Eelens - 2024 - Educational Theory 74 (4):512-528.
    A key aspect of the educator's responsibility as understood by Hannah Arendt is its dual character. Educators are responsible for both the life and development of the child and the continuance of the world, as Arendt puts it in “The Crisis in Education.” Moreover, these aspects of responsibility are in tension with each other. Arendt's own accounts of responsibility in her political writings are, in a similar way, riddled with tension. What should we conclude from this about the nature of (...)
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    Betweenness’ and ‘twofoldness’: A cross-cultural interpretation of the aesthetic appreciation of paintings.Peng Feng - 2023 - Asian Philosophy 33 (2):110-124.
    In appreciating paintings, what we experience is either a result of their medium or object, regardless of whether the object is an actual thing, a fictional thing, an internal emotion, an abstract idea, or something else. However, the conceptions of ‘betweenness’ in traditional Chinese aesthetics and ‘twofoldness’ in contemporary Western aesthetics tell us that our experience of paintings might not be simply from the object or the medium itself but rather from a relation between the two. This study considers (...)
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  6. Selves beyond the skin: Watsuji, “betweenness”, and self-loss in solitary confinement and dementia.Joel Krueger - 2024 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 31 (5-6):127-150.
    I develop Tetsurō Watsuji’s relational model of the self as “betweenness”. I argue that Watsuji’s view receives support from two case studies: solitary confinement and dementia. Both clarify the constitutive interdependence between the self and the social and material contexts of “betweenness” that define its lifeworld. They do so by providing powerful examples of what happens when the support and regulative grounding of this lifeworld is restricted or taken away. I argue further that Watsuji’s view helps see the (...)
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    In-Between: An Essay on Categories, Current Continental Research.F. G. Asenjo - 1988 - University Press of America.
    This book introduces a new category, in-between, that will have a far-reaching impact on classic ways of thinking. Husserl's description of consciousness and Whitehead's criticism of the prejudice of simple location are two starting points. Relativity theory's radical changes in the conception of space and time also motivate some of the lines of thought.
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    The Axioms of Betweenness in Euclid.Heinrich Guggenheimer & Ferdinand Gonseth - 1977 - Dialectica 31 (1‐2):187-192.
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    In between: Immigration, distributive justice, and political dialogue.Hans Lindahl - 2009 - Contemporary Political Theory 8 (4):415-434.
    How is distributive justice possible with respect to immigration if political decisions about entry and membership cannot be grounded in the symmetry of a prior commonality, human or otherwise, that could guarantee reciprocal relations between members and nonmembers? This paper deals with both aspects of this question. Initially, it engages critically with Seyla Benhabib's plea for ‘dialogical universalism,’ showing why the strong discontinuity between political and moral reciprocity precludes understanding distributive justice as the process of mediating between political particularity and (...)
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    Stuck in between. Phenomenology’s Explanatory Dilemma and its Role in Experimental Practice.Mark-Oliver Casper & Philipp Haueis - 2023 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 22 (3):575-598.
    Questions about phenomenology’s role in non-philosophical disciplines gained renewed attention. While we claim that phenomenology makes indispensable, unique contributions to different domains of scientific practice such as concept formation, experimental design, and data collection, we also contend that when it comes to explanation, phenomenological approaches face a dilemma. Either phenomenological attempts to explain conscious phenomena do not satisfy a central constraint on explanations, i.e. the asymmetry between explanans and explanandum, or they satisfy this explanatory asymmetry only by largely merging with (...)
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    In-Between Spaces. Pluralism and Hybridity as Elements of a New Paradigm for Religion in the Modern Age.Michaela Pfadenhauer - 2016 - Human Studies 39 (1):147-159.
    We are living in an age of pluralization in which religiosity and secularity are not mutually exclusive. With subversive intent, Peter L. Berger relativizes with this thesis his criticism of secularization theory. In the light of the persistence and widespread nature of religion and religiosity, Berger still considers secularization theory’s assumption that modernization and secularization go hand in hand to be empirically untenable. At the same time, however, he acknowledges that a “secular discourse” has asserted itself globally and has achieved (...)
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    In between: Immigration, distributive justice, and political dialogue.Roland Axtmann - 2009 - Contemporary Political Theory 8 (4):415-434.
    How is distributive justice possible with respect to immigration if political decisions about entry and membership cannot be grounded in the symmetry of a prior commonality, human or otherwise, that could guarantee reciprocal relations between members and nonmembers? This paper deals with both aspects of this question. Initially, it engages critically with Seyla Benhabib's plea for ‘dialogical universalism,’ showing why the strong discontinuity between political and moral reciprocity precludes understanding distributive justice as the process of mediating between political particularity and (...)
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    Meeting between the Western ethical thought and the practical science in the modern and present age of Korea.In-Ho Kwon - 2008 - THE JOURNAL OF ASIAN PHILOSOPHY IN KOREA 29:117-145.
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    Communicative In-Betweens of Email Communication.Ejvind Hansen - 2009 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 13 (1):13-26.
    In this paper I seek to deconstruct internet-based communication. I highlight Derrida’s focus on the margins and in-betweens of communication, and relate it to the genre of e-mail. I argue (i) that the silence between the dialogic turns becomes more marked, while (ii) the separation of present and previous statements becomes less marked. The visibility of the silence between the turns (i) can be a resource for increased awareness of how communicative exchanges are shaped by self-arrangements and -presentations. The dissolution (...)
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  15. 'In Between Believing' and Degrees of Belief.Darrell P. Rowbottom - 2007 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 26 (1):131-137.
    Schwitzgebel (2001) — henceforth 'S' — offers three examples in order to convince us that there are situations in which individuals are neither accurately describable as believing that p or failing to so believe, but are rather in 'in-between states of belief'. He then argues that there are no 'Bayesian' or representational strategies for explicating these, and proposes a dispositional account. I do not have any fundamental objection to the idea that there might be 'in-between states of belief'. What I (...)
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    Living in between: The commercial side of Silvanus P. Thompson 's engineering.Stathis Arapostathis & Anna Guagnini - 2021 - Centaurus 63 (3):499-512.
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    In-Between-Worlds and Re-membering.Mariana Ortega - 2021 - Philosophy Today 65 (2):449-458.
  18. In Between States.Paul Amitai - 2012 - Continent 2 (3):208-217.
    Introduction Paul Boshears The following excerpt from Paul Amitai's In Between States: Field notes and speculations on postwar landscapes (2012) confounds its reader. Presenting an alternate history of the State of Israel as a space station orbiting Earth, the excitement of possibilities crackles across the texts and images. Like Chris Marker's La Jeteé , the accompanying static images distort the viewer's temporality: are these archaeological items, images from a past, or a future? Why isn't this our future? In Between States (...)
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    Being In-Between and Becoming Undone: Bardos, Heterotopias, and Nepantla.Jessica Locke - 2020 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 34 (2):113-140.
    In this article I examine views of groundlessness that appear in three very different philosophical traditions: bardo teachings in Tibetan Buddhism, Michel Foucault's heterotopia, and Gloria Anzaldúa's nepantla. While each of these concepts is formulated in response to specific psychological, philosophical, and political questions, I argue that they each describe—in intimate, first-personal terms—experiences of rupture or dissolution of one's own selfhood and/or thought. Using this formulation of groundlessness as a lens for reading these three concepts alongside one another, I offer (...)
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    The Learning is In‐between: The search for a metalanguage in Indigenous education.Neil Harrison - 2005 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 37 (6):871–884.
    Following the first significant research into Indigenous methods of learning, it was argued that Indigenous students could learn western knowledge using Indigenous ways of learning. Subsequent research contradicted this finding to take the position that Indigenous students must learn western knowledge using western methods and so this set the scene for the development of a pedagogy where Indigenous students could learn how to learn. Theorists in Indigenous education began to search for a metalanguage. Crosscultural theorists have perceived this metalanguage in (...)
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    Axiomatic theory of betweenness.Sanaz Azimipour & Pavel Naumov - 2020 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 60 (1):227-239.
    Betweenness as a relation between three individual points has been widely studied in geometry and axiomatized by several authors in different contexts. The article proposes a more general notion of betweenness as a relation between three sets of points. The main technical result is a sound and complete logical system describing universal properties of this relation between sets of vertices of a graph.
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  22. Living In-between : a narrative inquiry self-study into (re)locating place and self.Carmen Schlamb - 2020 - In Ellyn Lyle (ed.), Identity landscapes: contemplating place and the construction of self. Boston: Brill | Sense.
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    In-Between Science and Politics.Karen François - 2011 - Foundations of Science 16 (2-3):161-171.
    This paper gives a philosophical outline of the initial foundations of politics as presented in the work of Plato and argues why this traditional philosophical approach can no longer serve as the foundation of politics. The argumentation is mainly based on the work of Latour (1993, 1997, 1999a, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2008) and consists of five parts. In the first section I elaborate on the initial categorization of politics and science as represented by Plato in his Republic. In the second (...)
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  24. Love In-Between.Laura Candiotto & Hanne De Jaegher - 2021 - The Journal of Ethics 25 (4):501-524.
    In this paper, we introduce an enactive account of loving as participatory sense-making inspired by the “I love to you” of the feminist philosopher Luce Irigaray. Emancipating from the fusionist concept of romantic love, which understands love as unity, we conceptualise loving as an existential engagement in a dialectic of encounter, in continuous processes of becoming-in-relation. In these processes, desire acquires a certain prominence as the need to know (the other, the relation, oneself) more. We build on Irigaray’s account of (...)
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    The betweenness of place: towards a geography of modernity.J. Nicholas Entrikin (ed.) - 1991 - Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins University Press.
    What makes New York City different from Moscow? Are small towns looking more and more alike? What criteria should we use to distinguish one place from another? Today, geographers and other social scientists are debating not only the answers to these sorts of questions but even whether or not to ask them at all. This ongoing controversy about how (or whether) to study place and its meaning in modern life forms the focus of J. Nicholas Entrikin's pioneering work. Those who (...)
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    Embracing the In-Betweenness of Aspect-Perception's Normative Dimensions.Janette Dinishak - 2022 - Nordic Wittgenstein Review 11.
    : This paper examines the following two ideas and their relations: aspect-perception is a perceptual experience; veridicality is the primary standard for evaluating the success of a perceptual experience. I argue that a valuable lesson to glean from Wittgenstein’s investigations of aspect-perception is that aspect-perception is “in-between” when it comes to whether and how veridicality is at issue in it. Yet it does not follow from this in-betweenness that there is no standard by which we evaluate aspect-perception, no notion (...)
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  27. In-between spacing and the chôra in Derrida : a pre-originary medium.Louise Burchill - 2010 - In Henk Oosterling & Ewa Płonowska Ziarek (eds.), Intermedialities: Philosophy, Arts, Politics. Lanham, Md.: Lexington Books.
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  28. In-between believing.Eric Schwitzgebel - 2001 - Philosophical Quarterly 51 (202):76-82.
    For any proposition P, it may sometimes occur that a person is not quite accurately describable as believing that P, nor quite accurately describable as failing to believe that P. Such a person, I will say, is in an "in-between state of belief." This paper argues for the prevalence of in-between states of believing and asserts the need for an account of belief that allows us intelligibly to talk about in-between believing. It is suggested that Bayesian and representationalist approaches are (...)
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    In between individual reality and universal demand. Reflections on the Ethics of economic, social and cultural rights.Christian Beck - 2009 - Disputatio Philosophica 11 (1):65 - 77.
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    Man in-between Anxiety and Hope.Marián Palenčar - 1995 - Human Affairs 5 (1):1-8.
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    In Between Borders: Space, Gender, and Translation.Damien Tissot - 2019 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 52 (3):265-279.
    Paul Ricoeur used to raise the question From where do you speak? at the beginning of his seminars as a way of inaugurating a new space of discussion while questioning immediately the theoretical foundations from which this conversation would rise. The question is not How are you doing? or Who are you? but From where do you speak? as preliminary to any discussion, as a precondition to a true encounter, as if Ricoeur wanted to have the best and most complete (...)
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    In between poetry and ritual: The hymn to dionysus in sophocles' antigone (1115–54).José Marcos Macedo - 2011 - Classical Quarterly 61 (2):402-411.
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    Eros In-between and All-around.Laura Candiotto - forthcoming - Human Studies:1-19.
    In this paper, I focus on the concept of embeddedness as the background against which eros is a force and a power in and through interactions. To go beyond an internalist account of eros, I engage in a dialogue with some philosophical accounts of desire from an enactive perspective.This enables me to shed light on the location of the embodied tension as “in-between” lovers and “all-around” them. Crucial to this tensional account of embedded eros is the intertwining between self and (...)
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    In Between Ordinary Sadness and Clinical Depression.Guido Bondolfi, Viridiana Mazzola & Giampiero Arciero - 2015 - Emotion Review 7 (3):216-222.
    Since Kraeplin and Kretschmer, the clarification of the limits between ordinary sadness and clinical depression has been a major concern. Much of the controversy has focused on whether and on which bases can be fixed a boundary in the continuum from the experience of sadness to major depressive episode. The new emphasis on the role of clinical judgment introduced by DSM-5 can be regarded as a way to address these issues, though leaving several questions open. After examining the implications of (...)
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    (In)Between locations: space, time and the female subject in Michèle Roberts' In the Red Kitchen.Sarah Gamble - 2006 - Feminist Theory 7 (1):7-26.
    This article examines MichËle Roberts' novel In the Red Kitchen in the light of contemporary spatial theory: in particular, the geographer Doreen Massey's critique of space and time. It argues that Roberts' text is particularly susceptible to such readings because of its multilayered portrayal of space, examining women's enclosure within the home across three different time periods, and through five different voices, which are overlaid one upon another in order to create a sense of simultaneity. In so doing, the text (...)
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  36. The 'in-between' of learning : (Re)valuing the process of learning.Andrea R. English - 2016 - In Peter Cunningham & Ruth Heilbronn (eds.), Dewey in our time: learning from John Dewey for transcultural practice. London: UCL Institute of Education Press, University College London.
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    In Between Mourning-with and Mourning-without.Huey-li Li - 2021 - Philosophy of Education 77 (2):160-164.
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    The Aesthetics of the Invisible—At the Margins of Phenomenology.Technology Meirav Almog Kibbutzim College of Education, the ArtsMeirav Almog, the Arts in Tel-Aviv Technology, in Particular Israelshe Specializes in Twentieth Century Continental Philosophy, Aesthetics Her Research Interests Phenomenology, Alterity Publications Concern Questions Regarding Corporeality, Intersubjective Relations Dialogue & Human Existence The Relations Between Style - 2025 - Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology 11 (1):47-61.
    The paper focuses on the complex relations between aesthetics and phenomenology as they show themselves within the core locus of their interplay—the realm of the visible and the invisible. To do so, the paper examines a specific case study, a Rembrandt painting—A Woman Bathing in a Stream (1654)—through which the discussion illuminates the interconnected and inseparable relationship between aesthetics and phenomenology in relation to Merleau-Ponty’s ontology of the visible and the invisible. The reading addresses both dimensions of the visible: the (...)
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    The Screen as an In-between.Robrecht Vanderbeeken - 2011 - Foundations of Science 16 (2-3):245-257.
    This article refutes the apparently innocent, common sense idea that the audiovisual screen is just a window to the world that displays an extra set of sensual data alongside and independent of our personal, unmediated experience of reality. On the contrary, the screen as an in-between is both a mediator and generator of reality that eventually compromises the distinction between us and our environment. Part 1 discusses three examples of mediation: eclipsing, interpassivity and audiovisual media as a truth-procedure. Part 2 (...)
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    (1 other version)Caring in the in-between: a proposal to introduce responsible AI and robotics to healthcare.Núria Vallès-Peris & Miquel Domènech - 2021 - AI and Society:1-11.
    In the scenario of growing polarization of promises and dangers that surround artificial intelligence (AI), how to introduce responsible AI and robotics in healthcare? In this paper, we develop an ethical–political approach to introduce democratic mechanisms to technological development, what we call “Caring in the In-Between”. Focusing on the multiple possibilities for action that emerge in the realm of uncertainty, we propose an ethical and responsible framework focused on care actions in between fears and hopes. Using the theoretical perspective of (...)
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    Identities In-Between in East-Central Europe, eds. Jan Fellerer, Robert Pyrah, and Marius Turda.Dmytro Yesypenko - 2020 - Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal 7:237-240.
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    Emotions In-Between: The Affective Dimension of Participatory Sense-Making.Laura Candiotto - 2019 - In The Value of Emotions for Knowledge. Springer Verlag. pp. 235-260.
    The aim of the chapter is to discuss and evaluate the epistemic role of emotions in participatory sense-making, assuming 4Ecognition as background. I first ask why could emotions be beneficial for the collective processes of knowledge, especially discussing Battaly and arguing for a conceptualisation of emotions as socially extended motivations in virtue epistemology; then, I discuss participatory sense-making, both conceptually and phenomenologically, arguing for a fundamental role played by emotions in boosting epistemic cooperation and determining the quality of social bonds. (...)
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  43. Exiled space, in‐between space: existential spatiality in Ana Mendieta's Siluetas Series.Mariana Ortega - 2004 - Philosophy and Geography 7 (1):25-41.
    Existential space is lived space, space permeated by our raced, gendered selves. It is representative of our very existence. The purpose of this essay is to explore the intersection between this lived space and art by analyzing the work of the Cuban‐born artist Ana Mendieta and showing how her Siluetas Series discloses a space of exile. The first section discusses existential spatiality as explained by the phenomenologists Heidegger and Watsuji and as represented in Mendieta's Siluetas. The second section analyzes the (...)
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    In Between Digital War and Peace.Jasmijn Boeken - 2024 - Journal of Military Ethics 23 (2):152-161.
    The world can be divided into a digital sphere and a physical sphere. Within the realm of the physical sphere, Michael Walzer’s Just War Theory stands as a prominent framework for understanding the ethics of warfare. Is his theoretical framework also applicable to the digital sphere? This article studies whether elements of Walzer’s theory can be adapted to the context of digital conflict. Walzer divides countries into zones of peace, zones of war, and in-between zones. A country could then, for (...)
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    Humanity In-Between and Beyond.Monika Michałowska (ed.) - 2023 - Springer Verlag.
    This volume discusses the definitional problems and conceptual strategies involved in defining the human. By crossing the boundaries of disciplines and themes, it offers a transdisciplinary platform for exploring the new ideas of the human and adjusting to the dynamic in which we are plunged. The emerging cyborgs and transhumans call for an urgent reconsideration of humans as individuals and collectives. The identity of the human in the 21st century eludes definitions underpinned by simplifying and simplified dichotomies. Affecting all the (...)
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  46. In-between spacing and the chôra in Derrida : a pre-originary medium.Louise Burchill - 2010 - In Henk Oosterling & Ewa Płonowska Ziarek (eds.), Intermedialities: Philosophy, Arts, Politics. Lanham, Md.: Lexington Books.
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  47. In-between the markers : ma and the art of evaluation.Holly Tsun Haggarty - 2019 - In Boyd White, Anita Sinner & Pauline Sameshima (eds.), Ma: materiality in teaching and learning. New York: Peter Lang Publishing.
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  48. The In-Between of Migrant Women: Negotiating Identity in Zadie Smith’s “The Waiter’s Wife”.Sydney Motl - 2023 - Aletheia: The Alpha Chi Journal of Undergraduate Scholarship 8 (Fall).
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    In-between Painting and Music—or, Thinking with Paul Klee and Anton Webern.Marcia Sá Cavalcante Schuback - 2013 - Research in Phenomenology 43 (3):419-442.
    The present article discusses the relation between painting and music in the work by Paul Klee, bringing it into conversation with the music by Anton Webern. It assumes, as a starting point, that the main question is not about relating painting and music but rather about the relation between moving towards painting and moving towards music, hence the relation between forming forces and not between formed forms. Since for Klee the musical structure of the pictorial is understood as “active linear (...)
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    Becoming Rhizomatic: Researching Flowing in/between Striated and Smooth Space.Charly Ryan, Gloria Jové Monclus & Ester A. Betrián Villas - 2019 - Deleuze and Guattari Studies 13 (3):355-376.
    Exploring long-term educational change, we investigate our re/construction of research methodology as we moved from a positivist framework to working with ideas drawn from Deleuze and Guattari. We reveal our becoming rhizomatic in data analysis in the metamodelling of the richness flowing horizontally through our practices. We tell of our struggles to escape hierarchical thinking and relations researching between the smooth and striated. A space of interactions, conversations and writings created relations between polyphonic voices, leading us to an emergent methodology. (...)
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